U'INAMIANZS..lEVMI4, 15Q ±N VILLE~, 'ONTARIO ~VV W Mr. and Mrs. P. O. McIlven, Auburn, have been visiting Mrs. S. G. Chartran. Mr. Milford Wilkins, Oshawa, was guest of bis sister, Mrs. Ernie Foley, Carlisle Ave., on Thurs- day. à Dr. and Mrs. Geo. Miller and family have sold tbieir bouse here and taken up residience in Toron- to this week. Winners of the Lions Club hockey ticket draw are: Game, W ci Oct. 31, Doris Joil and Tom C~r; game, Sat., Nov. 3, Ted Ii~ n and Dean Hodgson. M.and Mrs. H. T. Humby, Hamilton, celebrated their 3lst wedding anniversary by spend- ing the weekend with ber broth- er, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Roenigk. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Southey and Mr. Jack Kent are spending a week in New York City enjoy- ing the sigbts of the city and see- ing some of the leading shows on Broadway. Little Miss Andrea Hoffman, Port Hope. is staying with ber g'-andoarents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. James while ber mother is in Wben Reg. Harding of the Goodyear Plant was visiting bis relatives in England last year be brougbt back two Churchill pins, displaying the characteristic V for victory gesture and gave one to the editor at that time. The ad- mirers of Mr. Churchill are now proudly displaying their V-pins on their coat lapeis since the Con- servative victory last week. Arnong those from Bowman- ville who attended Ray Dudley's debut Performance with the To- ronto Symphony Orchestra in Massey Hall, Toronto, Tuesday nigbt were Mrs. Reta Dudley and son, Noel, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Els- ton, Mrs. Albert Cole, Mr. Alvin Stacey, Miss Donalda Creasser, Miss Ileen Balson and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lunney. Mrs. Jack McNaughton and her brother, Mr, Bud Pethick, Toronto, were among the Bowmanville people flfticed iqn the udince Mr. and Mrs. Mark Roenigl bave as their guests this week, Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. MeKin- ney, Tuscon. Arizona, who were friends of theirs when they lîvec in Winnipeg. Mr. McKinney at that time was U. S. Consul Gen- eral but bas since retired. It was the pleasure of the editor to meet this distinguished gentle- man whose knowledge of world affairs is extensive as he bas liv- ed in seven different countries TRINITY UNITED CHURCH il a.m. MORNING WORSHIP 12:15 p.nl. SUNDAY SCHOOL SOCIANAD PERSONAL nhome £8 C. C.F. Candidate (Continuéd Prom Page One) ems in rural areas that were not making money. "If the people of Ontario are going to be saddled with the losing end of the telephone business," be said. "let's take over the Bell and get into tbe business. Mr. Temple claimed Saskatchewan telephone rates are "50 per cent lower than Ontario's" and informed the bundred faces before hlm that more than one million dollars bas been plowed back into the bus- iness. Replying to a question £rom the floor, the speaker said those Port Hope bospital wbere she was operated on for ear trouble and is now getting along nicely. Mrs. E. L. Darch bas returned homne after spending two months with her sister at Dartford, Kent, England. With considerable pride and pleasure sbe showed ber rel- atives the pictures of the four Bowmanville' ladies with tbe editor whîcb appeared in the Lon- don "Illustrated." It would seem that June is no longer the only month in the year when strawberries from the gar- den may be picked for the table. Clarence Oke, Plett St., town as- sessor. bas five strawberries rip- ening in bis garden as the States- man goes to press on tbe last day of October. The editor is indebted to Mrs. J. H. H. Jury, town, and Mrs. Geo.1 Reynolds, Courtîce, for sending1 us the London "Illustrated" con-1 taining the photo of the four localj W. 1. ladies and the pie-eating editor whicb bas received so much publicity and comment. Guests from this district at the Porteous-MacKay wedding in St. George's Anglican Cburch, Osh- awa, were Miss Pearl Comstock, Bowmanville; Miss Betty Antil, Mr. James MeGregor and Mr. and Mrs. C. Fulton, Courtice. Miss Joyce Cox, towmaiville, was maid of honor. SI. John's Anglican Church Rev. Warren Turner, B.A., B.D. 8 a.m. - HOLY COMMUNION Il a.m. - CHORAL COMMUNION 7 p.ni. - EVENSONG Sermon: "What wilI bappen to me when I die?" BO WMAN VILLE DBAPTIST 1MISSION Nelson Street (Between Ontario and Liberty Sts.) Sunday, Nov. 41h GUEST SPEAKER: Rev. Geo. Bell Missionary from China Soloist: MR. JAS. MeEWAN, of Toronto BIBLE SCHOOL 7pm ~ EVENING WORSHIP -Everyone Weleome- and Song Service QUALITY GROCERIES at Low Prices Aylmer 20..oz. tin Ayimer Faney Dew Drop Pmkn---17c 20.-oz, tins Pumkin 2-oz t Peas - - - 2/39c S to ki'- o z 1 9tinH e in z 5 -o . tin s Pumpkn * *- 19cBaby Foods - 3/29c Connor's tin Oid Duteh tins Fish Cakes-- 24c Cleanser - - 2/25c Campbell's lO-oz. tins Allan's 48-or, tins Tomato Soup - 2/25cApple Juice --25c Clark's 20-or, tins Our Own Blend Mb. v!ork & Beans - 2/33c Coffee - - - - 96c Canada Matches Christies Serve Buns - - - RINSO boxes lb. --3/25c Crisco -*--41c doz. Stokley's 15-or. tin a 15c Cranberry Sauce 23c . s s VITA B CEREAL Large Pkg. s38c . Large Pkg. 31c Giant Pkg. 75c 8mnaI! Pkg. 1 6c - FREE DELIVERY Y EO' S MEATS AND GROCERJES Formerly Barry AlIin's 55 KING ST. L BOWMANVILLE PHONE 3367 while on active service for Uncle Sam's government. Mrs. T. A. Garton left Monday by 'plane to spend a few weeks with ber sister in Canton, Ohio. Mr. Robert Rogers is reported to be "gradually improving" at Memorial Hospital altbough still in a semi-conscious state. Mr'. Rogers fell from a stock shelf at the Goodyear, Oct. 22, sustaining a fractured skull. In our news report we neglected to mention the name of Mr. Rogers' third son, Walter. and brother of Rob- ert Jr. and Ronald Rogers. After the firma name of "Couch, Jobnston & Cryderman," on the front of their store bad weather- ed the storms and ups and downs of business for the past 68 years, it finally disappeared last week when Herman (Jerry) Westaway painted 'the store front for the new proprietor, G. A. Kennedy. It wili, however, take more than a painter's brush to eradicate the pleasant memory of the original partners of this firm-W. B. Couch. James Johnston and J. H. Cryderman -wbo were land- marks of integrity, courtesy and honesty in their dealings for at least four generations with many families in this community. Trinity Young People's Union beld their regular meeting Mon- day evening. Christian Fellow- ship convenors Helen Maguire and Margaret Purdon, were in charge of the meeting which was some- what shorter than usual. Recre- ation was led by Colleen Hutch- inson. Bernice Stocker and Hel- en Nelies. who attended the Young People's Convention in Belleville, told of the good time they bad. Tbey told the young people of important messagesi that the speakers of the conven- tion bad for them. SOLINA people presently holding stock inI rk the Bell Telephone would be Mrs. Will Ashton, teacher of k"paid off" by the C.C.F. govern- Baker's School and her pupils Zment before the system was tak- entertained the people of the ren over. section at a Hallowe'en party jd When the C.C.F. is called upon on Friday evening. Prize win- at to form a government in Ontarioý ners in the parade were Mary 1- he concluded, they will initiate Jurko as a skeleton; Mabel Chai- It an automobile ins .urance scheme -mers as a lovely lady; Harold ýsimilar to that used in Saskatche- Yellowlees as Robin Hood, and. '_ wan. "High selling costs and high Mrs. J. Yellowlees as Knight of 'overhead will be eliminated, M the Bath. The pupils presented Temple said. "When a car own- sort program and following er app3lies for bis license plates several gam'es a delicious lunch *the small amount he pays (estirn was served. Mike and Henry ated between $4,50 and $11 de- Jurko pleasingly entertained with pendng ponthe ypeof ar)violin and accordion selections peing ov uomthbtye iof acar), during this period. The newly- willcovr atombil inurace.elected officers for the Commun- P. A. C. Field Man ity Club for the coming season The guest speaker, said "Trade are: President-Mrs. Will Moorey; unionists are the backbone of the lst Vice-Pres.-Mrs. Ross Knowl- C.C.F. party," when introducing ton; Secretary-Treasurer- Mrs. Joe McKenzie, field man for the Rogers.- Poltical Action Committee of the Mr. Harold Reynolds, Toronto, Canadian Congress of Labour. was a weekend visitor at Mr. He told the audience the C.C.F. Ralph Davis'. has become "the political arm of The WlI. bazaar held on Thurs - labor," and stated that the P.A.C. day afternoon in the church base- has advocated a provincial hos- ment was quite successful finan- pital plan for years and that On- cially and a pleasant event. tario Liberal leader Walter Thom- Mrs. Isaac Hardy, Temperance! son is "Stealing somethîng fromn Convenor, presided for the pro- the C.C.F. books." He said Mr. gram on Sunday afternoon, and Thomson is "promising t h e read an article explaining the moon," and asserted "everybody harmful effeets of the use of knows that Thomson can't fulfil alcohol. Miss Kathleen Graham bis promises." favoured witb a nicely rendered solo and Mrs. E. R. Taylor gave an interesting poem about Joseph St. Paul's Anniversary for the Junior classes. Rev. R. R. Nicholson, of Bow- manville, will occupy the pulpit (Continued from Page One) next Sunday, Nov. 4th. refuse to sanction what is uni ust Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yellow- and to refuse to adopt the world's lees, Mr. Bruce Taylor and Miss standard of morals and values. Jean Montgomery motored to "Success in the church," Dr. Belleville on Sunday where they Coburn said, "bas corne to mean attended the Bay of Quinte Con- wealth. power, the acquirîng of a ference Convention for yotîng big church by a minister. These people. are box-office standards," he said. Mr. Gordon Pascoe, Kingston, "This is judging a man by Holiy- spent the weekend at his home. wood ideas." Such a criterion is Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGregor, ail too prevalent in the church Don and Nancy, Mrs. M. Crouse today, Dr. Coburn stated. The and Mrs. M. Ostrander, Oshawa, people and the church are con- visited at Mr. Everett Spires'. forming to the standards of the Mr. and Mrs. John Hamer and world rather than following Paul's sons, Myrtie, visited at Mr. Camp- exhortation, "be ye transformed.", bell Hamer's. The weakness of many chureb Dr. S. George Werry, Carolyn members today is that nothing and Donald were Sunday visitors has happened to them; they have Jat MVr. S. E. Werry's. not been transformed, they have Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Werry and not been born again as Jesus said children were at Mr. Noble Met- w mutbe calfe's, Oshawa. we cous o, e. Cbunsad Mrs. S. E. Werry and littie Miss "The reconstruction of the world An er eeStra e must be more than economic ani guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob polticl.It ustbemoral." To -Smale s, Oshawa. bring about this moral recon- Mran s.FeComOh struction, he said, we must have awa, visited Mrs. Chas. Blan- a Power not our own. chaMis In the evening Dr. Coburn's Mis Hazel Cry'derman and Mr. messag, "WhoJohin Legere, Oshawa, were tea mesg,~WoOr What Can usscr udyatM.Rs Save Our Civilization?" xvas bas- gures n'suna. tM.Rs ed on a text from II Corinthians, Mr. an-d Mrs. George Knox and 1who is sufficient for these Carol visited at Mr. Keith Rowe's, things?" Dr. Coburn's treatment Bo',,,,,anvi le. of this great question which ]S Messrs Walter andi Ken Tink, foremost in the minds of think- Miss Muriel Tink. Ebenezer; Mr. ing people today was an encour- Neil Metcalf, Maple Grove, and aging one. There have been at Miss Marjorie Wallace, Oshawa, least three epochs in historn ' visiteci at Mr. Harry Knox's. said, whlen the world outlook has Mr. and Mrs. Howard Milison,l been just as black, N!et Right has Mr,. Ed. Milison and little Sandra' triurnphed. The first was during Taylor were in Toronto Sunday the first century after Christ whierc they attended the christen- when the earlv Christian Churc . lîng ser%,ice for Ruth Ellen, faced a hostile Mediterranean <latghter of Dr. and Mrs. Jerry world and their task seemed im- Milison. ,Mr. and Mrs. Stan Mill-. possible. Yet out of their struggle son, and (3leiii aiso visited at came the greatest moral mnoe- their homne following the service. ment the world bas ever known. Mrs. Charles Johnson, Pbil lip Again, in the l6th century, and Elizabeth, Peterborough, vis- the Churcb had become tyrannie- ited at Mr. J. Baker's. ai and superstitious, and the Mr. and _Mrs. Frank Westlake, great men of the Reformnation, Pllis Anne and Joan visited at; Martin Luther, John Calvin and Me. Bob Calian*s, Coboconck andf John Knox, rose up and set Eur- ai. Mr. H. Akister's, Fenelon ope and the world spirituall ' 'Palls. 1 free. Also in the lRth century in Mrs. Frank Westlake Sr., %,-as: Britain. vice and unbelief were at Mr. Tom Westiake's, Hamp- rampant and the church all but ton. dead. Another great man, Johin Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broomne, Wesley, appeared and a world re- Ronnie and Larry visited a: Mr. vival took place. Wallace Mundav's.f God used men and womnen to Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hanna. save the world ini these periods, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest. Tarmer and Glenn, Blackstock, the following characters: Albert visited at Mr. A. J. Balson's. Fos, as a Japanese lady; Miss Jean Mr. and Mrs. Bill Whitsitt and Montgomery, as a fat man; Misses son Zan, Oshawa, visited at Mr. Donna Vice and Olive Cryderman, Stan Millson's. the best dressed couple; Miss Bet- Solina Home and School Club ty King, as Farmer John; Car'ol Imeeting in the form of a Hal- Ann Stainton, as the Hallowe'en ilowe'en party oit Friday night was spirit, Master Ken Knox, as Red very well attended. The school Riding Hood, Master Ken Spires, fwas gaily decorated for the oc- as an Indian boy. A splendid I casion with jack-o-lanterns, Hal- program arranged by the teacher, flowe'en cut-outs and apples. Mrs. Miss Betty King, and the pupils Carl Bradley, Mrs. Lorne Kellett included songs, Hallowe'en poems, and Mr. Chas. Shortridge acted as piano solos and a ghost story. jugsand from the many weird Following a period of games con- anldassorted costumes they chose ducted by Mrs. Burney Hooey and the question that we mi a6k ourselves today, Dr. Cobi. stressed, is, "Are we fit people be used?" In considering the ty of person whorg God bas us for bis purposes, we find certa characteristiçs present in al them. They all bad a persor consciousness of God; tbey ma spiritual values supreme rati than material; they bad t courage of their convictions ev in the face of death; they we consistent and they bad the spi: of sacrifice. The supreme task of the Churi today is to produce that kind person. and if any church is r doing this, it is failing at its jo Dr. Coburn declared. On tt stimulating note, Dr. Cobu: brought the anniversary servic to a close. BURKETON Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jolliffe, Una Jolliffe and friend, Toronto; Rub.', McDonald, Ruby Bailey, Oshawa; Rev. Mr. Kellogg, Janetville; Mrs. John Burns, Mr. T. MeGlill, Janetville; Miss Hutko, Burketon. witb Mrs. T. J. Bailey. United Cburch Thank-offering services on Sunday were weil attended. Rev. Kellogg of Janet- ville, was guest minister. In the evening speciai music was rendr- ered by Enniskiilen Choir and Rev. Kellogg's message was great- ly appreciated. Several from here attended the local Sborthorn sale at Black- stock. Messrs. Tim Adams and Les Argue were in Toronto for the C.P.R. Brotherhood meeting. Visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. Mol Hubbard were Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Vigar and Betty, Norwich; Mr. and Mrs. R. Bothwell and famîiy, Mr. and Mrs. Leaver and family, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holroyd with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Tompkins. Mrs. Ben Hubbard was hostess to many of ber neighhors and rel- atives one evening last week and served a dainty lunch.J The scbool hbldren and teacb- er invited ahl interested to a so- cial evening Oct. 31. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Breck and Ian, Trenton, with Mrs. T. G. Breck. Mrs. Tom Hopley spent a week in Toronto with relatives. 1 mg. tablets, 100s, 300s, Reg. 37e, 79ce I.D.A. Brand BABY COUGH SYRUP CHERRY COUGH SYRUP CHILDREN'S COUGH SYRUPi Christmas Card Assoriments Special Value Box- 50 greeting eard folders in box - --------- ----- 98e Box of 12 fine eards - 25e 49e - 98e - $1.00 and $1.25 Now is the tinie to make 29c, 59c Al regular 35e Bizes each A.S.A. TABLETS 300's------ Alex. We Deliver MI lunch consisting of sandwiches, dougbnuts and home-made candy was enjoyed. Bradley's Home and Sebool Club will bold the ,first meeting of the season on Friday nigbt. Mr. Russell Gray, of Brougham, wiil show pictures of a trip to Florida. Mr. and Mrs. John Knox and family visited relatives at Broug- ham on Sunday. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Don Carr and family to our commun- ity. TbeY are residing in part of Mr. Russeli Gilbert's bouse. Memories "Have you a god memory for faces, dear?" "Indeed I have!" "Splendid! I've just dropped your shaving tnirror." Twenty-five years ago, the Canadian housewife was liniited in er choice of cheese to three or four varieties. Today she can choose from literally dozens of Canadian-made types. Durng the National Cheese Festival n October, the many kinds of cheese now available in Canada will be emphasized. I.DA.DRUG STORES FALL DRUG Ail Week MONDAY t. SATURDAY October 29th to November 3rd Take full advantage of this week-Iong I.DA. Fali Drug Sale, which brings to you outstnnding buys in remedies, cold pre- parations, 'vitamin products and many household needs. Look over this advt. for the niany specials and timely suggestions. . . . Then shop at your I.D.A. Drurg Store and save plenty on your drug needs for fali and winter. I.DA. Soft White MOILET TISSUE 650 Sheet Wrapped Roils Reg. 2 for 27e 2 for 23c WASH CLOTHS Made of wvhite Terry ckoth t > assorted color borders Soft White à "ILET fi Reg. 10e lot iot his un es I.D.A. Brand Halibut Liver Oii lM CAPSULES _ _ _ Contains A & D VitaminsPLA8N 100s - Reg. 1.29 500s - Reg. 4.79 99c $3.99 -. '~' .D.A. Brand Cocoanut Dil Shampoo 4 & 8 oz. Reg. 33c, 49c 27c - 39c ALMOND LOTION I.D.A. Brand, 6 oz. bottie, 1. D. A. WAX PAPER Heavy Grade Reg. 60e- -- ------49c GLYCERIN I.D.A. Brand, for chapped skin, 2 oz., Reg. 40c 33c KLEEN-OR ANTISEPTIC Mouth Wash and Gargie, 4 & 16 oz., Reg. 35c, $1.00- ----- 2 , 9 OIL of WINTERGREEN I.D.A. Brand - 2 oz., Reg. 35c --.29C WHITE EMBROCATION For aches & pains, 4 & 8 oz., Reg. 29c, 49c. 23c, 39c TOOTH BRUSHES with 3 rows of nylon bristie, "short head" style --1 BUCKLEY'S Mixture 50e - 85e SMITH BROS. Cough Drops 1 Oc Dr. Chase's ANTIHISTAMINE Compound VICK'S Vapo-Rub 53e HEAT LAMPS Infrared ---$1,55 Red Bowl ---- 3.95 IDAPHEDRIN I.DA. Nose Drops 65c BRO0N cHI1D à COUGH SYRUP Promptly relieves deep, tight chesty coughs due to colds. Big 8-ounce 60c SoId on a mnoney-back tuarante. Drugs Phone 792 ust urn Sto sec ,in of ide her he en ere irit ch i I M a o COD LIVER OIL SALE A SPECIALTY 1 - 1 1 MINEHAL OIL Heavy Grade, 16 & 40 oz., Reg. 55e, $1.10-o 43c, 87c EPSOM SALTS Fresh needle crystals, 16 oz., Reg. 25c------19C MILK of MAGNESIA 16 oz., Reg. 35e - 32 oz. Reg. 60c ----29c, 49c BORACIC ACID 8 & 16 oz., Reg. 30e & 45c .-- - --3,37c ~HOT WATER BOTTLE "Dependable," 4-year guarantee, Reg. $2.39 $ 1.89 ANALGESIC BALM Useful in headaehe, neuralgia, etc., 11/ oz. tube - 29c CAMPHORATED OIL 3 ounce size - Reg. 40e .----3-- FRIARS BALSAM 1 & 2-ounce botties - Reg. 25e & 45c 19c, 37c IODIZED THROAT GARCLE or Tablets, for sore throat and tonsilitis, Reg. 35e --.29c MUS TARD RUB Penetrating. . effective, i oz. jar, Reg. 35ce --29c SEIDLITZ POWDERS Eaeh dose sealed for freshness, Box of 7 sets, Reg. 29e ---------- 3 SYRUP FIGS & SENNA Effective laxative & liver stimulant, 3 oz., Reg. 33e - - - - -------23c WHITE PINE & TAR Cough Syrup, 4 & 8 oz, Reg. 35e & 60ce ---29c, 49c MecGregor, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store DA rkAI f D Shaving Supplies 3-Way Shave Special, Il l -oz. jar . ------ 9e Gillette Shave Cream, * Lather or Brushless --ý-- 43e 5*. Gillette Blue Blades, 5's 25c -Dispensers 50c, $1.00 i'~cuj,,a-~. Mennen's Menthol-Tced l'l lA.. Shave Cream 49c, 75e Williams' Aqua Velva '.,..".,,p,,,,, Lotion -----65c, $1.30 Palmolive Shaving *G.IgWW...4 Cream - 47c, 65e Sw..w& Eversharp Schiek C,, Injeetor Razor & 12 blades la case -. ----- 98e Barbasol Brushieus Shave -----37c, 63e, 98e IDAMALT Extract of Malt and Cod Liver Oil, 1, 2 & 4 lbs., Reg. 73c, $1.19, $2.09-_ 47c, 79c, $1.39 1 HYDROGEN PEROXIDE * I.D.A. Brand - Quality Guaranteed 4 oz. j R oz. 1o. reg. 19., 14c reg.2à. 23c reg."45,e37c Frosst's Mead's Sub NEO CHEMICAL OLEUM COD uIbbROI FOOD PERCOMORPHUM 4&Cor.LI75, 1.5 Fluid 1.55, 3.35, 5.90 10 and 550 C.C. 4 & 12 o. 7, .5 95e - $3.99 B-Complex Caps. Caps. 1.65, 2.95, 6.60 Caps. --85c, $2.99 $1.00 - $5.75 1 THURSDAY, NOVLIMIM i. losi Tim CA?ýzInTAM RyAyr.guAu -- 93c q j- 3 for 25c VITAMIN B-1 PRESCRIPTIONS