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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jun 1953, p. 15

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THURSDAY, .TUNE 11, 1953 TDE CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVILLE. ONTARIC~ PAGE FITI~EEN Five Generalionsi 01 Nrs. Siephen S There were f ive generations rePresented at the brthday party held for Mrn. Stephen Sisson af Bethany. Mrs. Sisson was 93 Yearsa od on Friday, June 5, with the family gathering held at the homne of ber daughter and son- IPleMr. and Mn.. William Malnah on Sunday, June 7. Mrs. Sisson, wbose maiden namne was Adelaide Devitt, was daughter of the late James Devitt, Of Çartwnight, though a great- grandmother is remarkably ec~ despite ber advancing ye h elping with the daily houuehald tasks in the home of her daugbten, with whom she bas lived since the death of ber bus- band. She loves company and takes a keen nterest in every- thing that goes an in the corn- munity. The evening befone ber bfrthday she was able ta attend a showen and on Saturday the weciding af ber great niece, lCatbnyn Janvis and thonoughly enjoyed bath events. Mr. and Mrs. Sisson were wide- IY known in the township of Manvens, of which the late Mr. Sisson was Reeve for many years. He was a farmer and machinery agent and aiso pioneered in the telephone system of the village, having the first telephone uine buiît at his own expense fnom the old Grand Trunk Railway Station at Bethany to his home and baving ta pay the railway company for this prîvilege. Later he built a continuing line ta the stone of Mr. Naismith at Lotus and instalied a "switch" in his home. Mrs. Sisson is especially remembered for her faithful service in relaying messages for neigbbors. She is a nW~mber of St. Mary's Anglican Chunch and bas always been keenly intenest- ed in al fis onganizations. iDuring the aitennoon the new- 't.t addition ta ber family was baptized by Rev. Dr. R<. P. Bowles 0of Nestîcton, Emeritus Chancellor of Victoria College, Toronto. The five generations are: Mrs. Sisson, ber son, Kari D. Sisson; his daughter, Mrs. Maxwell Rishor (Ella); her daugbter, Mrs. Earl Minor (Dian- ne Copping) and ber 6 months' aid daughter, Beverly Elizabeth Minor, al of Peterborough. 't 'i% ti of K et rE le i WHAT D' nore than a 't je indicat ving. Peop ; know mc f a couple Kide today students in men-Horr leamn mare, keep abrea developmei the world t As a.requi and in soci women sin ai 93rd Dirthiday KENDÂL Will Reside * B th n'Miss June Gordon and Miss î iSSOn lan Shirley Cooper, Peterboro, spent 1- Lthe weekend with Mr. and Mns. Spence Gordon. Incidentally this was aisa an Mn. and Mm,. Gannett Colett ..- occasion ta be remembened by anid Janey, Tanonto; Miss Ruby ,.<y- Dr. Bowles, for be bas officiated Coliett and Raymond Woodward ~ "~ at tbe baptismal service fon the spent the weekend with Mm. and last mentîaned four generations. Ms omnKney Mn. Siso ba treecbldrn: Mr. and Mns. Ray Hughes and -' Mrs Siso ha treechldrn:Glori-a, Part Hope, and Mns. Kani Sisson, ai Peterborough; Dr. Luxon and Marion visitedMm Elmo Sisson, Bowmanviile, and and Mn,. John Tbompson, Sun- Vena (Mns. Hannah), eight grand- day. chiidren: Mn.. Maxwell Rishor, Mns. Tremaîne, Toronto, spent Mns. Marvin Baker and Mn. Don- îast we.ek witb ber sisten, M ns f ald Sisson, ah aif Petenborough; Milton Robinson. Mns. Gardon Stapies, Cavan; Mr. Mn.. Hattie Matineil vi3îted Stephen Sisson, Bowmanviile, ail Mn. and Mns. A. Colon, Hamnil- ai wham were present at the ton, for a few days and enjoyed>. binthday celebration. Thnee other the Cononation celebration there. gnandchildren were unable ta at- tend: J. M. Sisson, Victoria, B.C.; Mn.. Norman Therteli and Mn.. Mrs. H. Green, Niagara Falls, Leo. Waodcack and son remained and Mn.. S. A. Henderson, Wind- fan a holiday at their summen sor. Anothen gnandson, John homne. Hannah. ai Bethany, died sev- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Little and eral years ago. sans, Healey Falls, spent part ai Tbere are six great grandchild- the week witb thein parents here. ren: Mrs. Earl Minor, Peterbor- We are pleased that Mr. Tom ough, Richard, John and David Falls continues ta imprave and Staples, of Cavan: Sue Ella and is allowed ta sit up awbile. Mn. Charles Baker, of Peterborough; Stan Falls, Toronto, was also also Shirley and David Sisson, ai home ta see bis father. Victoria, B.C., lhe latter twa 'be- Mn. and Mrs. Ab. Colon and ing unable ta attend. Rager spent Suiiday with ber Mr. W. G. Bowles af Nestîcton, mother, Mns. H. Martineli. and Mrs. E. W. Sisson, Bowman- Mrs. Kennedy, Mns. Reg. El- ville, also shared in the cd-l-iott and Joyce, Mn.. Wes. Eiiiott and Mrs. Bob Cockburn attended bration besides those alrcadýy the bazaan and tea An Bawman- mentined.ville Wednesday aiternoon. The Statesman joins witb hem Basebali beadcd the list in many iniends in extending sin- local activities this past week. cene congratulations on this mcm- Wedncsday evening thene was.- arable birthday occasion, a large crowd in attendance wben - Orono beat the Kendal team by f~Y1T~YYY7T19 a score ai 12-4 ta even up fon the CUWAN'VILLE 11 -2 score wvon by Kendal at their first encounter. Aiter the game We are glad to annaunce that the Kendai Bantam teama were Sundav Schooi services have bnought ta the diamond and a been 'rcapcned in aur cburc h presentation was made by John Thompson on behaîf of the Sen- hene. Thcv are already sbowingiotemadfnta edose a progres sive increase %vith 21 otemadfnt N Fsr cbildnen and 3 aduits present ta help outfit the young lads. hast Sunday. Wc now hope thisI Thursdav evening the Coboung wiil be an encouragement and' Bantams e videntiy receivcd quite impetus for adults ai aur com- a surprise when tbey visited Ken- munity ta nestare aur reguhan dal fan thein finst gaine and. al-lcn Shown follawing thei cbunch service ta their former though much langer than the Ken- ia Church, Bowmanville, MV usefulness by regulan attendance. dal lads, came off on the small Clifford Heard. The bride is t There is something sadly iack- end ai a 6-5 score. Pitchens for daughter af Mn. and Mrs. P. ing in a community wberce reîig- Kendai wenc Lane and McMac- ious services are ignored and kmn with Setteringtan catching. groom is the son of Mrs. A. Bli Cowanville bas gane ton long Friday evening a closely con- C. C. Heard. The young cou without t $iic virit,,al ,,lift. tested game wvas played in New- Oshawa. 'YE KNOW" is today a genial Greeting.. ive of today's pace In >ie KNOW more-have re-than their farebeams of generations ago. in Primary School-- tUniversity -Business- aemakers-ail have ta tand know more, ta ut of the multitude of ýnts and progress in today. site of good citizenshipi ïl life, men and noly have ta know. and b. weil-informed about what is going on in their local commun- ity a.nd in the world at large. That is why Newspapere have ta, sujpply more and mare newe and information. And what about news and information conoerning the things we ail need in t he enjoy- ment of our standards of living today! -I.d'8ko AB0u AE fflamom -[q.., Il EVERYONE-na matter what Income or size of Pay Envelope -ie perpetuaily concerned i getting the beet merchandise, food, clothing, furniture- at the lowest cost! That is why the ndvertise- ments in this Ncwspaper are s0 useful, so informative, so valuable, so full of "KNOW". Merchants who advertise let you know they want your business. 0f course thev do .. but they let you KNOW what's new-what's better- what's most ecanormical! Next time you plan ta ehop, think over that expression- "WHAT D'YE K NO W"- tand take note af how much the advertisements in this Paper can help yau. This Newspaper is dedicated to supply you with the best in News Services, and is proud of îts contribution to your Local and World-ivide information. It is alsa happy that it provide.s the tehidle, in Display and Classified AdLertising, that carrnes the ansuwer to essentiai WHAT-D' YE-KNOW-IN'\FORMATIO.N, thru h which you get the bust in your persan ai, soiuanti houaehold needa. nie~ mbV~afBa ,in Oshawa ir wedding in St. John's Ang- ray 23, are Mn. and Mrs. Lorne the former Evelyn Ann Finney, Finney, Bowmanville, and the .atch,*Oshawa, and the late Mr. uple wvill make their home in -Photo bv Ireiand Studio STARK VILLE Lake Shore, Clarke Mr. and Mmi. Keîth Rowe and Mr. and Mn.. Sam Powell and son and Miss Lorraine Farrow,1 Elaine spent Sunday with Mr. Bowmanviile, at Mr. Howard and Mrs. Dan Coulter, Downs- Farrow's. view. Miss Norma Hallowell, Toron- The Lake Shore Ladies' K. S. to, spent the weekend ai borne. & C. Club met at the home af Mr. and Mn.. Jim Stark and Mrs. Gardon Martin. Next meet- iamily are nesidents ai aur com- ing ai the home of Mn.. George munity, having moved nýecentlyI Skelding. from Newtanville. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson and Mr. and Mns. John Tbornpson'Mn. and Mns..Herb Wilson. Osh- and family bave taken up resi- awa: Mr. and Mrs. F. Kerr, To- dence in Kendal. ranto; Mr. and Mrs. Clintan Fan- Mr. and Mrs. Morley Robinson1 row and family. Newtonville, and and daughters visited Mn. and' Mr. and Mrs. Stan Allin. New- Mrs.Geoge Kmba, Necasle.castle, were visitons with Mr. and Mn..Geoge Krnbl, Nwcatle Mns. W. Baskerville. Mn.. Piltz and famiiy, Picker- Mr1 n n.GereSedn ing, visited ber parents, Mr. and 1jMattend rokineSrige Fali. M.. V.îcton Farrontowit Mn. Emil Panzaru and friend Man. G . . lum, Tnntwt visited Mr. and Mn.. Robin Ail- Mn. nd M.. R Bauhe idred. Mns. Llew Haiioweil visited Mr. and Mrs. Les Aildred and ber parents, Mn. and Mn.. T. famiiy and Mn. Les Allun, Onono, Falls, Kendai. spent Sunday evcning with Mr. Ladies af Sbilob W.A. beid and Mrs. Chas. A]]dred. their June meeting and Carona- -__________ tian Tea at Sbiiab last week with a fine attendance and seventeen PplrGr ud guests. President, Mrs. John Stank was in charge and after PplrGr ud the Scriptune reading, Rev. Lan-'iTo Rece ive Tribule caserle i paye. ol cllwas tnwred bpnact er a~iningta'Ove B ue1 Queen Elizabeth and ber Coran- O e F B ue1 ation. Mns. J. Brown, Newcastle,! showed pictures of their trip to For severai months. a senies ai New Orleans and Florida, ex- radio programs devoted ta Girl plaining them as well. Aften a Guides, have been heard every' solo by Mrs. Morley Robinson, I Monday, Wcdnesdav and Friday lunch was served in the, base-' at 6.15 p.m. over CFRB. ment at tables decorated xith These broadcasts spansancd by flowers and 'the naom nicelv dec- Cities Service 011 Ca., have paid anatd apopa ta he emorbletnibute ta acts of heroism. a great oraed proos o te mmorbleachievement, inusual service or occasion af the British Empire.atsadgaiita niiua All the ladies neceived a rnamen- ottnigaiiývo niia ta ai this pleasant evening which Brownies, Guides, Rangersu or closed by singing the Natiional jGies Anthcm. and nepcating the Miz-i Questionnaires have been sent Pah Bnedicion.aut into the districts and material pah. Lnedcater suppiied by Guiders, teachens, andi Rev.Lancsterexplained ta a ther local -sources. the people at Sbiioh that theiný A number af the Gold Cord annivensary will be at 7:30 P.m-,1 Guides recently presented ta June 14. with himself as speaker i Mns. Louis O. Breithaupt, wife af and music by Newcastle quan- aur Lieuitenant, Gox'ernor. are nawv tette. Miss Doris Reynolds, Port:___ Hope: Mr. and Mrs. R. Lowcry,ý Toronto, ai Mr. A. Dobson's. Mn. and Mns. Deibent Hallo- weii and Linda, Toronto, visited The 1 Mn. J. Halloweil. % Beatty Sup WEDDING l~- -castle W-ith the Kendal teamn fi- naily caming ta the iront with a McGILL - MORTON score ai 4-3.flf T .D 1 On Saturday aiternoon, Junei Monday evening the Bantarn Offer Ten vint Prograaamme 6, in Onono United Chunch, Bea- teams played at Newcastle whichtnice Adele, daughtcr ai Mn. andi alsFor rd eryinteestng ithMrs. Albert Morton, Onono, wasi a ia cane ai 6-4 in favor ofForEffcie t a rmîngTodayunited in manniage witb Andrew the Kendal lads. Lane and Set J. McGill, son ai Mr. and Mns. terington wene the batteny fon Josiab McGiii, Toronto, witb Rev. Kendtal. Aiten studying the changing 5. Use appnoved methads and John Kitchen perianming the Mrs. Wm. Jackson leit Tucsday fanm pictune thraughout the mateniais ta fight cnop and live-cemay Tewddn mui ta attend the graduation ai ber world, a group ai agicultural stock insects, diseases and para- was payed y Mn. eilStewart, daubte Mrgaetasnure t eononits as utine a10- sites, household insects, rodents, and Mrs. Lamne Thompson, Black- the Civic Hospital in Ottawa.A point pnagram for more efficient wcsadote et.stockt, was sahoist. mothen and daughter banquet is farming which shauld be a useful 6. Give farm woodlots better The bride, given in manniage bY being guide ta Canaian farmens management and fine protection. her father, was lovely in a gown witb graduation exencises on 1953. These points arc: Do a better job af marketing the 1 ai white Chantilly lace. Rer fin- Wednesday. aefien timber cnop. Rcforest lands best ger-tip veil ai silk illusion felI Kendal was visited by sevenp 1 aetefroa ficetsie etes rm ir fse ers n clectnicai storms Monday evening operating unit by careful plan- 7suicd ta ts oe ro-es. froma iana aibouqet pearîs. af with the power gaing off before ning fan the best use ai land, la- c Prvigade toadue artes pr-the camed bouqe ai lilyra bar, ma cesîg ad taagefacaiiehfranthdvale ad palenoisor 10 p.m. and net caming on agaii 2. chinmry cashend rieit.farro praducts. Study consumer, chids. until anound 6 arn. One boIt oai . se moren lmen fetlie dema nds and pnoduce and pne-, M ns. rdward Millsan was bier, lightning bit at Fred Winn's go ed n oem mtoS par noducts ta meet tbem. Mar- attendant, wearing a gawn ai knocking a haie in bais granaryo ficetpodcint oti et.out thraugh most cifi- toast lace and net aven cham- j and puttîng bis hydro and tel e- highest nturns per acre and per cient channels. pgetfeawt acigbt phone out ai comm ission. a, 8. Build a good famiiy lufe witb She carried a bouquet ai yehlowj 3. Continue sound management attractive homes having adequate carnations. Little Barbara Cnom-' af grasslands ta support the storage space and modern con- bie, Bowmanville. niece af the:f LO G S U T growing livestock and poultry in- ein..efiinl used. Keep, groom, was flower girl. wearing1 and labor resaurces with an eye viding oppartunities far educa-, champagne taffeta and cannying Mr. and Mn.. Tam Baker,1 towards their conservation. tien, religiaus training and social' a bas ket ai pink carnation petals Gneenwaod, N.S., visited Mr.I 4. Produce ineat, milk, eggs ie. and lily ai the valey. and Mns. G. Baker. - and other ivestock produets 9, Train rural youth ia improv- Best man was Mn. Dean Jack-! Mn. and Mns. F. G. Smith and necded ta feed the growing pop- ed methods af fanming, hcaitb. son, and ushers wene Messrs. Wil- Miss Grace Smith attended Sa- ulation. Practiso dloser culling, citizensbip and headership. hiamo McGill, brother af the lem annivcrsary and were guests mpnoved bneeding, better feed- 10. Keep inionmcd an agnicul- jbridegnoom, and Dick Morton oi Mr. and Mns. H. C. McClure, ing and efficient management ta tu ral pohicies and pragrams, and brother ai the bride. Happy Valley. increase production and incame activelv support local and na- For the reception at the bomne Mn. and Mns. Howard Miller,, per animai and per man. tional 'farmens' organizations. of the bridc's parents, Orno, thei Kingville, visited Mr. and Mns.. bride's mothen ware a dress of . *orme Miller. ITTmI,9T1I< rosewood crepe and lace, and i *Master Willie Johnson witb DU1 .ILDfU JI was assisted by the groam's math- Hanny and John Baker. er wha wane deep mauve crepe. Mn. and Mn.. Orme Miller visi- .. .Bath wane corsages ai sweet peas. ted Mn.. Haiiyard and family at I Courtice Sunday Schooh wîhh be Mn.. Laaja. Sylvia and Nancy F or travelling, the bride chose; Barrie. at 10:3Q a.m. instead of 11 a.m. vîsited with Mrs. H. McIlroy on, a pink wisteria suit wîth navy Don't forget W.A. meeting on' as usuel on Sunday, June 14 and Tuesday and watched the Corana- and pink accessonies. Mn. and Mns. June l6tb at the Smith home h Alo la t atndtb Anie',21. tien an television. McGill wihl reside in Orona. th sary, Sunday, June 14. Sec Com- Courtice \Voman's Association, Mn. and Mn.. W. Kelly, Shirley gombigtenwponea ing Events. wihl meet Thunsday aitennoon.j and Debra, Mn. and Mns. Mc_ On Wednesday, June 3, Mn.. AI- Mr. and Mns. Wm. Mitchell June 18, with the Citizen.hiP 111ray, Mn. and Mn.. W. Breen,: bent Morton entertained at a: and Maurice, Pontypoal: Mr. and group ini charge. Gary. Jackic and Paul and Miss trousseau tea in honar af her, Mrs. Leslie Argue and family, Mn. and Mn.. Jock Sandersan, Mangret McClean, aIl fnom Ton- daughter. Prion ta hen marriagei Bunketan, witb Mr. and Mn.. R.I (nec Mn.. J. Wenn) Dunharton, onta. visited witb Mn. and Mns. she was also entertained by Mn.. Gibson. fannienly ai this cammunity, vis- H. McIlroy and family, Tuesday., Leonard Stitt, Islington; The: Mn. and Mn.. Stanley Gable ited Mn. and Mn., George Rcy- Cogauainstin n Stone Chunch Missionany Guild: an bysviitd n. Mn.nolds. Tommy Wilson on the birth ai Mn.. William MeGili and Mn.. Sidney Martin at their ctae Mr. and Mn.. Clarence Pen-_ twins (a boy and a girl) anRusl oeyTrn;Ms.E etMtr an L.a . Elioiund attended the Baken-Rundle Thursday. wand Milîson and Mn.. Charles and Danny, Mns..Cain and Mnr.îcî n oou iDr1enai Dr. ad Mrs.Lor CakCon-' yclOoo Wilson, West Hill, with Mr. and at Hampton Park on Saturday. crest, Sk. visited with Mr.1 Mn.. J. A.McLaggan.The get-together ai the clan was d a. Mn. and n.. Wm.Johnsan enjoyable since such oc- a n.Whîgo arw Mr.andMrs Wm Jonso icasions give ane an appartunity Mn.. Wellington Faraw and i S. S. No. 9, Clarke with his parents. Mn. and Mns..ai getting acquainted with the Mn.. Davies attended a showerý Bert Johnson.' relatives. at the Lions Centre. Newcastle,. Mn,. Hill, Beaven Ladge, AI- Mn,. John Wright and -Muriel. r n n.R vnCalson Wednesday night in bonouri berta, and Miss Rita Hill, Edmon- Janetville. visited hier parents:, oflB~vavlc ~eea Vivian Mcgitt. bride-ta-be. tan, are visiting Mn. and Mn.. Bill Mn. and Mrs. R. Gibson. n ogaBwavle ee GiNi n reeAlnAln Gdt eotMns. Walter Sunday visitors ith her parents, GiNi n reeAlaAln Gla t reor .Mr. and Mn.. C. Penfound. visited with thein grandpancnts, Mr. and Mn.. Byron Brunt, Vanek i. impnoving ater ber Mn. and Mrs. W. Farrow, for a Lindsay, with hi. parents, Mr.1 tonsil apenation in Bawmanvilhe. Congratulations ta Mr. and few days. and Mn.. W. Brunt, on the week- Memonial Hospital. Mrs. Charles Archer on the birth Smah setne eteed Mn. and Mn.. J. A. McLaggan' i fa daughter in Oshawa General Sympathy i.ucetended tadthe endt an aiyvisited Mr. and Mns. Hspital. family af the late Mn. Roy Branch: Mses rcHg n et an fmiy - . wa ase aay WdHsOy Allia, spent the week-end witb, J. .Needham. Scugog Iland. Several iram this cammunitv hi osn aryPdel hl Mr. and Mrs. R. Sini were Sun- have been on the sick list. Hope ngt thein caesin Bm yedwealtripe day dinner guests ai Mn. and ail are pragnessing iavourably Mr. and Mn.. James Curson end.: ther paretsenjyead Isatnpsý Mrs. Fred Kelly. Orano and visi- - 1gMs M ezlM.C Jimmy visited with Mr. and Mns.' and ta Ottawa. ted Mr. D. B. Farrell in Bow- Fuîlton and Mr. J. Osborne. Bab Hic-s and family last Sun- Mn. and Mrs. Dawson Bebee, manx'ihle hospital. Sorrv ta repart Mlrs. C. Peniound attended the day. Monnîsh, with Mn.. F. Bowen on Mn. Farrell is net quiteso %well. Eeuîe Meiga saa Lest Saturday Mrs. George Sun day. Mn. and Mrs. Hanald De Mille Presb.'tervý Woman's Association Stephenson. Lyna Stephenson, Miss Ma'-v Bowcn spent, the and family, Bunketan; Mis. G. at Tnînity United Church, Bow- Mrs. J. Hillier and Mr. and Mn.., weekend at'hec home preparatany Yeo. Bessie and Lyn. Hamptan, manville, on Manday aiternoan. Ras. Boyd attended a trousseau ta warking at a Government Dia- and Mn. and Mn.. C. Penwarden Plans are being made for a meet- tea in honoun of Jmine Moitat at i ing Hall near Longiord Milîs. were Sunda-' guests ai Mr. an'd ing on October 20 at Simcoc St. Dunda,. !Mn. and Mn.. Don Budd and JMn.. W. Vaneyk. Mn. and Mn.. J.* Church, Oshawa. The iollowing Saturday Mr. and Louise, Dale, wcne recent visitons, Van Dam, Nestieton. called an, Evening Auxiliarv met et the Mr.. George Stephenson and with Mr. and Mm.. Bill Barchard M.nd tasc..lf ek.ihad home ai Mary Pollard. Meeting Lvnn, Mn. and Mn.. J. Hillier and: and Mn.. Fisk. Mn.an M..AlfedRihadsopened %with ahI singing "Gad Mn. and Mn.. Ras. Boyd attendcd I Mn.. Bill Banchard, Lois and j Smand M n. and MKn.. C. Pe- Save- the Quieca.' followed with the Nielson - Moffat 'wedding at B 1illy. spent Saturdav with ber I a neading. "*The Queen, Gad Dundas. sister. Mrs. Henry Bowen and'i waren wenfeMr. nday eveR. ing Blcss Hem," given bx' the presi- *Mn. and Mnc J.Hillier are, Darlene. Newcastle. guetsaiMn ad n. R Sm. dent. Devotional was taken by pnn awe:n rne This comînunity was saddenedý Anne Gay. Intenesting readings iMn. and Mn.. James Curson and ls ensa ntepsiga A solemn and neligiaus regard "Slighted Invitation" and '-Gift; J i mmy'vstd ihM.an .Mn. Roy Bnanch aiten a lcngthy vistedwit Mr an Mr.'and painfu l ilîness. Taehbis wiie ta spiritual and eternal things is.ofTîme" by, Mildred Muir. Study H. Sinclair and Mn. and Mns. J.ý and famiîx' Russell. Pauline. Bet- an indispensable element of al book hi Sadie Countice. intro- Hartwick in Toronto on Sunday. tV s-î-a Brc an hi tî'ue greatness. duction simd caiicluding chapten i; Mnof rs SanCuc ad or n.. J. wBruch e a nd i African Traîls. which ha. been a îM n r.Sa oc nmteMs .Bac eetn mast înteresting book. Txwo read- i Linda visited with Mr. and Ms.. aur deepest sympathy. The fun- T I CK ETS ings were given by Peggy Wade IBh ck n imly una.eral was lamgely attcnded fnom TO EVERYWHERE *'Hairdressing" and "Breaking Mn.Bnet1si oot arsFnrlcae nStn Air, Rail or Steamship Point." Prayer by the preside at 1 'est week and visited witb Mn.1 dax-. Interment in Orono Cern- Consult closcd tAhe meeting then ahh en-1 and Mn,. Alex Gonyca and fam- etc*ry. B o R manviîe i LeL sociale Chuch on Jh l!Mn. and Mn,. Harvey Nivens of It i. estimnated that nheumna- 15 King St. W. - phon 778 8 at 2.30 p.m. (Baby Band Pic-; Toronto visited Sunday with Mr.1 tic diseases cause 30,000 Cana-i lAutomatie Elg being spotlighted, and one of our own local Girl Guides bas been selected. On Monday night. June l5th at 6.15 p.m. a tribute wil] be paid to Beverley F'rank, daughter of aur local Cammissioner. J~ She will receive a charcoal por- trait. suitabiy framed, and valued at $150. the work of Mr. Egbert C. Reed, the weil known Cana- dian artist, with the compliments of the Cities Service Oul Comn- pany. Nothing is more simple than greatness: indeed, to be simple is ta be great. to EastemtQ&be (the? 00.1*i.nC e C-0*.0s) the r J Soku h u n no u-ii, ation in Canada's "Down East" playlzround. Inexpensive boliday fares Rive vnu a 21. day limit witb atopovers permnitted, JUNE 15 TO SEPTEMBER 7 INCLUSIVE Consult your neureif roilwey agent. --8. New er DeLuxe ,etrie Rance, Check these features that 'e ~-'~ -niake this the flnest electrie _____________________ range in the world- * Automatic baking at Its best. * Exclusive Fibenglass Oven Seal. * Large capacity, casy-load- Ing warmlng aven. # You can sec wbat's cook- ing ln aven. *Outstanding broiler pro- duces bet resuits. These are only a few of the outstanding features of this range. See it an display today at Mason & Dale HARDWARE BOWMANVILLE TELEPHONE 408 Dear Donald Orono, Ont., June 10, 1953 Dear Donald: With a lot of help from BihlVatson's roaster 1Ivas able ta get up and away to the coal convention by five on Coronation day. The clock woke me up and the roaster wouldn't Jet me go back ta sleep. At eight 1 puiled up ta aur cousins' place in Hamilton, just in time ta catch them ail in their pyjamas Iistening ta the broadcast from London. Atter breakfast buzzed on to the Falls and found the pubs. flot yet open sa 1 Iaoked up the Reading Canadian Anthracite suite in the convention hotel and was treated ta couple botties of pop while enJoying a marvelous view of the falls fram a soft seat in their sitting raom. I1nder such pleasant surroundinga we revicwed the coal situation and decided ta increase aur coal contract. Nowv we are committed ta handiing a car of famous Reading An- thracite' every week until freeze-up. AUl we have ta da As p'ersuade aur customers that for a saving of couple bucks a tofi they should fi11 Up thein coal bin naw. Not an account af any threatened shortage but Just because it's tond business and a camfortabie feeling of security ta have next wlnter's BTU's tucked away in the cellar. 1 assure everyane we won't tranmp down their pansies or cut up the lawn. Last time tha'.happened 1 sbowed the boys îny bloody head and told af the abuse 1 had taken. They promised, for the aid mnan's sake that they wauld In future make oniy dustiess, noiseless and trackiess deliveries. Tliey are even going ta waît for Orley Cbapman tai eut bis fail wheat befare making delivery through hi, field. After lunch went early ta business session af conven- tion and got ticket on draw for door prize. Taok a very front seat to be aJonc and had a nice reat and several good naps. Snapped out .hst In time ta hear my number calicd and blushingly acceptcd a double deck af Caronation play ing cards. Had time to kill tili banquet sa vislted In another suite wîth miners who seil us Champion Lump Steani (oal, had more pop and refreshments and ordered more coal. Saw~ the fails illuminated, a truly marvelous sight. A floor show followed the banquet so soon as that was over 1 skipped the dance on account of getting slerpy and bit out for home. The aid '49 broutbt me home before daylight. Tried to sneak in the back door, found it locked, front door the same. While 1 was mutterlngr a few famniliar phrases Margaret woke up and Jet me In. Just as 1 bit the bay that damn rooster started up again. Stili trying to get eautht up again, io goodnight, Don. SEE MeLAREN, ORONO 48 r 16. THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1953 TEM CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWNIANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE VUIMM

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