PAGE FOURTEEN*THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVTLLE, ONrATMUSDYOUE t,15 A PRT,,IA BIRTHS COTY-In bshawa Generai Hos- pital on Monday, June lst, ta Fred and Marilyn Coty (nee Rundie), twins, boy anld girl. 23-1* GORDON-Mr. and Mrs. William Gordon, Newtonville, (nee Shir- ley Brunt), are happy ta announce the arrivai of their son at Mem- orial Hospital, Bowmanvilie, on May 25, a brother for Tommy. 23-1 RUNDLE-In London, England, on Wednesday. May 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rundle, a son (Robert William). 23-1* ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Chartes Hone wish ta announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Dorothv Winnifred, ta Mr. Percival Rod- #e rs, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rodgers of Warkworth, Ontario. The wedding ta take place at 2 n'clock, June l3th. 23-1 Mr. and Mrs. Denis Pîckard an- nounce the engagement of their only daughter, Mary Grace, ta Mr. J. Ronald Bennett, son ai Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bennett, Cobourg. The wedding ta take place in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, on Saturday, June 27th, at 3:30 v'clock. 23-1* The engagement is annaunced of Myrtle Elizabeth Hardy, Bow- manville, youngest daughter af th~e late Mr. and Mrs. Gardon K. Hardy, ta Roy Edwin Slack, son of Mrs. William Slack, Stouffville, and the late Mr. Slack. The mar- niage is ta take place quietly in Oshawa, Saturday, June 27, 1953. 23- 1 Mr. and Mrs. Lea Goulah wish te announce the engagement oi their daughter, Margaret Leona (Peggy), ta Ronald Melvin Plfaynes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Ilaynes, ahl of Bowmanville. Marriage ta take place on Satur- day, June 20th, at 10 a.m. in St. joseph's Church. 23-1* Mr. and Mrs. Royal Whitfield, Burketon, Ont., annaunce the en- g agement of their daughter, June leanor, ta Fredenick James Cowi- ing, son of Mr. Fred Cowling and the late Mrs. Cowling, Burketan, Ont. The marriage will take place on Saturday. June 20th at 3 'clock in St. John's Anglican Church, Blackstock, Ontarioa.-1 DEATHS fÎANNING-At the Toronto East General Hospital, on Monday, June lst, 1953, Alice Ethel Man- ziing, daughter ai the late Mr. and Mrs. George Manning, Bowman- ville. Miss Manning rested at the Morris Funeral Chapel, then at the Fred W. Matthews Funeral liome, Toronto. Service was held in Church of St. AIban-the- Martyr, Toronto, on Wednesday, June 3rd, at 2:30 o'clock. Inter- Mnt Bowmanville Cemetery. 23-1 THOMPSON, Annie M-At the Oshawa General Hospital, on Monday, June Ist, 1953, Annie M. ?attersan, beioved wife ai the late James Thompson and dear math. er ai Olive (IMrs. Marwood Me- Kee) and Fern (Mrs. Edmnund Lawson). Resting et ber late home for service on Thursday. June 4 at 2 p.m. Interment Union Cemetery, Cadmus. 23-1 IN MEMORIAM CHAPMAN-A tribute ai love ta the memary ai Joseph Cbapman who passed away suddcnhy, June 4th. 1951. O happy hours we once enjayed How sweet their memory stili, But dcatb bas eit a laneiiness The world can nover fui. -Sadly missed and lovinglv mcr- rnemhered by wiie and famil\'. 23.1* b'UVAL--In lovingî remembrance ai my dear niother, Mrs. Mary Georgina Duval, the former Mms. T. D. Park, wha was calhed ta rest, June 3rd, 1948. We miss you because we iox'ed you, You were dearer ta uis than gohd; No anc can ever replaceyn mom, Your memory wîhl nover graw -Lovingiy remetnhered by'lher daugbter Ivy', son-in-]aw Arthur and granddaughters Sylvia andi Sheila.2§-1 HOY-In ioving metnor.v of a doar %vife and mother. Margaî'et Jennie Hax'. who passed away Junc Sth, 1947. Her memor ' vs as dear todas' As in the boum she passed awav. -Lovingiy rememhered hy bus- band and iamiiY. 23 - I' PAKE-In loving nmemau-Ný'ofai dear husband and father. tre Pake, who passed away, June 3rd, 1952. Since you leit aur home which is anc "car Lufe is sa cmpty without yau dear. Although your vaice we cannot hear Yet you seem sa very near. -Lovingly remembercd by bis wife, and daughter Betty. 23.1* WADE-In loving memory of aur dean mother, Mary E. Wadc. w'o qdeparted Ibis lufe, Jone 2nd, 1951.1 And wbile she lies in peaceful1 sleep WIer meman' w.- shail alwa" keep. -L--vingly remembered by hie toffi». 23-1l CARD 0F THANKS Roy Ferguson and family wish ta express their sincere thanks and appreciatian ta their many friends and neighbours who gave help and sympathy during their recent bereavement. 23-1* I wish ta thank Dr. Ferguson and Dr. Slemon, nurses and staff at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, also friends and neighbaurs for their kindness during my re- cerit illness. Joe Flett. 23-1'* 1 wish ta thank aIl the kind friends of the Enniskillen com- munity and others, for the very useful gifts presented ta me. "Mav God bless you ail" for your kindi- ness which is gratefully appreciat- ed. Mrs. Jas. Adams. 23-1* .We wish ta thank aur neigh- bours who so generously and quickly came to help us when aur house was struck during the storm. We are deeply grateful ta all. The Robert McCullochs, Hampton. 23-1* The iamily ai the late Mms. Robert H. Moore wisb ta thank tbe nurses ai Memforial Hospital, Bowmanviile; Dr. H. Ferguson, neigbbours and friends for their acts ai kindness and expressions ai sympatby, also Rev. T. A. Mor- gan for bis words ai comfort, in their recent sad bereavement. 23-1 I wish ta take this apportunity ta thank ail m 'v friends, neigh- boums and relatives for their kindncss shown and toalal those wbo sent cards. also many thanks ta the W.A. and W.C.T.U. and Heather Rebekab Ladgc for the beautiful cards sent ta me. Special thanks ta Dr. Syer for bis services during my recent accident. Once again thanking everyone for ahl tbey have done for us, also many thanks for fruit and flowers. Mrs. Clarence Alin. 23-1 Mather and dad join me in thanking the Nurses and Staff ai Memorial Hospital, Bawmanville, for the wondemful care and atten- tion I received duning my stay there. Special tbanks ta Dr. Bimks, Dr. Sturgiss and Dr. Keith Shemon, also ta Rev. Kîtchen, Rev. Turner and Rev. Hutton. Many tbanks toalah who came ta see me, and ta the many who sent cards and fruit. A special mention here ta my sebool teacher, Mm. Roy Turner, and my classmates ai Blackstock Public School, ta the Blackstock W. A. and other friends who sa generousl\' provid- cd me witb a radia duing almost. the entire seven weeks I was con- fined ta hospital. Clifford Dayes. 23-1* Notices The office of Kcitb A. Billett, Optometrist. will be closed fram June 1 ta JUnc 14. 22-2 As I am giving up my Raw- Ieigh route, I am ofieing a 55, discount on aIl goods purchased and al accaunts paid between now and June 2tb. Caîl at 72 Elgin St., or phone 518. L. Han- cack. 22-2* DONALD SCOTT REAL ESTATE wishes ta Announce the Appoîntment of MR. HOWARD A. PHILP as their Local Salesman. Residence Phone 2620 important Announcement The complote dispersai ai the 100" straight Englîsh Yorkshire Herd wîih ho beld on Monday, June 8th at 1 :00 p.m. Eastern Day. light Saving Tume, at Keimscott Farins, 3 i2 miles forth-east aio Milton, Ontario, and nat at Hays Sales Amena as previously adver- tisedi" 23-1 Beginning June lst, Dr. A. E. McKenzic of Orono, and Dm. S. H. Witzcl ai Newvcastle, will have honu's and take cahîs on alternate weekends, from Friday, 8:30 p.m., ta Monday mamning. Dr. Witzel xvill be an caîl the weekendý ai Jonc Sth and Juîne l9th. Dm. Me- Koazie wihh ho on caîl the week- ends ai June l2th and June 26tb. 16-tf 'Jo the businessmen ai Bowman- v'ille, the adx'ertisenient which y au have heen asked ta purchase for 'Lo.vai Orange Lodgc No. 478", is not the Enniskihlen in the Counî' ai Durhami West as van are gîven ta nndei'stand. but in or around the Cit.v ai Gait. George A. Brown, Cannit v Master, Durhami West. 23 -1 For Rent TWO roonis, gî'ound floar; bath- roomn privileges. Dial 3624. 23-1 THREE-moomn heatcd apartmcnt. Adults onx'. Phone 3368. 23-i TWO uniurnished rooms ta ment. Phone 3384, Bowmanville. 231* SMALL store for rent on front street, vacant Juhy lst. Mrs. J. W. Knight. Phone 448. 23-1 MRS. F. Cator, Manvers Rd., bas two rmoins, upstairs, for rent. if anyone is at aIl intcrested. 5. Bowmanville.231 F'URNISHED aparînient ai fixec 'dam)IIs on graund finor. Phionc 2160 "'venrngs between 6 and Pi o'Clock. .22-2 Articles For Sale FORMS, for making cernent well tule. Phone 2393. 23-1* BOX trailer with 6.00x16 tires, with rack. Phone 2750. 23-1e GIRL'S bicycle, almost new. Phone Blackstock 102J. 23-1* 75-LB. FROST King ice box, in excellent condition. Phone 2863. 23-1* PERFECTION ail stove, ahl white enamel, aven enclosed, excellent condition. Phone 473. 23-1 MAN'S bicycle, like new, reas- onable. Apply.Narm Eddy, New- castle. Phone 3931 Clarke. 23-1* ONTARIO potatoes, 50 and 75 lb. bags, delivered in Bowmanville. Phone 2473. 36-tf CEMENT block machine, power- run, good condition. Reasonable price. Box 15, Statesman. 23.1* SAVE an lumber, direct from miii ta you. Phillhps Lumber Co., Kmn- mount, Ont. Phone 17rl1. 13-tf QUANTITY ai wood shavings. You pick up, no charge. Paul H. Simpkin Cabinet Co. Ltd., 160 Church St. 23-1 TOMATO plants, boxes of 80 for $1 while they last; alsa one set of chrome-plated breeching harness. Joe CraNwford. Phane 2552. 23-1 '49 C.Z. MOTORCYCLE, 3 speeds, foot change. In good condition, $140.00. G. Barrett, 27 Queen St. 23-1* ELECTRIC refrigerator and elect- ric stove. Phone 869. Mrs. J. C. Porter, 28 Liberty St. S., Bow- manville, Ont. 23-1* CAULIFLOWER, variety ai cab- bage, Brussell sprouts, broccoli plants. Telephone Bowmanvihle 2200, at Salem. 23-4 CONCRETE and cirider blocks, new style, full 8" high, at reduced prices. For free estimates phane Bowmanville 846. 18-tf GLADIOLI in the best varieties for sale. If you like ta plant them, do it now, they are cheap. Apply ta Mr. G. Van Kiaveren, R. R. 4, Bowmanvilhe. 23-1 VENETIAN BLINDS. 25 different colours of tapes, 15 slat colaurs, Flexaium. Aiuminum or Steel, measured and installed free ai charge. Phone 3121. Weber's Fabnic Centre. 17-tl USED refnigerators, Hostess and Westinghouse, from $95; usedi ice boxes, your choice at $2.50 eacb at Farm Equipment and Automotive, 134 King St, E., Bowmanville. Phone 689. 23-1 $66.50 TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE for vour washer on a 1953 Beatty Thermo stainless steel tub wash- er. No down payment. Balance arranged on easy terms. Phone 408. Mason & Dale, Bowman- ville. 23-1 *For the Latest Papers *For the Finest Paints *For the Best Workmanship S. G. PRESTON & SON PHONE 2417 - 912 49-tf VENETIAN BLINDS - Custom made-to-measure - also standard sizes in stock, widths every inch fromn 24 ta 43 x 64 inch drap, easily installed in a few minutes - also plastic and cloth window blînds. See F. F. Marris Ca. for largest selection, lowest prices. 7-tf T 1L E CERAMIC -PLASTIC RUBBER - MARBOLEUMd H. G. Heal Phone 2902 Bowmanville 14-ti New International Farm Equip- mnent-50-T baler, reducod from $2495 ta $2000; side-delivery rakes, power take-off bahers, trac- tom and horse mowers, super W-4 and W-6 tractars at Farm Equip- ment and Automative, 134 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone 689. 23-1 USED iamm machinery-Case bal- cm with motar, W-6 tractor, Farm- ahi 'C" tractor and Farmaîl Club tractor, Case 2-furrow plow, Fleury 3-furrow plow on ubber, 3-unit milking machine, Massey- Harris drill, power mowei' for "*A" tractor, at Farm Equipment and Autornotive, 134 King St. E., Bowmanvihho. Phone 689. 23-1 DRAPERIES and venetian blinds custom made, or draperies sold by the yard. Our representative will cahl at your home any time ,,ith a complete range ai samples and suggestions without obliga- tion. Free estimates and free in- stallation witbin 35-mile arca. Loxvest prices in tawn. Fabric Town, 59 King St. W., Phone 3609 Bowmanville. 8-tf Rent a Singer Sewing Machine by the week or month. Ask abonut mur cnein COMING EVENTS Ebenezer Annîvcrsary will be held June l4tb and l7th. Rev. F. Yardley, guest speaker. Ful particulars next week. 23-1* Dance in Solina Community Hall on Friday, June Stb, sponsor- ed by Solina Football Club. Danc- ing 9 - 1 with Bryce Bown's Sevenaires Orchestra. Admission: gents 75c, ladies 50c. 23-1* Bowmanville Lion's Club an- nual auction sale'- ta be held at Lions Cammunity Centre, on Sat- urday, October 24th, commencing at 1 p.m. For immediate pick-up ai articles being donated for this sale, 'Phone 520 or 615. 22-22 Bowmanville Liberai Organiz- ation meeting for bath men's and women's groups will be held in the Council Chamber on Monday, June 8th at 8 p.m. AhI Bawman- ville Liberals equested ta attend. 23-1 Repeat Performance - Newton- ville Woman's Association will again present their play "Simple Simon Simple" in the Communitv Hall on Friday, June 12 at 8:30 p.m. Admission 50c and 35c. 23-2 Salem Sunday School annivers- ary services will be beld on Sun- day, June 7th at 2:30 and 7:30. Guest speaker will be Rev. S. C. H. Atkinson of Albert Street United Church, Oshawa. Special music by the school. On Monday, June 8, Tyrone Young People will present their play, "Getting Ira Married", ln the church, at 8:15. Admission, adultsSOc, child- ren 25c. 22-21: Cars For Sale '28 BUICK in running order, $50. Russell Larmer, Burketon. Phone 9621, Blackstock. 23-1* LATE 1945 Cbev. 2-ton stake truck, excellent shape, good tires, steel platform. Phone 2271. 23.1ý 1951 G.M.C. 'ý2-tor»..truck in ex- cellent condition, at Farm Equip- ment and Automotive, 134 King St., E., Bowmanville. Phone 689. 23 -1 1949 METEOR custom sedan, white wall tires, radio, air con- ditioned, sun visor, ail filter, re- built motor. and two extra snow tires. Phone 2856 aiter 5 o'clock. 23-1 USED CARS 1939 LaSALLE SEDAN Radio, heater, exceptional condition 1938 OLDS. Five-passenger coupe. Completely overhauled 1938 ('1EV. COACH A tbrifty little car 1937 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1936 DODGE COACH Mechanic's apportunity 1932 BUICK SEDAN Heater 1930 FORD A SEDAN Bargain GRAHAM'S GARAGE PHONE 2730 HAYDON 23-1 Help Wanted JUNIOR clerk, maIe or femnale, tbree years high school. Write Box 19, c/o Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvilhe. 23-1 APPLICATIONS for salesgirls at fabric and draperY' store. Must have experience. Write Box 17, c/o Canadian Statesmnan. 23-1 GIRL or woman wanted for housevork in Toronto, live in. Excellent wages, liberal time off. Apply M. Breslin, Bowmanville. 21-tf EXPERIENCED girls for lunch caunter and dining room, $22.00 per week, plus meals and uni- form. Apply Mrs. Haugen, Del Restaurant, Port Pemry. 22-2 WANTED: Man for steady travel among consumers in Bowmanville. Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Oniy reliable hustler considered. Write Raw- leigh's Dept. F-i140-131, Montreai. 23-1 Wanted To Buy BEFORE selling your live poultry try us. Our prices are higher. M Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany. Phone 7 r 13. reverse charges. 51 .tf W ANTED - Live poultry, goose feathers, feather ticks, scmap iran, rags and metals. Raw furs and deemskins. Phone 3-2043 Oshawa collect. 46-tf Repairs REPAIRS toa aU makes oai refrig- erators, domestic and commercial: milking coolers. Higgon Elec- trie. 42 King St. E.. Phone 438. 25-tf Lay-Away Plan. DIAL BOWMANVILLE 2088 Tenders wanted Mr. Pogue who is a residential The Official Board ai the Unit- sales representatii'e iill give YOU ed Church ai Kendal are ofienmng the best of service. fosaeterlgehd vrd He is a member af aur staff ,frsl hi arese oee from yur ;with steel roafing, by tender.E tram yourTenders mcccivxed up ta Mondayv,! Singer Sewing Centre: oo ncsaiii- cetrin.' end 47 WALTON ST. PORT HOPF tender& to John Patto, Kendal. U-1 23-1l Work Wanted. GARDEN work, grass cutting, etc. Apiy H. Van Belle, 18 Mill Lane. 23-3* DARLINGTON Abattoir, Hamp- ton, for custom killing. Phone 3243. 32-tf HAVE your kitchen and bath- room walis tiled, about 29 colours ta choose from. M. Jurko, Phone 2753. .- 12-tf MAGUIRE'S GARAg~ 28 Brown St. Phone 900 GENERAL REPAIRS to.Ford and Ail Makes of Cars BODY and FENDER REPAIR Duco and Dulux Refinishint 23-2 Building, Contracting or Repair Work of Ail Kinds 1). F. HICKS PHONE 3514 BOWMANVILLE 23-1 BULLDOZING AND SEXCAVATING' BiV HOUR OR CONTRACT - Free Estimates Given - WM. TRIPP PORT FERRY R. R. 2 PHONE 109-r-42 22-tf Concrele and Masonry Brick, Block and Concrete Work Prompt Attention - ESTIMATES FREE- L. Turner P. O. Box 177 Telephone 3600, Bowmanville Evenings 3231 PAINTING PAPER HANGING Full Selectiox. of PARALAC PAINTS and PAPERS - FREE ESTIMATES - Howard S. Brooking PHONE 2702 42-tl NASONRY CONSTRUCTION BRICK - BLOCK Chimneys Repaired and Rebuilt Sidewalks, Concrete, General Industrial and Residential - Contracting -Competent Wokmanship - FREE ESTIMATES Anger Bros. PHONE 2643 12-tf FURNACES Air Conditioning Oul Burners Sheet Metal Work EXPERIENCE COUNTS Eavestroughiny DAVIS &CO. 2 MILL LANE Phone - Day or Night, 3412 - 691 16-tf Ail Types CEMENT WORK We specialize in Smail Jobs, Cellar Floors, Walls, Sidewalks, Footings, Driveways, SPECIAL We are offering SPECIAL LOW PRICES on aillJobs contracted until JUNE 9th A.]ROSE CEMENT CONTRACTOR 85 KING E. HO WMAN VILLE Phone 822 23-1* Tenders Wanted FOR FUEL SUPPLY Tenders for the supply ai fuel, (Anthracite and Bituminous Coal) wilh be received by the undersign- cd up ta 12:00 o'clock noon, on Tucsday, June 9tb, 1953, for the Gaol and Counties' Homne. Analysis of type ai fuel and price per ton, delivered, ta be stated mn tender. AIl tenders ta be piainhy mark- ed "Tenders for Fuel Supphy" an eruîside wrapping. Lowest or any tender not necessamil\', accepted. K . SYMONS. Counties' Clerk, Real Estate For Sale LOT for sale, 60 x 100, town wat- er. 51 Jackman Road. Phone 2419. 23-1 LOT for sale, any size. 36 Lib- erty St. N., Bowmanville, Ont. Phone 813. 23-1 ElQHT acres of land and house inBowmanville. Write Box 13, c/o Canadian Statesman. 23-1* BRI:DK bouse in Bowmanville, 10 raoms, double garage, 3-piece bath, hot air heating. Phone 3131 aiter 6 p.m. 23-1* TRADING post and general store cambined, at Frenchman's Bay; stock and fixtures, living quart- ers in rear. Phone Pickering 255W4, or write D. Brundle, R. R. 3, Pickering. 23-2 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties SoId, Rented, Managed and 4ppraised. L. M. A L L[SO N Real Estate Braker Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks narth af traffic signal Newcastle. 20-tf H. G. 'Hap' GILL REAL ESTATE Bungalow, insulated, f ive raams, modern kitchen, 3-piece bath, heavy wiring. See this new home in Bowmanville and make offer. H. G. "Hap" Gi Real Estate 8 Second St. Bowmanville Telephone 3514 23 -1 DONALD SCOTT REAL ESTATE 75 acres, 8-roomed bouse. hot air furnace, hydro, barn 30' x 80', garage; property in excellent con- dition, spring creek. Price $12,000. Terms arranged. $5,000 Albert St., 4-roomed mod- ern bungalow, ail beat, 4-piece bath, garage. Possession at once. This is a bargain. Property wanted, tawn or country Donald Scott Real Estate 78 King St. W. Bowmanville Dial 713 H. A. Philp. Saleman Residence Phone 2620 23-1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 150 acres, the greatest bargain ai the year, i mile from No. 2 High- wav, good 8-room bouse, large bank barn, implement shed, ga- rage, Hydro througbout; 16 acres faîl wheat, 20 acres newly seeded, 30 acres valuable bush, wator in pasture. Price for farm alone $10,000, on terms. 32 head ai Holstein cattle can be bought with the farm. Immediate pas. session. We have severai 5-acre places with and without buildings. H. C. Pedwell Newcastle. Phone Clarke 38-SSL Agent for W. J. Warren, Broker Agincourt, Ont. DeWITH REAL ESTATE 30 acres ai land, loam, partly womkabhe. Running creek through- out. Good piece ai pasture land. Price $1750. 92 acres ai land, clay loam and hoam. Partly workabhe, spring, some wood, good pasture land. 60 acres ai land, dla ' hoam, mast af it workablc. Running creok throughout. Very goad land. Price $4500. 81 acre iarm, loam, gaod land, 75 acres workable, with large creek, 2 wells. running water ia barn. Insuh-bric 7-roomed nicehy decorated bouse with hydro throughaut: garage. hen bouse, etc. '4-mile froni bighway. Price $13,000. Ternis arrangcd. 6-roonied insul-bric hanse, 4 years aid, on highway; h-acre lot, 4- piece bathroom, fumnace, heavy wiing, bot and cohd running wat- cm, modemn kitcben. Askîng price $7,000. Grocery store and restaurant an higbway with 4-roanied living apartment, hot and cold unning water, batbrooni, iktchen. Con- tract for gasoline pump. Price included with building and equip- ment $9,000. Terms. Grocery store and butcher shop an bigbway ln village. Insuiated. insul-brie hanse with 5 raam living apartment. Good busin- ess. Asking price $10,000. Ternis. These are .Iust sanie af the fanms, homes or businesses we bave for sale. John F. DeWith, Realtor Newcastle Phone 33141 23-1 Seed f or Sale REGISTERED No. 1 Flambeau soy beans and Funks G-Hybrid corn. Gamnet Riekard. Phone 2813. 23-1 FRANKS G. Hybrids, the kind that is consistcntly at the top in field competitions, for grain or ensilage; also Reg. No. 1 Flam- beau Soy Beans. Gamnet B. Rick- ard, R. R. 4, Bowmanville. Phone 2813. 21-tf I CAN stili fumnish you witb the best seed comn you can bo.y- Pioncer! Whiie theme is stili a supply avaihable, cali nie for the extra butsheis voîî wiiî need ta P<'"nipiele voir planting eîîe nils Ibis spring. D. . ( '. t-I"" ~Courtice. Phone Oshawa 39~ Real Estate For Sale NIXON REAL ESTATE General store business xith' merchandise, on King St. Many extras go with this business. A nice income. New 6-romr insul.bric dwelling, modemn kitchen, built-in cup-. boards, 4-piece bath, air-condition-1 ed with ail; garage, garden, awn- ings, landscaped, many extras. [$8,500. Terms. acre, bydro, buiti 1pors Building permits ta a value of storms and screens, newly dcc- $61,225 were taken out at the af- orated, chose ta sehool and church, lice ai the Town Clerk during the small fruit, garage. $6,000. Terms. m-onth of May. Sevon valued at Possession aranged. a total af $48.000 xvere for dwel- lings, fouir valtied at a total of 9-roomn frame home on two floars, $2,500 weî'e for garages, two val- 2-piece bath, garage, garden, ucd at a total ai $3,100 were for small fruit. $5,500. Ternis, additions ta hanses, twa for' a total ai $62.5 wcrc foi' sun mooms, 1<0 acres of land and barn, in ance for 51,500 was foi' a cottage, Bowmanville. $4.500. Half cash. ane for q4,000) xva. lor a club- Ihanse, and acefor' $1,500 wxas for Lot for sale, 60 x 132 on a good a store renovation. residentiai street .with water and The dwcliings xxiii ho erected sewer in front ai lot. at the following locations: on the cast side ai Liberty St. between Fanms, dwellings, lots and other Concession St. and the Town businsses.Line, $4,000; on the east side ai Higah St. between Third St. and James Nixon, Broker a road aliawaîîce, $13,500: on the 160 Liberty St. N. Bowmanville north sideofa Third St. between Phone 682 Elgin St. and Lamb's Lane, 21*$5,000; an the forth side ai Jack- __________________________man Rd. between Scugog and the AUCTON SLESCrcek, $5.000; on thecsouth side St. and the Toxvn Line, $7,500; Stoves, beds, chairs, tables, on the w'est side ai Waverley Rd., dresser, 2 stands, coucb, organ, between King St. and the Base tool chest, tools, dishes, pots and Lino, $5,000: and on the south pans 2 new steel drums 2 cant- side ai Martin Rd., $8,000. hooks, the honsehohd effects aif The gar'ages xvill ho bul at the Austin Brown, Caesaî'ea, wihl be following locations: on the west sohd by public auction at bis mes- sida ai Division St. between idence on Satuxday, June 13, at Loxwe St. and Wellington St., 1 p.m. Henry Thompson, Clerk. $300); on the south side af Wel- Wm. Challis, Auctioneer. 23-2* lington St. betxvcen Geor'ge and Mr. redHanockChuch t..Ontario Sts., $1,30)0: on the west Mm. red ancok, CurcbSt. side ai Scugog St. bet'.veen King Newcastle, bas sohd bis h anse and and Concession Sts.. $500; and an will sehi by public auction oni 1 the south side ai Concession St. Saturday, June 6th, at 1 p.m., 3- betwýeen Elgin and Horsey Sts., piece Chesterfield suite, electric 40 stove, refrigerator, washîng ma- Tetoadtoswl emd chine, sewing machine, bedroaniThe to sadonesouh i emde a livingroom and kitchen fumnitume, Wellingîson ~.tecn Onanio dishes, Iawn mawer, etc. WangeorgeS.,$2600; ndnani Jack Reid, Auctioneer. ath eoges side aiScu0g St. be 22-2th etsdofSuoSt - ______tween Jackman Rd. and the Cammunity auction sale wiih be Town Lino, $500. beld at Enniskillen, Saturday, Sun rooms will be added ta June 6, at Petbick's Auction Shed. h anses on the South side ai List as iollows: Renfrexv cook Chbirch St. betweon Br'own St. stave. ike new: 2 Mofiat eîectric a!id Liberty Sts.. S200: and on the ranges, 2 range-ttes, drap-leaf oast side ai Elgin St. hetween table, 2 Fîndlay Oval cook stoves, 'Second and Third Sts., $425. wickr rckig caircouh, oal The cottage vahued at $1Ie' ail stave and aven. galx'anized 1wiAlh oblta amn bath tub, 2 dressers, 2 kitchenj West Beach, a club hanse, tu cabinets, chest ai draweî's, gasi at $4,0001, wi]I be bult$W lantern, Aladdin lamp. set aifhe eoit aksocJide Lb W' back band hamness. 10 halteî's, 2 tew.tsd fLbryS 'P hand w'ashing machines, 4-bui'n- xx'cen the park and the Bà.t- cm National electric range, 6 cane- Li-no and the permit for store bottom chairs. 3 small tables, reouxations aannurting ta S1,500 rocking chairs. 10 kitchen chairs. w'as ohtained foi' the Stedmaa six bags potatoes No. 1, 10 hags Staie, King St. W. ai sniall potatoos suitable for seed, several gardon tools, dishos. pots and pans, fruit jars, ihoar cax'er- The Siatesman SoId ing. 2 chcsterfîelds, thî'oe extenî- sion tables. This is only vpar't ai Ai Following Stores the list. In case ai main sale will be held ialhowing Saturday. Terms cash. Alvin Bavd and ' Trulî's Stor'e, Courtice Henrv Adamis, Clcrks. Clifford Strong's Store, Port Hope Pethick, Auctioneer. 23-1 Reg. Edinnd's Store, flnthanv Wanted DEAD STOCK removed fr6ontI, your-farni promptly for sanîtary disposal. Tehephone Coliect: Co- bourg 1266 or Toronto EM 3-3~5 Gardon Young LÇinited. May Building Penn ils Valued ai $61,225» Livestock For Sale TEN pigs, seven weeks aId. Alvin Metcalf. Phone 2269. 23-1 TEN six-wýeeks aId pigs. Cal] aiter 6 p.m. Wm. Dawson, R. R. 2, Orono. 23-I SOW wvith nine pigs, four' wecks aid. Apphy Waller Ferguson. Phone 2329. 23-11: 21 YOUNG pigs, seven wecks ohd. Wm. Stapletan. Phone 36-32 Clarke. -1 BARGAIN Sale ai day ohd and started pullets. (Egg breeds and Dual purpose) at rock hnitom prices, made passible by Ii,ý de- mand for (ockerels. Standard Quality, heavy breeds ail papular breeds, $14.95 per bundred, As- sorted Heavy Breeds $13.95 per hundred. Maney Maker Quality add0, $1.00, Extra Profit S2.00, Special Matîng $3.00 per hnndrecl. Started pullets two weeks aid add $11.00, three weeks aId $17.00 per~ hundred. Bronze Turkey Toms special price .59 cents. C. O. D. anywhcre. Tweddhe Chick Hatch- i cries Limited, Fergus, Ont. 23-h Wanted To Rent URGENTLY needed, bouse or four-room apartment in or rnc'tr town. Have three chihdren. Phone 946. 22-2 FOUR or five-roomned uniurnish- ed aparti-ent or bouse for twa aduits and a girl 12 years ai age. Phone 3084. 23-1'ý SMALL hanse or four-roomed apartment for Canadian famil 'v of four. by ,JulY lst. Box 16 c/o Canadian Statesman. 23-1* COTTAGE on Lake Ontario, for a responsible young couple and family. ApplY Box 18 c/o The, Canadian Statesmai. 2-ý Personal HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealcd envelope witb price list Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1,00 Mail Order Dept. T-28, NovRb ber Ca.. Box 91, Hamilton.Ot "Ohd at 40, 50, 60?" Man! You'i'o crazv' Thousands peppy at 70.' Osti'ex Toni' Ta alois prýp p badins Fvi.nrf ron. 1' or :j_ do" n f-(,! " m l . Johan's's Dmng' Storo, Newcastle T. Enwright, Newcastle S. Brown, Nexvtonvilie C. Pcthick. Enniskilien T. M. Shenion, Enniskilleri F. L. Byam, Tyrone * G. A. Baî'îon, lianipton J. Ridideî, ~i'ket.on P-. T. Sa' weII, Blackstock Keith i lacdlcv. Pontypoul C. B. T' rroll, Oi'ono Hi. K. Pxnod.Kcndai. -Bo\xvunaoiillî' .W. .Icxelh W. J. Bcu'î'\' lrîxxes Sinoke Slhop ni& L'oxell Elgie Hattiden's Handx' Store The' Statesînan Office L;ad. î, hof has heen walchîog dllei ' n wxndoxx i: '"I 1h înk, coalmnan, I here are sv'rllar'ge Pieces in x'onr cart xshich hava talIon )iont of v sack." Indignant coalinan : 'Oh ' I1 hrîng fheni il),tnin. And hi' a bit ln riiY eve here t liai '.oti<'an have as well w~h< n I kefil ît l- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES The Canadian Statesman Effective lune 21sf, 1951 ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCX FOR SALE F'OR RENT HEI.P WANTEI> CARS FOR SALE LOSI FOUND ETC. Cash Rate 3c pet Word w ith a minimum ci 50c Mus[ be. pair! by date of insertjoki if charged. an additionai 2';o w ill he added. A chalqe ci 2,c wIlfiii h0 , 011 replies directid odf hf"Tte NOTICES. COMING EVENTS AND CAROS 0F THANKS .1v a word wth ca minimum ci $1.00 for 33 words or less. *BIRTHS, DEATIIS. ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES $1.00 pet inseitiofl IN MEMORIAMS $1.00 pius f0c a lano foi verso * COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIEDS linciu.ies ail advextising foi portions or firms selliîng services, idea. odi 3cPtWord: minimum charge 5 cs ihorder. To regularad- vertibers payable monthly. Dîsplay Classified ai $1.00 pet inch wîth a miînimum ai one inch., Addifîoaal insertion at the Écime raies. Ai. cjoýsft cii Ads-.-,-Must be la thi.. no! railahithon -o iak n ,, ednesday. ni ".i',pV 01 money- el Morley. .1 . ,~. hrid',,refoence0) I 1 ---- - --- -- MECum-