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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Mar 1953, p. 9

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THtYRSDAY, MARCH 26, 103 TTT~ f~ANAnTAN ~?A'rW~.MAi~.T U~1RAM~ms? -- .. -- - ..***, ~.....a.sî, ~.,r. un...,., FAUL NIIME (Continued from last week) In 1895 the Sons o! Temper- ance built a large hall over the North shed and it was used for Sunday School and Community purposes. When the Sunday School movedj i nto S.O.T. Hall a fine library was established with Mark Munday Sr. the efficient librarian for rftany years. The library created a fine literary influence in the community. Those were the days when the Pansy Books, E. P. Roe, G. Hanty, Charles M. Sheldon, etc., were in popular demand. Before the Sons o! Temper- ance Hall was built, it was the cistom on the third Saturday of June for the men and boys to turn out in full force to prepare for the Sunday School Anniver- sary. Benches stored above the beams in the Church shed were taken and the whole yard roof- ed over with evergreens brougbt down from Cole's woods. After the S.O.T. Hall was erected the Church yard was roofed over making an excellent auditorium for the holding of S.S. Anniver- saries and community events, the seating capacity being about 600. S. S. Supi. for 50 Years Mr. Jacob Stevens, the first S.S. Superintendent, held the position for over 50 years and has bad only three successors: George We are one of the 1126 Dry Cleaners in Ail America Who know the secret ihat gets ouf ail the dirt. Makes Iast year's clothes look like-new aigain! When your budget won't cake the cost of ncw Spring outfits, do as this faznily did ... let Sînitone Dry Cleaning save the day for vou. You'Il be amazed at how the like- new beauty returros because al dirt's gone! Even stubborn spots Power, Thomas Snowden and Harry Freeman. Another name long ta be re- membered is that o! Thomas Kirkpatrick, the school teacher. He taught a large aduit Bible Class fctr many years and trained the children in special recitation and dialogue for the Anniversary each third Sunday and Monday in June, dates that are stili hon- ored annually. Another name pleasantly remem- bered is that o! Mrs. Nellie Ax- ford, as she directed the singing o! Anniversaries and taught the Intermediate boys. Two o! her scholars entered the Christian ministry and were in active ser- vice for over 40 years, Rev. H. W. Foiey, and Rev. W. C. Frank whose wi!e was Addie Cole, a Maple Grove girl. Two long term officiai records worthy o! men- tion are Mr. John Snowden who was usher for over 50 yeacs and Mr. John Munday who was treas- tirer for over 25 years. Mrs. Wmo. Foley cared for the Communion table and prepared the elements for over 20 years. Church Organists Organists of the Church have been: Miss Hoar, Miss L. Ranton, Minnie Ashton, Sarah Allen, Ger- tie Foley. Reta Power, Winnie Axford, Elva Snowden, Charlie Snowden, Lola Snowden, Mr. A. Laird, Sr., Miss Edna Swallow dÎsappear! And no cleaning odors ! Ail this plus a better press that really lasts! If you ever thought ail dry cleaning was the same just try us. Find out how much more satisfied youhlI be with our different, better Sani- tone Service ! Cail today and avoid the rush! Local Agent:- HOOPER'S LADIES' WEAR PHIONE: OSHAWIA ZENITH 13000 anid Mr. Leslie Coilacutt. When Maple Grove ChurcJ a Methodist Episcopal Churcl following were pastors: 1870-72-Rev. R. B. Denike 1872-73-Rev. J. C. Pomerc 1873-76-Rev. C. A. Simps 1876-78-Rev. R. Large 1878-81-Rev. E. E. Howar 1881-82-Rev. F. M. Finn 1882-84-Rev. G. W. Steve ýh was -h the :e. .yj ýsonj trd ensonj i Memoriai Windows Installed The whole interior was decor- ated and three memorial wi- dows installed in Wcst end. These windows are in memory o! Mrs. Lloyd Snowden, donated by hier husband, another in mcm- ory o! Jacob Stevens donated by bis son Mr. R. R. Stevens and the third in mcmory o! Mr. Chester Power donated hy Mrs. Power whose donation also provided the new seating. The new basement seats about 200 people. It is modernly equip- ped with new beating systern, water system, well equipped kitchen. The basenent is used foi entertainments, meetings, Sunday Scbool and many community ac- tivities. There are nine curtained class rooms which required 60 yards o! material. New cuctain material was purchased and made for front of Choir loft, pu]pit was recovercd, and a new rug purchas- cd for pulpit platform. The total cost of improvements was over $3500.00, almost double the orig- inal cost of the Church. The Church was officially re- opened and windows dedicated September 1l, 1938. Rev. H. C. Wolfrain of Lindsay, a former pastor was guest speaker in the afternoon and Rev W. R. Tanton o! Oshawa dcdicated the new addition and the memorial win- dows. In the evening Rev. Harold Stainton o! Guelph, another for- mer pastor, occupied the pulpit. On Monday evening a fowl sup- per was served in the new base- mient with an attendance o! about 800. The total amounit raised Sundav and Monday was $71400 In 1937 Stanley Townend came from England to the home o! Mr. Noble Metcalf. He lived in the community abouît 2 years, going to war in 1940. During his stav. Miss Edina S\,walloxv, knowing h-is L ti [ Stretching If? LIKR hal days desti o ni S XSI Pbor K KI E everyone else, You've founci ýa dollar doesn't go far these s. Just remember, if tire iroys your home, it will rosi jmore than ever to get back ni trma I. Your insurance protection IUP he job? blumari Ra. James ;URANCE - REAL ESTATE ne: Office 681 Re&, 4931 King Street. Bowmnanville Naple Grove Community History Datifli Back Over 160 Years Compiled hy Research W.I. Croup Ministers after the Union were: 1884-86-Rev. J. Whitlock 1886-89-Rev. Robt. Sanderson 1889-92-Rev. James Liddy 1892-95-Rev. Leonard Pbelp 1895-98-Rev. Dr. W. G. Marvin 1898-0-Rev. J. S. I. Wilson 1901-05-Rev. Jas. Ward 1905-08--Rev. John R. Butler 1908-ll-Rev. Jos. Barnes 1911-15-Rev. S. F. Dixon 1915-19-Rev. R. B. Delve 1919-23-Rev. S. P. Boyce 1925-27-Rev. C. C. Washington 1927-30-Rev. Harold Stainton 1930-34--Rev. H. C. Wolfrain 1934-42---Rev. W. C. Smith 1942-47--Rev. H. Linstead l945-50--Rev. F. Yardley 1950- -Rev. L.M. Somervilie. And so we come down through the years to 1925 wben the Metb- odist Episcopal Church became Maple Grove United Church. 6Mth Anniversary On October 3, 1937, the 65th. Annivecsary of the Church was celebrated, the date being chang- ed so that the weather might be more favorable foc the occasion. Rev. W. R. Tanton o! Simcoe St. Church, Oshawa, was guest speaker. Rev. H. W. Foley o! whom we spoke carlier was pres- ent also and read the seripture lesson, and statcd that hie was only six months old when the Church liad been opened. On Monday evening the ladies served chicken pie supper, later the Scugog Young People present- ed a play "The Antics o! An- drew", the proceeds o! the even- ing being $212.00. In rcading of the Dedication o! Maple Grove Church we !ind that on the foi- lowing Monday the ladies served tea in the schoolhouse starting at 4110 p.m. and had served about 2510 people. Mrs. C. Axford helped with the serving. Church Enlarged In 1938 the Church was again enlarged and completely renovat- cd. Rev. W. C. Smith was the Minister at that time. Mr. R. R. Stevens was chairman o! building committee. An addition was add- ed at west end with a new vesti- bule entrance at north west cor- ner. This addition added seating CaPacitY of about 30 per cent. New individual seating was installed, the choir loft enlarged and the organ set down in a pit so that the choir could be arranged around the organ, the Church floor was raised 3 ft. and a new ýasement placed under tthe build- ing. Trinity Young People met Mon- day evening, Macch 16, in the Sunday School room. The meeting was in charge o! Citizenship and Community Ser- vice Convenors, Jean Feeley and Dorothy Johns. A short business perîod opened the meeting, fol- lowed by a worship service con- ducted by Dorothy and Jean tak- ing as their theme "Brotberhood". Recreation was conducted by Docothy Johns. Meeting ciosed with friendship circle and Taps. BLACKSTOCK Stuart Dorrell recently enter- tained Oshawa Presbytery Exe- cutive of Y.P.U. for their March meeting. There were twenty pres- ent and a full evening o! reports and social was enjoyed. Mrs. Earl Dorreli and Mrs. George Blyth were in Cobourg March l6th answering their cal among the ficst women jurors o! Durham County. Justice Fergu- son o! Toronto presided. As there were no grand jury cases and only two petty jury cases, with anc o! these settied out o! court, thece was only one set o! jurors chosen and this was ahl male. H-owever our ladies reported that they enjoyed a very interesting and instructive day. aintenance and repairs. j FLEXI-MOUNTING - Husky rub- SEAT SPRINGS - Seats have VENTIPANES - ber cushions cut efFocts of chas- Double-Dock springs, cushiony, Draft-free or forc. sis vibration and frame weave Latex-treated hoir and cotton ed ventilation just to incroase truck life, add extra topper pad, hard-wearing by adjusting venti- driver comfort under the taugh- leatherette caver that looks panes ta desired est conditions. better, lits longer, angle. I m Oldsmobile Cars BOWMANVILLE 's Il gift for sketching asked him if he would do a jicture to hangc at back of choir loft, hence the picture 'Christ in Gethsemane" came into existance, the picture is crayon pencil wdrk and Edna had this gift fromn Stanley fram- ed and hung where we now sec it.0 In December 1940 a new com- munion table was instailed and dedicated as a gif t from the fam- ily of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Foley. In 1946 the choir gowns and vestments were a gift fromn Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens. On September 28, 1947 the 75th Anrnversary o! the Church was celebrated. Rev. F. Yardley, the present pastor, was in charge with Judge Hawley Mott, Judge of Juvenile Court, Toronto, as guest speaker, afternoon and evening. The usual supper and concert was held the following Monday evening. The offertory plates wi*th en- graving, were bought by the church and presented in memory o! John Snowden. In 195 the Sons of Temperance Hall was moved away from the end of the shed, and lowered. It be- came the caretaker's home, the' first ones being Mr. and Mrs. Aylmer Beech. (To be continued) Temperance Contest At Enniskillen Shows Fine Oratory (Crowded out last week) The semi-annual Temperance oratorical Contest under the aus- pices of the Mission Band took place Friday evening, March 13. In spite of the hazardous date, bad roads and the waning epid- emic of chicken pox, 41 of a pos- sible 68 contestants participated. We were favored by having two competent judges, Mrs. G. Empry and Miss Mary Niddery of Hamp- ton, who had a very difficult task in deciding a winner in each class as ail were close competi- tors. One judge remarked she would like to give each one first place, a third judge, Mrs. A. Pres- cott, Enfield, was unable to at- tend because of road conditions. Rev. F. M. Seymour in his usuai jovial manner, acted as chairman. In the first group under 4 years there were 5 competing with Lockie MeNair chosen as first. In the second group of 5 year olds were two competitors with Georgie Leadbeater, as first. In the 6 and 7 year olds there were 10 competitors with Kath- ryn Slemon, the winner. The 8 and 9 year old group had six contestants with Cheryl Rowan, receiving the Jr. Bronze Medal. In the 10 and Il year old group were three participants with Bruce Ferguson, winning a bronze medal. In the 12 years and over groiîp there were four competing with Nancy Wood, the winner of the ruedal. ln the Jr. Silver medal group there were five competing with the medal won by Bruce Mills. The Sr. silver medal group hadJ three contestants with Garth Me- Gill, taking the medal. A special group of Ray Ashton, Gary Beckett, and Jimmy Rowan, gave .selections but flot in com- petition as they are holders, of silver medals and will compete for a gold medal when there are 5 contestants. Between each group the audi- ence were entertained with piano music by Phyllis Howell, Ray Ashton, Nancy Wood, Elenor -leard and accordion music by Gloria Wright. During the period given the judges to make their decisions lIrs. Seymour with Mrs. G. Yeo t the piano led in a sing-song. Each competition was rewarded with a gift. The prizes and medals were presented by Mrs. Seymour nd Mrs. L. Ashton. Expressions )f appreciation were given by Irs. L. Ashton and Mrs. J. Sle- non. In the seven years from 1946- 952 in the Canadian pulp and )aper industry about $600 mil- in was invested and an addi- anal $360 million was spent on su. Bl ainn Eliott HEATING and PLUMBING 55 Kîng St. W. Bo wmanville Phon e 3348 Federation House in Toronto and en live longer than Canadian Don't It"? and "Albert and the men. 0 and dollars in the bank Chevrolet Trucks are first because they're inst-feature for feature-j..-fý performance, economy and just plain value for your nloney. Take a look nt the cab for example. It's "I)river-Conditioned", scats 3 big men with ease. Full width seat cushions, casy acccss Joors anid placing ail controis in easy handling range provide unusual driver comfort and conv'enicnce. Impres. sive? Sure it is. But the cab is just one of many Cbievroict "Advance-Design" features that add up to onc BIG advantage - Chevrolet trucks are the worid's Ieading money makers on any hauling job. What more proof could you ask than the fact that truck operators, recognizing this, buy more Chev- rolet trucks than any other înake. Why flot sec your Chevrolet dealer today? Chevrolet V r & 'cabs BATTLESHIP CONSTRUCTION - For driver safety, this cab s a single, alI-welded, double- walled steel unit that gives maximum protection for ail occupants. 'ROLE TA Generaf Motors Valu. TRUC ALLIGATOR JAW COUNTER- BALLNCED HOOD - Easy access ta the engine and gaod visibi- Iity corne through the alligator jaw hood that stays open easily without a prop. ADJUSTABLE SEAT - Finguliip contrai permits ea:sy.adi us- ment. Seat movsful1 338' frward, back tilts, seat rites for proper eye-loveI vision and shoulder support. I fi 1*'*~ j- J 7 HIOGON ELECTRIC ELECTRIC WIRING, REPAIRS AND REFRIGERATION AUTHORIZED 42 KNG TEGNERA ~ LECRIC Box 360 42 KNG S-E-ENERL 0 ELECRICBowmanville, Phone 438 HOME APPLIANCE DEALER, Ontario How Sanitone Dry Cleaning Helped this Family fa be Chosen the Besi Dressed Famllg on Easter Sundag (f t' RO Chevrolet COURTICE NICHOL -Chevrolet Trucks TRUC we i, Lady Teachers Hear Talk on Federation Aims and Purposes The annual dinner meeting of the Darlington Cartwright andi Bowmanville Unit of the Feder- I ation of Women Teachers' Asso- ciation of Ontario was held in the Balmoral Hotel on March Mdrch llth. The teachers of Cen- tral Sehool, Bowmnanville, were in charge. The guest speaker was Miss Elizabeth Taylor, assistant Secre- tary of the F.W.T.A.O. After a brie! analysis of her duties at Lion". Lorna's nimble fingers played a delightful medley of Gershwin tunes. A rousing sing-song of Irish numbers (and a few wee Scotch ones> was led by Mrs. Loss Mac- Donald and Miss Myrtie Hall with Miss Leta Bragg accompanymng on the piano. A short business meeting was held at which it was decided to send one delegate, Miss Joyce Abernetby and our president, Miss Agnes Carruthers to the spriîig conference in Bancdoft next May. On the average, Canadian wot- of some of her experiences in tra- velling throughout the province. Miss Taylor led a discussion on Federation aims. purposes and accomplishments. The speaker was introduced by Miss Marjory Couch who stat- ed that Miss Taylor had taught in Ontario sehools and served with the Royal Canadian Naval Woman's Division before taking ber present position in Federa-, ~'tion House. Entertainment was supplied by two young Bowmanville artists, Mr. Gary Cole and Miss Lorna Fletcher. Gary left the teachers in fits of laughter with bis two recitations, "Life Gets Tedious 1 1 r l9b 1 A Generai Motors Value WANTE m OLD COAL SHOVELS!m Trinity Young People Theme of Meeting "Brotherhood" j- 1 We will pay $20 for your oid coal shavel when you purchase a new ail humer from us. Choase front the following aui- standing Ieadinq makes: FESS --WILLIAMS OIL-O-MqATIC - ANTHES CORONET THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. nOWMANVtttlr- MMMAMM (Offer Iimiled la April 15, 1953) qs À OWIN IKIV%"m m 'ROLET-/ý

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