T H U R S D A Y, N O V E M B E R 1,1951 i U A N A IAlN O I2i LE 1 L±N , flB W IVA N V IL L E , O N T A I O SHAW'S ~~I had to refuse, but suggested that looking through its pages, to n ilb amr Le inA k Y u oo e ato H WShe use my telephone to cail police amazement I saw you, pictrd htawodwerelvgm, to see if I could oblige. After a with four smiling ladies who r Ed Th firt meeing f thi sea In he EdtorsMail ery ength disuonen, wonders eawhat atnews yeasai In C re tn itoV tr n o fteHome and School Club gested that he try the drug store, a pie! ! I could scarcely beliv a ilbig ehp u 1S toth omo a alwenwhich hie did by telephone and it, until I read the caption at h onr ilrtr aegv W oP i th u r m Sa rfcpecetatn an aofst oiomnin-cte2, 151much to his disgust. w1W was as delighted asIto rtinisvrque nhsd- Who Pad the Supre e SacificeColum n munity. The costumes Oct 29 191 can't quite understand the see you in an English magine iin T h e B w m a n ille ra n c of . A b e n eth , J. A. A l crof , T.m a n y a n d v a rie d re p re se n tin g E d ito r. a ttitu d e o f so m e o f th e m e m b e rs O u r d o cto r ca m e in as w e w e e at M P. a N t. L er l C n Th owavil Bacho A brntyJ A ldrftT1the following classes: :The Canadian Statesman of our Town Council, one of them looking at it and said "ol evtvi iol ob eun the Canadian Legion is anxious Annison. S. Argent, A. Bagneil, Best dressed girl. pre-school- In view of the fact that I amn is reported to have told one of good." We ail thought youiokedain Hehdor9,0m- to ensure that the 'lames of those H. Barr, J. C. Bell, G. C. Bonny- Life is'full of surprises. Little Red Riding Hood, Carol Gilbank; credited with the opposition pre- his employees that they couldnt ed as though you were thorouh oiyîs tm- od mn district men who paid the su- castle, B. Branch, R. Branch, F did I dream, back in 1913, when I best dressed boy, pre-school--' sented at the last regular Coun- be bothered bouncing by-laws ly enjoying the pie, and theveyTe thrcniaesLbo. Irm and rific. i orwh av rindied sonP . itoC.prin , E. F. Carrt-Aused to pick up and deliver suits Cowboy, Lynn Brown; best dress- cil meeting re: Repeal of by-law around. This one seems to be on charmiüng ladies evidently enjnre ooh oe o e Iaenid .on hesemriser- rsie, aPli. G. .Chanc, . G. to be cleaned and pressed, that 1 ed girl, school age-Red Riding -governing Saturday night cîosing the bounce and if this CÔuncîl ing watching you! We thouh(sihv rx oeado vr iced n he1. Armse- histiceP .Cane .G would some day be an honored Hood, Ist Joan Brock, Little Old of grocery stores anîd butcher does flot feel justified in the re- you would aIl be very interetdcusshhaavoto. an vieprogrami to be used Sunday, Clarke. L. Clayton, T. Cochrane, guest at the corner of Lowther Lady, 2nd Lynda Aldread; best shops, I feel it is my duty to ex- peal of saine, since it is the 50 are mailing the magazinetrhnsfr ms neetn Nov.IlAritc Day. H. M. Cole, G. Corke, R. M. Cot- Ave. and Spadina Rd., Toronto. dressed boy, school age-Indian. pýress my, views in this manner people's wish, they leave us no you today. "ttsa"ec ek TheLegon equststht rad-ton F.CrderanE. . Cus Yet that is preciseiy what has lst Brian Rabb, Pînochio, 2nd since we were deprived of that alternative but to keep it bounc- We are very tbrilled to ha of this newspaper check the mns, P. L. Crago, T. Curran, J. happened. In 1913, my job was Tommy Stace; most original priviiege at the last seî amet- ng and who knows where it may any details of the RoyalTor Bsueouontvrdthgs '1wgth n a of soidiers, saiaor sde, . DvE, . Flaxma, HAD.tajuggle suitcases full of ciothes costume-Bear, Mr. O. Osborne; ing of Council. lnprasi h aso h n fe ihw ol e and rethoe nam solir alrs-ewser, H. . F lax.mBan,F. on the handlebars o! a bicycle best character costume for girl- Thout six and a baif years ago new 1952 Council. Royal Famiiy, but of coursethycuiGernothcodea andaime wos nmsaý mss FestrH.Fr, . ower Fwhen making deliveries. Alice in Wonderland, Christina we finished a Second World War I might also suggest tbat one cannot visit every place, evenn on eli ihrWrdWrJ rn.In same areas of the city I could Lamb, best character costume for agrainst dictatorship; I happen ta miercat h xrse i c nln.EiaehOe and hos nae i na lited T.Hamlto, W J.Hoa, ~go to the front door, but in the boy-Baker, Ann Cryderman; best be one that served in bothWrdse to have his namne removed From Radio reports the Prn please Write: Serviceman, c/o The Hitchcock, W. Hughes, D. Ireland, Lowther. Prince Arthur, Admîr- comie costume for children- Wars. However, we came borne from the petition, should cease cess and ber busband bavebenLite ize) Canadian Statesman. Bowman- H. Ireland, W. Jackson, R. H. Joi- ai Road district the dowagers used Tramp-Frank Stacey: best comie and fouod the saine conditions ex- the practice of selling groceries greeted by snow unusuallyeal ville, or contact Howard Brook- liffe, F. Jennings, A. E. Jones, R. ta look straight down their long costume. adult-Tramp, Mrs. C. isting here, and to me, this by-law after closing bours.foCadandw nsy ing, Legion Secrctary, Bowman- F. Joncs, F. Kershaw, J. Kennedy, noses and tell yours truly to go Downey; best dressed lady-Miss is nothing more or iess than ex- (Signed) E. H. Harnden. same-sn 0W in Scotland, Wae'aVo aeTikframn ville.A. F.King.G. Kig, W.H. Kig' around to the tradesman's ent- 1851, Mrs. C. Turner; best dress- ample of dictatorship. a____ nd in the north yesterday, -vl t.Hr'ae oeo h ye A. H. Living, R. J. Lowens, C. rance, and I used to tell tbemn ed gentleman-Mr. Churchill, Jirn We are ail law abiding citizens we bad very beavy bail stor aalbei aaa aua 1939-1945 World IVar Lowens, C. Luxton, A. Luxton, C. where ta go, tao (under my Barnes; best couple-Vagabond (aur very able police force sees Rose Allun Cottage, during the night and it's v1y hda.ClrdCedr o Gordon Aluin, Tommy Bird, W. E. Meatb, K. C. Martin, A. breath). Loyers, Jean Stacey, Mary Husak; to that> but we do resent the fact Northarn, Bidefard, vey o ldudrmwpnWn.ufrto le rcCre. Norman Bruton, Eric Cheetham, Moore, H. V. W. Moses, N. Mc- If they growied about the way best Hallowe'en costumne-girl, that they are sent ta our place of Devon. England dw Kenneth Cale, Glenn Cale, Wil- Crimmon, C. McDonald, A. E. the suit was sponged and press- Ineke Vanklavern; best Hallo- business each Saturday night and W a optorcok liam Colvilie, Alex Colville, John McLaughlin, F. McMann, J. R. ed, I wauid look emi straight in we'en costume- boy, David Werry. accuse us of breaches of the law. My Dear Cousin George: one hour, Saturday night, sa eLmugr titn amsn Colville, Gardon Cawiing, Wm. Moyse, H. Mutton. the eye and promise ta draw their Tbe children enjoyed eating Imht enin ncnidt I know yau vill be very inter- hv ad"ody"t umrOa wsMese.Guee John Fwster, William Fair, Ed- W. H. Nichais, A. Oxley, J. remarks ta the proper officiai appies suspended by a strin , 1 that accurred quite recently. A ested ta hear a friend gave us in more ways than anc.AnyPoaai aacvio ef wvard Flaxman, G. T. B. Honey- Palmer, O. Pingle. G. E. Pritch- bac'- at the dye warks. It wauld Sandwiches, pumpkin tarts wit cstamner carne ino my store on s ore magazines an Saturday, aod will regret such an early ci htladmn te rcse man. Roaid Haoper, Peter Hugli- ard, J. Reid, G. Rabb. C. T. Ross, have jarred their preserves if whipped creamn and coffee werc Saturday oight aod asked for cari- amogst thern was the "Illustrat- speli as coal is still ratiooed advreis o ayo hs i es, -Fred Jackrn, William Jal- E. L. Sanders, L. W. Sanders, A. they had known that I did the served by cammittee in charge. ned mnilk for a haby's formula. cd". dated Sept. 29. On casually 'expensive. Perhaps Noveer yaknw low, George Kennedy, Jack Kil- Simnick, J. Smith, E. C. Southey, sponging and, (if the presser was ganmon, Harry Lee, Douglas Lem- C. Spry, J. Staîker, R. W. Tait, an a bender) sometimes acted as on, Harold Loncgworth, Arthur J. Tait. P.H. Werry, C. Wiley, A. presser. Liviog, John Matthews, Fred C. Williams, R.A. Wilson, A. Ail these things flashed through MooreF. Charles Mutton, John Wren my mind during the evening of Poolton, Ray Richards, Jack' Oct. 25, wben I acted as guest Roach. Sidney Rundie, John Tay- The typîcal Canadian bouse- speaker at tbe season's first meet- lor, Max Tuerk, Eric Swindelli, bold naw pays $11 a week in ing of the Durham County Club, C. E. Samrscales, Dan Sheeban, taxes ta the federal govcrnment beld in the I.O.D.E. Hall, corner William Smith, Robert Wood- alone; in 1938 the figure was $4 of Lowtber Ave. and Spadina Rd. ward. Kcnneth Wyse. a week. In 1913, a hum. In 1951 a guest speaker at the samne general ad- dress. That's the way it goes, up and down. For me, that is what makes life s0 interesting, C SPR Z Sfected, hrigwloe well balanced, Miss Boone with 21 Cames and Jackpot --- ail for 50C lber rich contralto, Miss Trimbles clever piano accompaniment, Miss - also Noble's splendid readIngs and Jim SPECIAL GAMES AND SHARE THE WEALTH Lovekin's brief but wanderful historical sketch were worth go- THU SDA , OV - p shrp ing many miles ta njy TH R D Y,]O . . hr If President Orville J. Hender- son pravides that type of pro- NEWASLECOMUIT HLLgram every month he won't need ONTARIO -PROVINCE 0F PORS Proceeds for Newcastle Lions Club Welfare Work sbip. Sane, courageous and efficient governin o~ribue oteedr bad me practising drinking tea ___ing welfare of a free and prosperousprvne "Pfom ce-Q little pinkie of my rigbt band at OLP A GE P EN SI O NS poie"îstek.oe oPorsiv osraiv edr lei -à 4 w ýa cute angle. She patientiy ex- piained that the D. C. members - -EPTH EOL were prabably quite sopbisticated T EPTEPOL and would undoubtediy frown e Old age pnin to ail over 7 ne down my usual habit of cooîing pesosPvica-dra MONTREAL-It's aid-fashioned and p-a-i-n-f-u-] the tea by fanning it with a bat areet ta try ta RUR away rheumatic aches or muscle and drinking it naisily from a e Pension for the ney 5t 0 sarenes.SwyfoteaatemdSL N' saucer. She threatened ta bust.. years anid up. ney 5t 0 oteBid'n iald1 LINIMENT way ta get rid of the aches 'n' pains the coffee Silex aver my dame............... eWomen guaranteed equal pay for eulwr ihmn of neuiralgia, rheurnatismn or sare muscles? Ail you if I dared tell the club members do is just pot Slaan'sq Liniment on the sore spots. that favorite stary of mine abouteNodsrmntninmpyet In seconds, you can feel Sioan's soathing, pente. the farmcr's daughter and the e 09ne hsptas rexenios roidd trating warmth going deep ta bring wonderfui travelling salesman. With thee 109474 hositals rbedand sinets or relief. Why spend a night, or even an hour, suf. restrictions being encountcred, 1îe 1,47 op added beinandddadsin fering fram pain that Sloan's can get rid f in minutes? Sioans Lini- figured on a horrible evening. general hospitals. ment costs just 50c for the email-sized battle-.-90c for the large-at any But things began ta perk upFuesreore scnemecnn drugstore. ~~~when Reg and Helen Lovekm fad emblie a How Does This Strike You for a chilly November afternoon? Tender weicamed us. Reg claimed I agaiualcancer baking powder biscuits with gobs of golden butter, had changed Sa much since we had e Free school books for ail childrenin.shos;, f and steaming hot caflIe. Delicious? 0f course, 'spe- - last met that he bardly knew me. opruiy cally if yau've made the biscuits with CALUMET Tbat's flot so strange. We Young- e 1,150 new schools for15,0 u BAKINO- POWDER. - the double acting bain mans were then living on twa 500ppl powder that means sure resuts ... always 1 Tr dollars worth of groceries wcekly. GR E AT R OAD S YSTE M e hThilitaati ncrined a orkmen. these PIZE BArNG PODER -BSCUrrSAt tha time eg was't *oThe .m..st advance..d.labo.ur ..a.s. eppandedtacompensatione woand 2 cups sifted Swans Down Cake % teaspoon salt '1 and prosperous either. Why, I Flour 5 tablespoons butter or- other remember be borrowed a dozen 2 teaspoons Calumet Baking shortening matches from me, promising ta Pwder %, cup rnilk ~PO IC Slft fleur once, rniessure, add baking powder and sait and slt again. Cut repay tbem. He did! We were -=- TO DEVELOP THE PO IC in shortening Add milk ail at once and stur carefuiiy until ail fiour is in Gardon Conant's law office iii dampened. S tir vigorousiy untll mixture fox-ms soit dough and follows Osaa adwil rWCnn spîoon around bowl. Turn out lmmediately onlilghtly iloured board and eOshawa. anlns fohile Mr. Canant y-'n.-'tor knead 30 seconds. Roll about V2ý inch thiclc and cut with fioured biscuit was absent for a few moments,GraetpnsfrHg asanRos nhtry cutter. Bake on ungreased baklng pan in hot oven (4501 F.) 12 to 15 Reg investigated a match box on - e Trans-Canadà Highway under construction. minutes. Makes 12 biscuits.____ the mantie, abstracted a dazen *Gat o uiia od utpidnn ie-o 2,0,0 nuly Dame Fashion bias a hrand new Did You Know Alice in the WaIa matches and paid me off. Wbich e 'ssfrmncplrasmlipidnn ie-o 2,0,0 ba fclu-Disney Pic cura convinces me hie wiii neyer die ST. LA WRE N CE P RO JE CI a Two million Horsepower added to ilydro output serves 85 % of Ontario' am-Bckt igr sicee fr fa! Aice ii oa- in the poor bouse. sevfo a e-federland" a a Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Williams 0e St. Lawrence power development to commiene. and winter ...d wanted us ta stay overnight, weRal acr sngpan hoLDSiry coaurssh teone aide even if we werc unable ta ac- e Plans for modern telephone system for oui rural people. aore k ee p ing she aweond srink. cet tIt is thirty years since * rigbt up with e lt swRusLoeyS e Private and public rentai housing speeded under Federal-Provincial agreet r! Y' t for ith If she nibbled at long in fact that wve had almost ae ala level rsig to be abolished by he-apln shex dl îtao t rl e anyfo the other, Alice forgotten him. Aimost everyane rewa wornan (ghamour girl or grand- WatDi.noe ot wy present introciuced themnselves ta r f nia) .1-e-neer-seo-antliing Productons lup tail Welli usandgaeumssaesof oo 1,t dyCaet e rteo9sionlly-cv if ing guest speaker at the annua it'- for no particuxiar reason at aIl. That's wby meeting of the Goodyear Super- SA DOWN CAKE FLOUR lias devoloped an visors' Club, held in the Balmor- UTNbirtlidav cake v'au should try. It's wondcrfull ai Hatel. Boxvmanviile. Saturday MLelting, fîn-grained, izht as a drear-but tîxen, night. Now, there's a bunch of Coriyhht 0 15 every cakce made with Swans Down Cake Fleur. buckos that know bow ta let their *Walt D,.ol SWANS DOWN'S UNBIRTHDAY CAKE: Bake tevî's hair dawn. That was anc night Froduciona Food Cake as dlrected en back of Swans Down cake that Butch bad ta sit through the ~iur package, but use 2 deep layer p ans-anc l-incb, one 8-inch, lineci on bottems with pap>er. then greasecd. Caver larger cake with vanilla- picture show twice, because I just flavered butter-type frostinq . . . Place snialler cake on top . . . cover wasnt availabie between certain with' butter fresting. Melt 2 squares Bakers Unsweetened Checolate heurs. Thanks for a memorable and 2 teaspoons butter over bot Water and blerîd. Pour slightly caoledj checelate mixture over the set frosting on cake layers. îetting it run evening feiiaw, and may your club .down sides. Keep cake in cool place unitil clîocolate isfiîrm. meet with the success it deserves.Lu "*Myl This la Good Cof e ? What kind i8 it?» The answer ta that Every year 8,000 bead o! poul-N T D .J question is mare often than flot - RED ROSE tyacehbtda h oa g COFFEE! It's coffre that 1 can recommend beart- INt-y rcU RHAiMd a te RyalAg ily ta you. for never, in several 3'vars of using il,- ricultural Winter Fair. have I liad a caffce failure. Red Rose CalIce prac- ticaly makes itsef I Becaue ilcqaljice-t OE. ONFOE O.2 be wlîen 3-aux-e making it. I like a calIeJ caa rely on for faitbful good tasie - thatà why Recd * .Rose is nîy choice. And you'lI find that duiat same Red Ro.qe quaity makes Red Rose Tea "tops in taste"', tao! Aîîd - because Red Ras e VT ONFEM Tes is qod tea - il. gived you more cups t-o thbe Pound ... iti flavour Y U goes & long, long ,Y YURPROGRESSIVE Cî'SR.1VAT~IVE CANDIDATE THURSDAY, NOVENMER 1, 1951 TTTr. rAlv,&nTAm r-,ràmvc-RNàm p