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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Mar 1953, p. 3

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qW'HURSDAY, MAROR 12, 1953 THE CANADIAN STATESMWAN.. BOWMANVTLLLE. ONTARIC' PAGE TERI6 Teen Town Dance Leg Contesi for Flc WVhen Good Timel1 On Friday, March 6,' the Teen Town held its Iast dance before the High School exanis. Every- on1e was out for their final big fling before settling down to hard study. Several bingo dances started ,-,the crpwd n .in riht at th e beinrIgf,4 ^he dance. The prize ier t the novelty dances wcre June Wood and Noel Dud-' ley, Myrna Souch and Victor Moore, and Dorothv Hockins and ý.Noel Dudley. Friday must have been Noecîs'luckv night. There was no -floor show so f or sornthing different they hiad aj ieg contest. The boys had to rol Up their pants to the '1neies an d dance with thcir partrners. While thcy were dancing, the judges. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Nicks w erc' xam- I y EYES EXAMINED GMASSES FITTED OFFICE [JOURS Mon.- 10 arn. to 6 p.m. Thurs.- 1:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Sat.---- 1:30 p.rn. to 6 p.rn. Evenings by appointment 22 DIVISION 24 BOWMANVILLE 4 Whitby - Phone 671 Ann and Billy, left on audyt iaubu i1iuied occupy the new home they have built in North Oshawa. Mr. Wilbert Hancock, Peter- ,oor Show borough, called on friends in the -- M village Friday and spent the week- asMrs. Zena àlw «atnad - Mr. and Mrs. Alec Merrill, Wark- iigthe leg show. The couples worth, were weekend visitors with final1ý, had to promenade about M.adMs ilsJns the roomn and the winner was Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lester chosen. The Most shapely legs and famnily, Agincourt, spent Sat- belonged to Alan Richards and ý?e urday with her parents, Mr. and was dancing with Ingrid Conway. Mrs. Fred Saunders. Somthig ese or augs ws a Mrs. Carl Todd returned from Somthig ese or augs ws aMemnorial Hospital, Bowmanville, dance in wvhich the couples ex-onS daad speigafw changed coats and partners. This on sunday, and istsending. anfe was adavsewithoher sisterd Mr.eaNd was il eryconusig ad sme rs. Clinton Farrow while con- had a lime finding their coa ts at valescing. the end of the dance. Mr.eclDawthsnac The boys' prizes for the leven- and cl en ih o Jc ing ere onaed b Kcns M nd~ friend, Toronto, visited Mr. Wear and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Nicks andr. CinoBrw onS- were our chaperones. Wce would "Miss Incez Cordon attended the like to thank thern for thcir \-ery\ Skating Carnival at Orono on generous gifts and for giving up Saturday night and spent the their evening to corne to the weekend with Mrs. Dixon. dance. Mr. Hugh Stapleton has pur- Hooper's Jewellcr.v Store also ch;îsnd another two houses in Pet- donated another gir Vs prize for crbo'-ough and is having them which wec woul i lîk very mucli moved Ibis week by trailer, to be to thank Mr. A. Hooper. locatcd on lots he has purchascd The evening ended with The froiniMr. Wmn. Laing on the south Queen. side of Highway No. 2. The crowds for Teen Town Misses Diana and Lorna Burley dances are getting bigger and 1 had tlîeir sonsils remnoved in the everyone is having a botter liime.I Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, We hope to see you and Your, last week. fciends ont to the next danece The Ocangemen held a success- which will likely ho somne lime fuI card party on Friday night. around Easter. The high prizes were won by Mrs. NE WTON VILLE Mr. and Mrs. L. Hibbard left last week on a trip 10 Florida. Mc. and Mrs. Miko Moore and family, Castleton, visited bis sist- er, Mc. and Mrs. Jas. Stark. Sorry 10 hear Ibat Mrs. Win. Whittakec has beon sick while slayihg with her daughler. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bradley, Bow- manville. Mc. and Mrs. Jack Glover, Jo Fine Tangy Old 81dm Milk Che. BLACE DIAMORWD 1b 59C nEi.N4.O Kraft Cheese Roll Borden's CHATEAU Borden's OLD VINTAGE Clover Valley (8S Suces) CHEESE SUCES Skim Milk Cheose. HN-N-LO A& p LOAr CHEESE Suttana Peanut BUTTEIR A&P Fancy Red Socesye SALMONV Somnestrike Pancy 0-ohoe SALMONV la TOUATOES H-a b itan t PEA SOUP A&P Special Blend TEA Carts Tomato or Vegetab Soup Chr .tie's RETZ Post SUGAR CRISP CDncenti-ated Javel JAVEX Suricr Creamed CHRISCOD Ecnve or C.-own CORN SYRUP 'A-lb pkg 31c 4-oi pk 23c pkg 29C lb 39c lb 4le Van Allen. The consolation prizes hoth xeut to the Stapleton fam- ilyv, Miss Genevieve and hec fath- Cr. Cecil. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bruce visited thecir daughtec, Mr. and MIrs. Chas. Waters in Oshawa on Salu rda v Cone 1 Churcb in Kendal next Sunday afternoon. The wocst lime for lraffic acci- dents is between dusk and mid- n igh I. 2-lb family loaf 7.5c Kraft Pineapple Cream CHBEESE Kraft Cream Chees. PIMAENT'O Processed by Trappist Monks OKA CHEESE Borden's Cream Cheese BAUMEIRT Sharp Cheese IMPEIRIAL Ontario Coloured 4-oz glass 23C 4-ai glass?23c in Quebe 14-ai pkg 69C 'A-lb pkg 22c Vs-lb box 45c th 43C Recenily Celebraied Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy, Hampton, who cele- brated their 4th wedding anniversary at a reception for friends and relatives at their home on Jan. l5th. Mr. and Mrs. Mountjov are enjoying retired life in Hampton after facming for 33 years. -Photo by Rehder Nanvers Township Council Appoints W. Neals Inspector Warble Fly Act Township of Manvers Council met March 3 wilh all members present except the Reove, who was absent through illness. The Deputy Reeve was lu the chair. Communications werc read from Dept of Agriculture ce: warble- fly control; Counties Troasurer re: fox bounty; Unernploymeut Insurance Com. re: certificate of permanent employment of Willis Whiteside; Salvation Army eu- closing receipt for grant; Dept. of Lands and Forosts, re: ecaver flooding, Township roads; Work- men's Compensation Board, re: coverage of Volunteer Firemen; Hydro-Electric, re: an additional street light in Bethauy; Canadian National Railways, re: Assess- ment; Canadian Farm Loan Board, re: Arrears of Taxes, also Canadian Industries Limited re: Wachicide, also a number of comn- munications re: Arrears of taxes. A by-law bo close part of Jack- son and Agnes Street in Bethany and 10 provide foc the selling of sanie. was given the first and second reading. Third reading was postpoued until property ad- vertised. - - - - - - _ - - - à - _ - 1 Application for Inspector under the Warble-fly Coutrol Act was awarded 10 Walter Neals. Reove and Deputy Reeve were appoint cd a commitîcee 1 investi- galethe purchase of a power sprayer for- warble-fly coutrol. The followirg. accounts were passed: Sohool money ----------- $2600.00 Hydro, streo t liglits - -- 118.25 Post & Mirroc, Advt. -- 7.36 Township Treas., Road Voucher------------ _.- 412.52 J. C. Cummiskey, salai-y 150.00 J. C. Cummiskey, Fox Bounty ----------------- - 93.00 City of Toronto, Relief- 67.33 Direct Relief - --- --- .--- 169.00 Millhcook Agri. Society, G rant ------------- __ 25.00 Eaci Argue, Expenses bo O.G.R.C. ; ----------- - 25.00 R. John Payne, Expenses to O.G.R.C- --- - - 25.00 Counties Treas., Hospi- talization, --- --- _ 98.50 Gen. Cori. Authocity, Levy ----------------- 300.00 Walter Kerr-, Fox bounty 18.00 Council ad.journed 10 meet April 7 at 1 p.m. 6-oiir2 PRODUCE SPECIALS! Their Nembers Into Five Groups 2s:n 3:CRA E R I St.rick's Programme Featured 1/, in-CGR P F UI 'P 28-ai ton 19C 3 15-az tons 29e No. 1, Florida Rc Seedless JFO.29Y Size80 lb5cFirm, ripe, Yetlow, No. 1 3 16-az îor.s 29cBANAlVAS Mexican, Hand Selectecl. No.¶ 8-zpkg 19c TOMATOES .2 Pks 33cFlorida White Scbagoes, No. 1, Zpgs3cPOTATOES 16-o bilisC Texas Fresh Green Tops, No. 1, 16ozb 1cCARRIOTS 16 35c1 2-lb tin 29c1 ANN PAGE MILK BREAD VITAMIN '""'Canada Approved> or R EGU LAR. WHOLE WHEAT or CRACKED WHEAT. SLICED or LJNSLICED. 24-ai loaf 1 4 lb 19c cello pkg New Crop 23c 39e 1large original bunches 31lb 25e BAKERY SPECIALI ENGLISH FRUIT CAKE ea 29C REGULAR PRICE 33c - SAVE 4c VIGOROUS & WINEV -'CUSTOM GROUND B i OKAR 1-lb bag 3-lb bag COFFEE 93 c$2.73 RED OR BLUE BRAND BEEF Blade Bone Removed BLADE ROAST A Year Today's Ago Prie@ A Year Ago To-day's Price b79c lb 45e Extra Short Cut ind on - celle pkg. PRIME RIE ROAST lb 85c lb 5 5C SIDE BACON Eviscerated Grade "A", ve,. wt. 2-3 lbe. Choice CHICKENS lb69c lb 53e WIENVERS Ago Pries lb 59r- lb 49C 1b59C lE 35c d'là 1 : kÀfilkiI à -. *"ii Solina Womeu's Institute met more slucdy for handling ini a in the churcb basernt Macch 9, public place. with Mrs. I. Hardy, pr-esidenit,.in r.Hryclldo r.Jh the chair. Mrs. Burney Hooèv,1Ms Hrycle o r.Jh secretacy Iccasurci-, read tbe imiii-' Kuoix, leader of the we st group, uites. She also gave the i auîc~ fur ber progcarn. The roading for report showing a balance' oftIhe day was Home Economies and $121.20. Health. Our motto -- Healtb is A number of lhank vou lellers Wealtli. Community si nging fol- \vere read froni our mo'ebes \vh lowed with Mrs. E. Cryderman at have been on tibe sick list. Soie thc piano. !\Vere given flowers. otlbers 11-uit isud one box of cîrocolales. jMrs. I. Baker favorcd wilh a reziditig entitled "If". Mrs. John Tbo rug-miaking project NVsS Baker rendered ant Irish Lullaby. given up for tbbc timne hcing OWV Mr Forhes Hevland, Bowmau- ing ho the latcness of \vinter sea- V7ill*e, gave a detailed explanation sont and o! ber iiunicrous net ivities. of th(, Surgical Plant being minro- banquet tbey shiall gîe tite Osii- Services. He also asked us 10 awa H-appy Doubles Club on iiipawe sciid donîationîs lu the April 22. Crippled Cliildreniis Eastec Seal As the Assu-ciatedi Cotrîtrv Camipaigu. Mrs. C. Pascoe road a Womien of thec World cones tb 'l'o- poCii giving a Fishi Alphabet. Mrs. ronto lu Aus, WC wcre asked F711noX erv ahIý gave a palier out t0 send iu thbe nu inher of oui <iookirig fisb. She liad miany beau- nienibers \vlo wislb to attend. We! t ifu I miagazine illustrations on 1 cet sure wce siral bave moi e fisli ser'ved iin varrous wa 'vs. nlever be in Canada agai in lu)our per on Current Events and Mis. lîfetîmec. J. Biakeri agairi favored with an- Mis. J. Baker. Mrs. R. Lanîg- otherici- b liLUllaby. Pearl Leach niaid and Mrs. E. R. Taylor aie trcadi a biumorous poem, 'Moo- narnied as a nomiuating commîrlt- C OW-1no'. tee for the next yoars slate of of- Roll call-naines of different ficers. kinds of fish xvas well answered, Il \vas moved that %v îv as wve had learued a lot froni the donation of $,50 to the chultil paper given bv Mcs. Knox. She as a rentaIlu holdinîg our mcct-l-' lso pa':. cd aroîînd books front jn1ýs lcre. itbec Deparîment at Ottawa on Il was unanimiouslv decided t e10 g ih cater ftohe edding to take Mrs. Knox aud ber group sei-v- plac ru ur mdst ext iontb a daint;' lunch of a salad plate Mrs. G. Leask is named as coun- f e1aedfish and biscuit on vouer aud lier conimittee j r Is.1ibe iideThis v.-as verx' deliciouis T. Baker, NI s. Fi. PaScue. e. r'a fter li(-i1ing so iieb about fîsb W. YeIloy lues and NIrs. R. uaXivî. as a delectabté food. The lunch As1th Building Comimittee of "Ms topped off %vith tarts and the hall are planning some cup- Ia boardîs, Mrs. 1-l. Pasce. Mrs. B. Anril meerting w'ill bc und-irý 'link and I. C. Langinaid art, eadeir ip of MsE. Spi ces w vith iianicd to miort witb Ile m nicsuad Cooinmi tih d utles and Publie- plaitbow hes!tii airrange t lieui. Rda! ionS as Itle lbading. Wearc reqircsted toIn gauin 11'11tiun -________________ the Mlemorial Hlo.pital Bazaar for Jue 4. As, ouin roîips have been rather tnbalanerd un unibers xve niav III bave tbeni divicied irto 5 groups înstcadi of 4gi oîip, . The noeth Vron ps.tIlle r-ast ia If aind \vt- lia If. Tiiis niav na.ikei-t a but nior e fairlv çivicled all ai ound. The commîtteo buyirig d .lîes I ! for tlhe hall had two >aripIesý for tlie mmr' io ;-'and ilio(use. ThI h i1I ibro'hononc e xpin- *:, .oý ioe att-aLtiv.e aà well a4 brn Keep It Simple The most effective and impres- sive garden layouts, and especial- ly for non -prof essionals, are the informai ones. This does flot mean that shrubs, flowers, trees and lawns are put in helter skelt- er. Far from it. Some of the finest and most costly gardens in ail Canada are decidedly in the informal category but into them goes the most precise and long term planning. The famous Butchart Gardens of British Co- lumbia are of the informai type and much of the beautif ul grounds around the Canadian side of Niagara Falls, as well as about the Federal Parliarnent Buildings and the famous driveways of Ot- tawa. One docsn't see long slraight rows of flowers or square flower beds there. Most of the planting is doie in clumps, with sweeping but irregularly shaped iawns as a foreground to massed beds of flowers and groups of shrubbery. And there i% a deliberate -open- ing up" effect. You can't se everything from. any central point. Shrubbery, trees and other natural screening is brought for- ward here and there so that each turn in the path or each rounded corner of lawn reveals another vie w. Even in the smallest garden it is usuall 'y possible to get this sanie result even if we only bring a few larger shrubs or flowers for- ward a bit to sereen part of the back, and invite visitors t0 ex- plore farther. General Principles In planning a general layout small or large, there are some good generai and fundamental rules to keep in mind. First of ail we shouid know somethmng about the final height of the flow- ers, shrubs and trees and in gen- eral keep the smaller things in the front, so ail may be seen. Colour and time of blooming should be noted to prevent clash- es, though nature can mix these things more pleasingly than can man. But more serious than col- our clashing is no colour at ail. By checking with the seed or nursery catalogue for the time of blooming it is possible to bave a succession of flowers from the eacliest sinow drops in the spring unti] the last chrysanthemums in the fail. Anoîher general rule mention- ed previously is to avoid straight rows wherever possible with flowers a.nd shrubs but rather to plant in clumps of two or three of each type and more, of course, with smaller things. The Centreplece Finaily there is the foreground or centrepiece 10 consider, some- thing that will show off the flow- ers and shrubbery. For this a good lawn is indispensable, the smoolher, greener and finer the better. Fac too many people think that a lawn will look after itself. It will not any more than a ve- getable or flower garden. It should gel the same close atten- tion, the same care in feeding and maintenance. If it does it will give every bit a~s much satisfac- tion. In these articles you will DELUXE AUL METAL i rlume VENETIAN BLINDS 8 WAYS BUTTER I Choice of 26 Wicdths .. Ail 64" Long Easil.v Adjusted to Your Win- dow Length Remnoxable Siats . . . Much Easier tb Clean Popular Eggshell Shade $3m98 18 to 21 x 64"1 22 to26 x64"- 27 ta 36 x 64" __ .7 to 39 x 64" 40 to 43 x 64" $4.49 $4.98 S.1.95 BRING VOUR WINDONV MEASUREMENTS Walker Stores m Limited - Phone 451 King St. F. be reading more about the lawn and its importance. First Plantinga Nothing is gained and much can be lost by rushing the season and trying to wvork soul while il is slill damp and stieky. Whilei most vegetables and flowers can be planted a little later than us- ual and will do almost as well if we put them in 100 soon theyv will either freeze 10 death or get such a sefhack that they will be permanenlly checked. But, of course there are a few exceptions 10 everv rule. Some very hardy things like sweet peas, grass seed, the first garden peas, shrubbery, trees and many herbaceons per- ennial roots shouldi be planted in the spring just as soon as the soil can be dug without puddlinig. These are cool wealher lovingj plants and lhev must get well slarted before the summer heal. In very mild parts of the country these things are planted or set ont in March and elsewhere net later than April or carly May. Next Week Labour savers - Lawn work, vegetable layouts. Employment In the Canadian priniary textiles industry slumped frorîî a post-war peak of 106,500 in Fcbruary of 1951 te a low of 82.000 in July of 1952. Currently there are about 95,800 persons employed. Stafford Bros. Monumental Works Phone Whitby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whlthy FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precise %workmanship and careful attention to detail are ý-our assurance wheri v ou choose from the wide selection of imported and doniestie Granites and Marbies in stock. See This Beautiful PHILLIPS %THE QUALITY- TELE VISION"à 17" Screen $389m95B THE T.V. SHOP, 33 KING W. PHONE 3262 The Dealer Equipped Io Service Your Set ASK FOR FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION The Bra- q ELFIN bv (GOTHIC--onlv nue of fthe tbc mariY, iian.v nodels availablr---al] witllî wondecifuil noir-rip FABRJLAST straps- exclusive CORDTEX uplift that molds 3o smootll v, slîapes so beautifully! Choose your ELFIN in Junior, Medium or Ful- sizes 30 to 40. Iu broadcloth or satin$.u The Girdie- GOTIIIC al]-wa.v st-etch-- the run-proof LOCKNIT girdîe tbat kcep-, ils sliape sudir yours---ailtr couutless3 washirîgs You'Il lovr tbe way FABRILAS'r garteons are iewn tb 515';vvou'l cherr the CORUTEX inserts that pro' o-nt aIl roiling aI the w-ai:t. Bo.y our GOTHIC in w-bite. Sizea &mal], medium or large S2 098 a t- W/e4 14", tùd "ITRULY Phone 451 A PLEASANT PLACE TO SHOP" King St. East Bowmcnville SUNNVFIELD GRADE A' EGGS LARGE cn oz61Ç M PAGE Tmrqý ,qvfflýýý ýý - ý ý- ýqwr ý ý à U

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