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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Feb 1953, p. 11

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'Y'TTURS1~AV, ~E. 1@, 1953 ?~T~ CANADIAN. ~TATEEI<AN ~OW5IA~V1!.?P i~I~A~îPS - 6 ~ Naplo Grove Couununùiy Hisfory Daing Back Over- 160 Ts Yars Complod, by Re'search WlI. Group (Continued tram last week) Sixth Contrition of Van Cami Among the earl*est setlere Ca.me Peter Van Camp who be fare 1812 purchmsed Lot 21, Brait en Front (B.F.) froin the Churck ct England. Todav on this sari lot rcei <b" Roy. Samiuci and Thon. as Il in direct line trom Peter William mand Thomas 1. Thus 3hm~ Il k. the' sixth generation onteoriginal lot. l7e Levi Van Camp msoamc. ~tiedp rop rîs' on the BF. Soie of 'these Vaýn Camp pro p rtieç have been occupled by Biack. hurrâanmd Abernethys acd agaln by Rex Fowier andi >red Wr it veterân ai Wold War Il. la in racent yemrs macy New Can- adiaca have made homes cn orne of these Van Camp prop- erties. At onetlime Ibis was ail con- Ildered part of Maple Grave. Il S* us for Long-MII.og< G0OD/tEARt TIRES ThrIfy rmtifa are buyirug the QoodyerbeLue. It'. a toughar, sturdier tire that oetting new re- corda everywhce for long, trouble- fret mileage. L0OI FOR TM4I "NIoN Sow" OS UALITY ROBS6N j,., f r Raim or Shine Day or Night iDepend on Us to STake You Io Your Destination! Expert driver% in modern taxi cabs wiIl take you wherever you want to go, at reasonable rates. We'Il have a cab at your home ini minutes wben you Dial 561. IKING0 TAXI The Rtadio Cab Operated by Lathangue Bros. euard#lteed, I1334% Cer/ate A profitable invetment for your regular savingu, Guaranteed Trust Cerifcae... - are unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest - pay 3U% interest, payable half-yearly - are short terni- 5 years - are authorized investnpnt for trust funds - have no fluctueation:iii principal I 5 years $415.24 accumulates to $500.00. Invest wisely a.nd well THE STERLING TRUSTS -C 0 R P 0 R A T 1 O N HEAD OFFICE BRANCI4 OFFICE 372 îbav st., Tersais1-3 f.iep st,, gardié 1 1827 whec aur present churclu *wit bubit a divis-Ion eccurred duej rs ta a disagreemnent over the silei e of the chux-th. Filat Lotomi Preacher ,h Another bit of recardeit history le ii t ccc.neMichael Cryderman, 1- %ho wàs a aily settien of Dar-e Tlnln. Hae was the fir2t local1 ýs pretcher among the Methiodlsts of ýn this tewnship. In 1839 he acquir- 1 ed a oawmIll north-wtst cf Hamp-1 Cton end iomved there. Ris prap-1 le erty was Inter owned by two1 s Hàrnden brothars, Ralph andi c-Wesley, wvho were emly selliersi i bis communlty, and ih is stli t, in tht possession of Rlph's dmug- ao tors, Mlisots Agnes mncc Elizabeth 1- arnden. ýn The Crydermaca hava been as- sociatadi wiîh Solica mnd Hamp- ton districts ince Michael mov- *ed thons, but by somne trick cf 'n fate. Howardt Cryderman, a great- -great grnncion new livas in this community on te orgical Faiey pnaperty,caniother of tht firzt settiens et Danlingtoii, havicg marrieci a great grand-dauighter of Richard 'oley. 0 The Power Famllyt The emlest record of the Pow.1 or famiiy in 1816 when a Thomai Power nesidoci west of Bawman- ville on the then Danlarîlu Roaci. This may have beeh in tht orig- Inal house on the pnaperty where Stuart Morton now lives, Mrs.r Morton being a direct descendant. c Ini 1827 Acdrew Power baught1 Lot 19, Con. 1, tram a Miss Elicord Wilson. In 1857 E. G. Power acfluired it and in 1859, Thomas ? WisnPower. E. G. Power mov-q od ta tht south bafan md Ibis wat Ihanded dowru ta hi@sosn Thomas,a te grmndson Herbert, and ta great grandson L. R. Power, now occupied by John Morton, son of Stuart. rTe .tory ln laid of a Dr. Patter who carne out frain Bowmanville eteh wéek ta gel Water at the prng on this farin. George Pow- or acquired the.nntIt bal i ai tbe prcperty from Thon. Wilson Pow- or, hi& tincle. in 1890, anci passeci lt on ta his son Tru.man, the noxî year. Al of thîs Power prcpertyr ia naw in the possession ai Stuartv Morton, san-ln-iaw of Trumana Power.t Samuel Cale carne from Ecg-b land ini 1841 end settieci on Lot5 19, Con. 2. This property was in t the Cole family 90 yeans; whenb Thomias Cale, a bachelor, dieci in 1931. Charles Rundit camne in 1834, settiing an Lot 2, Con. 1; b Samuel Jeffery In 1849 te Lot 19,0 Con. 3, and the Muncimys in 1851 t to Lot 15, Con. 2. The Snawdensb camin t 857. Graccisans or great-h great grancisons alili own, thase g original farms. s Monday Homoatemd a The Mucitmy homesteait (now s the homeofa Ivison Mundgy). wasT tinst built in tht yaar 1855 or 56 r by the tep-fther cf Mark Mun- i day, Sr., who came te Canada in l 1851. Many lenations, of course,c bhave been made since. At that lime the farm included that now NE WTON VILLE (Intended for last week) Mns. John Pearce andi Bob-, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Osborne and family, Welcomne; Mm. Walter Whittaker and farmîly, Toronto, spent -Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Eanl Walkey. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ccx were Mrs. S. Marshall, Mrs. E. Izzard. Mr. andi Mrs. Ernie Jonies, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Cox, Mr. and Mrs, Art Hecige, Pickering; Mr. Sîi Brown, Newtonvllle. Friencis and neighbours ni Mrs. Hattie Langoctaff were ahocked to hear of her suciden passng on Monday morning. Mrs. Mabel Langstaff has been stmying with her and went ln te caii ber and founci the haci passeci away in her sleep. Funermi servie from George's Undertmking Parleurs, Por t Hope,. Febl, Il at 2 p.m. In- terment in Orono Cemetery. Mr. andi Mrs. Geo. Greenwood, (nee Mabel Brooking). Redi Lake, Northern Ontario, visiteci with her cousin, Mmî Willis Farrow. Miss Barbara Ovens had à birthday party on Saturday and entertaineci several of ber girl friends. Mr. andi Mrs. Raymond Bruce motored to Bancroft on the week- end. Mr. Jack Glover entereci Mem- orial Hospital, Bowmanville on Thursday last te, prepare for an- other operation on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reader. Oshawa: Mr. Stanley Bowen, Newcastle, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Todd and family, Starkville. vis- ited iwth Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Farrow. Sundax. Mr. Irwin Vinson, brother of Mrs. Barton, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry McGee, Oshawa, visiteci Mr. andi Mrs. L. H. Barton on Sunday. Miss Ruth Payne, Wesleyville, is teaching iin the Senior Room while Mrs. Ash is 111 with the flu. Miss Minnie Randal underwent a# operation for removal of hen tonsils at Memroial Hospital, Bowmanville. on Monday. M.rs. John Lancaster has ciosed lier home to spend a month with ber daughter, Mr5. Chas. Welsh, Bo w man vilIle. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Lane motor- ed to Hamilton on Sunday te visit with her mother, Mrs. Thos. Bur- keli, and ister. Mrs. J. C. Moore. Mrs. Burkell retunned home wlth them. The Young Mannled Cou p les' Club of Newcastle useci the Com- munity Hall on Wednesday last te entertarn themselves, and iIn- vited a nuniber of Newtonville couples to be their gueits. An ejoyable evening was spent play- ing gamcet and dancing. On Thursday night in the Orange Hall a very succesful card party was helci by Mrs. John Peance's group of the WVomen'.: Institute te raise fundls for their work.D.TLacse a uh Rev. .T acse smc improveci in health and ha,% ne- âumed his duties. occupleci by Wallace Munday but I *L I I L ufl Deceaseci was born Oct. 16.,1lTT and~~~~~~~ ~~ ante e ibidns~ît~~UIa a l a saant Point, second' UDITLUARY itd wanotdie atbui5dineas mobuilft£O-iif *,~u 7 oldest in a family of eight child -___ on te second fam. The name f M Lj rI IL*'IS ren of Smruel Endicott aind Eni- rRANK HENRY oKE "Brookhill" which ippeara In the aEVof iN eIfleiS UA ý oOURii V8ofiK<, ma Hey. In 1905 he marrieci glass ovtr thc front doar ci the £ Mabe! Sammpnon and spent lus Hi s many friends . ere >ce- original, han been oftlcially re~-1.U..L iq , entire- life farming within a fexv cd by the death of Frank Henry istèred inxce 194.1, with the Hai- IUIIpulsory - Warble Kiy areaimfefli miles of his birthplace in Fenel- Oke, who passeci away in Me-1 stein P'riesian Association of Con. 'a on Township, T-wo brothers and meniai Hospital. Bowýmanvillc, on ad&. a sisten survive. James et Fenel- Feb. 3. at the age of 63. -Mr. Oke The Snowdon F&MnI17 Cartwright Councilme b hose. two log riozzles. etc. One on. Wilfrid of Ops, and Mrs. Win.I had been ln failing health for The Snowden family caine frein 2nd wIth members all esent 1 te be sýationcd at the lake. the 'Bell (Rosie) of Ops. teps er Engan ho187 md irî stt An d Reeve in the chair. other at Blackstock. One is te[ He leaves to mourn bis os s hisj Th e dcceased was born in Bow-' in1 HaMptn They rýemained Milton Fisher claimned darnages 1 be used for spraying foi arl sorrawin.g wife, onc daughter,. man%îl, ach2 , 8,sec of thare aboupt ayn mdtleio- te hie flock of Reglstered ewes. fly andi weeds. along roacis, as well Hazel (Mrs. Fred Crawford) ofte aeMr n Mrs. Samnuel cd te this district, seîtîîrug îîril As ewiiers of doge arc knowc, a o ie Port Penny,' and a grandchild,, O-e. and liveci hene ail his lufe. on what mnac'. know as the Lynt- the Sheep Valuâtari' lte10 fotify ýMn. Bowes %vas present ne new. Mary Lou Crawford. His ocly: He %vas an emiployce of the Dur- er property wehere Col. 1Cerr flOw the wnrs t p des1roS' the dogs i1sb-dirisii t shingle landing. son, George, predeceased ici In .ham Rubber Ce. before Goodytar hivcs. They ase lived where Lou or paly ail future damages. One It was'édecided. starticg Ma,,ch 1946. \vhich loss contributed was establislied here. and nt the Hockîn andi Cecil Milia now Ilve, 'Of the,, hree dogs haci already 2nd, ta hQîd Council meetings in reatly te III health uctil' bis'.lime et his death was ectering lits t4e latter being in thCir ôceutia- bftli killeci. Cominunity Hall at 8 p.m. ueath. 431,d year witli the plant. Ris tien the lneI.Rwstmie wo applications were receivad Actnspsada alw: Mr. Endicott belonged to L.0,J pleasant gooci nature made himf bWm. Snewden In 1947 or 48. tor Assessor for 1953. Eci. Sues, L o 6adt oa lc r-ml red vowl àl s ur f te ondaculrd arm wo ws ne f astyer'sAsess Frr ayra, ô foxes -$ 1300 ceptory No. 854, Dunsford. sînce hlm from theirf midst. InrÏhis in the ce imunity As they mar- ors. was appointeci, et M425. per Cccli Heynr, foxes3..00 its inception. and was made an lelsure lime he xvns a hockey andi Snwdn ato tatc Ms.t, y-aw ws asaCeetin ilBurton..........----- .... 0hocourary life memben. basebaîl enithusinat. Mn. Oke C.ed buS inow e ind so sln Rob et Ysalrie. f o ncl m n grs KD itlBuCommer ---ial ----- 4.. 00 The funeral serv ie was held was a member of T inity Unltd i grnodonainthaa Ci M.L. ou Reve $00, D pty ed e $175, Com rchitallws.. 600in Lindsay on Jan. 28, ta River- Chuch. gaon lofsThliom h as. on. Cou ncillan$250, pe y ear$15,Reglstry Office.......----- 1:56 s ide Cemetery. Owing ta the ill- Funenal service was helit Feb. Hockn l stil u thefarn on- Curiillos $50, er eur ness of the paster, Itev. McQueen, 6, in the Marris Funeral Chapel, eci by han fathen, John 5nowden. By-Lmw 912 was amencidi, set- Fait. of Agriculture ------- 250.46ofS.Ade' rsyuinwthR .T..Mrgncdc- Samuel Snowdon aî.qulred A ting salary of Clerk-Treas.-Col- Mult. Fisher, sheep damages 115.:00 Cai St.f Ancdre Pesheniwan aWth rpvic.e. oan rc onc frm nearer the highway-his ar- lector at $125 per month. Richard Wall, valuator _.. 7.50 mChur h e serhichdces was ing rsdga the sevc a r. h in ai home belng a house where By-Law w aise passeci seting BGle Van Cap arutei ebrth rvcwas con- Gu0.0ncpyresiul flat rith t ra aick Cat Inn now lo. Thls Bnow. Aôad ,Supt,. îalary at $3,300 per Baly ln pntos..900 utebR av .bontrc ay euiu lrltiue den property has beec broken up yomn. fupt. isa operates the H. Thenipson, Clark-Tram. 125,00 Mberaio the Orange Order uni e hya o ce ith ao rcer andi snow pîow. Canadien Statesman, advt. 21.85an Blk rcpoy tedd orn til i rwoain In etfthps eitr s r e eeliasigUnemploy. Insur. stamnps 16.56 adBak rcpoy tedc sesiina of ilrinInen ps- Pftoranl er e F cntr ai ra 172Rond Voucher No. 1 1949.16 in8a group andt assisted Iin the sesson f Wil Sowdn. fr WrbleFlyconrol rom172service. The foiiowing mnem- Muc etthi prpeuy bs ben aIle onen, md îo aaint i. Cotincil adjournedi ta Monday. bers were bearers: Robent Samp- salit for building lots And mlght Those patitions showed 31882 McHenryath6 p.m. Ccrý on Clive Endicott, Teddy Brien.! be termeit the ruow Méple Grave. cîttie in thetotwnship; 1153 asked HAyTomsn i rAthur Thunston, Melville Brien The firet cew, boumes wore bullt for brush method mcd 2731 for and Wallen Hore.I in 1929 and 30, and building bas spray. By.Law was passeit mak- fIT1l7Tht beautîful floral tnibutas been golng on ever mince, Incluci- ing It tornpulony to treat aili U l JUAfLRYwena testlmony tô the este m in ~A lng stores and snack bars, etc. cattle wlthin the munlcipality for ____ which decaased was helci. Me ochool 1 00 Yomrs 014 wrble ily. Inspecter wlibu mP»~ GEORG~E EDMUNJI ENDICOTT was a quiet unassuming mac, SL W. have learneci that thte chool pointmd et Marcb meeting mnd thrifty and dependablaiéi al bis mnuit be over 100 years aid be- powdor purchmod. Ont ci Fention Township's aid- duties. Havlng a cheerful and cause Mn.. Axiord attended in Road Supt, warn lnstructod te or residents, Giorge E. Endicott happy persoriality andi lways TA 1848. 8h. lias told that when eh* order eight tons of calcium chior- assed away I a Lindsay nursing e adytelenci a lieîl g hanit dropped oifta mleep, <sho *as tivo ide. Parelt, Jafl. 26, In bie 74th yean. whlle in gdod health, Ie wiil be years aid), that teachor wouid It wae declded ta purchase two In fmillng health for neyerai yemns greatly Miussed by hie fniendi and may ber down and let ber sloop. auiay pumPs, 1,000 feet ai death came suddeniy at tht lait. 1 omMntfuity. BAGU *Polhflnds#eia thOnder Gous WeieLau.'nticn Wei s u iftgIn Spedul Ssii., Oieffot., DUne $MW&s for eacl Ian Thù aêlbu of m elim panp nCu ROBSON Poutiac - Duic] 166 RING ST. E, DUAL.STRIAK vely in l o k e t ... in s a n tly ,.: - ognizable . .. that's the. .catchungappeai ut Pontine, -'3. îverv cinale roodel in ýh of the five greait lonlar serire iao namierpiece of riîe.I new Duat.Sîreak m.tling-eerv lnch a P'ontmne ievery Inch a beautyl PONTIAC POWER WW STEE RING lionai àt extra Colt on aIl 'i3 >elà equîipped with automati', ismipsqinn. the aazaing new ilia', l'ou.er Steering givp& von, rierlip controI in siituationt Like parking a-ad slow tuns. let it $Ming@ utoamaci on oui w/un £î's needv'd, and Ira% em von in comnplote conrntra ial tinr'.. PONTIAC *AUTRONIC MW EYE i amazing ocu lîedlamp con. dims and brigbtens yuur leghîs JJeIJ ,tonically and automatliy! It mes al l e work and worry suanually dlmming your lighto, minates 'the po.slbillty of for.- ting, mokes niaht drivlng safer and easier. ooptimm « & e acoU. '%~/ HIGH COMPRESSION /MW POWER c ompression ha@ bren stepp.-d. ulp lu the, Standard Pontiac Si to dcitrer a ,rilliIatit 115 h.p. Y Thr Steeciai Six lith iaviomatite trahl.flimsion ou developoii 11-P- And l'ontiacr*g rrat Straiglit- light .lclivern 1 18 h.îp. for oui- standing iperformance pluns un.nrpagned t.-heail eronomny. t *POWERGLIWE AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ~/oR PONTIAC D ALRANGE #14« W fIIYDRA-MAIc DRI VE l'ontlac offers you your chnice of TWO .. nderfui autiomatic tranomjsso. TIcv'rr the eowlletsei! new. sanîootha; imnn Matic Die A e rthsol iif aia totailiy ni-w rxlerienr,. in smooth. efforîin.o, driving. ~<ipu.~I n ~-f ton Po:hjmýnd.r i>eIu¶.,,nd !ownrv,, 4ri". -f rnl i rqi n C,,ta,<ip.ft. ied C(iufra,,, > -i,. '.. . I - ~«/ WIDE-I4ORIZON xéw VISION l'ontiac'minew, one-pileecurter windshieid provlde a wlde, unobaîrueted aleof i inion, and the new rear wfndotrs Increaise vision througlu the rear mirror b! Samnueh as 39 percent. GM Siade.Lite 'ninted G<lass, available at extra cogt, materially reduces heat and glare. PANORAMA VIEW / MORE SEAUTIFUL IW NSTRUMENT PANEL TWO-TONE INTEaIORS l'îromn the deff hand ofthe master s.ylitt prrticaI ne il 1% brautiful, tbe cor el'oliae's exciting new intarloroi idoomp nèis Ponine Instrument f.,r'*33-dlramati,aIy heauiful, Colo.. tr le deolgned 10 elîrninate dis. k~dInteriors experhir haronouited Ring hlghllghts and glarr. Wlth new Key-Quicl. startlng, iîl Pontiac*@ sparkling body tolo. turit of the iwdion key marte the Crr and the kev I very detail of Pontiae beauty tiIlq yon ars Io normal drivlns position autorÀaaticalI7. at a glance that bere, lndeed, l a* masterpîcce of de.nlen. See Pontiac fou '53-owl Puis3 àkCari MOTORS s m GNC Trucks PHONE 581 * - - ~ Neue uimuaise reiatea t ari 'uU times that horru ntetacher was a Mr. McCluc5', father-ln-law cf Nellie McClung, tht authoress, andi that the McClungs were Bow- marîville people. Nelle McClung wbo was Nellie Maôney came dawn bore from neàr Winni*peg., She mmrried tht teache' soc and when he bocame a minister thoy agin went Weit. The uchool et that Urnewas à smail building and becanie the woodshed at R. R. Steven'u home. This.bulding useci ta have a tut- ret. Mrs. Axtord tells, toc, that whoc the annlverganles ;wereheld, a platfarm was built te tht omît af tht school and a roof of upruco boughs was built ouIt rom the school roaf mnd tht money frorm these ahnnersaries wms uàed for building. New Sohool ScUt. 1 1951 - Sa many new houses have been built in the last iew yemrs, that our school became cnowded-first :his was overcorne by usihg the basement. of the church; liter, thé heurs were staggeed-the juniors goicg in thet mornig and the. enions in the atternoon. In 1951 a new îwo-reamed school wms tarteci, to cconiodate the Pupile. The gromwth of tht community' may be judged by the fact thRf in 1923 the enroînient was 28-, in 952 it ivas 85, with a large clas DL beginners, for the Fail termn. (To be continueci) Iwère eVidente et the- AfcM and esteerni n wbich Mir. O~ those of Good.year Tire & Rtkbý*r I o.: Coltic Knitting Co.,*Mfonft1aI; impertai Vatýntàh Co., Toronto. Pallbearers wcvre Messr*.. A. IMoffai, H. Mooreraft, L.,nlii io1s, W.Nchô1k. E. Passànt *-Md ,R. Clark. internient was in Bow- manvIlle Cemetery. heft to mourn his pssing aère his vi % Minnie Fur.bei; sons, Wilbur oritreal; Morley, 4,Qw- mnanville. and 'àne* daué ,lier, Evelyn (Mrs.. D. Patte). OsLiatva. Aiso surviirg are Mr. 01e's oPlY brother. Walter, and ohl y sTer, iEthel, both of Bowmànville., Friends and relatives attended the funeral frein Monitreal,..Clmih âwa and Cobourg mq wélI é e5v manville m&nd dimstrict. Brown rie (p nmore n tritivp than polished %vhlke rice beeiuse In its surface' iayér ire 11&éi-o Mingandci minerais that- ilake it s0 valuable as a food. The meut of oriÈiharây 1s: nOt novrelty; it lm sinceritY. 1th'be- belleving mnnIlmthe oriRlflii filn. -Carlyle. - 1 orlic SDAV. 7". le. 1933 - ul "M CAMADIAN. STAUSUAN. 90WMAXVff-Lr- Mrr,&Ptn qs à piqb eV sfflm»

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