THURSDAY, 3JNE l8, 1953 I SOMETIMES LEFI-OVERS 4RE THE DESI ---and this is one of those times! AND M M 0F COURS! ITý'S AT DRESLIN'S LADIES'_WEAR!N Broken sizes, styles and sizes in some of the smartest merchandise in our store - Reduced as niuch as 80% off regular prices. GIRLS' COAT SETS Spring Coat and Hat to match. Sizes 2 to 6x. Originally to $12.95 FINAL CLEARANCE - 5m.0 FULL LENGTH COATS Al1-wool Cords and Flan- nels. Originally $25.00 Io z.0 and $29.95. FINAL CLEARANCE -- MqISSES' - WONEN'S SUITS ~rds - Gabardines - Capris Originally $29.95 and $3500] FINAL CLEARANCE - SHORTY COATS AIl-wool Flannels - Fleeces Cords - Checks Originally up to $29.95 * FINAL CLEARANCE - 51 -15 NYLONS First Quality 51 -15 Sheer Nylon Hose. $1.50 quality. SPECIAL VALUE - MISSES' SUITS AII-wool Knitted Boucle Suits! By Jonathan Logan. EU300 Regular $29.95. FINAL CLEARANCE- V CORDUIROY BLAZERS Misses' Corduroy Blazers. Regular $9.95 and $12.95 I; m00 FINAL CLEARANCE -- U iE S SE S Crepes- Cords -Taffetas Prints -Cottons. z00 Originally to $25.05 FINAL CLEARANCE5 NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS Open Fridays Until 9 p.m. BRESLIN'S I 1 VUWMAINVILL, OTIC) PAGE T~ District Executive at Solina W. Io 5,Oth Anniversary Attending the 5th anniversary celebration of Solina Women's Institutes for Ontario, who was guest speakeri Mrs. iWomnen's Institute, held at Solina, June 11, were members G. Rosevear, Tyronr', lst Vice; Mrs. S. Grant, Bowmanville, of the District Executive. Left to right they are: Mrs. Ralph Immediate Past Sec'y-Treas.; Mrs. M. Emmerson, Nestieton, Davis, Solîna, Se'y-Treas.; Mrs. S. R. Johnson, Newtonville, District President. 2nd Vice; Miss Anna Lewis, Toronto, Superintendent of u s,,Tibet, called the "roof of the Even the valleys of this table- ~oin w me s nsilleworld," has an average elevation land lie higher than the on Solia Wo en'sInsttuteof 16,000 feet above sea level.1 tains of most other countries. 501h Anniversary Celebralion A Grand and Nemorable Alfair .1_-_________________7; 1 ;t 10 -1917-1919-Mrs. H. G. Pascoe* k 1920-1930-Miss Edna Reynolds" e 1931-1942-Mrs. Roy Langmaid o1943-Oct. 1944-Mrs. Clifford Naylor -Oct. 1944-Dec. 1944-Mrs. Bryce Brown r Dec. 1944-May 1946-Mrs. W. J. Reynolds 1- 1946-Mrs. W. Yellowlees 1, -Mrs. J. Smales I1947-1952-Mrs. Ralph Davis 0 1952-Mrs. B. Hooey 1 1953-Mrs. E. Cryderman. Mrs. James Smales then sang a lovely solo, "Break O' Day". r50 Years of Achievement Following this, Miss Nora Wer- ry gave an account on "50 Years of Achievement"'. Following a fine summary of the good deeds through the years, the programs and good times, Miss Werry con- cluded by saying "I cannot close without expressing appreciation of what is to me the most out- standing and commendable of ahl the achievements of Solina Wom- en's Institute - the ability to work in harmiony through fifty years of highly important service to their society. Not unaware of differences but with a keen in- sight into the higher motives of their fellow-workers, the spirit of unanimity has been delightful and is a wonderful memory to those who have worked together during the past 50 years."1 Life Memberships Life memberships were pre- sented to four members - Miss Nora Werry, Mrs. H. Tink, Mrs. A. J. Balson and Miss Lena Tay- lor. This was done by Mrs. C. Pascoe, Mrs. C. Vice and Mrs. B. Tink. Mrs. W. Leask of Bowmanville, a former W.I. member, gave two enjoyable readings. Greetings from District Presi- dent Mrs. Emmerson of Nestie- ton, were next. Mrs. S. Grant, presented to Solina W.I., from 1 the District, a silver cream ano! sugar with an engraved tray which will always be used' proudly by its members. Mrs. Emmerson introduced Miss LexWis whose theme was "Balancing the Mary and the Martha characteristics." She brought personal greetings from Lady Tweedsmuir, who has been recently in Canada, and also from Laura Rose Stephen of Ottawa. She also mentioned that Miss Bella Miller who organized this group in 1903 is stili living. Miss Lewis concluded by saying: "As you go into the next fiftyj years 'For Home and Country'I remember to balance the Mary and the Martha characteristics. You have accomplished much in ifty years. let this be a chal- lenge to go on." Mrs. John Baker extended thanks to al] attending, to the speaker, and others on the pro- gram, and also to aIl who helped behind the scenes to make this a day to remember.i Following God Save the Queen the 100 guests and members met and reminisced. Mrs. J. Baker. convener, and the committee of Mrs. J. Yellow- lees, Mrs. H. Tink, Mrs. C. Pas-, coe, Mrs. R. Langmnaid and Mrs. S. E. Werry deserve much credit for a well-planned and conducted celebration. "Anniversary is a time of re. view. Let your only looking bacý be to see what others have donE and so make a step forward." Sc said Miss Anna P. Lewis, Toron- to, Director of the Women's In- stitute Branch and Home Ecor. omics Service and guest speakei at the Fiftieth Anniversary cele- bration of Solina Women's Insti- tute held in the Community Hall Solina on Thursday, June 11, 1953. The festivities began at 5.30 p.m. wîth a banquet provided and served by Hampton Service Club. In the centre of the head table was the beautiful anniversary cake made by Mrs. J. R. Kivell and iced by Mrs. D. Hall, Hamp- ton. It was cut by Mrs. G. White, the oldest former member of the group. The flowers on this table were held in two vases given by Mrs. L. C. Snowden, and Mrs. S. i Dewell in memory of their moth- er, Mrs. Thos. Baker, the first president of the Institute. Decorat ions were blue and gold, the Institute colours. Furnishings as we might have seen fifty years ago were placedi on thestage of the hall. There was also, a basket of flowers sent as a tribute to the work and membership of Mrs. J. W. McMaster who was absent be- cause of illness. Mrs. E. Cryderman led a sing- song of several old familiar songs. Following this, the president, Mrs. W. Yellowlees, introduced the head table guests which included 1Miss Nora Werry, Mrs. A. J. Bal- son, Miss Lena Taylor, Mrs. H. Tink, Mrs. E. R. Taylor, Mrs. I. Hardy, Mrs. R. J. McKessock, Mrs. W. Yellowlees, Miss Lewis, Mrs. G. White, Mrs. M. Emmer- son, Mrs. S. Grant, Mrs. G. Rose- vear, Mrs. S. R. Johnson, Mrs. W. Leask, Mrs. James Smales and Mrs. ý. Cole. Reviewed Early Years The early years of Solina W.. were reviewed by Mrs. E. R. Tay- ior. She told how in 1900-1901 Mrs. Thos. Baker, Mrs. Wm. Law and Miss Edith Leask, attended W. 1. meetings in Bowmanville. For two years there were sixteen members in West Durham. Three of these were from Solina. On January 28, 1903, Solina Women's Institute was organized, Mrs. R. J. McKessock, the only living charter member, was present on this 5th anniversary. Mrs. Thos. Baker presided at the first meet- ing. It wvas through her untiring efforts and enthusiasm that the group began and grew. The wom-1 en prepared many fine papers. Debates, short courses and pic- flics were held. In 1912 through the efforts of the Institute the Public Library was started and in 19.52 a thiirt.N-vear dreami of the women became a reality when the old Sons of Temper- ance Hall was moverq, re-model- led and became the present Comi- munitv Hall of which the whole commun itv is justly proud. Mrs. Isaac Hardy read a list of the Past Presidents and Secretar- ies. As she did so, Mrs. R. J. Me- Kessock placed a white carnation in a vase for each deceased mem- ber named. In the list to follow those members are marked*. Presidents 1903-1906-Mrs. Thos. Baker* 1906-Mrs. R. J. McKessock 1907-Miss Nora Kerry 1908-1912-Mrs. S. Shortridge* 1913-1915-Miss Lulu Revnolds l916-1918-Mrs. Jas. Moorev 1919-1920-Mrs. R. J. McKessock 1921-1922-Mrs. A. Dewar 1924-l925-Mrs. J. Baker 1926-Mrs. E. R. Tavlor 1927-Mrs. Thos. Baker 1928-Mrs. R. J. McKessock 1929-Mrs. A. Dewar 1930--Mrs. Chas Howsam 1931-Mrs. Jas. Moorey 1932-33-Mrs. J. W. McMaster 1933-34-Mrs. A. P. MeKessock 1935-43-Mrs. S. E. Werry l944-46-Mrs. Isaac Hardy 1947-50-Mrs. Roy Langmaid j 1951-Mrs. F. G. Leask 1952-53-Mrs. Isaac Hardy 1953-Mrs. W. Yellowlees Secre ta ries 1903-1906-Miss Edith Leask* -.,Irs . J. T. Rundle* 1906-1910-Msr Effie Tavlor -Mrs. A. J. Bal1sori 1911 M'vrs. Jas. Vice, 19 12- 1131 -N M1 1ini Bakei, -.1 sl.Souden 1914-I.Yl.' Mrs. R. J McKessoci, 1916M»3.W. T. Baker Mrs. T. McMullen is spending SALEM Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Werry at- tended Ebenezer Anniversary on Sunday and visited Mr. and Mrs. Elton Werry and Mr. Arthur Werry. Mr. and Mrs. H.- McClure and Jim attended Long Sault Anni- versary and visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith. Miss Marion Buttery attended the Girl Guide Camp at Camp Samac, Oshawa, over the week- end. Mr. Farewell Blackburn ac- companied by Mr. Tom Master- son is attending the Foresters Convention in Vancouver. They will also visit Mr. Masterson's sister at Vancouver. A family gathering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Craig Saturday to celebrate hier moth- er's, Mrs. Philips, 8th birthday. Misses Mary Husak and Mar- ion Pascoe were Tuesday visitors with Miss Beatrice Craig. W.A. held a very successful cooking sale at the Kitson Locker Friday. Proceeds $41.00. W.A. will meet at Mrs. Jack Cook's on Tuesday, June 23rd. Miss Aileen Aked, Tyrone, will be guest speaker. HAMPTON Intended for last week Mr. and Mrs. R. Fernandez, To- ronto, with Mrs. Niddery and Mary. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Petit, Miss Cecile Petit, Mr. and Mrs. Champlain and Linda, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Chap- man. ,Tewish friend Goldberg' 'tONSON and PRESTO LIGHTERS - From $6.50 The latest in TIE BAR and CUFF LINK SETS Smartly boxed $4.00 and up T7he Ideal Gift for Him - A Beautiful P'en and Pencil Sel Ig> Sheaffer $8.50 and up Hup er' s 28 KING ST. W. $16.95 Many others to choose froni The gift every man appreciates - A fine ENGLISH LEATHIER WALLET or qILLFOLD - From $2.95 up Thtis is Dad's Day - Make Him Remember Your Gif t with Fine Jewellery frontm Jewellerqy and Gift Shap PHONE. 747 I g--' TO INRiLI DAD!l The Sialesman Sold AI Followinq Stores Ti ull's Store, Courtlice Strong's Store, Port Hope Reg. Edmund*s Store, Bethanv Johnson*s Drug Store. Newcastle T. Enwright, Newcastle S. Brown, Newtonville C. Pethick, Enniskillen T. M. Siemon, Enniskillen F. L. Byam, Tyrone G. A. Barron, Hampton J. Riddell, Burketon H. T. Saywell, Blackstock Keith Bradley, Pontypool C. B. Tyrrell, Orono H. K. Reynolds, Kendal - Bowmanville- J. W. Jewll &. 1. BerrElgie FRai nden's Hr Store The Statesman OLfica I a couple of weeks at Janetvile with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Nicholson and Vicky, Mr. and Mrs. Walt NichoLson, Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lyon. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hodg- son, were entertained a4 the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. R. Clapp, Tyrone, on the occasion of Mr. Hodgson's birth- day. Little Johnnie Lyon had his tonsils removed at the Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mr. A. J. Balson, Solina, suf- fered a heart attack at the bal game in the park on Saturday night and is since resting at his home. We welcome to our village Mr. and Mrs. Alec Lyon, Toronto, who are now residing in the apart- ment in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer H awes. The Baker family picnic was held in our park on Saturday af- ternoon which was the first of the season. The weather has been dull and showery the past week, with con- tinued thundershowers, but cool- er over the weekend. A number of our ladies attend- ed the Memorial Hospital Bazaar in Bowmanville. Mrs. E. H. Cole broke her wrist while assisting in preparations for the Hospital Bazaar in Bow- manville and required hospital care for a couple of days. It was the MacPherson's golden wedding and his three cronies were invited. Sand 'y brought a tin of Golden Sy'rup, Donald brought a bowl of goldfish and Angus brought his TFM CANATITAN qTAIýP-qMAlq- 'ROWU,&TýnrTT.T.V PWM,&lDlrr% P. ,e- cý nE Zr