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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Nov 1951, p. 1

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n~btun. tate~m~m "Durham County's Great Family Journal"' VLM97BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29th, 1951 '7c PER COPYNUBR8 Eleven Candidates In Contest For Council How Vote Was Cast in Durham Ridingl The following table indicates the party standing in the provinc4al election ini Durham County, November 22. Officiai figures will be released by R. R. Waddel, K.C., District Return- ing Officer, Orono, Dec. 6. ' 'Also fiqht For Mayor and DenputvmReeve * Bowmanvllle taxpayers over- ready to accept an appointment to flowed the Council Chamber at tbc Library Board." the municipal nomination meet- Most fiery candidate for mu- ing. Friday evening, to hear mein- nicipal office was Norman Scott, bers of the 1951 Town Council Manager of Brookdale-Kingsway render reports, and cheer as pre- Nurseries, who went "rigbt across viously untried candidates aired the board" in a determined effort their views on municipal garbage to deal Iwith some problems not collection, zoning, and the advis- properly deait with." ability of parking meter installa- "If I'm going to get elecîed on tion. ypplrt l ee e l, Clerk Al!ck Lyle acted aschair- m ouaiyli ee e i, man o! the nomination meeting Councillor candidate Scott told that produced two candidates for an applauding audience. 'I'm 'hece Mayor, two for Deputy-Reeve, to express my views," be said. and 12 for Councillor. Only o.ne Airs His Views nomince for Councillor failed to Mc. Scott said the problem al qualify for the six offices. the lake is "sbameful" and thaï Morley Vanstone, Deputy-Reevo right or wrong "'we've got to belp in tbe 1951 Council, was elected tbem somehow." Iu bis opinion, by acclamation to the position of Bowmanviiie is not suited for' Reeve in 1952. Three members parking meters, and be stressed o! the Bowmanville Public School the need for a town manager. Board, including Chairman Wmi. Mertionîng the thousands of dol- G. James, Keith Jackson and Ben lars spent on King St. in Bow- Kitson, were retucned for a two- manville, Mr. Scott said il is "high * year tecm by acclamation. time we went to the provincial Completing his third tecmn as government and said: "You f ix Chief Magistrate of Bowmanville, 'em. Your trucks damage them." Mayor Lawrence C. Mason an- He asserted be favored-muni- nounced his cetirement from municipal council at the nomin- (Continued on Page Seven) ation meeting. Active in TàwnT Council for the past six yeacs, Mr. Candidates la Mason commended individuals r n and organizations for the encour- For Town Counci th agement and co-operation readîly ti offered. He lefI discussion of Mayor current issues to nominated can- didates. x Frank Jamieson TJ Zonlng By-Law Needed Sidney Little Concerning hiniseif primarily Reeve X with town planning, the retiring x Morley Vanstone (acclam.) j Mayor stressed the need for zon- Deputy-Reeve ing-a systematic definition of Norman Allison land in particular areas-and x Melville S. Dale an urged that the proper use of land Cuelosw be encoucage. "Bowmanvili Cunthor a hodge-podge to begin with," Mr George Buchan Cl Mason said, "and proper zoninjj x Wilfred Carruthers ci will be A complicated matter to FedClea work out." X Abbie Darch no Bowmanville is a fine com- Walter DeGeersi munity and it is "'up to us to see Bernard Kitney that il is developed and that ex- x Jack Niddecy pansion is directed along pcop- Jim Nokes S er lines," Mr. Mason said. Con- x Nelson Osborne irý cluding bis remarks with men- O. F. Robson d tion o! bis retirement fromn active Norman Scott p:, participation in Town Council, ,(Six to be elected) di , the Mayor, with tongue in cheek, 1 x-indicates a member of the Bi Itolda sea of faces that he is "now 1 1951 Council. ci Chairmen of Public Utilities and a Public School Board Gie acua Reports at the Nomination Meeting to Ross Strike, K.C., Chairr tbe Bowmanville Public U Commission, rendered a br port at the municipal nom: meeting held in bbe C Chamber, Fciday evening. G. James. Public Scbool Chairman, presented as annual report in conneclioî the Scbool Board. Before depreciabion the mission's Waterworks Depar showed an operating profit 357.46 in 1950, accocding1 Strike, "a slim macgin on 10 bry and operate any busi He said il cest $18,027.07 crabe bbc sewage disposal in 1950, and that this sum i be taken from a total waber, revenue o! $38,192. So fa yeac. the Commission bas $20,000 on wabec and seWE tensions. The expenditure financed by a floating fui $25,000, according 10 Mr. St Testlng At Lake In conneclion witb goir Lake Ontario for Bowman, wvater supply, bbc Utilities C man reported lest bobes been made on bbc East Beac have not proved satis!actor, seepage wells can ho put i ecation il will save bhc ex of a long intake pipe offt i Does Bowmanvilli Want a Chamber 0f Commerce ? 15 the Bowmanville Cha ber of Commerce to staînd fali? Ils continued existei depends upon YOU, Mr. B inessman. Edtlhusiasm is invited to à0wnnual Chamber of Ce ýerce meeting to be held the Council Chambet- of Town Hall at 8 p.m., Wt Dec. 5. where mu election officers will take place. The publie is invited.C S Bowmanville afford te ail this organization 10 pass ii oblivion? Lend your supp 10 the cause of expansion the annual meeting Wedn day ev'ening. Blind Institute Will Hold Sale The local emmilîce o! the Can- adian Instilule for the Blind are holding a sale o! articles suitable for Christmas gifts such as aprons, key rings, leather beits and hand- bags. novelty shoulder bags for cbildren, stu!fed dolls and allier articles, ini the Public Utilities Building on King St. West, Sat- urday, December 8th from 9 a. to 6 p.m. The Committee hope tbe Bowmanville people wiIl pat- ronize tbis wvorbhy cause and belp the blind helq themselves. man o! Lake. Clay is providing diff - tilities culty at present, bowever. Mr. ief re- Strike said a similar attempt will ination ho made on bbc West Beach. :ouncil Present Bowmnanville w-aber Wnî. consumptien bas reacbed a maxi- Board mum, Mc. Strike said, and if a dry similar season is encountcred, staggered n witb boucs o! usage will bave te ho on- forced. Comn- Incceased costs in 1950 de- rtment crcased bbc opcrating profit of o! $2,- Hydro, but a surplus on band is [o Mr. still ample for financing, Mil. wbich Strike bold bbc meeting. He sairi ;ess." $90,600 w'as spent on the new te OP- sub-station and $13,835 on the plant old sub-slation. had te Public School Report .works r this Reporting on bbc actîvity o! tbhe spent Public Scbool Board during bbe, er ex- past year, Win. G. James said a was four-room extension te bbc On- ind o, tarie Street Scbool had been trike.' launcbed. and that re-flooring op- erations aI Central Scbool have been completed. ig 10 Mc. James paid a special rib- iville's utc te Principal Andrcw Tbomp- Chair- son by commeriting on bbe iin- ;have tenk interesî bie takes and the bh but work hoe dees "whicb cannot ho '. If measured in dollars and cents." t0 OP- Ho also rcmarked on the fine pense teacbing staffs at botb scbools. t0 the' The School Board Chairman in- imaîed that a docorating pro- e gram wiil have te ho started next year, and reported that accord- r inf te preserit increaso figures, bbc Public Sehool population xill be up 25 per cent by 1955. The school population is presenîly ini- alm- (Continucd on Page Fifteen) Lawrence C. Mason Who has been a membor o! bbc Town Council for six ycars, bh't last tbree as Mayor, stated at the nomination meeting Friday nigbt bhat he would not seek nommna- ion for bbe comîng ycac. rwo Young Men Killed in Accident W~est of Bowmanville Two young men wcre killcd nd a third seriously injured bhen bhc eastbound car in which lhey were driving went eut of zontrol one mile west of Bow- nanvilie, oarly Sunday morning, ind bopplod end over end into bbc iorth ditcb afler skidding 100 f t. de ways. Fred Ellis, 20, Bowmanville, ;ffcred a broken neck and died nstantly. Floyd Brough, 20, Iriver o! tbc car, sustained a de- )ressed fracture o! bbc skull and led lato Sunday morning iin 3owmanville Hospital. The third issenger, Lorne Ellis, 18, broîh- * of Fred, is ceported in serious indition in hospital. Returning from visibing friends *t Maple Grove wben tbe acci- lnt occurred bbc driver of tbe .c apparentiy failed tb make bhe .rn at Brooks' corner, skidded 00-f t. sideways tben toppled end ver end for 90-fl. 10 finally come :rest in bbe north ditch. The ccce men werc bbrown from the r before it hit tbe ditch. There Sre no witncsses te bbc accidenît. ovincial Police are investigat. Ig. The body of Fred Ellis was àken te Donaldson, P. E. Ionday, bis home town, forf- ra services, and bbc body loyd Brough xvas taken bo oc wbero bis parents liye. A Goes to Pem'oEcp car we Pi( ing tal Mo era Flo doc Lives tock and Barn Destroyed by Fire In Darlington Fire levelled the -barn and driv~- îng shed on the seventh conces- sion of Darlington farin of Harry Beauchamp. early Tuesday mor- ning. destroying livestock and causîng thousands of dollars dami- age. The. barn was past saving \%'len the Bowmanviile Fire Br'1- gade arrived within 15 minutes o! being surnmoned. Two horses, two cows and un- known numbers of pigs and chic- kens perishied in the blaze that 1 consumed aIl but part of the silo. Firemen trained their hoses on the silo when they arrivocl. Morning chores done, Harry Beauchamp returned to the farmi house to change bis clothes in or- der to take his voung daughter, Lorie, bo Sick Children's Hospitalq for an eye examnination when tho 1 fire broke out. Lorie noticed the~ barn biazing through a farm hou.se window. Although a definite cause basi flot been establisbied, il is believ-1 ed faultY wiring mav* have caus- ed the blaze. The Bcauchampsx reputedlv\ purchased the farm uî. j dec thie Veteran's Land Act. L Cartwright Manvers ------ Cavan ------- Millbrook ----- Clarkec-------------------- H ope ---------- Darlington Newcastle -- Bownianvile - --------- Port Hope------ Toals Foote 454 680 638 310 790 580 859 161 1372 1343 Majority for Foote - 2,232 TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE Walton 147 210 221 73 631 539 947 322 959 906 West Ward 1 ---------- West Ward 2 ---------- North Ward 1- Nortb Ward 2 --------- South Ward 1- --- South Ward 2-- Advance Poli- Totais- Foote 141 24 223 203 ------ 1,372 959 Walton 93 209 118 231 177 131 Cheshire Total 24 625 59 949 26 885 28 411 78 1499 92- 1211 483 2289 33 516 418 2749 442 2691 1,683 13,825 Cheshire 50 98 32 78 58 101 1 Pick Candidates You Wish To Conduci Civic Business Then Get Ont and Vote Dec. 3rd Total 284 548 333 676 458 435 15 2,749 1 The overflow crowd aI the municipal nomination meeting in tbc Council Chamber, Friday av- ening. would seern te indicate iti- creased interest in civic affairs. Some 3,109 Bowmanvilie ceai.- dents are prîveleged bo vote ën Monday, Dec. 3, when polis w4n ho open frorn 9 a.m. 10 6 p.ni. Elsewhere in Ibis issue candidat s present their platform and sue- gest citizens gel ouI and vote. lit xvould bc a remarkable feat if Boxvmanville could tally an 83.1 per cent vote as was bbc case ini bbc recent provincial election. Eloven men are in the field for Councillor, oiily six to be elected. You arc entitled to vote foc SIX candidates for Councillor, bùit NO MORE. You vote foc as many as yo ýi te six, a#d can choose' aI for May- or and Éte foc Dep- For ience o! those entiti 'heir ballot, Mon- day, fier Alick yLÇ e following polling AÏMRD-915 voters wvil1 - l'ballots at tbc Town ATH WRD-1,88 voters1 'Cast their ballots in bbc Sun- Scbool at Trinity United d1Carke Council Ail Acclaimed Clarke Township Counc- was returned to office by acclamation at a nomination meeting held in the Orono Town Hall, Friday af- ternoon. Ted Woodyard, nomin- ated for both Reeve and Coun- cillor, declined nomination. Clarke Council for 1952 is as follows: Reeve: Hartwell Lowery. Deputy-Reeve-Arthur McKay. Counciliors - Harry Davey, Fred Lovekin, James Brown. Cburcb. SOUTH WARD-1,106 voters will cast tbeic ballots in the gym- nasium o! the Ontario Street Scbool. Club 15 Donates Three Radios To Memorial Hospital O! interest to ail is bbc news Ibat Club 15 bas donated thrce radios 10 bbc Memorial Hospital. These radios will ho available to patients. free o! charge, during their convalescence mn bhc hos- pital. The new slate of officers for Club 15 is as follows: President- Mcs. Paul Chant; Secretary-Mcýs. Ralph Mclntyre; Treasurer-Mrs. Jack Dunn; Social Convenor- Mrs. George Vinish.. Chicken Thieves Raid Poultry Farm 0f A. C. Perry Chieken thieves caided tbc poultcy farm o! A. C. Perry, earlv Monday morning, and made off wvith 150 cbickens being primed foc bbc Christmas trade. Believed te be bbc work of an organized gang that pulled similar coops near Myrtle and Wbitby, a Perry ncigbbor reports seeing bbree men and a woman oubside ber home after midnight. Tb' robbery took place belwccn 1:30 a.m. and 3:30 a., wbcn snovz feul in bbc district. The Pcrry familv relurned home acound midnight Sundav cvening and until 8 a.m., were unaware o! bbc robbery. Mr. Pcrry said cbickons do not raise mucb of a ruckus in bbc dark and tbieves apparenbly capitalized on this knowledgc. Provincial Police are investi- New Members Are Invited to Join Men's Canadian Club Next Wednesday Me i Durhamn County who son, recently retired manager of xv sh to enjoy several evenings the Metropolitan Opera Company, of genuine sociability combined New York City, famous opera with constructive and informa- singer himself and nativ.e of tîi e addresses with a good meal Guelph, will be the guest speaker. thrown in for good measure, are This meeting alone should be ivited to join the Men's Canad- an Club which holds its first eý fic.« tae, eeting of the season at Coin- '.Orono Unitco m tintyCentre, Wed.,Dec. Sth at ï, da cal t 6:30) pin. You will find the club ~ hurch, Pemi- i composed of men from both Ëàeday, Dec. 9. th, rural and urban areas who to Orono in look forward to these get-to- r~avng cî~rgegethers cluring the winter months. Piously he did If you are flot aiready a mem- Beardmore, a ber consider this a personal in- ~1ho! Port Arth- vitation to join and be on hand Wednesday night xvhen you will w, Alta.,McL. receive a cordial welcome. Tic- his earlv edu- kets are $6.00 for the series o ve town and fir- meetings. n Rossbuirn, Man., The speaker for Wednesday Graduatiii, Bacih- night is James Wharry, Vice'- ni United Coilege, President and Assistant General 1938, Mr. EustacL Manager of the Quaker Qats Co. st-grade course iLn of Canada Limited, Peterborough, wýas ordained in w'ho will talk on a world tour he made last year. Wted in basketbali, In a letter the editor received pnis, Mix Eustace froin a friend in the Liftlock City and senior lettcî.s 1h15 week liere is a comment madet Kor his B.A., and about Mr. Wharry: "I have heard "'ward i thl1e tics, humi speak and you are in for a ~escnted for that reaI treat.' His addresses, as well ~eologica1 college. 'as being informative and interest-f IarrivaI at Orci- ing, are 'way above average in1 spea-headed a %vit and humour." What higher ~ds to reniodel reconinind do you want for a James Wharry reh. The renu- speaker?s 1y completed So men, tell your wives or worth tlhe price of a season's -.bîrned to thec sweethearts that this winter ou ticket. f, 1950,, and im- are '-going to spend a night out In ioining the local club you i w.as started to once a month with the boys" at belong to one of the oldest Canad-1 the Canadian Club. Then when ian Clubs and furthermore the1 he Orono con,- Ledies' Night comes at the end founder of the movement was Col.1 ~ai Ltd t th e of the season vou'll be proud and Chas. R. McCullough, a native( fa ine%% $5, ial) to takè them along when son of Bowmanville, which is somec tbSept. 9 it is cexpccted Mr. Edward John- distinction. John Foote Re-Elected Ini Durham County With Record Majority of 2,232 Votes John W. Foote Kinsmen Club Take the Plunge To Raise $45,000 to Instali Artificial Ice in Nemorial Arena hl1e Moemorial Arona is bo gel artificial ice at lasb. President Stan Dunn and sec- retary Ray Kowal o! bbc Boxv- manville Kinsmen Club signcd a contract wibb bbc Canadian Ice Machine Ce., Toronto, which guaranbees te instail artificial ice aîîd equipinent. for approximab- iy S45,000.- Considering tbat bbc operation bakes a minimum o! six wccks, Kinsmen deemed it advisable to iorcsball the installation until next suminer. If it wcre donc at this timo bbc Mcmorial Arena could net ho used for at least two Imonbbs. Big problem confronting bbc lo- raise $45,000 by July, 1952. But artificial ice is tbc responsibilitv of Ibis community as well as bbc Kinsmen Club whicb bas unde:-- laken te spearbead bbc drive for its installation. Eighty-five per cent o! bbc total cost must be paid as equipmnt is înstalled. Ways and Means Here is hoxv bbc Kinsmen Club Proposes te finance the program 1. They arc presently conduct- ing a 25-cent givc-away wbere tbc holder o! bbc winning ticket reccives a 1952 bard top Chevro- let car. and the seller o! the win- ning ticket receives a 1952 Chcv. coach. fStudents of High Sch *ool Present Gay Operetta "The Mikado In Fine ProfessionalStyle 1Withi considerable experien..e1 den; TheàMikado-Ted Ott; Page behind them in presentation ef -James -'arkhi]l. ________________ Gilbett and Sullivan operettae, In this stylized comedy in Jap- Bey. W. F. Banister, Bowmanvilie High School stud- anese costume and sctting, Ko- Afre iitro t al ents are again scoring a reai suc- Ko. the Lord High Executioner, a Afomr inseoft.Pu' cess in their 1951 Commencement cheap tailor who lias been raised United Church, and Chapla*a production, "The Mikado". Ruîî- to his exalted rank, and is about with the Canadian Army ini ning f-,r four nights this week at to marry his ward, a schoolgiri, World War II and now of Kin3 the Opera House, which is admîr- Yumn-Yum, might be considered ton. wiil be guest preacher ati~t ably suited to a produc.tion of this the central figure. Ivan Woolley, Paul's Sunday morning serv.-,C size and scope, the musical direc- with bis amazing antios and buf- when Memorial Chines wh :S., tion of the operetta is capably foonery, excelled himself at Ko- have been installed on the or..aii handled by Mr. D. C. Peters, di- Ko, and Grace Nicholson was a wili bc dedicated. rector of music in the schools. swect and appealing Yum-Yuri The minister, Rev. H. A. Tur. While staging, inake-up and ail who piayed her part well and ner, wi]l conduct a brief dedica. behind-the-scenes efforts are the sang hier rolo in excellcnî voice. tien ceremony during which the joint endeavour of the entir'e Both of theseý students have the chimes will bc officiaily present- teaching staff. Ail are to be col- benefit of several years' exper- ed by Mr. D. H. Williams, chair. gratulated on the resulting fine ience in dramatic productions. man of the Memorial Committee, performance. Nanki-Poo, son of the Mikado', on behaif of the congregation, arnd The schooi is fortunate in hav- but in disguise as a wandering accepted by the minister. The ing the use of scenery belonging minstrel, is in love with yum- names of ail those who served ini to the Massev-Harris Choral and Yumn who returns bis affections. the two wars, whose church affili- Dramatic Society' which gave the Ken Butterv was excellent as th, ation was St. Paul's, will be read. final professional touch to th;; hero, Nank ,i-Poo, wvhose part also Rev. W. F. Banister will preach highly amusing operetta. The called for some intricate singing the sermon. flying fingers of Catherine Teepie, in his solos. The chimes are 21 note Mani Lorna Fietcher and Isobel Cruick- chimes and have been installe t Mîaîk I te pano gae a ac The Three Little Maids From on the front wail of the churchi, cumis he prfomace ao! eSchool. Grace Nicholson, Evelyn soprihy usiclrore obonan BrbraGodad lose to the organ. A smp]l G oh e n a d B a b ar G od ard plaq u e w ill also b e p laced a t th e Apiglyheupicial parterex with their girlish tittering behinrifotodh hrho bc ~ cellnhe pdonecing partwraeux-coyly held fans were inost appeal-beroncriof the uc wdsehTot' as follows: Nanki-Poo-Kenneth ing ither actin Gad sn wes glory of God and in honour 1' Buttery; Pish-Tush-Jim DeGeer; Ptgtherin. Evepys Gohsien, ethos who served ini war. 1914-i.3, Pooh-Bah-Alex Drummond, Ko-Pit-ngwopascsdebe 1939-452" Ko--Ivan Woollev: Yum-Yum__ attention to Pish-Tush, played by- Other rmmbers ot the Mem- Grace Nicholson; Pitti-Sing--Ev- Jim DeGeer, was most sprightly ra omte vhM.Wl elx'n Goheen; Peep-Bo-Barbara in ber portrayal of the part both oial Commareet Mr. Wl!.nth Goddard; Katisha-Greta "i~w- (Continued on Page Fifteen) and Mr. D. ArmLçtead. gladiy received bo ho added b the fund, and Ibis personal appeal is intchded as an investment ii Iyouc community. Other organiz- atiens wisbing te donate money will be able to do s0 with the greatest o! thanks. 3. Finally, bbc Kinsmen Club is considering a "short term loan" drive wbere interested citizens and businessmen wili ho offered an opportunitv of "loaning" money for a short toi-m. Il wîll ho similar le an investrient in yeuth, soething Ibis bown can-. net do witbout. Get Your Ticket Now For The St. Andrew's Dinner The clans are ail going 10 bo Ihere Ibis Friday evoning at the Bowmanville Badmin- ton Club. Yes, a large per- centage of the tickets have already gene for the Bow- manville Legion Pipe Band's first St. Andrew's% Day din- lier. But, in case you wanl bu go, tickets are stili available aI Hoopcr's Jewellcry, Jury & Lovell's and F. F. Morris Co. For a ceai nighl of on- tertainmenl frem thee High- land Fling te Haggis (ugh!) Polling 7,187 o! a possible 18," 586 votes, John W. Foote, V.;, Minister off Reform Institutioni, was swept back int office à& Durham County riding on the avalanche that saw the Progreà.. sive Conservative party win 79 ôt the 90 seat4 in the Ontario Legis,- Rolling up a majority of 2,23;4 Major Foote easily outdistanced Liberal candidate. George Wal. tonjNewcastle orchardist, and C. C. . aspirant, Spencer Cheshir, Cavan Township farmer, who polled 4,955 and 1,683 respectivë- ly, as compared tia John Foo'e's 7,187 vote. A record 74.3 per cent vote was recorded n Durham 1.,±i , and the Conservative tren-1 noticed early in bbc eve. , when returns from Bow., ville gave thc successful ca...i- date a 413 majority over is i - eral opponent. Bowmanville x-ot- ers turned out strong, Nov. 22, o register an 83.1 per cent voce. The succcssful candidate îcx Iba polis in aIl but two o! bbc 10 nia- nicipalities. Newcastle gave iLS native son a 1#1 majority over Major Foote and Dariin.,.on Townsbip gave the Liberal cari- didate a slim 88 vote lead. C.C. F. candidate Spencer Cheshire drew 483 votes in Darlington. Seventeenth Administration The overaîl Conservative vie. tory in bbc province enabled the Frost administration to form the eigbth Conservabve governmeat snce Confederation. 'l'he Liocil party formed seven o! the 17 pro. vincial governments since lü.. when the Unionist party was ýi1 power. Ernest C. Drury w-4 Premier o! a Farmers goveril- ment in 1919. Liberal candidate George Wal. bon conceded John Foote's elec. tion about 9:30 p.m. in tbe Con- servative committee room on King St. Jammed bo the wali3, *',the hall ecboed with jubiliant cheers when the concession wvas announced, and the Canadian Legioi Pipe Band, ied for tha occasion, rocked Higland notes off the white walls. The Minister o! Reform Insti- tutions was not present when George Wallon conceded. He was called to Toronto dring the aflernoon to sign parole papers when he was pronounced, victor. in fat. Mr. Foote was entirely un- aware that he had swept tbe eounty until he arived in Bow- manvlle some ime later. Although the Port Hope news- paper claimed the highest record. cd vote (2,847) in the counly the day following the election, it has since been made public by Re- turning Officer R. R. Waddell, that Bowmanville, with 857 few- or eligible voters, registered a larger Vote than any other mu- nicipality. Newcastle, however, with 516 o! a possible 592 resi- dents voting, registered the high Pcrcentage vote o! 87.96. Highest Vote Here Port Hope residents cast 2,691 o! a possible 4,169 ballots for a (Continued on Page Seven) Dedicate Chimes At St. Paul's Church - - Lyj ~ cec lus- the the cd., 1of Can ow into oct iat les- 7,187 IL -qwjrýwj muluwiwwlw

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