PAGE TJW HE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOVWA!qVLLE. ONTA1UO St. Johnsu Charch Graduate Nurses' Association Enjoy Annual Reunion News St. John's Sunday School wiil officîally close for the summer season when the pupils of the.4s school wiUl join with the regular Sunday rnorning congregation at 1l o'clock to shane in the third Annual Flowen Service. Members of the Sunday School are asked to meet at the Parjsh Hall at 10.45 a.m. bringing with tbem small bouquets of flowers wbich will be offered to God and then distibuted to the sick and .... shut-in. The boys and girls wili parade into the chiunch and pres- ent their flowers at the begin-....... ning of the service. After the third collect of Morning Pnayer aIl but the senior classes will ne- turn to the Parish Hall for the usual instruction. Howeven before doing se the awards for good work and effort " will be made to the leading pu- puls in each class, the presenta- tions being made by the Rector on behaîf of the Sunday School.» Day Service scheduled for 3 p.rn. Bowmanville Graduate Nurses' Association held their fourth Tomlinson, Mrs. Marian Samis Edgerton, Mrs. Doris Harý Sunday afternoon bas been post- annual reunion at the Lions Community Centre on Thursday, June Il. Ruth Simpson Perrnn Mrs. Dorothy Cahoun McDonald, Mrs. p.m. duto the MJuemonihal an Thirty-three were present for the noon dinner, but some had left before Wilcox, Mrs. Evelyn Taylor Aider, Mrs. Emma Niddery Wi Decoration Day service at the the above photograph was taken. Those pictured are, back o:Ms n uhFg ae r.DrtyLchr nesn rs.F Cemetery. Buttery Cole, Miss Mary Young, Mrs. Winnie Morris Young, Mrs. Stella Muir, Mrs. Bessie Clarke Stephenson, Mrs. May Lamb Hel Tbe Towit and Country Church Couch His, Mrs. Edith Pinch Bray, Mrs. Rester Moorcraft Boe, Mrs. Aura Cochburn Buttery. Little girls: Miss Katherine Tomlinson Committee of the Synod of the Rundie Squair, Mrs. Mary Sauva Dumas, Mrs. Ruby Clatworthy Truil, Emmerson. Missing fromn picture: Miss Lena Taylor, Mr Waren ofTrn, RectdR fDan Mrs. Lillian Holman Emmerson, Mrs. Marian Staples Young, Miss Velma Lycett, Mrs. Edna Forder Dunn, Mrs. Grace Werry Borî lington, te be its chairman for Gay, Mrs. Elizabeth Bigelow Wilkins, Miss Ruth Hancock, Mrs. Elsie Peters Frances Cryderman. 1953-4 term. Amongst the reports Alldread, Mrs. Mildred Coolidge Foley; front row: Mrs. Catherine Clark presented to the cornrittee on Monday was that f the Student Mn. A. E. Summens, local Ag.- wt r n Rural Training School, held again B A K T c wt n in the Cavan Parish early in May, Rep. and Mn. J. Weston Bannis- L CK T C Bowmanville, or in which special reference was ter, Garden Hill. Tbe School was Mn. and MVrs.1 made to the valuable spiritual happy to welcome Mn. John James Mrs. Donald Tinney and jim- ber mether, Mu leadership given tlbe school by M.F., as a visiter during the Ses- my, Mrs. Oakley Carley and Weston, with Mr 1ev. T. A. Nind, well-known to Anne, Cavan, visited last Friday Wolfe on Sunda, aid ti m rs n B w m a vih e a si n~w ith M rs. C larence M arlow . M iss G ertru de Rector bene fonty years ago. Rev. The Editor of The Canadian 0 Mrs. W. Archer attended the wt Mrs. JM.A( Arthur Chote, until recently Rec- Statesman was a welcome visiter s ,, ~ graduation exercises for nurses SmrsVtMhA tor of Cavan, was Dean of the te St. John's Church last Sunday at--Osiawa General ositl as Sit ad li Scbool. Others of local interest merning wben be accempanied Thursday wben her niece,Misdnegutsa who gave valuable help included, Mr. W. J. Milîs of St. Marys. Barbara LucT. Miden Prpriinf the Rev -and TMr "TfOU WANT AQUARrEp.To Go TO- THE AQUAPIUN% AND $jg AN QCTOPUS--WVHEN YOU CAN' STAN? LOOK AT THIS ONE rFORFREE P!I DOn't *verloed your wirlng system. When you build or moderniz. provide ADEQUATE WIRING. HIOOON ELECTRIC JELECTRIC WIRING, REPAIRS AND REFRIGERATIONY AUftfHORIZED A2 KING ST.EGCENERAL@ ELECTAIC 8owmaniII. >hoie 38 HOME APPLIANCE DIALER Ontario driv'esafehj AulhOrnzmd boitlot Of Cota-Colo uW ndot fwith COCO-Cola Ltd. HANBLY'S BEVERAGES OSHIAWA. ONT. PHONE 3.2733 "Coke" le a eumfd id-a. - COOKING ERRORS Hello Homemakers! If we used the same accunacy in mensure- ments and directions as the type- setter who pints The Mixing Bowl we should bave excellent results from redipes. You must admit he dees a splendid job. However, in recipes we do net use the same brands of food on the same type of equipment wbich often makes a big difference. Un- fortunately, toe, some people try te use the listed ingredients with- eut following the directions. Fer- haps the mest cemmen errer in cooking la the use of wreng mea- surements. Level, reunding and henping spoonfuls give quite dif- ferent mensures. A tableware tea- spoon heaped with baking powder jmay contain more than twice the annount of a level measuring spoon. A fallen cake could be the result of doubhing the ameunt of baking powder. A beavy, com- pact cake rnigbt be due te using unsifted fleur since a cup of un- sifted cake fleur often measures 1%~ cups after sifting. This extra 1/ cup can change a light cake into a bready, compact one. TAKE A TIP 1. The omission of cream of tan- tar or cern synup fnom a beihed fnosting causes a dry, sugary crust on standing. Fer best ne-t sults use the crenm of tartan andi in exact amounts.i 2. High bent for scnambled eggs i tends te anake them watery. Cook - at a low temperature and stop wben eggs are just cengulated, sbiny and seft. 3. Over-ceoking of a puffy orne- let causes n shrunken and tough product. Bake at a iow tempera- ture until just set. 4. Over-cooking of green veget- ables turns the celer te bnewn. Cook green vegetables in a smal amount of wnter, drain as seen as tender and if necessany, keep' bot in a sieve even bot (net houl- ing wnter. 5. If you fold the sugar inte beaten egg wbites fer meringues the baked product forns water at edges. Add fine granulated sugan wben beaten egg wbites are at frothy stage. Beat until sitff and shiny. 6. Hard-ceoked eggs have a green ring on the yolk wben lef t to cool in bot pan. Cool eggs quickly in a bewl under running wnter te prevent bydrogen sul- phide diffusing and te belp egg shell come off smoothhy. 7. Coeking polished nice in a large amount of bard water tends te turn colon yellew-green. If you cook nice in water te which a ½ ý-teaspoon of cream of tartan is added, colon will be pure white. 8. Tee mucb sugar in mixtures for frozen desserts causes a soft mixture with a grey layer on bot- tom. Mensure sugar accurately for frezen desserts. 9. Cooking old potatees in milk fnequently results in curdling. Stin measuned fleur into milk be- 10. The addition of bot milk te tomatees wbile mnking soup causes cundling. Always add bot ' tomate juice te bot white sauce EXPERT All Work Guranteed One Year MARR'S JEWELLERY -- 0111Len gaa and beat occasionally until serv- ed. ing time. 11ev. R. B. Harrison, Wilf THE QUESTION BOX was the guest minister at Mrs. J. K. asks: What is a baffle Cadmus Anniversany on Sun in the oven and are seme better and hie and Mrs. Harrison w than others? guests of Mrs. Hutton for theè A great number from here Answer: The enamel coven even tended and were pleased te the bettom unit in an electnac Mn. and Mrs. Harrison. oven is used te belp distribute Mr. and Mrs. Don Carnegie heat. Engineers bave designed Beverley, Mancbester, with« baffles te suit each oven although and Mrs. Howard Forder on Si removable baffles are more read- day. ily cleaned. Miss Marilyn Archer, Whil Mns. C. C. asks: Do yeu think with her grandpanents, Mn.z an autematic timer is a worth- Mrs. W. Archer. while investment? This. districts oldest residE Answer: Yeu may purchase Mrs. Albert Henry, former Ji spring-driven or an electrically Vance, in ber 95th year, died operated device wbhch when set Memrnoial Hospital, Port Ferry, and put into epenatien will start Monday morning. She bad bE and stop the appliance eperatien an peer heahth for several ye; at pre-determined tîrnes. It is and had lest her eye-sight Sy -especially convenient fer even patby la extended te hier relativ meals. This item should net be Mn. and Mrs. George Stanila confused with the minute minden are visitîng tbeir daugbter, MV which is aise belpful. Hammeil and family in Montreý Mrs. S. W. asks: What sheuld Mr, and Mrs. Rupert Bye we keep handy in case of a grease Bewmanville; Mn. and Mrs. Ri fine at electric range? sell Lansing and Miss Phen Answer: A large open package Hooey, Toronto, with Mn. aý of baking soda is best te throw Mrs. Herman Hooey on Sund, on any fine. Then, tee, be sure te Miss Helen Grubbe, Westc knew bow te shut off the switch visited Mr. and Mrs. Geor at the main fuse box. Wolfe several days hast week. ** Mr. and Mns. Wilbert Wer Anne Allan invites yeute t write attended the Decoratien servie te ber c/o The Statesman. Send on Sunday at Ida Churcb ai [n yeur suggestions on homemak- visited Mn. and Mrs. Frank Har. [ng problems and watch this col- ness. Llmn for, replies. ,Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Mountj( Sheppard & Diii Lumber Co. Ltdu KING STREET E. PHONE 715 rker Cuil, Mrs. ýJessie Hogarth ddicornbe, Mns. rances Hancock etz, Mrs. Laura ý, Miss Phyllis rs. Lois Lamb rowdale, Miss Mrs. John Argue, 'n Sunday. Hareld Grant and Mrs. M. Websten, r. and Mrs. George ly. le Henry, Toronto, is Henry. 'cher, Mn. Charles Miss Jean Taylor, I.O.D.E. Hos- ripital, Toronto, was a guest at the frd etory. the Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Bowman day with Mr. and Mrs. G. Bowman ere at Enfi on Sunday. dy Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Black, Osh- at- awa, with Mr. and Mrs. Charles see Wilson. ad Congratulations to Mr. Grant erFerguson who was successful in Mr. his final examination at Osgoode ;un- Hall. by, Mr. Ben Parr, Peterborough, adwith Mrs. H. B3ailey and family. nd Mr. Peter Philp, Westhill, with enMr. Stuart Dorreil. anet Mr. and Mrs. Art Ram, Ty- ant rone, with Mr. and Mrs. Stan on Mrs. Archie Newton and Mrs. enJames Petch, Toronto, visited m- Crawford and Mr. and Mrs. J. N. 'les. Pearce. ars M. and Mrs. Gordon Ferguson Ir.and son Bruce, of B. C., with Mr. ýa- and Mrs. Earl Dorrell. rs, Mrs. M. Graham, Grace and Roy us- at Greenbank on Sunday with nia Miss Faye Beare. .nd Dr. Jack Marlow and Mrs. Mar- ýay. low, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. on Wallace Marlow and other rela- ge tives. At the morning service at St. ry John's Anglican churcb, in a es brief ceremony, 11ev. George ind Nicholson dedicated two tables k- which were presented by Frances Stanhland and Allan Asseistine ioy on behaîf of the pupils of the Sunday School for the Parish Hall. St. John's W.A. play "Grandpa's Twin Sister" was presented at Yelverton Garden Party on Fri- day night. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Thompson, Elizabeth and Bill, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Turner and Lorraine at Coe Hill at Mrs. Turner's cottage. Mrs. C. Forder, Donald and Donna, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sturrock, with Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Forder. Port Perry. Buddy Flynn is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sil- verthorne at Toronto. Mr. and Mns. Neil Malcolm, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kyte in Buffalo for the weekend. Misses Joyce Venning and Jes- sie Van Camp, Blake Gunter, Nor- mnan Dysart and Gordon Paisely, motored to Algonquin Park on Sunday. Mns. H. Shortridge and Mrs. W. Archer attended the executive meeting of the Oshawa Presby- tery last week. Mrs. Milton Tamblyn, Orono is to be the guest speaker at the June W.A. meeting. Miss Pearl Wright and girl friend, Toronto, were home, for' the weekend.1 Mrs. Jean Trewin was hostess for the June meeting of the 0. N.O. Club. President Aima Duff presided for the business peniod. The club bas put chains on the! swings in the park. Plans were made to have a wiener roast to entertain the husbands of the members. After the business period Mns. Norma Wolfe was the recipient of many lovely gifts, with which she was very pleased. A lovely lunch was served by the hostess and ber group. W.M.S. Meeting The June meeting of the Blac'k- stock W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. Arnold Taylor on Wednesday June 10th, with 18 ladies and 7 children present. Meeting opened by singing "God Moves in a Mysterious Way'" and prayer, led by Mrs. J. A. John- ston. Mrs. Ivan Tbompson con- ducted the worship period read- ing from Matt. 15, and a splendid' paper on "The Feeding of the Four Tbousand". Ahi repeated the Lerd's Prayer. The roll cal was answered with a verse des- criptive of the beauty of the eartb. A short memnorial serviceý for our late president was held: and the secretary read a lovely, Ietteî' frûiro .rvrs. McKiniiey, Brooklin, L>ûîiion Boar'd Presi-' dent, and i pesented ALixiliai-,' with a hook, -Ie Wears Oirchids«, sci ut y . eeur, in mu- ory V 01 MI-S. leaû Mrs. J. A. Jotinston was ap- Shave Brush Special, Ftramous $4.001 brush for -- $2.98 Pens and Something -Every Day Schick "20" --- - -__ $29.95 Schick Colonel - $24.75 Sunbeam "W' - $31.95 Rolis Shaver -- --99 Yardley's Aften Shave Powder -$1.25 Invisible Talc _____$1.25 Billfolds Shave Bowl ---____$1.501 TOP Grain Leather Shower Powder - $1.25 ln Brown or Black M en's Cologne A MP i e Seaforth Plas Single Items----------$1.75 Pencils Sets or from $1.95 - $23.50 JURY C& LOVELL When We Test Eyes It la Done Properly YOUR REXALL DRUG STOREI PHONE 778 BOWMANVILLE I PITTSBURGH SarlP4rop HOUSE PAINT If your house is painted white, you don't want it to look a dingy gray. Sun-Proof Mildew and Fume Resistant Outside White looks whiter, is whiter and stays white longer. To effectively com- bat niildew a special mildew inhibitor bas been buit into Sun-Proof Outside White. It's extra durable and weather resistant. Learn how the two-coat Pittsburgh Sun-Proof House Paint system offers erate cost. Come in and let us explain the superiority $2,25 G.t your FREE cop, "Color Dynamict for the Home" boolet. LANDER HARDWARE DE. off.. 7 KingSt. E - > W;i , , , , Mm , - ", - - ' - 1 - * ; Il 1 1 -, . - - . . , 1 , - £HURSDAYJUNE pointed PrsideUt foAYemaJUNE of th yea. Mr. Erest LrmerLoca8,o1953a poisnted Peiefow r rand er Loc lWomeneHd Refdtne yaMrs. HErtnst Larmer ati;readinMr. Ry aylor, Oshawa Collision "A Queen's Solace", and Mns. Lar- mer nead, "Whene Dees Your Mns.L.C ihelof7On Church Stand On Temperance. tarieoL. C. HiBfwaiel of 4 n Closed by singing "From Green*- some teeth knocked loose and sus- land's Icy Mountains" and pnay- tained a Possible back injury en. The hostess and ail taking partwentecriwhhsewa weetaked. The gnoup senved riding, driven by bier husband, a delicious lunch and a social time Lester Highfield, was bit from he was ejoye by il. ear by anether vehicle driveA by Harvey Hillem of Kingstoiiy Baby Corn: "Marna, where did while both were eastbound on I corne from?"I Marna Corn: "The Highway 401 at Farewell Avenue stalk brought you." Friday evening.. She was tneated by Dr. W Baldwin of Brooklin, who mayI. der an x-ray taken. for Constable J. N. Smyth, who in- For Qulck Resuits vestigated the accident, reponted moderate damage te 'both vehi- T13E CANADIAN STATESU1,N dces. The accident occurred wben CLASSOFID £08 the Bewmanville driver slewed PHONE3303te avoid two vebicles which were PEONE3303backing into the Farewell Avenue turn-off, the constable said. rý ý , ,lu WA1111 REPA las by Certified Watchniaker as authorized bv the Canadian Jeweùlers' m 18, 1953 7 King St. E. Phone 774 ý KING STREET E. PHOINE 7151