PAGE FOURTEEN THURSDAY, MARCH 1er 1953 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTrARIO WINNERS IN JUNIOR BADMINTON COMPETITION HERE Giirls' Doubles Championship 1 I1 Girls' Singles Championship 1 Junior Boys' Badminton Singles Marilyn Leask and £rom Barbara Haultain and 1Colleen Hutchin, 6 f Bowmanville, at right1, took the trophy 1Marilyn Lnurie of Port Hope. Mixed Doubles 'IChamp ionship The pair at right, Marilyn Leask and Ken Smith defeated Colleen Hutchinson and Don Laird ta win the trophy for this event. Boys' Doubles Championsh'Ip9ý. Champions were, right to left: Paul Wright, Peterboro, who teamed Smith, Oshawa, ta defeat Noel Dudley and Don.1 Laird of Bowmanville. with Ken.1 Elliott Team Leads Legion Bowling - - - - - --i a tt ------- ----- Millers Taxi eked out a 3 -2 xin T'axImen~ in their EllistThrs att........... ovrthe Front Street sqtîad in d ay night, notching txvo counitersBae ov1 Knight........------ the fii st ,ami of the best-of-three unassiŽted. F. Luxton, the top finals fur thu, ' o\\ n H-ocku. Lea- Iscorei-con the tei an. notehed the iPerfect ---------- gue cîn1o~îp Millers Taxi thiî-d goal on a pass froin Lobb. McKnight-- reachecl the finals by eiiînînating Front Street goals were scored Woodward.------ Gonclyear in twxo straight gamles, by Kilpatrick oni a pass frorn Bob an' thie Front Street team put outt illiams, and Lemion from Run- High Single-G. E the Foresters ini three gaines in dle. En-lysre tonnle High Triple-G the sciî-tinl>.f1r Millers, with Rîîss Lane also Childs was the- top hand for the tlraving a minor. Three sentenl- ces were handed out ta Front Foetr okyStreet, with Tommyri CowanJ Team Hapqy IciLthe. nbtheau i m Tho" in the Cellar andcîayffcometiion ta date: im u are:: Althotigl the Foi-esters hockey Namie Teami G A Ptsi z. teani in the Tmvxn Hockey Leagce ended ip ait hie bottoni of the! beap and were ulinîinated b%, the Front Street squcdi in the semni- finals. the\ ah least have the sa- tisfaction of nwn that they wcre a teami truix representative oi the Canadian Order of Fores- ters, with no imporhs or -ringers". Out of a membership ai 120, only about 25 Foresters were in- terested in hockey, and often they had only a sniall turnaut for league gaines. Also it was the first year for thic Foresters in the Town League as they had pre- viously nlayed 'n leagues in Or- ana and Newcastle. However, the Foresters are pleased with their efforts for the first year and Coach Fred Griffin wishes ta thank ahi the members of the leami for their cooperation during the season. Burgess, Front St.----- 13 14 2 7 Kilpatrick Front St. -- 17 8 25 F. Luxton, Millers Taxi 13 10 23 Williams, Front St. --18 I 19 Leman, Front St.- -14 4 18 Rundie, Front St. 5 12 .317 Lobb, Millers Taxi -- 14 3 17 Lane, Millers Taxi ..... 6 16 Childs, Mîllers Taxi .-12 4 16 Craig, Foresters - --- 7 8 15 E. Luxton, Goodyear --8 5 1ý3 Lyle, Goodyear -------- 7 6 13 Sturrock, M. Taxi ---- 7 3 10 Burns. Front St.------ 6 4 10 Trewin, Millers Taxi 6 4 il) Strike, Millers Taxi. 6 4 10 Bi-d, Front St. à 5 1u It is vain ta expect any advan- tage froni aur profession of the 41 truth if .e be not sincercîx- just and honestiniii ur actions.- Sharpe. M on Pts. Pins 23 54 29827 21 50 29539 12 29 27888 12 281 27931 13 28 27711 10 21 26658I E1liott 309; Elliott 822. L. A. Parker & Sons Heating & Plumbing 47 King St. E. Phone 651 Bowmanville ta be onie ol the best "do'&" of the school year. At this party there wili of course be the usuai dancingta records, but ln order to attraet the students who don't dance or who are too exhausted after the strenuous exams to take part in such activities. there will be al sorts of ather amusements in the halls and rooms of the school. ,,If", ta quote Doug Heyland, "ýyou get tired of dancing, you can just teli your girl you've 4ot a date for, say, Snakes and Lad-"- ders." shin The highlight of the sic for the sports-minded students will be a basketbali game between the High School Al1-!,tars and the local Town Team, which in- cludes such well-known cham- pions as Stutt, Maclntyre, ftasS., Mohun and so on. While announcing the party ixf assembly last week, Doug Hey- land boasted that it would be even better than f ifth form's Christmas party. If the fourth former can Byve up I his boast, we should all.have 'the time of aur lives. The name for "it" has not yet been decided, and the price is mainly up to those attendîng, but one thing is certain, and that is that fourth form is going to do their utmast to outdo f ifth in the way of parties, so we'll see every- body there on Friday, March 27. There is no such way to attain to greater measure of grace as for a man to Ive up to the little grace he has.-Brooks. Bill Poiiey Wins Triple Honours of 801#2 Lilie's Team Stili ai Top in Standing BAHS. "Screech Owl" j]4qagu Gel Your Enlry Form for Tournamenti By Alan "Casey» RichardsiWA T D We seldow see Bill Polley but A. Spicer- 208 BLUEJAYS WIN HOUSE showed that they had the advan- ~U we heard of himi Wednesday M. Oke20 LEAGUE tage on defense by restricting Y K A I night when we walked into Mar- R. Wright 207 Sparked by Gord Ritter and Dot Hockin to two baskets while P R A E Te tyn's Bowling Emporium. Bill B. Milne __ 207 th two stars for Port Perry got ff'7( had scuttled the pins in the after- W. DeGeer 206 Gien Richards, the Bluejays de- two each. Foui shots played an V I L noon for a 801 triple made up of M. Vanstane ---- ----- --------- 206 feated the Crows by a score of impran arAn h scndhi 295-282-224 for an average of 267 J. Knight------------------- 205 19-16. Doug Woodlock played a and could have meant the gamne Dsge o a ln to win high honors. Thirteen D. McKnight 205 good gamne for the Crows but for either team. Jean Williams, That is an ail rich solution other bowlers followed Bill over M. Larmer ---- ~ 204 failed to match the other team'sDtHci' osn pre h prepared for .your own" 700: H. B. Rundie 772 (it looks R. Hearle 203 point total. Port teamn in this gaine and scor- particular type of hair. No like Doc is getting hot again for F. Cale ---- 203 ed 13 points. The final score on excessive heat - a luke- the big taurnament), Jack Knight K. Luxton 202 The fourth-place team, the tegm a 52 n nte wr rcs 75,BueMm 5,JmCl r utn22Crows, beat out the second-place tegiews2-4ado h ampoes 759,Brue Mlne754 JimCal Dr Autin202team, the Nuthatches, and the home and home series, 60-59 in Piper74 labrncee 732,bJ.FWirliams- 201 third-place Bluejays won ovr( h favor of Port Perry. We ahl wish Pipe 734 ClaenceOke 32, . Wiliam 201)vertheluck ta these girls when they re-$5 8 RussOke716 Jak Cole 14,N. ennngs200 undefeated Chiekadees in the present the COSSA district in Complet Norm O'Rourke 710, Ross Mc- F. Blunt --- 200 finals. Toronto. Knight 704, Ted Philiips 703, R. Oke -- - ---- --- - 200 2B WINS CHALLENGE MATCH Bowmanville team is as fol- 'T FaewllBacbun 0. . rei 200 The basketball players af 2B lows. Dorothy Kilpatrick, 27; Dor- ioid Wave Bruce Milne who usually sets warited ta get in a littie more othy Hockin, 26; Myra Coopé?r, up timber took great delight in basketball before the exams sa Janie Belîman, Marie Leddy 2; 75 omit knocking over the deadwood ta 'JronoO dd L-elloWS they challenged 2A, whom they Mar~y Husak, 4; Bey Frank, Bea 75Cmlt the tune of 336 for high single. D~'~ es~11f thought would produce a strong Craig, Catherine Diiling, Barba- _____________ Ah Piper had 328, Hap Palmer Da ceNes 47.5 team. Lloyd Coverly and Glenn ra Goddard, Carole Gibner, Elea- A iu uc and Ross Wright 323, John Many Prizes WTon Richards were top scorers for 2B nor Leighton. Graham 314. ____ and led their team on ta a 27-2 rhr u c Doc Slemon's team had high Odflos victory. Doug Woodlock and Ted who specializes in the most $ triple with 3703, while Osbourne's Odelos dance and' draw in Hinds were the backbone af 2A's PARTY AND BASKETBALL recent and advanced meth- had high single of 1319. the Town Hall, Orano, Frîday team (and what a long backbone. This week and niost af next ods in permanent waving Ray Fry must have been tired night, was a very successful event eh Ted?) Friday the l3th was a finds the students busy studying and haircutting, will be at after bis trip ta Akron, Ohio, as bath from the gaad time everyone lucky day for 2B. for the Easter exams, but once Bowmanville on he recorded bis lowest bowling had and the financial returns the pressure is off and they can Mon., Wed. and Friday ta date. The silver foxt had a [g-lMncl' rcetawssadupadsrth oeti fec ek 38 t i le C c i I' ai g a t~~ in rare form and kept everybody L O SE B Y O N E P O IN T st n n t e c , s m t ig s t e c w ek the small bowls tanight) Osborne going strong from start ta finish. On Tuesday, March 10, andgontaetas.Adaprve the seholars with a place ta let i' v r C had 443. Garfield Clarke had a The committee extend thanks Thursday, March 12, the Senior off aIl the steamn they have stored honey of a gaine, 88, Reg Hearle ta ticket sellers and buyers for girls' basketball teams played up and ta help themn get rid af the House oF Style the 400 bowler had 91 while Ross their ca-operation. Without their Port Perry for the COSSA dis- "1writer's cramp" which mast af Wright had 110. loyal support, bath at home and trict championship. The first them will have by that time, at the rear of Coffee Shop autside the village, the final re- gamne was played in Port Perry, fourth form is sponsoring one ai PHONE 703 ALLEY CHATTER turns would flot have been near- and this gamne ended in a 35-35 the biggest, and what promises Ted Bagnell's team is fighting ly s0 large. tie. As usual, Dot Kilpatrick and hard for a playofi position but Net praceeds ai the evening Dot Hockin were high scarers the way the team bowled it looks were $471.50 which will be used with 15 points apiece. Mary Hu- lîke they have chicken in their for cammunity service. sak dropped two. in for 4 points blood as Elliott took Bagneli 3 List af prize winners includes and Marie Leddy scored on a straight. the following: Mix Master-Ver- foul shot for the other 1. For Part Little is still out in front in the non Graham, Orono; Tri-light- Perry, the scoring was just as an's autfit has taken over second Chas. Winaker, Greenwood; Ra- netting 20 and Jean Williams 13. spot. A lot ai Slemon's success dio-Harry Hamm, Bowmanviile; The other 2 points were score4d this series is due ta Ross Wright's Coffee Table-J. Thompson, Bow- by Doris DeNure. yelling. If Wright would worry mnanville; Iron-Emma Lunin, Or- The second gamne which was 1'S more about bis own bowling and ana; Mirror-J. R. Nichols, Bow- held here last Thursday was a less about the other fellow he manville; Bushel ai Apples - hard-fought gamne al the way, would probably add 15 points ta Mary Phasey, Oshawa; Blanket- and the teams took turns being his average. R. Clarke, Bawmanville; Fni-Rite ahead during the first haîf which George Eiliott is stilî top man -Joseph Levitt, Bowmanville. cndcd with the Bowmanvillea in te avrage wit 243 Hisgirls on the good end of a 15-14 nearest rival is Al Osborne, 5 Grace groweth aiter gavcrn- score. The second hall was main- points off the pace. George should ance.-Becon. ly a defensive gamne. Part Perry B e , wrap up the individual honors. __-___________________ The entry form is at the alicy for the tournament. This year the singles and doubles entry willA T be an a 210 handicap basis. The handicap will not count in the high aggregate. This will give cvcryanc an equal chance ta win.B rli' MEN'S MAJOR LEAGUE rsi llth Week, 2nd Schedule, Teain W L P 4Pts Littlec----------20 13 34734' 48 Slemon--------- 18 12 33257' 43 Bates--------- 18 12 33754 42 Fo NLN Blazers for the f amily!1 Elliott--------- 17 13 33894 41 Fo NLN O'Rourke --_17 13 33413 39 Ail wool flannels in navy or ie Bagnell ------ 15 15 32782 35 wn D. McKnight __15 15 32605 34 MORNY2pokt - wh ebai trm Hearle ---------14 16 31856 322 ok twh ebri tim Osborne -------- 13 17 33108 30 Piper -- ------ 12 18 32934, 28 R. McKnight --- 12 18 32653L- 27 SOUPS Sz s 2 b 6 2 Cale ---------- 9 21 31439 21 Th e DASi s 2 Io 6$ .9 Individual Averages Te"O A Assorted Perfumes G . Elliott ------- - --- --- - 243 AOson---- -----_28 HOBBYISTU VISITORSD S Sizes 7 Io 10 - - - $3.98 B. Polley - --- 234 B. Westlake --------------- 223 6 cakes - - - - $1.00 r. Bagneîl ---227 Dr. Slemon 223 $58.00 Sizes 12 Io 14x - - - $5.98 r. Phillips ---222 TC R. McKnight 222 To Car HAND SOAPSSie 12 b 8 - - - $79 E. Brock ------219 anly S z s 1 o 1 79 F'. Blackburn 219 5O cakes -- - $l2 E.Ltl--------- - - ~217 OT ~ ~ Iws rcsta o B. Hearle------------------ 217 ÂLeÂe are telw s rcsta o NJ. O'Rourke ----217 Dr. Rundie -- - - 217 ha ee e .nofee nalw o E.Rundle 216 REVLON'S hv vrbe f rdo hwo 3. Engley21 flannel blazers. H. Janzen 215 LIPKIT J. Landcr -. - -- -------- 215 Roi-l ). Taylor - 215 2 IndelibleP. io' R. Maynard 21,1 lee G214TH HABIT A DSHOP . Gay - ----1 Creme Lipsticks M. Yourth 214 Value $2.00 JCallan 213 FROL FRIDAY NITES AT F.Samis --213 FROL B. Bates -213 .Brough ~212$12$.0 T._Graha 21211 rCoole 91____211 I I I I i 'J 1' 'J i J J J E F F A E G A 1V - -.....- r - - - - S-- -. . - - - - --,1 - - 44 Niiier's Taxi Takes Firsi Came Auainst Front Street in Piavoffs 117,