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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Mar 1953, p. 18

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PAGE EIGHTEEN - - - '7 WAN . Additional Classified Articles For Sale Articles For Sale HeIp Wanted Notices Real Estate For Sale Real Estate For Sl QUANTITY of mixed grain. Tele- USED kitchen sets-natural wood OFFICE clerk for T. Eaton Co. Aso'pi etn, yoeL TTRNE - 20 acres, 10 Attractive 6-room in s1re Page 17 phone 2443. 13-1 finish kitchen set, buffet, table at Bowmanvle. Apply in writ- O.L. 764 monthly meeting night acres - orchard with fruit ouse frame house, sun room, it __________________î_ and four chairs $49; white kitchen ing to Bowmanville Office. 13-1 will be the 2nd Wednesday in~- and bank barn, water and hydro. tached garage, 1 acregarde su POTATOES for sale. Telephone set, table, buffet and four chairs - - sedo s rdy 31 hn 07 2 euiul adcpd BIBT HS Blackstock 66-r-11. 13-* compete $39.50; chrome kitchen MAN wanted for machine sand- sta- fl tF i a . 3 h n 07 2- e u f lyan s p d,î t s ____________________st table and four chairs, like ng. Experience not necessarý. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC -R M brc reie ein w - eplet , b 4l-ie c b ah t wae HANAMr ad rs E REAR corn, bay. Arthur Waiker, new, only $59, at Murpby's, tele- Paul H. Simpkin Cabinet Co. Ltd. Concerning Medical Care derful condition, central location, oul heating, extra buildingfoi- Han eH ele-M n ritcE.aR. phone Clarke A4314. 13-1 phone 811. 13-1 13-1 In Emergency ou bheated, heavy wiring. Phone plemenîts, close to transporain Hana (ecHeln Pithar, -CLRKfemle fo ofic wok, In case of emergency, if your 2384 or write P.O. Box 394 for many extras, including smal rut Bowmanviile), of 40 Hainsworth 800 BALES of mixed hay. Phone 1 USED Frigidaire refrigerator CLeERK, ele, for offeiece wrke own doctor is flot available, or in furtber particulars. 13-1 storms, sereen, etc. BetweEnB - the birth of their daughter Patricia ;___ _Box___966__ ___ _/o_ p efeaby ith e pen ce. Wteca se 0 ig w y a ci e t, laemanville and Oshawa. Road, Toro to, roudy ann unce 74-r3__lcksto k. lle* 65.0; 2 sed ng ettesh 20, B x 9 6 co C na3n Sae m n telephone the Hospital and the FOR SALE - 8-roomed brick _ _ _ Helen, 7 lbs., 7 ozs., on Sunday, BABY carniage in fairly good con- years old, $45; 1 used side oven 13-1 Hospital Office will advise you house with 3-piece bath, bard- 6-roomn semi-detached bunglw Marcb 22nd, 1953, at Grace Hos- dition. Price $15.00. Phone 936. electrie range $35; assortment of MAN wanted for Rawleigh's bus- which doctor is on duty. wood throughout, good basement, hydro, 2-piece bath, garag,exr pital, Toxonto. 13-11, 13-1 used ice boxes $10, at Mason & mness. Sell to 1500 families. Good You can thus save time and oil bot air heating, jacket bot lot, immediate possession,vant LAW-Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Law BANNER seed oats. Apply Ken- Dale Hardware, King St. E., Bow- prof its for bustiers. Write today. assist the doctors to give you good water heater, large screened $ 000 clown. neth Hils, Oroilo. Phone 5-r-3. manville, phone 408. 13-1 Rawleig's, Dept. C-140-S, Mont- service. 13-4 verandah, 2 garages, good garden, ____ (nee Ruth Ives, Uxbridge), are 13-1 BLND Cstm131 H central location. Possession ap- 4-room frame bouse, 3-piecebt happy to announce tearrivai of ________________VENETIAN ÈID reaoi.o.3 dy.Teehnl(54o ther on Chisophr ogr, on25 GALLONS shool house red made-to-measure - aso standard GIRL or woman for housework S N G R SE425rx.3 y. Tle ho2-54 or2 bl ot o n isNo . Hihwy,00ii March 22, 1953, at the CommunitY barn paint (a bargain). Phone sizes in stock, widths every inch in Toronto, ideal workîng con- MA U- P1 D V Memorial Hospital, Port Perry. 2035. 13-l* fromn 24 to 43 x 64 inch drop, ditions, liberal time off, excelle nt M AH aIE COMA NYa 102 acres, 10 acres of valuable New 5-room frame bunglw 13-1- easily installed in a few minutes wages. Private room in new timber, gravel pit, 2 wells and a bath, bot air condîtioned,moe ONTARIO potatoes, 50 and 75 lb. - also plastic and cloth window home. Pbone M. Bresiin 854. 8-tf now bas a spring, frame eigbt-room bouse, kitchen, attached "garage, oss MOSES-Marie and Bud Moses bags, delivered in Bowmanville. blinds. See F. F. Morris Co. for - Permanent Representative full basement with cernent floor, sion arranged. $8,50o. Trs are happy to announce the arrivai Phone 2473. 36-tf Iargest selection, lowest prices. ROOM and board for middle-aged- in Bowmanville. 2 barns, hydro, 1 good garage, 2 of a daughter Kathryn Lynne a YSwgn are ienw 7-tf woman in exchange for light du- DIAL 3405 for driving sheds, boiling bouse for 3_room insul brc, hy, pp sister for Janin, ataMeeoria iHos BOties in good country home. Ref- syrup, obrick bdro arox4 mle W'ednfrJaie a e sday HosSquare D voltage tester. Phone *FrteLts aes eece eurd rt o 6, MR. BALLANTINE, who i5 a fom nacutyrd,34 il imately 1/2 acre. Floor ccvrig pitai. Bowmanville, Wdesu1mmerhl xere rea i nvilg, 260.Tr Marh i, 153.- ~3033. 13-1 o h ins ansc/o Canadian Statesman. 13-1* toogl xeine aand rdAr sor t Conact. nvlae 26 em, 3 _____11,_ 1.53._3_______Fothe_________nt wili give you the best of service xxar ArnstonssNetssonont. 'QUANTITY of large new packing *FrteBs okasl LADIES, do you need extra He is a niember of our staf Residence Caesarea, First St. il1-3 ays oisess i we caecheap. Apply Brookdale S. G.orth EST O & shi money. If so, we have a great froni your REAL ESTATE FOR SALE- piece bath, heavy wiring, inslt ENGAGEMENTS Kingway Nurseries. 11-3 S.GPR TO &SN opportunity awaiting you. NoPpets ld - Rnd ed built-in cupboards, attce PHONE capital required. Write 304 French Singer Sewing Centre ProperteSd - pRened garage, small fruit, $6,200.Hf Mr. and Mrs. Fred O. Wood, McCLARY electrie range, heavy 2417 - 912 St., Oshawa, for more informa-Aprie cash. Bowmanville, annouince the en- duty, apartment size. 75 Scugog 49-tf tion. No obligation. 13-1 47 WALTON STR 'EET, L. M. ALLISON gagement of %their daughter Joan St. or phone 3533. 13-1* PORT HOPE Real Estate Broker 100 acres, clay îoam, barn,stbe Marie, to Robert George Jones, CLEARANCE of refrigerators- Sell To Farmers 13-tf Newcastle, Ont.gage rn hu,6 son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones QUANTITY of Timotby hay, also AIl new models. 1-9.5 eut. ft. Gen- A PROFITABLE BUSINESS, part PhnS565ace uh12arsfl of Orono. The marriage will take hayv*fork rope in good condition. eral Electric, $395; 1-11.5 eu. ft. or full time, no investment, can Cars For Sale Two blocks north of traffic cre s us, 12 arfiwet place on Saturday, April llth. Telephone 2689. 13-l* Deepfreeze refrigerator, $375.; 1 be yours now. Take orders for signal, Newcastle. Trs 13-1 SMALL bouse, 12'x18'. Cnb 9.2 eu. f t. Deepfreeze refrigerator, America's largest seîîing, nation- '52 PONTIAC, light grey, radio, 12-tf Servicestainamsadde easily moved. Apply N-orman $325; 1-9.2 cu. f t. Deepfreeze re- alîy advertised Liquid Fertilizer. actual mileage 3,000. Phone The e gagem nt i anno ncedof frgeraor, $95.;at Higon lec- ake 50 an13-1er DEkWICarkeR42AL1ESTATEIT RingsSTpriced prtod selel. Th e g ge e t s n ou c d f M ountjoy, B lackstock. 13r g r to , $ 9.-a i g n El c a e $5*n p pe1e k la k 4 2 85-acre farm , C larke ; ay and JA M ES N IX O N , B rok r Ja le tneduheoftrie, 42 King St. E., Bowmanville. Write "Na-Churs" Plant Food ~ODMBL;'8Pyot om ls ovlae i ok 160 Liberty St. N. Bowmnvil Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Stenger, KITCHEN cabinet, kîtchen table 13-1 Company, London, Canada. 12-2 3 C DSoah '4 ESoto8 Pedanut'31 a, los barns, laig, pua pnTeephne68 Beausejoir, Manitoba, to Robert with porcelain top, also baking CNCusaoN"toaahsW uck; '3ed SWlto eae tr ade e2hoases, centaloor igps, T0- 134*68 Raymond Davey, son of Mr. and cabinet. Phone 579. 13-1 A o a"N"t l hs eBckSdn Wi aetre-inhuecretfor,10 Mrs. Donald Davey, Tyrone. The T 1 LE offer you free goods, more prep- ins. E. D. Knapp, Middle Road. roomed frame house, full cellarS L marriage will take place some METAL ice box, 50 lb. capacity, arations, lower prices or largor 12-2 lhydro, itern, well. Price $13,000' U TO time in early May. 13-1l* good condition. Phone 930 or CERAMIC - PLASTIC quantities and the chance of estab-Tr..is ofamAU T N S L apply 196 Elgin St. 13-1 RUBBER - MARBOLEUM lishing yourself in a business of USED cars and trucks - 1941 Tem1Go am have received instructionsfo C Mr. and Mrs. Harold Caswell your own. Interested? Part or Pontiac coupe; 1951 G.M.C. %-~ton 150-acre farm, Cartwright, clay , T f' nE announce the engagement of their R. C.A. Victor combination radio H . Li aeal full time? Write to Farnilex, 1600 with canopy, good shape; 1950 and loam, excellent, nice good M'r. J .. C.ouruel James ricen sina M R. obders. cndition.eonpae 313. 1Exc Pheel90lentavleDelorimier, Dept. F., Montreal. Chevrolet 1-ton stake, low mile- buildings, aIl steel; l0-roomed Jae Biesn fMr ndMs.cndton hoe318 1-1 hne202-tmni 13-1 age, at Farm Equipment and insulated frame bouse, bathroom, to seîl by public auction 1-lAutomotive, '134 King St. E., Bow- hardwood floors, bydro, furnace, at bis farm, Reginald Brice, Port Hope. The SAVE on lumber, direct from Miili A MANUFACTURER who is in- manville, phone 689. 1- dobegre.Vyodfm. Lot 4, Con. 3,v marriage will take place April to you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kin- USED Addison 6-tube radio and terested in locating in Bowmaîî- 1- 950 aae.Vr oo am DARLINGTON TOWNSIP r ~'tb at 3 o'clock in Newtonville mount, Ont. Pone 17r11. 13-tf record player, like now, cost $249, ville would like to know bow 1948 PLYMOUTH sedan, 1950 ar am Cakdyad ieNrh ml at0 ~nited Cburcb, Nowtonville, On- for only $149; used table model many women are interested in fullymouth sedanlark, 1947nd iletudebakerl Ea tario. 13-1 PIANO-very desirable instru- cmiain rdo ad rcr ielgtfcoy oklo r -o rc;14 og -o oam; 8 miles north of Bowman- Bowmanville Training Seho P ment. May ho seen at 204 player, $59.50; used Crosey tele- under no obligation whatsoever. tuk 92GMC -o ao barn' 105 acl 8res okbe;bigtkp..saro DE T SChurch St. Telephone 492. 13-A' vision set, 14-inch sereen, $159, at Just write Box 967, The Canadian truck, used Model "B" Allis-Chal- home, gragei, h8-romed rick ach 2 DEA1499.HEINUD0mtojn urphy's Furniture and Appli- Statesman, givîng your name so mers tractor, used 101 Junior Mas- $13,000. eniPGodf rice Friday, M rh à flRADLY, Jon War-At 1To 9goodcondiin asoiE rnout , inances, 52 King St. W., and Wel- some idea of thè number of wom- sey-Harris tractor at Palmer Mot-.Trm. odfr. ail his Farm Stock, Implemets ronto, on Tuesday, March 24th, cheap. Pbone 3231 after 6 p.m. 811.on1St1, BowmaviileePhonono availa3-e1migt hondearnod o1Salesr20 Kin St. E., Bowma 1953, John Waîd Bradley, late of 113-13-113lfvileph no48 . 3-and58ace arm, Emily Tonip, Fce edFn iurePr Newcastle, Ont., beloved husband rs uhadpsue unn ace em Ge eceo of the late Annie Gladys Stain- ABOUT 1000 foot of Willow juin- KNOCK OUT your sanitary $18 AN EVENING \Aanted TJJ.uy creek, 3 welle! 9-roomed frame Horses, 10 and il years, 1500( s thorpe, dear father of the late ber. Apply Wilson Abernethy,. problems with Tîlley's Misto-vani For your sparo ie. Just 3 easy BEOEslîgyunîeput ouse, good barn, cernent floors, eacb; Grey Percheron Gelding 1 ia;ýo Rgial eoorizeisSsk,,1 Jcmilkhouphne241.eoruhmilkinisolesgatcontract;lngyor ivsiloy yearsmikig onra 1400, easlbs0.bs e________________rplsfisadTi froe trial sales of amazing Pat- try us. Our price r ihr M. ec Pre$l50.TmS. and urie of orono, a d Gldys ley's Septi-Aid for septic tanks ented Automatie Refrigerator De- Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, Phonoe_ __ _ (Mrs. E. S. Van der Veer of Glov- BURPEE'S flower and vegetable . . . steps up action, dissolves frosters can pay you that. Hun- 7 r 13. reverse charges. 5141 l10-roomed lodge on lakeshore at 2 Holstein Cows, 4 years,boht ersville, N.Y.), in his 93rd year. seeds. The best seeds grown, grease, saves costly dlean outs, deso o rsetcmi-WNE ieputy os Bowmanville, :1/ acre, double gar- fresh; 3 Holstein Cows, 7yer,3 1 sig a oth ut & S ihnow in stock at Stewart's Seeds, on sale at S. Blpin Elliott's, Bow- I u ha e 2 b tro m ,f ep cB. Funeral Home, 53 Division St., Bowmanville. 13-tf manville. Distributed by Sani- so. Rush naine, address for featbers, feather ticks, scrap iron, g,2btromfrpae . ai fresh; Hostein Cow, 25 ors ]Bowmanville, for service, Friday, deesCbug 1- urate rfi fe. -r _ rskisa hn o 3-2043 Ow fushawa vry widw . Psytm re inldfros;Hîti o,6yas rs; Mvarch 27th at 2 p.m. Interment 1-TON platform scale; new apple Slsdoorge24gaatedpoi ffre-rs- rskand mhetal..2aw4furshaad fîr, wto system, eree orfresh; Hostein Cow, yoars, Bond Head Cemetery, Newcastle. ladder, 20-ft., new apple bampers DRAPERIES and venetian blinds OmaetieC., et 23, wmoleti6tfwtlumiue 1,0, eks. Hîting;Cos9tearsow , e a. DJurham Lodge, A.F. & A.M., No. xith tops; good wheel-barrow. customi made, or draperies sold 113manket, Ont. bikhos be Jn 6 ilig;'o 66, G.R.C., Officers and Members Phone 2710. 13-1* by the yard. Our represontative ______________For___Sale_ on King Street, Newcastle; bath- Cow, 6 years, bred Dec. 29,mik are requested to attend funeral wlcl tyu om n ieLDE-Cnyuueadtonlrohavwrig el itr ng; Holstein Cow, 4 years, be service for late Brother John LARAIN and Beaver oats $1.40 a wiIl ac l teoranhomof ay tie laDsIES-Cn yusa ddipotina3l rro h lI tng ec21 mlin; ilsei Ward Bradley at Northcutt & bus., Montcalm barley $2. 40 a wihacmlt ag fsmlsdlas oei nopr ity 30 HENS lst year laying. See ' -' 2aye Smt unrlhme 3Diiinbu. hclae adtete a-and suggestions without obliga- to affiliate yourself with an estab- Mostert c/o Honey Fan, R . R. 2 aor stom repate. Oies.2yasdet fehni Smt t., Bow avioe, 5urDyivein- obdswalceain, Nestieton.a- tion. Free estimates and free in- lished direct-to -consumer firm, Newcastle. 13 -l* tunity forHsoreorethenbui ifr esniMy S t , B o m n i l e h u s a e e - o l w i n e tl t n 1 - *P ic e $ 8 ,0 0 0 . T e r n s . . H î t i e f r e r , d e t __ stallation within 35-mile area. merchandisiJng a complote lino of SIX purebred year-old Hoîsteins froshen in June; HolsteinHefr ing, March 26 at 8 p.m. 13-1 RENFREW cookstove with new Lowest prices in town. Fabric lingerie, blouses, sweaters and from Quinte Unit sires. Apply1-ro dbus incnty4 2 yoars, due to freshen inJuy -oul burners installed. Cheap for Town, 59 King St. W., Phono nylons. Easy to sel! No cash K.E. Dean, Newcastle. Phono rods from highway, with s 5rn Holstein Heifers, year-olds DOIDGE-In Mmorial Hospital, quick sale. Phono or see W. 3609 Bowmanville. 8-tf investment! We supply you with Clarke 1902. 13-1* acres of land, on li/2 years.o Bowmanville, un Friday, March WatsonOo 2r1. 1-*a beautiful case and samples coni- --good ranhd;l e Pro er, 11o2steialvs HitenBul 2th, 1953, Edward J. Doidge, bus- nO o o-2--8 3 2 USED appliances - two-burner plete. You will be another rep- REGISTERED Scotch Shorthorn $4 500. Terns. FEED- band of the late Bessie Scott, aged NEW Homefreeze deepfreeze 16.68 heavy duty electric range $49.50; resentative among the many now bull, Il months old. Walter Other farms, houses, etc. 250 bushels Beaver Oats. 58 years. Service xvas heîd at the Icui. ft., flot uncrated. Reason for rangettes $19.50; used Connor enjoying earnings up to $60 per Frank, R. R. 5, Bowmanville, tele- John F. De With, Realtor Funeral Home of Northcutt & selling, too large for our space. automatic washing machine, cost week. Work in your own con- phono 2403. 13-1* King Street W. MACHINERY Smith, 53 Division St., Bowman- J. C. Alldread, phon 800. 13-l* $419, one year old, for $250.; used venient time. For further infor-- Newcastle Phono 3341 M.H. 13-disje Fertilizer Drill, nwI ville, on Sunday, March 22nd, at. refrigerators $99.50 up; used mation, write giving address and AI!II A E 13-1 last year, sowed 30 acres;M,.a 2 p.m. Interment Bowmanviîle WALNUT steel three-quarter sizO Westinghouse refrigerator, 8 cu. phono number to Box 964, c/o U TO SA E No. 5 7-ft. eut Grain Binder, oo Cemetery. Funeral was under the bed and springs or will exchange ft., 1 year old, 4-year guarantee, Canadian Statesman. 13-2 MsEîhSewn o 1 GILL REAL ESTATE _ condition; Mc.-Deering Manr auspices of Florence Nightingale for full size bed and springs in cost $359, now only $199; 3-humn-- r.EihSewnLo31 Spreader, excellent condion Lodge, No. 66, î.O.O.F. 13-1j good condition. Phono 2341. 13-1 1e Acme electrie range, $39, at Con. 5, Clarke Twp., 1/2 mile west General store in thriving village Mc.-Deering 5-ft. Mower, go G R A Y, Ann J nette At th fam-M urphy's , p h o n 8 1 1 . 1 3 - 1 W o ro o h s so d be a n n 45 m iles fro mn T oronto. 9-roo ni condition; rubber-tired W a o GRA, An Jnete-t te fm-will soîl by public auction on apartmen t, 3-piece bath, good witb Alumite fittings, nearly nw ily nesidence, R. R. 1, Port Hope, USED John Deere tractor B.R., o~ o frueao Saturday, April 4th at 1 p.ni. eouipment and stock. Price $16,()()oMc.-Deering steeî-wheel Cultivt Thursday.', March l9th. 1953, Ann 1 used Allis-Chalmens WF tractor, o po eer0 eao sharp, al ber farmn stock, imple- plus stock at invoico. or, good condition; Mc.-Deern Janette, deariy loved daughter 1 used M.-H. pony tractor with monts, feed and furniture. For l1-ft. Hay Rake, 4-section Di-i of Elwood and Kathleen Gray, in hvd. plow, disks and mower, 1 >Senorapner furthen panticulars secobis. Tri Good building lots on Bradshaw ond Hanrows, Toboggan Sleigs bier 4th yoar. Funenal service was 1947 HUDSON sedan, six, dlean'used D Case tracton W/hyd., 1 cash. No reservo. St., Prospllect St. and High St. steel Water Trougb, Single PFw beîd at the George Funenal Chap- car, excellent mechanicai con- used Waterloo tracton, 1 used Experienced preferred.. Jack Reid, Auctioneen. Farrn, 30 acres, on paved road, 9 Kid Plow, flat-bottoin Hay Fak eh, Port Hope, Satunday, March dition; groy, good mileage, good iCase C on steel, 1 used John Apply 13-1 miles from Oshawa, good barn, Fanning Mill, Ernery, Sine 2lst, at 3:30 pin., folhowed by in- tires. Phono 3570 Port Hope. Der eddii sdM-H. seed i mplement shed, chicken bouse, Scufflor, Wheel-barrow, ik 1-1'drill, 1 used transplanter, 1 used AGoodualnonu'coran Cemeterv, Port Hlope. 13-1 f hayloader, 1 used GehI harvester ________ Car Stewart Eleri Clippers, t 1 BUFFET, natural with red trim;I complote witb blower pipes and 2 Tie R b r ment, feed, funnitune. The prop- H. G. "Hap" Gill Real Estate nearly fleW. McEWýEN--At the Hospital for one folding baby carniage; one undeloaders: 1 used John Deere Tie& R b rCo erty of M. Arthur Walker, Lot 8 eodS.Bwnnil UNTR Sick Childrcn, Toronto, on Mon- range wvithi watenfront; une Oul hanvester, wire fonce, barb wino i 31, Con. 4, Hope Twp., 1 Con. Scn t omnil UNTR day, AMarchi 23rc1, 1953, Sharon stove and two drumis. Phono wBvater syýstems, oil heatens. V. H. of Canada LalU. north of No. 2 Highway, opposite Telephone 3514 Cook Stove, Space Heater, Qe Gen dol n M a nd aged ý 1 8.1- ro n ae Dealer, King St. W . BOW M ANVILLE Zion Church, to b e so d with ut _______________ ______________13-1 bec Hea te a ls c o, ec moîh ad 3 'as, dear daugh- AL-AUI M cobntn Boxvmanvilhe. 13-i ros e at 10 arn. sharp on Tues- RA SAEFRSL Ternis Cash - N eev ý'AL - AUMIUM cmbiatio -1 EALESTAE FR SAE Fam Sld13 R1 tor of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. McEwen, Windows, storn sash and screens. day, Apnîl 7th. For funthen par- 150 acres with two largo bank 311 Liberty St. N. Pnivate service For free estimate and demon- U E» TEDRS tîculars see bills. Tennis cash. barns, iiew steel roof, new brick JACK REID, was ld at the MUorris Fîînerah îrtincotatM.Juko hoo fUIPMENT TE D R WANTEf Jack Reid, Auctioneer. bouse, 6 rooms, running creek at Auctioneer Chape!, Powm-anvi lie, on Weclnes- Bowmianvilie 2753. 8 tf W. W. Lord, Cherk. buildings. This is a neal rnone-OooOt dav, March 2ý51h ai. 2 pm. Iti TENDERS wîlh eevdupt131rmkigfrn-werrtrn.LHriCek metBwavieCmcev SDsrymahns 9FefsnTatr Anl s,15,frte o'ino _____________ 150 em.1- F-or fient ',-,-d"'.' h e d2an hp igtok, US3,5NS or iîrms aeliîng services, idecs or efficiently upenated plants in t1 foi nd2ad4h.ro-H BAD!Wives: Want pep' Sharpen S kates i qoodiseai ony description) rvne>lae rae TW olt-oisk-pig ls fo $125; see our complte Tosns o ope weak«, r3 per wrd; minimum charge 75c bagged ready to sow; if yo TWhiheuse e pn . b ated, lineo0f Toro powernmowes at \vnn-out because bod,\lacks imon, 1 cas wve r der . ayab e guonth d. h v nt s fii n e d f r fuirnished roonis, suitable for bus- Lander Hardwvare, 7 King St. E., get virn, vitalit-. taking Ostrex Renair 1retsr aybemnhy i'lesz; couille, available Apnil 15th. Bawrnanville. Phono 7é74. 13-1' Tonic Tablets. It utr ieDisplay Clcissifiedo?1.0eraenîsfietsedoror 13 1Int6 C A l r ui t ory13-1 R u b b ers an d Z ip p ers I inch w th o minimum ai one inch. a ite 0f at an VISIT the FairwNay Food Market _________ se rtiaittevrieso aian al MODFRN apamînent, heatcd, 3r for fresh fruits and vegetables, IHYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (ruhberAi R..4BwanuePoe21. rcotus i-.iid bath. Laundnv facil-'also good selection of frozon. goods) maihed postpaid in plan LOY EL ISiassiîîed Adz. must be in th.z ities. pnîva!e lOCK-er. Available !fûoods, grocenies and meats. Watch seaied envelope witli pi icep hîL OY L ISfie-t 1 cok tn ednesdayi.1 -pil Ist. Aduhîs uiilv. King St. for Easîcu- week specials. Orders: Six samnpleý 25c, 24 samples SI()oUSo- Send cash, siamps or money - umoîîni o nytehf isUu ý per n:uîîîth. Phone Osha- taken now for gifi. baskets cif Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- e a i~m r orer rxd sov maey0f ta eitinis thn It onuthdemue- ùr :-92trwrite L. N. Peai.ock. inuit fronm si up. Phone 674,iber Co., Box 91, Hamiulton, Ont. 39 King St. %V. Bowvnianv ille (Clip this oui for handy reierence) ftae ti h ieo en .341 Richmound East, 13-PIrene delivery. 13-1 1-52 10ilac,liainlhyn iient acly, îîual n rlmain h 3303 3303 FARM SOLD AUCTION SALE I have received instructions #1614 Mr. Adam Keani»'* to seli by publie auctlow, at his farm, Lot 28, Con. 6, CLARKE TOWNSHI~ 11/2 miles North of Oron* at 1 p.m. sharp, on Saturday, ,Narch 28 ail his Poultry Equipment, Imple ments, Feed, Furniture MACHINERY Coekshutt No. 4 Manure Spreader& nearly nexv; rubber-tired Wagon, nearly new; Bag Truck; ,Bean Orchard Sprayer, on trucks; Single Plow; M.H. Seed Drill; Deering Ideal Mowver, 6-ft. eut; Stone- boat; M.-H. 10-ft. Rake; 2 rolls of Snow Fcnce; Hay Rack, Tobog. gan Sleighs, Cutter, Cultivator, Steel \Vhcel Trucks, DeLaval Creamn Separator, nearly new; 20 Berry Crates, 50 Tomato Crates, 2 Laddcrs, Fanning Mill, 3-section Harrows, 9 Apple Barrels, Black. smih Forge, Anvil, Blow Torch, set Single Harness, 2 sets Breech. ing Harness, Horse Blankets, Scrap Iron, quantity Piping, num- ber of 6.00x16 Tires and Tubes, 3 Feed Drumns. POULTRY EQUIPMENT Colony House l1x12, excellent condition; quantity Lumber, coal Brooder Stove, Feed Troughs, E'Quntains. I URNITURE M~offatt enamel Electrie Stove a Anenew condition; Roy Elec tric Refrigerator nearly new; WVash Stands, Findlay Space Heat- er, nearly new, Glass Cupboard, MTorris Upright Piano, perfect con- dition; Buffet, 2 ehests of Draw. ers, 2 Drop-leaf Tables, 4 Kitcheri Chairs, 6 Dining-roomn Chairs, Valnut Bed, large Extension Table, several Small Tables, 2 Oul Drums, large quantity of Glass. ware and Kitchenware, Writing >esk, Baking Table, Renfrew Vasher, 4-piece Bedroom Suite, 3. Pieee Bedroom Suite, 2 Step. ldders, Wheel-barrow, Tools, etc. rerms Cash - No Reserve JACK REID, Auctioneer, Orono, Oni. L. Harris, Clerk. 13-i Work Wanted- )ARLINGTON Abattoir,H on, for custonm killing. l43. IAVE your kitchen and oom walls tiled, about 29 ~ ochoose from. M. Jurloç, 753. -2- Concrele & Masonrr-- rick, Block and Concrete Work .Prompt Attention - ESTIMATES FREE .- L. Turner -P-0. Box 177, Bowmanvllle 12-tt NO0TI1C E troducing to Bowmanville d surrounding district.* W. A. K!LeFrPATRICC> Complete PLUMBING & HEATING SER VICE Silver St. Phone 3613 12-tf PAINTING PAPER HANGINC Full Selection of PARALAC PAINTS and PAPERS - FREE ESTIMATES - Howard S. Brooking PIIONE 2702 42-tf ilr niioin gheet Mqetal Work EXPERIENCE COUNTS Eavestroughing DAVIS & CO. 2> nILi, LANF. ie Day or Nizht 3412 - 69, PAGE LFIGHTELPN TEM CANADIM STATMIUX. BOVMWANVIULP- nNTAItttN

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