THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1951 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIUb PAC~U ~ 30 & P.' Wolm Rand Informai Conty Health Interspersing her address true experiences met in course of hier work as a( in the Northumberls@nd & Di Health Unit, Dr. Charlotte' er, Cobourg, gave membe the Business and Profes Women's Club some harc interesting facts in conn with the health programi ~Tnit when she spoke ai h<jnthly meeting of the chu Thurpday in the Balmoral « ~h President Violet M(I br,'esiding, Miss Lena1 of- e local unit, a guestc evening, was called upon1 troduce Dr. Horner. Borr educated in Toronto, Dr. li is a graduate of Toronto i sity and as well as ber degi SPECIAL WOOL >One shipment onlyc the well-known Guelph HI -TWIST" Excellent for ight weight sweaters. Ideal for socks A. rub resistant, botai *woo ... a variety of attractive shades. only 36ç hal 3. W. JEWEL "BIG 4620» 8-7 Klnt St. W., Bowmanvil PHONE 556 o! 5 boan requests. Me women, married ort phone, write or corne in Auto loans a specialty banicable security, co-i not required. SLoans $50 to -Lt!.éWC -I"0 tu£c 2nd Fi., Il 1Y2 SIMCOE SI Phone: 3 - 4687 - tosntmode to residet of li turrs Oshawa, Canada ]KEN TOUR F NEWCASTLE Friday, Novi Anyomie isIing to a MISS MARGAIR Apply Immediafel Winner ta appear o, show u prevented is one thing we cannot 1TP VT P York, meeting at Si.PaU a sClu Ges F rstaffrd. BL CKS OCKChurch, Dunbarton. Margaret Stacey voiced the ap- St. John's Churi Sunday evening last,Mz.T- ion on Howpreciation of the Club for Dr. The Orono News~ Mrs. Foster Powles, Fenelon Nw e lo on H wHorner'~ informative address and Falls, with Mrs. John McKee. N w e preached at the Evenogi President Violet added her thanks. Mm* . E. Loran Ms ayÇreTrno observance of the llOth anvr -ntO eae Six pwitemtesio! tearClubd l ______________and________________ Mrs. W. A. Van Camp and Jack ________________sr !TiiyCucSres assstwih te ixyer-odsan with Mr. and Mrs.A. L. Bie ville. ni O er esunde -at the Hallowe'en Party Mr. and Mrs. Allin Cornish and raffled. Mrs. Don Tennant was Mr dMs.H e: Taking part in the evening ser- Sudh eein a ;s with medîcine she has a degree in sion. These are: Violet McFeeters, with relatives here. ternoon were around $40.00. and family with Mr. and Mrs. n- the Public Health work from U. o! Margaret Stacey, Helen Nelles, Mr. Charles Wpod, Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Winter Makey a reyFa Can.Sundabyte engshChubas son-Ma.eies of fngour hadrseti doctor T. From 1942 to 1945 she servedi Mary Jewell, Helen Weddell and spent the weekend at bis home and Larry, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mr.and Mr. FandCok. Bea- sored.byithegMnsCub r Mr. Re.imd aqestpoin otin otste nsr )urham as Hygiene Officer with the Air Florence Chartran. Announce- here, other guests were Mrs. Mary Mrs. Norman Allen, Joan and verton. wit r n Mrs. W. ing who read the lessons, and Mr. or another. "What will hape.t Horn- Force and in September, 1945, ment of the Women's Hospital Phasey and Diane, Oshawa, and Sharon, Orono, spent Sunday Archer. Geo. Vine who led in part of the me when I die?" A corilcn ýers of when the Northumberland & Dur- Auxiliary Card Party on Nov. 7 Mrs. Harold Murphy, Long Sault. with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Allin and Mrs. Olive Brown, Nestleton, prayes h rahrwa e.vtto sexeddt i li !ssional ham Health Unit was organized, was also made ajid the President Miss Nan' Ferguson and Mrs. enj dVed a goose dinner in honor with Mrs. Geore' ole.DuncanMacLpea Assisnt Cur- aeiner ete ndthi ubet -d but the first in the Province, ini- asked for the co-operation and Lewis, Rochester, are visîting with of Mrs. Winter's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Reynolds ate at St. George's Church, Osh- nection cidentally, following the regula- assistance of B. & P. members. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Watson. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan visit- and son and Mrs. Franks, ee-aa pain ntetx,"e of the tion governing health units passed Proceeds o! the Club's own card Mm. and Mrs. W. H. Çarman ed relatives in Belleville on Sun- borough, with Mr. an rs. Les- your light so shine before men i t the in June, Dr. Horner 'became as- parti,, Oct. 3, amounting to $66.45, spent the weekend in Brantford day. lie Mountjoy. that they may see your good ub last sociated with it. are to be donated to the Hospital, with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mann. Miss Shirley Porter and Miss Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright, Mr. works and glorifv 1your Father 1 Hotel. The Health Unit embraces a on motion of Marion Jeffery, sec- Miss Elizabeth Waddelll Tor- Audre5r Billings, Oshawa, spenit and Mrs. Dalton Dorreli and, which is in Heave'n." eFeet- wide program including the con- onded by Nina Neads. An addi- onto, spent the weekend at bier the weekend at their homes here. Nancy were Sunday guests with Wdnsa eeig of at Taylor trol of communicable diseases; tional amount may be given by home here. Wdedyeeigo atTAEMR E of the sanitation, such as testing water the executîve if needed to buy Mr. and Mrs. C. Cooper ivisited Cwn otetre inra r n r.NomnMNly ekRv arnTre a to in- supplies, food and milk supplies, some specific article needed by in Kendal on Sunday and attend- Courtice on Nov. 7th, Orono Coîborne. Misses Pearl and Dom- guest speaker at the Great Chap- iseay o carr n and and inquiming into garbage and the Hospital. On unanimous vote ed the United Church annver- Uterdate frm Nove ha was Ve rna ght, Trapto ndMwer e.................................ast HIorner sewage disposai; sehool health o! the Club members, President sary service. hidaefo Nv.7 swsVrnMNlyB niver- supervision and the operation o! Violet was made voting delegate Congratulations to Mm. and advertîsed last week, to Wed., also guests. -e-. c-l..e e ree in child health clinies. Work with to attend the Conference o! Busi- Mms. Ted Coatham on the birth Nov. l4th, when a turkey dinner Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Mc- tuberculosis also plays a large ness and Professional Women's o! their daughtem in Memorial will be served in the basement Laughlin, Toronto, attended St pat n ji Uits roran.Mas Clubs at Toronto, Nov. 3 and 4. Hospital, Bowmanvilleo!tewcrh. John's Anglican Church on Sunl . . 0$ 1 0 surveys, such as that sponsored There may be other members Orono W.M.S. Auxiliary was Miss Maý-garet Milîson and day morning and were dinner by the Lions Club, are flow avail- who will attend on Sunday only. well represented at Ebenezer on friend, Miss Laura McKay, Osh- guests with Mm. and Mrs. A. L.Tuscuo swrhon olr(1O)o h able, and these have done excel -_____cupo________oeolar($100_ot lent wor'. Dr. Horner stressed- Wednesday last when twelve awa, have returned from a holi- Bailey. ulisofaynwG er Te ladies attended, and enjoyed a day trip to Sudbury. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Edger prhaeo aynw eealTr that in 80% of the early cases ENFIETLD very profitable day. Mm. and Mrs. Cecil McLaren ton anl Donna with Mr. and Mrs.e or Battery. X-ray is the only method of de- Congratulations to MVr. and visited last week with relatives in Ronald Williams, Oshawa, one tection as there are usually no Mrs. Joe Waîker on the birth o! Massey. Sunday. -e AT- symptoms. Health Unit nurses Mm. and Mrs. A. W. Prescott their son in Memoial Hospital,- Mrs. Harold Awde's mothçr, Mm. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow caîl on T.B. patients àfter tbey with Mr. and Mms. N. Hayes, Bow- Bowmanville, a little brother for Mrs. Meneilley, Warkworth, is were Sunday guests of Mm. and THE CDPRLUAD GROCETERIA retumn from the sanitarium to manville, and Mm. and Mrs. J. Douglas. visiting with Mrs. C. Awde. Ms vnTopo ve h kepan hko theicii lowrkpogesEdyeanCre non. Mms. M. Swain, Toronto, was Mm. Marvin Holdaway, Toronto, two couples ceîebrated their wed-* and athe cliihe a womks ic- Mm. and Mrs. H. Smith, Miss a guest of Miss Mary Somerville visited recently with bis grand- ding anniversary. A ND ULflLRLL STORE ian in detecting the disease. Kathleen Smith,, Mm. and Mrs. last week. parents, Mm. and Mrs. E. Hancock. Dr. Horner emphasized that Donald Prescott with Mr. and Orono Women's Institute beld Mrs. P. Mallery, Cobourg, visif- Congratulations to Mm. and ** BLACKSTOCK "edcaio isth kynoe ! heMrs. J. Forsyth. Toronto. a successful sale o! home-made ed last week with hiem daughter, Mr.JhnLosm*nth*it Frank Lioskin Phone: Port Pcrry333 edctoni h kyoe ftecook ing on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. H. Barlow. o! a baby girl last Tuesday at e whole progmam." To illustrate Mm. and Mrs. H. Ormiston and Taw~sre n hita r.Er et dotn Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. utio is, Dr. Hone tldone or celbratondeo!tMm. and Mrs. n. cake, which was made and don- visiting this week with Mm. and We are very sorry to hear tha.. . . . . . . . . . . . tin sD. orertldon o elbrtinofMr adMr. .ated by Mms. Bob Moffatt, was'Mrs. Ab. West. Miss, Vera Forder, on the Brank- two amusing, but amazing anec- Moore, Enniskillen. some Hall staff, Toronto, had the dotes. One concerned a mother Mrs. W. J. Ormiston and Mrs. misfortune to fali dlown stairs, J i h who was told to be sure that hiem J. Stark with Mr. and Mrs. J. Tr~T1 with fruit sauce and fruit cmisp. breaking both ankles. She is noix Ji th baby received orange juice every Ormiston, Brooklin. ftLa.DJJLL On Fmiday it consisted of: tomato in the Wellesley Hospital. day. The next time the Health Mrs. A. W. Pmescott with Mm. juice, baked meat patties, baked Mran s.BbeadLo, 1 Nurse called she asked if the and Mrs. R. Hodgson, Tyrone. Mm. and Mrs. Harold Little cammots, baked potatoes, whole ilobrwt Mr. and Mrs. Barer nd oi baby xvas getting his orange Mr. and Mrs. W. Pascoe -and and family. Healey Falls, visited wheat brlead, raisin and orangeTisobrwt Mman Ms juice. "Oh yes," said the mother. family, Mr. and Mrs. G. Bow- hiem parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom pie. The menus for both days Harold Kyte. "I give him Orange Crush every mnadfml ihMs .Ps Falls. were prepared and baked by Mrs. Last Friday evening the Cart HI TA S CU day."Anothr stoy conerneda manand fmily ith Ms.'L.Pas-Found, assisted by Mrs. Kennedy. wright School Amea lheld their an- CR S MS CU da.onthrfoycocme coe and Miss Bessie Pascoe, Osh- Mm. Andrew Vannatto, Port Ar- nual Public Speakin Contest in of mother who could not be con- awa. thr . n e aswt i Aftem each demonstration thcep vithur, spent a fewvdaysiwithsbisladies present were each served the Community Hall. John Ham- vice tatco lve ol asfot Mr. and Mrs. L. Stephenson en- sister, Mrs. Percy Burley. aprinwihte emdt ilton was the chairman and the more efficacious than skunk oil. tertained a number o! friends Mm. and Mrs. Alvin Lowes and enojeymc. Ms on udges were from Port Perr. The child health clinics are a one evemuh.MisFondy great service to parents, and îast oneevning last week on the oc- family, Peterborough,. with hiem also conducted' a contest whicli Fourteen pupils spoke. The priz- yeam 2,349 children atne. cso !bsbrha.plns m and Mrs. N. L. Pat- ruh u htw udo- es were given as follows: Ist- The strides made in reducing to or the, weekend. serve several things besides food Jean Thompson, 'Casa Loma"; cases and deaths fmom communic- Mrs. Hattie Langstaff, Mrs. value when planning meals- 2nd-Cathemine Bailey, "The Eliz- able diseases have been great SALEM Mabel Langstaff, Mr. and Mrs. cooking foods togethe' hc abeths o! England'; 3rd-Glen since 1926 when toxoid began to Wilbert Langstaff, Anne and require about saine cooking time Orchard, "Wintem Sports." First be used. Deaths from diphtheria Dntfre e Helen were recent guests o! Mm. -n h edo oofao prize xvas $10.00, given by the fhave decreased 90%, and smaîîtelalw nlMs ec uly and something o! crisp texture Port Perry Lions Club; second po nwisprcicll at the school on Friday ev- Mm. and Mrs. Russell Ruskç, To- with so!t foods. Miss Found also prize, donated by Dr. J. A. Mc- ny However, as recently as 1947, a eîg otsetteweedwt gave us many good cooking hintsAthm a Shea!!er fountain pen. KN O £ f major outbreak was narrowîy Congratulations to Mr. and Mms. Mm. and Mrs. Geo. asked many questions, also The rest of' the contestants me- averted in New York City whena Bob Craig on the arrival o! a Mm. and Mms. Edmund Couroux an ceived pins and Mm. Roy Turner, mrhn rmMxc ruh abgilRaanMrevstdwh s answering many in return. teacher, received a gi!t for hav- Crsia the disease theme. After bis death Mm. and Mrs. Ernest Twist and parents at Cache Bay. Grnt.Dirict esecetavey, a n the lamestcmowg ye to tted clubl when the diagnosis was made, 179 family attended special dedica- Mm. and Mrs. Earl Burley and fGient.Disfromt Bowmavll, anso The anualazaamo! ytathe nd j centres for vaccination were set tion services at Maple Grove on daughters, Mrs. D. Vannatto and laiesd from Newonville W.I.and h nul aaro h Uie m up and within a few short weeks, Sunday when Rev. F. Yardley, a Cecil, Bowmanville, and Bob Van- lande ro ewovi W . n Church, held Thursday after- eoieahw k ail o! New York's millions who former minister, was gu.est speak- natto, Toronto, spent Sunday mn Oonor loin us for these dem- ueposit each weekrs Rusel could possibly be reached had er. with Mm. and Mrs. Percy Burley. onstrations. Mountjoy, President o! the W. buys a K'EriWOOD L been vaccinated. Only 12 cases Mm. and Mrs. Sam Buttery Mrs. Irene Dunbar, Port Hope. As one lady memarked, "It was A.. conducted the opening. Gucstfoma L ocureddueto heprompt and and family attended the 25th wed- and Elliott Dunbar, Oshawa a good common sense demonstra- speaker was Dr. R. P. Bowlcs BLA NKETfo Christma efficient work of these cîinics. ding annivemsamy celebration for were guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Re' to !hoecoin*ih who delighted all with bis rem- Evemyone should co-operate to Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Munday, Eîîiott. buy ea te ixesndto make it." niscing. Mrs. Robert Sadler, Buy soft, warrn, fleecy, colourful [le maintain health and prevent dis- Maple Grove, on Satumday even- Mm. and Mrs. Howard Quan- À l heexst o was td Bowmanville, a former mesident, KENIWOOD Blankets for Christ-yorEWODASBOK ease in the community, Dr. Horn- ing. trill, Gloria and John spent Sun- Avoef hnsw xtdd sang two lovely solos, accomp- mas-for yourself; for y your yChisNas, he banSSBOu cm said. She closed bier address Mm. and Mrs. Wilbert Craig with day with Mm. and Mrs. Wmn. Mer- to Miss Found for the splendid anied by Mrs. Gordon Stmong. friendsChriDomas the blsy way by' quoting Sir Wilson Jamieson rsCarsPoadcr.manri which she conducted Lunch and a sale o! fancy goods plan to buy are PAID FOR-an who said: "One thing that can be Myrtie. Miss Ruby Collett, Oshawa, and the demonstrations; to Mrs. W. and produce concluded a *fine a!- by joining our lKEN1WOOD you . 'e nover missed the morey Miss Marjorie Collacutt called Mr. Raymond Woodward, Bow- Mercer for the use of ber home, ternoon. CHRISTMf4S CLUB.Inuratorbak dprmn on Mm. and Mrs. Charles Pollard, manvillé, spent Sunday with Mr. to Mrs. Kennedy for hiem assistance Mran s.Gdo StnIqietoublntdprt Mymtle. and Mrs. Norman Kennedy. and the visiting ladies for attend- and family, Mrs. Robert Bruce Each week you miake a small for full details of this simple Mrs. Nettie Cole, Miss Stella We are pleased to learn Miss ing. and Miss M. King visited Mr. and -reekly deposir. Ih is enterrd in pleasant, purchasing plan. Blackburn and Mr. Fred Black- Selina Therteli was well enough Mrs. Ross Curtis at Orillia on Suîi- burn, Newcastle, with Mm. and to leave the hospital and is now VA~1TT. day. Mms. Bruce and Miss King , .*w*<4s~ ,.... nuberfrc Saem tted-and Mrs. Walter Therteîl, Bow- On Monday cvening the H-igh qji4~p * ;.~~ e th secil venngseric atixanville. Mm. and Mrs. Harold Little and School had an enjoyable pamty irn _____________ Tymone on Sunday. Salem Choim The local tobacco growers all sons, Mm. and Mrs. Thos. Falls, the Recreational Centre. "TRULY A PLEASANT PLACE TO SHOP" 4also attended and sang several journeved to Simcoq for the To- Kendall with Mm. and Mms. Orme en andIECAHCEDT slctos bacco Sales which were held Falls.. Phione 451 Bovmanville, Ot Aýnyone cen apply for an x- A number from here atne there Oct. 25 and 26, somewhat Mm. and Mms. C. Yulc, Oshawa, M PL GR E single, clusive Nationwide Cesh-Credit the dance and entertainment at crle tanhd ee xpctd wthM. m.Svey et over 50 offices coest to eosst, Newcastle Tuesday evening, 5P0fl. An average o! 44.5e per IL. had Mm. and Mrs. Lorne Todd vis- y eedn't have nor get a sored by Mm. Roy Nicliols. benstadmto!tegwesiefiesinPeboug on Cgrultns o makers tao n your eccount. Pey onlyCogautin M.adA if youcluse your Card te get a amound here succeeded in getting Satumday. Mrs. 'E. Kirk (nec Ruth Preston) i lan. Invaluable nt bbme or away over 40c. Mm. and Mms. Llew Hallowell on their recent marriage.- $120 fomhoe.There was a good attendance and family with Mm. and Mrs. Sid Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor, Miss- I at both morning and evening Hallowell on Sunday. os Joyce and Joan Taylor, Mm. and How ury i o rR i c a NY HA ucî i s51is Thank-offcring services o! Ken- Mrs. Lawrence Jamieson, Bcwd- Mrs. Arthur Grenning, Toronto, ............dal United Chumch on Sunday, ley, visited Mm. and Mrs. Jake were Sunday visitors with Mi.! r., FNAC ORH<vrBn fNvSCO. ~em- .and Mrs. Roy Metcaîf. lU/M w ofNewcastle Kirby Choir Mm. and Mrs. Fred Todd spent Mm. and Mrs. Iver Gerry. Mrs.Th nxtim %/flq~J~~<,Z provided pleasing anthems in the weekend with Mm. and Mrs. J. W. Hynds, Toronto; Mrs. Bert yu oti John Pausa, ES MANa:er«. the morning and the Orono Quar-RWadnHmltn Glaspeîl, Zion, visited Mrs. John '~j ceed . etu aunin tonç* PrtnniFianc Cmpay i Cns .à~ ~,tette was much enjoyed in tho Mm. and Mms. Edwart Robinson Sanders on Sunday at Mr. C. H. rouevin townBoughen. FiMase.CRusseiof Girnblcttd ..s.elt o! theF un , om E on and sons w ith M . and M rs. R. Snow d n's. 2 omîs W. I Branh and hiloh W. A. Bazaam wsv el Wdnesday with hem grandmoth- Home Economios Service o! the attended on Friday evening. The or, Mrs. Bammabeîl, Omono, who D9 1 o giutr odce iedslyo atce a i htdyclbae e Ot HFC feels that no one should i PHONE 2318 i ittue granoson, 1Ewart Womry, K14 A Iborrow unless a lban is the best gustsi th Mm. dinnes.R HTDRAX OE FR IcjNG AXIsolution ta a money problemn.-_____________________ ___ Van Camp. OTIS» FARC Because HEC service is fmiendly, Congratulations to Mr. and CLTE NIFARS. a THE ]RA IO AB epeilale,3 ot o 4 anaianMrs. Ivison Mundav \vho ccîc- D R A X . . . made hy the makers of Johnson's IVa braed hei 25h wddig ain. isa potetiv fiis.. h rcd wther a .dtay rcsh amounts of $50 ta $1000 fmom Mm. and Mrs. Roy Melcaîf, Mr~. iaked îîe-ooi r longr. hdw tr ty Anyfime-: Anywhere HousEuuOLD FINANCE. Your -- -"~\ and Mrs. Bruce Meteaif, Mr. Nor- adtevloii ogr telephone book lists the office nan Metcaif, Base Lino; Mr. and Gammieuts treated %vith D RA X have a longer usefu nearest yo. Mrs. . L. Metcaf Mr. anîdMr. life becauise the3 clon't readily pick up dirt and so! MONEY WHEN YOU NEED ITI When rheumatic pai tertained ait a bimthdaY partxY on laConada'. idest end larges# Consumerpan- Saturday evening bv Mrs. Alex B QM A VI L1 ýrgency 40 Finance Organizotion gets you down, here's the Mir(nec Mildred Metca. OMNI L 18q~quick way ta get relief. z Courtice. Roy and NormanY171. 18HOUSEHOLO FINANCE jhirthdaYs wcrc Fmiday and MrS. C E N R "~ 8 WRub in soothing Minard's i Muir's on Saturdav1. i C E N R&Y R 1 lasimo. St. South, Over Kv..0.'8 Liniment. Is it good? Jus A goodly numher turncd Out PHIONE 520 FOR PICK-UP AND DELIVERY ired Phoe Oshawa5-1139 ty it, yo'Il see!on Sunday to hear a former pas- 7 IGS.W HN med Phono shuw. 5-ii 9 try it, ou'l1 sec!tom, Rev. H. F. Yardley, and meet 77 K N ST W.PH N 0 OSHAWA, ONT. MURrs. Yardley and Ruth Ann . o ev resa ervice PORT HOPEIRANCHt A number from our chumch o ev resa: irimjoureyedto Coumtice for their DYER'S DRUG STORE - NEWCASTLE houne 30 IM R 5-eening service ,vhieh they on- (OOPER'S BARBER SIIOP - ORONO à m, ode f r.,, f ,,acby EdtownNoe prtofpupi R ZUON'S CENERAL STORE - IAMPTON PHONE 56 At Night - Ini Einei PHONE 922 or 34' Six Modern Cars.. Ail Passeii-,rs Insui Prompt Efficient S Operated by Laihangue Bro. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWIL&NVILLE, ONTARIO TR'URSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1951 PAGI MM ,