~v. -r V PAGE TWELVE ""Salesmanship and Rotary"" Theme of Challenging Thought-Provoking Talk Given by Rolarian Chas. Carter Sr* "Al af us are salesmen of Mr. Carter pointed out ihat the somnething or other and the great- f good basic qualities that go into est thing that we, as Rotarians, the job ai sales manship and ser- have ta sell, is ourselves", Rotar- vice migh( be iilustrated by a ian Charles W. Carter Sr. de- square drawn within the Rotary clared in an address ta the Bow- wbeel. This square, he said, is nianville Rotary Clulý at its meet- made up af four Jines which com- ing on Friday. prise the "Area aof a Man". The Speaking on the theme "Sales- first line "A" in the Area stands manship and Rotary", Mr. Car- for "Ability", the second line de- ter stated that Rotary's "four-way noted by "R" stands for itelia- test"-Is it the truih? Is it fair? biîty, tbe third line "E" Rands Will it build? and Wiii it benefit? for "Endurance" and the final Is actuaily an application af good uine denoted by "A" stands for salesmanship. "Action". "Everything ihat goes into the Abillty 19 First Sf.ep building of a sound community, "To have the first uine "A" for and a great nation, is possible be- Abiiity straight means that you cause of good saiesmanship in must be an able man", the speak- the distribution af service above er stated, "able ta demonsirate self", the speaker asserted. "5cr- that first, you know yourseif; Vice is aur business". that you know your vocation; and I ~Ž<I~, 'jUBIýE >TZ ., jI - BEST VALUE IN PAINTTOWN A guaranteed high quality paint for ail types of home, industrial and farn, Ail colours. Money Back Guarantee on Evory Gal. 3m25 GALLON1 NYLON GABARDINE SPRING COATS pua# S111 Hmed. E-ef. $29.95 $14.95 ARMY GAITERS WITH BOOTS MIES j Sturdy Work Boots Heavy Duty Soles Black Onify SALE $6.95 GABARDINE PARTS Grey, Tan, Blue. Zipper, Pleats. Sizes 30 -40- $69 G B 2-PANST GAARDINE -SUITS Choose one of these smartly styled suits for Spring and Summer wear. Banker's Grey, Navy, Royal, Brown. Double. breasted. Sold regularly $45.00.W Sale $29a95 HEAVY- DUTY DENIM OVERALLS *Bib Front *Hammer Strap Ruler Pocket Reg. $4.95 Sizes 36 to 46 SALE $3.j95 DENIM SMOCK ta Match Reg. $4.95 SALE $3.95 Lealher Face WORK Reg. 59c Special 25c WORK SHIRTS $1.95 ea. Special!.a.. DRESS or SPORT SHIRTS Regular $3.95 ea. SALE $2.95 ea. 1 Special Repeal Offer! Industrial Uuiforms ýe., Whipcords in choice of olive and grey shades. (First Quality) IDEAL FOR:- *DRIVERS *SERVICE STATION *TRANSPORT SERVICE *TAXI *MOVERS, ETC. SUIT, COMPLETE PANTS: Sizes 30 to 44. $984 JACKETS: Sizes 36 to 46. Downaanville SURPLUS STORE ?, Division>, St. BOWMANVILLE Phone 3211 s i t c t t a a d *1, t o r I g 1~ bhat be bad- ioucbed aon the es- sence af selling Rotary. "There is no-one who bas devated more haugbt ta the Rotary principies than Mi-. Carter", Ratarian De- Geer siaied. "He is very qualified ae present the iheory of Rotai-y ao ibis Club". Presideni Gai-net Riekard alsa .dded bis congratulations on the address whe# passing along this 'aie ai thanks. He made a birth- Lay preseniation ta Rotai-ian William Rudeil and welcomed ta the meeting the Lollowing visit- ors: Tom Dobbie and J. W. Low- ry of the Oshawa Rotary Club, Bev. Burgess, Bowmanvilie, a guest ai Rotarian Rex Walters, and Frank 0. Meîlveen of Au- bui-n. Mi-. Riekard stated that he was 'ery giad ta have Mr. Meîlveen, armer manager af the Bank of ,lontreal bei-e for many years nd a former member ai the Bow-: rnanvilie Rote4W Club. oetuim to~ pu ae §86 third, that yau are aware of the other feilow". He siated that tbe man who really knows himselfis just as aware af bis virtues as ai bis faults, and knows bath bus positive and negative qualities. If a man reduces these negative qualities ta the very minimum and icreases bis positive quailities tc the maximum he bas made the first side of the square af the "Area af Man" true ta lime, Mr. Carter said. This abiiity ta increase posi. tive qualities sbould alsa be ex- tended ta municipal, provincial and national aifairs, the speaker siated, so that be can beip in selecting, electing and supporting municipal, provincial and federa] gaverning bodies of a qualiiy which befits aur democracy. 1 The second lime af the square iu Reliability, and Mr. Carte! pointed out thai Ability is a pre- requisite af ibis. I"Reiiabiiîy h a word wbich 1 take ta mean the quality held by an able man who can be reiied upan-a quality is expecied ai every Rotarian", Mr-. Carter cantinued. "It means ta be dependabie, ta be trust- warthy, ta be agreeable in per- sonality, helpful and caim, using restraint ai aIl times and being guided by the practice ai taler- ance. It can be iruly said that i-e- liabiliiy is the mout saugbt-for quality in aur warld today, and the toughest i e in tbe square ta build and mainiain." Endurance Also Essential The third uine of the square ai the "Area af Man", the speaker asserted, is Endurance. "One sees exampies ai endurance al the way from early scbool days ta young manhood, and from ihere its presence-or the lack afiti- is seen in the factory, the office, ai the executive table, on the battle-field, in the governmeni, in the family and in the Church", he stated. This quaiiy caîls for good physicai and mental heaitb and dlean and constructive ihink- ing. Mr. Carter painted oui thai ta be able ta stand up againsi ad- versity. pride, intalerance, frus- tration and aver-zeaiousness in the acquisition ai waridiy gaods is nat easy, but it bas ta be dane if one wants to iormn a truc and full ai-ca. "The fourth and canneciing lime ibat completes the square is Ac- tion and this lie lu the proving ground ai the strength ai the pi-e- ceeding uines", Mr-. Carter declar- ed. "Ail the qualities requîred for the building ai ability, relia- bility and endurance have to merge i unison ta assure cam- mendable action. In preparing for action there must be the posi- tive elements ready ta use. Action must be sincere because, in the main, we are dealing wiib people in ail aur activities". Warne Against Intolerance In making the Action lime af the square work, the speaker said, we shouid beware ai intolerance. We sbould realîze that people are unlike, try ta find oui in whai way ye are different from others and iben praceed ta learn wby. "I do nat suggeut for anc minute thai we sbould be worms, cherisbing the foot that steps an us, but those ile discolored fountains af bitterness should neyer be allowed ta poison aur relations witb those wiih whom we must live", Mr. Carter assert- ed. Ne pointed out that a principle af i alesmansbip is persuasion, whicb is beiter thon compulsion. "The man wba bas been peruuad- ed feels that he bas gained some- tbing, the man wbo ih compeiied believes lie bas ben despoiled ai something, and it must be re- membered that wounded vanity is one ai the greatest causes ai al the trouble and bard feeling in the world", Mr-. Carter staied. The "Action" line of the "Ai-ca ai Man" hs aciually made up af the littie things, Mr-. Carter said. Sucb ihings as good manners, caurtesy, patience and a sense af humai- may be "small change" in aur contact with anc anoiher, but ihey amaunt ta a huge Cum wben finaily added Up. WouId Make Ideal World "If ibis square within the Ro- tai-y wbeel were recagnized and acted upon ibraughout the world, what kind ai a place would it be in whicb ta live"l Mr.Cre e We were ready te leave for e tawn on a stlnny alternoan, when my wife decided she needed her hand bag. Grumbiing, I got out of the car and headed fox' the hause. Going up the cement steps, I no- 1ticed a large wasp havering about rtwoiniches above the top one. After grabbing the handbag and shutting the kitchen. door, I headed for the car, when I felt a suidden stabbing sensation quite a piece above my right knee. Butch wanted ta know what was wrong. rI was just i the middle of ex- piainmng that it feit like a -bee sting, when the cawardiy brute >spitefully jabbed again. Shakîng my leg vigarausiy made a big, yei- low, embarrassed-looking wasp fail out of my trauser leg, te the ground. Neediess ta add, Butch thaught the incident very funny, especial. iy when her husband partially 9disrobed right there on the drive- way, ta ascertain if hîs poor leg required the services of a medi- >cal practitioner. That happened jneariy three weeks aga. Glad ta repart that I am fuily recovered. But that isn't all! Just when everything iooked rosy for us ta attend the big wedding at Biack- stock, of Ruth Whitfieid and Gar- don Cathcart, I gai a dandy dose of "pînk eye". Most people have the notion that, any change on this aid "fizzog" of mine would be an improvement, but the pink eye made me look se sinister, we were afraid the principals would think I was putting the "hex" on them, with a touch of evil eye. However, hot water and boracic fixed the malady, and ta every one's annoyance we turned up at the Church. Relatives of the young couple were nonplussed at aur attend- ance. when we weren't reiated ta either side. Guess You couid say we were neutrai. The ex- pianation is very simple - we were invited. Anyway, I want tô eat wedding cake, net wait until I'm se old, VIl have ta dunk it in mik, and gum it. Besides, it's nice ta sympathize with the poor groom over bis loss af freedom. It's really amazing how many saps get hitched in spite Of ail the dire warnings from us poor aid duffers, wha had no one ta put us wise ta what we were getting into. Butch want- ed an escort ta the wedding, and when she put her foot down, I just cringe and say "yes, dear". She just loves ta attend these func- tiens, so she can have a gaod cry. 'You can read any aid newspa- per and see where the bride was radiantiy beautiful and happy. If that is sa, why do ail the aid bid- dies present develop a large dose of the snîffies? Is it chagrin ai the thought af us dashing men rushing ta kiss the delectable bride instead af them? Is it be- cause they realize that women are responsible for a quarter of the murders; haif the divorces, and ail of the marriages, and they feel remorse when they see ap- other innocent young feilow be- ing roped in? Or do they weep because they wish they had mar- ried thai other nice feilow instead af the jerk they did? Please don't answer thai last question. At every wedding, aider femaies can be observed rushing up ta the newly weds, and say- ing "Oh, I just know you two 1ill make a wonderful couple, 'and will be sa happy tagether". Such twaddle is a lot af hooey! Nobody knows how the young couple wil make out; but one thing is sure, if other people mind their own business, the youngsters wiii stand a better chance of attaîning wedded bliss. A couple af swaliows are build- ing a nest on top af the light above aur house entrance, wbich meant that we had ta sort of run Toronto Physician Gives Advice ho Lank and Lean Some are born fat, same achieve fainess, and some bave fainess ibrusi upon them-like- wise witb ibinness, advises Dr. Harold V. Cranfield, Toronto spe- cialistinhiphysicai medîcmne.. "The tim are 50 for want ai muscle, and ibis in turn is due ta iack af healihy appetite," he notes. "Eating alone, h nat the cure, bowever, for it takes bard work ta build muscle. Weigbt gain that is nat predominanily muscular gain would nat be the goal ai the bony. Itrequires a spe-. cial form ai bard work, sometbing in the nature ai weighi lifting, ta buiid heaithy additional tissue -and ibis is only for those wbo bave been pronaunced physicaily fit for indulgences af such vigor. In general, ii is oui ai reacb ai ibose past 40. They must be con- tent with the knawledge that they are, ail else being equal, in a pre- feri-ed risk status with insurance companies." Dr. Cranfieid points out ihat every square millhmeter afi-mus- Ed Youngman's Column The Statesman's Grass Boots Columnisf rthe gauntiet when we were ready ita leave, because I didn't want ranythmng ta happen ta that suit I fhad borrowed. Ye arrived at the Anglican Church at Blackstock, with three minutes ta spore. tA crowd of straangers hang- ing around the door, coolly 1gave us the once over as we hik- Ied inside. No ushers being in asight. we flopped into the handi- aest seat, only ta later find that we ishould have been in the ones an the other side. We had just made ourselves ?camfortable when a young lady m iformed us that, she had just been told, one of aur sons was in-~ volved in a motor accident. When one of the ushers failed ta appear, the other one had ta do double duty. The groom and best man tatok their places in front of the clergyman; the organist sat look- ing at the music; the minutes tick- ed Away; everybody was tense, but, no bride. After six or seven minutes, the music started, the 1bride appdared, and the cere- mony was performed. We found out later that, the iusher who was supposed ta tip the bride off as to when ta corne in, forgot ta do so. Most grooms would have been nervous at the bride's delay, but flot Gardon, he cornes of pioneer Irish stock, and 1a little thing like that just made 1everything, more interesting. Usualiy, when the couple kiss,. they do sa in a quiet, embarras- sed manner, but not Mr. and Mrs. LGardon Cathcart, ,even the people at the back hearci the resounding smack, which made the entire congregation gurgie with amuse- ment. Ruth is very nice iooking at anytime, but, in her wedding finery, she was gorgeous. Ailthough Butch and I had an 1invitation ta the reception, we 1didfi't go. In the first place, we didn't know how ta get there. In the second place, my wife was 1anxious ta make some purchases at a store that would be closing at six p.m.' Sa, you guessed it! We chewed the fat ail the way down the highway. Butch de- manding ta be taken ta the re- ception, s0 she could see the pres- ents, I stubbornly kept telling ber if she taok in the sa and sa re- ception, she wouidn't reach the blankity biank store in time. And ta think we had just help- ed another innocent young couple dates far a similar scene a few years hence. ~'U!UAYTflA7 '?ArU1A~ Ul~.fM~WTT MZr- Y l!7??'De TH KIAY 1W V ilwle cie tissue comprises 1,000 muscle j fibres and 2,000 blood vessels. 1T eH uigPolm "One cannai increase the number ut of muscel fibres, but their qu aiity 100 .IYucfl t' can be improved. Many of the fi- a bres are thin and pale in indivi- For Too Little Work duals whoar thin and paie." Hard work, perseverance, and Asca okrrcni d a menu that includes penty of Asca okrrcnl d meai are the price of a soid gain dressed a plea for more husing i weight. ta the Prime Minister. The iii effecis af inadequate and bad busing were described C larke Twp. CounCil by the author of the appeal. Hold Annual Inspection movea by her story of the pigt Poa families and single, aged pr 0f Twnsip Rads sons whose lives are marred by Of Twnsip Rads the conditions in which they live. The appeal was an objective Clarke Township Council met statement of the deplarabie bous- June lst with Counciliors, Harry ing situation that exists in the Davey, J. T. Brown and Art Mc- slums of cities. The seriaus social Kay present and Reeve H. Low- consequences must flow from the ery presiding. lack af ade-quate, private living The favourité' of thousands!1 Leroy Hamilton informed Coun- cil that the three year period of insurance on the Township Hall and contents had expired. Build- ing is insured for 30,000 and con- tents for $1500, ail at a rate of 70c. Delegation was present from Newtonville, requesting the road from the fourth line ta be repair- ed, in order ta have this road open the year round. They also wished ta have a mail route in this district. The council are in- vestigating this road. Mr. Tolmie, Mr. Gardon Wat- son and Dr. Taggart, on behalf of the Fish and Hunt Club, ap- proached the Council in regards ta protection for pheasants against the influx of htnuters. This de- ~legation asked for a regulated township. Clerk was instructed ta write ta the Dept. of Lands and Forests for forms. Road superintendent Ross Dick- inson, was instructed by Council ta spray for weds and brush up ta $500. The use of calcium chloride was discussed ai some length and it was decided that residents would pay for calcium chioride used along the roads of their pro- perty. Residents with outstanding bills will be refused this c'onven- ience until their accounts are paid. It was lcarned that accounts were outstanding dating back to 1949. Road voucher was read amounting ta $6481.00. The Council adjourned ai noon hour and spent the remainder of the day inspecting roads and bridges in the Township. Small boy! "Are you in lave wi' my sister?" Young suitor: "Why do yau want ta know?" Small boy: 'WTeel, she said she'd gie five bob tae ken an' I'm awful hard up!" for For Quîc< Kesults THE CANADIAN STATESM4" CLASSIFTED ADS PHONE 3308 (N f Get more for .your gasoline dollar with HIOHIESI BLUE SUNOCO RIGHEST ANTI-KNOCK .ver offered by Sun«Oc quarters. A numbcr af those Who heard - the appeal may have written te~ the Prime Minister ta ask bun bo work a remedy ihrougb the Na- tional Housing Administration. There il utile, if anytbing, that gavernmenis can do ta imprave the bousing situation, wbich bas become uneconomnic because of gavernment intervention. Eighty per cent af the cosi ce a bouse is labor. There are toô few bouses because the workeru who producc and transport mat- erials and build bouses get to much pay for to uttle work. The social worker should have addressed her appeal ta arganiz. ed labor. Whiie bouses casi ta. much there wvill be too few W,, them-The Rural Scene. For quick resuis - use The MOST MILES PER GALLON ever achi.v.d by Sun«oo ngin..rs GREATEST POWER AND PICK-UP *ver delivered by Blue Sunoco Make the 10 Gallon Test wid see whaf a difference Blu>e Sunoco makes ini youm car. One Grade...,,High-Test Premium Quality C13: 1035 ---Umm" 7É/ BIG 12 oz; BOTTLE kxuin ov.rAT ALL COOLERS ,om> p , TM CANADIAN STATmmm inwmAnvmTP- mwTAlqTn -- MmTpqnAv TTTWV 14 4du. ý r- , ïr-. drink ee0oý