PAGE SIXTEEN BRING YOUR PAYCAS AI MESSAGE BEFORESAEMNMM 12,000 READERSCOT5cPRA BIRTH-S BELL-To Dr. and Mrs. R. D. Bell <nee Muriel Daw) at the Toronto General Hospital, Nov. 2'lth, a daughter, Ruth Ann, a littie sister for Susan. 48-1 HOOEY-Mr. and Mrs. William Hooey <nee Connie King) wish to announce the, arrivai of their son at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, on Friday, November 23rd. 48-1 * McKNIGHT-Mr. and Mrs. Mur- ray McKnight announce the ar- rivai of a son, John David, born Friday, November 23rd, 1951. A brother for Jim, Patricia and Joe. 48-if WHITE-Mr. and Mrs. Carman White are proud ta announe the arrivai of their son at Memorial Hospital, Bowrnanville, on Mon- day, Nov. 26th. 48-1 YELLOWLEES-Dan and Maxine are happy ta announce the birth of their son, Donald Gregory <Greg) at Chatham General Hos- pital, November llth, 1951. 48-1* MARRIAGE ADLER - CRYDERMAN - In Bowmanviiie, on Nov. 24tb, 1951, at St. John's Anglican Church, by Rev. W. N. Turner, Mrs. Vera Mildred Cryderman, daughter of Mrs. Andrew Pennington, and Mr. Edward Adler, Abington, Mass. 48-1 DEATHS BAIRD, John-At the residence, 84 Elgin St., Bowmanville, on Sunday, November 25tb, 1951, John Baird, in his 9th year, be- loved husband of Margaret Borth- wick. Service was held at the Morris Funeral Chapel on Wed- nesday at 3 o'clock. Interment 13owmanvilie Cemetery. 48-1 MLLIS,' Fred L.-Accidentally, ai Maple Grove, on Sunday, Nov, 25th, 1951, Fred L. Ellis, aged 20 years. Service was held at the Morris Funenal Chapel Sunday evening. Futher service and in- terment at Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. 48-1 GREENFJELD, Frederick G.-At Lansdowne, Ontario, Frederick G. -Greenfield, beioved husband of Gertrude Thickson, son of the late Robert Greenfieîd, and bro- ther of P. E. Greenfield, 2 Carlisle Ave., Bowmanville. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel from Wednesday evening. Service in the Chapel on Thursday at 2 o'clock. Interment Bowman- ville Cemetery. 48-1 PLATFORD, Edith-At Toronto, on Friday, November 23rd, 1951, Edith Platford, in ber 75th year, dean sister of Mrs. J. J. Bell, Bowmanville. Service was held nt the Morris Funeral Chapel on Sunday at 2:30 p.m. Interment 13owmanville Cemetery. 48-1 CARDS 0F THANKS Mn. and Mrs. Harry Beauchamp and family wish ta sincerely thank thein fricnds and neigbbors who mn any way assisted during the loss cf their barn and contents by fire. 48-1 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lawrence IWish ta thank their neighbors tiho responded with help at the time cf loss of barn and paultry by f ire, it was greatly appreciated. 48-1* I wish ta extend my sincere thanks ta my many friends and relatives for thein cards and gifts and kindness showîî me during my recent illness. Williami Lonsberry. 48-1* Mn. H. T. Manes wishes ta thank bis many friends, neigh- bons and relatives fan their sin- cere acts of kindness and thought- fuiness during bis illness at Mem- criai Hospital, Boxvmanville, and also naw while canvalescing at bis home. 48-1 I wish ta express my sincere tbanks ta my Bowmanville friends for loveiy cards and good wishes sent during my illness and aper- ation in Oshawa General Hos- pital. J. W. Watson, .195 Roxbonough Ave., Oshawa. 48-1 Mr. and Mýrs. Perey Westlake wish ta express their sincere thanks ta Dr. C. J. Austin and Dr. H. Fenguson, superintendent and nurses cf Memoial Hospital, Bowmanvilie, fan tbeir kind at- tention to their son Allan during his stay in haspital; aise Ia neighbors and friends for cards and gifts receiveý1. 48-1<' IN MEMORIAM FOWLER-In loving memory of a dear husband and father, George N. Fowler, who passed away Dec. lst, 1945: -Always remembered by his Wife 'nd daughter. 48-l* For Rent WINTER stonage for car in gar- age, central location. Phone 3244. 48-i* MODEEN 4-roi apartment. Ap- PlY M&a. Gus Annis, 7 King St. E. .48-1* ATTRACTIVE 6-room apartment, main street of Orono, avaîlable January lst. Phono Orono l8niS, 3..White, 48-1*1 I - - -- -~ -- I I a ELECTION CARDS Ta the Eiectors cf Bowmanvifle: !t is with a deep sense of realization cf the task ahead that I have decided ta let my name stand for election cf Mayor. In the past four years cf Council work, I considen I have been sincere and have done everything I possibly couid, along with my associates, ta make our Town a better place and, if you feel my efforts have been worth- wbile and you eiect me as your Mayor, I will continue ta do my, very best..1 On. election day my car will be availabie for ths1edn transportation - phone 467. G. Frank Jamieson. 48- 1 To the Voters of Bowmanville: In the municipal election, Dec. 3rd, I arn offening my services as Mayor of Bowmanvjlle for 1952. I solicit your support. Poiiing booths are open from 9 a.-----to 6 p.m. Please vote. Sidney Little. 48-1 To the Electors of Bowmanviile: I have been nominated ta Council for the coming yean and IL have allowed my name to stand wisbîng to be of service ta the Citizens of Bowmanville. No matter what your choice, I would urge you ta get out and vote on Monday, December 3rd. George Buchan. 48-_1 Te the Electors cf the Town cf Bowmanville: After three years' experience as municipal Cauncilior I arn again offening my services in that capacity. Municipal taxation is increasing at an alarming ra\, piacing a heavy burden on reai estate. If elected I piedge my- self ta a poiicy cf stictest econ- amy in harmony with good govennment. Wilfrid Caruthers. To the Citizens of Bowmanville: Eleven men bave qualified for Bawmanville Council. This speaks weli for ýhé future cf Bowman- ville. Because of my knowledge, cf municipal affairs, especials Police matters, I knaw thatI would be able ta render the majonity cf citi.zens first class service. I solicit one cf your six votes for Councillor on Dec. 3rd, Wbether you vote fan me or not, please get out and vote. Thank you, Bernard R. Kitney. Phone 3639. 48-1 To the Electons of Bowmanvile: A smal borne owner rnyself, I bave attempted ta protect the rights and camply with the ne- quests cf taxpayers duning my term cof office, without fear or favor. If elected ta Cauncil in 1952, 1 will strive ta relieve the West Beach problem, ensure sup-1 port for municipal garbage col-1 lection, and wholeheartedly en- danse any legisiation with respect ta Town Planning. I ask you ta support a man who, in the past, bas stood up for the ights of the littie man, and wbo xiii stand up for YOUR ights again, if elected. For transportation ta the polis: Telephone 990 after 12 o'clock noon. Jack N. Niddeny. 48-1 To the Citizens cf Bawmanville- I do not have the advantage of Previaus experience an local af- fains, but I do feel it my duty ta become familiar with, and bel of ail possible assistance in thel functioning cf aur civic body. It is for these reasans that I offen my services as a Cauncillor. If you feel that I cati be of ser- vice ta you in this coming year then I ask your support in the fothcoming election. Let none criticize the resuits of any praject in xvhich be did nat take part. Jas. F. G. Nokes. 48-1I To the Voters cf the Town cf Bawmanville: Having served as a Councillor for the past three years I an IArticles For Sale WHITE 'enamel Findlay Vega cook stove. Phone 2704. 48-1 PIANO-in good condition. Terms if requested. Phone 492. 48-1* THREE elm trees, standing. Phone 2472. 48-11 DINING-room table, reasanable. Phone 3209. 48-1 CHRISTMAS Trees of special quaiity, Spruce and Scotch Pine, ail sizes. Phone 3170. 47-3> TURKEYS - Choice, miik fed, freshlv kilied, idressed, deiivered. W. E. Lymer, Phone 2811. 48-1* TURKEYS, Purina fed, ready now. Reduction on large birds. Phone 2710. 48-1 MANS brown winter avercoat, size 42, likze new.. Phone 872.4- ONE chest of drawers, sofa and one Phillip mattress, full size. Phone 2287. 48-1 ONE pair of boy's skates, size 2, in good condition. Phone 2995. 48-1 BABY carniage, convertible style, recently recovered with maroon leatherette and ivory leatherette iining. Phone 3185. 48-1* CRESS WART REMOVER - reaily does it. Your Druggist seils Cress Corn Salve - for sure relief. 48-1 FRIGIDAIRE, 7 cu. ft., almost new, $250; General Electric Wash- er, $100. Write Box 679, c/o Statesman Office. 48-1* SPEUCE and Scotch Pine Christ- mas Trees for sale. Order now and avoid the rush. Phone 3178.1 47-2: LADY'S black winter coat, like new, Persian lamb coilar, toa smali, only reasan for seiling, size 18. Phone 2254. 47-1 HOOVER floon polishers and vacuum cleanens, see thern taday. Sales and Service at Hydro Shop. Bowmanville. 45-4* SILENT Gl6w Oul Burner, with complete equipment, in good as ne w shape, mnust be seen ta be appreciated. Phone 517. 48-1 RUGS-Several sizes and colours. Must seli. Will sacrifice. Write1 Box 678, c/o Statesman Office. 48-2 THE New Educator Encyciopedia, ten volumes, 1949 edition. Lea Hartford, Onchardland Farm, R.R. 3, Bowmanvilie. 48-2* 12 x 30 CHICKEN house, $175, can be moved easily. F. Hoskin, Blackstock. Phone 333r3 Port Penny. 48-1 APPLES-AlI varieties by bushel or harrel; one International cor' binder. Bruce Mutton, 95 Con- cession St. E. Phone 948. 48-l*1 Articles For Sale, VENETIAN BLINDS. 25 different colouh o f tapes, 15 slat colours, Flexa]um. Aluminum or Steel, measured and instalied free of charge. Phone 3121. Weber's Fabric Centre. 17-tf I TILE - for kitchen, bathrooms, hearths and fireplaces. Walls- glazed tule or plastic, ail colours Floors -rubber, mastic, lino-tule, quarrie and ceramie. Wiil go any- where. H. G. Heal, Phone 2902. 2-tf ONE nearly new Ford tractor, plow and cultivator; one used Model C Case tractor; one used Model VA Case tractor; one *new Model S Case tractar; one new tractor spreader; one used Model D John Deere tractor; Newv Quaker Oul Heaters; Water Sy- stems. See aur display of toys for the kiddies. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, Phone 497. 48-1 RECESSED bathtubs $60; smart Martha Washington and Rich- ledge stainless three piece bath- room sets white $160.00 ta $189.00. Coiaured $274.00 compiete with, beautiful chromed fittings. Air conditianing furnaces $295.00. Special offers ta plumbers and builders too. Save piany valuable dollars, buy with confidence and have a nicer home. Satisfaction guaranteed. Extra discounts off catalogue prices if we supply everything you need for complete plumbing or heating installation. Catalogue includes litho photos of main fixtures, pnices and instal- lation diagrams. Select style of sinks, cabinets, laundry tubs, showers, stoves, refrigerators. Pressure water systems, ail burn- ers, septic and ail tanks etc. Visit or write Johnson Mail Order-Di- vision, Streetsville Hardware, Streetsville, Ontario. Phone 261. Evenings 5îrI5. 31-tf Notice Io Creditors AND OTHERS IN the Estate of WILLIAM EBER CRAGO, Deceased. ALL persans having dlaims against the estate of the said William Eber Crago, late of the Township of Darlington, in the County of Durham, Farmer, de- ceased, who died on or about the 2lst day of September, 1951, at the said Township of Darlington, are required ta file proof of the i same with the undersigned Ad- ministratrix on or before the 29th day of December, 1951, after which date the said Administra- trix will pro&eed ta distribute the said estate, having regard only ta the dlaims of which she shall then have notice. DATED at Oshawa this 2lst day cf November, 1951. VIDA CRAGO, Administratrix, by Manning F. Swartz, 3 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa, Ontario, ber solicitor herein. SELECT Broad Breast BronzNoiet Crd os Turkoys for Christmas Delivery. foieI r dtr Satisfaction assured. Phone 2019. AND OTHERS J. Trudeau & Son. 48-2* IN the Estate of HAROLD ONE juvenile bcd, springs and CHARLES WESLEY MILLS, de- yiattress. Phone 20181, after .5, ceased. M ns. M. J. Gagerty, Newcastle. ALL pensons having dlaimns 48-1<'* against the estate of Harold TWO pairs of girls' white boots Charles Wesley Milis, late of the and skates, sizes 5 and 6; aîso Township of Darlington in the girls bnown tweed suit, size 14. 1 County of Durham, road super- 'Appiy Earl McQuaid, 26 Divisioninedtho ieannabu St., after 5 p.m. 48-l* the lst day of Octoben. 1951, are 1 - requested ta send ta the under- FOR good Scotch Pino and Spruce signod at the address below, ful Christmas Trees. Phone 764 or particulars of the same on or 3688 now or see C. Wilson, 36 before the lOth day of January, Jane St. or B. Fogg, 24 Southway 1952, after wbich date the assets Dr. 48-if of the deceased xiii ho distnibut- - ed having regard only ta the FRESH, sweet apple cider, in dlaims of which the Administra- gallon on kegs. Choice Mcîntosh trix shal then have notice. and Baxter apples. Weekly de- DATED this 29th day liveries. Phone Clarke 2811. 0f November, 1951. 43-1010 VERA B. MILLS, JUST Arrived - the new floral Administratrix, tone-on-tane Goid Seal Congal- by Apha I. I{adgins, eurn by the yard. See ourwidý 16 Temperance Street, range of Congoieum rugs, inai Bawrnanviile, Ontario, sizes. Morris Ca., Phone 480. hon solicitor berein. 4- 46-tf 4- CONGOLEUM Gold Seai Rugs, oleum Deluxe 2 and 3 yards wide, yard gaads at budget pnices. Phone 451. Walker Stares. 23-tt SINGLE sized bed, ý,rown metal, in fine conditioi, e.w would ex- change for doubk bcd; also baby's cot, reasanable. Phone 2519. 48-1 Notice Io Creditors AND OTHERS IN the Estate of JOHN SAK, Deceased. ALL pensons having clirns against the estate of the said JOHN SAK, late of the Township of Clarke in the County of Dur- again seeking re-ele5ýtiojÇ to th"e I WE m1-easure and instali finest oor about te 3th day of June, Council. I respectfully solicit quality venetian blinds, new plas- 1951, at the Village of Newcastle, your support on election day but tic tapes available, easiiy, kept in the County of Durham, are regardless wbo you favor turn clea n, many colours ta choose required ta file proof cf the same out and vote Mcnday, Dec. 3rd f nom. Phone Morris Ca., 480. with the undensigned executors Nelson E. Osborne. 29-tf of the last Xiil and Testament cf 41 SAE-ht iue the said deceased on or before ________________figure,_______3, the 8th day of December, 1951, excellent condition, $6.50: rubber after vvhich date the said execu- Newcastle guards, No. 2, $1.00; aiso boy's tors will proceed ta distnibute the tube skates, size 3, $4.00. Apply said estate, baving regard only ta Election Card Mrs. L. C. Mason, 22 King W. the dlaims of which they shahl Phone 553. 48-1* then bave notice. Notice te the Electers of PUMIG etn n i DATED at Oshawýa, Ontario, Newcastle Village LMIG Hetn adOi Dear Elector: Burners instalied anywbere <ni this 15Uh day of November, I bave accepted a nomination Durham County. Reasonabie rates A.D. 1951. ta rtln as a member of the New- and higbest quality. For froc Lean Pasek and Piatn Szczur, casle ubic ohol oar. Ite estimates caîl S. Biain Elliitt, Executors, tatl Puyebrlfi pne nc oad ees ating, Piumbing & Tinsmithing, by Creighton, Fraser & teachMY and s om e cf myei sune Phone 3348. 29-tt Drynan, teacer ad sme o myleisrel5 Simcoe Street North, turne may now be made ta serve WAGON and Trailer AxIes. Your Oshawa, Ontario, the Cammunity in that capacitv. choice cf Chev., Fond on Dcdge their solicitors herein. I would appreciate youn suppo'àtl wheels either 1.5' or 16', se your 47-3 at the poils on Monday, Dec. 31d- - own spane will work. Price cnly- Yours sincerely, S30 each, whiie they ]ast. This Nursing Service Hattie A. Mason. I includes: axie, hubs, xvbeels, tires - -______________ 48-i1jand tubes, al assembled, lined Middle Green Villa Rest Home - up and painted. Springs S 1.00 Courtice Pes orSaea pair extra, if desined. Please One or twa vacancies, men or Pets For Sale inote that tiýs special offcr i., only %vomn. ,tîýaNsv ie vrknd good while present stock iasts se ness given. spreid bcc, C\orsn. 7ST. BERNARD-5Collie puppies, jarder early. Sisson's Garage,t Phiono Oshawa 5-4943 for res;er-ý 9 weekâ old. Phone 2i76. '18-1 'Phone Orono 1031. 31-4 vatignâ.ti4 COMING EVENTS 1 Real Estate For Sale Cnooked Cneek Sehool Christ- mas Concert, Thursday evening, Dec. 2th. 48-1* St. John's Guild Christmas Bazaar, Friday, Dec. 7th, 3 - 5:30. Children's clothes, aprons, fancy articles, home-cooking, candy and afternoon tea. 48-î* St. Paul's Evening W.A. will hold a bazaar on Saturday after- noon, Dec. îst. Fancy-work, rum- mage, home-cooking and after- noon tea, beginning at 3 p.m. 48-1 The Saîvation Army Home League Bazaar and sale of home cooking will be held Saturday, Dec. 8th, 3 ta .6 p.m., in the Union Hall. Afternoon tea will be served. 48-1 A big variety concert wîll be beld in Enniskillen hall, Wed., Dec. 5th, at 8 p.m. Local and out- side talent. Proceeds for Circuit Parsonage Fund. Don't miss this goad show. Admission 50c and 25c. 48-1*. Club 15 introduce a new idea! Invite your friends ta play cards in your' home and we will de- liven your refreshments. For your convenience you may play either afternoon or evening of Wed, Dec. 5th. Fifty cents a persan. Those interested may telephone Mrs. Paul Chant at 535. 48-1 Annual Farm Forum Rally and Poi Luck Supper, under auspices, of Durham Federation cf Agri- culture, Newcastle Comrnunity Hall, Thursday, Decemben 6th, 1951, commencing at 6:30 p.m. Speaker,, Dr. J. D. MacLachian, President O.A.C. Youn Director- ate have made many arrange- ments for an entertaining and informative evening. Came out and enjoy it with us. Tea, coffee, dishes and silver supplied. 48-1l Wanted To Buy USED piano in good condition. Apply Box 676, Çanadian States- man. 48-1* RAM, one year old or aven. C. Courtice, Pontypool. Phone Beàh- any 20r22. 48-1 USED building wanted, ta help rebuild barn for winter storage. Needed at once. Phone 2661. 48-1 BEFORE selling your live poultry try us. Our prices are higher. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, Phone 7 r 13. reverse charges. 51-tf TRAPPERS ATTENTION - Raw furs wanted: Mink, Coon, Skunk. Highest cash prices. Ship or write ta Greenspoon Bras., 264 Spadina Ave.. Toronto, Ont. 47-4 LIVE poultry, goose feathers,1 feather ticks, bags, scrap iran and metai. We also buy raw furs. Dial Oshawa 5-4912 coilect, or write I. Turner, North Oshawa. 48-tf1 HOUSE with six or more rooms and large ganden, in town or vil- lage, on bus route ta Toronto. Write Y. G. Crawford, 178 Cres- cent Rd., Toronto, giving partic- ulars concerning price, taxes. heating, water and sewerage.I Would rent. 48-1 DEA» FARM STOCK Picked Up Promptly IIORSES, COWS, HEIFERS, SHEEP, PIGS and CALVES (We pay for hanses and caws) - CALL US COLLECT- LIVE HORSES 2 - 30~ for crippled and old herses. Margwill Fur Farm TYRONE Phone Bowmanviile 2679 34-tf Livestock For Sale SIX gaod cross-bred pigs. Frank Dorland, Phone 2335. 48-1 ELEVEN pigs, 12 weeks aid. Apply Taylor & Hall, R.R. 5, Bowmanvilie. Phone 2402. 48-1*' EIGHT pigs, 160 ta 75 ibs. One good sow. F. Hoskin, Blackstock. Phone 333r3 Port Peny. 48-1 PIGS, six wveeks aid; 70 Plymouth Rock puilets and 12 Bantamn hens. J. E. Redmond, R.R. 1, Nestleton, Phone 124r2 Port Peny. 48-1 32 HEREFORD steens, weighing between 7 and 8 hundred. A choice lot of feeder steers. Phone 36r1 Onono. 48-1 Farmers Attention!1 WE wiil be pleased ta pick up dead ar cippled farm animais and pay higbest prevailing pnices. For immediate service Telephane Collect, Toronto Empire 3.-366or Çoorg16W.GrdnYun i stock.ear WANTFD - acresotion to Ltd. . ~7-42 TIRES FROM 15" te 21" là er rna ih pint 1 an SI TRUK TRES purchase by Canadian fariner Personal adSXTUKTRS wîth own help. Write Box 677, 50 and 8.25 ce/o Statesman Office. 48-1* STOP SMOKING witbout swal-,1 lowing anytbing or using any xviiiI.H SKIIR p& pover! For secret send 4 cents F. HKSOENCRear addressed envelope ta Pierre EAR toalmksf er. 0442 Birks Building, Edmonton: Phone 333r3 Port Perry 4- rEAIoRS, otil asand o efrlg-; Albe ta. 8 -44- - m ilking coolers. H iggon Elec- HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber Found trie, 42 King St. E., Phone 43. goads) mailed postpaid in plain2% seaied envelope with pnice list TWO ladies' wnistwatches and: FOR prompt, efficient, guaranteed Six saamples 25c, 24 samples SL OU t\%a rings found at Progressive, service, dyeing and custom wcrk, Mail Order Dept. T-28. Nov-Pub- Canservativo headquarters in try the Neat-Way Sboe Repair ber Co. Box 91, ifamiltoni, Ont. Bowmanvilie on November 22nd. Sbop, opposite Garton Bus Ter- - - 1.52 Apply at Stateaman Office. 48-1 mina' ~314ti NEW 5-room brick bungalow, with many extras. Apply 20 Southway Drive. 47-2* IN HAMPTON - 6-roomed frame bouse, 3-piece bath, hardwood down, garage, fruit trees, close to school and church. Immediate Possession. Write Box 672, c/o Statesman Office. 47-2* Handy Man's Opportunity Storey And haîf new house, un- finished but very liveable, 3 large bright rooms downstairs, insulat- ed, new floor coverings and fix- tures included. Three or more acres of stone-free land, suitable for greenhouse, poultry or fruit, on gaod road very close to No. 2 Highway, Cpourtice district. Heavy duywiring and well, good drive- way, health reason for selling. Write Box 675, c/o Statesman Of- fice. 48-2 GILL REAL ESTATE $7,500-Farm, 1 mile from paved higbway, good black loam, 31 acres, good barn, chicken houses, wells and spring, -nicely decorated, 4-room brick bungalow, heavy wiring, full ceflar. $3,000-Nearly completed 4-room bungalow, heavy wiring, inlaid linoleums. Immediate possess- ion. $9,800-9-room brick bungalow, heavy wiring, hot water heating, garage, etc. Immediate possess- ion. $500-Building lot, with cellar excavated, and frame building on lot. H. G. (Hap) Gi, Realtor 78 King St. West, Bowmanville Phone: Office 3326 Residence 3514 NIXON REAL ESTATE 6-room frame bouse, sun porch, 3-piece bath, hydro, insulated, heavy wiring, good garden, easily heated, low taxes, in village on highway. $7,000. On No. 2 Highway, 4 rcams, in- sul-brick bouse, around 5 acres, bydra. Immediate possession. 30 acres, dlay soul, 26 workable, springr, 2 wells, 2 barns, garage, stone 9-room bouse, bydro, 3 acres raspberries, 1/2-acre straw- bernies, ploughing done. Spring possession. $9,000. 200 acres near village, 100 wonk- able, balance bush and pasture, cneek, good water supply, barn, stable, ben bouse, garage, 9-room bhouse, hydro, furnace. 9-rooiý'i sahid brick bungalow, al conveniences, bot wator beating, large verandah, garage, gardon. Immediate possession. Reduced far quick sale. $9,800. $8,500-5-raom bungalow, bath, furnace, hydro, hardwood floons, venetian blinds, electnic fixtures, heavy wiring, garage, in perfect canditian. Agriculture and tobacco fanins. Jan1*s Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N., Bowrnanville Phone 682 48-11' Notices David Malcolm, turkey ranch, R.R. 6, Bowmanville, please' note phone number changed to 2784. 48-1 Register Tues. or Fni., 4 - 6 p.m. E.IU for Ballet, Tap, I l~ttlScotch -Union Hall, 19 King St. E. IRENIE HARVEY A.C.C.M., R.M.T. 44-tf Work -Wanted DARLINGTON Abattoir, Hamp- tan, for custom kiiling. Phone 3243. 32-tf INTERIOR decarating, first class workmanship. Compiete satisfac- tion guaranteed. Apply R. B.1ionPhe2694-* HOME Insulation, blowing meth- od. Wonkmanship guaranteed. Free estimates. Harry Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 46-7*' BRAKE DRUMS! Lathing, Honing and Gninding \Ve specialize in complete brake evenhauls. BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE Phone 804 Bowmanviile 32-tf lOo/o OFF on al New and Used I Tires and Batteries Help Wanted SPRAY painter, steady work, to start at once. Apply W. M. Allun, 19 Scugog St. 48-1* EXPERIENCED nurseryman - Excellent opportunity for d- vancement. Apartment availabie. Ail correspondence confidential. Write Box 681, c/o Statesman Office. 48-2 MARRIED man for dairy farm. Must have experience operating milking machine and general farm work. On main highway near shopping centre. Permanent posi- tion with good wages if satisfac- tory. Write Box 680, c/o States- man Office. 48-1 AMBITIqUS, neat appearing man for special work. Non-drinker with good references. Must own car. Permanent position. No selling experience nece ss a ry. Training provided. High income. Write Box 664, c/o Statesman Of- -fice. 45-7 WE'RE giving something away! Each month "Free Products" as door openers for our salesmen, plus more advantages than you ever dreamed about. Full or spare time. How can you benefit from ail these? By writing to Familex, 1600 Delorimier, Mônt- reai. 48-1 WHAT are your plans for in- crease earnings? A good Rawleigh business is hard to beat - big line, well established, good pro- fits. No experience required. Write tQday for information on how ta get started. Rawleigh's Dept. ML-K-140-225, Montreal. 48-1 DEALERS WANTED - Splendid opportunity to ambitious persans ta mâke real money in selling from doQr to door 225 products well-known and guaranteed : toilet, medicines, culinary, dom-1 estic, tea, coffee, etc. Complete assortment of gif t boxes. Larget discount. Your profits depend onf your work. Good territories avail- able. No risk. Jito: 5130 St. Hubert, Montreal. 45-4 TOWNSHIP ASSESSOR The Corporation of the Township cf Clarke Applications for appointment as Township Assessor will be ýre- ceived by the undersigned until December l3th, 1951. Assessment ta be compieted on or before the. 3Oth day of Sept., 1952. Remuner- ation has been set at $2.50 for each completed assessment card with postage and office supplies extra. Applicants requested ta state age, qualifications and ex- perience. For funther information apply ta Mr. E. F. Hall, Counties' As- sessor for the United Counties cf Narthumberland and Durham. H. E. MILLSON, Clerk cf the Township cf Clarke, Box 51, Orpno, Ontario, 48-1 Couri of Revision NOTICE is hereby given that the Court of Revision will bel held, punsuant to the Ontario Assessment Act,. at the Township Hall, Orano, on the 14th day cf December, 1951, at 1 o'clock in the aftennoon ta hear and deter- mine al)peals in the 1952 Assess- ment Rall cf the Municipality cf the Township of Clarke. H. E. MILLSON, Clerk cf the Municipality of tbe Township cf Clarke. 48-2 Cars For Sale '38 CHEVROLET for sale, $300. '36 FORD Roadster, in good con- dition, beater and two-tone paint,t new top and curtains. Apply 1011 Division St. Phone 3649. 48-11 1949-1950 HILLMAN, in very good condition; Model "A" Ford, good matar and tires. Apply Frank's Garage, 72 Scugog Street, Bow- manville. 48-1 1948 PONTIAC Sedan Deiiveny, heaten, custom radio, grilkguard, undercoating, new tires, low mile- age. Pnivate, cash or tenms. Aif. Mitchell, Pontypool. Phane Onano 81ll. 48-1<' Wanted To Rernt WARM raom for light bouse-1 keeping, central location. Apply G.P.O. Box 292. 48-1' Real Estate Wanted Lost MAN'S wrist watch, lost on'*l day, Fremes make.' Reward ,ON~ fered. Finder please oi IIà Statesman Off ice. ~ 81 IN or near Post Office k6 ý 22, brown leather changéejpur» containing sum of money. Findf please contact Mrs. Southey2' Elgin St., Phone 731. 48-1~ BLACK, white and tan Walke fox hound, maie, wearing a brass: moünted coilar. Liberel rewarç for information leading te hii return. Lance Plain, Phone 2957. 484j A Week in a Hospital (By R. J. Deachman) Have you ever been in a hos-' pîtai-as a patient, I mean? M., expenience is net very wide. .1 went West in 1905, lived in Van- couver for twa yeans, moved Ï9 Calgary and lived there until 1927. In that 22 years I was nev- en in a hospitai, as a patient,; mean. I hal- oniy one cali frein a doctor. "Flu" struck me ln Calgary in 1919. Our family doc. tan calied, shook a finger at mç, told me ta stay in bed, keep my hands and anms unden the clothes and left me with a veiled thneat that if I didn't do as I was told -well, he wouldn't be respon- sible. I made a quick recover-Y just ta oblige the doctor! In 1927-I was married in 191Ô> -we moved ta Ottawa. In 1946 I was a patient in our Civic Hos- pital. The doctor toid me I had anaemia. I had a morbid dislike of hospitals. I got aven that ixi short order. There were ne aven- flowing hospitals ini those days, I had a pnivate room. I suffered no pain, lept well, pnjoyed, MY meals and made a raçiid recovery. I went back ta the hospital a few weeks aga with a touch of the old trouble. 1 am out again, feeling fine. One change has taken place, :t no langer dread a hospitai. If I were seriously il1 1 would go te a haspital without hesitancy. This time I had semni-pnivate quartee.,ý four patients in one large rocm. One of the guests had spent moit cf bis life farming, tbough in W$ youtbfui day he bad wor'ked itý the woods taking out tirnbç. He knew bis agriculture îý changes wbicb bad takewlace in the last haîf century. A'ihadl a keen insight into what was hap- pening in agriculture. .We CTIÉ the most cf the talking in that rcam! What do you do ln a haspital? Yoau do as you like, talk with the other patients, read if you se de- sire, forget about your wcrk- tbat is important!-chaf.f the nukis- es, sleep at any time. day or night. If you can do these things arïd do tbemn well ycu are apt ta malte a rapid recoveny. A change in tbought and attitude exerts a sal- .itary influence. I figuned it ail out mentally lai ny last day in bospitail I reach- ed in the end certain cheenful conclusions. Since I graduated nrom coliege 46 years ago 1 have spent 13 dIays in hospital. This ivorks eut Wt roughly 7 hours a ?'ear for 46 years. Even a paon mlan can afford ta waste thàt nuch time loafing in a hospitaL~ Wbat about the faod? It wus good, pientiful and wellserved. rhere were three square meals aday and a few extras tbrown 1» if you feit the need. I wonden how the staff keeps track of lt ail. m card was marked "bland diet. , In the same roomn was a patien~t wbose condition cailed fer a "sait fee" diet. One day I asked th~e dietitian baw she kept track of the variations. The answen I gat was, -It's ail very simple, you couldn't possibly ga wrong with itShe badn't the slightest idea ow fan I couid go wrong in pre- aring food fan people in a bas- :itai. The nurses have at times a dif- cuit task. They wiil tell you iandly that tbey have no trouble it ail, on at least very littie. 1 t ;ems that ail the patients are just oveiy, especially the babies. The )abies themselves agree witb this. take it from the bospital record hat 2,384 babies were bcrn in the monsinto he tBlueCvieo mepitl ere by Blue Crss ranf lne otefcn of lginsus lone dic ie.haThienfaus longer lesecflie. HeTheyt ,e: o hesle. eete .,eneral mortaiity and infant 'ntality, -(de*ths per thousand ie bintbs), are as follows: General Montality (average)- 26-30-11.1, 1950-9.0. Infant Mertality- (average) - 26-30-93.0: 1950-41.0. Maternal Mortality- <aVeRage) 926-a".-.7; 1950-1.1. 1' THE CANADIAN i STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLLF. ONTARIC) r