THURSDAY, JUNE 4th, 195 53 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO IV=G N 1 tonis true, the speaker said, is Speaker Gives Candid Views on Ideals 1 rd" b t whetber t is rued.Htate fied that in ancient Mexico tig Unelyn Rtr Cnep fSerivice!ulscnuti udd Und rly u; oia y C nce t o were done which, by u stand- Ctards, seem incredibly cruel and Stressin; the Four Tests of Conductimat theirsarse wperbeight mmal Theirsadsepeope beieve adjshowever, were faithfui Bowmanville Rotary Club at its idea of community service and ta them, and built up a very hîgh regular meeting in the Balmoral if he is a man of integrity.dereociizaanbfol- 1oe on Friday heard one of it Iegiy smohajut ing these standards of conduet. own rmembers, Rotarian Mel Sta-.Thentegriaydis more than iust pies, give a thoughtful address* plain honesty", the speaker de- oe T he stnd rihtwenfotaod- on the ideals underlying the Ro- ciared. "lIt is the standard by oeei h Crsinsad térYconeptof ommnit se- whch e at ad b whch achard. wbich we beiieve ta be the tai- cocep ofcomunit se- wichwe ct ad b whcb achhighes t standard possible. V ~~~~~~~man measures his conduct". He M.Salspitdotta etrY International, he said, pointed out that a man's integrity thMr tpe oaytesotsthat h~ started as no more than a ' esrdb h a eat clu taprootegoa felawhîp from day ta day. If wh-at we give pend ta a large extent on the first bIut from t had deelped the hpservice ta is not borne aut one because if an action is flot idea of heiping their fellow men by aur actions, aur words do not true, it is not fair ta aur fellow -the concept of cammunity ser- mean much, he said, for aur in- man and therefore cannat bringi vice. tegrity is judged by aur conduct. good will or the greatest good Membership ini Rotary is nat Four Tests of Conduct ta the greatest number. easily obtained, Mr. Staples said Mr. Staples painted out that Should Discuss Differences and this is as it shouid be . Be-' Rotary bas four tests of canduct: Mr. Stapies felt that Rotary fore a prospective member is Is it true: Is it fair? Wiil it bring members should discuss their taken into Rotary, his back- good wiil? Wiil it do the differences, not in a heated or ground is carefully examined ta good ta the greatest number? angry way, but in a spirit of mu- lear ifhe s ibue wit ths B th tet ofwheheran tc-tua] understanding and tolerance. lear ifhe s ibue wih tis B th tet a whthe anac-Some members arc unhappy about car raffles, he said, and daoflot like ta be dependent on a praject 6 af this nature for revenue. The speaker stated that he is a W e B e ieveteacher in, and Superintendent af, W Be i v ..a Sunday School. " ol o chiidren ta seii tickets an a cari A CUstomOr 1s the most important persan in any business draw', lie declared, 'still I can A Cutomr i no depndet o uswe re dpenenton im. respcct the views af people who A Cutomr i notdepndet o us-e ae dpendnt n hm. eed differentiy about car raffles. A Customer is flot an interruption of our wrk-he is the Everyone should be able ta res-E pect the views of people wbo purpose of it. think differently than they do". A Customner does us a favor when he cals-we are not doing ln explaining that people mayt him favr b sering im.set up standards that seem veryi hlma avr y erin hm.noble - ta themselves but veryc A Customer is part of aur business-not an outsider. wrong ta others, Mr. Staples' quoted an editorial in McLean's A Customer is not a cold statistie-he is a flesh-and-blood Magazine published after the human being with feeling and emotions like aur own. death of Stalin. This editorials pointed out that according ta A Customer la flot someone ta argue or match wits with. Stalin's standards, his life had t been a seifless struggle for bu- f A Custorner is a persan who brings us bis wants-it is our inanity. He had even feit that the job to fi those wants. people be had murdered had died for the common good, and ta ad-a A Customer ls deserving of the most courteous and attentive vance the cause which would bet treatment we can give him. af great ultimate benefit ta thei pcople af Russia.z A Customer is the life blood of this anîd every ather business. *Men like Stalin, Hitler, Bana- ( -Auho Unnan. parte and Caesar ail feit that thee -AuthorUnknown evil things they had ta da werec the means toward an end of com- mon good', Mr, Staples asserted, r -They feit that while their hands h mlight unavoidably be dirtied, t] their souls wcrec dean. Rotary Howe ' Sioke hop helps us ta keep aur souis dean, C Open-Breakfast to Bedtime every day aur hands dlean taa." fi BOWMANVILLE PHONE 3029 Thanked By Rex Walters a Tespea-ker was introduced by Rotarian Walter Reynolds, wbo explained that he had agreed ta 9 f iii in as speaker on short notice, t( In tbanking Mr. Staples, Rotarian r Rex Walters stated that the club V1' appreciated Mr. Staples' willing- 'n rdILL IROOK SPIII40 ness ta step in and fi the bracht MILL ROO SP ING and :ha: bis excellent address on fundamental Rotary principies hdgvnthe members much fooda frtbougbt. le x IBS OC S OWMaple Grave Lad HonoredU Rotarian George Hacking an- m~ nounced that Ted Van Leuven, th Maple Grave, is now borne after pl receiving trcatmcnt at tbe On- se tanao Society For Crippled Chul- I W ed., June lOth 1953 m cetnaLondionsmchmpovead He jrh drcntrnear Lh od ndint biad tbe bonon af being chosen to NWhe beier eelsBesiithe "Timmy" in the London dis- mr »Wh« BeferMees Bst"trict for the Editon Seal Company. s Volunteers wcre asked ta provide pl transportation ta take Teddy to Lare ehibtio 0<back and forth ta the Maple Grave to school from now until the end ai he tbe school termn. ai Rotarian Morley Vntnp Beav andLig t Hoses Howard Rundle, David Higgon, ca Walter Reynolds, T. A. Morgan, pi] R. R. Stevens and John James, and Caftte agreed ta provide this transporta- D» t~o hog choiera, the Swine Show wiII be cancelled GOOD TIME FOR ALL Ferris Wheel ,Rides DAN~ SROY FERRIN, President. Merry-Go-Round - Bin'go, Etc. Visitors Introduced Roaaian Wilbert Charlton, Oshawa, was the only visitor. Bithday presentatians were made ta Rotanians George Hacking and Tom Rehder by President Garnet Rickand. President Rickard appainted Rotarian Dave Higgon fa bandle arrangements fan golfers from svea on the groundis Ontario Open Rotary Golf Tour- nament at Forest Hill an June 17, and Rotanian George Hacking ta rCE AT NtIHET act in a similar capacity for the iCobourg Rotary Taurnament on MRS. L. BENTLEY, Jutne 24. Secrtar, MiIbrok. For quick resuIfs - use The _______________________Statesman Classified Ads. JZd Youngtn The Statesman's G: We were discussing hospitalîty when Jirn Cameron, ai LeskaËd tald us ai a Welsh friend who waE on a singing tour ai Ireland somE yeans ago. Seems the Irish folk anxious ta prove their apprecia- tion ai the great baritone's sing- ing and personality, paured sc many "goodbye" and "gaodluck' libations into him. that he became somcwhaf "sfewed", and was ab- served hiking for the train with bis extra clothes wrapped ir newspaper, under an arm, while carrying an empty suitcase in the other hand. Isn't it surprising how many people grouse about the pnice and quality ai meat sold in butcher shaps these days? During Febru- any, 1917, I was loancd fa the 255 Tunnelling Company, Royal En- gineers. Our job was ta tunnel under the German trenches, blow them up and make the paon Hein- je soldiens jitfery. It wasn't a bad job an the whole, cxccpt when Heinie made us jîttery by funnelling unden us. One nighf, instead af being ne- lieved. wc werc ondened ta stay and belp aur relief. Sa, aiten slav- ing for 12 houns (on a slim, bunch) we slavcd ion a straight extra 24 bours, witbouf any food or nest. When we wcrc nclicvcd and were biking alang the main trench for Aix Noulette, I spofted a fin ai buiiy bcd, whene some- onc had fosscd if up an the para- pet. If was that horrible, salty stuf f in a yellow tin, that evcry everybody batcd. Opcning the tin, 1 found the contents werc rrozen salid, whicb wasn'f sur- pnising, secing if was Februany. Whilc I slifhcrcd and bumpcd alang the trench fan a distance af twa thousand and cighfcen yards, Ignawcd away at that salfy, ira- zen bully beci: take if from. yaun )ld fricnd, Eddie, no prime steak ever fasted betten. Probably be- cause, wben a persan is yaung, and misses several meals ia r0w, wbile having fa engage in heavy, dangerous labor, any- bhing would faste good. Samefimes I feel that wc, in Canada, are fcd fao darn well ta prapenly appreciafe the wondcn- ful food and othen bhessings which are sa abundantly ours in this vonderful land. If burns me up ta hear people grausing about the meat being aao fat, fao lean, fao costiy, f00 nuch banc, fao much gnistle. If would do some ai us good fa have no choice for a wbile; have fa tke what was handy, or leave if. While dniving thraugh Befhany ifew days ago, I rcgistened a ýtter at the Bethany Post Office. rpon arniving home and filing :e receipt, I noticed the posf- nistness bad fhougbtfully wnittcn he name and address ai the pea- le fa wbom the letter was bcing ýnt, on the back ai the rcceipt. bave been in the habit ai doing his for many ycars, in arder fa nsfanfly settfle any argument as owbefher the matter had been nailed. But this is the first in- tance I can recaîllai a postal cm- [oyee bcing fhougbtful enaugh odo if for me. And I'd like ber o knaw how much I appreciate kr courfesy. If is fhoughfful, un- frusive acfs hike the faregoing, ?nrformed above and beyond thej aii ai duty, that canstitufes the ink icing on the cake ai lufe. A letter from Denver, Colo., T.S.A., ells me I shuld enoîl inj u Maple Grave Lassies Wallop Coal-Dusiers In Sofibali Garne xr 'i t f t rý t r e 10 UOUC.LLJ ILU p1t1111j. an' C lum 1 HAYDON11 School Principal YLflS C olum and Mrs. D. Fontain, Mr. Addresses Courlice assRoos Clumistand Mrs. D. MacKenzie, Mr. an .ass ootsColunistMrs. Jim Grant, Toronto, at Mr.IlHorne and School Club A. McNeil's._____ Mr. and Mrs. L. Clark, Oshawa, At the annual meeting af Cour- their Smpified Writing Course, visited Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth tice Home and Scbool Associa- because I sbould have self-know. Walker. tion heid recently Mrs. W. P. ledge; an understanding aim Mr. and Mrs. Burows, David Wittington presided for the in- o yand Ganry. Toronto. were Sunday stallation ai these officers: creative faculties; should know[ visitons af Mn. and Mrs. David President, Mrs. Gea. Goddard; the psychological truths about Malcolm. vice-presidents, Mrs. Daniel Shut- myef because these lead toala Mr. and Mrs. John Oke, Osh-kandMs retTb;ra- feyeln f mnalpae;kathand tM. oad hmso'. ie Mrs. R nertb; reos- confidence that goes such a long IMn. and Mrs. Gardon Denby, ing secretary, Mrs. Lloyd Cour- way ta bring success ta people Toronto. tice; executive members, Mrs. lke me. This course is guaran-- Mn. and Mrs. Fay Mauntjoy an d Percy Dalby, Mrs. W. E. Ellis, teed ta uncover new ideas and family, Bowmanville, at Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Gayne, Mrs. Llye plats; provide a zest and excite- Mrs. Frank Denbby's. MItrMs .A isn ment for my wark. And ail this Jean Black, Oshawa, Doa MnyrrsG.AVis. course us gaing ta cost me is $32. Black, Bowmanvjlle, spent the Mrs. Thomas Gladman present- Tbought there was a catch weekend at their home. ed Mrs. Whittington with a basket samewhere! Guess 1'11 just have Mn. S. Wilson, Osbawa, Mr. and ai spring flowens. ta continue as in the past, i.e., not Mrs. Piggott and family, Tyrone, Mr. Mervin Hobbs, principal of knowing how ta write. Mr. and Mrs. Stokes, Oshawa: the Courtice School, spoke ta the * * * Mr. and Mrs. Frank Denby, at parents on the difference between I fifen wonden about the fu- Mn. Norman Avery's. grade 8 and grade 9. He said thaf ture af the Christmas tree busi- Mr. and Mrs. H. McLaughlin ness. Some folks think the market and Bobbie, Blackstock, af Mr. *0*6*0* 0 e0e0e0e 0 a*0 *ae6e4 will get bigger and bigger as the and Mrs. Ross Ashton's.1 population af Nortb America in- Mr. Bruce Garnard, Islington, creases. That* seems lagical Patsy Garrard, Enniskillen, Miss For Live Point Proti en ough. But, humýan nature be- Shirley Garrard, Toronto, spent ing what it is, wan't a lot mare the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. people fnv ta cash in on the lucra- Charlie Garrard. tive market by becaming grow- Mn. and Mrs. Fred Ashton and crs or purveyars of this item? family, Toronto, at Mr. Henry In the past, masf people were Ashfons. content witb a sprucc fnee. About Mrs. Don Cameron ten years aga, an entcrprîsing viitdMr nd Mrs. O. Edgerfon, Canadian fold me ai offcring a NýietodnMirle. on Sunday. truck load of Scotch pines for Mrs. A. Read and Ina Beryl sale in Dctroit, and notcd with attended Marilyn Woollirig's U N P satisfaction tbat, the tree's shape sbower at the home ai Mrs. Stan and coloring, as wcll as the fact Wooliings, Toronta, on Tucsday that needles didn't faîl off easil'y, nigbt. was appreciated by the purchas- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slcmnon and crs. Thus, thc Scotch pine be- Mn. MiltniSirmon visitcd Mr. came big business ovcrnight. and Ms Russell Gilbert atid mt- During the last ten ycars, an (1dc lddanivrar n astounding rîumber of people Mrandv. . lc istdp have bought up land, grabbcd Mran Ms.DBacvite every available frec, and arc al ber aunt, Mrs. John Williams, in set fo make a killing. Maybe! Too Port Pcrry Hospital an Sunday. manyprouces cn "ill a ood Donna Bell visited friends in mrkeny ' pocscan "ld " a god Bowmanvillc, on Sunday. mnkegt Vbsliv id tefahiofd Fricnds fram Hampton gather- supply and demand. The market- e ttehm fM.adMs ng ai culLs wiil depness the price. John Lipfay on Safurday whcn Every trce that is pianted does their daugbtcn Helen was given The famous Sun-Proof Two-< not aufomatically becoîne a mar- a showcr. She alsa was given a long-term property insuronce t ketabie tree. And wbat about sbowcr in Osbawa on Sunday. look. No langer is it necessar tbe Eutropean Shoot Math! This Sunday School wilI be at 2.30 hthidcaofpn-y pest has been botbcring Scotch p.m. aon Sunday. Cburch service thbo rd oat of phaen- pine grawcrs in Western Ontario is witbdrawn on account ai Salem ao.Yune hae a for the îast four yeans. ît us pres- annivcrsary. redecorote with Pittsburgh Pci en i Drhm outyno. Sunday Scboal meeting on better thon pre-war quality. mt i DubamCouny fOW. Thunsday nigbt at 8 o'clock, ta Sa wifb land prices bcing jack- make arrangement for aur Sun- ed up; planting cosfs higber: de- day Scbool annivcrsary on Sun- nand for pruned frees (adding day, Junc. 28tb and July lst. ao tbe praducing casts); every Anybody interested in sending rom, Dick and Hanry cither graw- woollcns ta be made into bian- ing or handling trees; transporta- kets could gather them when ion costs up; brakers frying ta houýecleaning. bat, the Yankees arc planting at cburcb on Sunday. The service . H nany, many millions ai trees in was ta mark The Coronafion ai thein awn backyard, makes me Her Mai esfy Qucen Elizabeth Il. Paint an Wa] wonder if the crcam basn't ahl -_85__KING__ST.__W. cady been skimmcd off the 8 IGSW Jhristmas trec racket. We will A Sunday auting wlth the kids fection ond Beauty RNETHY Ilpaper Store is usuailPnoNEic431 Maple Grave girls soffball team bhanded Bowmanviile girls a 12-4 defeat in a game at the Centrai Public Scbool grounds last Wednesday nighf. The visitons bit the offerings iof Emma Bnagg, who pitchcd foi' the Coaldustens, bard and aiten ta pile up their winning margin. Nancy Hagermian and Donothy Kilpatrick each bad thnce hits for Bawmnaville, wbile Peggy Goulah bad two. Maple Grave-T. Finnev, M. Snowden, J. Wright, R. Richards, B. Bnock, J. Vivian, R. Brock, G. Snawden, M. Perfect, C. Vi- vian. Bowmanville - Nancy Hager- mani. Canal Caswell, Peggy Gou- mbh, Doris cTll, Doris Batfams, Chnistina Jones, Dorofby Kilpat- nick, Barbara Bathgate, Emma Bragg, Hîlda Brack, Hazel Dono- ghue. Umpires - Gond Sellers, Fred Ellitt. OBITUARY MRS. ADDIE GALBRAITH A nesident of Bethanyv and dis- trict most of her life, Mrs. Addiîr' Galbraith died Thursda.ý night, jMa 'v 28. at ber home in Port Hope, whenc she bas lived since ber husband's retirement. Mrs. Galbraith wasý born and educatcd in Bethany, a daughter ai the late Mn. and Mrs. John Staples. She taught school in the village and district for same tîme hefore ber manriage, and aiter marrling -as very active in Mçethodist Church work. Her husband, Francis W. Gai- braith, died about nine years aga, some time after he and bis wife jmoved ta Pont Hope. He was a carpenter and lumben denier in Bethany before bis retinement. Mrs. Galbraith is survived by 1w~o sisters and anc brother: Ms 1 Walter Rowland (Elle> and Mis 1Hanna Staples. bath of Bethany, and John Staples ai Hastings. Funeral service uvas canduct- cd SaturdaY in the George fun- eral chapel. Port Hlope. Burial xas h in Lniuu GwnÂ*-Part. The T.V. SHOp 33 RING ST. W. PHONE 3262 parents should be carefu! in thi care of their children and flot leave too much of the care ta thé teachers., He said ail fathers should be a "dad" to their sons by tak. ing them to bail games and othèr sports. He also reminded the par,.. ents that the strongest factor J the life of any child was the achoe teacher. Mrs. Goddard presided for the business meeting. It was decided to send grades 7 and 8 ta the Museum in Toronto and ta comi. bine field day and the annual school picnic, the date to be an. nounced later. Refreshments were served by, social convener, Mrs. Gordon Chartran and hier committe. Sandy was leaving the restau- rant when the waiter approached: "Excuse me sir, but nearly ail our customers leave a tip for the waiter.f" "Oh in that case" replied San. dy "you'll na' need ane fae me." NOGTICE CH3ANGE 0F HOURS for DO WMAN VILLE DRUG STORES Effective inîrediately the Bowmanville drug stores wiIl observe the following hours: Monday through Friday open from 8:30 a.m. fo 8 p.m. On Salurdays open from 8:30 a.m. fo 9:30 p.m. CGWLING' DEUG STORE JURY & LOVELL DRUG STORE ALEX MqcGEEGOE'S DEUG STORE -, - l .-- - l- gumomm ,.iiuw me ariswer Dy iut)u. mooble ccýl-%rnA ý- 41.- 33 'RING ST. W. PROUE 3262