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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Nov 1951, p. 10

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PA~.E ~"EN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THpRSDAY, NOVEMBER 1.1951 Women's Institute Enjoy Talk On Latesi in Interior Decorating Bowmanville Women's Institute met in the Union Hall on Thurs- day, Oct. 25 with Mns. C. Johns presiding. Thene was a good at- tendance of membens and fricnds. The Kopper Karnival will be hehd. on March 8, 1952., The com- mittce in change will include the President. ex-officia, Mrs. C. Gat- chell, Mrs. G. Richards and Mrs. T. Buttcry. Mrs. R. Candier will receive all articles donatcd by the members. The Centrai Area Convention takes place in Toronto on Nov. 5, 6 and 7. Members are invited to attend on Tuesday, Nov. 6, to trav- eh by cbartered bus, leaving at 8a.m. The subject for Junior Club Work will be preparing for sup- per, to include table service and etiquette. Leaders Mrs. S. Grant, Mrs. T. Buttery and assistent Mrs. Roy Webber will attend educa- tional classes for two days et the end of the month. .An appeal for help was rccciv- cd from the Relief Committce of Kingston, Jamaica and $5,00 dona- tion -was voted, After the correspondence and thank you letters frorn members, happy birthday greetings were sung ta Mrs. C. Curtis, a member of this Branch for 38 years. Mrs. H. Richards, convener, then took the chair and introduccd Mn. J. H. Abernethy, wbo said be would give bints on solving some decorating problems. From a large specimen book of wall- PHONE 444 BOWMAN VILLE ~~r~u~Ml f1*e LOW RAIL FARES TO Tohacco...AGRICULTURAL WINTER FAIR ilTORONTO NOV. 13 -21 FOR THF ROU ND TRIP MMFGood gong-Monda.v Nov. 12 ta' Wednesday, Nov. 21 in- ~~~PU1PS& Sur1Lî1RS ae hnmdgtN. LIMITED F7 83 Return - Leave Toronto flot B Raget.Hon. Major John Foote, V.C. iPà%Mc >Gx AND H EATNGYour ______________AND____________ Progressive Conservative Bowmanville D !vision St. S. rP,9 _W Can4didate for Dorham County PHONE 615 ___________ papers it was shown that the W di iee h rhD. trend is to bright colors and flor- We iE eeerC uc LETHANY T ai designs. Correct treatment for I C rooms with high ceilings-Use A Public Speaking Contest forj horizontal lines, ali-over designs, R h uiso Btay ho a drop ceiling band and papier the held in the Town Hall on Friday 12, ceiling with a dark harmonizing night with Mr. H. Rayson, of the am tone. Trustee Board, as Chairmnan. spi For low ceilings, use floral The Beginners Class, pupils of be, stripes on dark background, keep- Mis Velma *Thextonha tePo ing ceilings always light. first section of the contest. Shar- Fiû Rooms with odd angles or large Io asik fa mtLrytol openings are difficult to make at- abJh akoan u- agi tractive. Strive for an incon- Iligan, Jane Falis, Sharon BigelowM spicuous effect, but make the one and Nelvin Smelt each gave a a focal wail outstanding by using, nursery rhyme, but beginning bright, very colorful paper. To with the approved procédure for ne~ 1give an illusion of space in halls a speech... "Mr. Chairman, Ra use a deep-toned paper in floralHooalJueset..."TerD pattern. while for smaîl rooms efforts were equally good and ail he' deep-toned small patterns are were awarded with a picture col- restful, painting the woodwork to oring book. harmonize. In a long narrow roomn Pupils in Grades 2, 3 and 4, ter 1two papers are effective. Blues ail recited poems. Brenda Rowan De 1and greens give the best receding was awarded first prize in this ev effects and for a square room dec- group wîth ber poem on "Trains." Su orate one waii-preferably one Other contestants in this class he with the fireplace with ail eye- were Leone Smith, Saily Coburn, of catcbing design. George Scott, Donald Smelt, Don-- Walls in new bouses, after suit- Shown following the candlelight ceremony in Ebenezer LnoneDran Gad. pp ablcesteametcalb ppee United Church, Saturday, Oct. 6th, are Mr. and Mrs. John won the first prize in her group A colored film was sbown, Clifford Rt ndle. The bride is the former Louise Pearce, «rith thé poemn "My Shadow." proving how planning, paint, daughter oC. Mr. and Mrs. Rosswell C. Pearce, and the groom Wallace Cooper with "I Met a glass and imagination transform- is the son of Mrs. C. A. Rundie, Oshawa, and the late Mr. Little Eif Man" was pQaced sec- ond. Others in this class were ed an old house into a beautiful Rundie. To' ason, Bruce Wright, place for living. This was by Donadm coty DaneRieyw courtesy of the Pittsburgh Paint DonaldPoSo, radiel4,won Corporation and Hobbs Glass Ltd.fPrst*prîze with bisadpic4,Bion and was introduced by Mr. Wm. fand iz wThh is.p"B operating the machine. Rajski was the winner. Her topic Mrs L Duasmoed vte Margaret Ash Telephone 2511 Newvcastle "Our Princess Elizabeth" xvas re- _________L.____Dumas________________a__vote___ markably xveil delivcred and of thanks to the speaker and ex- Ingrid deserves special commend- hibitors. after which refreshments Mrs. Geo. T. Hancock, Port pleasurable and informative ev- ation due to her being a. new 1 vere served by Mrs. Richards and Cnda iiehvn mi her grup Hope, is staying with ber daugh- ening to a close.Cnda iiehvn mi ter, Mrs. Clarence J. Aluin. Sunday last Rev. D. Tennant grated to this country from Mr.andMrs Hary enns, c-Lancaster, Newtonville, occupied Germany with ber parents, Mr. Mr.andMrs Hary enns, c-the pulpit of Newcastle United and Mrs. Joseph Rajski, only 18 COURTICEcompanied by Nancy and Alden Church; the minister of the months ago. She is twelve years PollrdOshwaspet-te wek-churcb. Rev. Lawrence H. Tur- old, a pupil in G rade 8, of Mrs. Although 4he weather was end witb friends in Hamilton and ner preaching to a capacity' con- gress in school work bas been quite disagreeable for the Autumn Smithville. gregation at Kendai, the occasion Orlo Wright, wbo says ber pro- Raliy of the Eastern section of the Mrs. Sam Powell, teacher of S. being their anniversary day. outstanding. Wben Ingrid came W.M.S. Presbyterial held at Eb- S. No. 2, Lakeshore School, ac- Next Sabbath there will be to iBethany, sbe knew nothing of enezer Cburch Oct. 24, there was companied by ber two daughters, morning service only, in the Un- our language and customs. Her a big attendance and most inter- Mrs. Jack Crago. teacher of Port ited Church, Newcastle, the con- speech was deiivered in faultless estingý sessions. Full details in Granby Sc'hool and Miss Dorene stituent of Clarke celebra'ting an- English, witbout even a trace of anohercolmn.Powllteaherof cLen'sother anniversary in the evening accent from her native land. anoter olun. owel, tachr o McLan' at7 pm. Rv. eore Epey Second prize was awarded to On Sunday, Oct. 20. Rev. L. M. School, attended the Teachers wat 7 cp.m.Rth e ptoge Empey- June Wright, also a Grade eigbt Somerville bad charge pof the An- Convention in Toronto last Thurs- wcioccupyh the cpuiitofNewiso- ui.He toewa Y r niversary services at Cadmus and day. castle, under the direction of Mr. Local Newspaper." was accompanied by Courtice Next Monday evening the New- Neil Stewart. in attendance. The Third prize went to Joan Mor- Choir and several others. Bask- castle Young People journey topblcicrdayintetof- ton, a pupîl in Grade seven, wbo ets were taken and a picnic dinner Orono to mingle with tbe young, lowsbip with the Clarke People. soeo TeHsoyo evt~ held at the oid home of Miss Bir- people of the United Cburch. This ____ Other contestants in the Senior die Fallis, where ah bhad a most co-operative effort is off to a Group were Phyllis Bristow who pleasant time. Some came home good start and ail signs point t'o Newcastle W. C. T. U. spoke on "My Trip to Lindsay in the afternoon and others stay- a fruitful continuance. Young The regular meeting of the W. Fair;" Muriel Sbeckleton, "The ed for the evening service. people are cordially invited. C.T.U. was beld Thursday, Oct. Finst Train in Canada;" Murrav Mr. and Mns. Harry, Wonden Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. 25 with the president, Miss E. M' Smith rt, "The Vidcucl'and o and Masters Keith and Dean and Wm. H. Cowan, North St., wbo Blackburn presiding for the op*e. al nso, TeVlaeo Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Oke spent celebrated their 60th wedding an- ing exercises. The devotional Betbany.o'th pogan a pleasant week in a cottage at niversary last week. service consisted of Scripture Oer itn es onsthe Lrona Nonland. enjoying bunting. Dur- Sorry to learn that Clarence reading by Mrs. John Awde, pray- wrean pi a elecib eloneta ing the week some of those wbo Allin had .a bad shaking up wben er by Mrs. Toms and a fine vocal Jdan and Dinne igelt oc ap spent some time with themn were: hie feli from an apple tree wbile solo by Mrs. L. H. Turner. Mns. ac yLoeSih w oa Mn. and Mrs. Alvin Metcalfe and picking his apples. He broke his P. Brown favored iith splen- duets by Gayle Bristow and cbild, Maple Grove; Mr. and Mrs. arm in tbree places. did reading entitlcd "Poor Little Phyllis Bristow and an acrobatic Mùrray Osborne; Mr. andl Mrs. Ms .LctMs .JîeBakScp" Ms .E e exhibition by Jonc Wright. The Lloyd Down, Gary and Janet; Mr. ir.F yet r.W oeBakSep"Ms .E c udges were Mrs. Robert Sisson, andMr: lme .ow, M. ndMrs. R. W. Goheen and Mr. Frank man brought to our attention that Mrs. Percy Sargison and Mrs. Mrs. Norman Down and Bruce. McMullcn attended the Teacher'sacrngtCnanBers Charletoii Patton. Rev. T. S. Sunaycaler wthBlae ndConvention in Forest Hill îast the total sales for bhe past year Gauit disti 'iuted the prizes and Thursday. Mr. McMullen ha nig .3 as 891062 commended the pupils for theiP Mrs. Oke were: Mr. and Mrs. tebnro.ben hsnti an increase of over 20 per cent ecletefrs Frank Thompson, Taunton; Mrs.thhooofbigcoe hsoethprvu xelntfot. W. Kiiborn, Mr. and Mrs For- yýears president of the Associa-ovrtepviu year and ran_____ mnan. Oshawa; Mr. Jesse Ârnott, tion. average of $900 for every mari, Foilowing the above. the contest Swoman and child in Canada. for the Township of Manx crs was Maxwell's. The coînbined Young People's The topic -What Is Intoxication?"~ heard from the pupils of Lifford, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Griffin Unions of Orono and Newcastle was prescnted in dialogue form Betbany and Pontypool who were were Friday visitons with Mrs. United Churches convened i by Mrs. Toms and Mrs. H. Pearce, frtpiewnesi hi e Rhoda Hutchings, Kedron. the latter, Monday evening, Oct. and nevealed the following facts fispieections i hi e Coutic CG.IT.29.Eale ron, reidetwas "The Americal Medical Associa- Nancy Lowery, aged 12, from Courtice C.G.I.T. met Oct. 24. in the chair with Norman Eddy, tion and the National Safety Lifford School, a pupil of Miss Vesper service will be beid Dec. secretary-treasurer wielding the Council have established a stand- 2nd. Tbey decided ta send Dor- pen. Devotions were conducted ard concentration of alcohol in othy Barber jig-saw puzzles. Miss ýby tbe president foliowing wbich the blood, xvbich could be proof Marjorie Somerville wvas intro- a quiz was conducted by the min- of being under the influence of duced as the Sunbeam Gnoup ister of t he church, Rev. Lawrence alcohol. The finding is virtuallŽ, FUE I leader. It was decided that the H. Turner. The quiz covered ai- unanimous among investigatorEL UI Rainbow Group was to take cane most every aspect of culture- that anvone having 0.15 per cent of the worship service for Novem- bistory. geograpby, the Bible and or more alcohol in the blood caîl- ber and the Sunbeam group for especially current situations. Rex-. not escape impairment of bis fac SO E I December. Peggy- Welsh read a A. Eustace of Orono led the group ulties, aiso that anyone vwth ai T Y OI poem "Something Good About in question and answer, much alcohol content below 0.50% You." Carol Floody led in pray- to the merniment of the young may show virtually' no effect of *f~ er. Offering was received by people. A light lunch partaken the alcohol. This means that C A I Muriel Taite, $1.25. They divid-_ of by 28 young people brought a when alcohol is present in the cd into groups: Sonbeams, with blood of 15 drops per 10,000 Pres. Belle Alexander, and Rain- drops. definite intoxication is in- l5ows with Pres. Joan Kinsmian. . dicated. The validity of this W eie standard is accepted in 39 States The Ontario, Simcoe, and Hur- II ~/~ ' and 160 cities of the U.S.A. Two on Railway, Ontario's first rail-.1 , ounces of whisky' or two botties Meter Trucks of beer would give the average road. reacbed Barrie from To- _ rne .5 ocnrto fT ev o ronto, Oct, il, 1853, and the port d-nkr aloolinbis boncentain 6o 7 ere of Collingwood the next year. - k -inwi lod n __________ ~ ~ ~ -ounces of whisky or 6 or 7 bottles of beer xvould give 0.15%/'. Care- B B T C E S ........ ..fuI tests were made in Sweden b- n impartfial gou idedby- *. Mann, won first prize in the ownship Finals. Her topic was Canada, Our Homehand." Ingrid àjski fromn Bethany School, aged 2a pupil of Mrs. O. Wright, xvas warded second place with her peech on "Our Pnincess Eliza- eth." Betty Lou Mitchell, of mntypool, a pupil of Mrs. G. 'ske, was placed third. Her )pic was "Silver Chief, a Cour- geous Dog." The judges were Irs. C. Patton. Mrs. P. Sargison nd Miss Jean Coulter. The first and second prize win- ers, Nancy Lowery and Iingrid âjski, will now compete in the irham County Contest to be ild in Bhackstock. This community joined in cx- ?nding good wishes to Miss orothy Ginn on Wednesday vening in the United Church unday Schbol Room, presenting er with a table setting for six fcrystal in cornflower design was served. Trade-in S ecials This Wee 1 WESTINGHOUSE WASHER refinished and reconditioned, guaranteed 1 \ ear 1 COLEMAN SPACE HEATER small size 2 Iwo-burner ELECTRIC RANGES heavy duty 1 WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATOR 7 cubic feet, 3 years under guai antee 1 NORGE REFRIGERATOR 6 cubic feet, 1 year guarantee 1 WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATOR 8 cubic feet, brand riew but slightly scratched or exterior in shipping, a bargain for someono 1 KITCHEN TABLE with chrome legs 4 KITCHEN CHAIRS chrome legs and supports 1 Westinghouse Hand Vacuum CIeaneir Several Heating Pads slightly soiled 1 OnIy Brand New ROGERS MAJESTIC CAR RADIO 6 tubes, selling at cost ,hrome Tri-Lighi Floor Lamps to clear Steel Beds, Springs and Spring-FilIed Maîtresses* New Westinghiouse REFEIGE'RATOR 8 cubic f eet $319.00 New Norge REFRIGERATOR 61/ cubic fribà $309.00 Trade-in allowance on your old ice box nit refrigerator wbich wiIl be allowed as part or ail of your down payment. TELEVISION SETS - Floor Models 17 inch screen, completely instailed with two channel aerial - Regular $499.00 To Clear - $469.00 Furniture & Appliance Store luI Bowmanville - PHONE 811- uOhw PHIONE 3-8634 52 KING ST. 117 SIMCOE ST. YOUR IVE 'CONSERVATII HEADQUARTERS Bawmanville is locateci at 2, King St. E Phone 3051 .Drop in or Phone for Election Information I w. S. TE T I p I. and numerous kitchen utensils, in honor of her forthcoming mar- niage to Mr. Glen Tennant of Leskard, on Novemnber 3. Assoc- iates of the Girls' Softbahl Club also gave ber a woollen blanket. The Sunday Scbool Roomn was attractivcly dccorated with yel- low, bronze and crimson chrysan- thcmums and the gifts were ar- nanged on a table covered with a lace cioth. The addness of con- gratulations and good wishes was read by Miss Beverley Pomeroy, with Misses Marie Carr, Evelyn Mantle and Pcggy Reynolds as- sisting in presenting anid opening the gifts. Miss Evelyn Manthe le& in community singing. Mrs. R. Carr gave a bumorous reading "Wbat Boys and Girls Are Made 0f." Miss Gayie Bristow and Miss Catherine Reynolds sang "IMy. Best To You" accompanied b'y Mrs. Charles Reynolds. Miss Ginn expressed ber sidbre appreciation of the gifts. 14'Mch Drink inilk cold to awaken you in the morning. ýDrink it warm to soothe you to sleep at night. And any time from niorn to night is the right time, too. GLEN RAE DAIRY 1Dut [0f3 AUTOMOBI LES. Needs SAFETY Service! A mncent survey shows that every third car on the road needs repairs on a part that involves the saf e- ty of his passengers..,and pedestrianç' Whether your car is a help or a hinderance is up to you! Act mow! Drive up for a SAFETY CHECK to be sure that your car be- longs to the 2 out of 3 SAFE cars! Dowmanville Motor Sales Dodge - De Soto Dealer Bowmanville Roli a Good Cig'arette _ n'ith a Good, OLDC _q 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THTJRSDAY, NOVEMBER 1. 1951 PAGE 'rM

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