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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Mar 1953, p. 13

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a- -.-~-. -. -c - --.--~ TIJ3rSDAY, MARC!! 29, 1951~ I'HV. CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAN'VMlLE. ONTARIO The Economical Salesman- A Statesman Classified Ad. SPENCER COIRSETIERE <Registered Since 1931) Mrs. J. E. Richards BOX 33, ORONO Telephone 27-r-16 Parmers Urged Io Produce Eýua1iIy Foragefor Liveslock !Because of high feed costs and 1 ment. déchning prices for livestock and îGermination and seed wei ]tVestock products it is more than are the two most important1 ever essential ffor Ontario lair-. tors in obtaining forage seed, ers to -produce high quality for- Tossell said in an illustrated1 age. ture entitled "Seed Quality P -This was the warning given in fDividends.*" au address last week at the Cen- Although farmers seeded 25 tral Ontario Spring Show at Pe- 30 per cent of their acreage te!rboro, by Prof. D. R. Campbell, forage each year, they were of liead of the Economnics Dept. disappointed with the resuit Ontario Agricultural Coilege,, cause they have paid more atti Ga Gue]1ph. l ion to seed quality in grain cri Il anBefore the vuriw in Eastern than in forage, he suggested. *~Dnad iporedies hn1 e Striking Differences Ç?nt of th fed grain we fed,"i OAC had received a number WProf. Campbell said: -Now about; samples of orchard grass prod 31 to 40 per cent cornes fromi ed frorn foundation seed last f Western Canada. WVe have be- and there was a striking diff deme dependent on sen farm- ence in quality, he reported. ers and more vulnerable to world In the samples received th, demand for coarse grairn.s. were tremrendous differences * Whteerthe Cause. the facti germination and even where th, reMains that Ontario feeders are i was high germination therev to'a verx' considerable extent de- a tremendous difference in pènldent on western grain. yet i vigor of the seedlings. thev do noi have rnîîeh control ý You cannot afford to seed à Ct; r the price becauoe they are se;,ed flot sub.îected to germii siill a relativelx- small part of the lion tests," he warned his au Mai-ket for, weslern grain. ence. whom he also advised o1 "Ilf Ontario tarmcî-s find that corne familiar xith the differ( the -re ()f re rmains high types of grasses and legumes. ,while th ( prices of lîvestock and livestock 1produLCIS cinwhat Sl are th-' Io do- Pc asked. QuickSaeB Substitutes Claaràfied Advt. Foiorie tthing. the', CliO -row______ better forage lied ,Ub. itote hay Grant Campbell, Nestietor irid silage foi gan This ;s es- found a Statesman classifiec peciail «v important in mue ai-ceas advt. just the thing for dispos Qf Ea.tern and (Centrai Onitario, ing of bis 17 pigs., He adver. where the land ;s sometîrnes bel- tised the pigs in the "Lîveý ter suited to hav and pasture1 stock for Sale" section on the production than grain or- even coi-n back page of The Statesmnar production." and they were ail sold the Prof. Camphell said thalt te day after Publication. Here'i fat-ult ' of OAC vý-as ver.V anxious his letter: "Please cancel the tô carry oui feeding tests sirilar 1 dt oerigtesl toone recentlv tornpleted by j 17 pigs. We received man: agricultural et-cioiimistîs je Michi- caîls shortly aft.er Publicatior gan. if the ' c'ould lied irn~' n of your paper which resulted Ontario willing to ('0-çoperate. in a satisfactory sale." Practical poieters on iînprov- An' .estimnated 12,000 pro- ing the qualitv of forage crops spective customers read The Were given by' Prof. Campbell's Statesmnan every week. Ne co]league. Dr. W. E. To'<sel1 of the Wonder is brings quick and OAC Fipld Hiisbatidr-v Depari- satisfactory results. NOTICE@ Warble FJy Control f or Darlington Township Commencing April lst, Spraying wilI be available for those wishing spray treatment at 20c per head. Those wishing to Brush-Powder wili be delivered by Inspector or may be picked up at Twp. Hall at 25c. lb. Inspector HAROLD' SKINNER Sprayer R. D. PRESTON PIeas c-eae so this project may go smoothly. co-perteJ. D. Hogarth, Clerk, Township of Darlington. THE 3B BRSAUN FOR 193'2 IN FARM P@WMR AND UTILITY COME IN-SEI w DEM ONSTRAYED W. Me BROWN DEALER FOR ~ tase larm machinery Firestone Tire@ DeLaval Milkers and Separators Beatty Bros. Stable Equipment KING ST. W. PHONIR 4M Làâââil.&%*4UR GLU 1TIE RADIO PROGRAMME Monday Nighls ai 9 p.m. Over Station CKLB Send in pur requesis lfoKL ýighti f ac- Dr. lec- lays 5 ta Sin ten Pc- Len- ýops r ai lue- 'ail, 'fer- ;ein ,ere Aas the anv ina- idi- Pc- 'ent ýd lHow The Towvnships laD iu~JHe also received a handsome Br- urketon Church In Durham County fla i VU EA A AI i-MrM.MacInîvi-e Hood. editor Filled For Fine ai the Times-Gazette, was theris C ncr Receivd Nams ~~ams Onano Fces ,athe Brotherbood meeting, aI Uner sîden O. J.re ndersd on a -i e M ~ I 0M U V 2 ion. Monday night. His subject UdraL-pi('eS, of Bui'-eton. Agîn 0. are indebted oftahe Ni r oblein P r IRT is Ye r was the 'Birth of a New World." I Woran s inanii lrslî __________Being keenlv, interesled and deep-, Concert WaS î;eloi n the cPurcP Durhamn County Club of Toi-antao______ly concerned over the events aonf ensa.Mac 8 P frdeing tmb htte iarciestand By EVERETT M. BIGGS Ontario and Canada w îlb much'the day Mi-. Hood's remarks pro- church was fil led la scating cap- information how the Townsbi of IOntario Dairy Coihmnisuîoner ex panded production and exports. vided much food for thougbt. "In acîty and all cn.roycd a welcl pi-e- Durham Caunty received thir h ar nulyi naj With a production af marc Ihan oui- struggle for malerial wealth", pared pi-agi-arn. came. Hre' thestras i ap Tfae aiff icutryeainîOnta5io 85 million pounds of skirn milk be statcd, "'we must nat foi-gel The Dean familv rendered pears on the Club's pi-agi-arn for The loss of the dairy cattîe mai-- odr ala hc a r-teeaelig ig-se m naaî instrumentai Mai-ch 26:' ket ta tPe United States, tPe lad- duced in the province, Canada in partance ie oui- lives than wonld- music, readings were given by The rignalcouty f Drban in awy a th nomaîy lrge1952 expox-ted almost 30 million i îy possessions". We need oui- Býrnice GracMs of.Ms was defined by Lieut. Gov. Sm chee se contract ta Great Brilain, po0ds f skicurn ilkpw a brh ui nhned s o R. M. Seymouir and Bei-t Dean, coe*s proclamation of 1798 as and the problem of finding ade- 14he0pdifferenemetint cou.nli-les. jskn endre consisting of the townships of quate mar-kets for sane of oui- Need Market Outlet Yeilowles prcsided in the ab- a lovely solo. Insti-umenial music Hope, Clarke and Darlingtoanas daii-y products, created enough In 1951 Canada xvas practicAlly 'sence aio the president. Rev. Gea. of a a vanced kind -'as presented araysree lnth aedifficulties during 1952. 1 Empx-x'olfercd prayer. Mr-. N. by Roy Ashton, M. Smith and airadysureyd aongthelae ~is eaonaie a cccudethaon a net import basis as f ar as 'Hii-cock led in comrnunity sing- Roy Phayre. frt, ar'tote cwih ail tfhe1all even with the openicg af the da iodcswr cnecd ing wîth Mr. Warrack at the Dressed in Irish costulme, Mn. arthwbar oPeebcohai e atditts ake o ctl Even Ibis year the surpiuses only 'piano. Mi-. A. L. Pascoe gave a Glen Brooks, Bowmanviîîe, san-g laks bck i Pterarogh" TP i nitd Sate ma-ke fo catieseern gi-cal because there is no reading and also inlroduced the ms fetvi eea rs tcri-itorv north ai this belanged jini 1953, there wiil not bc suffi- ready market for them. in the speaker of the evening. Jerry m onst e retieys a hcriws ta the Mississauga Indians and cout o meov ne ta dair aîe 1 lace af inadequale worid supplies Hasiuk entertained with piano sj 'W he Clacy owered tPe the baundary lice remained inde- o mi tPproinceta tecxpeant of daicy products, Canada is faced accordion numbers and Mr. Wan- Boom." Two mo ou thedc fimite ior a number ai years. rikpodcon 1 tepit with inadequate market outiets. rack pleased everyane witb piano Bovm."tswc - T oe Ebcinei Porion o Hoe nd aring iwhere there wl o eTPetyeenswr TeEeee Partions ai Hope and Dar ing- eurpwlus.l e sihel warnîng as ta wbat may seleclions. Officers for next Hamoizrs f ton were surveyed by a Mr. Joncs arrasscg suplus.1511a fie gîoup ai as eai-4' as 1791-92 aI tPe t- Lst year saw an over-ali rnilk; be expected in 1953 now faces the an dwinter are, president, Mr.Young mec undeî' the direction thecouty as on-itted. The praduction increase af slightlyi da i-y leaders, and any action Gardon Leask; fi-st vice-presi- of Mrs. Piekie, Ebenezer, de- tPrecty was con tîtutb er. ver 2 per cent. Ucicss samnething wbich is gaicg ta Pc taken ta in- dent, Mi-. N. Hircock; second vice- ligbted the audience, singing catiue b Msss unfa sen apens there will Pc surec the jale ai 1953 pi-oduction tary-treasurer, Mr. J. Cruick- severai very fine numbcx's. These Haby, Iredale and McDonnellI a further. milk production in- jsbould Pc taken naxv, and nal president, Mi-. G. Chant; secre - d and by 1797 the thi-ce townships crease in 1953. iaitèr tPe sunpluscs ai-e upon us. shacks. Refresbments were served Young mec ai-c reay gaad. along the lake wei-e almost cam- On ilinIw Population Increases by Zion mec. Mr. Mei Smith ai Oshawa, a pletely laid aut. OeMlinCw remankable genius wbo spansars Hope was namcd after Coi. Hec-I Ontario ccded the ycar witb Decreasing prices ai-e a dis- Mi-. and Mrs. James Thompson, tep-g-an TeSudySbo I rgmn oay nuty ikJanette and Jimmie: Mrs. Ray 0fthe ir" ov,*Te' Osbawa Radia i-y Hope a memnber of the legisia- slîghtly moi-e than a million rnilk coaeent ta nindu1 st-y. MitlTrnt;Mrko heAr"oerOhaaRai turc: Clar'ke aller Maj. Gen. AI- cows. AltPougP 88.900 gi-caten;. -a be1 îeogied as essentialCesadJneTrno x Station, demonsti'ated mosî suc- ured Clar-ke li-st Lieut. Gox'. af IPan June, 1951 Ibis sunm r flnai.,' diet. The Cacadi an papu- adMs .SehnoJnt esul ayo h ietig LoerCnaaan arigtn a 1000 il ow ewe' ationwl otne oi es ville, visited at Mi-. J. Kivels. t- ccsuyany af tPie ine lhings after tPe town in Durhamn Co. Iltan at saone previaus periad. W e will, therelore nced an in-i types oi moulh argans, tr'ombone, England. TPe province Pas begun 1953 wxitb creasing supply af daii-y producîs. violin. etc. Mi-. Smithb was s0 Mos oftPenaitben prt I jthe lax-gest number of dairy bei-i This supply vii llot bo avail- AJYUipesdwibte iniga the county was surveyed in 1816- eris an record, 355.000. It would able on a xxaild basis because the Harrmonizers zand Grant ji 7- unerth-dretonofSaue e possible for normal cattieex~- nere also there is a decîeasing Wimtad n12 artwrighî po rts to lake care of the increa:se suPPIV of nilk production. Cn- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gbo ein dairy cows, but the numlber of. ada has certainly no assurance in n Manvers, Cavai-, Mariposa, Opps an1 as' omrl fGe ii le and Emnily were named as newi dairy heifers will ha\,e a definite future years of importing supple- ei- are now living in Bowmanville. e ;onhp.In14,hwie' h nfluence on increased milk pro-1 menlary dairy requirements. 'SorrY to hear that Mrs. Ginn s lanist.Iree 849re ma e arth ucTP nAny discouragemnent to the has a broken bone in Per ankie. be new Victoria County leaving the erwaagralicrae diridutyttisim wod She ils irnproving slowly. presnt ix ownhip coprii production in 1952 in certain be shiortsighted, and a grave mis- Miss Nina Johnson, nurse-mn- peetsxtnhpscrpiigconcentrated rnilk products and 1lake. The only reassurance thattringaOswaishm for thecont ofDuha. in butter. Cheddar cheese produc- can be given to the dairy indus- a holiday with her parents, Mr. d Cartwright was named after lion shox% ed a drastic reduction try in the present period of crisis and Mrs. George 'Johnson. Hon. Richard Cartwright a rniern- of 25 per cent as compared with is' an adequale mar-ket with a Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Swe ber' of Simcoes Legisiative Coun- 1951. fair price, and a realistic under- and Donna, Toronto, with Mirs *1cil. The skirn rilk powder induistryj standing of its difficulties by the Wes Sweet, Sr. * Manvers received ils carne from has been developing quickly in consuming public.MisG nnDaBreoa Chai-les Pierrepont, ltarl af Man- Missand Mrs.Deans uron t -vers. a prominent farnily of Not- Mr n'r.LsJhsns tinharshie, hil th Jrsh et-SOLNATink at Peterborough. Glad to hear Mrs. C. Wilson is tierias hd ,wl theirr istgS L Miss Ileen Balson was a Sat- feeling some better after being Cavan hafter ounnCavanin te urday tea guest at Mr-. Bruce sick for two weeks. Emernadtse. Te oung Peopl meta the Tink's when she and Bruce were Mi-. and Mrs. Melville Henry, home of Mr. and Mrs. E. R., cclebrating their birthdays which Carolyn and Gary, spent Sunday Taylor on Tuesday nighl. Citi-1 were Sunday, Mai-ch 22.1 with Mi-. and Mrs. Lorne McKee. zenship and Comrnunity Service Mi-. and Mrs. Wes Werr and Mi-. and Mrs. Don Johnson spent ENFELDconvener Mrs. Han-y Knox, had! Anne, Mi-. and Mrs. Wes Yellow- Sunday at Mi-. and Mrs. Les John- charge of the pi-agiarn and led1 lees, Harold and Murray, Mr. son's. W.A mt a te omeofMr. in the worship service. Addi- and Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees and Miss Marie Hanna. Weston, g. ie ms . reoît and tional program included an Irish1 Karen at Mr, Ralph Davis' on with Mi-. and Mrs. Arthur Hanna. L. irpsn.TP dvoioalWa ieading by Gladys Yellowlees Sunday. M- Mr.Gro an Mr.M. Gilroy. Mrs. J. Harris and the singing of several Irish Mi-. and Mrs. Wes His and and Lai-iy, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Mrs anartcl on~ P*k songs with Ileen Balson at the Carol at Mr. M. McCar-ell's, Jack Hanna and farnily, Janet- rs. R.nParilesanaSolo;aMrcR' piano. Interesting contests wei-eOm ee ville, spent Sunday with Mr-. and M.Semor av areor ~.canducted by Don Taylor. Mrs. Arthur Hanna. Me eingofure sgaPie s barepnYougtPoposfUion Mr-. Gordon Pascoe, Kingston, Mr-. Andrew Holmes has return- metn fte saaPeb. inYugPepesUinwith bis parents for the week-cdfo Osa. lery and Mi-s. W. Bowman gave entertained several Y.P. Unions end. dfo Osa . a paper on prayer. aI an enjoyable evening of Mi-. and Mr's. We iî n. ~ M~ Robert Vivian. Visitors gae19tauahllohMic Carol at Mi-. Gardon His', Ham- ville,.omn Mi-. and Mrs. H. Cowling. Mr-. Bradley's Comrnunity Club had ilton. A dance was held at Devitt's Ray Cowlii-g. Mi-. Han-y Stephen- a card party arranged by h Master Kenny Ashton, Brad- 'Hall Friday night. Winnei-s of son, Mî's. J. Stephenson, Mi-. H. West Gi-oup at the scolo ley's, at Mi-. Chas. Langmaid's. door pi-izes were Miss Gwenn nerWhitand, Mi. andMrs. . a nighl. Mrs. E. R. Taylor Mi-. and Mi-s. Fred DarI Mi- Dean, Burkelon, and Mi-s. Roy nerWhibyMr.andMrs K.andMi-. C. Vice received prizes and Mrs. Nelson Fice, Taunton' Phayre. Other prize winners Bobden. Mi-. Hobden Si-., Kmn- for highest scores. at Mi-. Fr-ank Westlake's, Si-. 'Were: Miss Nina Jahnston and sal, a L.Stphcsons.The Lost Heur party under the Misses Phyllis-Ann and Joan Mi. and Mrs. William Fee and Mr. and Mi-s. C. Lee, Miss Ca- auspices of Sauina Home and Westlake wilP their aunt Ms.famiywr eyhpyt e roi and David, Whitby, aI E. Sehool Club was fai-ly well at- EdilP Marlowe, Bowmanvile erily w ere vôey bappyon 1 r- W. ra'ai-.w t ended. Prîzes for- Pîghest scores Mi-. and.- Mrs. E. Spires and! wedding anniversary, from their Mr. and Mrs. W rvaewt were won by Pearl Leach and j arniîv witb Mi-. W. J. Spires,j daughîei- Annie and her husband, their daughtei-, Mrs. A. McRae, Tom Baker. Millbrook. frorn Seattle, Washington, wbere Tood ,woi naciticao- TPnep.ac rgîa n Mi-. and Mrs. C. Hamer and they were on vacation. Mr. and dii1 Sucdav aftercoon was arranged famiiy at Mi-. John Harner's, Mrs. Armst-ong also spent a week Mrs. W. Bowman stayed the bv Mrs. Han-y Knox who read Myrtle. in Vancotuver, B.C. weekend witb ber sister, Miss an interesling sîai-y. Har-old Mi-. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor, Mi-. Ms.WsSeti-.M.Ro MyrleTablnToono. Yellowlees played a piano solo. A. L. Pascoe an-d Pearl Leach Pha.vre and Mr. Wes Sweeî Jr., We welcome the Wright tam- TPe WlI. meeting will be on' altended tPe Sunday ScPool con- visited Mrs. Sweet who is still in ilies af Pickering 10 aur cm- Wednesday, April 8îh. Members vcina al ioe oot optl muniy. Tey ave urchsedplease notice change of date. Mrs. S. E. Werry witb Mrs. W. the farm owned by Mi-. J. Long. Several ladies fi-rnbhei-e at- J. Quick and other relatives in We were able ta have cPurch tended tPe '"BrigPten Vour Home Bowmncille. service and Sundax' ScPool, Sun- With Colai-" dernonstration aI Mi'. and Mrs. Noble Melcalfe, BURKETON day. as tPe soft places ini the Hampton on Monday aftei-noon. Oshawa, aI Mn. Wes Werry's. roads were flot in the path of tPe Mr. and Mrs. John Knox e- Miss Helec Baker. Toronto, al, Mrs. B3en Hubband and Alden churchgoers. but with increasing leî'îained relatives ai tPe Knox home for tPe weekcnd. bave relurned fi-rn Las Angeles bad spots in new locations it familv aI a pleasant gatbering Mi-. and Mi-s. Tom Baker and where they visited relatives. seems that the only sale way ta an Satui-day nigbl. family at Mr-. J. C. Smales', Mi-. and Mrs. Dave Gatcheli, tractlai-o bai-se, n w igisn't istrs ravel r otîose nd ei-e nw is b Vsioi Hampton. i Bobby and Bex'erley, Oshawa, crowded. Mi-. and Mrs. H-arvex' Yelliow- Mi- and Mrs. Joc Scowden ati' visiled relatives bei-e. Som frend ofMi- an Mr. les cd ai-n a Mi. E La-- Mi-. Foster Snowden's,, Kedron. Mrs. Rilda Stevenson and Ai- Morley Sîceman attended their cr s, Biackstock. 1 Mi-. and Mrs. J. Leger. Misses! bei-I. Toronto, visiled Mrs. A. auction sale aI Kinsale, Saturday. Mi-. and Mrs. C. Vice and Elrna and Olive Crydermýan acd Hughes. Donna aI Mi-. Arthur Hepbure's, Ken McMinns, Oshawa, at Mi-. Mi-. and Mi's. .1. Tom pkins. Mi-. Columbus. iE. Crydei-man's.l and Mx-s. George Tompkins visit- Mr-. and Mîrs. Harold Lindsay Mi-. and Mrs. J. Wrav and 1 cd Mi-. and Mrs. Fred Hoiroyd, and Betty Anne, Miss Jean Gril- daughters, Oslla\a: Mrs. S. Hampton. lin, Whitevale, at Mr. Gea. Ham- Rundle and Jean. Bawmanville, i Mr'. and Mrs. Albert Adams 09lic's. ai Mr-. Ross Cryderrman. . and Lyne. Bowrnanvilie, visîted Mrs H.Far'ox',Starkville, aI Mi-. and Mis. John Knox and Mr. an*dM'sE.Aas Mi-. George Knax's. farnily' were Sundav visitai-s at Mr-. and Mrs. Oliver Htîbbard. Mi-. and Mî's. Harr' Knox ai Mr-. RaPt. Miller's. Brougham. Oshawa, x'îsited Mi-. and Mrs. Mi-. Ken Pascoe's. Brougham. Mr. and Mi-s. Albert Marchant, i BeilHiibbard. Miss Peggy Cannon. Toronto, Oshawa: Miss Bai-Para Haoey atl Mi'. and Mrs. E. H. Coates and xih Mr-. and Mrs. Stan Milîson Mr-. E. Vance's. la miiy, Braaklin. Miss Isabel and farnilv. Mr'. and Mrs. S. E. Weri-% and Carter, Tor'onto, visited Mr. and Mi'. and M\/rs. Lloyd Broorne Mr. A. L. Pasce atlen'ded tPe, Mrs. J. Carter. and sons at Mi-. Stan Snowden's, lunerai of the late Mi-. W. J. Mr-. and Mrs. Bruce Hanîhorne Tai-onta. ';Woods ai saa and familx' wilP Mi-. and Mrs. If .ays: "l'u get ths, best deal in Mi. arîd Mrs. Bruce Tink and Cong-ratulations ta Ni 1. J. Clilloi'd Knapp. TN1x'one. town et Rohffln Motors!" farniilv-xxitP Mrs. W. A. Ormiston,, Crtticksiiank,; o wîening tPeý Miss Lovica Hae'îborne is î- rsAddîe c'ampionship an Pis oats ai, tPe ing witP bei' sîster, Mrs. C.; Mrs AdieTîek and I-I. Bruce Quinte seed fair at Peterbor'ough. Kn app. Tvrone. Slash truck tire oosts with ~S. 4 FARM FORU'M r OO >7~E RS . hieS. No. 4 Far-m Forum was~ suce W h t heldalMi-. and Mrs. Hiltoni ~-~jTiek's on Mai-c-h 16 wiîb 19 pi-es-i pot. TPe rquestionnaire ,vas filied out. Meeting Mai-ch 23 is aI Mi-. MARATHON .-"r Leghorns and Mrs. H. L. Ci-vderrnan's. Comen bo anda Bared ock YOUR EYES and~ ]et us equip your truck with long- B r7maRo kI Marathons! They 'Re-v" ritten i-un and Runand e am ard okfo RUNI pevand copyrights, 6.0 4Al Baby ChicksC.M uk AlBreeders Banded and Pullorm Tested -inyBd tcGH FONTM ....No Outside Flocks SAIA-P ono5- P.03 OF QUAUITY ' Ail eggs for hatching produced on our own farm SAA hni564 Two NLches Weekly .S tv'e,. and Inflamped Liýds: St.X'es 'uaa -c cri-ors, as is also întlamalioe Wednesday and Saiurday 'ofI the lids. Theie usialît diýan- 1 Brooks tth c equested chair- Imac Rcv. R. M. Seymour ta have j Iis grotîp remain aller the con- cert and repeat Ibein numbers while Pc made tape necordings af their tlent. To the deliglit af the graup and aimost ail the remaîn and li.sten, be then pia.yed audience who weî'e requesîed ta back the recardiegs. This was indeed a new and tbnillicg ex- perience ta the Bui'keton people. Mr. A. E. Ribey in a mosi ef- ficient way maved a Pearly vote of thanks ta the artîsts, ladies and ail who provided sucb ad- mirableentertaienment. Aller singing the national an- tbem aIl went home agreeing that, tbis was anc of the most out- standing effarts evex- put on in Burkelon cburcb. And as ye would thal mac sbouid do to you, do ye aiso ta themn likewise. Cbrist Jesus. I -- - Farmers' Spr WE WONDER bov., much finer you ec get than tPe alurnum seire used in delicate appaxiatîs s; hichl records the eai'th's tixcmox-s,. Drawn out alrnosxta u (ie anish- ing point, it is about anc-îwelfih tPe diameter of a hunian Pair. One poixnd or alumioclxi w ould make enaugh ai this unhiclievably fice wire ta strctch 20,000 miles! We know no nmai-cstriking exan'plc af the xvay people make use af tPe ligbtness and strengxb ai aluminum for' ail sorts aI jabs. Our research and technical mcn arc cocstantly tackling cew ques- tions brought ta tbern by Cana- dian manufacturers wbo look to aluminum in developicg new pro- duels, or better praduets. or pro- ducts Ibat cost Iess. Aiuminum Campany oÇCanada, Lî (An).roî "WHERE TOWN AND COUNTRY MEET" in NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL an FIRIDAY, MIARCH 27 Moderilanid Old Time Dancing... * i * Cards - SPECIAL PRIZES Sponisored By DURHAM COUNTY HOLSTEIN Admission Free Lunch $1.0 prCLUBo NEW DRAPES You Will he ainazd %whaf new drapes wiII do to your roorns to freshen thIxcn up after the winter. Corne ini and sec the huudreds of drapery niatenials wc have in stock. In addition we wiIl be pleased tb mleasure your windows and instail the drapes fi-cc of charge within a 30-mile radius. Low Prices Look at thee 1lo w prices of famous Air- lurne Venetian Blinds: 22 to 26 x 64"- 27 to 326 x 64" 37 to 39 x 64" - S5.95 5-1.49 MT INSTALL VENETl.'N RLlNDS, FREE 0F CHARGE DELUXE ALL METAL irlume ÀVENETIAN BLINDS WEBER'IS FADIRJC CENTRE ' h r ' ni ~ H e Tcphone 7)121 PAC19 TTTMT".M 1 i%' ý ýl CLUB 40 to 43 x 64" -- SG.95 11 New

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