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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Dec 1951, p. 16

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PAGE SIX TEEN TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. ROWMANVTLLE. ONTARTO lait hell nex W.,1 STh a* pM ho "n a st. 1cr on earlh." He plants what h( hopes will be a saleable crop; hi works under high overhead ani fluctuatixie prices, and then musI conleod xith the possibilily oi unfavorabie weather conditions Hundreds o! vears ago, agricul. turc vas considered an art, hc told Pis audience. Today iA isé scienice. Most Important Chore The speaker outiined the wa «ys tPe Ontario Agricultural College cao heofo!service tb agriculture, Probabiy tPe college's most toi- portant chore is the education of the yotng, mouiding studeots aiong progressive lines. Ho said O.A.C. lias three courses under xva at preserit. The first, a twc year course of!ering a diploma and conceruiod chio!ly with the maturai aspects o! !arming, wilk impliasis on building tPe quali- îoes o! cilizenship that w "ili en- aûo graduates 10 go out into the voî'ld and become leaders in .oinmtinity life. President MacLachian Explains Place of 01.C. in Agriculture at Federalion Pot LuckSupper More thari 300 farmn peo!,le a'- viable position of beîng "second tendcdthie annual Fecier-at;,tiofW1!1Io0none on the North Amnericair Agriculture Pot Loi-k Sc.ipp r o nd 1 continent.*' Forum raily ifl tIhe N( -u(atl " jEmpîox-înc an almost off-han. Coînmunitv Hli, Thi iisciiV even- del îvcr.. Dr .Ncac nmen- ing, at whiuh Dr. J. D. MacL, aeh. tioned the world's ineouality of Ian. President of the Qiitavio A1 i ood distribution, an increasin,, ricultural Coile.ge.(Guelph. celiv,- global population, and land cro- ered an informative' adfirýý' (-il sien, as but a few of the problems "ýThe Place oif the 0. A. C. in Ag- :'acec bv aglriculture tod-ay. Thé- riculture.- Presontîx- tackling major - scarch problenîs crom -ontîîîgaii culture. the speaker said the .-i- lego hlie cds pî.-e<tu tratioii on Ille îno ci I pi oî - lemns of ceîch inllx iclli iini li Ontario. I li i hyIllpe]. 2 ,speaker said t w h c sof t h. Federation of A~î ucpara- .Fcderal ion presicieit, iitdln jncoining pi oeidî-nt lZlphiL, ýer. Blackstoc, t]) Pot LuieK SiU pet' attende-rs. TPe iicxxprei dent callod upon tw n hltc:i support oif al i)re:cliit an iî iii ated that as tPe comiîîv )u.rc... so progresse. the Do -haro Fed," 'ation o gi-itire. \\alter B. -Xeyno1ds, Ilown-iiville, aitltc' '-cears rmci toi ions sw-îx ce as Fec .,ration treasiîreî'. iendei cd Pis res- ignation. Ho w iii be succeeeicd in the duties 1w- RohcîrtHnd- o! Bowvmanvî-lle ' Speaker Is Introduced Garnet Rickar'c. Newc iastle., in- )J.TD. MacLachian :troduced Dr. \lacL;ieh1an as 'not, .onl *v a friend Put an inspiration" speaker' said the role of O.A.C. iL to the compan -v. Ho said th_ý to concentrate on individuLal prob- spcaker's birthpflace madle a great lems in oî'dor to help solx-e broadi- contribution 10 Cancia, ancl sulg- or problems, as well as ciscover gcsted that x Illte excellent m-1ethods to promote greater cf- leadership offeî-ed bY Dr. Mc-ficienex' and of retainingý soi]. Lachlan, the Ontario Agricultur- According to Dr. MacLachian. ai Coilege will adx-ance o the on- '*the farmer is the greatest gamb- cas! theý tot4 Hol 'p th e thei 6réi loue th&a the diV EIe 'il 01 it the Dru. MacLachian lernied the our'se, 'a greatlilelp to agricul- mure xvhen fully deveioped," but iaI puesexît only one person iii 1.000 fai'm tamiesin Ontario takes this course. "If xve develop the coursq we cari do something *o! value fq3r Ontario," ho said. Ouiiy 15 10 20 per cent o! O.A.C. four-car dcgree course gradu- aIsuet n 10 the !arm, according to Dr. MacLachlan, and manx oîight be puzzled .by this con- dition, "Hoxvever, we must think o! agriculture from soil 10 food," the speaker said, "and consider ils relating fields." Ho intimaI- e d Iliat the mon trained aI O.A.C. are trairîcd tn the advanlage o! Ontario farmers o malter whal rclatiîîg position tPey accept. Empioy 0. A. C. Graduates Manv faî'm boys xvho graduate fxom O. A. C. end up teaching agriculture in High Sehools lhrougiîout the prox'ince. Others becomo Agriculural. Representa- tives. stili othex's find a place io large firms in the agriculluralinJ- dustry field: " Yes, we ax'e tak- iîîg them o!! the farm," the speak- er said. "but they are contribut- iîîg lu uther forms o! agriculture." At the preseot lime, there are three jobs for every O. A. C. stud- eil gi'aduating, he said. Fui'thei', the Ontario Agricul- Icural College Pas a graduate school xvhere some 60 degreed students are being lrained as spe- cialists. Little is heard o! these specialisîs, ordinarilvy. accnrding to the speaker, but these are tPe mien tuaI do research in agricul- tcure and ils connected fields, 'Agriculture Pas become so com- plex," he said, "we need these Imen." Besides training courses, ex- tensive T-esearch is carried on at O.A.C. aîîd Ibis is "a slow, pains- taking and costlv operation," Dr. MacLaclîlan saidà. Il is luis de- parîmont o! tPe college that copos with tPe problems o! agriculturc. A\l1 energ.y oxpended is devoled tu the bonefit o! agriculture. Extension To Improve Finalx-. the O.A.C. presideot niontioned extension. He termed the resuits o! inîtensive researcnh " useless" unless means are cm- pioyed to cix'cuiate information 10 the farmi population. "We couid do mnuch 10 improve Ibis service in Ontlario," Pc said and pninted out thal xvays and oîeans are un- der couisideration. The college is euideax-ourîig 10xvork cioseiy wilh Aguicultural Ropreseîîtatix'es in lis reospect and Pope soon to pou ont pamphlets o! fresh material bî-ought tn light by r'esear'ch ai O.A.C. "We are oîîly ton happy 10 lîelp '-ou in any way we cao aI axîv lune," Dr. MacLachlan con- cluded. The speaker was tlianked by me- tiî'iug prosident Mol Staples, who iîîtroduced incoming prosiderit Ralph Laroier and cnmplimented. he oxecutive and directors on tic cu-op(-ralion thev a!!orded duii¶g lus teureofo office. Con- lnuing. Mr-. Staples said, 'Every- one lias beuîefitted eîîormously by the xvork o! tPe Fecleration o! Ag- ý ruculturo and il certainly do- serves the support o! everv far- mer." He said the Fedex-ation lias progressed ho the point where lia majiiori' m ilegisiation is inril'- dtced bP eiuber the provincial or tedoual goxerunîouît unlil contact aîîd consuxltationi las been nmade wx-th the Federalion o! Agricul-0 ture. Fine Entertainment Supeî b enieriaiunineit \vas pr'o- ideu i athe Pot Luck Supper bv. a gi oup i coi Bowmvnîaille TriniiY United Churcb Jack anîd Jill Club. Don SPay ontertained aItue piano. l\'rs. Gwen Hoag n!fered "Mliss Sludgiad"and acconîpaniod me- .oi'ds b ' hp uiîovcmieu in profes- sioiial site .:\lrs. A. Mcrklev also cntoi'taineor with sex-ecal songs Ïii a pleasing. xx-ll x'eceix'd\'iO Silxec t rays xvere presne P Potato Cli)team who w-on lii Ontario thampionslîip aI Guelphi iartk-r ibiis fali. Hazci WhiU, ?aiiu')Plci'oft. anîd Shirley Qîjan- colt. Riche\. xxere recipionts o! hi e iresentatiuiis made P 'v Ralph La.- îwc. Foderation Secretax'v Ed. \Iilisoiî. 01,o11o. anîd Miss Margal< et Chambenhrs o! the Fedeu'atioui -leadlouautei's in T'oronîto also de- ivereci lîuie! addresses. TaI action is not xarraiîlbl-' whiich cither ba.rs binask tPe. di- 1Brooklin Flour ~ ilfWU~WyHein z Soups - Heinz SEMMI-TRIMMED Tomalo Juice WALLPAPERS Choice Quality Prune Plums J. B. Abernethy Xmas Candy Painl & Wallpaper ai Rea Store EnAu 85 King St. W. PIIONE 431 GENERAL STORE d Durham County ;t FARM FORUMI HAMPTON FARM FORUM BLACKSTOCK FO S Hampton 'Farm Forumn met ai Mr'. and Mrs. Harold Iý home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Clarke hosts to our Forum on with 13 members present. After the broadcast( Our discussion deait with folk Schools," Bil Fergusor f schoolg, which we think woulcij man, arranged the gathE sbe very beneficial to us, especjaîîy three groups for discusý 1 if day or evening courses were The group findings rgiven for those who are flot able that we had flot sufficie cto stay in residence. The cours- lcdge of folk sehools to aes we would like are the art and definite conclusions. 2 crafts which we feel could de- we agreed that there is a ývelop latent talent. education and training The next meeting will be at the to enable them to take a *home of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Ayre. tive part in communit:ý __________more participation in ri work an-d also a more a( STARKVILLE FARM FORUM erary Society in High FarmForm wa hed attheMore public speaking p: home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Soucti. eeieveo tuat yth tWe thought that High Schools are W eiv htteF providing training for the younger um has accomplished a g people at the present time, u in adult education. course at Kemptville Agricuitur.. After a period of r ai School or the O.A.C., Guelph, lunch was served by th(: would be a great help for train- Next meeting Januar« v7, ing for the community. Agricul- Percy Van Camp's, with tural Societies and Women's Ins- W. Hutton. chairman. titute could also provide short courses to train those that would POIEC O like to take a more active part in POIEC O community affairs. We alsù Providence Forum me think Folk Schools would f iii the home of Mr. and Mrs. need in this community to give with 16 members prese: leadership or 4H Clubs for farni- topic for discussion xv, ers' sons and daughters ta train Schools For Farm PeoplE for taking a more active part in ion was divided in our Fý community affairs. First aid, garding the need of a Fol home nursing and bookkeeping- in this district. Nobody t would be good courses to take, our community not largE also. Lunch was served and a to support such a projý good cvening enjoyed. the other hand some feli Next meeting at the home of young farm people sho Mr. and Mrs. R. Savery. away for a few days and Folk School could fi S. S. 4 DARLINGTON FORUM I eed. Everybody feit there s] Our meeting of December 11 more training in public xvas held at the home o! Mr. and for the young, especialiý Mrs. R. C. Pearce with an attend- schools. One group feit ance of 28. At this meeting we be a good idea to form diseusscd "Folk Schools for Farm and School Club in this People." Another group thought We were greatiy privileged to course on bookkeeping a have as our guest Mr. Ed. Milis- management would gc on, Orono, xvho bas had more ex- support. perience than anyone in this At this meeting a moi county in arranging and partici- passed unanimously tl pating in the activities of a folk Forum support a mnovei schooi. His enthusiasm made us have the water suipplb, realize that folk schools have a school imnproved. Asa definite contribution to make to Clare Allun, Clarence Tu] the life of the Canadian people. Wm. Bragg are to prepai Training in leadership is need- tition and have it signed b cd by the younig people. Too few terested ratepay crs anîd ta think they have the ability to petition to Schooi Area speak in public. at their next meeting. Acccss to folk schools' would Meeting next week definitely be a help to many Christmnas partv. Al r heiping them to acquire self- are asked 10o bring a sey confidence, learn to co-operate, and refreshments. Meetir make a Oeginning in crafts, have home o! Mr. and Mrs. a training in public speaking. Turner. The folk sehool is an asset for those o! a certain age group but they arc only one o! a number o! educational opportunities avail- able to the young people. Par- tivities, attendance' at ShortB A Courses, taking a part in com- munity organizations, ail play their part in the development o! for Thi leaders and helpers. No more meetings will be held util anary lii Dry Goods-ý So New!YA1 So Exciting! . DE CE M you have to see it e' i Heavy Winter1 Nuls Oranes t WOOD'S ELECTRIC FARM EQUIPMENI Nuis- OrngesLOCOMIOTIVE WASHING MACHINES asonable Prices. SIIALLOW &DEEP WELL WATER SYSTEMS VIRTUE IWERRY & SON ELECTRIC TYRONE PIIONE 2i.10 Phoile Bownanville 253:9 Enniskillen s 1,~N t, lx il 't -t Windbreakers M11en's Plaid Shirts- Men's Red Winter Shii Mfýen's Winter Rubhers iNIen's Work Boots- MIe n's FelI Boots- Boy 's Winter Shirts Men's Hgeavy Oversock Blue Ribbon Baking Powder Harry Horne Cream Custard I f t R-. THE CANAD IAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SIXTEEN lui 1- I u follows: donvenox', Mrs. J. Farm Groups Interested in Ail Types Lowery and assistants, Mrs. B Pon and Mrs. Wm.Cohae 10 F rUM Rev. Nicholson preached a, ýs O H an icrffs %cco ânqsplendid sermon here on Sunday, 1S $ filling in during our vacancy. 1 Thisweeks tpic n te seiesThe ladies had quiltings at' This week's toLiv in" e s eres VTDDV the Sunday School room on Wed-- - on"Comunty ivig" as ery.L~L.L'UInesday night and Thursday after-' RUM well discussed by Ontario Farmi noon. KytewereForum groups and many interest- W. M. S. and W. A. met Dec. Somne from here attendeucý'N Cyt wreing points and sugge$tions have 5th. Mrs. Bryson, vice-president. annual Farm Forum R à,~~ Dec "Fol bcen brought forth. took charge of the W.M.S. meet- pot luck supper in Newcastle. i.Car The f irst question dealing with ing which opened with a Christ- M.adMs .Camn r ering into the ch oice o! short courses or ma1oshpsrvc.Aae nd Mrs. Keene, Mr. and Mrs. -son community sehools indicates thai. business, the meeting took t'le Ea unrl.Ms m o mos fam goup ar ineretedforn o a andeliht ndcarol rane. Mrs. Wm. Wanjli-m and Mr. tnt koow- in ail types o! handlicra!ts, farm service, the tille bcing "A Cao- Hartwell Lower-v attended the arrive at mechanies. animal and field bus- adian Friendship Carol Service." nrlcfM.Ca. asno arv tbandry and several indicated Mr.J .LKrM'.W. endal, aI the Morris Funeral However, courses in citizenship, local lead- Ms .H oey r.Wi Chapel, Bowmanville, on Tuesday, E need for ership, municipal and parliameni- Cochrane, Mî's. Lloyd RansberrY S ympathy is xed tMrCa- o! youth, tary affairs and current events and Mrs. Youmans assisted ni ons am exinthend etra r-en. more ac- would be very acceptable. The the service during xvhieh candîcasoM. ns r.Co n famiiy iiter eeveet y affairs; ladies favored courses in ahl types were lightPi in tribute 10 oui- Orillia, spent the weekend wîth -rcl Li-f home economies, practical nurs- emberedianit hgoodvere an Mr. and Mrs. W. Reid. chooeLt- îng and first aid, horticulture and feredip. Ma1 gaos vhian Mrs. Ken Baul and Boninie vis- rachls musi re core sofa man- finsip acroswihited Mr. and Mrs. Gor'don Waik- )ramusie. wh Thesre wre n aso man- came 10 us frorm other' lands xvere I eu-. hBni ana asben agement and bookkeeping. The 5tiOg by the nmenbei's. and 'To'nl. am Fox- ajoritN' indicatcd that these ayn dCapmnol.ie wtCleveland this \week. treat deal courses should be hield several a ninCrl Mr. and Mrs. W'm. Rutherford evenings a week so 'as nol 10 in- Mrs. 0. Chapmaxî thoen took tli'? spent Sunday \with hier sister,' ecreatioîî terfere with farm work. chair for the W. A. mieeting. Mr' and Mrs. Davies, Lakefield. ehostess. We were pleased 10 note, that Seriplure was î'ead. Manv caroi.; Mrs. S. B Rutherford and Janie 1952, at the majority o! oui' groups feel c'enIodtgter Eeton visited Mr. and Mi's. James Wan- .Rex. C. they arc not guilly o! "chil-cha4" o! officers !ollowed wittele 1- nani. and card playing whcn thewr tion o! lasI year's officors for an- should bc attendîng 10 business, other terni. except the social rc ie -elp Cr'ippied Children-Buy IUM although many do favor a short tivities commitlee \vhich is a,; Pianters Peanuts fx-om Rotar-jans. recreational period 10 make the et at the meetings more interesting. Most ~I ;Luxton of tiîem. feit that »he one way to nt. The preveol Ibis from happenîing was as "Follý 10 have topios o! general interesl Holiday parties ahead! Gay e." Opin- to the farmers which cao be dis- ,-toehr fo h-4ho aý j 'orum re- cussed and understood. O! course. Me-oehr o teshu n lk School an enthusiastie and conscientiouis college crowd . . . dances . . . din- f to go and chairmian or discussion leader who ners . . . suppers. Time, of course, ~ s enough wiil keep thie members on tPei for you to look your most beauti- ject. On lopie is a must. Other suggestions fui and charming. Send us your tthat aitlxvere imposing a fine on thost'ilvîetfrai . orgys 'nid enont attending 10 the business at lvles omls...yorgvs thon tuje hand, w'orkiog in small discussion dess mretsis...yu4r such a '1groups. making suie that cvery- 1, . for a spic-and-span'cleaniîng one participates and studying the* that wiIl let them - and vou - ;hould'ho Guide in advauîce. look your best foi' Christmas! spoaking The question io regard to lib - y in the î'ary service tells us that most for- il would um folks ar'e already quite ado- a Homo qualely supplied witl such ser- Y u 3section, vices, ail being within a reason- Y u a short able distanîce o! public or sehool and farm librax'ies and many pai'ticipating let good in the facilities o! travelling lib- P-rett' S l raries. The question also proNl lion xvas cd several to make appicicrbù hat the for travelling libraries and te ýment 10 arrange .book exehanges witii - yat the tiîeir' own group oî- with otht-r i result. "roups. Avoîîbank Faim Forumi 'ier and o! Perth Couîity stated Pl re a pe- would ho well 10 publiciz-' y aIl in- existing facilitios o! libr'arîc- ipresent in sehools and books available- Tr'ustees hax'e book reviexvs o! exceptionî- ai books to encourage others to is our read them. Somne o! the forumis neu-nbeim s feit liîat farmers have littie lime nalgift to avail thcmnselves o! such fa- g at the oilles after' îeading literatu-ý' Clar'ence anîd mateî'ial that is received 1n ther.homs.HOLIDAY STORE HOURS! Please take note of the following:- A~ I N SOur FACTORY wvill be closed down - iIN MONDAY, DECEMBER 241h rif ty Shoppers but our BUSINESS OFFICE wilI be open. 1 N Tesaine practice xviII bc observed Groceies FoowearMONDAY, DECEMBER 31sf LUES FORYour co-operation will bc appreciated - BER 13- 14 -15 B W A VLL Size 33 to 38 - Reg. $5.50 OM N I L Pants - - On Sale $39 CLEANERS & DYERS . . . n Sae $.75PHONE 520 FOR PICK-UP AND DELIVERY $47577 KING ST. W. PHONE 520k On Sae $239 DER'S or Leave Orders at:-- . . . n Sle 2.3 DYR'SDRUGiSTORE - NEWCASTLE COOPER'S BARBER SHOP- ORONO is - - On Sale $2.75 BARRON'S GENERAL STORE - HAMPTON 5 eyelet . . . . On Sale $1.98 - __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ *~ ~ ~ i -* OSle$50 WOOD'S BARN VENTILATOR TMMSDAY. DM. IM

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