BRING YOUR MESSAGE BEFORE 12,,000 READERS TRURSflAY, DEC. eth, 198! I~-Ne %P v Iu" BIRTHS BlEDFORD-Mr. and Mrs. James B. Bedford (nec Joan Belsey) wish to announce the birth of their son, Michael James, born November 10th, 1951, in Memorial .Pospital, Bowmanville. 49.1* LYON-Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lyon (nec Jean Kersey), Scarborough, wish to announce the arrivai of their son (John Edward) Dec -2nd, 1951, at Grace Hospitai, - Toronto. 49-1-1 STACKARUK - Mr. and Mrs. .Arthur Stackaruk are very happy to announce the arrivai of their daughter "Rozanne Louise" at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, Ont., on Dec. 3rd, 1951. 49-1* DEATHS BENNETT, Thomas - At rest in -Bowmanville, on Saturday, Dec. :-lst, 1951, Thomas Bennett, be- loved husband of Florence J. Bennett, and dear father of Tom of Toronto, Florence (Mrs. S. Bond), Bowmanville, and Alice (Mrs. W. Patterson), Rockwood, aged 82 years. Resting at the Funeral Chapel of Northcutt & Smith, service Monday, Dec. 3rd, 1; at 2 p.m. Interment Bowmanvilie I Cemetery. 49-1 CARSON, Charles A.-At Mem- ôria Hospital, Bowranville, on A. Carson (Kendai, Ontario), in his 8lst year, beloved husband ofç the late Amy Finlay. Service 'was held at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Tuesday, Dec. 4, at 2:30 p.m. Interment« Qrono Cemetery. 49-1 OSBORNE, Jamq$ Frank - At ýrest in Darlington Township on Tucsday, Dec. 4th, 1951, Jamesi Frank Osborne, husband of the late Sarah Knight and dean father of Ethel (Mrs. L. Gay), Oshawa; Edna (Mrs. C. Selby), Newcastle; Russell and Hubert, Newcastle, Earl and Orville, of Bowmanville. Resting at the I'esidence of his son, Mr. Earl Osborne, Lot 4, Con. 2, Darlington, for service on Thursday, Dec. 6th, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowman- ville Cemetery. 49-1 CARDS 0F THANKS I wish to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to mny fiends and relatives for fruit, flowers, books and cards sent toj mle while I was in bed. Willie Johnson. 49-1- I wish to extend my sincere thanks ta the Oshawa General Hlospital staff, Dr. Rennie, Port -Ferry, relatives, fiends and lieighbors for fruit, fiowers, cards aYid many inquinies during my gtay in thc hospital and since I cpme home. Wmn. Mahaffy. 49-1* Mrs. Johin Baird and family, 84 Elgin St.,' wish 10 express t4îcir sincere thanks and appreciation to their many friends, neighbors and Capt. Deering for Ibeir kind expressions of sympathy and floral tibutes extended duning their recent sad bereavement. 49-1* The family of' the laie Thomas Bennett, Scugog St., ackniowlcdgc with grateful appreciation the kînd expression of sympathy ex- tonedttAm hvh.,Y UInnn....OLdU Légion, Branch No. 178, Rev. S. R. Henderson, Dr. H. Rundle anc friends and neighbors. Specia. thanks to Mrs. Thomas Buttery and Miss Dora Purdon. 49-1 .COMING EVENTS .Carscadden Sehool Christmas concert on Wednesday ..evcniiing December l9th. 49-1 The Goodyear Recreation Club Euchre, Friday, Dec. 7th, in Goôodycar Recreation Hall, 8 pi. 49-1 Candleliglit service presented by High Park choir, Toronto, in Orono United Church, Sundav evening, Dec. l6th, at 7:Qafl p.mi. Teen Town Christmas Dance will be heid at the High Scllool A(iditorium on Saturday, Dec. Q th, at 8:30. Members 25c, non mcmi- bers 35c. 49-1 The Salvation Arniv Homne League Bazaar and sale of home cooking will be held Saturday' , Dec. 8th, 3 to 6 p.m., in the Union liall. Afternoon tea wil be served. 49-IJ Reserve Monday, Dcc.' lOth. at 8 p.m. for ça Bingo to be hield in the Union Hall, King St. Spon- sored by Local 189, United Rub- ber- Workers. 20 games for 50c. Union members 25c. 49-1 Lost ONE Chev. hub cap and chrome w 1 ", rim. Finder please phone 4ý. . 49-Ifi '~Wanted To Rent 'WARM room, with or without board, central location. Apply 'P-.O. Box 292, Drawer M. 49-1* ÎF17G married couple, no child- ren, pets, or bad habits, centrallly located. available January 1ISt or jýJ.Write Box 683 c/o States- =4 Office. 49-1 Artficles For Sale CAR radio. Goodrich, good as new. Phone 2710. 49-1* ONE used platform, 9 ½ý x 7 ft., steel bottom. Phone 3474. 49-1* TWO wheei 4railer, with 600-16 tires. Phone 2424.,9. FUR coat, muskrat, size 16, rea- GOBLIN vacuum cleaner, good condition, with ail attachments. Phone 2851 after six. 49-1* STUDIO couch, in good condition. An excellent buy. Phone 3549. 1 49-1 CHRISTMAS Trees of special quality, Spruce and Scotch Pine, ail sizes. Phone 3170. 47-3: CHILDS crib andamattress, good condition. Apply 9 1,ý, King St. 49-1* ORDER your Christmas Trees now. Phone or sec C. Wilson 764 or B. Fogg 3688. 49-1 TRUMPET for sale, like new. Will sell reasonable. Phone 2001 Bowmanville. 4- PIANO - piano for Christmas. Telephone Bowmanvilie 492. 49-1* 2500 FEET used lumber; also doors and windows. Apply Den Auden, Waverly Road. 49-1* DOLL pram, blue, 34" high, 46Ï, long, four chrome guards. Phone 538. 49-1* FLOOR model combination radio and phonograph. Phone 2584. 49-1 CHRYSANTHEMUM flowers for sale. Phone 2468. Graham Flor- ist, Enniskillen. 49-.3* BABY carniage, in excellent con- dition. Phone Orono 30r7, Mrs. Bruce Mercer. 49-1 BABY'S pram, excellent con- dition, reasonable. 122 King St. E. Phone 630. 49-11: JOHNSON Floor Polishers. Spec- ial for Xmas, $49.95. The Radio Shop, 38 King St. E. Phone 573. 49-1 MODERN bed, springs, mattress and dressing table, in good con- dition, reasonable. Phone 453. 49-1 FINDLAY Oval cook stove, large size, reservoir and warming closet, good condition, ivnry trim. Phone 2170. 49-1 SCOTCH Pine Christmas Trees at Joe Cooper's Service Station. Phone 3432 for speedy delivery. 49-3 RADIO, in good condition,' table model, $ 15.00. Write Box 684, c/o The Canadian Statesman. 49-11 NEW 12 cu. f1. deep freezer, reg. $,559.00, now $449.00, just one lett. Appiy Wm. Dawson, Happy Val- ley, Phone 56r11 Onono. 49-1* TWO Goodnich Silver Towvn Tires, 600-650 x 16, used ten days. Tubes optional, reasonable. Phone 2333. 49-2 DEURY movie camera, projector and rayflex screen, several years old but never used. Phone 419. 49-1* RUGS-Several sizes and colours. Must selI. Will sacrifice. Write Box 678, c/o Statesman Office. 48-2 COOK stove, Findlay combination Icoal and gas, complete with coal Iand wood gîrates, xaterfront. Burns Consumiens on bottied gas, nearly new. Phone 2124. 49-1* ACME cook stove, like new; aiso thirleen pigs, 7 wceks oid. Roy McLaugblin, Nesîleton. Phone sIPortî Penny 3323. 49-1- CSILENT Giow Oul Burner, with ,complete equipment, iii gond as new shape, must bc suen to bc ,appreciated. Phone 51j. ' 48-1 THE New Educator Encyclopedia, ten volumes, 1949 edition. Leo Hartford, Orehardlanrl i'arni R.R. Articles For Scale TWO kiddies' table and ch sets, average size, $5.00 ea'êh wh new. Bov's tweed winter cc size 16, good condition, $8.1 Phone Clarke 1132. 49- INTERNATIONAL Farmail tractor, wiil accept livestock hardwood logs in exchange. ýM.*Kyte, Biackstock, Phone P( Perry 106r4. 49 SOFTWOOD slabs, $6 cord at t bush at Burketon. Inquire Burketon Garage or H. M. Ky- Blackstock, Phone Port Per 106r4. 49. CEDAR Chests-the perfect g' F. F. Morris Co. feature fine wz nut cedar chests fromn $44 50, savings up to $20.00 on Toron advertised prices. Choose nc for Xmas delivery! 49 VENETIAN BLINDS, 25 differe colours of tapes, 15 siat coloui Flexalum. Aluminurn or Stei measured and installed free charge. Phone 3121. Webei Fabnie Centre. 17- TILE - for kitchen, bathroonr hearths and tireplaces. Walls. glazed tule or plastic, ail colou Floors - rubber, mastic, lino-til quarrie and ceramie. Will go an, where. H. G. Heal, Phone 29( 2- REFRIGERATORS, WASHER RANGETTES, CLEANERS, leai ing Canadian lines of electricr appliances at F. F. Morris Co. A floor models and demnonstratu reduced to make the ideal Xm; gift. Shop here - we will flot'1 undersold! 49, ONE Gurney cook stove, wood( coai, with reservoir and warmir closet; one Findlay Quebec heate large size; also three cribs, smal medium and large. Ail artici( in good condition. E. C. Smit] Newcastle, first house north( Brown's school. 49-1 MATTRESSES-the practical gi. F. F. Morris Co. have outstanc ing values in Spring-Filled Ma tresses from $23.75. For a reall fine Xmas Gift select a Reslar (nationally advertised, famoî make) reg. $59.50. While the last, ail sizes, Xmas Speciý $42.50. 49- *For the Latest Papers *For the Finest Paints *For the Best Workmanship S. G. PRESTON & SON PHONE ' 2417 - 912 49-t WAGON and Trailer Axles. Youi choice of Chev., Ford or Dodg$ wheels either 15,' or 16" so youl own spare will work. Price oniý $30 each, while they iast. Th:ý includes: axle, hubs, wheeis, tire. and tubes, ahl assembled, linec up and painted. Springs $ 10.0( a pair extra, if desired. PleasE note that this special offer is oniy good while present stock lasts sc order early. Sissons Garage Phone Orono 1031. 34-IJ RECESSED bathtubs $60; smart Mantha Washington and Rich- ledige stainless three piecé bath- noom sets white $160.00 10 $189.00. Coloured $274.00 compiete with beautitul chromed fittings. Air conditioning furnaces $295.00, Speciai offers 10 plumbers and builders 100. Save many valuable dollars, buy xvith confidence and bave a nicer home. Satiýfaction guaranteed. Extra discounts off catalogue prices if we supply everyîhing you need for compiete plumbing or heating installation. Catalogue includes litho photos of main fixtures, pnices and instal- lation diagrams. Select style of sînks, cabinets, laundry tubs, sbowens, stoves, retnigerators. Pressure water systems, oil bunn- ers, seplie and oïl tanks etc. Visit or xvnite Johnson Mail Orden Di- vision, Streetsviile Hardware, Streetsvi]le, Ontario. Phone 261. Evenings 51r15. 31-tf CHRISTMAS TRrrM yoc Se& I Bov sup] elec MO] fide and in- t of t iair en îat, 00. or H. lont he at te, ry )-tf ,al- at nto 9- 1 nt nrs, ceI, of ns -tf le, ly- 02. tf z5, MI1 nrs las be or- fl C les - bh, 1 of out 1* on f t. El- 't- ýly id of To of1 the OPP cor, .tf ir c istioi esthe ýd )o 3e ;01to e, turn tj edi - trus ELECTION .'4ARDS 0F THANKS 1 wish to thank ail who turned t and elected me to the Council .Monday. Fred Cole. 49-1 Iwant to take this opeortunity thanking the people of Bow- inville who voted for me and ztending best wishes to the new rncil men. George S. Buchan. 49-1* the Electors Bowmanville: rhaiik you for your support at epolis on Monday. I take this )portunity of wishing you the npliments of the season. Wilfrid Carruthers. 49-1 ['o the electors of the Village of ýwcastle, I wish to expres;; my icere appreciation for your very aI support in the recent elcc- ms. Accept my best wishes for ecoming holiday season. Hattie A. Mason. 49- 1 Iwish to take this opportunity tbank all the votens wbo rned out on Monday and eiect- me a Councillor for 1952. I ist that 1 may be of service to i during the coming year. ason's greetings. O. F. Oddy Robson. 49 -1 1wisb 10 thank the voters of ,manville for the splendid port- they gave nme in ne- eting me bo the Council on )nday. 1 appreciate the con- mnce you have pîaced in me c I will do everything I dan the coming year for the good the town. Yuîetide greetings. Nelson E. Osborne. 49-î* To the Eleetors of Bowmanville: I sincerely wish bto tank aU voters who turned ouI on Mon- day and electcd me to the position of Deputy Reeve of the Town of Bowmanvîlle for the yean 1952. I will make every effort to justify your confidence in me and trust that I may be of service to you. Season's greetings, Melville S. Dale. 49-1 rnn lne fJ~~ui~drDTD bs2t a 3, v rivi e.ANY IZEfront, on King St., in Bownian- of November, 1951. 3,~~T Bthanvlie 48cI NY I ville: also store on Main St. VFRA B. M LLS, CHRISTMAS TREES - ScotchT1il of Bowmanville:H.G (Hap) Gi, Realtor distarx ýPine and Spruce, ail sizes. Fiftxv neih Bickell This is a democrati countrv 78 King St. West, Bownnviile 1.Apa1.Hdis cet3n1p hoe26,J Phone: Office 3326 If; lemperance Street, centsamn up. Phne 2683J1RTEMPERAN(CE ST. and you have the pvilege ofReinc 31-Bo anil, naio GaniEnskln. 49-3 : !voting as you wish, vhich you R49-1 314Bewi'soiloleOri. FINDLAY range (Condor) with ]PHONE 3324 did on Mondas'. 498-2e oictrheen waterfront, for coal or ,'ood, like To my loyal fniends who sup- 4- upright piano. Phone 3050. 49-1e D lveythanks - and IC rs or S le otic toCredtor PLOW, disc n ulvt i - new council and wish them every '35 PLYMOUTH Sedan, gond con- Notce oTIreiERS Lavestock For Sale success in thi eierations. dition. 7 tires. Phone 3356. 49-1 ________________ Ford or Ferguson tractor, Appil ___________________ May you ail fuily enjoy the hap- K. E. Dean, R.R. 3, Newcastle, SIX Yorkshire pigs, 10 wecks old .piness of the approaching holiday 19.51 MORRIS Minoî c'a r, $1.325 IN flic Estate of JOH-N SAK, i PoneClake 91). 4-1 ' Pone213. 4~l*season. with haîf cdown: 19:)1 Internation-Dces. G.Frank Jamieson. al :3i-ton truck, $1,675, with s$559 il. pcsn f h thn e lims CRFSS CORN SALVE for sure YOUNG pigs for sale. York and 49-1 dlown. Farm Equipmcent & Auto-flin icth estate oi hesi ! relief. Druggists seli Cross Bun- Tamworth, seven wceks olEl. Ap- ________________ motive Lîci., 134 King St. E Ê-<ýJOHN SA, lae of Ili Township ion Salve - %vear stylish shoes plv H. Craig, Phone 2365. 49-1t Bowmanville, Phone 689. 49-j or Claike in fthc County of Dur-1 sn.49-1 1-orRe _hanri, Fariner. dcceased, who died so.- TOULOUSE, Chinese Gcçse; Mus- Fo-R n 1947 CHEV. St .vlernaster Sedan, Ion, or about tlhc 30th day of June, SELECT Broad Breast Bronz cavy Ducks and Drakes. Good GARAGE for rent. Apply Apt. 7, completely overhauled, including 1951, at the Village of Newcastle, Turkeys for Christmas Delivery. watch dog. Phone 2749. 49-1* 63 King St. W. 49-lw brake cylinders and relining; 1 in the Couinty of Durham, are Satisfaction assured. Phone 2019. heater and Prestone. Tcrms or 1 req uired to file proof of the same J. Trudeau & Son. 48-2* NINE young pîgs, 8 weeks aid. TWO small apartments, running cash. Phone 2183 at noon or wîth the undersigned executors E. Cunningham, Newcastle. Phone hot and cold water, flush toilet; atter 5 p.m.491oftels i adTtmntf FRESH, sweet apple cider, in 3ý2 0 2. 49-1 to neat tenants; low pniced. Lake-4-10 the ast XViila n orTestam ento gloorkes.Choice MîIitos ieLde ecsl. nu 96PICCah, a tbýhe 8said eesdo rbf alnd Botr apg. W Ci de-ONE hundred Rhode Island Red ieLde ecsl.Eqie196PNICCah a b h 1hday of December, 1951,' andres Paxter laes. 81. Weekly0Bare Rckde-vn 147 Elgin St. E., Oshawa, Phone seen at Arthur E. Sinith's Garage, after which date the said execu- lî eie. Ph n C a ke 2 1 pull ecilt) War ls o ck Ns laving. Oshawa 3-7244. 49-1 Cobourg. O fers 10 purchase nay tos will poced tb distibute 1the 4 Phonr. eci24- Wil ontPe. Nsle49 _______________________be submittecl on or hefore Dec. said estafe, haviîîg regard onl.v b CONGOLEUM Gold Seal Rugs, Poe14r1 Pr er.41 Re aiI8th, addrcssed to Scc'ýv. -Treias., the' clainm., of which they shal _____________-__This_________ Board of Health, Cobourg, Ont. I îî-ihv otice. yr olemDelxeand 3 yanrds ;ic wftCic Te aehuk, EAIR aalmle trfi.49-2 DATED ai ()shawýa, Ontar~io, yard goods at budget pnîces. healthy, hardy, ail popular breeds. erators, domcstic and commercial; V bs11 ayo oebr Phone 451, Walker Stores. 23-tf For pnices phone Barron's, Hamp- milking coolez's. Higgon' Elec- KI armiers Attention 1 A.D. 1951. ton 2420. 49-î* tric, 42 St. E., Phone 438. Leon Pasek and Piotr Szczur, PLUMBING, Heating and Oul2-fW ilb lae opc p Eeuos Burersinsalld aywhre n TO tn mnth' od pdigeeddead or crippled farm animaIs b , Creighton, Fraser & Durham Couinty. Reasonable rates Shorthorn bulîs; also ton pure- FOR prompt, efficient, guaranteed and pav highest pnevailing prices. l)inan, and highest quaiitv. For free bred Shropshii'e we larnbs fr'om service, dyeing and custom work, For immediate service Telephone .5 Sîi'oe Siî'eef North, etsimates caîl S. Blain Elliott, importecd sire. C. H. Mumifoî'd, trv the Neat-Way Shoe Repair Collect, Toronto Empire 3-3636 or 0. h> .Onîtario. Hleating, Plumbing & Tinsmiîbîing, Hampton, Phone Oshatva 3-896(f. Shop, opposite Garton Bus Ter- Cobourg 1266W, Gardon Young their soluitons herein. Phone 3318. 29-ti 49-Z minai. 31-tf 1 Ltc. 7-42' 47-3 Real Estate For Sale Handy Man's Opportunity Storey and hait nexv bouse, un- tinished but very liveable, 3 large bright rooms downstairs, insulat- cd, new floor covenings and fix- turcs included. Tbree or more acres of stone-tree land, suitable for greenhouse, poultry or fruit, on good road veny close to No.'2 Highway, Courtice district. Heavy duty wining and wcll, good die wvay, heaith reason toir sellig. Write Box 675, c/o Statesman Of- fice. 48-2 NL!XON REAL ESTATE 5-room brick bungalow, 4-pice bath, furnace, hardwood floors. venetian blinds, gardcn, coal ai-ic extras. Inimediate possession. $8,750. 6-room tframne bouse, sunporch. 3-piece bath, hydro, inisulatcd,1 heavy wiring, good gardcn, casily heated, low taxes. $7,000. On No. 2 Highway', 4-roomn insul- brick house, around .5 acres, 1w'- dro. Immediate possession. $2,500.I Terms. 200 acres near village, 100 work- able, balance bush and pastu re, creek, good water supply. _barn, stable, hen bouse, garage, 9-room house, hydro, furnace. Wanted - houses and farnms. James Nixon, Brok er 160 Liberty St. N.. BowmalN'ille Phone 68-J 49-1 GILL REAL ESTATE $7,50() Farmi, I mile troinipavedi acres, good barn, chickcn houses, TIeEir fHRL wells and spring, niccîx' decorated, CHARLES WESLEY MILLS, de- 4-rooro brick bungalowv, heavy ceascd. wiring, full cellan. ALL persons baving dlaims aansî thea estate of Harold $3,000-Nearly cornpîeîcd 4-rooni CaisWeslJey Mills, late of the bungalow, heavv xiring, iniaid TowAnship of Danlington in the linolecîms. Immediate poses-CoLntv utofDurhami, road super- ion. intendient, who died on on about the lst day' of Octobeîr, 1951, are $9,800 9-nooni brick bungalow, rejUested bo send 10 the under- heavy wiring, bot wafer bicating, ,sined aI tbe address below, full garage, etc. Immediale psssspJan'tiulars, of tbe sanie on on ion. befor-e Ihie 1111h day of January, ________1952, afler- ic date the assets $500-Building lot, xitIl ('char 0of tb.ý deceasecj xiii be distribut- excavated, and frame building on icd baving ne ýard only 10 the lot.das of whicb the Administra- _______ m*xshall theri bave notice. Notice to Creditorg .ADOTHERS IN the 'Estate of OTTO LORNE VIRTUE, Deceased. ALL pensons havîng daims against the estate of Otto Lamne Virtue, laté of the Township of Danlington, in the County of Durham, farmen, who died on or about the lst day of October, 1951, are required to send 10 the undersigned at the address below, full particulars of the same on on before the 101h day of January, 1952, after xvhich date the assets of the deceased will be distributed having regard only to the dlaims of which the Administratrix shall then have notice. DATED this 6th day of Dccember, 1951. PEARL M. VIRTUE, Administratnix, by Apha I. Hodgins, 16 Temperance Street, Boxvmanviile, Ontario. lier solicitor herein. r The C=aadi Statesman Classified Advertising ]Rates Effective June 21, 1951 ARTICLES FOR SALE, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, HELP WANTED, CARS FOR SALE, LOST, FOUND, ETC. Cash Rate --30 per word with a minimum of 500 Must be paid by date of insertion. If charg"ed, an additîonal 250 will be added. A charge of 250~ will be made for ail replies directed to this office. NOTICES, COMING EVENTS AND CARDS 0F THANKS 3a word with a minimum of $1.00 - for 33 words or less BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES $1.00 per insertion 4 _____________________ IN MEMORIAMS - - $1.00 plus 100 a line for verse COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIEDS-(Includes ail adver- tising for persons or firms selling services, ideas or goods of any description) 30~ per word; minimum charge 750~ cash with order. To regular advertisers payable mnithly. Display Classified at $1.00 per inch with a minimum of one inch Additional insertion at the samne rates All Classified Ads. must be in this office flot later than 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday. -Send cash, stamps or inoney order and save mioney- (Clip This Out For Handy Reference) Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS 1 IN the Estate of WILLIAM EBER CRAGO, Deceased. ALL persons having dlaims agaiinst the estate of the said \Viilianî Eber Crago, late of the To\n!sip 0) f Darlinigton, in the Coi-iiity of Duirham, Fariner, de- ceased, wxho died on or about the 21st day of Scpteinber, 1951, aI the said Township of Darlington, are requiired 10 file proot af the saine with the undersigned Ad- ministratrix on or before the 29th dav of Decemnber, 1951, atter which dlate the said Administra- tnix xiii proceed to distribute the said estate, having regard oniy to the dlaims of wbich she shal then have notice. DATED at Oshawa Ibis 21st day of Novemiber. 1951. VIDA CRAGO, Admninistratrix, by Manning F. Swartz, Simcoe Street South, Oshawa, Ontario, 47-3 Niotice to Creditors AND OTHERS AUCTION SALE The undcrsigned auctioncer wl seli by public auction a large Quantity of Furniture in the Memiorial Arena Bowmanville List as follows: Antique Silver Trays and Dishes, of aIl kinds; Curtains; Drapes; 3 Tables; Round Extension Table and one Square Extension Table; Kitchen Chairs; 3 Rocking Chairs; 3 Antique Chesterfield Chairs: ï Loating Chairs; one Combination Range, fitted with Oil Burners, nearly new (may be seen at '77 Church St. by calling 3164); bandy size Coal Oul Stove; China Cabinet; Ice Box, nearly new; 3 Dressers; Marconi Mantel Radio; one Antique Ciock and one Mod- ern Clock: 3 Beds; Several Stands; Pillows; Bedspreads; Rugs; Dishes; Knives Forks and many other articles 100 numerous 10 men- tion. Sale will be hcld inside at Cafeteria, Memorial Arena, Bowmanville Saturday, Dec. 81h at 1 p.m. Tcrms Cash No Reserve Theron Mountjoy, Clerk CLIFF PETHICK, Auctioneer. 49-1 Court of Revision TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE NOTICE is hereby given thatý the Court of Revision will be held, pursuant to the Ontario Assessment Act, at the Township Hall, Orono, on th-e l4th day of December, 1951, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon to hear and deter- mine appeals in the 1952 Assess- ment Roll of the Municipality of the Towvnship of Clarke. H. E. MILLSON, Clerk of the Municipality of the Township of Clarke. 48-2 Help Wanted EXPERIENCED nurseryman - Excellent opportunity for ad- vancement. Apartment available. Ail correspondence confidential. Write Box 681, c/o Statesman Office. 48-2 DEALERS wanted for ieading line of Dairy Farm Equipment, 10 sel] direct bt armers, must be tinancially able ta operate smali business. Appiy 10: Dairy Equip- ment Company, 2789 St. Clair Ave. E., Toronto, Ont. 49-2 AMBITIOUS, neat appcaring man for special work. Non-dninker with good references. Must own car. Permanent position. No seliing experience nececss a ry. Training provided. High income. Write Box 664, c/o Statesman Of- f ice. 45-7 WHAT are. your plans for in- crease eannings? A good Raw- leigh business is bard to beat - big line, wcll. established, good profits. No experience required. Write today for information on how Io gel started. Raw1 1gh' s Dept. ML-L-140-225, Montreal. CAN vou say 'NO"' to aIl this? We offer you free goods, more preparations, a complete assort- ment of gift boxes, lower prices or langer quantities, protected ternitory, BIG commission and the chance of establishing yourself in a business of your own. Interest- ed? Part or full time? Write to: Familex, 1600 Delormier, Mont- reai. 49-1 Wanted To Buy. SAW f rame for cord wood. Robent CAR radio, in good working con- dition;: also electnic record player. Phone 3231. 49-1 * HARDWOOD logs or hardwood bush. Phone Port Penny 106r4. H. M. Kyte, Blackstock. 49-2 A GOOD, used doli carniage, suit- able for girl of 5. -Write Box 682, c/o Statesman Office.*. 49-1* BEFORE selling your live poultry try us. Our pnices are higher. M. Fýlatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, Phone 7 r 13. reverse charges. 5 1 -tf TRAPPERS ATTENTION - Raw Ifurs wa7rted: Mink, Coon, Skunk. Highest cash prices. Ship or Write to Greenspoon Bros., 264 Spadina Ave.. Toronto, Ont. 47-4 LIVE poultry, goose feathers, feather ticks, bags, scrap mron and meta?. We also buy raw furs. Dial Oshawa 5-4912 collect, or write 1. Turner, North Oshawa. 48-tf DEAID FAIRM STOCK Picked Up Promptly HOR SES, (OWS, HEIFERS, SHEEF, PIGS and CALVES (We pay for horses and cows) - CALL US COLLECT - LIVE HORSES 1 - 1, for crIppled and old horses. Margwill Fur Farm TYRON E Phone Bowmanville 26î9 Wcmtedl MAN wants to commute froni Bowmanville to Toronto, arrive Toronto at 8 arn., leave after 4 p.m. Phone 870. 49-1 Pets For Sale CANARIES for sale, choi or- der fancy, in good song, ' uar. anteed singers. Clear yeilow, also marked birds. Singers, $8.00, Mrs. A. Henning, 176 Burk St., Oshawa. 49-1 Custom Work CUSTOM chain saw work done. C. English. 57 Liberty St. S Bowmanville, Phone 749. 49-14 Work Wanted WOOD cutting by tractor. No job too big or too small. Phone 2045. 49-1* DARLINGTON Abattoir, Hamp- ton, for custorn killing. Phone 3243. 32-tl INTERIOR decorating, first class workmanship. Complete satisfac- tion guaranteed. Appiy R. n, Brown, Phone 2639. 44-6* HOME Insulation, blowing meth- od. Workmanship guaranteed. Free estimates. Harry Wade, Phone Clarke 2420. 46-7* ORCHARD pruning donc by ex- pcnienccd Dutch nurserymen, of ail trees and shrubs. Phone 2308. Mr. S. Hamersma, Hampton. BRAKE DRUMS! Lathing, Honing and Grindint We specialize in complete brake ovenhauls. BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE Phone 804 Bowmanvilie 32-tf Personal SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain 5 to 15 Ibs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonie Tablets for double resuits; new healthy fiesh; new vigor . . . .. get acquaint. ed" size only 60c. AUl druggists. 49-2 STOP SMOKING fithout swal- lowing anything or using any will power! For secret send 4 cents addressed envelope to Pierre, 0442 Birks Building, Edmonton, Alberta.484 HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (~ goods) mailed postpaid in lrIain sealed envelope with pnicè'ýlist. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00O. Mail Order Dcpt. T-28, Nov-Ru b- ber Co.. Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 1-52 Mrs. Edith Murphy with Mn. and Mrs. Hugh Murphy, Bow- manville. Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Baker and famiiy visited Mn. and Mrs. I. Little, Kendal. Mrs. Johns re- turned home with them atter a visit with ber sister. Mn. and Mrs. J. Vandam and family, Miilbrook, were Sunday visitons of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vaneyk. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Murphy with Mn. and Mrs. Albert Mur- pby, Bowmanville. Mrs. Charlie Penwarden, Bow- nianville, is with ber parents helping with tobacco-stripping iii the barn. Mn. and Mns. Harry Fraser, Orono; Mn. and Mrs. Don Carr and family. Enniskillen, xith Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Kovacs. Mr. Walter Vaneyk celebnated bis birthday Friday nigbt with ur t.amily celebration. Congratula- tions. Don't forget the Home & School Club, Frîday night, Dec. 7. Farm Radio Forums Held Review Night Review Night ton Farm Radio Forum acnoss Ontario takes in a variety of types of programs. Last Monday was no exception. Those forums wbich met by themselvez; in most cases discussed Municipal Affairs on Credit Unions. Most of Ihose who discussed Municipal Affairs concluded that womèn must play a grealer roIs in running their own business. BelwoodVWanm Forum of Welling- ton County speaks for a lot of them saying, "We are gainqc to try to pick men and women"j~ ilitY who are willing 10 acce iUpon- sibility 10 our Council ana School Board." Elimviile North Forum, of Huron County tbinks mok people should attend cou ncil meetings ta geltat know how our business is being looked atten. The Camilla Forum of Duffenin County ended up discussing the use made of tbe dog tax. They were wondcning if it was used to pay for sbeep that wenc kçilled by dogs when the dog owncn was asked ta pay for the sbeep killcd. Easy Street Forum of Lennox and Addington discusscd Travel- ling .Libraries and arranged to have anc go to thein Forum. Lynn Valley Forum of Norfolk discussed the Possibiiity of pre- venting hunIers framn crossing aven their land and sent in a mes- olution ta the Ontario Fedemation of Agriculture about it. A good many Forums lke U. S. S. No. 4 Moore and Lucasvillu Forum Of LamblAon got together tu continue discussing co-operaîives with their local Co-op. Manager. S. S. No. 4 Danlington bad a debate and au oa7. PAY -CASH AND SAVE-MINIMUM COST 50c PER AD u.- Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS IN the Estate of WILFRED JOHN REYNOLDS, late of the Township of Darlington, in the County of Durhani, Paymaster, deccased, who died at the said Township of Darlington on or about the l6th da.v of April, 1951. The Trustee Act, R.S.O., 1950, Chapter 400, Section 51. Creditors and others having claimis against thc above Estate arc 'requlircd to send particulars and fuli proof thereof to the un- dcrsigned on or before the 2nd day of December, 1951, after which date the assets of the estate will be distnibuted having regard to the dlaims that have then been received. DATED at Bowmanville, Ontario, the 3lst day of October, 1951. Lawrcnce C. Mason, 30 -King Street West, Bowmanviile. Ontario, Solicitor for the. Administratrîx. Oý ",;"PAM SIX-.L.ZiEiN TIM CANADLAN STATESMAX, 13owmAN=Lp, oNTARio -THMMIýAV, DEC. fth, 1051 -