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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jun 1953, p. 18

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?If~ <A~1AfAuS*Am17ESIv -..----~ÂÂJL, 'JWMlANIVfLLE, ON'TARIO ?USAJN 1 ~ "s 1 .e Turn Page for Additional Classfied BIRTHS GILROY-Mr. and M1rs. George Gilroy (nee Helen Gimblett), are happy ta announice the arrival of a soi), Phiip Edward, Tuesday, Jone 2Ind, 1953, at the Oshaiva Generai Hospital. 24-1* SARG ENT--Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bill Sargent (nee Madeline Cra- go). Toronto, are very happy ta announc(' the birth of a son, Larry Robert. on June 2nd, 1953, at St. Mary's Hospital. 24-1 RICKARD--Jcaîi and Brenton Rickard wvish toa aînotince the birth of their son in Memorial Hospital, Bowntanvillc. on Thurs- day, June 'Un. A brother for George, Janet and tcveriev. -24-i \ILSON-Wyllene and Leigh Wilson are very happy ta an- flounce the arrivai of their twin brother and sister, Bradlcvý Boyd <Brad.>. and Xeîd'; Anne, at PIlinorial Hospital, Bo\vmanville, J.hursciay, June 4th, 1953. 24-i VRG HT-Mr. and Mis. Alex Wright, 7331 - 83rd Ave., Edmon- ton, Alta., are pleased ta announce the birth of their son, Kenneth .Alex, on May l4th, at University flospital, Edmonton; a brother for Marilyn Jean. 24- 1 ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mi s.W. Lloyd Sno\vdcn tinniounice the< engagenient of their dlaughter, Dorothy Blanche, to James Gartshorc Ewing, son of Mvr. J. D. and the late Mrs. Ewing, "oronta. Ont. The wedding is ta take place in Maple Grave Church an June 27th. 24-10 DEATHS AYRE, Williami John-At Wisnni- peg, on Sunday, June 7éth, 1953, William .John Avre, brother of (Fiîsnie) Mrs. M. C. Sclby, and Alfrcd of Oshawa, in his 76th I - - - I - Articles For Sale MERIT cook stove, practicaliy new. Phone 2648. 24-11 once Phne 63. 4-VNew Irtcfnational Farni Equip- mert-50-T haler, reduced fromi ONE youth's grey suit, worn once, $2495 ta $12000; side-delivery .25.00. Phone 613. 24-1 rakes, power talze-off balers, trac- tor and horse mawers, super W-4 100 BUSHELS wheat. Clarence and W-6 tractors at Farm Equip- Turner. Phone 207.5. 24-1* ment and Automotive, 134 King St. E., Bowmanviile. Phone 689. ONE ice box, 75 lb. capacity: 24-1 reaonble Pone95. 21: 1VENETIAN BLINDS - Custom BOY'S bicycle in gaad condition.1 made-to-measure - also standard Stan Hadgson. Phone 3,532. 1 izes in stock, wvidths every inch 241'f'om 24 ta 43 x 64 inch drap, easilv instailed in a few minutes ONTARIO potataes, 50 and 75 lb. - alsa plastic and cloth windaw bags, dciivercd in Bowntanville. blinds. Sec F. F. Morris Ca. for Phone 2473. 36-tf largcst selection, lowest prices. 7-tf PIANO for sale, in goad con- dition. Telephone 499, Bowman-TILE ville. P. O. Box 333- 24-1 lT' ~AricesFor Sale A QUANTITY of buckwheat for sale. Apply Robert Sim, Tyrone. Phone Orono 62 r 4. 24-1 11l-FOOT runabout for racing or1 pleasure, cheap; in good condition. Phone 3231 after 5:30 p.m. 24-1 SAVE on luntber. direct fro iii ta you. Phillîps Lurober Co., Kmn- rnount, Ont. Phone 171,11. 1-tf ONE-TEAM corn cultivator, new axie and bearings, with tractar and horse hitch. Phone 2227, 24-1 FINDLAY cookz stove, combina- tian coal and xvood; practically new. Phone Newcastle 2161. 24-3:; BROADLOOM rug 9' x 1'2', corn- bination radio and record play- er. telephone gossip bench. Phonej 468. 2 4- 1:: DEKALB corn 56 and 43 may stili be pianted in June. Frank A. McMullen. Phone 2486, New.ý- castle. 24-1 CAULIFLOWER. variety of cab- bage. Brusseil sprouts. broccoli plants. Telephone Hcrtzberg 2200 at Salemn. 24-4 BABY tenda, Findlav Ovai range, reservoir and warrning .?v-en; rangctte, ail in good Condition.1 Phone 3063. 24-1 CERAMIHC -PLASTIC RUBBER MARBOLEUM If. G. Heal Phone 2902 Bownianville AVONt 67th ANNIVERSARY EXTRA SPECIALS Sachets -Perfumes Hand Cream MRS. R. D. KERR Phone 3038 99 King St. E. 24-1*~ USED farm machinery-Case hal- er with matai', W-6 tractar, Farm- ail "*' tractai' and Farmaîl Club tractor, Case 2-furrow plow, Fleury 3-furrow plaxv on ruhher, 3-unit milking machine, Massey- Harris drill, power mower for 'A', tractor, at Farm Equipment and Automotive, 134 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone 689. 24-1 DRAPERIES and venetian blinds custarn made, or draperies sold by the yard. Our representative will cail at your honýe any tume xx rith a complete range of samples and suggestions without obliga- tio. Fen stiint<~ a,' freu 1 yeaith Futnra H o, 5eDivsionTWO buildings 16 x 24, anc 6' Jstaliation within 35-mile area St Bowmalie.Hoi' er Dvieon meat refrigerator for store. Appix' Lowest prices in tawn. Fabri< SturdowayJuile, for str2icem011ta Gardon Beach, Maple Grave. Town, 59 King St. W., Phone Stret awmJue19anvii C.et11. -Phone 2582. 24-1 3609 Bowmanville. 8t 24-1 DURO water pressure pumip with NEW tractar mo wers, side-rakes, motor, $60., excellent condition, bale elevators, manure spreaders, 13ENNÉTT---At Hampton, on Mont- Apply Bovd Ayrc, telephone Osh- e]ectric refrigerators and deep day, June 8th, 1953, Emmia Janle 1 awa 3-4923. 24-1 freezers; 1 ncariy new I.H.C. ail- Bailey, in lier 92nd year, wife of crop loader, 1 used M.-H. 81 the lato Jack Bennett and sister CONCRETE and cinder blocks, tractor. 1 used Case Madel C, 1 of the latr Mrs. Chas. Horn. new style, full 8" high, at redUced used Newv Idea nianure spreader, Hampton. Privsîfe service was prices. For free Lstimates phone i used M-H. grain binder, haler held at Ille Marris Funeral Chap- Bowmanville 846. 18-tf and binder twine, steel pasts, wire CI, Bawmanville. on Wedncsday, DeLAVAL cream separator, Jun- fence, barhcd xire. W. H. Brown, Jonc 101h at 2:30 p.m. interment irN.3 odcniin .J Case Dealer, King St. W., Bow- Hai_______er,,. 4- Hyland, Burketon. Phono Black* manville. Phone 497. 9-4-1 BRANCH--At the residence, R. R. -stock 96 r 13. 24 1 2, Newcastle, on MWednesday, Jonc GALVANIZED piping. 22x -', ',FrT o eksO l 3rd, 1953, Roy Robert Bancli, in different lengths, ahl threaded1 Liberal trade-in for your aged 52 years, htîsband of Darothy unions and eibows, and sink 16"j OLD IRON on a Wattani andi fathet' of Pauline x 24", new cast gooseneck. all NEWV HOTPOINT (M'rs. Bruce McClure), Russell two years aId. 212 Higli St. and Betty . Service was held at 24-2* Fealherweight Iron the MoirrIs Funeral Chapel, Bow- DA OIAVLF28 manville. oin SaitrýdaY. Juste 6th. USED Baby Astral refrigerator. , ILBW AVLE28 Interîniuît Gratt Cenietery'. 24-1 in excellent condition; cream Mr. Pogue wsho ls rour residential enamielled cook stave wvith ail Sales Representative, also carrnes MîlFE'ETERS--At Ilhe Methadisti burners, water fr'ont and ail a full Une of Sewing Equipment. Ilospital, Memphis, Tennessee, U.1 drum. Phone 2883 or apply 18!Uclie a miember of our staff S.A., Jonc 41h, 1953. Siitue K, Mc-1 Brow'n St. 24-i froni your H. f. i Silvec ofgerT Goodx,'iî andi lister of 111lis. G. B.I VENETIAN BLINDS. 25 different Swn ~ar Bikie. Bowrnalvilec; C. We'îlev colours of tapes, 15 siat colours.Sne wig C tr McFceteirs, Pelermno. Enuil iFlexa]um. Alumînum or rSteel, 47 IVALT T OTHP Memphis. 24-1 rneasured and instailed free of O T OTHP _______ Icharge. Phone '121. Weber's " STEPIIENS-At the home o[flier Fabrie Centre. 1-. USED MACHINERY dauigier. Mis. Ro v Langmaid, NEW and used sprcaclers, flexbl Sýollîa.u Thu:rsciay,, Junîe 4th, harxs t-lt ish ie Massey-Ilarris IIay Loader 1953, Cluistena H. Squair, in ber ijt,200.; .vagons, cultivators, scuf- nearly new 91st ' ear, îvifFe oi ite Lite George 1fiers. plows, w'heelbarrows, bock- Massey-Harris Dump Rake A. Stephens and dear mother of wheat seed. Carl Todd. Phonoe 2 Good HFay Tedders Katie (Mis. Ro ' 1 \-ai .Clarke 15 - 20. eCrikDrig Solina, aiîd 3ldeleîtîc (11,Iî's. - eCrikDeîu Cliaiecs Scnioll j. Charlotte. Nor'th USED refrigerators. Hostess and 7-ft. POWER MOWER Carolina. Service wa leld at Westinghouse, froni S95: îîsed 'ice«2 DEERING HORSE MOWERS th àoti-s -'LnealChpl.Bo\,Ibxes,-vu hie at$2.50 each at 5 oin o at 3:30 p.m. lntermitfBowvmn- Ii 134 King St. E., Bowxvmanviile. NEWV Holland Dealer ville Ccimetcit . 21 -1 Phone 6Z-9. 24-1BOWIMANVILLE (Maple Grave) WILON i bs home, 20) RîIaw- * For the Latest Papers PHONE 2279 livAv.,'1h e îi()nax <1 For the Finest Paints '2 4-1 V%'j11«mn . (kn i nploY ce T.H.E. 0 For the Best W1orkmaîîship Eicthali: cai l'aiPet' oiGeorge tf Strat ford, e'nd hrother of Mi's. A. N. Ipuer (Amiue) ai Boc'îaî vlle: Mir .3I.4toîJese1 l\Irs. IR.31. Mciiî)ath (Fila>. and M J. 1F. (1e:.oîIFtratîî'sj I Sel i.: held ii th- i auiof tPhe 11 a Funer,îl 1 ile oni Sa-tiîî'dax \-rvîrnJIi g ut 10 iî.îf . li- týrix.unt DioýLmt Plcasint Ceîîîor- Attention Farmers! anly -"hird~ ta Septenîýber I r. or ienti PHONE 11117 - oan tel mlc n Good Uscd Bjuîdei'. at 10w price Tractors 49-tf L'4111, 1111 s les t the .urîlm.nî NO. 44 Massey-llarris CoîutSa les Ai i rna, Orono, xi! iVea11' aIdi, i'iccd lowi sct :îce 2 t jAI. .AI I j< IVF Allis-Chairners, agerJîe Ibi ' it.o i l~1Fordson Major Teacher \Vanted 2 ciirs aid, goed baî'gan - - ________NO. 60 ('ockshutt CLARKÇE Toi, -h ip st Pool Ai ,, ou JRawiop. xvitii scuffîcu' attacli- roquhres thtler fur S.. No.9. nelit anîd power' lift cie, erIliebtît' c3,), nIlli-Combines west tif NzQ ie iiasDllicid i Clipper, 1 Year(Aid conîrnîîitt*v. St'iioul itel] eqîîp- -!th ala ahtii ped xx th lhx\du'ît. oirhî'1i'gl'- v, aHuîllîî 1 2 a 11' 1.acu. e' îiînt sal l A nietu a'ragcc lor cualifîtittte.r statd 00211 - b tii ttii hýlleg Sficut io11. cxcicî caid acitîres-, Iout %r orf zit st'.ptî'îii. :JJ. 51<1 loi. Ora:îa. On t., Serx-T ues *24-t Lsed ilayloaders, Bhtîders, Seed fr Sal Manure Spreaders and See fr S leThreshiîîg Macinies WfilI tako anytiing o t trade FRANKS G, lxfi t é lite nd î'xceî>t xotr girl friel) ihat i tu s,îlI .i i., t. i A. J. .ENDE-uOi GOOD garage for relit, central lo- cation. Phone 3244. 24-J-4 FURNISIIED flat for rent. O ne~ clîilcl ieleone. Phiono 2654.* 24-i .PRIVATE roomi, with hoard if jdesired. 18 Libcî'tv St. S.. Bowr- IAALL store for rouit on firont -l i ec,vacant Julv lust. Airs. J. V.Kniî,ht. Phiono 448. 24-1 Tenders Wanted The Trustees of Eldad Chureh, Soaina, arc offering a fraîiie shed x< 60i f'oi' sale bv tender. A. L. 22-tf Concrele and Masonry Brick, Block and Concrete llork Prompt Attention - ESTIATES FREE- L. Turner P. O. Box 177 Telephone 3600, Bowmanville Evenings 321 PAINTING PAPER HANGING Full Selection of PARALAC PAINTS and PAPERS Bowmanviilc Lion's Club an- Howard S. Brooking £nia1 auction sale ta ho held at PHON 270 42-l sons Communitv Centre, on Sat- PHONE2702 2-tfurday, October 24th, commencing at 1 p.m. For imntediate pick-up MqASGNY of articles being donated for this sale, 'phone 520 or 615. 22-22 CONSTRUCTION Repeat Performance - Newton- BRICK - BLOCK ville Woman's Association xviii Chimney s Repaircd and again present theit- play "Simple RebuiltSimon Simple" in the Camimunity RebuiltHall on Fs'iday, June 12 at 8:30 Sidewalks, Concrete, p.m. Master Billy Wadc, Courtice, General Industrial and xviii play hetween acts. Admis- Residential Contracting sion 50c and. 35e. 24-1* -Competent Workmanship CrwrgtArciua ait FREEESTIATESis holding a dance, bingo and Angr Bos.games attheoRecreational Centre, 1PHONE 26,43 at 8 p.m. Langley's Orchestra. 1 «2-tf Draw for radio, electrie kettie and electric Iran. Tickets for draw FURNACES25e or .5 for $1l. Admission ta, FURNAC Sdance 50c. Bingo, frec. 24-1 1 oeskard United Church W. A. Air Cnditonin iýssponsoring a strawherry social Wednesday, Jonc 24th, starting at a p.ni., followed by a musical con- cert, featuring the papular Bîllv Oii Burners Wade with his traps, acconpanied - Generous ses'vings and an enjoy- i able time promised. 24-2 S heet Metal Work Long Sauit Church will hold EXPERIENCE COUNTS their anniversary services on Sun- day, Jonc l4th. Rev. R. Sey- Jmour, Enniskillen, will be guest Eavelrouhing speaker. Services at 2:30 and 7:30 Eavetrouhing p.nî. Music by sehool children conducted by Mr. Workman in afternoon. Kirby Choir in the DAVIS & CID. evening. 24-1* 2 MILL LANE Anniversary services at Enfield, Phone - Day or Night, 3412 - 691 Junc l4th, aI 2 and 7:30 p.m. Rcv. 1 6-tf Hlaroid Turner, Bowmanvilie, wili speak, w'ith music by the school W. A KIPATRCKIand assisted byMrs. J. T. Brown, COMPLETE MondaN, Jonc 22nd. Blackstack Anglican W. A. wiIl present their Plumbing and Heating ply,"Gr'andpa's Twin Sister". Adission, adults .50e, ehildren INSTALLATIONS and REPAIRS1 23c. 24-11 for Bowinanville and surrounding eatîLinClbsso- disrics b sklle trdesen.Soring a tug-of-wxar for the charn-1 pionship of Clar'ke Township, No job too large or too smnall Jul:v 24th. Invitations have been to be appreciatedl extended ta Kendai, Kir-by, New-i castie, Nexvtonville. Oî'ono and' Up-to-date Plumbing Equipmcnt Shaxv's ta conipete for the abovek xvith Latest Style 'trhy and niedaîs. Any otherY Plu bin Accssrie I ommunity wishing ta enter con-1 if test please advise R. Davies, New- castle, before Jonc 22nd. 24-i Pn.ooCliirtian Haptoi. 2. Semni-Annual Payments. cistemn. 2 barns, etc. Pnice $6500. 24-2~ Free Estimales 3 Selected ('areful Drivers. $2000 daxvn. TeOfficiai Boar7d of the Unit-_ PHONE 4 Sav'îngs Shared 1%utually. edCuc fKna r feigO00acre fam, cay, 33 acres loaet heir largefsKeîdiac ofening B **anvile 3613 Ilf BRINKMAN workable, rest wood and pasture; %vitli steel roofing, by tender. KNSO D .br,6ro nu-rchue Tenders receix'ed u)ta Manday, 24-tf R. I. 4, BOIVMAlNNVILLE Price $4,500. $1500 down. Jonc 22îîd. H-iglîesf or any tend- ane PHONE 2523 15 cefn 1 okbe a ciner not neccssariv copted.end ___________-_________ tale Farm Muiyual loam, running creek, 3 wells, 9- enestJonPtoena.DEAD STOCK rernoved f rm UOMEIEISRA O roonWd frame house, good barn ____________242 o"ur fanîn praiptlv, for sanitaîv'UOOIE NUAC O with running wvater, hydro Tenders - isposaI. Telephione Collect: CaÎ- ______ 24-2 throughout. Price $1 1,500. $2300 iedr bourg 1266 or Toronto EM 3-3636 JLs down. Tenders w'iIl be receii'ed for the1 Gordon Younig Liiiited. 1-52 L- hsear ostsm o1tefas installing of a ncwt "Old. at 40, 50, 60" Man,: You're: C.Vî"IEO lot'ket iin Newvcastle, 'homes or businesses we have forJ -~ 1'craztl Tlîausands pePppv at 70. v*ieinity of United Church. Mýrs. sale. O il rurnace Ostrex Tanie Tabiets ' pep up A. G. Perrin. Phonte Clarke 3912. ___ bodies lacking iran. For run- 24-1 John F. DeWlth, Realtor indovn feeling many men, womwaslen En skle Ch ch cali "aId". Newv iget acquane BUEan rid bdge answers Newcsle nt. Phone 3341 s1ze o n y ti0 c A I l d u0g.s1.92 4 - 1 H. C. Boîathan. Phon o 2061." ' eT o e n 2 - u p u n il J U E 0, 19 3.R o o m a r id B o a r d N w as l .2 4-1 v va fte o R Mr. E. Wright 24 lOE .-ý~~kp eugoi, 14-lt. fIat-bot- .OU or fix'é-roorned unfurnisb-, ~F( ~T ~R1 -FN NSEIL.FN Box 4, ro hanutiï1t ai)n 'tu !oî. Pi'one B'ack- ;adullts and a girl 12 years of age. 24-4 to1 1 r 2 1, cahîecc. 24-3" 'Phone 3084. 24-l' IWork Wanted GARDEN work, grass cutting, etc. Aply H. Van Belle, 18 Mill Lane. 23-3* CUSTOM mowing Doug Mackie, Nestieton. Blackstoek 8 r 13. 24-2 TWQ boys vwith ehaufeur's lh- scenses. Saturday worlc only. Phone 870. 124-1 Q DA.RLINGTON Abattoir, lamp- ton, for custom kIlling. Phone 3243. 32-tf HAVE your kitchen and bath- roorn walls tiled, about 29 colours to choose fromi. M. Jurko, Phone 2753. 1211- tf NIAGUI]RE'IS GARAGE 28 Brown St. Phone 900 GENERAL REPAIRS to Ford and Ail Makes of Cars BODY and FENDER REPAIR Duco and Dulux Refinishing 23-2 BULLDOZING AND EXCAVATING BY HOUR OR CONTRACT - Free Estimates Given- WM. TRIPP PORT PERRY R. R. 2 Kendal Warnan's' Association are having the Newtonville play- ers present "Simple Simon Simple" in the Orange Hall, Ken- fiaI, June 17 at 8:15 p.m. Ad- mission 50c and 35c. 24-1* Maple Grave Anniversarv will ho held Sunday and Wednesday, June 21 and 24. Rev. H. C. Wol- fraim, Almante, a former pastor, wiil be guest speaker. Full par- ticulars next week. 24-1 Repeat Performance - Newton- ville Woman's Association wil again present their play "Simple Simnon Simple" in the Community Hall on Fridax', June 12 at 8:30 p.m. Admission 50c and 35c. 1Real Estate For Sale1 Real Estcrte For Saile ONE building lot for sale, 50. x 120. Phone 433. 24-1* LOT 75' x 103' on Liberty Street North, town water. Phone 3064. 24-1 TWO-storey building, 48' x 28' wtgarag attached. Apply to J. A . Arthur, Blackstock. Box 29. 24-1* BRICK house in Bowmanville, 10 roomns, double garage;, 3-piece bath, hot air heating. - Phone 3131 after 6 p.xn. 24-1w TRADING post and general store combined, at Frenchmàan's Bay; stock. and- fixtu-es, living quart- ers in rear. Phone Pickering 255W4. or write D. Brundle, R. Reception Mr. and Mrs. Everett Winacott. 95 Ontario St., Bowmanvifle, are celebrating their twenty-fifth wedding anriiversarv on Satur- day, June 2th. They will be at home to their neighbours, friends and relatives from 2 - 5 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Please accept this in- vitation. 24-1 COMING EVENTS Kinsmen Carnival, July 24 and 25, at High School grounds. 24-1 Salem W. A. are holding a home cooking sale at Kitson's Locker on Friday, June l2th, commencing at 2:30. 24-V' Home baking sale u~nder the auspices of the Eastern Star will be held at the Kitson Lockers on Friday, June 26th at 2 p.m. 24-2 The Durham Trustees' and Ratepayers' Association will hold their annual meeting in Mill- brook, Tuesday, June 23rd, at 8 p.m. 24-1 The Nursery School closing tvill will be held in the Comrnunity Centre, Friday, June 19, at 2:30. Open to the public. Silver col- lection at the door. 24-1 Corne to Sauina Married People's Picnîc, Thursday, June 18, at Lakeview Park, Oshawa. Every- one welcomne. Brinig your dishes and silverware. Suppr at 6:30 H. G. 'Bnp' GILL REAL ESTATE Bungalow, insulated, five rooms, ,modern kitchen, 3-piece bath, heavy wiring. See this new home in Bowmanville and make offer. H. G. «'Hap" GUI Real Estate 8 Second St. Bowmanville Telephone 3514 24-1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 38 acres, good 8-room bungalow, hydro,-telephone, somne good tim- ber, $3,500. Terms. 150 acres, dairy farni, good cernent block house and, large bank barns, running water, hydro, throughout. Close to Oshawa. 2 acre building, lots close ta No. 35 Highway, $500 each. Ternis. 5 rooni bungalow on Scugog St., Bowmanville, $4,590. Terms. H. C. Pédwell Newcastle. Phone Clarke 38-SSL Agent for* W. J. Warren, Broker Agincourt, Ont. 24-1 DONALD SCOTT REAL ESTATE $3,000, haîf acre land, 4-room frarne bungalow, good well, hydro, 3 miles west of Bawmanvilie. $8,700, modern 4-raom bungalow, in excellent condition_ located in quiet residentiai section of Osh- awa. Terns arranged. 8-rooni brick, 3-piece bath, hot air heating, modern kitchen, garage, large lot, beautifuily landscaped, central location, close ta sehool. 'Price $13.000. Listings nceded, town or country Donald Scott Real E.tate 78 King W. Bowmanville Diai 713 H. A. Phiip, Saiesman - Dial 2620 or 23 Prince St., Oshawa Diai 3-2612 DeWITH REAL ESTATE 34 acres first class orchard land, partly young orchaî*d,' with 7- raomed cottage; 2 wells, hydro, cistern, close ta Bowmanville. 92 acres pasture land, workahle. on good road. wood, spring, dlay loarn. 135 acre farn, close ta Lake On- tario. Sandy loam, 120 acres xx'rkable, xvith 9-roonîed brick hiause; running water, good bank barn, pig pen, hesi house, garage. Asking price $18.000. Terms. 81 acre farm 10 miles froni Osh- awa, wvith good insul-brie bouse, good barn with running water, hydro, heavy tviring, good creek. Price $13,000. Ternis. 50 acre farm, loam, 4.5 acres work- able, 2 wells, springs, 8-rooni partly Somne NIXON REAL ESTATE 6 room sold brick, 2 piece bath, insulated, 3 bedrooms, double garage, immediate possession, gjaod residential ;street, close to shool, churches and shopping centre. $7,000. Terms. 6 rooms, stucco home, 3-piece bath, à bedrooms, heavy wiring, buitin cupboards, insulated, oul heating, hardwood floors, laun- dry tubs, garage, garden, land- scaped. $10,000. Terms. 5-roomn brick house, 4-piece bath, insulated, extras. $5,000. Terms. General store business with mer- chandise, on King St. Many extras go with this business. 9-room frame home on two floors, 2-piece bath, garage, garden, small fruit. $5,500. Terms. 5-room 1',ý storey brick dwelling, 4-piece bath, sun-room, furna*ce, storms, sereens, awnings, garage, cerent drive, garden, small fruit, landscaped, extras. $9,500.00 Terms. 30 days possession. 5-room £rame hause, shed, garage, approximately 1 1/ acre, immed- iate possession. $2,600. .. Lot for sale, 60 x 132 on a good street with water and sewer in front of lot. James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N. Bowmanville Phone 682 Busines Opp 24.1*t Money Back Guaranfee Pr'ofecis Investment Giving You Spare Time Opporfuniiy International concern seeks responsible party ta operate route of sensational new type automatie merchandisers. Devotlng only a few hours should net up ta $80 weekly spare Uie, fulI time more. No selling or solicitlng as aur experts set up route. Requires $900 working capital which is secured by inventory and pro- tected by 10017 iron clad money back guarantee. Liberal company financial assistance aids expan- sion. if you have 3 to 5 hours spare time weekly and can furn- ish references write Pabout your- self; for prompt interview include name, a.ddress and phone number to C/o Canadian Sialesmaii BERRY pickers. Phone 800 ev- enings. 24-1 A FULL time clerk for grocery store at 103 Liberty .8t. N., Bow- ryianville. Phone 3391. 24-1 A WOMAN wanted for house- work, one day a wgek. Mrs. J. Schwvarz. Phone 933 Bowman- ville. 24-1 * G0OO -home for yaung expectant mother or elderly pensianer, in exchange for light help in house. Smnall remuneration. Apply Box 21, c/o Canadian Sttesman. 24-if THREE-room furnished apart- ment ta middle-age couple in ex- change for some assistance with housework. Apply'Box 22, c/o The Canadian Statesmah. 24-1 * CAPABLE persan required ta take charge of business office at Memnorial Hospital. Apply, stat- Ing experlence and saiary expect- ed, ta Finance Committee, P. 0. Box 468, Bowmanvile. 24-1 MEN with car wanted ta seillaur 250 guaranteed products in pro- tected territory. Wonderful open- ings in your surroundings. Write for details and free catalogue. Familex, 1600 Delorimier, Dept. A., Montreal. 24-1 WANTED: Reliable man as dealer in Bowrnanville. Experience not necessary. A fine apportunity ta step into aid profitable business where Rawleigh produets have!I been sold for years. Big profits. Products furnished on credlit.i Write Rawleigh's, Dept. F-140-163, Montreal. 24-ï Woeited To Buy ONE rug 6' x 9'. Write Box, 23, c/o Canadian Statesman. 24-11; A GARýDEN tractor, Choie AMaster preferred. Phone 3074. 128 Lib- erty St. N,,. 24-1* 1AY wanted, babd mixed hay, 1952 cut. State lowest price. WE will pay 5c each for good 6-quart baskets. Dominion Store, Bowmanville. 24-1* BEFORE selling your live pou]try try us. Our prices are hlgher. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany. Phione 7 r 3 reverse charges. 51-tf HOUSE or farm, Bowmanyilie or vi-cinity. Kindly state price and particulars. Write Box 25 c/o Canadian Statesman. 24-1 WANTED -Live poultry, goose feathers, feather tlcks, scrap iran, rags and rnetals. Raw furs and deerskins. Phone 3-2043 Oshawa collect. 46-tf TWIN carniage, must be in good condition. Have Gendron con- f %~ ertintatic in e-.ecellent condition that -..-e w'illi or trade. Phone. '2169, Newcastle. 24-1 AUCTION SALES~ Stoves, beds, chairs; aý; dresser, 2 stands, couch, 0 tool chest, tools, dishes, poté- pans 2 new steel drums 2 hoks, the househod ctý Austin Brown, Caesj.,i1 sold by publie auction* isj idence on Saturday, June 13,~ 1 pam. Henry Thompson, Ci~ Wm. Challis, Auctioneer. 23l Livestock For SaJý 16 WEANLING Yorkshire pl E. S. Cobbledick, Newcastle. 2ýI 23 PIGS, eight weeks aid, W' started. Murray Osborne. Phd 2134. 24' NT.h\BER of w,ýeek-old gosllni Mrs. Chester McGrath. Pha 2713. 24. S0W and nine pigs, three w'eE old. Fred Andrews. Phone Oro 15 r 13. 24- PERCHERON horse, 4 Years o! well broken. Phone 2443, Bo'. manville. 24- RABBITS, New, Zealand %vhitIý Big 11-12 pound breeders, al young stock. Priced reasanal if ail soid at once. Phone 34': BowManvilie. 241, TWO thoroughbred Jersey sprir ers, registered; onje yearling th( oughbred Durhami bull. If intg ested, cail before Friday noon. A. Werry. Phone 2570. 2ý DON'T miss out on these spt~c pices for day aid and stàt, heavy breed pullets. Approvi and R.O.P. Sired. These low pr es made possible by treinendo demand for cackercls. Standa Quality ail papular breeds $14.. per hundred, assorted breej' $13.95 per hundred. Mon Maker Quality add $1.00, Ext: Profit add $2.00, Special Matis add $3.00 per hundred. Startq Pullets 2 weeks old add $11.00, week old add $17.00 per hundr" Special price on 4 week aid heai breed pullets $35.95, 5 week o $40.95 per hundred. C.O.D. an, where. Also nan-sexed and coc erel chicks at competitive prieý Turkey pouits popular bree, Cars For Sale '37 FORD coach, body and mot in excellent condition. Pho 3675. 24 '39 BUICK sedan, in fair run1 condition, $135.00. G. Barret Queen St. 1949 PONTIAC deluxy-~ lowv mileage, good conditiorL verne Ciemens, Hampton. Po 2436. 24 '48 kARGO truck,. k- -ton, fi 6.50 six-ply tires, good conio mileage 23,000. This truck is Il 1951 G.M.C. % -ton truck in ex cellent condition, at Farm Equip ment and Automotive, 134 Kin St. E., Bowmanville. Phone 681 24- USED CARS 1938 OLDM. Five-passenger coupe. Completeiy overhauled 1937 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1936 DODGE COACH Mechanic's opportunwt 1932 BI'ICK SEDAN Hea te r 1930 FORD A SEDAN~ Bargafin GRAHAM'S GARAGE PHONE 2730 HAYDOI 24- Pets For Sale FOX Terrier pups, 8 weeks okd niceiy marked. Phione 2480. 94-F HALF-BRED hunter dog, 1 year oid. J. W. Boyd & Son, 51 r 18 Orono. 24-11 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES j The Caniadian Statesmuan Effective lune 218t. 1931 ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCX FOR SALE FOR RENT " HELP WANTED CARS FOR SALO LOST FOUND - ETC. Cash Rate -.-3Scpet word wiih a minimum ci 50c Mu~st bý. paîd by date of în'tortio. Il chrrqed, air uMdtional 2aos will be addecd. A chorqeofai 2c wîll hcrmade týz jail replies d:rected ta thie à1fie. j NOTICES COMING EVENTS Af CARDS Or THANKS 3a word 'ith a minimum of 81.00 ,or 23W3words or lons. ITHS, DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTN J MARIACE5 $1.00Ovr 'insertion IN MEMORIAMS $1,500plus 10c ao une fot verte COMMERC(IAL CASSIFIEDS !lnclu.iles ail advitisiriq foi perzon.- el tm sellinq services ideas o,1 qooda o1 any description) Sc per word; minimum charge 7b, i cash wiîh ord-r. Ta requlat ad. vorlîsurs payable monthly. Display Clasiil.d ai $1.09 e Inch with a minimum of one inch. Additional insertion ail th %aille rates. Ail Classified Ads. must b. In tht. ofCfice fot later thons Il ô clock noon, Wedne day. - Send cash , %tampe or maney- cyder und raive money. Clip th_, out lot hcndy refeyencel PAGE EIGHTEEN PHBI, 3303 IIR CA?;AnT,&lV ItrAM-V-CU,&V ^I&ý.ýý. b - (j - 1'l 'Z L' ý T ON &- ,S O.N 1 1 ý4i-4 ý 1 - '. .". - . - IMMEDIATE possession - Five- room, 11/1 storey, lovely brick home; close ta schools, churches and transportation. Has 4-piece bath, fireplace, ail furnace and modern kitchen. Apply 175 Church Street, or Phone Oshawa 5-4243. Ternis. 24-1 $3200.-ATTRACTIVE cottage in Caesarea, completely furnished, 3 hedraoms, screened verandahs, attached garage, closed-in yard, inside canvenienees. Could eas- ily be converted ta a comfortable home. Phone Oshawa 5-5070. 24-1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties SoId, Rented, Managed and Appralued. L. NI. A L LISON Real Estate Broker ]Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks north of traffie signal Newcastle,. 0t gUail us for 1. SinýW Silé'. Cazi

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