jéAQE FOURTEEN TEE CANiADUaq STATESMAN, EOWMA!qVILE, ONTARIO !'4 i u IAV À% y 1 IN u-* ~*, WVELVL 1.f, 1 1 BIRTHS AVERY-Mr. and Mrs. Norman Avery (nee Joan Cox) are happy to announce the bith of a daughter, Norma Lyno, a sister for Gloria Jean, on October 26th, 1951, at Memoial Hospital, Bow- Illanville. 44-1"' COWAN-Mr. and Mms. William Cowan are happy to announce the birth of their son, Robert Barry Wesley, at Memoial Hospital, on Oct. 24th, 1951, a brother for Billy. 44-1 MYLES-Donald and Velma (nec Morgan) are happy to announce the arrivaI of their daughtem (Faye Marie) at Memnorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville, on October RICKARD -- At Soldiers' Mcm- orial Hospital, Orillia, on Fiday, October 26th, 1951, Sandra Jill, a daughter for Muriel and Stan Rickard, and a sister for Ralph and Brian, of Beaverton. 44-1" ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Herbert Fisher wish to announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Lois Eileen, to Charles Ferguson Cat- tran, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cattran, Bowmanville. The wcd- ding will take place at W~inity United Church, November l7th.* 44-1 DEATHS COOKE-Suddenly at Tyrane, on rîiday, October 26tb, 1951, Alfred j ames Cooke, brother of Mrs. Lillian Post, aged 56 yeams. Fun- oral fnom the Funeral Chapel o! Northcutt & Smith Monday, Oct. 29, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Beth- tsda Cemotery. 44-1 JOHNSON-At Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmianville, Wednesday, October 24th, 1951, Mary Lavîna )Pimmott Johnson, formerly of 249 Stewart St., Peterborough, ho- loved wifo of the late Benjamin Johnson and dear mother of Mel- ville H. Pimmett, Indian River, a.nd of ber stopdaughter, Mrs. Lilace Mabel Thickson, Bowman- ville, in her 77th yeam. Resting at the Comstock Funeral Home, 256 Rubidge St., Peterborough, for service Friday, October 26th, nt 3 p.m. Intemment Fife's Cern- etery, Otonabee Township. 44-1 KNAPP-Joseph G. Knapp, sud- denly at Holy Cross Hospital, .Calgary, Alta., on Wed., Oct. l7tb, 2951, in bis 72nd year, beloved husband o! the late Bertha Good- inan and fathér of Meta, Howard and Leslie Knapp. Interment at Burnsland Cometery. 44-1* IN MEMORIAM BROWN-In memomy o! a gon and brother, Clifford Bme who passod away Oct. 27, 194 Our lips cannot tell how we : miss hlm, Our heants do flot know whal ta Say, Crod alone knows how we mi him In aur lonoly home today. i-Sadly misscd by Mother,1 and Billy. CARDUT'ýS 0F THANI We would like ta thank people af the community H~ampton for the lovely table cushion. Margaret and Don Go( I4 1 wish ta thank the staff nurses of Memoial Hospi eowmanville, Drs. K. W. SIcr and Gillis for making my sta,, the hospital a pleasant anc.; piy neighboms, friends and r tives who assisted with rny v nt home. Robert C. Kent. 44 1 would like ta extend sincere thanks toalal my fmhe who are remembeming mev letters, cards, etc., or have in; way shawn their kind thoug fulncss ta mysel! and familyd îng my stay bore in Riverd solation Hospital. These ki liesses arc very rnuch apprecial Mariain Ko!!. The family af the late Alfrec Cooke wish ta express theirs çere tbanks ta the many frici and neighbars and the Canai Legion for their sympathyi kindncss and the beautiful fio itributes. ta the Rev. Donald I for his words af comfort, Messrs. Northcutt & Smith lhcîr kind and efficient mara ment o! the services, and ta and Mrs. Donald Carneron i welcomod the family and friei cf the deceased ta their ho after the service. 44 Repairs REPAIRS toalal makes of rmol erators, domestic and commerci niilkingz coalers. Higgon EI tric, 42 KhIg St. E., Phone4 25 FOR prompt, efficient, guarante mervice, dyeing and custom wo try the Neat-Way Shoe Rep; Shop, opposite Garton Bus Ti mninaI. 31 Custom Work LIMITED amount o! custi plowing donc. Apply Clame Allin, Phone 2847. 44- Wanted To Buy »UFORE selling your live poult try us. Our prices are highcr. ?latt, R.R. 1, Bethany, Ph< % ru1, revems charges. -6 dean -own, at ýiss COMING EVENTS Don't forget Hampton Women's Institute Bazaar on Tbumsday, Nov. 8th, at 2:30. 44-1 Courtice Church Turkey Sup- per is Wednesday, Nov. 7th, from 4 on. Adults $1.25; childmcn 50c. 44-1 November 27, 28, 29, 30 for the High School Commencement Ex- orcises, "The Mikado," Town Hall. 44-1 The Goodyear Recreation Club cuchre, Fiday, Nov. 2nd, at 8 p.m. in the Goodyear Recreation Hall. 44-1 Tumkey Supper in North Nestie- ton United Chumch, Friday, Nov. 2nd. Entetainment duing even- ing. Adulis $1.50, childmcn 50c. Stîpper 5:30 until all are served. 44-1 The United Rubhen Womkems Local 189 are holding a Bingo, Frida.v, Nov. l6th, at 8:30 p.m., in the Union Hall. Reserve the date and watch for funther particulars, 44-1 Came ta St. Paul's Sunda v Sehool Room on Nov. 2 at 3 p.m. for a sale o! home-haking, useful articles and a!ternoon tea. Evemy- body welcome. St. Paul's After- noon W.A. 44-1* Tbe Goodyear Recreation Club dance Friday, Nov. 9th, at Van- cos Pavilion. Dancing 9 ta 1. Sevenaines Orchestra. Admission $1.75 for recreation members; $2.50 for non-membens. 44-2 Newtonville girls' so!tball teamn will bold eochre, dance and draw, Newtonville Hall, Nov. 2. Lunch will ho seýved. Time 8:15. Ad- mission: adults 50c: children aven 10, 25c. Dmaw for Kenwood blan- ket. 44-1 Bowmanville Brancb o! the Canadian Legian Armistice Day Turkey Dinner, Monday, Nov. l2tb, open ta ail voterans. Special ontomtainment. Admission $2,00 by ticket anly, in Badminton Club hall, limited capacity. 43-2 Thank-Of!ering Services will ho bold in the Oono United Church, Sunday, Nov. 4tb, 1951, at il a.m. and 7:30 p.m., guest speaker for the day, Rev. John Wilkinson a! Oakwood. Special musiè by the chair at bath services. 43-2 Reservc' Satiîrday, Nov. 3rd, for the Faîl Bazaar sponsoned by the Evening Branch o! the W.A., in St. John's Parish Hall at 3 p.m. Aftemnoon Tea, Rummage Table, Fancy Womk Table, Home-baking, Candy. Evemyone wclcome. 44-1* Plan ta attend the First Fal Frolie o! tho Blackstock 0.N.O. Club ta ho held in the Cartwright Recreational Contre on the even- ing o! Novembor 9th. Tommy Langley's Orchestra. Lunch. Priz- os. Everyone welcome. Admis- sion $1.00 per person. 44-1* "The f ..M b.....t 2 T--f Real Estate For Sale 35 ACRES o! land, large barn, driving shed, 8-roomcd frame bouse, well, (in Hampton). Im- mediate possession. Apply Wil- frid O. Smale, Hampton, Ont. 42-4 A RANCH farm for sale, 150 acres choice pastume, running ceek, lots of shade, fences in good repair. Immediate possession. Contact Ernest A. Werry, Phone 2570. 44-2 NIXON REAL ESTATE $9000 buys a beautful new brick bungalow, 5 roorns, bath, furnace, hydro, hardwood floors, venetian blinds. electric fixtumes, heavy wiing. garage, landscaped. Terms. Immediate poss ession. $7,500-7-roorn insul-brjck bouse. modern conveniences, garage, paved road. Immediate possess- ion. $8,500-8-room solid brick dwell- ing, oil heating, 2 bathmooms, new roof, nev cavestrough, built-in cupboards, garden, good location. $6.500 8-room brick bouse, 3- picce bath, new fumnace, hydro, heavy wiring, garage, hamdwood floors. Solid brick 1l-room dwelling, hydro, garage. Building anc bon- dred foot long, running water, dlay loam, east of No. 28 Hi5ih- way. Can ho bougbt with five acres up ta f ifty acres. 35 acres an No. 2 Higbway. barn and stable, water, bouse un!inish- ed. $3.500. $1,000 down payment and remainder monthly payments. 125 acres, close ta village, good land, barns, garage, implernent buiildin,8-oom solid brick hoUse, waten in bouse and barn, look this aven. Famms, dwellings, lots and other propenties for sale. James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N., Bowmanvillc Phono 682 44-l* EVANS REAL ESTATE Have a numben of choice level famms of 150 ta 250 acres, mwith modemn homes, priced at $100 00 per acre and loss. Also some 100- acre fanms pricod as low as $4,000 witli hydmo. Contact youn farmn broker.' Orono W. C. Evans Phono 84-8 44-1- NOTICE Owîng to fammers holding onto potatoes for higher prices. I arn unable to buy anyv and will be out o! stock for some time. Doug CurI. 44-1 Wancla's Beauty Sbop will again be open on Tuesday and Thursday nights, due to additional belp. Wanda Clarke. 44-3 Artficles For Sale SEWINQ machine. Apply 39 Duke S tret. 44-1 TWO 650 x 16 tires and tubes, 51 Lambert St., Phone 611. 44-1* ONE Findlay Vega white enamel cook stove. Phone 2704. 44-1 BUILDING - 12 x 16, 4 months old. Phone 2791 after 4 p.m. 44-1* CHOICE carrots, $ 1.25 bushel. Phone 2381, Lloyd Snowden. 44-1 * TWO snow tires, 16 x650; one girl's bicycle. Apply R. B. Brown, Phone 2639. 44-1* COOK stove, with two oil hum- ers, Renfmew, good condition. Phone 3074. 44-1 UPRIGHT piano and bench, in perfect condition. 91 Ontario St., Phone 2672. 44-1* BALED hay, second cutting, al- falfa, first quality. Elmer Cox, Phone 2488. 44-1 SMALL cider press, with brand new attachments. Apply R. Le- Gresloy, Phone Clarke 1130. 44-1 GIRL'S mink muskmat fur coat, sîze 16 to 18. Mrs. T. Holgate, 7 Division St., Phone 802. 44-1* 4-BURNER Westinghouse range, with oven, excellent condition, $25. Phone Oshawa 3-7244, 147 Elgin St. E. 44-1 ONE De Laval electric sepamator, 900 lbs. capacity, in good con- dition. Apply R. LeGresley, Phone Clarke 1130. 44-1 SEWING machine, good condi- tion; cabinet table; cupboard, glass doors in top; Coleman cook stove. Phone 3427. 44-1 TWO giml's 3-pce. coat sets, size 6-6x, wine; 2 doîl carniages, med. size. Apply 141 King St. E. Phone 619. 43,2'* HOO VER floor polishers and vacuum cloaners, see them today. Sales and Service at Hydro Sbop, Bowmanville. 41-4* DINETTE table, jack knifo exten- sion; also Duo-Therm space heat- er, mcd. size, both excellent con- dition. Phone 2946. 44-1" FRESH, sweet apple eider, in gallon or kegs. Choice McIntosh and Baxter applos. Weekly de- liveries. Phono Clarke 2811. 43-10 BOY'S hmown tweed overcoat, size 12 - 14 ycars, $10.; also hoy's navy tweed overcoat, size 8 N..ars, $7., both good as new. 71 King St «, CONGOLEUM Gald Seal Rugs, yard gaads and hall runners; Rex- oleum Deluxe 2 and 3 yards wide, yard gaods at budget pricos. Phono 451, Walker Stores. 23-tf WE moasure and instaîl finest quality vonetian blinds, new plas- tie tapes available, easily kept dlean, many colours ta chooso !rom. Phono Marris Ca., 480. Articles For Sale "ýHALLOWE'EN COSTUMES" - Clown <size 8 to 10); Red Riding Hood (6 - 8); Peter Rabbit (4 - 6): Ballet and Pirate (6 - 9). Will sell, rent or exchange. Phione Clarke 2534. Mrs. D. B. Picker- ing, R.R. 2, Newcastle. 44-'l NEW shipments of Gold Seal Con- goleum and Rexoleum Deluxe, 2 and 3 yards wide, choose from 40 patterns. Imported Pabco war- ranty floor coverings, in new designs. Hall rnnners, inlaid linoleum and large selection in rug sizes. Morris Co., Phone 480. 29-tf WTESTINGHOUSE Washers - $179.50, $40 or more allowance for your oid washer; 8 cu. ft. Westinghouse refrigerators, $319, allowances on your old ice box or refrigerator; one only Westing- house electric range, 4-humner, under oven, complete with light and minute-minder, slightly serat- ched in shipping, reg. $2'79, for $239. Murphy's, Phone 811..4-1 WAGON and Trailer Axlcs. Your choice of Chev., Ford or Dodge wheels either 15," or 16" s0 your own spame will womk. Price anly $30 each, while they last. This includes: axle, hubs, wheels, tires and tubes, ahl assembled, lined up and painted. Springs $10,00 a pair extra, if desired. Please note that this special offer is only good while present stock lasts 50 order early. Sisson's Garage, Phone Orono 1031. 34-fl Cars For Sale '36 FORD Roadster, in top con- dition, two tone paint job. Phonc 3649. 44-1* '36 CHEVROLET Sedan, beater, good condition. Phone 3260. 44-1* 1934 DODGE Sedan, in good run- niinge condition, good tires. Harvey McGill, Phone 2357. 44-1 1932 MODEL "T" Ford, good con- dition, overhauled motor, new 1941 INTERNATIONAL ¾ - ton truck, in good running condition. G. Harternink, R.R. N. Orono, Phone 54r8. 44-1*' CLEARANCE of New and Used Cars at Bargain Prices at S. S. Morton & Son, 95 King St. W., Bowmanville. 44-1 1950 PONTIAC, radio, air-condi- tîoning and many extras, 10w mileage, excellent condition, rca- sonable. Phone 3561.' 44-1 1942 FORD Army Station Wagon, rebui]t motor, sno0\ tires 5,000 miles. C. C. Lowes, Telephone Whitby 839 after 6. 44-1"' 1951 CHEVROLET Coach, priv-, atelv owned, low mileage, air conditîoning and undercoated, ini new-car condition. Best reason- able offer. Pho ne 2351. 44-11 ' 41 PONTIAC Coach, in faim con- Small down paymcnf and take 1 ne M icha I of V ciice- pre - -----29-t! -l aylcl.,. ý111 Uo44-1* Dad sented by The Eale Grey Play- Register Tues, or BLUE station wagon coat; rcd 15 EST -orSdn 44-1 ors, Saturday, November 3?rdat Fri., 4 - 6 p. . 1950dD wooO skimt broan.d - 81 ..Amsin40c, at Bow- for Ballot, Ta, petd olsit rwn tweed This car is ln new condition, spot- K avle Town Hall. Tickets -' Scotch - Union Hall, ut ie1;rdcruo jacket, less 'inside and ouf. Air condit- the ents on at the office. No resorved ' RENIE HARVEY 113 Cburch St., Phone 2073. 4- selling-sorplos equipmont. Acet- a! scats. Limited number o! soats A.C.C.M., R.M.T. 4- ual mileage, 9630. Cash price and only. 44-1 _______________ ONE lady's groy wintem coat, siz $2750. F. F. Morris Ca. 44-1 iode. Ken Sobel's "Tour for Talent" 44..ff 40; anc pair lady's white tube skates, size 7; boy's halloon tired Livestock For Sale 4-1* in Newcastle Community Halil, VoesLstPse bicycle; boy's dark blue suit, size Friday, Nov. 3th. Anyone wîsb- ____________List__________ 15 - 16, ail in excellent condition. NINE weanling - pigs. Phono and ing f0 appear please file names _ hn 51 4- lre23.4- ital, with Miss Margaret Ash, New- CLERK'S NOTICE 0F FIRST Poo28.~- lre23.4- mon castle. Apply immcdiately, limit- POSTING 0F VOTERS' LIST WEEK-END SPECIALS - Svzeeft NINE Yorksbire pigs, sovon weeks iy in ed auditions. Winnom to appoar Cider, 50c; poars, pumpkins; ap- aid. Phone 2572. 44-1* Also on Ken Sohel's Radio Talent Voters' Lists 1951. Municipality of plos: Talman Sweef, Snows, Macs, rdla- Show this soason. 44-1 the Township of Cartwright, Spys, Grcenings and Baxtors. TWO second littor saws; fi!teen Nork i County of Durham. Bing containers. Extra jogs cbunks. Phono 2661. 44-1 Reserve Novemben 9tlh for the wanfed. Shaw's Fruit Market, 200 YEAR-old Leghorns. George 141* Recital o! Organ, Piano and Ac- NOTICE is herehv given that T Kumv Inn. 43-2 Skelding, R.R. 3, Newcastle. i cordion music ta bc given by Miss have complied wifh Section q o! 44-1j MY Phyllis Challis, A.T.C.M., and ber the Voters' Lists Acf, and that I PLUMBING, Heating and Qil_______________ ends pupils in Trinitv Cburcb at 71have posted up.at my Office af Bornons înstalled anywhene in20PGsxwe odansen witb o'clock. Sponsomed by the Young -Blackstock on the 25th day o! Dorham County. Reasonable rates 20 dpigs, six weeks. old nd so98n any Peoplc's Union. Adults 35c, child- October, 19,51, the 1sf o! alî per- and highesf quality. For froe 44-1 ight- mon 15c. Tickets available from sons entitled ta vote in the ,aid ostimatos cal! S. Blain Ellitt,j dur- Y.P.U. mombers or Miss Challis'ý Municipality at municipal elcc- Heating, Plumbing & Tinsmithing, 20 PIGS, eight woeks aId. Frank ýdale pupils. 4 4-2t tians and that such List romains Phono 3348. 29-ff Ovens, Newtonville, Phono Clarke :idhilere for inspection. VENETIAN BLINDS, 25 different 44-1________________ ted.Fo AND 1 hereh% caltupon ail voters colours af tapes, 15 slaf colours, YOUNG pigs for sale, Tamwonth, 1v' PetsFo Sale - to take inii-ediate poceedings to'tFlexalum, Aluminum or Steel, York cross; also Yorkshire os 44-I bave any ermors or'omiîssions cor- measured and installed free o! H. Craig, Phono 2365. 44-1* HOUND pop. fomnalo, mady ta mcted according ta law, the last charge. Phono 3121. Weber's d J. t mn. Doug Mackie, Nestleton.-. day for appeal heing the lOth F abnie Centre. 17-tf 35 NEW Hampshire pullets, lay-1 sin- 43-2. dav of November, 1951. ing. One secandhand nanrume ends CLI us'br iees Ap- DATED this 25th day GOOD Used trade-in recandifian- pedrPhn214. 4- ta JonsnLo lo! Ocfobcr,'15. dvaeuum cleaners, al makes, padr Phn214. 4- oalý WiDa lsntonso, 4t16-Cri HENRY THOMPSON, $19.00 and op. Free home demon- FIFTY onc-.ý,ear-old White Leg- [ora 7. arligton 442 Clek ofthesti'ation. Write Vacuum Cicanier horrn bons;, also quantity of Spy Lute SPNER pae.3 ntsodTonhnoCawmgf. 'ales & Service, 386 Water St., apples. Earl Trowin. Phono ta a fernale, 4 Ycars and a inaIe, 1 R.S.O. 19.5o, Cha.p. 414, Sec. 12. PtmoogO t 2325.4- fo pl .EdCtage 2es0Bac. 4-1-1 ITILE - for kitchen, hafhrooms, RHODE Island Red, or Barrecl Mr. t ech 1 heaths and fireplaces. Wals- Rock pullets, eadv ta lav. Phono who Lost ýglazed file an plastic, ail colours Port Perry 124-14. Mirs. Ceci! ?nds ! Floors -rub mastic, lino-file, Wilson. ______44______ orne Notice Io Lrefît orS GLASSES, bown rims, lost on quamnie and ceramie, Will ga any- YOUNG Registemed Jerseys, lusf, 4 ____________1___ Church St. betwceen Tempemance where. H. G. Heal, Phono 2902. !chnd hn saa523 IN the Estate of WILFRED ad ive4ts4hoo286 2-t! or write W. J. Clancy, R.R. 2, JOHN REYNOLDS, lato of the 44IRECESSED bathtubs $60; smart Oshawa. 44-1 Township of Darlington, in the TRUCK nud !lap, lost between Martha Washington and Rich- PLYMOUTH Rock pollets, startcd ca:deceasecl, who died at 'the said pleaso phono Boýnîanivîlc 2121. oam sots white $160.00 fo $1890(0. ta lay. Apply Merlin Suggitf, Iec- Township o! Dalington on or 44-1 Coloumed $274,00 camplete wih R.R. 2, Ncstleton, Phane Part 438. about the 16th day of April, 1951.batflcrmd itng ArPy32l. 44-2* !5t The Trustee Act, R.S.O., 1950, LOST - STRAYED - STOLEN cbeautiful chfrom e liting.0Ar0. r 3211 ted Chapter 400, Section .51. WHITE pet kitton. name of Special affers ta plombons and For Rent ork, Creditors and others having "Spot." An ' onc knowing its builders toa. Save many valuable .aù daims against the above Estate whemeabouts kindly phone 25.56. dalans, boy with confidence and BARN suitable for bogs. Phono oer- are requimed ta send particulars 44-i1'have a nicer home. Satisfaction 92485. 44-1* 1-ff and fu proof themeof to the un-guarantced. Extra discaunts off TREros etd o ui -designed on or befome the 2nd FE1MýALE Cocker Spaniel, îast ctlogue prices fw upyi HE romhae frbs day o! December. 19.51, after rhumusday, hn Newcastle. Colon caerta g os iedfowe .supltei ness couple or couple with bah, i which date the assets of the estate bu!!, Tag No. 51. Answcmrs to tlic 1 Phoe31.4- - wlIho îsmiîîtd avng egrdnaine Mîlck\,. laereui plumbing an heafing installation. ___________________ arn l taci dais tlauthav n b regEard los rtun aCatalogue inclodes litho photos a! NINE-roomcd frame farmbouse,ý tomto he laiis hathav thn bc, ,rlýValton, Newcastle. 44-i * main fixtures, prices and instal- 8 miles north o! Bowmanville oný E. received. lation diagrams. Select style o!fro-poo ra. Imeit %, DATED a Bowmanille, ntariaStray fliA3sfd ay owanvOctoe, Onta5, ____________________sinks, cabinets, laundmy tubs, possession. H. Craig, Phono 2365. the 31t dayof Ocober,1951.showems, staves, refnigorators.441 Lawrence C. Masan, STRAYED from Lot 14, Con. 5. Pressure wafer systems, ail biqrn- -30 King Street West, an October 111h. a Hereford yoarl- ers, septie and ail tanks etc. Visif INSUL-brick fivc-moom bouse an [fry Bowmanville ' Ontario, ing steer. around 400 pourids. An-v or write Johnson Mail Order*Di- No. 7A Highway, twvo miles fmom M. Solicitor for the information please phone Rupent, vision, Streetsville Hardw'are, Nestleton.'AIppl\- Balfour Moore. one Administratrix. 1Wcrmv-, Phone Port Perny 121.Stîreetsville. Ontario. Phone 261. Nestleton, Phono Port Perrv -tU là-44-1* Evenings àlr1l, 1-U 225-32. 441: AUCTION SALE CATTLE Some Implements the property of Raay Gimbleil LOT 17, CON. 8, EAST IVHITBY 1 mile north and 1 mile west of Columbus FIRIDAY, NOV. 2 CATTLE 5 Holstein Cows, Milking, bmed 6 Holstein Heifers, Spinging, Vaccinated 10 Holstein Heifers, Bmed Vaccinated 20 Holstein Heifers, Open Vaccinated 10) Holstein Heifor Calves 20 Stocker Cattle, Bec! Bmeods Pony, 3 years old Donkey PIGS Number o! Pigs~ IMPLEMENTS Bindler, Hay Loader Cultivator, 3 Ton Truck Chevrolet Truck, '28, one-ton Chevrolet Truck, '47, 3-ton Tractor Terms Cash Sale 1:00 p.m. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. 44-1* Work Wanted I-OLLAND girl would like house- work. live in. Phone 3375. 44-1* GENERAL Trucking - gravel, sand, loanm. M. Sellers, Phono 3474. 44-11: HOUSEWORK from nine t0 four. Apply Mrs. I. Sorensen, Phone 2932. 44-2 DARLINGTON Abattoir, Hamp- ton, for custarn killing. Phone 3243. 32-tf INTERIOR decorating, first class wvorkmanship. Complote satisfac- tion guaranteed. Apply R. B. Brown, Phone 2639. 44-6'* TW~O Dutch girls, one 19 and one 17 want domestic womk in or around Bowinanlville. Apply R. E. Rienstra, Burketon, R.R. 1. 44-1* BRÀKE DRUMS! Lathing, Honing and Griiîding We specialize in complote brake overbauls. BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE Phono 804 Bowmanville 32-tf Farmers Attention!1 WE will bo pleased ta pick up dead an crippled !amm animals and pay highest prevailing pnices. For immediate service Telephone Colleet, Toronto Empire. 3-3636 or Cobourg 1266W, Gordon Young Ltd. 7-421 AUCTION SALES Communîty Auction Sale ta ho held Saturday, Nov. 3, at Pethick Auction Sheds, at Eniskillen. Fumniture o! a!! kinds, anyone wishing ta put articles in the sale kindly have it home at 12 o'clock, Nov. 3. Temms cash. Sale 1:30 p.m. Clifford Pethick, Auctian- eer. 44-1 The undersigned bas received instructions fmom the Lunn Bras., Lot 27, Con. 8, Clarke Twp., 1 Con. north o! Kirby, an No. 35 Highway, ta soîl by public auction on Tuesday, Nov. 6th, their entire bord o! Sbarthorn cattle, hanses, poultry, feed, machinemy and some fumniture. For furthem par- ticulars soc bills. Terms cash, na noserve. Fred Lycett, Clemk; Jack Reid, Auctioneer. 44-1 Mr. Martin Prazienka, Lot 21,1 Con. 3, East Whitby Township, 2 miles west o! Oshawa, on No. 21 Highwav and 1 Concession nortb,1 bas sold bis famm, and wîhl seli by public auction on Saturday, November 3rd, at 1 p.m. sharp, ail bis farm stock, implements, hay, grain and some fumnitume. For funther particulars sec hills. Tenms cash. Jack Reid, Auc- tioneen. 42-3 1 bave reccived instructions from Mm. Charles Stime, Duke St., Bowianville. fimst house south o! the Brookdale Nursery, ta soîl by public auction, Satunday, Nav. 10, at 1 p.m., bis entime housebald offeets including a new electrie rofrigerator, stove, and washing machine, ahl purchased new with- iii the last year; 9-piece walnut dining-room suite; hedroom and living-roomn furniture; Singer sew- ing machine; dishes; glassware; bedding: tools, etc. 1937 Buick Sedan, 44 semies, goad condition. For further particulans soc bills. Terms cash, no reserve. Fred Lycett, Clcrk; Jack Reid, Aoc- Help Wanted BOOKKEEPER wanted, full time. Phone 2531. 44-1 MAN to handle local dealership in this district for Sales & Ser- vice business. Car necessary. Write District Manager, 466 Bol- ivar St., Peterborough, Ont. 42-3 HONEST, eliable man with busi- ness abi]ity for permanent sales and service position. Higch earn- ingcs. Car essential. Married pro- ferred. Write Sales Manager, Filter Qucen Bagless Vacuum Cleaner Co., Peterborough, Ont. 42-3 HOUSEWIVES welcome the Fam- ilex man for guamantecd necessit- ies, reasonable prices, premiums, quality & service. We are in need o! a few agents - splendid Income for the interested worker. Let uis tell youi how, by writing ta Familex, 1600 d Delorimien, Mont- PRE-CHRISTMAS SALE $30,000 STOCK OFFERED AT Discounts of 10% to 50%ý AUCTION SALE I have received instructions from the administrator of tl'p, estate of the late Mr. and Mrs.J H. Wilcox, to sel! by, public auc- tion at, their late residce Hampton, their househol i.- turc including: 3-piece KX er chesterfield suite; solid walnut dining-room suite; combination china cabinet and wmiting desk; beds; mattresses; dressers; wash- stands; Quebec heater; two Qua- ker space oil heaters; 3 oil storage tanks; gramaphone; sewing mach- ine; book case; radio; extension kitchen table and six chairs; two walnut occasiona. chairs; odd tables and chairs' ohest of draw- ers, electric washing machine; dishes and cooking utensils; seat- ter rugs; bedding; chamber sets; also garden tools; quantity of new horse shoes and nails: blacksmith tools and many useful articles too numemous to list. Much of this fumniture is nearly new and in excellent condition. Saturday, Nov. 3rd; at 1:30 p.m. Temms cash. In case o! main sale will be held under cover of Hampton Church shed. Theron S. Mountjoy, Clerk; William J. Challis, Auctioneer. 44-1 Wanted CHILD'S crib, in good condition. Phone 2875. 44-1 WILL swap new lumber for good hay. Caîl Clarke 2204. 44-1* WILL winter feed twenty y'eaml- ings, twenty older cattie, hay only. Doug Mackie, Nestîcton. 43-2 WANTED - 2 îord of dry bard- wood, cut in, 16' lengths, for fire- place. Apply E. E. Downey, Lib- erty St. N., Phone 423. 44-1* Wanted To fient TWO or threc room apartment or small house urgently needed. Write Box 61, c/o* Statesman Office. 44-1* Middle Green Villa Rest Home Courtice One or twvo vacancies, men or wornen, tray service, every kind-, ncss given. Approved by doctors. Phone Oshawa 5-4943 for reser- vations. 44-5 DEAD FARMl ST0sLý Picked Up Promptly IIORSES, COWS, HEIFERS, SHEEP, PIGS and CALVES (We pay for horses and cows) - CALL US COLLECT- LIVE HORSES 2 - 3e~ for crippled and old horses. Nargwill Fur Faru TYRONE Phone Bowmanvilie 2679 Yes, Morris Co. are taking the lead in forcing down high prices . . . we will sell at cosf rather than see furniture, automobile, refrigerator faciories piling up inventories and laying off men. In this pre-Xmas Sale we offer 10 o/o cash savings on any item in stock. Many floor samples slashed 25 o/o Io 50 o/o NOW . .. js the finie to shop for that Christmas gift. A siail deposit holds your selection and assures you the Iowest price in Ontario! A Typical Saving 17 cu. fi. REFRIGERATOR List Price - $602.00 Clearing in the Pre-Xmas Sale CASH PRICE - $399.00 F.F.Marris Ca. Phone 480 Eownianville ,' ' *BRING YOUR MESSAGE BEFORE 12,000 READERS ivai PAY CASH AND SAVE-MINIMUM COST 50c PER AD, ui 1 TRURSDAVý ?4nvv.mllàv-lD i lâRi 1951 Bowmanville