THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 1. 1931 Bill Poiley Steps ini the Limelight With High. Triple Bowling Score 796 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, R. Halilman - - T. Philips-- M. Harrison J. Brough M. Oke ---- 15.Wesliake 20 ï Bull Polley, the invisible man, Last week 39 bowlers '«ere over H. Palmer ----205 was the winner of the high triple the 200 average. This week 40 D. McKnight -------------- -- 204 with 796, Bill's three-game total bowlers made the grade. If we R. Hearle - --- -- 204 was made Up af 309, 284, 203. keep going we may have them N. O'Rourke ----------------- 204 Palley is neyer seen around the ail over the mark. P. Cancilla --------------- 2o2 alleys on Wednesday night as he Team Standing C. Oke - -------- -- -202 isanight worker and bowls ail B. Williams ---- ------------ 201 isaW L Pts. M. Dale .--- --------201 his games Wednesday afternoan. Bagnel --------12 6 28 R. Mayna'rd ----- 201 Jack Brough was next in line Moses ---------------Il 7 27 GP,0 'ith 739, followed by Dr. Slemon Elliott ----- - 12 6 27 .I.pebrne-----------20 with 716 and Bill Bates, 704. Little - ------ 6H .Oson---------200 Frank Blunt won the Royal Westiake. 10 8, 2.3 Theatre tickets 'ith his 333 score Oke '------ --10 8 94 The Gay Girls nTd PolIey's was the aniy other A. Piper 8 10 20ý 11 score. Osborne --...--- 9 9 20 Share Honors Dr. Austin waiked away '«ith Taylor ------ 8 10 18 Bo ln 0Sep s had 110. George also McKnight ---- - - 6 12 14____ w«on Vrow triple honors 'ith 438 Hoar ------- 4 14 8 The Gay girls (sister-in-sa'«), '«hile W. Craig had 442. 1 Averages from Courtice. vied for top hon- The teanu standing is reaiiv, H. Moses ---------------- 23-1 ors for the High Single af the tight 'ith Ted Bagnel ' s team A. Osborne -------------------- 232 week. Norma '«as first '«ith a haxing a crne-point advantag(ý R. Oke -.------- ------ -- 226 354 and Ann had 294, bath iovely over Bud Moses' and George Elli- G*. Elliott . -------- ------------ 225 games. att's team for first place. Dr. Siemon------------------ 221 Bernice Budai took the High AIlay Chatter E. Brock--------------------------- 221 Triple with three good games af In s'«eeps on Saturday after- B. Poilev ------------------- - 221 234-220-210' ta make a total of noon Red Moses had a 362 score Dr. Rundie - - -221 664. Five ather girls *bo'«ied ov- and then camne back in the next R. McKnight ----------------- - -221 er thc 600 mark. They '«ere Nor- game with nine straight strikes, B. Bates ---------------------- 218 ma Gay 650,' Anu Gay 649, Dorc he fell away iu the 1th and end- F. Williams ---------.-- 218 Mutton 616, Aida Luxton 605 andi cd tio 'ith '195. Red '«iii neyer M. Tamblyn --------------- -----215 Mci -McNuity 604, be c]oser ta getting iu the select T. Bagneli - ------------- 214j Other good single gamnes were 400 clubý. J. Gay ----------------- 214j Hilda Brock 242 and Bannie Bob Watt was dawu in the K. Luxton ----------------- - 213 Cowle 241. Bannie is a ne'« boxv- mouth after the bowling because D. Taylor ---- - 212 1 er tis '«eek. Good bowling, S id N ic h a is d id n 't sh o '« u p ta A . P ip e r -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 2 12 B an n ie . have a gamne of cribiage. C. Biekeli ---------------------- -2111 Piper's team is stili o11 top of George Elliott's team '«il] bel F. Samis -- ------- - - ---- 211 techea «t oa i3 ons a lot strongeî- the next t'«o weeks H. Janzen ---------------------211 1Teyhv nyls he ae as Dr. Rundie is going deer hufit- R. Richards -------------- 2 1 ve ar. nly kist ee games3: H. ep w ------- ----------- 10 and Buekneil third '«ith 26. Dot Crambie bo'«lcd the best law gamne of 77, Maî-th-a Gawdy camre IIIa close second 'iti 81. But thase Leman League games are getting scarcer ail the time. Only confusion this week '«a N!U~~r~uu,~.caused by Eleanor Hare. Ue ___________________ turned up this wcek as Eleanor -u Larmer. Congratulations on your <~i~ I (T!. 'wru-wcm marriage, Eleanar. IIuJ~,1. CERTIFICATES 1.1 Short Term-5 years ,2. 3V2% intorest payable half yearly 3. Principal and inferest uncon-; ditionally guaroneed 4. Autborized investment for Trust Funds 5. No fluctuation in Principal- 6. Amounts of $1 00.00 and up May b. invested THE STERLING TRUST CORPORATION Mead Office 372 Say St, Toronto Piper . L F Broc -------- 15 3 Brck.....--.--- 13 5 Buxtknel.....Il 7 Leutn---- il 7 Mculy ---------- 9 9 Beauprie ------_----- 9 9 Davis-------------- --- 8 10 Stevens ----- --.----7 il Etcher ------ -- 6!2 11½ Carter---------- 7 il Leighton-------------- 6 12 Gay ý---- -- - - 5 1, 1212 High Average Hazel Davis - -*'--------- Lorraine MacEarlane ------ Connie Leighton ----- ----- Hilda Brock _- - Doris Joli Kay Beauprie ------------------ Eleanor Larmer --------- --- i Aida Luxtan -- -------------- Lii Hooper --- ------- --- Anna Gay -_----- -- Lorraine Hayes ---------- 11 Sylvia Bucknelî------- Bernice Budai .------ Helen Piper Anita Niekersan .1 Ina King ------- - . Kay Stevens -------------- Sadie Buekuell------- Toots Wiseman,------ Ruth Barclay,-- ---- Barb. McFeeters ----------- * Onie Etcher rs High Single-Norma Gay -35ý _____________________ dai66, A statue hanaring Mme. Mari Hariel, a peasant '«aman af Nol mandy. for her introductionc Camembert Cheese, was erecte in the market Place of her nativ village for which the cheese wzi named. CONTINUE FROST'S GOOD GOVEINMENT HYI3RD In years 1944 - 50 inclusive Ontario Hydro inslalled 14,744 miles of rural power lines serving 156,647 new rural customers. The Provincial Treasury pays one haîf the cost of installing rural power lines. Bonuses thus paid 1944.- 50 foialled $32,807,000. Percentage of brins ini Durham clectrified Percentage of 'irms in Durham electrificd in 1941 ln 1951 27% 70% JOHN FOOTE VOITE JOHN OOTE X Pts. 315 32 26 26 21) 20 19 16 15 15 i4 14 97 92 91 89 186 186 M5 ý85 8.3 83 ý83 82 77 75 74 72 71 7t) 70 7o) id as c c ic UJ 9 United Nations Fia g Over Paris ONTARIO The FIag of the Ulnited Nations is unfurled from «the Pa=ais d Chaillot, where the V.N. General Assembiy ivili open its sixti session on 6 November. The Eiffel Tower is in the background. The Sports Clinic Conducted by Lloyd Percival (An Official P3epartment of Sports College) I. -The hockeyý scasan '«iii be op- lowr legs and ankies. Special cning soon for the many players 1 %var i on these key areas in pre- xvho '«iii compete in school and season trai'ning xviii be time wil city league competition. But bc- spent. The dîvidends '«ili be fore lie actuaiiy gets out on tie extra goals. ice, the smart athlcte '«iii be Hre arc txvo excellent hip ex- thinking about getting in con- ecises: dition. Hip Rotating: Stand with the Training donc no'« is iikely to feet camfartabiy apart. Rotate be a vcry important factor in tic tic hips in as large circies as player's success during the reg- possible, trying ta keep the rest ular seasan. Special wark canoaf the bod y stili. Swing tic hips help the athicte develap greater from rigit ta left first, tien f romn physical efficiency, eliminate lcft ta right. Start sla'«ly and '«eak spots in his body structure gradualiy increase your speed and prepare his muscles ta with-. until you arc rotating quickiy. stand the usuai aches and pains Repeat until rcasonably tired. ai the first few practices. Leg rc;g Lie -on your side ason thc fluor. Raise the top leg A Sports Coliege surve*ylisa far as possible, kceping the indicated that the mast import- ksne stiff. Movth eina ant parts of the body ta the '«ide a circle asepsthecg in a hockey player are the*hips. front righit ta leit and then leit ta right. and back thighs, thc kces. te Start slowly and gradually in- cecase speed. Repeat until tircd, Business Directory then rail over and do the sanie thing '«iti the ather lcg. L E O A. LThese exercises, if properly LEGALperfarmed, iii do a very effec- iv. . STIKEK.c. tive job of devcloping greater W.aRriteSolToR, Notarv i p flxibiliy and strcngth. This BaseSolicitor Bnko tareil mean improvemeît in skat- Slta Lfoank fMotea ng power, spccd and agiiity. Moncy oLa Phone 791 Nex t 'eek, xve'li outline mare Ba'«manville, Ontario special hockey exercises. LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. In tic meantime, reniember Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public this. Runining is anc of thc finest King St. W.. Bo'«manville conditioners of them al. Do Phone, Office 688 Resideuce 553 piOIIty of it. Ho'«ever, instead af merely jogging along at a NUiSS APHA 1. HODGINS steady pace, get your body ac- 3arristcr, Solicitor, Notary Public eustorned ta the hard bursts af Successor ta M. G. V. Gould energy yau '«ii uise during a Temperance St., Ba'«manville game by folla'«ing this sort af a W. F. WARD, B.A. - schedule. Barrister, SoIicitor, Notary Run sloxvly for tirce or foLrx Money ta Loan minutes ta warm uLp. Tien jog 50 912 King Street E., yards, sprint 10 yards, jog 50, Ba'«manville, Ontario sprint 10, and repeat until tired. Phones: Office 825 - House 409 Waik for a few minutes, and theri do these bursts again. - Every CONANT & CONANT week. try ta add a iew minutes Barristers and Solicitors of zunning ta your workout. If Gordon D. Conant, K.C. you persevere at tuis sort aof'«ork, Roger G. Conant, B.A. yau'1i find thc skating you do dur- Dffices: îng a game '«iii secm like child's )shawa, Ont., 7%- Simcoe St. S. play, ance tic regular season Phone 3-2227 gets undcrwax-. Ajax, Ontario - Phone 25* * Manv valuable services for ath- D EN TA L lete and coach are available DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. day. Send a letter ta "Sports Office Jury Jublee Bidg. Coliege, Box 99, Toronto 1, On- 40 King St. W., Bowmanviile tario." Mention this newspaper <fice Hours:- and state that you '«isi ta be- 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daîlv camne a member. It's free! A 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Saturday sample capv of tic "Research Ciosed Sunday Guide," a special training newvs- Office Phone 790 paper, xiii be sent ta you '«ith House Phone 3609 Your card.- 'R. . ~.SISON, .D.., DD ~ Listen aiso ta the regular Sparts Office in hus home d allg Bodcs eevSatur- 00 Liberty St. N., Ba'«manvilie dy over the nearest CBC radio )ffice Hours:- station. Bowmanville and dist- Phone 351 rict-CBL, 12:15. Famaus ati- 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily letes -and coaches give tips on 9arn. to 12 nan Wednesd'ay sport every wcck. -Phone 604 REAL ESTATE H. G. (Hap) GILL REAL ESTATE rd~ King Street West Praperties Soid, Reuted Managed and Appraised! Miembers af the Canadian and Ontario Real Estate Boards H. G. GihI, Broker Phone Boxvmanviiie 3326 Residence 3514 A-UDITING MONTEITH & MONTEITJI Chartered Accountants 37 K ing St. E. Oshaw«a Mr. Gardon W. Richi, C.A.. resident partner. OP TOM ETRY KEITH A. BILLETT Optornetrist 74 King St. W. Bowmnanviiie Phone 3252" Office Haurs: 9 a.m. ta 6p.m. Monday ta Saturday except Wednesday 9 - 12 Evenings by Appitm nt Puil-time enroliment of under- graduates in Canadian univer-1 sities and colleges during 1950-51 '«as about 70.000, da'«n 15,000 from the peak enrolimeutt of 1947--18. WhenYour DCK Segins to Ache REACH FOR Àfrrr Z - V BECA USE- f akache ih often due t. - uninary irritation and bladder discomfoa-t; and for over hall a cen- tury Dodd's Kidney, Pilla have helped bring relief from backache b" stimulating thée kidacys. Get Dodd'à Kidney Puilat any dnag courter. Look for the blue box with the re.d band. You ca depend on D.ddsa. 16o CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS (Ailiston Herald) We're sick and tired of '«ci- fare! We th'nk famil.) allowances are an evil thing. We're disgust- ed by the prospect of a non-con- tributory aid age pension. With growing dismay '«e contempiate this orgy of pandering ta the un- provident and irrespansible. Oth- erwise intelligent adults are letting theniseives become so carsetted by the dream ai secur- ity that their '«ili ta stand up and fight an their awn two feet it becomîng soit and fiabby and- dead. We yearn for the primitive id I I 1 An Invitation To Try Out With Kinsmen Klinkers Basketball hopefuls aspiring ta a position on the Kinsmen basket- ball team this season have ai- ready had two practices in BH.S. gym, according ta coach Ai With- erspoon. The coach expects ta corne up with a sound club this year. a club capable of bettering the winning ways of iast year's cage tgam. Practices '«ill be held from 7:30 pan. ta 9 p.m. in the B.IIS. gyni until the officiai scheduie gels underway Anyone wishing ta try out for the club wiil be wei- comed by both players rtnd coach. Six new faces have joined the regular crew ta date and it is expected many more '«iii turn out Within the next few weeks. The Kinsmen cage team '«ill be-enter- ed in the Lakeshore Intermediate Basetbali League, similar ta last year, campased of Cobourg, Pet- erborough, Port Hope and Bow- nuanville. It is possible that sev- eral other teams may be invited ta enter the league but nathing definite has been released. Three Oshawa teams and anc Whitby club dropped out of the league this year in order ta farm a six-teami Oshawa league '«hidi gets underway early in Novem- ber. Bowmanville was asked ta enter a crew in this league but deciined in order ta join the Lakeshore laap. A player does nat have ta be on~ equal playing terms '«ith any of the Harlem Globe Trotters ta earn ail basketbali talent is invited ta ar oerthfon the local club, auyan HI.E..C. f Onarlo I I RCAF aiùrcraft S09te men. arc esPecially good wîth thef r hands. They lIke ta work with engines, machines or mnachiiinr.- Sucb men aic neded naw in the R.C.A.F, - men %v.t the skill and "know-how" to keep modern jet ucraft in perfect flying shape. If vo are mcchanically.minded, )-ou ean scrvc Canida -In defence against aggrssion - as a skilled Airtraft Tcechnician. The R.C.A.F. wiii give you the ndccss.îry trades training - at good rates of py with opportu uitîcs for advancement mn the modim îfied f aviaiona. You must be between 17 and 40, and havec Grade 8 oducation or better. ReAF ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE / 74i RCAF wiII train you as a skTflec AERO-ENGINE, ARMAMENT, AIRFRAME, INSTRUMENT, OR RADIO TECHNICIAN. SEE THIE CARFER COLJNSELLOR Ar YOUR Nf At 1$? 55York Street Toronto, Ontario Phonê Pl, m636 or '5.17 Plai ai e, t. ,;i obligtionJul paricil/ar-q reg.;ý e nrOlment #?r-e.-ui ,do.-î..tOwdaia,b/,in, t b , CAF. NAME tPc, Prigit>............................. I STREET At)DRIsý.................................. I.................1......PRINCE .......... I EDI.CATricN (b> j, raend>)................... ..................... ...... . AG? .. - ---------- - - - M das s 'hen boys and girls ,vent fb school ta learn haw ta think in- stead of ta '«orrv ab.oui the psv- chological adjustrnents necessar'N i a '«arld of instabiiit v. We pay Our reverent respects to those simple aid days '«hen a man worked hard or he starved and he '«as guided by the aid fashioned notion that his chiid- ren and. if need be his parents were his awn respansibiljty. We envy those aid demaocrats who had the camman sense ta require their gavernment only ta maintain an orderiy state insteacd of encouraging it ta play araund like Santa Claus and MathŽi- G oose. We despair at the iank mater- ialism the selfishness, the inhu- trat othe ise eSy NÔTICE The emptiness and hypocri sy ci aur Christian beliefs are the root and substance of Sa much of aur failure. Maybe '«e are taking an un- reasanably narrow view and our groping has flot led us out of thue maze. But somewhere there is somne truth in this out-dated mani- festa. It does flot attempt to re- fiect a majority opinion. It is simplv the editor crying in the '«iiderness. Jesse Williams, son of a Revo- luitiotiarvN War Hero, established the first commercial cheese fac- torv in Uniited States at Rome. NYin 1851., A bronze plaque Interruption to Rural Hydro Service SUNDAY, NIOV. 41h .( WEATHER, PERMITTING ) From 2:00 to 4:30 puma (EUSUT.) This Interruptionll affect the' Rural Constiners in the fol1owing sections of the Bownianville Rural Operating Area. 1. Ail of the Township of Clarke with the exception of the area lying along and south of Highway No. 2 east of Newcastle~, and west of Newcastle to the Township Bouîudary. Also the section along High- way No. 35 north to Orono. 2. Township of Manvers - The section in the v'icinity of Pontypool. 3. Ail of the Township of Darlingtan cxcept the area west of Bownîanville frorn Lot 15 -26 in Conces- sions 1, 2 and 3, and Lot 12 - 26 in Concession B.F. need,.your cure!1 ONTARIO IPAMV. NTWM B.E.P.C. of Ontario.