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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jun 1953, p. 8

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1~ PAGE EIGHT q'w~ ~A~AfA% 5uwb71AXi~VUiIC OTAI Durham bo be Honored OBITUARY Weed Conirol Wih Wiih Visit by Dms. 1Boy FERGUSON Selective Weed Killers Young Scoîîîsh Lassie Iun th~e~ passixig pi Mrs, o Fer- Recommended by Gov'i. ____onMa_2__ckt6kand Miss Nancy Fleming, a Scottish' community lost one of its highlyI Weeds -uha swtisl n Young wiîî ~ esemed and beloved citizens Cnaa hite and many other 'YUgFarmer, wl evisitiflg i She was a daughter of Mns. Hy- Canaa weecscnb fetvl Durham County the week of land and the late Thos. Hyland, nulwesc befctvy June 16 ta 23rd. Miss Fleming is CiRdmus, and spent ail her life ' , controlled in the grain crop by one Of four Scottish Young Fanm- onean Cartwright. She taught klspyn ih chmclwe ers who, on an exchange visit1 schoal until her marriage in 1924. kiles.lso et cnu do with Ontrio Junor FResuitsceofentests avenducted oon wih ntnl Jnir amers, areSnethnhehaeeiddo Illustration Stations in Nothern spending several weeks on farms the aid Joshua Ferguson home- erinByadM itunIs thogotth rvnesuyn stead Goga a ndMntui a thrughut he roinc, sud 1ng Althuh in failing health for1 land during the last 3 years in- the Ontario agricultural system doetm, h eta enme- cate, says C. B. Dalton, that an oran teontai uio amr est in ail activities of home, application of 8 ounces of 2,4-D ranzto.church adco'nty ntlaacid equivalent per acre applied While -in Durham County she, month before her passing she took when the grain is 6 ta 8 inches will visit at the home of S. Gray, iher place as president of the W. high with a law pressure, low gai- R.R. 1, Port Hope, who is thej M.S., ece fth usr lasslnage sprayer is most ecanami- father af Mr. Bey Gray and Miss in Sunday Schoal and Crad.le Roltatn fetv.I a on tDuin raacive Fmembrsofsh uperintendent. She was a great tbe yield increases can usuaily wlaedthe uha J nuarmein. Shelaver of childnen and loved by at expected after applying 2,4-D will attcnd the AnnualAPicn icof themmoderate rates ta grain fairly the Durham Federation of Agri- a eeryhere. At an s ear"ty heavily infes ted with weeds. culture at Orono an June 20 and geats h hadaccolished "te Grain seeded with meadaw the Durham Junior Farmers Field gi reaet hngdnofr-therunsel- mixtures containing claver and Day held Li conjunction with it. flso re dsyt do n for athr, ndalfalfa was sprayed ut different Miss Fllovegand sympathysiinydischargeng.rates, ta determine the tolerance, MissFleing illals vist yur dtie".if any, of claver and alfalfa seed- farms in Cartwright Township Funeral service held in the Un- *'gs and wilI attend a meeting of the ited Church May 23 was conduct-uss A etrfomlinwa Tynone Women's Institute. ebyhrpsrevC.WH ut-ofed at 2, 4, 8, 16 and 24 ounces tonWho n hs usal anne ofacid equivalent per acre. Es- - ta, wa inhisusua manertimated claver and alfalfa stands spake words of comfort and en- the next season after spraying couragement ta ail friends. wn 37,3,1 n 1prcn Left ta maurn lhen bsare han f 7 4 3,1 ad2 prcn husband and five childnen: Grant, resecivey or the five rates as Toronto, Thelma (Mrs. Lloyd caredt h npae hc Wniht) NstIto; Mnaat aea. It appears therefore that Wrigh)m; Biheand Sana a while thîs practice has same ap- home; also her aged mather, Mrs. plication rates above 4 ounces Hylan, Camus;of acid per acre can càuse some HylndCadus;three sisters: damage ta the legume stand. -. ~~Mrs. Chas. Graham, Cadmus; _________ DURO UMP Hrry SanD.ernEn sawmer;son BerL ig red Tr encershshaa, Mr aN d Mrs. Lence give usfreh, ure in ribtahseryleFrne" goes dun- M.adMr.ErfeiDn when an wherewe dentheiam e aron"ntheT UOn e oad iie r n Z' adstaouacn- ie Staestlnd Cand a Ms. o ScottClrk esnion and comforterMr. Jm ofm, dailyile ailchsszes ta intheetaske adrth r HryFegs PUMPS & SOFTENERS LIMITED PF82 LONDON - CANADA JACK DR0UGH PLUMBINC* AND HEATING Division Street S. ]PHONE 615 BOWMANVILLE The Gravely Rotary Flow meons a perfect seedbed ini just ONE aPermtion! No <lods to beot up, noa horrewlng necessory - it's reody te plant! Corne in, write or phone for demnonstrotion or f ree literoture. For Information and free demonstration cali S. l. HENEY Wonderland Park Motor Court Kingston Road West between Oshawa - Bowmanville Phone Oshawa 5-4011 M I N' !1IX1 j - Wenry. Mn. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson and famiiy, with Mn. and Mrs. L.% Winkworth, Barrie. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Mayhua and children, Little Bnitain, with Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright.1 Mn. Wilbur Toms, Mn. W. Don- sey, Mn. Sandy Moore and Louise, Purpie Hill, called on Mn. and Mrs. Fred Toms. C.G.I.T. met ut the home of Gloria and Curai Wright May 29th. Wonship peniod was in change of Shirley Milîs and Canalc Wright. A stany from aur Study Book was tald by Canal. Program consisted of piano sala by Lra iWearn and a story by Irene Fer-V guson. Recreation was canductedJ by Shirley Milîs. A deliciaus lunch was servad by the hostass and han mathen. Next meeting at the home of Shirley Ellis, June 19. A community picnic sponsoned by the Sunday School will be ' held on Fniduy, June 12, ut Hamp- ton Park. Evenyone welcome. . Came und have a good time. i Little Miss Jackie Veule spent t MASSEY-HARRES MACHINES Using scientific apparatus for stress analysis, research engineers put Massey-Harris machines over the Massey-Harris fuil-scale test track, specially designed and built for studying and proving the design and construction of mod- ern power farming equipment. This electronic equipment records the inside story of strains and stresses set up ini frame members and working parts in operation --such information is most helpful ini the development and production of new machines and improvements. In design and construction', Massey-Harris machines offer the Iatest developments in modem engineering and research, bring- ing advantages that enable work to be done easier, quicker, and at less cost. MASSEY-HARRIS COMPANY, LUMUTED Makers of high quality farm implements sinco 1847 Saturday afternoon with Miss Betty Jane Werry. Mr; and Mdrs. T. P. Bradley, Bawmanville, Mn. and Mns. Floyd Pethick, Toronto, with Mn. and Mra. S. R. Pethick. Mns. L. Bnaidwood and Billie, Mo-ntreal, with Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hobbs. W. A. met ai Mns. Lloyd Ash- ton's. President Mrs. H. Mîhîs op- ened meeting with W.A. motta and creed. Scniptune was read by Mns. Edgar Wright. Davotion- al leafiet was raad by Mns. H. Stevens and Mrs. J. MeLaughlin. Mns. E. Page closad with prayer. Rail caîl cnaated same humon, "My Pet Peeve". Donations wene handed in from Hoba Teas. An- nangements were made and a committee put in for operation of booth at the bail field this sum- men. Mrs. A. Sharp pnesented the pnognum: Piano solo by Phyllis Howeil. We wene pleased ta have Mrs. Walfe, Blackstock, speak on Edna Jacques' travels and poems she has writtan and han home life. Many thanks ta Mn'. Wolfe for han fine talk and wa ware all pleased ta have han In aur midst again. Piano solo by Ray Ashton. Meeting closed by theme sang, aften which Mns. A. Sharp cailed the ladies ta order and nead an address ta Mrs. Jas. Adams, who has moved ta Bow- manville. Mrs. E. A. Wenry, Mna. H. McGill and Betty Jane Wenry pnesented Mrs. Adams with an electric tea kettie, a cambined heor and f aeralsa avase i corn loni pattenn A om thed Mns. Elliott and pupila fnom ammunr ie tyMr.LAdh ams aned -this achool shared in Ho pe Tawn- ailb f o n ifn ch wasge. v-ship Field Day held in Part Hope ed b grop i chageon Fniday afternoon. Mn. and Mns. C. Milis, Pont A apecial service was held on Penny, with Mn. and Mns. Leon- Sunday manning when the Wam- ard Stainton. an's Association pnesented thein Mn. and Mrs. Robent Maddens, semi-annual missionany affening. Toronto, at Mn. and Mns. A. L. This is dane sa thâat the money Wearn's. may be turned in ta the M. and Mn. and Mns. Fawns of Udora, M. Fund twice a year. Rev. Hard- Mn. and Mrs. Keith Howsam, ing conducted the service, with Gneenbank, with Mn. and M'rs. Mrs. Reeve, anganist, and a choir E. McNair. of ladies and juniar girls. A duet Mr. . K.Graam sent un-and solo parts wene taken in the Mn.J. . Gahrn pen Su- pecial hymna by Bannie and day with his wife and daughten Marie Austin and Helen Austin. in Toronto. The scripture, from Matthew, with Miss Rata Dickie, Mn. Allan Jesus' parting command ta his Dickie, Hampton; Mn. and Mrs. followens, was read by Berniece H. Stuntt, Bunketon, with Mrs. E. Best and the respansive reading Stnutt and Mn. and Mna. C. Peth- of the 91st Psalm was led by Mns. ick. K. Tutt. Prayer was affered by Mn. and Mns. R. Hope and fam- Mrs. L. Holdaway. and Mns. W. ily with Mn. and Mrs. Stainton. Tufford, and Mns. K. Ashby we Mn. and Mns. Walten Oke with ushens. MrI. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton, Pun- The special speaker was Mns. ple Hill. Cecil Bunley, Newtonville, whose message was heard with pleasure Mn. Gordan Beckett, Oshawa, and profit by har aid fniends in at Mn. and Mns. Floyd Beckett's. the place whene she f inst became Mn. Ruiph Lamb with Mn. Glen ussociated with the W.M.S. rlodguson ut Hall's Lake. Baskets of eis, spirea, sweet Miss Ruth Lamb, in company racket, a vase of red peonies and with Mr. and Mns. E. Wright and dank iris, and a beautiful hy- family, visited Mn. and Mns. Ver- drangea made a loveiy fragrant non Ratz, Huntsville. setting. They wene pnovided by Mn. and Mns. Cliffard Hetz and family, Fainview, Penn., visited Mr. and Mns. L. Lamib. Mn. and Mrs. L. Weann and Vearn's, Claremont.R Mn. and Mrs. Russell Coates, Mrs. Sandy Moore and Mns. Jim Coates and childnen, Purpie Hill, visited Mn. and Mrs. F. Toms. Mn. and Mrs. Evarett Eliiott, Misses Mary and Barbara, Osha- wa, called an Mn. and Mrs. M. AN JHobbs. Mrs. Mantha Wright accompan- id by Mn. and Mns. Pansons, vis- ted hc.- son, Mn. and Mrs. R. Wright, Tyrone. Mns. R. J. Ormiston, Mns. L. Ashton, and Mns. M. J. Hobbs, DUE were guests of Tynone W.M.S. Sympathy is extended ta Mns. ng of her-aunt ut East Temple- F EDERATI on. Mrs. O. C. Ashton and Lois, ent a few days in Ottawa with &ns. Ashtan's father, Mn. W. E. alton and hen brathers. A1 . Mn. Bill Mahaffy is sparting a iw Pontiac. - 1 f ir tc SI IV. Dl rq SI rV CADMUS Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Hannu and Mn. Andy Hoimes spent Sunday ufternoon with Mn. und Mrs. Jack Hanna, Janetviila. Sympathy is extended ta the family of the late Mrs. James Thompson who passed away sud- deniy in the Oshawa Ganerul Hospital, last waek. Mns. Tannant, Bowmanville, und Mn. Sutherland, Toronto, with Mrs. A. Cook. Church was held ai Cadmus on Sunday. Thene was a vany good attendanca. Flowers were placed on the altan in memony of the Juta Mrs. James Thompson. Mn. and Mrs. James McKee, Mr. and Mrs. Lamne McKee, Leah and Maxine, spent Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. Bant Shea, Fleet- wood. Mn. and Mns. Arthur Patterson and family, Toronto, with Mn. Sid Goff. Glad ta repart that there is a siight improvement in Mrs. Goff's condition. Mrs. Dunkeld, Claremont, is spending a few days with han daughten, Mrs. James Melton. Mn. Tom Scott, uncia of Mrs. William Fee, was buried on Mon- day ut Lifford. Mn. and Mra. Fee attended the funeral. Mn. Alan Gibson, Taronto, spant a few days with his gnandfather, Mn. Charles Gibson. Durham Jr. Farmers On Week's Bus Trip To Indiana, U.S. Two Durham County Juniar Farmers: Bey Gray, R.R. 1, Port Hope, and Ewurt Leask, Taun- ton, will take a bus tour ta Indiana from June 14 - 20 which is jointly sponsored by the On- tario Federation of Agriculture and the United Co-Openutives of Ontario. Huif of the boys' expenses of $80 euch will be paid by the Durham Fedenatian of Agricul- ture. Punpose of the tour Is ta ac- quaint the boys with the Indiana Farm Bureau argunization and ta show them how co-operatives and farm onganizutians are car- ried on in that state. Ebenezer Farm Forum Enjoys Bus Trip To Niagara Falls A mosi intenesting and in- structive trip ta Queenston and Niagara Falls was enjoyed Tues- day by 33 members of the Eben- ezen Funm Forum. The membens chantened a bus and left for Queenston from the Ebenezer Church at 9 a.m. On their arrivai they wene taken on a conducted tour of the Sir Adum Beck Na. 2 Genenating Station by officiais of the Ontario Hydro-Electric Power Commis- sion. Their lunch was ulso pro- vided by the H.E.P.C. and they retunned in the evening aftar a WANTADS Bethany Women's Instituta Cor- onation dance was a highly suc- cessful avent. Lucky doon pnizes went ta Miss Mona Bnunt and Mn. M. McCuuliiff; spot dance pnizes ta Mn. Maurice Driver, Miss Maxine McGlynn, Mrs. Ru- part Woods and Mn. Thomas Jan- nîngs. Town Hall was attractive- ly deconated in a ned white and blue colon schema with pictures of Queen Elizabeth and othar members of the Rayai family, flaga and balloons and a realiy good urne was anjoyed. Ruth Wil- son 's Variety Band funnished the music and Ernest Youngman called the square dances. Lunch was served. Mns. Samuel McMasten, Toron- ta. hua been the guast of Mn. and Mns. Alex McMaster. this day nowl To Attend the JiAL PICNIC of the RHAM COUNTY 'ON 0F AGRICULTURE and the &~L FI ELD DAY of tha Durham County Junior Farmers at the ORONO COMMIUN ITY PARK Saturday, June 2Oth 12 Noon - Dring your lunch (Tables, chairs, hot water and booth facilities supplied). Three special prizes will be given - ta the Farmi Forum with the largest turnout, ta the largest family in attendance, ta the oldest couple. Above persans must be in attendance during lunch ta qualify for these prizes. In addition ta the above there will be special attendance prizes donated for the man, woman, boy and girl whose naines are drawn f rom the drum. Man's prize - valuable S.K. socket tool set with case; waman's prize - Hotpoint èlectric tea kettie; boy's prize - a Spalding basebali glove; girl's prize - a comb, brush and mirror set. 2 p.m.- Speaker: Lloyd Jasper, Mildmay Mr. Jasper is 2nd Vice-President of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture and a Past President of the Bruce County Federatian of Agriculture. He is also a Past President of the District Fairs Association. A most interest- ing speaker, Mr. Jasper will deal with the accomplishments and problems of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture and the individual farmer's responsibility ta his organization. 3 p.m. - Junior Farmers' Track, Field Eveis Alosparts events for everyone, sponsored by the Junior Farniers. Prizes for ail from 1 ta 10 years; first and second prizes ta winners age il and over 4 p.m. - Junior Farmers' Bail Gamte 9 pem. - Junior Farmers' Dance in Clarke ToWnship Hall, Orono. Round and square dancing. Admission, 50 cents per persan. Novelty prizes. Everyone welcome. FARN NACHINERY DISPLAYS ON THE PICNIC GROUNDS Everyone Welcome I Belhany Lady Honored By Friends on ApproachingMarriage Mrs. T. S.* Gault, Bethany, en- tertalned at a comniunity showen Thursday evenlng in ho non of Miss Catherine Janvis, whose mraniage took place in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Bethany, on Satunday. Mrs. Robent Sisson exprassed the congratulations and gopd wishes of Bethany friands afd with Mrs. C. Reynolds as- sisted in opening the gifts as well as a china tea service. Miss Jarvis- expresaad sincere thanks ta everyane, especially Mns. Gault for apening han home, and the cammittea, lMrs. Charles Reynolds, Mrs. Effie Morton, Mns. Ailan Gribble, Miss Launa Morton and Mns. R. Sîsson, who had been in change of arrangements. Mns. T. Jennings led in com- munity singing and gave a hum- anous navelty number. Mrs. Wel- lington Fallis and Mrs. Ernest Lamb, accompanied by Mns. Reg. Edmunda, sang two duets. Refneshments were senved and the bride-to-be, who is a graduate of Wellesley Hospital in Toronto, spent a happy hour refiewing aid acquaintances. ~prn9Rain66 BISCOv ROOF for TOP Performance ASPHALT SHINGLES & SIDINGS Blends and Solid Colours ROLL ROOFINGS, Asphlit and Tarred SHEATHING & FELT! UILT-UP ROOFING MATERIALS IlBISCO" WALLBOARDS Triplex - Green Board Burley Board - Burley Tile PLASTIC CEMENTS & WATERPROOF PAINTS ROOF COATINGS "FLEECE LINE" ROCK WOOL INSULATION "MICAFIL" Aggregates for Plaster, Concrete and Insulation Bi 31 J- BISHOP LSPHALT PAPERS LIMITED PORTNEUF STATION, .., TORONTO and LONDON, ONT. Worehouses and Bronches: CUFBEC, P.O., MONTREAt, P.Q. end TORONTO, ONT. 53-3 AND SIDING SEE, )AVE BOTHWELL ne 2633 R.R. 3, Bowmanvllle Miles West Of Bowmanville p ,- jums il, 1953 Mrs. Snell, Mrs. A. Thorndyke and Mrs. Oughtred. Truman Austin was Sunday School Superintendent for that day and there wau a good attend- ance in Bible Clasa ta discusa stewardship with the leader, Clar- ence Nicholîs. Mns. C. Burley, Mrs. S. Lan- casier and Darella wene enter- tained at Mna. L. Holdaway's after service an Sunday. Miss Launa Hill, Kenmora, is spending a few days with E. Ban- nawclough's. Mn. K. Toppin, Judith and Janet spant Sunday with Mrs. L. Top- pin. On Fniday evening a lange group of friands gathaned ut the home of Mrs. A. Austin ta hanoun Ruth Payne, prospective bride. The groom-ta-be was preaent and the young couple were given tha seat of honour ta hean a pragram in charge of Rev. Harding. A duet by Canal and Sharon Thorn- dyke, and sala by Helen Austin were the vocal numbers; violin solo with Muriel Austin, uccomp- anist, was played by Mns. K. Dm.- ner. Sevanal vocal and instrumental numbers by Cecil White of Part Hope, assisted in same by Murray Payne, preceded an address nead by, Muriel Austin and gifts of a tri-lite lump and hostesa chair pnesented by Mrs. A. Austin and Mrs. A. Thorndyke. Ruth replied with thanka and appneciation was expressad also by Keith. The good wishas of everyone go with these young people. Many Junior Farmers Took Pari in Annual iJudging Compelitions An * pesie total af 71 Dur- ham County Junior Farmers took part in the annual livestock judging campetitian with haad- quartera ai Onono held a week ugo last Saiurday. When the scores were totalled, Gerald Brawn's team was the winnen by only a ana-paint mar- gin aven Bey Gray's gnoup. The high novice judga, Kenneth But- tery, Bawmanviile, was awarded a beautiful shield donated by the Canadian National Exhibi- tion. Stock was judgad an the fol- lowing fanms: Lawrence Haaey, hanses; Dr. W. Sharwin, Jerseys; John Rickard, two classes of Shonthorns; James T. Brown, Hoîsteins; and Lloyd Ayre, twa classes of shaep. Total possible score was 600 points. Finat fiva seniors wene: Earle Brown, 569; Gerald Brown, 563; Mennili Brown, 545; Kaith Van Camp, 544; Nail Moffat, 544 (tiad); Bey Gray, 536. Firat 10 juniors were: Jack Ogden, 545; Ron Brooks, 544; AI- lin Osborne. 539; Ken Buttery, 534; Alian Dayes, 530; Harvey Graham, 529; Ken Brooks, 527; Dalton Fisher, 526; Roy McHolm, 524; Melville Samelis, 522. An ancounaging featune of the competition was that seven senior boys coached teams for the cam- petition: Gerald Brown, Bey Gray, Glenn Larmen, Neil Mof- fat, Eanle Brown, Harvey Graham and Richard VanCamp. Cash pnizes wene awarded ta the coaches, and each contestant received a smaîl cash pnize. m ----i Mrs. Walter Rowland is visiting ini Toronto with Mr. and Mn. Bert Freeman. Mrs. (Dr.) J. J. Hamilton un. derwent a critical operation lI Peterborough Civic Hospital on Saturday and at timne of writing is reported making good recov- ery. Robert Ryley, student at Grave Preparatory School, Lakefield, la home for summer vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ryley. Congratulations to Mr. Norman Lowes, who received his B.A. de- gree from Toronto University.- His parents, Mr. and Mn. Donald Lowes, were in Toronto for the graduation. Mrs. Ralph Connor, Icapuska. inwith her parents, Mr. a Mrs. Roy Jarvis. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Capek and Sharon and Robert, Ux- bridge, visited Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Weatherilt. Mrs. Donald Ham and children, Orono, with Mr. and Mrs. Aiban Sisson. M. and Mrs. Ross Downje and daughter Sandra, Raeloro, with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Mintz. Bethany Girls Softball teamn won their game in Newcastle on Friday night, 6-1, On the same night the men's basebail teamn lost ta Millbrook visitons here, 8.7. FoiI Winds Winter Snow - THE CAIqADIAm qTATr-çv,&m- RnwuAwlu"»T.Vý lrWMAIDT^ it BETHANY

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