-PAGE SM L'ITIT~VTTt'IT Mr. Wallace Kelch, Oshawa, wlth ENNIS IIIEN Mr. and Mrs. P. Ellis. Mr. and Mrs. Cari Ferguson and Our annual C.GI.T. Vesper and family were Sunday visitors at 'Candlelighting Service, also White Mr. Bob Stevens and Mr. Upton IGift contributions for the Old Stevens, Bowmanville. o People's Home at Cobourg will Miss Margaret Thompsofl visit- 4be on Sunday evening, Dec 16 at ed Mr. and Mrs. Bud Thompson., 7:30. 'There will be a special the past week. âpeaker and muuie by our Maie Quartette and a junior guest sol- Mrs. Geo. Squibb, Mr. Harry M oit frm Osawa.Squibb. Churchill, were Sunday ous romCOsa.I..mme m isitors with Mr. and Mrs., John Our .G..T. embrs ad E Griffin. Mrs. E. Bennett re- Aeaders attended the Vesper and turned home with them. g, Candiellghtlng Service at Trinsty Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Yeo and ~ Church, Bowmanville. on Sun- family eeSna iiosa 1day, Dec. 9.isa niany pareunts Mr. andweresunDa Ye sOrsat ý'and friendu.'adMs .Yos saa P 9.G.I.T. meeting was held at Mrs. W. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. "the home af Mary Griffin Dec. 8 Jack Potts and family, Hampton, with Vice-Pres. Mary Griffin in with Mr. and Mrs. W. Oke. ,,'charge. Devotional was hymn, Miss Betty Wright visited Miss J "O Little Town of Bethlehem,,, Betty Jane Werry an Sunday. j .fallowe yBil eaigb Misses Brenda and Patsy Ellis 'Nancy Wood and everyone re- visited Misses Carol and Doris .1 ~ petedthe Lord's Prayer. Shir- Wright. le~iy Ellis read the minutes and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Henry, called the roll. Program consist- Judy and Beth, Lindsay, with Mr. I D'ed of a reading by Eleanor Heard and Mrs. Adam Sharp. r# , and contest by Ruth Lamb. A Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston ai ..delicious lunch was served by at Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Bird's, gi -,the hostess and ber mother. Next Tyrone. meeting at Mrs. Seymaur's on Many folks fromn here attend- c( Dc 29 at 2:30 p.m. ed the late Mrs. John Barton's s Service Club met at Mrs. H. sale on Saturday at Bowmanville. t'shton's with 12 present. Even- Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry anid tl- ing was spent sewing for Mem- Bert with Mr. and Mrs. John oial Hospital, Bowmanville. Borrowdale, Oshawa. Lunch was served by Mrs. P. El- Mrs. E. Strutt, Mr. and Mrs. lis, Mrs. Mitchel and the bostess. Clifford Pethick and Ruth at Mr. jNext meeting is in the form of Harry Strutt's, Oshawa. a Christmas party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Milison ai-d Mrs. G. Yeo, Dec. 18 at 8 p.m. Peggy, Mrs. J. R. Knox, Hamp- Mr. and Mrs. George Roche, ton: Misses Jean Syers and Betty _ _ _ -R - 0 - __eE SLIVES an KNOTHOL I The best advice we get cornes from within our own conscience and under- s tanding, and if we act and work always in harrnony with the dictates of our best knowledge, experience and judgment, progress is sure to mark our pathway. ~drné- SHEPPARD & GILL LUMIER COMPANY LIMITED ING ST. E. DO WMANVILLE PHONE 715 ___ M ? CAAD!AN STATESMAN. EOWMANVMlLL ROTART _______ .1i.TKEPIEINGVN Boxed Soaps i Twin Pin. Set - -75e Tulip Soap, 3 cakes -- 69c Yardley-Lavender, 3 cakes $1.50 Wrisley Bath Soap -__55c Evening-in-Paris $1.00 -' $1.65 Perfurne - $2.50 Pond's Ange! Face Powd. with mirror $1.69 Ladies' Wallets -- 98e Ladies' Brush, Comb and Mirror In gift boxes- assoted patterns Bevelled mirrors- Nylon bristle brush $4.95 Buckingharn SUAVE BOWL 0 $11.95 - $17.95 SHA VING BRUSHES 75c ta $5.00 ROLLS RAZOR $9.95 EVERSHARP PENS $1.75 SETS FOR NEN Pine Bath Crystals 65e Colgate's Shaving Set Bath Charm $1.10 $1.35 - $1.65 - $2.75 Dusting Powdes, $1.00 - $1.7 5 Woodbury's Shaving Sets 85e - $1.50 - $1.85 Yardley's Lavender- $150 - $3.50 Yardley's Shaving Sets ade'LouCogn -$17-$30 $2.25 - $3.00 - $4.50 Yade'LouCogn $17-$30 Military Brush Sets Shandra French $1.95 - $3.95 Perfurne ___- $1.00 - $2.00 - $3.S0 - $5.00 major John Foote's Officiai Najority In, Recent Provincial Election Shows Record Nalorill of 2,279 Knox, Toronto, wlth Mr. and Mrs. John Siemon. Mr. and Mrm. Frank MeGîIU To- ranto, with Mrs. John McGil. Mr. and Mms. Leonard Stain- tan and family were Sunday visi- tors witli ler parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Milîs, Part Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pooler and Larry, Osbawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Weaving and Rickey, Thornhill, at Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore's. Mrs. Weav- ing remained ta attend a shower, held at the home o! Miss Mary Jewell, Bowmanville. in bonor ai Miss Ileen Stainton. Visitors on -Sunday witli Mrs. J. Adams were: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Adams and Larry, Ora- no;-Mr. and Mrs. David Gray and Carol, Newcastle; Mr.. and Mrs. Milford McDonald and Gerald, Miss Ruthi Adams and Mr. Steve Shredd, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fallis and Linda, Cad- mus, Mr. and Mrs. Verdon Le- thangue and family, Ballyduff. Mrs. Jack Herod and Cliuck, Weston; Mrs. Flew-welling, To- ronto; Miss Jean Griffin, Purple Hill, with Mr. and Mrs. John Grif- fin and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. V. McMullen and Allan, Bowmanville, were visi- tors at Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry's. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Sander- son, Columbus. Mr. Albert Oke lias been ill with the cold, but is improving. Mrs. S. R. Pethick visited ber daughter. Mrs. Verna Wood, To- ronto. NE WTON VILLE Mrs. Don Vinkle spent a couple of days with lier sister, Mrs. Earle McEwen, Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. William Barge, Whitby, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Glover. Miss Inez Gordon, Kendal, is the new "hello" girl at the tele- phone office. Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Myles spent the weekend with ber par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Binstead, Bjelleville. Mrs. William McHolm, Morrisb, is spending a few days with Mrs. William Uglow. Russell Elliott, Clarence Farrow and Cecil Henderson are on two weeks' vacation. They headed .'or Florida. Mý,iss Alice Nesbitt, Toronto, %vas home for the weekend. î\Mrs. J. E. Van Allen spent a r- Lv days in Belleville withi an îerly auint, Miss Hamilton, who is having a sale. I here will be a White Gift -orvice in connection with the .j-iday Sehool on Dec. 16. Any -;licles suitable for a needy fam- I xiii be acceptable and appre- cîated. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMullen and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Lancaster. Mr. Gordon McKay and Miss Doreen Budd, Port Hope, with ,Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gibbs and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gibbs, Bowmanville, matored ta Hamn- iltan on Friday ta attend the fun- eral af their sister, Mrs. B. G. Laight -(nee Margaret Gibbs), who died suddeniy. Miss Jean Stacey, Oshawa, and friend. wîth Mrs. M. Stacey. No. 1i 21 31 41 in Port Hope where Major Foote and Spencer Cheshire Increaaed their total vote by 171 and 70, me- spectively, wbile George Waiton's total decreàsed by 146 votes. Con- sidering the overail picture. a 76.7 per cent vote was egistered in Durhain County anad not 74.3 as previously pubihed. The active service vote receiv- ed subsequent ta Nov. 22 follows the trend of 'the vote thraugliaut the county. Foote polled 22, Wal- ton 9, and Cheshire 1, o! the 32 votes cast. The officiai vote registered by polling sub-divisions appeamu be- low. TOWNSHIP 0F CARTWRIGHT (5) PC L CCF Purple Hill ._________ 29 il 3 Blackstock --- 161 41 7 Metcalf's House 117 46 8 Nesbitt's House-- 68 28 1 Devitt's Orange Hall 79 21. 5 454 147 24 1 S. S. 5 P: 2 Tyrane 3 Maple G. 4 Hampton 5 Enniskilli 6 Varcoe's 7 S. S. 14, TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON (13) Irovidence ------------------- --------95 rave 1 --------- -- 51 2 ---- -- -- ------ - 63 -1 -- --------- - ----.-50 ------------------ 66 leni1--------------------62 2 ------------- - 76 Hall i ---- --- ------61 3 --------------------------- - 49 Bradley's 1 ------ ------- 42 2 ----- 48 858 BOWMANVILLE (13) (W) 1 Town Hall i -------------- --------------- 2 M-Z ------------- ---- 2 G lanville's 1i ------------------ ----- i- 1 (N) 1 Church St. I - ---- - ----- --------- -- 8 2 -------------- 7------«----- 2 Preston's 1 A-F 13 2 G -M ---- ---------1 3 N-Z 11 (S) 1 Carpenter's 2 Mitchell's 1 Ward North 2 Ward Southi 3 Ward 2 East --- 4 Ward 2 South. 5 Ward 2 North'V 6 Ward 3 West 7 Ward 3 East i -------- --- - --------- - 2--------------- 1 A-L ----------- 2 M -Z ------------- -- 1358 PORT HOPE (15) 1 ------- --- --- --- ------ -. 98 2 - -- -- ---- 108 3 129 ~ 81 Ži..104 89 West 1------91 2-------78 3---------------------- 83 --------------- à 1514 99 98 74 72 78 60 37 47 104 69 94 61 54 947 52 41 104 105 71 47 90 80 61 86 91 66 65 959 88 96 71 35 56 66 6à 49 80 82 64 77 69 74 65 1052 S.S.No 3--TOWNSHIP OF HOPE(7 12 Jae RuÏsk's 1 - 9~~--- 6 87 2- 113 60 3 Gerow's House ------------- 48 115 4 Campbellcroft - 68 65 5 Garden Hill- 134 41 6 Elizabethville 53 96 679 539 TOWNSHIP 0F CAVAN (5) 1 Carmel--------------------------------- -91 3 Jas. Burns, Con. 6 ------ ----------137 4 Ida---------------------- 143 5 Mount Pleasant - -137 «638 MILLBROOK (2) 1. North Ward --------------------------- 174 2 South Ward ~-------____ 136 310 TOWNSHIP 0F MANVERS (7) 1 Lotus ý--- ------- ----------------- ----- -5 %2 Ballyduff ------------------------- - 81 3 -Pontypool ----------.- 136 4 Manvers Station ~---~----.65 5 Betbany-------------------- 168 6 Fleetwood----------------- 75 7 Janetville ------ - ------- -96 680 TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE (11) 1 Newtanville - ----------------------- «- 107 2 S. S. 5, Brown's ------ 48 3 S. S. 9, Lockhart's ------ - - ----- 49 4 Kendal ---------------- -- 90 5 Orano 1 -- - - --- 67 2 -----81 6 Leskard -------80 7 S. S. 18, Oak --- -- ----------------- 29 8 S. S. 10, Starkville--------------- 64 9 Orona 1 -------------------------...87 2 - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- -- - -- - -- _ 8 3 785 NEWCASTLE (2) 1 East Ward -------- ------------------ -------84 2 WetWard --------------------------------- 77 161 - ADVANCE POLLS 18 31 72 56 221 26 47 73 21 25 49 26 52 13 24 210 116 56 61 30 56 52 45 32 54 70 49 621 148 174 322 PC L Part Hope - --------il-115 O rono --- ---------- 5 5 Bowmanville ------ ------« ---- - 14 0 ACTIVE SERVICE VOTE --- 22 9 52 19 S .S. No. 9, Clarke Deepest sympathy of the com- C À E BA Scunity is extended the family of - BR WNI HAW EYEthe late Mr. Arthuir Gibson who BROWNE HA KEYEpassed away Dec. 19 at bis home. Complet. Flash Outfit including Bulbs The funeral was held in New- castle United Churcb on Satur- -$ 15.75 day aftemnoon. Besides bis wife he leaves three sons: Reg., Clar- BOX and FOLDINO CAMERAS ence and Ken, also three daugh- ters, Gwen, (Mrs. Harold Hugh- $3.2 $6.5 $1.95es); Reta and Muriel. $3.2 * $.75 - $1.95Sympathy is also extended ta the family o the late Mr. . F. Osborne who passed away last qs Cowll«gý's DrugStore Tw, u zs ity and was wl nw nti ~ Mr. Bill Barchard, No. 9; Mr. ~~lHarry Davey, Orona, and Mr. and 37 19 56 32 19 19 25 19 82 84 74 il 6 483 22 28 5 t 47 12 20 21 32 25 28 29 58 43 416 41 51 48 43 19 36 18 49 25 28 41 35 15 31 518 3' 15 il 9 7 109 1 7 5 26 26 19 28 1 3 10 a 10 10 22 59 4 10 3 7 9 8 2 10 14 il 73 1l 12 23 CCF 3 1 5 Mrs. Bey. Jaynes, Lakeshore, were representatives o! this dist- rict of the Durharn County Vege- table Growers at the convention beld in the Royal Connaught Ho- tel in Harnilton. Mrs. Bill~ Barchard and Lois spent Wednesday with Mrs. Jack Rice, April and Kenny, Bowman- ville. Miss Dianne Fisk who bas been stayirig wlth Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fisk. retumned ta ber home in Trenton. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fisk and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Don McGregom, Bethany. Mr. Austin Turner attended a Holstein cattie sale at Oakvile. Presents whicli aur love for the donor bas rendered precious are ever the niost acceptable.-Ovid., OBITUARY Officiai returns released by Re- turning Officer R. R. Waddell, K.C., Orono, increases tbe Pro- gressive Conservative candidate Major Johin Foote's 2,232 majority by 202 votes. 'Initiai returns ini the provincial election gave the Progressive Conservative candi- date 7,187, the Liberal candidate 4,955 and the C.C.F. standard bearer 1,683. Howevem, final re- turns show the vote cast as fol- laws: John Foote 7,389; George Walton 5,110; Spencer Cheshire 1,769, znaking Foote's majority 2,279. Largest discrepancy between initial and final returns is noted 1 1 JAMES FRANK OSBORNE James Frank. Osborne, an oid and respected resident of Darling- ton Tawnship, passecl peacefully ta rest at the home ai his son, Earle, Tuesday, Dec. 4, in his 88th year. Mr. Osborne was torn in Dar- lingtan Township on March 21, 1864, and lived bis entire life in the vicinity of Bowmanville and Newcastle. He was son ai the late Richard Osborne and Amelia Somers. On March 21, 1888, lie was married to Sarah Knight, daugliter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Knight, Bowmanville, wbo predeceased him on October 17, 1923. On October 23, 1934, lie was married to Ethel Maud Down, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allun of Newcastle, who died February 5th, 1949. Ipuring bis 111e be took an active interest in agricultural work, especially in the raising and show- ing of fancy poultry in bis early married life. In later years lie bred, and showed Sharthorn cattle, showing and winning priz- es at local fairs and the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto. He also grew apples extensively, winning two gold medals on boxes of Golden Russets at Crystal Palace Fruit Show held in London, Eng- land. In bis early days be attended Providence Methodist Church and when that church was closed in 1923 he transferred bis member- ship to Trinity United Church, Bowmanvillc, where he attended until bis health failed. He leaves ta mourn bis pass- ing two çlaughters, Mrs. Leslie Guy, (Ethel) of Oshawa; Mrs. Carl Selby, (Edna) of Newcastle, and four sons, Russell and Hubert of Newcastle. Earle and Orville of Bowmanville. He also leaves 12 grandchildren and one great grandchild. Two brothers and 21 Cames and Jackpot - - ail for 50c - also - SPECIAL GAMES AND SHARE THE WEALTH THURSDAYI DEC. 131h - 8 p.m. sharp NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Proceeds for Newcastle Lions Club Welfare Work o o L Ocean Spray Sauce lana Halves CR ND RR S16-oz tin il4c PEACHIES Crosse & Blackwell PEAIRS PILUM ]PUDDING '16-oz tint5m5C Fancy Grapefruit Campbell's mJUICE TOMATO SOUP jZ lO-oz tins t25C Yo'k Yukon Club (Contents only) Christmas Table GINGER AILE 2 30-oz btls 25c -CRAiCKiuS- Hereford CORNED DEE Dole Fruit COCKTAIL Black Diamond OLD CHEESE Ctistom Ground Coffee 8 O'CLOCK -An>ePaya 5114Z> MULK BREAD White or Browr SLICED 24-oz loaf i Sc UNSLICED 24-oz loaf 14c FRUIT CAKE Aylmer Sweet Mixed PIOKLES Shirriff's d LUSH3US McLean's Hot CHOCOLATE Prices in Effect Saturday, Decembe 3-lb ring .49 ý 16-oz jar 30c 3 Pkgs 29c 1-lb in,,47c until 20-oz fln ZZc 28-oz tin 35C 20-oz tin lac 12-oz tin 47c box 890- Robinson's Assorted 2-lb box 12-oz in 45c CHOCOLATES box 149 Ann Page ]KETCHUP 13-ez bti 23C 28-oz tin 46c A&P Cream Style Choi.e CORN a 20-oz tins 35C lb 59C lmported Swiss CHEESE 2-lb party pack 21 Green Giant lb 92c NIRLETS 2 14-ez tins 33c JI&P .JruitJ and"edat California Navet, New Crop Fancy-200's ORANGES cioz 55C Florida, New Crop, No. 1-176's TANGERINES doza9c Cape Cod Xmas Stock, No. 1, In Celle Pkg. CRANDERRIES 1-lb pkg 3,5c Bradford Grown, Tender, No. 1 CAIRROTS Excelent Quality, 1951 Crop, No. 1 MIXED INUTS Cal-trop Brand, No. 1 DATES CALIFORNIA .2 8-oz Saxonia Brand, Fancy PEEL CAPS PINEArPPLE SLICES, Fancy 3 lbs 23c lb 49c zcello pkgs 219C 12-az pkg 39C 4-oz pkg 19c -z~ ~ A&P SUPER RIGHT QUALITY'MEATS Red or Blue Brand Beef -Steaks or Roasts, PORTERROUSE, SIRLOINV WINVG or DONELESS ROUND BREAKFrAST BACON PORSHOULDERS Premium Loose SWIFT'lS FRANKiic Either End, Fresh PORK LOINS lb99c, Choice SIiced lb 49C Fresb lb43c Swift's Premïium, Rindies lb «9c BACON BREAKFAST Pure Park Loose lb 53c SAUSAGE Va--lb pkg 33c BROOKFIELD lb Sic 1 - - - s ~ - two ululera. Edgar and Lew Os- borne -ai Toronto; Mrs. Albert Crago, <Isa) of Bowmanvile, and Mrs. Joe Hamilton (Bertha) of Millbrook,- also survive. He was laid ta rest in Bow- manville Cemetery on Dec. 6th. The palibeamers were Messrs. Frank Alexander, Austin Wood, Douglas Wight, Clare Allin, How- ard 'Gibson, Bowmanville, and Harold Gibsan, Newcastle. Many floral tokens were receiv- ed from frîends and relatives~, also Shaw's and No. 9 Home ani School Clubs. and Palestine Chap- ter a! Bowmanville. Lake Shore, Clarke M r. and Mrs. E. Archer and family. Campbellford, spent Sun- day wlth Mr. and Mrs. W. Basker- ville. rMr. and Mrs. Bey. Jaynes spent a few days in Hamilton attending the Vegetable Growers' Conven- tion. Messrs. Bill Jaynes and Cal- vin Dunn spent the weekend with Mr. Murray Dunn, Niagara Falls. Mrs. W. Millîgan and Bernice, Newtonville, vîsited Mr. and Mrs. Bey. Jaynes. Mr. and bMrs. Les.PMdMEdIMu family, Orona,. and -Mrs. F.. Couch and Mrs. N. Samis, New- castle, visited Mr. mnd'Mrs. Robini 111ldred. Mrs. Arthur Bedwin, Marlenei and Freddie spent Sunday wlth Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Taylor, -Go(Ai. lice. Mr. and Mrs. W. Adaxris.-a«g family attended the funeral .-,o Mr. A.jGbsneNwcasu ZION (Hope Tw)¶ Mrs. S. Jones visited Ma-,LU Hamilton, Bunker Hill1, cm- Sus-, day. A congregational fteetlng-.Nqu held in Zion Church an Tueedày evening when it was decidçd 10 suspend services until the 'S This year the pupils of S,, 9 6 are putting on a ChristmaalT and entertainment. It la Xýto,. .e held at the school at 8 i..on Thursday,' Dec. 20. Among those who attended te, Santa Claus Parade in Port,1Rope on Saturday were Josia Le Jean and Gerald Best, Joan'BIà'k as welI as a number of -adÛlts from the district. M DI1N GODý' CASH PIZES« eý - , C,,-l % A- i -,- -, or 15th -XII 'w FI. 1-1 1 1 ý