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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Apr 1953, p. 13

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THURSDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1953 q'WU! I~£-MZ LPffA A A E 5 AN~ ' O -~~~L4 Z .£~VZ.NMAN 1 VIL , ONTARIO ID P! of a winning grain judging team Rdu Ii L.IulliskIilen M'an Tells Ottawa G o at the Quinte Seed Fair. AU rhee m e E cellentfou have been members of winning E o ýFather's Views of 4-H Club Work inDmno omeiin yAI Cobourg Says 1 oldest boy on grain in 1944, my daughter on grain in 1947, and E. L. Taylor, Enniskillen, had taken place in the 38 'years 1 have my youngest boy on beef ti 1949.OfW rdP o ig -.he honor of delivering an ad- been interested in the wonk. But Ail of them would wish me ta ex- i o d Plw g iress at the annual meeting of a okbc tteoprui tend te the Canadian Council af ~h CndinCouncil of 4-H ties offered to me as a Junior 4-H Clubs their sincerest grati- "The lay-out is excellent both i lubs held in Ottawa earlv in. Farmer I realize how great a ben- tude for the great experience and for ai and sod. The competitars , arch an the subject, "A Fath- efût they proved ta be. wonderful entertainment provid- fromn the variaus cauntries will be ~r's Views of Boys and Girls 4-H ;twsa h hr ore Pub- ed during the competition and quite satisfied with the land. I w lub Wonk". lic Speakîng Contest I made my the days following. They ail look arn sure of that.. >Mr. Taylor, who is Director for first Public Speech, in one of the upon that week as an outàtanding Thus comniented Alfred Hall Darlington Township cof the Dur- prajects, "Swine Feeding for experience in their lives for £el- of England. secretary of the 0ham County Soit and Crop Im- Profit". By winning first place I lowship, entertainment and edu- World Plowing Association when .Pravement Association, wyas received a two weeks' course with cation. he looked over the site, Thursday, j aîpeaking to an audience which in- expenses paid at O.A.C., Guelph. Is it ail worth while? Are the just forth af Cobourg, of the first .~luded representatives of 4-H I the live stock judging trips I nesults good enough for all the world plowing match, which will Wyubs from every province in received inspiration and ideas for trouble and sacrifice required, be held in conjunction with the Canada, and his address was very irnproved live stock and impnov- because ah tiis cannoît be accam- international plowing match next warmly received. ed stables and feeding methods plished without sacrifice and help October. Mr. Hall cornes from Folowngisthetet i isthat have stayed with me ail my from the parents. Sa ]et us lookc Wonkington, Cumberlandshine, Fopeec gisthe:et r ife at it from the individual's stand- and he knows bis plowing. Ofui- sp eet get onran iaen fml ftoby point; what benefit do they re- cials of the Ontario Plowman's r- eal prity ret o nvitend taa n oe irlbam od eoubohsceive? What good does it do Association and committee chair- thern" It teaches themetontake anemandoontheirloup responsibleufo give my views ta such an impor- to take part in Club work, I nat- teI ece hmt aea a o h ru epnil o tant organization as the Canadian urallv gave aIl the *encouragement interest in what tbey are doing. the staging of the huge plowing' uld Myoldst oy as eenThev learn that ta get the best match next fall, bneathed more Council of 4-H Clubs, on a work .1 could y les byba een s requires carptece and easywe tewrd lwn esateIhaeemas e" nihR ee oaîf a rain lb, oaotperseverance; and right here ta expert announced his satisfaction estem."' 14fclsandallwinningutop hbon- where the parents must direct witb the land that the committee "I have watched the Junior14cusi lwnngtph- and be uetepoe aei a hsnfrtemth Farmer work grow from a very ors in a number of them. and also e surie ntropte caeird Mc.Holsefo the typch.Egls amlibeinig o h gea o-winning a Scholarship that gave cou ie n ty t ur r.Hl stetyia nls gma izaintetody he rst -1him two years at Kemptville agamnst any discouraging failure. contry gentleman-farmer. He has Junizo FarmerShtou herse vrArclueSeolSnete eLearn Many Things cultured British accent and an beld in Ortario took place in Dur- t has been a member of a Machin- The y are taught the ideals ta easy mannen htimeitl hamn County under the leadership ery Club and at the present time seek after; then they learn to pick won the friendship of the plow- o! . . unan ariulurl e-is a member of the Soils Club and the best, and ta be abte ta dis- ing association heads when lie wast pfR.eSent uncinat te ime. tas e last vear %vas on the winning Live crimînate hetween perfect and introduced ta themn by J. D. Tho-1 presntaiveat he ime ItwasStock Judging Teamn at the Roy- faulty specimens. Thev also learn mas of Toronto, executix'e vice-S my privilege ta attend the third ai. to frm opinions af their own president af the Wortd Ptow-E course held in January and Feb- i vduhe loto ati odsik ete.Mxn ihmnsAscain ruary 191-5. It was a six weeks' i Mxe a Gr aClsa to par 1 tandstik the eem. iigoo with man's Assoitsion s course cavering all phases of farm s ea ranCus PttTefIahr life Th ags o thse ttedin1 Clf nd win Clbs.wastwoship, respect for the other fel- The World Plowman's Assoc- were from perhaps 16 ta 30. and \,ears in the Garden Brigade and low's opinion, and also the abil- iatîon Secretacy feets ver; strang-t atmav f hespci( Mcu e oe ear in Clothing. She also itv ta put in words their own Iv about the international fciend- i arfd atvo the stab llect*ureinIt~ok top honors sevecal times. In opinions and whv they madelS' lisip that is in evidence whena may Idrme wuî e tnhie Swine Club with membership they. These are Thiings that are plowmen af vaclous countries gets hand ta ceceive the instruction I f vec 30, she was placed for top v'ery necessary in all life and can together in competitian. gîe.honors. be applied ta any vocation. Club "It is the fellowship af ther "it asfltwngtiscure MV Vycunger son, although flot work opens the door ta the Jun- that the first County Junior Farm- si far minded, was a member of ior Farmer arganization in which er orgaihization was formed. Since grain and several Beef Calf Clubs, there is available entertainment E H N that time itù has grown and ex- winning top honors in the beef and education unsurpassed in anyBE H Y panded until it bas covered the Club. other saciety or organîzation. Mr. and Mrs. Manseil Wright country from coast ta caast. On Winning Ttams From an agicultural and coun- and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wright I A great manv\ changes have Bath boys have been member ty standpoint what has been the motored ta Hamilton ta visit Mr.1 ____- _________---- esult? And here I wish ta make *'mention of the Swine Club that and Mrs. Ralph Whettlaufer. t is aperating in Durham County. Miss Gladvs Bigelaw, Bowman- s O ver 100 different insects A nurnber oi years ago Mr. Sum~- ville, with ber parents, Mn. and f on over 50 crops tive, entisted the interes't ai the Mrs. Hannah Cairns is spend- 1 Rotary and Lions tlub ai Bow- ing this week with relatives in e con b. controled with manville, and witb their finan- Toronto. i cial help purchased a number af Mrs. Gerald Staples, Lakeiield, P AA H Npairs ai registered Yorkshire gilts with hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. PL PA RATHIO Nas weanlings and distributed a James McKinnon. 1 pair ai pigs te each member of Mn. and Mrs. George Waddell Word'sthe Sxine Club. The pigs were motored ta Caîborne on Sunday, WordsMost Effective Insecticide regîstered in the boy's name and witb Mrs. Waddell remaining for JV Write for Parathion Grower's Handbook he became a member ai the York- a week with Mr. and Mrs. Gardon shire Breeders' Association. The Smith. boy had ta care for the pigs, Mrs. T. Kennedy, who visited d NOZR T/I IMZe'RCANV show themn at Achievement Day, Dr. and Mrs. G. M. Longfietd, ne-B keep them for breeders and returri turned ta ber home in Dunrobin. i.IM rna pair af weanling gilts the next On Apnil lOth, the choir ofC year. In that way the Club became St. Andrew's Church in Mill-M self suppo'rting and very success- brook will present their Oper- R1A AM(BUILDING TORONTO 1, ONTARIO fl number of registered herds etta "The Belle af Barcelona" iniR af Yorkshire Swine developed in the Bethany Town Hall underM the county received their stant auspices of Women's Institute. from this club. Local Orange Lodge held a t New Varieties lntroduced successful dance in the Town p~~ <'S lU MIn Grain Club work many af Hall on Saturday night with Ruth la -Z Iý w nii the newerabter varieties ai Wilson's VarietyBadfrihD spread aver the codiity, thus in- mncligtesur acs W Lcreasing the grains yield and help- Junior Homemakers Club "The -t Le ho n ing agriculture, and la other Club Glad 1 Cannes" met at the home l * 1-e no n prajects a desine for something ai Mrs. Frank Bigelow. RaIl cailtet better has cesulted. was "A Special Feature in My af Then fnom an educational point Record Book". Minutes were read E. l amit of view we find the boys wbo by Miss Eleanor Rowan Mrs. have had Club training are be- Clarence Page gave insti-uctians e cutrlmovements for better and Mrs. H. L. Challice discussedP1 conditions on the farms, and also proper finisbings ai seams, beits, an in Municipal Government. pressing, etc. The nine girls mod- New amp Ba red ock cord a the boys in Durham Coun-1 most corpleted. Next meeting atN tywho have be nDmno h oeo r.H DeGeer. N teams, and Durham bas had more Decoratlng Demonstration lai than any other county in Ontario, Forty-seven ladies attended aA intecounty taking the lead in ing beld in the Orange Hall on vie Ail Breeders Banded and Pullorm Tested farming activities. Some bave Tuesday. Miss Jeanne Armour, Co( gane on ta higher agicultural home economist, Dept. ai Agricul- i - No Outside Flocks - fields and some ta other top pro- ture, Women's Institute, Toronto,- fessions, taking their place in aur conducted the course. Ail eggs for hatching produced on our own farm national lufe."rihe Your Home With 4-H Club Work bas a great Color! With the use ai the many TwoHache W ekl .. .plcewith the New Canadians e easv-to-annîv paints and ni i e aview cne case that bappened inl economize by doing their own * Wednesday and Saturday aur neighbourbood. A German decorating. Give your home new couple wîth their family, two girls glamour with new calors. No one and a boy, who bad ta leave Ger- can decorate your bouse as well ( many because the father, a wellasoucnThcreusectn O r h la d F r meduceated man, disagreed with and use ai colon and design will O c l me a mthe Ccnty The1second yeIrteyat-atienssaiyor ore.Us FESY S years later was top mnan at the Royal Competition n judging AYRSHIRESBtills owned by Eastern Ontario Cattie livestock He is now a successfulý tarmen with a fine herd ai Jersey HEREFORDS Breeding Ass'n., Kemptville, Ontario cattle. This is only one instance that could be muttiplied many GUFRNSEVtimes and it is bard ta estirnate GUENS-Y uIls owned by Hamilton District Catti. the value ai Club Wock ta this Dual Ptirpose SHORTHORNS I Bneeding Assn', Hannon, Ontario. lad and bis iamily. As I look back avec the 3,3 -years I bave ben întecested Lf emership F $2.0 Service Fee $50 in bis work, and as I compareth work ai 1915 witb the work ai Ser-icfo No-Membrs - 7.00l 1953, I realize the great advance- ,>erîc o AuALÂYJ.mues -'lJ.UUment that bas taken place- the P Over 2,200 farmers bred 25,000 cows to aur sires last year with over 70% conceivin multiple opportunities that have on te frst ervce.opened up, and the great passi- on te frst ervce.bîlities that lie ahead witb the Inquire now from 'your neanest inseninator or Agriculture Representative new setup as 4-H Clubs with its L for more particulars. high ideals and international scape. May the wack graw and For service contact the man living nearest yau. expand aiways keeping in mind ij that chanacter building and good LeROY SHORT. Bowmanville. 2479. KEITH WOOD, Orono, 84 r 10 citizenship are the main i deaL>; Pl JAAN FAAVET, Clarke, 46 r 03 the projects undertaken are sim- Bow ply a means of abtaining the final results. Plowing, Secrelary Association plow extending accosa the wor]d. i t l wonderful ta find this fel- lowsbip sa mucb in evidence. Would that At could spnead into other spheres ai influence," de- clared Mn. HalL "Your food here was toc nich for one useti to the fane leass icb that we have in England and so I ate too much and iA knocked me out a bit at firat. I amn fly- ing back soon ta England but I will retuca ta Canada in Septem- ber fon the match. I think that great credit is due ta the commit- tees hece for the job they have done and are doing. There are about a dozen countnies asking ta be repnesented at this finst wvorld's plowing match which is being held ln yaur country ai Canada. Only just rcently I have had word in regard ta entries from Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Eire, Holland and North Afnica. We have had an enquicy even fnom Austnia. This first wocld campetition is making his- tory," he said, In regard ta the land used in the camipetition. sanie co un ties i preferced ta plow with short s, stubbte and others bad a piefer-i ence for sod. It was essential that the texture xvas uniform, be poiîîted out. Wlîeî the European t countnies were poled as ta xvlie- the& they wanted the match heldilb in Kaiada, it was practically un- h animous. Plownîen are goodI oie comîng ta an agî',eetiîent in regard ta cules, Mn. Hall said. ENNISKILLEN Service Club ladies met at the home ai Mcs. L. Stainton, with 19 present. Following business the remainder ai the evening was spent making final arrangementsl foc the Bazaar and Penny Arcade. Lunch was senved by Mca. H. Milîs, Mca. G. Yeo, Mns. D. Pick- ering and the hostesa. Next meet- ing at Mrs. A. Boyd's on Apnil 7. Mr. and Mca. Kennetb Lan,>b, Port Credit. Mn. and Mns.W'rm. Lamb, Nestieton, with Mr. and MVrs. Lamne Lamb. Mn. and Mca. Gea. Roche and family, Oshawa, wece callers at Mrn. anîd Mca. P. Ellis. Mca. Norman Wright spent a lay with fnienda in Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Ferguson, Bowmanville, with Mn. and Mca. Canl Ferguson. Mca. A. Hughes, Bunketon, at Mrn. and Mrs, Walter Oke's. Mn. Roy Spry, Victor, N.Y., Mn. Ray Sanderson, Columbus, at MIr. and Mca. E. Wright's. Mr. Murray Barrie, Orono, vis- ited bis auint, Mca. Mantha Wright. Mr. and Mca. R. Walker, Wal- laceburg, Mca. E. R. Walker andt )alphine, Bowmanville, visitedi Kr. and Mca. Russell Gniffin. Mi's. Jack Patch, Harwood, Vis-i ted Mca. E. Strutt.s Mcs. E. Bennett retunned homeE Lo Fenelon Falls an Satundayt ifter visiting Mn. and Mca. John Griffin.1 Mn. Clarence Bradley and Bey- rl.y, Bowmanvilte, Mn. and Mca. [owand Bradley and Brian, Ma- te Grave, witb their parents Mn. id Mca. L. Bradley.s Mn. and Mca. F. Hepburn, Osh- iwa, with Mn. and Mca. R. Mc-a qeil. Mn. and Mca. E. Harria ande amily, Whitby, at Mn, and Mca. 1L. Wearn's. Mn. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson b sited Mn. and Mca. Allen Bea-- ock, Nestletoîî. Mr. and Mca. Hanny Strutt, and A DURO PUMIP Means Better Living ! 0 UR DURO Water Sys- tem gives us fresh, pure water when and where we need it ... adds ta aur con- venience and comfort cf' daily hife. DURO Pumps are avail- able in ail sizes ta meet in- dividual needs. Sec your Plumber or DURO dealer for full informnation or write for FREE folder, unnîng Water, the Farm Necessity". JM4PS & SOFTENERS LIMITED PF 9 *NDON CANADA ACK BEOUGH PLUMBING AND HEATING vmanvilie Division St. S. PHONE 615 ad a b ear Mca. Grant Camp- bell is able ta be home fcom the hospital and impraving. Don't fonget W.A. pot luck sup- per ln the basement Apnil 8th. Mr. and Mns. M. Emerson and Mliss Giadys Emerson and Miss Mar y Chambers, Whitby, visited Mrn. and Mca. Bervin Bird, Brook- [in. Mn. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm and famiiy were Sunday supper uests with Mn. and Mrs. Kcn Miieshall. Mr. and Mca. John Nesbitt vis- ted Mn. an-d Mcs. George Johns, Satucday evening. Mn. and Mrs. Wilfced Vine, Mn. nd Mrs. Herbent Vine on Sun- fay. Mn, Melville Samelîs and Ben qoyen attended the Curling 3onspeil at Lindsay an Fniday and aturday. a Il i. a d s ZION In spite of the rainy weather quite a crowd gathered gt the schoolhouse on Thursday even- ing to honor two of our recent brides and grooms, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dart (Donna Fice> and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lyczba (May Sobil). Mr. Alex McMaster called the company to order and explained why they were there. Each bride and groom were presented with an occasional chair and a bed lamp. Each groom expressed their thanks for the gifts and the even- ing was spent in playing lost heir wîth a few of the young set danc- ing to a record player. The ladies served a deliclous lunch and everyone enjoyed the social time together. Quite a few attended the Ice F'ollies at Oshawa Arena on Fri- day and Saturday nights and re- port a good show, Mn. and Mrs. Chartes Mitchell, Aillan and Terry, Toronto, at Rus- sell Perktns. Mr. and Mrs. George Sonley and Ted. Mr. and Mrs. Percy 3ryce. Toronto, at Fred Cam- eron's. Mr, A. T. Stainton at Peterboro. Mrs. J. W. McMaster is able ta >e up part of the time. QUALITY Phylhis, Burketon, at Mn. and Mns. Clifford Pethick's and Mr.E. nulCne nc Strutt, who is on the sîck liat. We1 hope ta see ber out around soon. Far ai ou Mrs. C. Avery and girls, Burke- V ool EIA tan, with ber parents, Mr. and an orntoApil91h Mrs. A. Oke.___ The Easten pnogram is an!1 The Annual Conference ai the Thunsday night at 8 p.m- u nder' Ontarnia Farmi Radio Forum isi auspices 0i Mission band. Every. ibeing held at the Royal Yack Ho- one welcome. tel, Tocrontlo, April 9. The guest Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp with speaker wiIl be Mr. Wilson Mà. Mrs. H. Wannamaker, Part Perry. Gemmeli, Manager ai the Royal Mn. and Mns. Russell Ormis- Bank ai Canada, Peterborough tan wene callers at Mr. and Mca. A special feature will be a lix'e Fred -Toms'. bnoadcast ai the C.B.C. Fprn Pro- Mn. and Mrs. Johnny Wlker, gram with the Cag Famîly at, Toronto, spent the week-end the n oon luncheon table. with ber parents, Mn. and Mca. As Durham County bas many R. McLaughlin. acieForums it is expected the-y Mn. and Mrs. D. Lee. Wayne will be well repcesented at thîs and Terry with Mn. and Mrs. conference. Walter Feriuson. Mn. Gemmeli was born andi Mn. and Mca. Adam Sharp with elucated in Montreal and bas hadt Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Robinson, considerable banking expecience Newtonville. in branches at Ottawa, Toronto and Peterborough. In addition ta bis normal acti- S, NES LE ONvities as Manager ai a brancb a NEST ETONbank he bas been vecy active as h president ai the Peterborough Ki-- Miss Mary Chambers and Miss wanis club, Peterborough Cham- Gladys Emnerson, nurse-mn-train- ber af Commerce, and as a dicec- ing, Whitby, visited Mn. and Mns. toi of the Central Ontario Spring M. Emerson. Show (farmecly the Quinte* Seed Miss Yvonne Chant and Mn. Pair). Immediate past president Brian Hamilton, Blackstock, vis- ai the Peterborough bcench ai ited Miss Irene Emerson Sunday the Victanian Orden ai Nurses evening. ion Canada, and vice president ai Mn. John Byers, Janetvilte, vis- the Peterborough Red Cross Com- ted bis aunt, Mca. Jas. William- monity Fonds, Mr. Geînmell lias son. found lime ta attend Farnm For- Mrs. H. Vine, Mn. and Mrs. Wil- ums and bas been vecy populai' fred Vine, spent Friday evening as a speaker ini the loc .al forums .ith Mt'. and Mca. Reg. Middle- in the Peterborough area. si ANDý Wehave a choice selection of the beiter varieties of Seed Grain including Oats, Barley, Peas, etc.; several lots of our grain with germination test as high as 99%, and ail Oats and Barley Panogen treated for smut. Our Clovers are also of the highest quality and free of noxious weed seeds. Prices Are Much Lower This Year Your inquiries are invited and as usual you wilI find our prices satisfactory. Grain- Certif ied Seed Potaloes - Seeds Fertilizers A. W. GLENNEY. NEWCASTLE PHONE NEWCASTLE 2771 "I - . . ý. . - ;, ý' - .. ' - .- MASSEY-HARRIS BUILDS WORLD'S FIRSI TEST TRACK FOR POWER FARMING MACHINES Another milestone in implement engineering progresi9 In 1952, Massey-Harris took one of the Iongest forward steps ever taken by a farmn machinery manu- facturer, toward the development of stronger, longer- lived, better-performing trouble-fnee machines for pWer.farminK. Massey-harris buit the world's first Be farm machinery "Test Triack", where M-H tractors, combines and other farmn machines are be- ing tested, accurately and scientifically, for vibration, fatigue, resistanoe to shock, resistance to water and duat, stability on siopes, climbing per, traction in mud, stoering, torque, weight distribution. Conibined with practical field tests, these scientific track tests conducted under controlled, comparable conditions arepro idmgMassY-Harris engineerB with the neceasary knowedge ato imprave design, in- creas durability, and improve the performance of every M-H machine that runs on wheels. MASSEYmHARRIS COMPANY, LIMUTED Mokers of high-quellty farm implemoints since 1847 SALEM Don't forget the Box Social at the church on Wednesday, April 8. See coming events for particu- lars. Mr. Victor Philips and chiidren visited his mother, Mrs. Philips at the homne of Mr. and Mrs. W. Craig. Other visitors were Mr. Bruce Lehman and Mr. Doug Rey- nolds, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cryder- mnan and family wvith Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist. We are glad to report Baby Murray Twvist is improving nicely in Sick Children's Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Savery and Master David Savery with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Welsh. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Buttery at- tende dthe funeral of a friend, M'r. Mason Nicholis, in Port Hope, on Sunday. There wilI be a special Easter service at Church on Sunday, also a recept ion service for new mnem- bers. WooI Growers' Organization WOOL SHIP COLLECT TO Otur Registered Warehouse No. 1. IVeston, Ontario Reliable Grading Direct Settiement Shippers may obtain sacks and twine -w%,thout charge from ROY SINITH, Clarke P.O. New~ton vil le or by writing direct to CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED WANTADS "TELTRSDAYý, APRIL 2nd, 1953 CAMAnTAN QPrAYV-QUAU ^%"qmAieà% NEWCASTLE PHONE NEWCASTLE 2771 SEED GRAIN'

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