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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Nov 1951, p. 16

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BRING YOUR S~~(AEPYCS N MESSAGE BEFORE SV-IIU 12,000 READERS j~t U OT5cPRA BIRTHS ADAMS - Mr. and Mrs. Ross Adams (nee Alsford) are pleased and bappy to announce the ar- rival of a little daughter, Anetta Gail, on November 20th, 1951, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, mother and babe doing fine. 47-1 * BATE - Mr. and Mrs. Murray Bate are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Patricia Anne, at Memorial Hospital, Bow- rnanville, November llth, 1951, a baby sister for Teddy. 47-1 KOWAL -Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kowal are bappy to announce the birth of their son, Raymond David, a brother for Janet Eliza- beth, on November 9th, 1951, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. 47-1 VEALE -Bey and Jean Veale (nee Werry) are happy to an- nounce the arrivai of their daugh- ter, Jacqualine Anne, at Kirkland Lake, November l6th, 1951. 47-1 ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dodds announce the engagement of ber sister,. Tinnie Baran, Dauphin. Manitoba, to Leonard Perrin, of Kingston, Ont. Marriage will take place in the parsonage of Trinity United Church, Bowman- ville, on November 24tb, at 4 p.m. 47-1ç' - DEATHS FILE, Herbert John-Suddenly at bis late residence, Newtonville, Ont., Friday, November l6th, 1951. Herbent John File, busband of the late Estelle Choate, dean father of Ronald, Genald, Dor- otby and Margaret, of Toronto. At the George Funeral Chapel, Port Hope, until noon Monday, Nov. l9th. Service in St. Alban's Anglican Church, Ameliasburg, Ont., Monday at 2:30. Interment Ameliasburg. 47-1* PETHICK, Harold Guy-At Bow- manville, on Tuesday, November 2tb, 1951, Harold Guy Petbkck, beloved busband of Majorie May Pethick, dean father of Victor. Arthur, Clarence, Marjony and Frederick, aIl of Toronto. Resting at Northcutt & Smith Fuiueral Chapel, Bowmanville, then to the Truil Funeral Home, 1111 Dan- forth Ave., Toronto, for service Thursday afternoon at 2 p.m. Interment Mount Pleasant Cerne- tery. 47-1 IN MEMORIAM WOTTEN-In loving memory of Arthur Wotten who passed away November 24th, 1948: -Ever remembered by Mrs. J. Adams and family.471 CARDS 0F THANKS1 Mrs. Matilda Samelîs and Norma wish to tbank thein friends and neigbbors, Oshawa Hospital staff and Dr. Dymond for their letters, cards and many acts of kindness during ber illtiess. 47-1 Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Rogers wish ta thank thein many friends and relatives for thein cards and gifts and kîndness sbown tbem aftbr Mn. Rogers' recent accident. Tllanks also to the Local 189, St. #Jude's, Toronto; St. John's, Bow- manville; Drs. Storey, Gile and Keath; nurses and superintendent of Memonial Hospital and Toronto Western Hospital. 47-1* 1 would like to express most grateful thanks to Dr. Storey and Dr. McKay, supeintendent and nurses of Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, for their kind at- tention during my recent stay there.. To friends and relatives wbo belped in any way, espec- ially those who took such good cane of the eilîdren, and for flowers and cards and gifts sent. Mrs. Glenn Virtue. 47-1* Bessie & Howard Bellamy wishi to express their sincere thanks ho neighbours, relatives and friends for their many arts of kindness during the illness of ber mother, Emma Law. and also at the ime when she was taken fromi us. A special thanks to Rev. L. H. Turner, Rev. W. P. Rogers, Mrs. Charlie Cowan, Leskard W.A., Mrs. Herb Thoms. Mrs. Jim Smith and Mrs. Rhea Grav. 47-1 COMING EVENTS Club 15's Stay-at-Home Bridge will now be held on Wednesday, Dec. 5th. Watch for furtber de- tails. 47-i Please notice -The Ru.m..mage Sale at St. Andrew's Churclh basi been postponed fromn December 4th to Deceînber 7tb, 1:30 to 3 p.m. 47-.j* The Goodycar Reecation Club Bingo at the Goodyear Recreat ion Hall, Friday, Nov. 23rd, at 8 P.,. 20 games, good prizes. Admissio 50c non - members. Recreation members free. 46-21 Ken Soble*s Tour for Talent, Newcastle Community Hall, Fni- day. Nov. 30th, at 8:30 p.m. Ap- plicants apply: Miss Margaret Ash, Newcastle, Dial 2311. Winners will appear on Ken Sobles Ama- teur Show this season. Sponsored by Newcastle Ladies' Softball Club. 47-I Room and Board ]ROOM or board aviable for girl. Real Estate For Sale SOLID brick 8-roon% bouse, heavy wiring, ail conveniences. Write Box 671. 47-1* NEW 5-room brick bungcalow. with many extras. Apply 20 Southway Drive. 47-2* IN HAMPTON - 6-roomed frame bouse, 3-piece bath, bardwood down, garage, fruit trees, close to sebool and cburch. Immediate possession. Write Box 672, c/b Statesman Office. 47-2* SIX-room storey and baîf brick house, hardwood floors, beavy wiring, gas, venetian blinds, gar- age, good garden, good location, new furnace, 8 ft. cellar side en- trance, newly decorated. Apply 57 Liberty St. N. 46-21: NIXON REAL ESTATE 200 acres near village: one bun- dred wvorkable, balance bush and pasture: creek, good water sup- ply, barn, stable, hen bouse, gar- age, 9-room bouse, bydro, furnace. 30 acres dlay loam: 26 workable: spring, 2 wells, 2 barns, garage, 9-roomi stone bouse, bydro, 3 acres raspberries, '2ý-acre straw- bernies, ploughing done. Spring possession. No. 2 'Higbway, 4-room insul- brick bouse, around 5 acres, hydro. Immediate possession, $250 Terms. «lames Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N., Bowmanvi]le Phone 682 47-1 Notices GIRLS-Have your formais cdean- ed by Gillards. Scientific Metbod. Free Pickup and Deliverv. Phone 888. 47-1 MEN - Don't tbro\v away youn neckties, we make them like new. Phone 888, Gillard Cleanit Ser- vice. 47-1 The Bowmanville Public Lib- rany wiîl be closed the week of November 26th during the Higli School Commencement Openetta being beld in the Town Hall. Fergus E. Morrill, Secretary. 47-1 R.egister Tues, or ~ Fr1., 4 -6 p.m. for Ballet, Tap, Sotch - Union Hall, 19 King St. E. IRENTE HARVEY 44-tf REDUCED RATES WINTER RATES FOR ICE REDUCED 100 Ibs - 50 Ibs.-- --60C --30c 25 Ibs. - - - - 15c 1 BOOK TICKETS - - $1.50 Starting immediately and con- tinuing to Apnil 30th, 1952 WILLIAMS' ICE Nfotice to Credilors AND OTHERS IN the Estate of JOHN SAK, Deceased. ALL pensons baving ck.ýims against the estate of the said JOHN SAK, late of the Township of Clarke in the County of Dur- bam, Farmer, deceased, wbo died on or about the 3tb day of June, 1951, at the Village of Newcastle, in the Coonty of Durham, are required ho file proof of the same with the un d ensigned executors of the last WilI and Testament of tbe said deceased on or before the 8tb day of December, 1951, after whirh date the said execu- tors will proceed ho distibute the, said estate, having regard only ho the dlaims of wbich they shahl then bhave notice. DATED at Oshawa, Ontario this 1Sth day of November. A.D. 1951. Leon Pasck and Piotr Szczur, Executors, by Creighton, Fraser& Drvnan, ,9 Sirncoe Street Nortb, Oshawa, Ontario, their solicitors herein. 47-3 Artlicles For Sale .12 GAUGE shot gun, H. and R. Phone 3650. 47-l* BOY'S sidewalk bicycle, in good condition. Phone 3097. 47-11 A BED, dresser and dining table, reasonable. Phone 3209. 47-1 BOY'S overcoat, grey tweed, like: new, size 14. Phone 2908. 47-1 CHILD'S snowsuit, size 2, and oversboes. Phone 3631. 47-1 LADY'S white tube skates, size 6. in excellent condition. Phone 2644. 47-1 * WALNUT gate-leg table and four' chairs; occasional chair. Phone 2181. 47-1* GIRL'S grey winter coat, size 16 - 18, in good condition. Phone 2289. 47-1 GIRL'S xine station wagon coat, size 10. Pbone 764 or apply 36 Jane St. 47-1- BOY'S brown coat, size 8, in ex- cellent condition, reasonable. Cal after 5, Phone 2213. 47-1:-* 1932 MODEL "B" Ford, good con- dition, overbauled motor, new paint job. Phone 2309. 47-If CHRISTMAS Trees of special quality, Spruce and Scotch Pine, aIl sizes. Phone 3170. 47-3 MAN'S winter overcoat, blue chinchilla, size 38; girls white skates, size 6. Phone 3688 . 47-1 CRESS CORN SALVE for sure (Clip This-Out For relief. Your Druggist selîs Cness Wart Remover - leaves no scars. 47-1 RUG, txvo-tone rose, size 9 x 9; Articles For Sale grey folding baby pram, both in excellent condition. Phone 2011. TILE - for kitchen, bathrooms, 47-1* bearths and fireplaces. Wals- - -gîazed tile or plastic, ail colours SPRUCE and Scotch Pine Christ- Floors - rubber, mastic, lino-tile, mas Trees for sale. Order now quarnie and cenamie. Wîl] go any- and ax-oid the rush. Phone 3178. where. H . G. Heal. Phone 2902. 47-2r, 2-tf HUMIDIFIER, medium size, prac. tically new and in excellent con- dition. Phone Clarke 3804., 47-1* ELECTRIC refrigenaton, good con- dition, medium size, cheap: also used wasbing machine. Phone 2904. 47-1* ONE tuxedo, one man's bnown Harris tweed suit, size about 42, like new. Mns. C. A. Bartlett, Phone 434. 47-1 C.C.M. HOCKEY boots and skates, size 6 (men's). Boots bave suede lining. In perfect condition. Phone 908. 47-1* I-lOOVER floor polishers and vacuum cleaners, see them today. Sales and Service at M4ydro Shop. Bowmanville. 45-4* LADY'S black winter coat, like new. persian lamb. collan, too small only reason for selling, size 16. Phone 2254. 47-1 LADY'S green winter coat, size 20, new. b aîf price; kitchen cab- inets, $5 each. M. Taylor, East Beach No. 74. 47-Ve LARGE coal or wood heater, brown enamel finish, suitable for large noom or nooms, good con- dition. Phone 2269. 47-1' SMALLEY Hatchet milîs; Quaker space heatens; Marquette nefnig- erators and electric stoves. Vir- tue's Garage, Phone 2882. 46-21: FOR good Scotch Pine and Spruce Christmas trees, Phone 674 or 3688 now or see C. Wilson, 36 Jane St., or B. Fogg, 24 Southway Dr. 47-1 FRES.H, sweet apple cider, in gallon or kegs. Choice Mclntosh and Baxter apples. Weekly de- liveries. Phone Clarke 2811. 43-10 TWO badminton racquets, both, Siazenger, good condition, onel witb steel shaft, best offer. Phone 3369 any time after Friday noon. 47-1 JUST Anrived - the new floral tone-on-tone Gold Seal Congol- eurn by the yard. See our wide range of Congoleurn rugs, in ahl sizes. Morris Co., Phone 480. 46-tf CONGOLEUM Gold Seal Rugs, yard goods and hall runners; Rex- oleum Deluxe 2 and 3 yards wide, yard goods at budget pnîces. Phone 451, Walker Stores. 23-tf WE measure and install finest quality venetian blinds, new plas- The Canadian Statesman Classified Adveriising Raies Effective June 21, 1951 ARTICLES FOR SALE, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, HELP WANTED, CARS FOR SALE, LOST, FOUND, ETC. Cash Rate --30 per word with a minimum of 500 Must be paid by date of insertion. If charged, an additional 250 will be added. A charge of 25e wiIl be made for ail replies directed to this office. NOTICES, COMING EVENTS AND CARDS 0F THANKS 30~ a word with a minimum of $1.00 - for 33 words or less BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES $1.00 per insertion IN MEMORIAMS - - $1.00 plus 100~ a line for verse COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIEDS-(Includes ail adver- tising for persons or firms selling servires, ideas or goods of any description) 30 per word; minimum charge 750~ cash with order. To regular advertisers payable monthly. DislayClssiiedat$1.00 per inch with a minimum DislayClssiiedatof one inch DRESSMAKING and altenations, sewing done by picture as well as pattern. Winter coats, suits and formals. Buttonholes made by machine. Ncat work guan- anteed. Plione 3649. 45-3 BRAKE DRUMS! Lathing, IHoning and Grinding We specialize in complete brake overbauls. BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE Phone 804 Bowmanville 32-tf Help Wanted TWO experienced waitresses, $20 a week plus roorn and board. Applv Balmoral Hotel. 47-1 WE requine dealer salesman in thîs territorv. Married. Car ownen. Must be bonest and reliable. Sal- ary, commission and bonus basis. Give two references. Write Boxý 663 c/o Statesman Office. 45-3 BUILD a fine business! Full or spane time - we furnish every- tbing you need. Learn how you can seil 250 housebold products, fully guaranteed. Write today: C. C. Power, 1600 Delonimier, Montreal. 47-1 AMBITIOUS, neat appeaning man for special work. Non-dninker wvith good neferences. Must own car. Permanent position. No selling experience nece ss a ry. Traininag pnovided. High income. Write Box 664, c/o Statesman Of- fice. 45-7 DEALERS WANTED - Splendid opportunity to ambitious persons to make îreal mone.y in selling fnom door to door 225 pnoducts well-known and guananteed : toilet, mcdicines, culinary, dom- estic, tea. coffee, etc. Complete assortment of gift boxes. Large discount. Your profits depeîid on vour work. Good ternitonies avail- able. No risk. Jito: 5130 St. H-ubert, Montreal. 45-4 Lost BLUE Sbaeffer pen witb a silver cap. Reward. Phone 3044. 4- GIRLS wriýztwatch, lost at on- tario St. School. Please Pbone 764. 47-1~ LOST between Orono and New- castle on Tbursday, Nov. lStb, one end gate for a ton truck, painted bloc. Rew.ard if retorned to John Rickard, Newcastle, Phone Clarke 3223. 47-1 * Notice Io Creditors AND OTHERS IN the Estato of WILLIAM EBER CRAC O, Deceascd. ALL persons having claims1 agaaiiist the estate of the said' William Eber Crago, late of the Township of Darlington, in the County of Dorham, Farmer, de- ceased. \vbo died on or about the 2lst dav of Septemiber, 1951, at tbe said 'rownship of Darlington, are reqoired to file proof of the same witb the undersigned Ad- ministratrix on or before the 29tb dav of December, 1951, after which date thec said Administra- trîM pîlrroceedtd 0ktribute the AUCTION SALES The~? undersigned bas received isrctions from Mrs. Fannie Elizuk, Lot 23, Con. 3, Darlington Township, ',ý mile west and 2 miles north of Maple Grove, bas sold ber farmn and will seli by public auction on Saturday, Nov. 24th, at 1 p.m., al ber farm stock, traçtor, tractor machinery, impIe- ments, feed, poultry, etc. For further particulars see bills. Terms cash, no reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer; Fred Lycett, clerk. 46-2 DEAD FARM STOCIK Picked Up Promptly HORSES, COWS, HEIFERS, SHEEP, PIGS and CALVES (We pay for horses and cows) -CALL [US COLLECT - LIVE HORSES 2-3e for crippled and old horses. Margwill Fur Farm TYRONE Phone Bowmanville 2679 34-tf Work Wanted WOOD cutting by the cord. Phone 2305. 47-1* DARLINGTON Abattoir, Hamp- ton, for customa killing. Pbone 3243. 32-tf EXPERIENCED farm worker, (single) wants a job on the farm. Phone Clarke 1234. 47-1* ORCHARD pruning done by ex- perienced Dutch nurserymen. Phone 2308, Mr. S. Hamersma, Hampton. 47-1 INTERIOR decorating, first class workmanshi'p. Complete satisfac- tion guaranteed. Apply R. B. Brown, Phone 2639. 44-6* HOME Insulation, blowing metb- od. Workmansbip guaranteed. Frce estimnates. Harry Wade, Phone Clarke 2420. 46-7* LONG SAUT Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson and Willie. Bunketon, wîth Mn. and Mrs. Bert Johnson. Mn. and Mrs. R. Sim and Mn. D. B. Farrell were entertained at the home of Mn. and Mns. Peter Bathgate, Bowmanville, to a venison dinner on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold DeMillei and Willie, Burketon. and Mn. and Mrs. Charlie Penwarden, Bow- manville, with Mn. and Mrs. Wal- ter Vaneyk. Mn. Ronald White, Calgary, bias returned to bis home having vis- ited at the Jobnson's. Sonry to report Mns. May Johns is on the sick list, also Mn. Jack Johnson wbo hurt his foot and bas been off work. Mn. and Mrs. Wmi-. Simn, Osha- wa, wene Sunday supper guests of Mn. and Mrs. R. Sim. We weîcome Mn. and Mrs. Gib- son and family of Bethany to our cbmmunity. Tbey have bouglit Wm. Jobnson's farm (fonmerly the R. Davey homestead) on the town line, also Mn. and Mrs. Mc- Laggan and family, Pont Penny. who have bought Mn. D. B. Fan- relI's farm. Home and School Club met Fni- day evening with a good attend- ance. Mrs. N. Woodley, Presi- dent, presided, and then turned the meeting over to the prognam committee when we enjoyed the following prognam: duet by Miss Pearl Penwarden, accondion, and Mn. Frank Denhy, violin; necita- tions by Mrs. A. Wood, Tynone; dancing by Davey sisters, Joyce, Joan and Kay, accompanied by their mother at the piano. Mrs. G. Rosevear, Tyrone, gave a splendid paper on 'Better Citi- zenship in the Community." Lunch wvas senved and a social time enjoyed. Mrs. Wm. Penwarden with brr daugbter, Mrs. Morley Kelleti, Janetville. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Murphy, Kenneth and Sbelagb Murphy. Bowmanville, visited Mn. andi Mrs. C. Wood, Orono. Church service will hc can- celled Sonday cveninfi owing to Young Fellowship service n ryrone Church. Mn. and Mrs. Stanley Goble andl boys visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold, Moore, Bowmanville. Mn. and Mrs. Ray White, Mn. Clarence Mitchell and fniend witli Mvr. and Mrs. Fred Partner. Miss Grace Smith with Mrs. Kenneth Hardy, Tyrone. c W. A. met at the home of Mrs. F.Partner Nov. 20, with 10 mem- bers present and six cbildren. ~ President Mrs. Vanevk openecl the meeting. Mrs. F. Holroyd r read the seniptune: Mrs. R. S im y j gave ber yearly report showing 0 Repairs REPAIRS toalal makes of refrig- erators, domestic and commercial; milking coolers. Higgon EIec- tric, 42 King St. E., Phone 438. 25-tf FOR prompt, efficient, guaranteed service, dyeing and custom work, try the Neat-Way Shoe Repair Sbop, opposite Garton Bus Ter - minal. 31-tf Farmers Attention'I WE will be pleased to pick up dead or crippled tarin arip2als and pay highest prevailing pnîces. For immediate service Telephone Collect, Toronto Empire 3-3636 or Cobourg 1.166W. Gordon Young ~73Ltd -2 balance of $162.21. Officers for 1951-52: Pres.-Mrs. W. Vaneyk; Vice-Pres.-Mrs. F. Partnen; Sec.- Treas.-Mrs. R. Sim; Asst._e-ýý. Stan Goble; Sick Coin Grace Smith and Mrs. B._* son. Our club was invited. te the Smith home and Mrs. Han- old Murphy and Mrs. Fred Hole royd were appoînted prognanax com. Lunch was served and soma of tbe ladies stayed and quilted on the quiît. Mn. and Mrs. Walter Murphy, Bcowmanville. witb their mother, Mrs. E. Murphy. WEDDING DEAN - HAGERMAN In a quiet ceremony in the Un. ited Church parsonage, Courtice, on Saturday, Nov. 10, Norma Car- ole Hagerman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hagerman, Maple Grove, was united in manniage wvith Manford Irvin Dean, son o Mrs. J. Dean, Markham, and the late Mn. Dean. Rev. L. M. Soin. erville officiated. The bride, who was lovely in a ballenina length gown of blue net over taffeta with matcbing jack- et and beaddress and corsage oýJ pink roses, was attended by ber sister, Miss Nancy Hagerman wearing a dress of gold satin witx brown accessonies and corsage of bronze 'mums. Donald Dean act- ed as best mani for bis brother. For the reception at the borne of the bride's parents, Maple Grove, the bride's mother receiv- ed the guests who numbererl about 40. wearing a navy sheer dress witb corsage of pink car- nations. The groom's mother assisted, weaning a dress of na4rv crepe with pink carnation cor- sage. Among the guests at the reception xvere the bnide's grand- mother and grandfatber, Mn. and Mrs. Charles White and grand- rnother, Mrs. John Wbite. Following the reception, the bride and groorn left on a wed- ding trip to Ottawa and other northern points, the bride wear- ng for travelling, a wine gabar- dine soit with black accessorieq and a winter too) coat. On their rcturn Mr. and Mrs. Dean will ne- ,rIl' inMarkbam. SALEM 'e7 Don't forget the W. A. Bazaar [t the Lions Community Centre on Fniday, Nov. 23. A number from the comrnunity have been attending the Royal Vinter Fair. A number of parents and cbild- ren enjo 'ved a film shown by the National Film Board in the school n Tuesdav evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Shackle- ton and family at Mr. Fred Blackburn's, Newcastle. Mn. and Mrs. E. Twist and fam- ily with Mn. and Mrs. Howard Foley, Maple Grove. Mr. and Mirs. Jack Moffat and Douglas. Mr. Neil Moffat, Orono;, qev. and Mrs. A. S. Rogers with Wiss Ida Stephens and Mr, Laur!ý ýne Squair. Mr. ai-d Mrs. Laorence Savery, [r. Jirn Savery, Miss Marie Tay- or, Oshawa, witb Mr. and Mns. -Welsh. Mrs. Pbilips and Tomn, Stein- )urg; Miss Bessie Hilîs and Miss arol Craig, Oshawa, with Mr. id Mrs. W. Craig. Ncwfoundland is 20 times aý, rge as Prince Edward Island, it bas only one-fifth of the crop., ands of that tiny provinos, rHandy Reference) Wanted To Rent SMALL bouse or apartment, hydro employee. Phone 620 after 6. K. Maguine. 47-1* YOUNG couple with baby want two or three roomns or small apartment. Write Box 673, c/o Statesman Office. 47-1 * VERY fine assortment of Christ-e-- mas sets for everyone in the F rR n family. We can save you money F rR n on your Christmas gifts. Order now for deliveny before Christ- ROOMS for rent. Phone 2648. mas. Also girl's tube skates, size 47-1 5, in splendid condition. Phone FOUR-room apartment. Phone 6801. Your Fuller Bnush Man. 47 - * 3637. 47-l'x TWO rooms, partly furnished. RECESSED bathtubs $60; smartlPhone 2272.471 "Mantha Washington and Rich-72 ledge stainîess tbnee piece bath- FOUR-room apartment, central room sets white $160.00 to $189.00.1 location. Write Box 674, c/o The Coloured $274.00 complete with: Canadian Statesman, Bowman- beautiful chromed fittings. Air ville. 47-1* conditioning fornaces $295.00. A trcietorohae Special offers to plumbens and A trcietorohae builders too. Save many valuable apartment, separate entrance, at dollars, buy with confidence and j 3 Elgin St. Phone 2436, L. bave a nicen home. Satisfaction Clemens, Hampton. 47-1 guaranteed. Extra discounts off catalogue pnices if we supply vatdT u everything you need for complete plumbing or heating installation. ONE steel couch, witbout mat- Catalogue includes litho photos of tness. Phone 3502. 47-1 main fixtures, pnices and instal- lation diagrams. Select style of BALED, dlean strawv wanted by sinks, cabinets, laundry tubs the Schwarz Bros., Bowmanville. showers, stoves, engrators. Poe29.47-1* Pressure water systems, oil burn- LARGE box stove, suitable to ens, septic and oil tanks etc. Visit beat Long.Sault cburch. Phone or write Johnson Mail Order Di- W. Vaneyk, 2947 Bowmanviîle. vision, Streetsvilîe Hardware, Stneetsville, Ontario. Phone 261. 47-1 Evenings 51r15. 31-tf BEFORE selling Your live poultry try us. Our prices are higber. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany. Phone Cars For Sale 7 r 13. reverse charges. 51-_tf 1942 CHEV. Sedan, witb beater, TRAPPERS ATTENTION-Raw radio and spotligbts. Apply 26 fors wanted: Mink, Coon, Skunk. Flett St. 47-1* Highest cash pnices. Sbip or write _________________________to Greenspoon Bros., 264 Spadina 1938 CHEV. Coach, in good con- Ave.. Toronto, Ont. 47-4« dition. Phone Onono 51r15. W. A. Rid. 7~1* Livestock For Sale 1951 CHEV. pick-up truck, very TWO calves for vealing. Phone low mileage. Phone D. Beckett, 2904. 47-1 3-4158 Oshawa. 47-1* YOUNG Holstein cow. and heifer 1948 PLYMOUTH Special Deluxe caîf, 4 montbhs old. Phone 2298. Coach, custom radio, heater, sun visor. 15,000 actual miles. Phone471- 3569. 47-1' 1950 PONTIAC, radio, air-condi- tioning- and many extras, lo mileage, excellent condition, ea- sonable. Phone 3561. 46-2 NEW 1951 Morris Oxford Sedan, regulan $1890, reduccd 10 $1625: down payment only S812 with. 12 montbs to pay. at Farm Equip- mient & Automotive, 134 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone 689. 47-1 INTERNATIONAL 1951 blue 34 ton pick-up truck, regular $1997. leduced to $1675; down payment only $559 with 18 months to pay. On display at Farm Equipment PetsFor aletic tapes availabIe, easily kept &AtLootve, 134 ii <ng St. E., Pets or S le dean, many colours ta choose Bowmanville. Phone 689. 47-1 from. Phone Morris Co., 480. COLLIE pups, six weeks oîd. 29-tf 2234. 47-l~PLUMBING, Heating and Oil E D RSW N E SAY Merrv Xmas ho the family Bumners installed anywbere ini TENDERS FOR DEBENýTURES Iwitb a heautiful Cocker Spaniel Durhiam County. Reasonable rates_____ bpLifppv. Blacks, also platinum and higbest quality. For free Tonsi t arign blondes. Special gift pnice $8.00. estimates caîl S. Blain Elliott, fTESwnsilofbe reci'ed b Pets only ho good homes. Bern ire Feating, Plumbing & Tiflsmithilig, jThEuNDERS in eup to :00 p.m Smith, I1 miles wvest of Bow- Pbone 3348. 2t November 24th, 1951, for thbe pur- manville and south on Mapie 'VENETIAN BLINDS. 25 diffenent chase of a debenture issue of the hGrov ad mies(narne colours of tapes, 15 siat colours, Towvnshîp of Dalington for sehool 47ghay- Flexalum, Aluminum or Steel, purposes amounting ho $90,000.0o measured and installed free of with intenest ah 4'j,7% pen an- Personal charge. Phone 3121. Weber'sinum. Debentures dated Decem- 7Fabrie Centre. 17-tf berlst, 1951, and repayable in 20 STOP SMOKING without swa- annual instalments on the lst day lowing anything-or using anv wiîî WAGON and Trailer AxIes. Your lof December in each of the y cars power! For secret send 4'cenits ehoice of Chiev., Ford or Dodge 1952) ho 1971 inclusive. iîg ht to addressed envelope to Pierre, wbeels either 15", on 16" so your redeem debentures maturing in 0442 Birks Building, Edmonton, own spare will work. Pnice only 1971 only, on any date pnior ho Alberta. 47-1 S30 each, while they last. Thisimaturity. Tenders ho be sealed includles: axie, bubs, w'heels. tires and plainly marked. Lowest ten- [-YGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber and tubes, aIl assemibled, lined der not necessarily accepted. goods) mailed postpaid ln plain up and painted. Springs %10.00 "Sci" sealed envelope wvith price list [a pair extra, if de-sircd. Pîcase J. D. HOGARTI-1, Six samples 25c, 24 samnples $1.00 note tliat this special offer is only Cîerk of the LMail Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- good whîle present stock lasts sol Township of Darlington, We Co, Box 91, liamilton, Ont.lorder rarly. Sisson'a Garage. j tampton, Ontario. 1-b2 Phone Orono 1031. - 24.ti 46_2 ONE Palomino type riding horse, well mannered and broken. Phone 2273. 47-1 THREE Registered H-ereford bulîs of serviceable ages, from accred- ited berd. Priced to selI. George Stapleton, Newtonviîle. 47-1* Notice Io Creditors AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE of Alfred James Cook, late of the Township of Darlington, in the County of Durham, Labourer, deceased, wbo died at the said Township of Darlington, on or about the 26th day of October, 1951. THE TRUSTEE ACT, R.S.O., 1950, Chapter 400, Section 51. Creditors and others having dlaims against the above Estate are nequired to seud particulars and full proof thereof ho the undersigned on or before the lOth day of December, 1951, after wbich date the assets of the Estate will be distributed having regard to the dlaims that have then been receîved. DATED at Bowmanville, Ontario, the 7th day of November, 1951. i Lawrence C. Mason, 30 King Street West, 1 Bowmanvilîe, Ontario, Solicitor for the Adniiiinistra tnix. 45-3 said eŽîate, baving regardo ho the dlaims of which she si M - then bave notice. N~ursing Service DATED at Oshawa this 2lst day of Novemiber, 1951. Middle Green Villa Rest Home VIDA CRAGO, Courtice Administratrix. Onie or~ two vacancies. men or b-,- Manning F. Swýart7, wvomien, tray service, every kind- ' Sinicoc Strpet South, ncss given. Approved by doctor,. Osbawa, Ontarm10 Phone Oshawa 5-4943 for respr- ber solicitor benein. vatioap 44-8 The Sports Clinic Conducted by Lloyd Percival SKATE. TO BE GREAT you have to know what these cor- rect fundamentals are. We'l1 talk Great -hockey players are ai- about the most important things most always great skaters. And to remember in this and the next contrary to a widespread belief, few columns. great skaters are flot born - they are made. They make themselves. BODY LEAN Analyze the current N.H.L. ail- This is an extremely important stars. At centre is Milt Schmidt, part of skating. Leaning too far a fine stick-handler who can out- forward or skating too erect both skate and out-sbift just about prevent the skater from obtaining anyone on the ice. He has de- full speed and manoeuverabîlity. veloped several effective skating Leaning too far forward can des- tricks and shifts. At left wing, troy balance. Metro Prystai, o; Ted Lindsay, the fiery, driv,*-- Detroit Red Wings, is one N.H.L. type of player who skates with stpâr who overleans, and he liter- powerful, driving strides. At right ally skates himself into the ice. wing, Gordie Howe, great because Prystai faîls down more than the he bas learned the value of re- average player during a game, laxation. He can accelerate, mainly because lie is off balance shift or change direction seemning- whcn'he skates. ly xithout effort. Each body type demands a dif- Red Kelly on defense sperit ferent amount of jean. You'l hours during his teen-age career have to do some experimenting iearning to skate backwards, and until you find what seems to give to shift from backward to for- you maximum speed with bal- ward skating without losing a ance and comfort. However, try stride. B-il Quackenbush, not an to keep the lean within 10 to 25 exceptional skater, can neverthe- degrees of the vertical.* less do everything well. He can Lean from the hips, and try not go both ways, to either side, and to strain the head forward. when need he can turn on speed - One of the more common too. faults is failure to use any lean Maurice "Rocket" Richard is at ail. The player who skates another great skater. His tre- with bis body straight up and mendous shooting skill gets most down loses a great deal of drive of the publicity, but Richard during each stride, just like a spent hours early in bis career sprinter wbo runs without lean. just learning to skate, and more In addition, such players tend te particuiarly, to accelerate. Wben "run" on their skates with'a high hie sees an opening, he can leave foot lift, and are easy to knock his check behind faster than any off their feet. other man in hockey. (Sports College has many val- There is no part of hockey in uable services' for athiete and which even a, small improvement coach. By writirng to "Sports Col- can means so much. Some people lege, Box 99, Toronto 1, Ontario" are born with muscles and co- and mentioning this, newspaper', ordination that are particularly you can join free of charge. adapted to it, and catch on Listeni to your nearest CBC quicker. But anyone can improve station every Saturday alternoon bis technique tremendously by for the regular radio session of paying special attention to correct Sports College. Bowmanville and fundamentals, and working on district - C.B.L., 12:15. Famous weak spots during practice. athletes and coaches give advice To practice properiy, howevr, on sports every week.) Additional insertion at the saine rates Ail Classified Ads. niust be in this office liot later than 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday. -Send cash, stamps or money order and save money- Z- 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOVMANVMIýt. ONTARIO prittTtuv?%Alqr lýlrtlr ab& A.4 ', - i .1 shail , 1 1 PAGE SEKTEEN -

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