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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Nov 1951, p. 13

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? r H U R S D A Y , N O V . 2 9 , 1 9 5 1 . ~ ~ i~LT1 Z U/ ZDL N S A MN' B O.L L Â ]. & I f ~ W M A V U I I L Y E ' 0 1 4 T A - R I D U SPlease Don't Tear Off The Stamps (By Gerald E. Wellburn) Just an aId envelope addressed ta Bowmanville, shown in the big Philatelie Exhibition at To- r-onto, Sept. >21-29 . . . you; Editor wonders "Is there a stary behinci R?" Ycs. Mr. James, listen ta the story an old letter can tell. Ninety yeai-s ago one of the Porter boys of BowýmanvilIele kit W omc and struggicd across the ntirîent , finally arri\-ing in the ColonY oî British Columbia, the land of the fabulous gold rush of the.sixtce-. Like a good boy he pE(p&Lhcal1,v %rote home, and th of his envelopes have sur- vilwand were shown in the To- ronto Exhibition. Two of the envelopes were ad- dressed 'IMr. George Porter, Bowmanvillc, Canada West." The third. and the most intriguing was exhibited in the "Court of Hon- aur" a, the Exhibition. It was addressed -Mr. Georgýe Porter' with "Bov-ranvi-lle" crossed out re-addrcssed "Ontario Bank. Try Torante." Evidently Mr. George1 Porter made a littie trip to the' big city and arranged that bis mail bc forwarded care of the~ bank. This old envelope is pretty (yes, most oid "covers" are beautiful to those who colleet them), but this one is exceptional. It shows three stamps: a red 5c Vancouv- er Island, a green loc and brown 5e United States. On the left of the envelope is printed in black a ribbon-scroll "Paid, Barnard's British Columbia Express" and at the top "Paid, Wells, Fargo & Ca., over our California- and Coast Routes." The envelope itself is rich cream color, and to add to its glory, two of the postmarks are in bright blue. In 1868 young Mr. Porter was somewhere on the mainland of British Columbia. He wrote home to Bowmanvjlle and despatched bis letter by Barnard's Express. Barnard ran a crack line of stage WN4 hes from the Cariboo Goid ýes along the Fraser Canyon te Yale, where he transferred the mail, gold and passengers in his care, ta the stern-wheel rover steamers. Our letter could not travel eastward acrass Canada, as no mail route existed across the Canadian Rockies. Ail letters (gold and passengers toa) had ta go West ta Victoria on Vancouver Island, then south ta San Fran- cisca. then eastward across the United States. Sa, at Victoria, Barnard handed ovér this letter ta the agent of the famous American Express of Wells, Fargo & Ca. But first ho took the precautian ta stamp the envelope with a 5c Vancouver Isl- and stamp and got it cancelled at1 the Victoria Post Office with a numeral "35" in blue). By doing1 s0 he complied with the Colonial1 postal laws. under which ixpress1 companies were sanctioned ta carry letters. Wells, Fargo's Express was per- mitted ta carry letters in the Un- ited States on paymcnt of Amer;-1 can postage. As the U. S. postalc rate from the Pacifie Coast ta Canada was 15 cents, an addition-1t do nt teai off the stamps. Duncan, B.C. G. E. Wellburn CADMUS -~ Cadmus W. A. and W. M. S. -was held at the home of Mrs. T. Samielîs, on Nov. 20. Presidenl, -ai 5c U. S. stamp had ta be placed Mrs. M. McKee apened the meet- 3alongside the 10e U. S. embossed ing. Devotional was taken by cenvelope stamp. Mrs. M. Gray. Rail Caîl was The Wiells, Fango agent hand- answened by 10 members. Black- stamped the letter i0 blue "~Wells stock W. A. ladies wece aur 1Fango, Victoria, May 25," but he guests. Christmas git exchange did nat cancel the U. S. Stamps. will take place at aur next meet- By ocean steamer, the letter ing at the home ai Mns. Macwood travelled ta San Francisco, and McKee on Dec. 20. Treas. ne- ithen by the well known six-hanse pocted $5.25 was realized at the galloping concord coaches the let- recent demonstration. Our cro- ter nushed eastward, via Sait quinole panty was a real success,. Lake City. South group xvas in charge ai At some point, the coach con- the program. Reading by Mis. nected with the newly construet- George Johnson. Blackstock ed Union Pacifie Railway, then ladies gave two musical numbecs pushing westwacd. (This was a -reading by Mcs. Nesbitt "The year before the first transcontin- Touch ai the Master's Hand": entai uine was compieted ta San ceading by Mrs. R. Lacmec, "Our Francisco). The express bags leit Little Dime." A contest was con- the sweat and swaying ai the stage ducted by Mrs. Sweet and prize coach, and in the cceaking and won by Mrs. Roy Fenguson. rattling ai the railway mail car Lunch was served and a vote ai the US. mail agent took avec aur thanks tendeced the hostess foc letten. hec haspitality. The railwaý, mail clenk canceli- ed the American stanaps, and In the first hall af 1951 Can- hand-stamped the envelope "Uni- adian labor incame was $4,628 mil- ion Pacifie R.R." And by this lion, an inreas2ai 17.1 per cent and subsequent tcains the letter avec similar period ai 1950. m - -- i-. ...vir. l r. i e ivi Lio, Prt P erry. mith, Auroca. Mrs. S. F. Cowling and Mis Mr. and Mî-s. G. Bassett and Yvonne Saundens attended thý iildne ipent the xeekend with Young People's Rally at Tinit3 nanu Mrs. Dan Mountjoy. Ulnited Chunch Sunday evening. Mc,. and Mrs. Huber Mutton, Mn. and Mcs. Joe Riddell anc ampbellford; Mr. and Mrs. Ger- baby, Oshawa, spent the week id Philp and Bill, Castleton. end with Mcs. W. Joncs. x'ere Suncýay guests' ai Mr. and Sunday mocning a vecy finE Ars. H. Phîlp and Miss J. Philp. message was delîvened by oui Mr. and Mrs. Will Jewell, Mn. pastar. He based bis remarks on and Mrs. Russell Wright wece dcin- 'T1he Way." Dant fonget servicE ""e r gests ai Mns. Thelma Bradi- is at Il a.m. and Sunday School shaw, Toronto, on Monday. at 10 a.m. Mission Band will meet next Sunday morning. IVr. and Mrs. G. Elliott, Lake- Tycone Young People*s visiter huîst; M. and Mcs. Wallace Solina Y.P.U. Monday evening. Shearer, Buckhai-n, visited Mr. Don't forget the C.G.I.T. Bazaur and Mns. Everton White and Mrs. oStrainteuidycho W. T Ellott.room, 2:30 ta 5 p.m. Sorry ta learn Mrs. Russell Last Sunday eýening the Y.P.U. Wright is under the doctor's cane. field Fellowship Night. Sing. Vie wish honr a speedy recovenr'. song ai hymns xvas enjayed, alsc Mrs. H. Findlay and Dean, a solo by Mir. G. Brent. The choir Unionville; Mr, and Mrs. Clinton tavoced with a number. A film, Bigelow, Mn. and Mns. A. Ha\v- "'The Guiding Star," a stony of key were dinner guests on Suni- Uncle Henry.' for whorn Christ- day of Mn. and Mns. A. Richards, mas lasted -365 days every year Mns. Chas. Shaw and Ralph, was shown. Oshawva, visited Mr-. and Mrs. E. Mn. and Mns. John Hilîs and A. Vitue and John. Jacqueline spent Sîînda ' binTo- ronto with Mr. and Mrs. Stewaî t Mn. and Mrs. Wialter Rahm D-xv. visited Mir. and Mrs. Cecil Rahmi, _ Union.____ Kenneth Rahim visited Mn. and ENPIELD Mrs. Russell Gniffin, Enniskillen. ____ I Mrs. Ron Rahm visited with Mi-. and Mrs, Edgar Pnescott relatives in1 Nurwood. nîd Glenn, Mcs. J. Harris and Demonstration field by Club daulliters with Mr-. and Mrs. L. 41 and 49 was a success. * Ralim, Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weî-ny vis- Mn. and Mns. Rabernt Stinson ited Mrs. C. F. Awde, Orono. al aiy ootwt r.H Mn, and Mns. Walter Park and Sitîson and N,,,ormn.ih .H ebtîdren wene dinnen guests ofj Mr. oandNMrmaT. Ptrgad Mn.andMr. Dvi PakBo\w- children Terry and Susan, at F. manville, con Sunday. ai' Little Donna Yellowlees enter-__________ tained hier sehool chums on huîr sixilh binthda 'v, Thursday. SJLVEFi UTr'TII G Mr. and Mns. N. C. Yellowlees, VJILJJL.< Hampton; Mn. and Mrs. Frank____ Wright and chilclren, Bowman- M.ADMS OKNSIT tville. wvith Mn. and Mrs. Neil YeI-MRAN MS.H KISMT Ilowlees. On Nov. 17 Mi-. and Mî-s. Ho.s- iMn.s. Clarence Woodbey field a kiri Smith, Enificld, celebnatcd dieiiotstrat-lin ai. their home i tht silven wý.edd 'ng annix-ensax v Fridav evenîîîg. 4at'the home ai Mn. and Mrs. Don- Mns. George Dncw, Oshia\a,'aidtand Mn. and Mns. Ed.,an Pres- xisîîed lier sistèn, Mns. W. T. cati. Thene wene about 35 ,uests Viorden. prescrnt fcom Bowmanviîle and Mr-adMrs. R. Hodgson. Mr. district. Newtonville, Bobcax-- an rs'R.* Clapp wene tea[ gucsts geon and Toronto. Mrs. Donald of Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Siemon, f1-'escott pnesented a corsage ta Ha'.coîî. Saturdav. lien mothen and a bautonniene ta Misses Jean Ellis anid Phyllis lieir fathex-. Thene was a progcain Goodiellow, Toronta Normal stu- af musical numbens and readings dents, are visiting aur schoal this followed by an addness read by week. Miss Maniante Smith ai Babcay- Miss Betîx' Hendenson, Mn. and geonl. The following gifts were Mns. Harold Bell and Donald, Pet- pnesented ta Mn. and Mns. Smith: erborough, were Sundav guesis a chest ai silver by Mr. Ras of Mr. and Mcs. Arthur Harvey. Smith. silven cneami and sugar Messrs. Rov Prescott and Law- with tna.y by Mrs. John Fonsyth, ronce Tabb, Oshawa, visited Mr. flox-crs, by Mns. J. R. Ormiston -id Mrs, Ken Hard.y. and Mn. and Mrs. Edgar Prescolt Mn. and Mrs. Aldin Hoan visit- Mn. and Mrs. Smith expnessed A Mn. and Mns. J. MI. Mc1Mvahon, deep appreciation foc these lovely j Toronto, also iMrs. R. Davidson giits, and a veny enjoyable even- wha lusi. arrivedi from Yorkshire, ing was spent by ahl. The hast- En,2land. eSscnsevcd a deleetable lunch with Mn. and Mrs. loyd Skinner and wedLing cake. childrn -visîîed Mn\I. and Mrs. Biil O0vennight gaests ai Mr. and Lake, Newcastle. Mns. Smith wei-e Mn. and Mns. J.' M.and MIrs. Jack Gibbs anci Smî th, Bobcavgeon: ; Mrs.J. Michael were Sunday visitais Forsyth and Ronnie, Toronto. ss ty ie ,I journeyed ta Chicago. Detroi Windsor and on to Bowmanvil. where it arrived on April 25tL 1868, exact.i one month alter lef t Victoria. Wonderful proj ress! Only a few years befar, the covered wagons were takin six months to make the trip 1 Oregon. And finally, a red posi mark on the back shawed thý the fletter reached Toronto o April 27, 1868. Now, some of your readers ma wonder. what are the stamp worth on the envelope we hav described? Stamps collectors ca look up their catalogues, but can save you the trouble by tell ing you that the three stamps ar valued at $21.50. "~Oh," you sa: "lots of starnps in the Exhibitioi were worthy more than that." Bu somneone asks "What is the envèl ope worth?" Now you are get ting the idea. If ever you find some old let ters, don't remove the stamps, un tii y(Ju get experienced advice a. to the value of the entire en velopes. So, Mr. James, will you pleas, pay my respects to the late Mr Qjsorge Porter, for having savec his old letters and giving stamr collectors s0 much pleasure. Anc will you please tell your readern that if anyone cares to conduci a search and can locate anothe.- s:milar express letter from Brit. ish Columbia to Bowmanville, 1 will be most happy to send them a return railway ticket from Bow- manville to Vancouver (via the Union Pacifie if they wish) and I will pay thoir hotel bll for ane week on the sunny shore of the Paclfic-and alI this just for one littie express envelope. bearing stamips valucd at only $21.50! But -,et me clear, don't, please le ~ h it Th (Orfoihno News7 yIg 'e UnI.E oa 5Is R . oa go t- Mrs. C. A. Cummings, Toronto,1 ed recently with Mrs. Fred Dun- at visited with hec sister, Mrs. Heb- can. We are sorry ta repart that n er Sauch and family over the Mrs. Duncan is confined ta her weeken*d. bed and hope for hec a speedy ay Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood and recovery. PsGail, Lakefield, visited an Sun- Services in Orono United elday with his parents, Mr. and Church on Sunday were well at- in Mrs. C. Wood. tended with Rev. A. E. Eustace Miss Shirley Porter, R.N., and canducting bath services. In the Miss Isobelle Scott, R.N., Osha- evening, Rev. Frank Keys af the rewa General Hospital. spent the Upper Canada Bible Society was IY weekend with Mr. ànd Mrs. N. guest spJeaker bringing an inspir- In F. Porter. ational message taking as his Miss tw subject "atomnie urgency." Com- MisJoanne Cornish antw munists are much more active in -girl friends, Ladies' Callege, Whit- pedn thiltrau hn by, spent -the weekend with the hresang their teraurenthaf t- ormr'smoher Mr. . J Con-which Mr. Keys spoke. Follow- 1ish. I ing his stirring address he showZ. 13 Mr. and Mrs. Herb Rundle spent ed a caloced film "Frontiensmen 1- the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. which shows the work af aur Wes Wood, where hec father Mr. Colporteurs in Western Canada, R. H. Wood is ill. They also vis- which was vecy interesting. Nexz rited Miss Allie Wood in New- Sunday will be the last that Rev. d castle. A. E. Eustace will be with us. p Miss Jeanne Forester. Toronto, We regcetfully bid him goodbye d spent the weekend at her home and wish he and his famiy eveny -here. success in their new home in ýt The many friends of Miss Kate Pembroke. McKay were shocked and griev- The Novemben meeting af the *ed ta hear ai her accident in Women's Association was held on INorLh Battleford, Sask., when she Wednesday aiternoon Nov. 21 in awas struck by a car and fataliy the Sunday Sehool room with a -injured. Miss McKay went wcst good attendance. The Eresidený, 0saine txvo years ago ta make her i\irs. C. Duncan presicled. Mrs. R. 1home with her sister, Mrs.i. E. Logan gave the devotional eInterment was made at Port El- reading from Luke 14th aindJ gin, Ont. made helpful comments. She 2 Mr. Donald Staples, Toronto, challenged eacih member ta take spent the weekend with his par- an active part in the work ai the ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Staples. church. iVîrs. A. A. DrummondI Members of Clarke Township sanrg a mast appropriate solo J Council were returnied by accla- -Open My Eyes," which wî.s 1mation on Fridiay afternoon, be- most inspiring. Miss Edith Sher- ing Reeve - Hartwell Lowec--; win was at the piano. Mrs., Jas.( Dep.-Reeve-Art McKay; Coun- Lycett gave an interesting repaît ' cîllors - James Brown, Hanry af W. A. Presbytery held at Davy and Fred Lovekini. Myrtle. j On Friday evening nominations During the business reports ai theE were held for Police Trustees and turkey dinner wene very grati- Hydro Commissioner,. Six were fying, showing, a profit of $532.00 nominated: Chai-les Miller, R. E. Plans for- the' Bazaar ta be bob] Ir Logan, Joe Walker, Harry Mer- on Dec. 8Ih xvere continued and ~ ceîr, Harold Cobbledick and Tedi the meeting closed with the r Woodyard. R. E. Logan, Harold Mizpah benediction. S Cobbledick and Harry Meccer Evening Auxiliary Meeting IV' declined, leaving C. Miller, J. The regular monthly mcetinct 'w Walkec and Ted Woodvard as af the Evening Auxiliary was held t( Police Trustees and Hydro Com- on November 16 in the Sunday le missioners for 1952. School room. The business bein- ,C Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. concluded, Mrs. Ed. Graham, Arnold Wallace an the birth af convenon af the Community M' their daughter in Memorial Hos- Friendship Group, took the chair. pital, Bowmanville, a sister for The speaker toc the evening was n Arnold and Fna-zer. Mrs. Jack Arnott, who spoke 01ne Congratulations ta Mnr. and Farmly Relationships outsîde tlic Mrs. Bill Hooey (nee Connie home and adult education whichl King) on the birth af their son proved nmost intecesting.' i in Memonial Hospital, BOwrn- Mrs. E. Graham read a poem an ville.. Friendship. Scripture was read Mrs. Leone Souch, Taronto, by Mrs. H. Barlow. She also read visited recently with Mrs. W. J. an exce rpt on 'The Ideal W.M.S.- Stutt. .Workec." Mr. Ivanson Tamblyn was ;n Mrs. N. Allin dealt very capabl '1vM a car accident on No. 35 Highway, wvith three chaptens of the StudY narth af Newcastle, and suifered. Book followed by a poem by Mrs. th broken ribs and shock. The Nasih C. Billings on Armistice. th car which he xvas driving was The Christmas meeting will 01. badly damaged in the front, as under direction ai the Executive xvas the other car involved in the and it is hoped that everyane will ai accident. make a special effort ta bring a ta' Mrs. Byers, Garden Hill, visit- guest. ar, T YRONE ith Mr. and Mrs. H. Perfect, Ca- Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Bird and baby Kenneth with Mr. and Mrs. ý!IiIdren isMr.dand aMrsrM. TabbMaP- vIr. ditor Or. odit eiesn:tovrfi Oene aithue iltems etaven it lic next Cgouncaing ewths. ýu te leigaiprkn mtrsb Pakn streets.ageciie ePaig met ers i lagebctins owe ofacicaly nessit y, buinn wens a ncaur izetremy opinn e nat necessary, as tire farming r Used Foundry Iron Men Lead ini Bowling Only One Gcrme Left With anily one game leit ta play in the first sehedule of the Dur- ham Bowling League, the Foun- [dry "Iran Men" are stili on top, 13 points ahead ai their nearest rivais, Westlake's team. The high single score went ta K. Yeo with 310 and foilowed by N. Hennings with 303. G. Perfect had a very good triple last week, 246, 238. 280, giving him a total ai 764. G. Woalner bowled very good but finished second with 712. The bowling must be improv- ing in the League as there arc oniy the fallowing contestants in the Lemon League this week: B. Vivian 97, L. Coombes 99, R. people will flot like having ta pay, to do their shopping. aur nmen having no parking spaces for their Parking, which is a necessity. I have yet ta find a merchant who wants parking nieters, which compels farmers to shap else- where. The meters would require an extra Policeman, which will cost the taxpayers extra taxes, also breaking of our pavements, which have recently been resurfaced, to instal the meters. Voters, make it yur duty to question candidates before Mon- Wanted ta Buyr BARNYARD MANUIRE BY THE PILE OR TRUCK LOAD (ropps ('hoice Fruit Cocktail AyInicr (hoice Peaches' - Nature's Best Choice Corn - - - - Aylmer Jancy Tem alo Juice 15-oz. tins I.G.A. --4 for $1.00 Park & Beans 20-oz. tins I.GA. ('hoice -4 for $1.00 Green Peas 20-oz. tins I.G.A. -7 for $1.00 Apple Juice 20-oz. tins A3 imer B.C. -7 for $ 1.00 Prune Plums ,jýSPAGHETTI IN TOMATO SAUCE MEAT SPECIALS Enad Cuts Pork Loins 'S 1iced Bacon, rind on reaniealed Cot!a"e Rolis - DIAL 677 20-oz. tins 7 for $1.00 20-oz. tins *6 for $1.00 20-oz. tins 10 for $1.00 15-az. tins --7 for $1.00. 20-oz. tins - - -6 for $1.00 PRODUCE SPECIALS Florida, 250's doz = 45c Oranges -- lb. Cuban, 12's --49c Pineapples - Mb. B.(. Dellicous, 150's - * 63c Apples - - - 25c eaeh 39c 6 6for 29c J CAWKER'Suner IGCA. Marketi Points Foundry .-------- ----------- 62 Westlake --------------- ------4 C .0 . F.- ---------- ,-------- 46 No. 2 Enniskillen-------------- - 41 Mitchell --------------------------- --39 Tyrone --------- - ------ r>6 M avin - ---- ---- ----------- 3.5 B. T. S ------ ... 35 Maple Grove-.---- 26 Blackstock ------------- 23 Sheppard & Gill -------------- -20 No. 1 Enniskillen ------------ 8 Individual A'verages B. Westlake ------- ------------- 21 J. Leve'tt -------------------21)P r. Slemnon---------20,: M1. Harrison --- ---205E F. Sm ith -------------------204 T. McLaughlin ----------- 20-1 K. Yeo -- --------202 J. Coombes ---------------- ---201 ChaIlenge of Churcli ropic of Trin!"ty EveningAuxiliary The Fail Thank-offering meet- ig of Trinity Evening Auxiliarv was held in the Sunday Sehool1 mnm on Tucsday. Nov. 20. Wor- ship service xvas conducted by Mrs. Lawrence Mason's Group with a solo by Mrs. S. Black. The' tpic for the evening "The ChaI- lenge and Call of the City in hurch Life,"' was dealt with bv frs. Muriel Symons, Mrs. R. Vutton and Miss, Ethel McKague. At the close of the business meeting, a social haîf hour was nj oyed. 1939 PONTIAC COACH Smooth Chevrolet motor, just out 1939% DODGE COACH Exceptionally fine condition 1937 CHEVROLET COACH 1929 Model ""A"" FORD COACH Phone Orono 86 - 2 Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Saturday President. Secretary. Car Specials .1950 AUSTIN SIEDAN 1950 CHEVROLET COACH $1505 1948 CHEV. Fleelmaster Deluxe Sedan 24,000 actual mileage, positively like new. If you are one of those buyers who are not easily satisfied, we would recornmend this one--------------5Q__ 1948 PLYMOUTH Special Deluxe Sedan Exceptionally welI kept, just out of our shop----------------------- - $1395 'wM $115 1946 DODGE CLUB COUPEr Excellent appearance and inechanical condition $1 195 1941 DODGE COACH - ---- $750 1940 PLYMOUTH COACH ----- $750 $750 $759 $550 $125 Heater and snow tires $1050 $350 s s Ail cars fully winterized including Preston Antifreeze P. G. NEWELL CANADIAN TOBACCO PLANTATIONS Ca wker's I.G.A. Mark<et Th'is Week SUPER DOLLAR DAYS for T'hursday, Friday, Saturday GROCERY FUATURES 1948 NLRCURY SEDAN Tires alînost new, body and niotor perfect --------- 1946 WILLYS JEEP of aur shop - ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS FOWL EARLY ALL ORDERS OVER $3.00 DELIVERED FREE FOR PHONE SERVICE 1939 G.M.C. 2-ton STAKE TRUCK Good mechanical condition, excellent cab Sis.1.0s' Garage irAtimi TnijnrEra necessary tax. If the installing of meters were PUt ta a vote of the people, 1 know there would be no meters. Let aur country friends corne ta tawn ta do their shopping free of charge, and give the Amer i. can tourists the same break. F. C. Pethick. The symbals an the sides of Canadian freight cars gix-e to rail- road men a case history of the car. Judging from the number en- Durham Cony Holstein Breeders ANNUAL BANQUET AT 7 P.M. FRIDAY, DECEMIBER l4th AT BLACKSTOCK Guest Speaker: Mclniyre Hood, Editor of Oshawa Daily Times Turkey Dinner - Entertainment by AI Harvey ANNUAL MEETING Saturday, Dec. 1sf - Orono Town Hall 1:30 p.m. Tickets for banquet availalile at meeting Ail breeders in county welcome to these events NEIL MALCOLM, HAROLD MUIR, Ithe Editor's'Mail 1949 MERCURY half-lon PICRUP m a m 1- .-tl d -THIJRSDAY, NOV. 29, 1951 IIFIF r-ATTAnTApi clramv-_Mapj Standing NEWCASTLE PHONE CLARKE 3456 and body q Apply $1150 q $1195 CASH FAIR TRADES LIBERAL TERMS

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