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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Apr 1953, p. 6

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PAGE SIX TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVTLLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY. APRIL ~n. i Woman Nissionary Guesi SS!eaker ai St. Paul's Evening Auxilî'aay Service Mrs. Floyd Honey, Toronto, Who wlth ber husband recently returned from the United Churcb mission fields in China, gave an address filied witb vivid impres- sions of China under Communist rule, at the Thankoffering service o! the Evening Auxiliai>y of St. Paul's Womnen's Missionary So- ciety. beid in that cburch last Sunday morning. For the latter part of their six years in China, Mr. and Mrs. Honey were the only Westerners in a Chinese village, and were thus told o! the feudal land-hold- ing system which existed before the Commtunists took over, and which created a very wealthy léisure class Who had power over the lives of their tenants. There were many good landlords, Mrs. Honey statod, but they were part of an evil system. Land hunger is at the root of the trouble in China today, she said. Under the Communists, the people are "potentially better off", the land having beni divided among them, Women noxv bave equality before the law, and the people bave gained materiallv. "These tbings we have ta admit," said Mrs. Honey. "But at what price bave tbcy been gained? A terrible price, the price of free- dom." Mr. and Mrs. Honey lived for the last two years of their stay under the Communist regime, and no one, she said, dared even to think bis own tbougbts, let alone express tbem. Mrs. Honey said that she feit a situation sucb as exists in China is God's judgment on society for flot dealing honestly witb social evils. To this extent, in not speak- ing out against certain evils in the old rogime and trying to ec- tify them, Mrs. Honey said she foit the Christian Cburcb had failed. The Communists beave no stone unturned to change the thinking of tbe Chinese people, The peas- ants have been no problem to the Communists, because they have been given material gains and self respect. The pressure is bard- est on the intelligentsia and the Chinese Christians, and many are standing firmr even in the face o! danger. But their tbinking is being con- fused. Communismn attempts to convert them to a "religious cause" by ail sorts of propaganda, and on the face of it, this cause sceems to be rigbting the wrangs left undisturbed by the Christian Church. We stili have a chance in other mission fields, Mrs. Honey said. "We must make it clear that we are taking our atand on God's side, and God is concerned wlth injustice." "Only Jesus Christ bas the rlght to demand the kind of ioyaitv wbicb the Communists demnand. Unless we are giving this ktnd of loyalty to our religion and our be- liofs, we bave no right to cnit- icize." John Wesley changed the world. and we can do it today, Mrs. Honey stated in conclusion. "We can combat Communism if we sincerely ask of Jesus, 'What wili You bave me do?' and then go out and take our stand and do His work." Members o! the Evening Aux- iliary and also of the C.G.I.T. group attended service In a body to hear this outstanding speaker. A ST. GEORGES DAY CHALLENGE Lord Rowallan, Chie! Scout of the British Commonwealth, bas sent the following St. George's Day message to Canada's 146,089 Scouts: - "On this St. George's Day we remember our Queen's dedica- tion of ber life to the service of God and ber people on ber 2lsti bithday. We remomber ber chal- lenge to us to bolp ber carry out ber vow. In tbis Coronation Year lot us determine that, in the ex- ample of St. George. we will do aur best ta accept the challenge, by -taking at least one stop fur- ther along the Scouting trail, so that we may make ourselves fit to do our service." ENNISKILLEN The Service Club met at the home of Mrs. N. Wilson, with 17 present. Hospital sowing was giv- en out to eacb member which is tu ho handed in at tbe next meet- ing. Lunch was served by Mrs. A. Boyd, Mrs. O. C. Ashton and the bostoss. Final meeting until next faîl will be beld at Mrs. L. oWearn's on May 5. i Miss Merle Ashton and Mrs. Densem, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gilbert, Hampton, were Sunday visitorm with Mr. Claude Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson and, family visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ferguson, Bow- manville. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Petbick were Sunday tea guests with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bradley and Mrs. Whittaker, Bowmanville. Mise Hazel Johnson, Mr. Gor- don Fleet, Toronto, vislted bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fleet, algo at Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearns'. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oke and Garry, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Alex- ander and Carol, Oshawa, Master Larry Ashton, Purple Hill, at Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke's. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb, Mr.I and Mrs. Donald Lamb, Mrs. H. Stevens, attended the funeral of Mr. Stan Hadley, Lindsay. Miss Shirley Avery, Burketon, spent Saturday %vith ber grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Oke. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wrigbt were Sunday visitors with bis brother, Mr, Jabez Wright, Osh- awa, who is verýr sick. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Petliick, Mrs. Verna Wood, Mr. Jobnny Dones, Toronto, at Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Petbick's. Mr. Ross Sharp and Mr. Gordon Stevens visited Mr. Wm. Ma- haffy at Toronto Coneral Hospit- ai and report he bopes to be hQme smon. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Wearn, Rev. Lackey, Claremont, were Monday tea guests with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Woarn. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton, Lois and Charles, with Mr. and Mrs. S. May, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Masters, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Nicholson, Faye a n d Diane, Orono, at Mr. and Mrs. Earl Masters' Mr. and Mris. Gordon Wiliiams and family, Tottenham, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Walker, Bow- manville and Messrs. Wallace and Russell Griffin. Mr, and Mrs. D. Yeo and Lorna, Mr. Bob Wannan, Mr. and Mrs. F. Reynard and Reta, with Mr. and Mrs. G. Yeo. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Tamblyn, Carnbray, wîtb Mr. and Mrs. R. Ormiston Mr and Mrs. Fred Tom, Miss Doreen Trewln, visited Mr. and Mrs. Cortney Grabam, Purpie Hill, also Mr. and Mrs. Han Van- deor Meer and family at their old home at Purpie Hill. Miss Carol Wright with Miss Eloanor Heard. Miss Ruth Lamb with Miss Lamna Woamn. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Griffin and family weme Sunday visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Squibb, Churchill. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton and family with Mm. and Mrs. S. May, Toronto. This community extends theirc sympatby to the' DeGeer family', 1 Haydon, on the passing of their1 mother.a Recent callors at Mr. and Mrs.i Fred Toms' were Mm. and Mrs.i Roy Teewin, Mimico, Mr. andt Mrs. Lloyd Slemon, Haydon, Mr.s and Mrs. Earl Trewin, Donaldè and Doreen, and Mrs. MinervaE Trewin.t Mm. and Mrs. Harold Ashton and boys with Mr. and Mrs. S.j Kersey, Hampton.c BURKETON The play froma Tynone "Getting Ira Mamied" was largely attend- ed. Proceeds were $60). The door pnize, donated by members o! W.A., was won by Mrs. Stanley McCullougb. On April 23rd the play "Aaron Slick from Pumpkin Creek" was given at Almondi to a largo and approciative audience. Mm. and Mrs. Goorge 'White, Bowmanvillo, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams. Mrs. Rilda Stevenson and Al- bort, Toronto, w i t h Mrs. A. Hughes. Mm. and Mrs. J. McLaughlin, Union, visited Mrs. H. Rahm. Mn. and Mrs. Howard Davey, Bawmanville, visited bis parents, Mm. and Mms. R. Davey. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gatcheli visited with relatives bore. Mr. and Mmi. J. Riddell visited friends in Aunora. Mm. and Mrs. A. E. Ribey spent Wednesday in Toronto. Mmi. J. Gatchell spont a few days in Oshawa witb relatives. Mmi. J. Carter and Fred visited in Toronto with relatives. Have thal DOUR GLASS or WINDSHIELD Installed Now While You Wait JOE èCOOPER'S Service Station 218 King St. E. PHONE 3432 I Whiiby Scene of Duich Wedding Mr. and Mrs. L. de Vries, who were married in Whitby United Church on Saturday, April 25, pose in happy mood follc'wing the ceremoxiy. The bride was Miss Tietje Hamstra, daught er of Mr. and Mrs. L. Hamstra, Newcastle. The groam's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius de Vries, reside in Holland. -Photo by Alpha Studio 1. 0, O. F, Attend Divine Service In St. Jolan's Anglican Church Legion Pipe Band Led Parade St. John's Anglican Church was filled to capacity last Sunday when members of Florence Night- ingale Lodge, No. 66, I.O.O.F.; Beehivê' Rebekab Sisters, brothers from district lodges and 14 Can- tons from Oshawa attended Divine Service at il a.m. Tbey paraded from the lodge hall, led by the Bowmanville Legion Pipe Band, Marshall P.D.D.G.M. Wm. Corden and Colour Bearers Bros. David Preston and Richard Patfield. Rev. Warren N. Turner, Rector, welcomed the members of the Order and affiliated branches. The Rector had chosen for bis text: "The Marks of a Christian", Acts 2:42-"and they çontinuedJ steadYastly 'in the apostles' doc- trine and fellowsbip, and in breaking of l5read and in prayers." Fellowshp-In Lodge and Church Hie asked the question, "What do. you consider to be a good member?" as an introduction to his sermon. When you belong to alodge there are certain minimum requirements. Many are just sat- isfied to keep within these, that they may retain their member- ship. Others take an active part, ding more than is required and enjoy to the full the fellowsbip that is there for ail to enjoy. The Church has rules and regu- lations for members but you can't cut members off from the fellow- sbip. Mr. Turner enlarged on this Aihen he said that on numerous occasion, on visîts to- the local hospital, be found patients %vho had given the Anglican Church as bheir faith, yet had not been at- tending church. Others had ask- .d to be united in marriage, and 'equests received from bereaved to perform the last duty of the Christian Church. These are oh- igations which must be carried out by the Church even though these people did not live up to the mnimum requirements. Commenting on the way In which the Apostles' Creed is re- >eated in the Churcb-all facing the same way-it symbolizes a unit; ail faiths and beliefs gath- ered into one, the Rector said the centrai paragraph has to do with Jesus who is the central fact in h ti r( tc c 01 .i1 r .1 The Super-Efficient DILO - NAGIC Gi! Heating MAKES TOUR PRESENT HEATING EQU[PMENT TWICE AS GOOD Saves Tou Money on Tour Fuel Costs Phone or Consuit JACK BROUGH PLUMBING - BEATING Division St. S., Bowmanvilie New Phone - Office 615 Bouse Phono 2384 Christian faith. Fellowship fol- lows down through the ages em- phasizing that the Church is a society of people and not an in- dividual. Cannot Agree on Doctrine Rev. W. Turner said Christians forgot to pay attention to the APostles' Creed and doctrine, causing much disunity, and can- not yet agree on doctrine of creed, therefore faiths differ. We must become one in doctrine before we can become one in fellowship. We must become one in doctrine be- fore we can become one in fellow- ship. We wre baptized a Christ- ian, not a particular church. The apostles came together for the breaking of bread and to be clos- er to God. Communion is still the central act of Christians in worship. The theme of the syn- agogue service is Doctrine, Fel- lowship, Holy Communion and Prayer. Ini closing, the Rector urged that Christians be flot sat- isfied with the minimum, but to do more and reap the benefit of full fellowship. Mr. Keith Wood took the tenor solo in the anthem by the Choir, "O Lord, Most Holy." Mrs. E. V. Luqk presided at the organ. Cenotaph Service Reforming outside the Church, the Parade continued to the Ceno- tapb for a short service, and the placing of a wreath in remem- brance of members wbo gave their ail in World Wars I and Il. Noble Grand Garnet Goheen, and D.D. G.M. Robert Chater, Orono, spoke briefly. Wreath learer was 1). D.G.M.-elect Sidney Little, Bro. Roy Forrester, Orono, sounded "The Last Post"'; the Legion Pipe Band played a lament, and Bro. Forrester "Reveille". Rev. War- ren T. Turner closed the service with the benediction. The local Police Department did an excellent job in dîrecting traffie along the route of the parade. The Orono News 1 The Annual Meeting of Orono Women's Instituto beld April 10 took the farm o! a pot luck lunch- eon. About 35 ladies were pro- sont and the table groaned ho- neath delectable food. Prosident Mme. Foster Fergu- son taok charge o! the meeting, wbich foliowod and the business of the yoam was completed. Splendid reports from standing commi ttee convenons made us pmoud o! the programs wbich had beon prosonted. "M ot or in g through England," by Miss Aileen Aked was voted the most interost- ing. Mrs. Fonguson called on Mmi. O. W. Rolph to conduct the elec- tion o! officers. Mrs. E. J. Ha.m as convener o! the Nominating Committee presented the siate o! officers as follows: President-Mrs. Fred Bowen; let Vice-Pres.-Mns. H. E. Mill- son, 2nd Vice-Pres.-Mrs. R. E. Logan; Secretary-Mrs. A. Gerry; Treasurer -Mrs. W. Sberwln; District Directom-Mns. F. Fer- guson._ il Miss Shirýley Flintoff, Guelph, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mns. O. Cowan. Mns. Milton Dunbar. Port Hope, visited ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. tlliott, and attended the Ma- îsanie Ladies' Nigbt. Mrs. Ed. Graham vîsited ber sister, Mrs. Oliver Gibbs, Dunbar. ton, on Sunday. Mr. O. Gibbs was operated on Monday At Toronto General Hos- pital. Mrs. Wm. Cobbledick bas re- turned home after visiting ber son anld family in Leamnington. Mr. Burns Kttmer is now work- ing at the General Motors, Osh- Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood and daugbters, Lakefleld, Mrs. Mary Pbasey, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mme. Chas. Wood. Mr. and Mms. H. C. Rickaby, Oakville, calied on Mr. and Mris. H. Souch and Mr and Mrs. C. Bllings on Monday. Sharon Allin celebmated ber 4tb birthday and entertained eight o! ber littie friends toaa party. The Cubs entertained their fathers to a banquet on Manday night. Rev. W. H. Ton g , Un it e d Cburch minister at L akeflid, bas' been appointed district secretary o! the Western Ontario Auxiliary o! the British and Foreign Bible Socioty in Canada. Ho succeeds Rev. Dr. W. E. MacNiven, acting secretary since 1949. Mr. Tango will take up rosidence in London, Ontario, June 1. A former miss- ionary to China, Mr. Tonge grad- uated tram Victoria College In 1943 and in tbeology from Bm- manuel College in 1946. Ho thon went ta China and was assistant principal of a boy's mission scbool at Cbungking until forced ta ro- turn to Canada in 1949. Mns. W.H. Tonge is a daugbter of Rev. John Kitchen, Orono. Recent visitons wîtb Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings, were Miss Audrey Billings, Oshawa, Mrs. M. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jewell. Miss Mary Jewoll, Mrs. H. W. Jewell, Bowmanvill.e, Mmi. C. A. Cumming, Toronto, Mr. and Mns. H. Souch, Mr. and Mrs. J. Rickaby and Norman, Mrs D. Bailey and family, Master Terry Graham, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Duesbury, Toronto, wlth Mr. and Mrs. J. Hudson for the week-end. Mmi. Duesbury is romaining for a long- er visit. Mr. and Mns. C. Disley and daughter, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mms.*S5 Payne. Ovor 220 attendod the turkey banquet on the Masonie Ladies' Nigbt, Friday evening. Miss Eve- lyn Johnston and Jack Aldwinkle, Oshawa, Master Billy Wade, Courtice, Allan Fraser McKenzie and bis Dixieland Band gave al a full evening of entertainment. The toast ta the ladies was given Mrs. F. W. Bowen, Pres. Orono Women's Instiute1 Dodd's Pills 59e 29c-49c 31.50 with Mrs. Marjorie Watson, To. ronto. Mrs. M. McDonald, Tronto, vis.. ited ber mother, Mrs. Neil Smith.41 Rev. D. T. Lute, Tyrone, oc- cupied the pulpit at Orono United Cburch and Rev. J. ICitchen was at Tyrone United Church. Congratulations to Mr. and i Mrs. Roy Milîs, Camp Borden, on the birtb of a daughter. Mrs. H. Boyd and Brian who visited witb Mr. and Mrs. Mill$, have returned home. Mrs. K. Wood, Harmony, i9,y staying witb her parents and is employed on the Forrestry. SAVED IrWO FROM DROW 0N For averting a double diownlng tragedy at Prescott, Ont., Scout Gordon Campbell, 13, of Cardinal, Ont., bas been awarded the Silver Cross by Canada's Chiot Scout. Scout Campbell swam about 120 feet to reach Robert Steele, 13, an exbhausted, panic-strlcken swimmer, and Mr. Miller Conneli, an aduit who had gone to Steele's aid and was bimself in danger of drowning due to exhaustIon. Campbell brought Steele safely to shore and enabled Mr. Conneli to make his own way to safety. Rubber Gloves Finesse Shampoo Odorono Cream 49c-7bc Stopette Spray Arrld Creans 53û-15o Kbeenex Charles Anteli Formula 9 l Lanolin and Shampoo rvn ohDmg $2.50 -$3.75 MothlKillert Crystais 9. Toni Home Permanent Larvex Spray 9ep4 For 3 types et hair Larvex Combination -.$1.5o $.5Moth Proofer 11i.39 $175Rex Eq - 53 75o Prom Home Permanent F17 Tex Bomb -89e-$1.39 Needs ne neutraliser Safe-lex Bomb - $1.69 $1.75 Diehiorielde -______75o Helen Curtis Spray Net Keeps hair softly ln place -- $ 1.75 *COWLING's DRU G STORE ...2 HAMBURGERS ROT DOGS NILK SHAKES ICE CREAN SUNDAES Now ail Orne Price 15C We specialize in FISH AND CHIPS Frylng heurs 5-7 and 9-11 pa. Please phene in and orders will be ready for pick-up. Frank's Snack Bar 172 SCUGOC. ST. PHONE 32311 DUFFERIN PARK, TORONTO 2u Pma APRIL 30 TO MAY 21 ADMISSION (Including Tux) $15 CHILDREN UNDER SIXTEEN NOT ADMITTED Firsi Class Lunch Counter FREE FRIDAYand SATURDAY 7:30 p.m. BINGO 8:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.mn. At the Annual H I W A N 1 S ARBNI1VA L A T OSHAWA ARENA .-PRIZ ES .0 STAGE SHOW FREE MAY Isi and MAY Znd 7:30 p.me . FUN FOR ALL 8:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. SPRINC TONICS lVampole's Extract $__. 1.25 Phospholecithen____ -$15 Beminal Tablets 15-37 Neuro Tonie Tabi ____- 05e FeIJew'o Syrup - $1.35 B. B. B. 12 Prescription 7-11 .27 Celery NervIne .____ 13 Strengthenlng Tenie .12 Hematintc Peastules .~11 Chase'a Nerve Food - 9-19 Rybutol Caps 18-59 Local Agent:- ROOPERIS LADIES' WEA.E ]PHONE: OSHAWA ZENITH 13000 Oshawa Kiwanis Club Presents Two Nights of Old Fashioned Gay Nineties Fun . GAMES OF SKILL I L Special Attendance Prizes Given Away Each Night Every Time You Play at a Booth You Get a Ticket on These Prizes - FREE " A SUNBEAM MIXMASTER will be given away each nighit at 9:30 parn. " AN R.C.A. VICTOR TELEVISION SET wiII be given away on Friday night at 11:30 p.m 0 A CORONET TELEVISION SET wvill be given away on Saturday night at 11:30 p.mn. There is No Limit te the Number of Chances You May Have in These Draws. YOU MUST BE PRESENT TO CLAIM THESE SPECIAL PRIZES Each Nightm Each Night Two Floor Shows A4di ssion FREE Special Enlerlainers iw by Mr. R. H. Logan and wàs re- 1,sponded to by Mrs. P. M. Lunn. 1Kirby ladies catered. jCongratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wi gins <ormer]y Carol Staples) Bampton, on the birth a ftheir son, April 23rd, Gregory Mrs. D. M. Myles, with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davis and family, Bow- manville, spent the long week-' énd visiting Mr. and Mrs. Henty Smith and sons, Gravenhurst. Mrs. Wm. Armstrong w a s rushed to Memorial Hospital, Bowmantille, Moniday veening. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Mrs. Harold Dean is in Sud- bury, attending the funeral of her uncle, Mr. Fred Harris, who was instantly killed in a càr-train ac- cident. (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Horace York and family visited Mr. and Mrs. G. 'York. Mrs. A. Roy returned to ber home after spending the winter 1 Gin PIS 59e - 89e 1. PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY, APRIL 3o, i95ýs Saits Realth Salta 1 lb. 59e Drene 390-65e Fruttatives 28e-55c

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