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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jul 1953, p. 1

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t4tt~11t4w «~Durham County's Gjreat Family Journal" VOLUME 99 BOWMA.NVILLE, ONTARIO, TIaURSDAY9 JULY 23rd, 1953 7c PER COPY NUMBER 30 îlTE o 'KINSMEN KARNI VAL FR1.ý & SAT. 10H15 Kinsman Club Karnival Two-Night Affair Wiffh Parade, Friday, 7 p.m. And Many New Attractions The Bowmanville Kinsmen 1 Many local merchants wi11 have Club are noi missing any bets' floats in týhe parade and there will this year in their efforts ta make also be decorated bicycles, decor- " '.in Kai nival" to be held ited doli carrnages and costumed -r and Saý.urda.y, nights at the )araders on foot and on horse- 1-1 hI.-cnool grounùs the best car- 3ack. Geiieroub prizes xiii be giv- nival ever la ie',i town. en for the besi. decorated boys Manv new ieatuies have been bicycle and girl's bicycle, the best added to Ibis anriodi1 affair and cecorated dl carrnage and the P.-esidenîi Ken Nicks and the ,)est boy's and girl's costume. hard-wor inig members of the The parade will go up Liberty .-ommttees in charge oi the var- St. ta Church St., along Church îaus evenLs teîi that there will SI. to Tempetance, with the bi- ae soaietning at the carnival ta cycles, doil ca n-rages and costurr- ;-ttract the inereý,t of everyone. ed boys and girls falling in at D.ls ,usacg invto TrinityUnJrited Church: down ',vill be 1(p boothls of exhibits sp emern t Queen , ahend aSolon sored by local dealers and mer-Qîen f th Hih coo chant~s' anaJ the Bowmnanville: grounds. The judges' stand will Zusinea's dnd Proiessional Wom- be located at the Cenotaph. c-n's bLuo. Included in these ex- Games of Ail Kinds hibits wiii be one by L. A. Park- At the High School grounds er & Sons which will show two. there will be at least 20 booths oil burners under actual firing featuring games of ail kinds in- cornditions. The exhibit of Tow cluding bingo, crown and anchor,, Cowan's Apptiances will shpw, over and under, pistol shoot, ring arrong other things, a refrigera- toss and duck decoy games. The toi' on which people may submit wîves of the Kinsmen will have bids. 'l'ie highest bidder, no mat- cooking and sewing booths and ter wha" his bid may be, will i there will also be refreshmeni take take home the refrigerator. booths. With an eye ta the convenience United Nations Booth of their patrons, the Kinsmen Anothei unique booth will bel have set up all games so that that of th- B. & P. Women's Club,'they can be played by any num- which will be devoted ta publiciz- ber of players. from one Up. This ing the work of the United Na- xiii eliminate the necessiiy of tions. If will be decorated with prospective players waiting unfil flags o h ebrcutis a set quota of customners bas been posters and bunfing and mem- made Up bers will distî'îbufe free literafure For the kiddies there wili be on varjous phases of the work of a pony ride and a children's fish t1e United Nations from if. Miss pond and of course plenty of op- Helen Cryderman, chairman Of portunifies for buying hot dogs, the International Commiftee of pop and ice cream. the Club, and other members wiii The puppy draw will be beld1 be in attendance at the bootb ta at 9:30 p.m. and the special draw answer questions on the work of for the Television set at 10.30 p.m. the U.N. Tickets on these draws will be on The twonight carnival will get sale ail during the carnival. under way with a mammoth pa- The Kinsmen Club members rade on Friday night which starts feel that everyone will find some- .rom the MiVemorial Park ai 7 p.m. tbing ta interest and amuse them The Canadian Legion Pipe Band, ai the Kin Karnival Friday and thj Tyrone Juvenile Fife and Saturday nigbts and invite al D, <iBand and the Boys Train- Bowmanville and district resi- ffii AzÉ~ool Band in unifori wiil dents ta corne doWn and have a provide music for the parade. good trne. Board of Arbitration Announces Decision on Assessment Levies Affecting High Schools ini District Decision ta use the new equai- ized assessment plus the newl business assessment of the eigbi municipalifies in the Durhamn County High Scbool District as the basis for levyîng High Scbool rates in the district for the cur- rent year was reacbed by the Board af Arbitration ai a meeting in Orono on Tuesday evening o! last week. The Boar~d of Arbitratian, made Up of the assessors o! each o! the eight municîpalities and Garnet .~Shields, assessor of the United Counties. also worked oui the percentage which eacb munici- pality will pav as ifs fair and pro- portianate share ai the Higb Scbool cost.s in the district. Follawing ar'e the percenfages worked out by the Board, and released by Mr. Shields: Port Hope ------------- 30.251j Bowmanville- ---- --.2 Darlington ------6' Clarke - ------- --- 10.751 Hope--------- -10.25 South Cavan 3.75 Newcastle --------- -- 2.7 5 Millbrook ----- - --------- 2.25 Tbey were arrived ai by iaking the ncw assessmenf figures of eacb rnunicipalîty (cstimafed fig. tires were used for South Cavan and Millbrook since reassessmcnt is not complete in these munici- palities) and figuning the proper and jusi percenfages of cosis for eacb rnunicipality on the basis ai ifs assessmenf in relation fa the fatal assessmenf o! the cigbt mun- Icipalities in 'thbe Higb Scboool District. Unlcss one ai the municipali. fies appeai Ibis ruling ai the Board o! Arbitration ta the Muni- cipal Board in Tarant o witbin 30 days, ibese percentages will ap- ply for ftbe nexi five years. Tbe figure wbich musf be raiscd for Higb Scbool casi s ibis ycar is $122,000 and fthe perceniages f ix- ed by the Board ai Arbitrai ion will apply ta this figure. Conservatives Hold Gathering On Lawn of Miss B. Mclntosh The pi ogram of the Conserva- baps nof fullv aware of the prob- tive party was outlined ta a lems confronting it. "If is time gathering on the spaciaus lawn of for a change", he asserted. -We Miss B. Mclttosh, Newcasfle,1 need some new life in goverfi- Monday afternoon by Charles' ment, some new blood, a new stepheiisai'i.Conservative candi- Ispirit. date for Durhaim ridîng. and Miss Mn. Stephenson went on ta dis- Mary Bowmian, Executive Secre-I cuss the Conservative approach tary of the Ontario Young Con-! ta farm floor prices. saying, "We servaive ssocatio . will appoint a National Agricul- Referrni'g ta Mr'. George Drew's;j turai Board for tbe purpose of promise that the Conservatives if establishing fair floor prices re- elete ~vilredcetaxs y $00- lated ta actual farm production 000),04 a year. Mr'. Stephenson costs." calNat his expenieille in 0ti Summing up bis brief address, taw hd led hnm ta believe that the candidate assured bis listen- this is entînely possible. ers of the Conservative promise Thbe P. C. candidate attacked ta re-estabiisb the true principles Iaste In the operation of the aio the Confederation Pact set \Vesenut governiment as outlined inJ forth in the Britisb North Amer- teCornue report. -There are i ica Act. and return control of; many ca-ges of ibis waste" he de-1 the nation's business ta the elect- clared "somne oai-îhem almosi ed representatîves of the people, laugh-provoking, and vet death- whicb would put an end ta gov- ly serious because it is your ernment by secret Orders-in- monev that is being wasted". C ouncil. He mentioned expenditures of "This coming election on Au- $20.000,000 for boots and shoes, gust 10 is a serious malter for us enough foir 20 pairs for each ail ta consider," said Mr. Stephen- rnber of the' arnied forces, and son, "There are many of aur free- $380.000 for i.-ckties, sufficient domns ai stake." ta buý I 5o0,00o. 'This latter itemn Relerr'îng tu a statemnent by luad juuse Mc.st. L.aurent to Honl. Douglas Abbott, Mr, te reinark "llus îigbt have wel Phenson quoted. "Let us flot try! been a iiiistzike". hie said. tu fool ourselhes. even if we arel Mr'. Stephensoni also mnaintain- îýý,ng to fmol the puiblic. ed that the prescrnItgox-ernment iThe întîmaed tatthîsansorteo bas been i0n ower trio long and te niae htti oto that idi ils 18 'cears in office il, had1 statement was the type of ln- become lazv and sloppy anid per- i(Conmed orn Page Sevezn) Nurse Graduaies Miss Margaret Jackson, daught- er of Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Jackson, Kendal, graduated on June 10 from Ottawa Civic Hospital wherej she bas been a nurse-in-training. Boy Scouts Present Ring la Denis Pickard Denis Pickard, for many years Scout Master of the Bowmanville Boy Scouts and an active leader i ahl phases of Scout work since moving to Bowmanville nearly teni years ago, was recently honored 1by the gi of a ring bearing the Boy Scout insignia. The presentation was made by 1 the Second Troop at a wiener 2:oast held at McRobhie's creek on June 23. Mr. Pickard will be greatly missed by the boys and cther Scout leaders. He has given unstintingly of bis time and abil- ities in this important branch of 1 boys' work. Mr. and Mrs. Pickard and their three boys have moved to Oshawa where Mn. Pickard bas accepted a position as caretaker of King Sf. United Church. Their daugbter, Mary, was marnýied Iin Bawmanville on Junie 27, and she and ber husband, Ronald Bennett, are making their home in Toron- te. Town Hockey Group Plans Acfivilies for This Coming Winter Possibility of expanding the Town Hockey League fa ýa si?,- teamn circuit this fal weris- cussed at a meeting of the league executive held Tuesday nght. Town Council Defers'Action' On Location of Pump Rouse at Lake For New Waterworks System Members ai Bowrnanvilhe Pub- Part Dalngion wben the Sea- Etc Utilities Commission and 1 w&y gaes ibrougb and we don'f Donald Redfcrn, cansulting en- 1 vant fa jeopardize if". gineer of the firmm o! Proctor, i Coun. DeGeer also wanfed ta rdedfern & Laughlin, Toronto, , know why the pumpbouse bad fa niet with Tawn Counicil Monday i0b bubît so nean ta the inke-froni kit 5 pin. ta obtain permission faI and xvby ii could not be buit fur- close off the 66-foot rond nhiow- j ther back on Lots 5 and 6 which a'îce at the foat o! Smart St. be- the town bas purcbascd. t.ween the street and the lake~- M.Rdcnrpidia front so that the pumpbausc inl P.U.C. wished ta buîld the pump- cunneci ion wîth the new Water bouse near the lake-front ta keep rupphy system from the lake can down the costs o! building tbe in- be hbit an if. Affer discussion,' take pipe fram the pumpbouse hîowever. council dcfcnred action' ino the lake. He stnted ibat tbe on the matten for onc week. 14-incb intake pipe must go in ai W. Ross Strike, Chairman O! a deptb o! 16 feef, wbereas the flic P.U.C., pointcd oui ta caunetil 16-inch pipeline frorn the pump- tihat crection of the pumphouse bouse up ta the town must be xvould not bar access ta the lake laid ai a dcpth o! only six feet. or cottages hut near the propos- The south side o! Loi 5 is 600 feet edl site, since 29 feet o! raad ai- futher bnck, Mr. Redfern sfated, lowancc wauld be heft on the casi and lie esiimaied the casf o! dig- side. ging a irencb ten feet deeper for The purnphouse will be 50 feet tbis distance in sand and dlay, by 25 feet, and Mr. Redfern stated wbich necessitates sboring ai ap- thai if will be an attractive build- proximntcly $25,000 more. ing o! cernent block with brick Caun. DeGeer exiiressed doubt'- facing, so as not ta detmaci fmom as ta wbethcr the addiiional cosi the appearance of the aren. The would be ibai bigb. proposed site is 80 feet from the Must Restore Streets water in order fa preserve the Coun. Norman Scott asked Mr. sweepîng vîew af the shorelîne, efr hte tet n heom then iwcs idl e ea!te ondpavement wbicb were ripped up iromthewestsid of he oadin the course of building the pipe- allawance. line from the lake-froni ta the Seaway Question Ralsed preseni ehcvated tank an Church Coun. Walter DeGeer question- St. would be restored fa thei.r ecd the wisdorn of building the original condition. He was assur- pumphousc sa near the lake-frani cd by Mr. Red!crn ibaf any in view ai the f aci that wben the strecis or pivate properfy ipped St. Lawrence Scaway goes up by the contractors must be re- thmaugh, the tawn migbi wisb ta ttirned ta ifs original condition, bave acccss ta the lake and retain and provisions ta this e!!ect are sorte pmopcmty nean the lake for contnincd in tbe coniraci. industrial pumpases. "Theme are, Coun. Scott also asked whe- vcry fcw places leit wbere the' ther the Goodyear Tire and Rub- town owns praperty f0 give if a ber Comnpany bad suggesfed ta raadway fa the lake", be declar- the P.U.C. that ibere wns no irn- ed. "This oad ahowance is tbenedinte need for the new wnter town's main access ta the lake. prajeci. Chairman Strike replied There may be re-developmcnt ni that be bad been told by Charles Cattman, Goodyear plant manager, thaf tbe firm anticipated ibaf ifs L egion Makes Great wafer dcmands for tenx he For Canival years wouhd be appraxima'tely Plans FrCria the sarne but thaf over the long tern ils wafer requiremenis are Mari KennyComing Comix n iton J. Elliat ________ tafed ibai aside from the Good- At an executive meeting o! year, the per capîta consumption Bawmanville Branch 178 ai the aof water is gaing up eacb year, Canadian Legian beld an Thurs- and ihat 60 ta 100 new custarners day night if was decided fa ar- ire being added yearly, rnaking range for n troupe of artists frorn the new systern imperafive. Mari Kenney Enterpnises, To- Mayor Morley Vansfone want- ronto, ta came ta Bowmanville ed ta know if the purnpbause for tbe Legion Camnival in Au- (Continued on Page Seven> gusi. This special attraction wihl in-' nld female canfortionisi, an Voiers in Durham expert juggher and aiber top acts. Admission ta this extra entertain- So nr o 6 ment will be frec, if was decided. Shw Icease o 6 The executive also voted taen-0ve 199Eeio danse the full-hengtb calorL---__O e 199E cto ation filmy "A Oiîeen TIs Crowr- Winners of the' Holstein Judging Competition The West Durham men shown 'above were winners of the Holstein judging competition at the twilight meeting of the Durham County Holstein Breeders' Club held at Jim Brown's farm, "Browview Farms" on Highway No. 2, one mile west of Newcastle last Thursday. Lef t to right are: Francis Jose, who took first place; Stanley Malcolm, second; and H. Muir, third. Harry Jose, who is flot shown in the picture, placed fourth. Is Your Name On Voiers' List?. The urne for Bowrnanville va- ters ta bave iheir names added ta the voters' lisis if they have pre- viously been omiited is growing Town Council Flares Up Over Roads, Streets Committee Awarding Paving Contrat Without Authority snort. ±oday, tomurrow and aî.- Members of the Roads and urday are the final three days for Streefs Comrniitee of Town Coun- adding of names and anyone wha i aeudrth ieo te bsl omited on bi s frmembers ai a special coundil shoud ac ai ncemeeting Monday ai 5:00 pm. for If your name is flot încluded in overstepping ibeir authorify by the enumerators' lisis wbich have awarding a confraci for '6,000 in been posted on telephone pales sidewaik construction wif bout and other prominent places in the firsi clearing it fhrough council variaus sub-divisions, bere is the as a whoie. proper proceduru ta follow ta Coun. Walter DeGeer charged have if ýricluded. Go io the Bow- thai Reeve Sidney Little, a rnem- manvilie Town Hall and see Clar- ber o! the Commitiee, had fold ence Oke, revising officer for j. Beiko, Oshawa *cofifractor, Bowmanvile, foday (Thursday), wbo bas laid sidewalks in the Friday or Saiurday befween 11:00 town the pasf few years, ihai he and 12:00 a.m. Dayligbf Saving woulld have the work again ibis Time or 8:00 ta 11:00 p.m. Day- year. Mr. Beiko had purchased ligbi Saving Time. If you are maferials on the basîs of this ver- qualified ta vote, Mr. Oke wili bal assurance, be said. bave your name added fa the Reeve Little denied teliing Mr. vofers' lists. Beiko ibis but Coun. DeGeer in- In rural areas ioday, July 23, is sisfed thaf he bad. the lasi day and ahl rural enu- It was also revealed in fhe meet- merators will be at home ing tbaftbe R. & S. Commitfee- througbauf the day until 10:00 also wifhouî autborify from coun- p.m. Standard Time, fa add cil-bad ioid the iown clerk io names which have previously write Allin & Company of Baw- been omifted. manville informing tbem fbey No advance polîs to enable had been awarded the confraci commercial travellers and other for iaying the sidewalks. special classes of voters fa casi "This is nof the way thaf coun- their ballots bas been called for cil sbould do business", Count. Reports on Streets Coun. Scotf also reparied that the R. & S. Commiffee wishes te recomrnend the purchase inter o! 300 feet a! 9-incb cernent drain- age file for use on Base Line East ta preveni tbe street from erod- ing. He reporfed ihaf the owner of the Crystal Dairy bad been using Sharp corks on bis borses wbich were iearing up the pavemenf on) newly-paved Duke and Liberi,' Streefs. He bad firsf requeste hlm fa tel bis drivers fa drix, on the sides of ibese streefs an& lafer had asked birn ta replace the sharp corks with rubber ones. This the manager of the dairy bad agreed f0 do, be said. He denied a sugulesiion by Depufy Reeve 0. F. Robson thaf the dairy had been iold not ta use these streets. Coun. Scott aiso stafed that there hali been sorne talk of mem- bers of the R. & S. Depariment receiving twa weeks vacation. He stafed ibaf be would have ta re. ceive a wriften request? fromn members af the Depanimeni he-. fore be could bring the mnalter before council. Coun. DeGeer also 1,1Itis practicaliy certain tmat tne ail- - ----i zu1 , _u- ~-in LDurhm idmnîug, E. rrieseni, Re- VeCGccr declareci. H'e stated thati Âei. Umat. LuUliUIshouUIO have a four teams who mrade up the ed" whlch will be shown at the The number o! eligible voters iurning Officer, bas announiced. the R. & S. Commifiee bad the recom mendation from the R. & tyer-FrnStet'Royal Theatre July 27, 28 and in Durham Counfy has jurnped by uhit ony arcmcn S. Commitice before any action GoyaMillers Taxi and the 2iltb. 867 in the four years since the wbo should be awarded the con- could be taken in ibis maiter. fCanadian Order af Foresters- last Federal electian and now Los rcrai tract and counîcil would iben de- xiii ah be back in the fold.* The- stands ai 19,022. Tbere were 18,- Lions' Pr ident cide wbether to accepi tbe recorn- executive feu t tat if two mare Eleven Building 155 elîgible VGters in the 1949 mendation or nof. "I arn in favor RubrUno tolds < teams were admitted if wouid election. of giving fown work fa local po make a more interestîng league, emt sudi May Th e preseni 19,022 voiers are I pie wbenever possible but it hî nulDne Anx laocal organîzation or bsi ivi dinto 7,737 urban dwellers 'should be dane in inteTwaui ranwlcs ,5 r nbusinessiike T er n ulDne ns inferested in sponsoring a and 11,285 rural dwellers. O! the way" Caun. DeGeer asserfed. teaminteTw Hockey League auda$2,0 radwles351aeinB - Caun. Norman Scott, Chairman Goodyear plant Local 189 of the this winter are asked foa gef in manville and 4,186 in Part Hope. of a the R. & S. Cornrittee, iben United Rubbcr Workeî's, C.I.O., fouch witb Bob Williams, serre- The value of building perits There were 7,217 urban dwellers ~ aeamtascne ybl hi nuldne o f tary of the League, befare Augustiîssued ai the Town Clerk's office in 1949-3,129 in Bowmanviile mReve Litin, s ibai ib e R.& fi eir an tear d at iherBai- 15. Entry o! teanîs from the irn- in June fel, cansîderably from and 4,088 in Port Hope. 'R Cornitte, earrnsthat heR -& moicrsaldHotew aurdsa igt he l mediate vicinuîy of isowrnanville uhe value of permîts issueu in Th increase n eiil voters .- .... lin & Company be awardcd the large aitendance heard an infor- Iwill also be considered. May. A total o! Il permits valtued in Bowmanville during the pasi contraci forý the construction af mative address frorA the gucst Present ai the mneeting were:, ai $24,200 were issued hast month 1 four years bas been 422, and in sîdewalks ai a cosi ai 50 cents~ speaker, Norman Allison, Direc- Jack Coale. pî'esident: Franîk as compared with 18 valued at!Port Hope, 98. prsur otadta .Blotro itit6 Burns, vice-president; Bob Wil $61,225 for Mdy.These figures were given by E. persqurmedfotantiha J. Bek fr a sttrictofa 6 u.bg Hriscear- ratie;and J une permifs wene issued for 1Fniesen, Port Hope, Returnîng thibempression that be bad recciv- made ta Harold Henning, a for- Cifi Trewin and Fred Giffin o! four dwellings valued ai $19,500, Officer for Durham Riding, wbo e h oI c rmRev ite mer secreayothUnnir- the executive. txvo additions valued at $2500(i will shortly release complefe if was neyer passed by council". cognition ai bis long and valued six garages ai $1.600, one ve'ran lits ai ihose eligible to vote ai 'l "' .This motion was passed unani- service ta Local 189. dab ai $200 and anc shadle bouse varia us palling sub-divisians, and mausly. Hee Tngt shelter ai $400.1 also isis of Deputy Returnng Of- Mr. Belko's figure bad been 55 Hee oiglThe hotîses will be erected ai ficers. cents pcr square foot. C. N. E. Judge the following locations: on the soutb side a Edsall A\,e.aibeluwseen Rebder Ave. and Jackman Rd., Small or Giani GanCusH l j$11,000; on the west side o! Liber- iy St., between Lake St. and the Size Eggs Dev. A. M etigoaged C.N.R. tracks, $2500: on the casi .A og side of Lambs Lane bel ween B oa IB oalFr e Detroit, Mucb., is the new presu- A goad representation of West O'Dell St. and First St., $3,500; W.Kar e and an the nonth sîde of AlbertSt dent ai The International Assa- Durham farmers including sev- between Ontario St. and DukeW.K Nowak, wbo operats a ciation a! Lions Club, (Lions In cmal members aif the Durham, St.. $2,500. thicken farm aon R. R. 6, Baw- ternaional>. He was elected by County Junior Farmers, Agricul- Additions xiii be made taunianville, bas 3,000 cbickens n unanîmous voie at'the 36tb an tual Representative Ed Sumn- bouses on the east sîde of High! vaniaus stages o! developrnent nual convention af the Assoca-mers, and bis assistant, Jirn St. between Second and Third' from very young puilets ta aid fion beid ai the Chicago Stadium Brown, attended the joint meet-I Streets, S2,000; and on the west and dignified laying bens. on July llth. Dodge succeeds Ed-' ing o! the Grain Clubs and Crop1 sîde of Hunt St. between Anne'Fr'ornIbis vanied assorirnent o!, gar M. Elbcnf, Maywood, Illinois . Improvement Associations in S t. and the Base Line, $50t0. )oulti'y sizes cornes an equally 1 The convention concluded the Durhamo and Peterborough Coun- Garages will be but on the: varîed assotmcnt ai eggs, rang- mosi successful vear in the bis- iî es beid af the farm aif Robent south sude of Queen St. between. îng fnom the "pee wec" and tory o! Lions International, ar- Armstrong, R.R. 1, Ida, on Mon- Queen Sf. and the Goodyear Lane, "midget" classification tbrough cording fa tbe report made by R day evcning. $350; on the north side of Well- "king size' ta "*super-duper". Ini Roy Keaton, Chicago, Illinois, Di- The total gathenîng ai about ington St. between Temperar1ce an assoriment brought by Mn. rector-Gencral ai the Association. 1 200 made an inspection tour ai tbe St. and Elgin St. $300); on the Nowak ta the Statesman office, He reported that during the magnificent stands of Dawbul nonth side oif Qucen St. betwerin the "*pee wee" size measured 3% twelx'e-month period endcd Jane, and Cornell wbeat. Clinton, Abeg- Lambert and St. George Sts. iches in circumierence, and30 1953, tbere was an addition ai weit, Beaver and New Sirncoe S 300: on the north side ai Jack- there were samples in ail classes 915 new Lions Clubs and 26,0581 oats; Barbofi barley, Rbizana ai- Charles Carter Sr. mani Rd., S300î: on the west sîde rght ap ta the "saper-duper", men tu the nosteî' ai the Assoc'ia- 1 l'alfa and Oron anchard grass rais- >.M.Madonii MP. Iof Jacrman Rd. hetween Scugog hr stnefched the tape ta a re- tion. and that the total as of Mayd by Mn. Armstrong. The Daw- For the sevcntb straight year 'Who will be the main speaker jSt. and the Townr Linie. $150; and crd 6¾4 inches in girtb. I131 1953 is 10,260 clubs and 475,- 1bal wbeat on the iarm stands Charles Carter Sm. bas bec'ru chos- ai the Progressive Conserx'atix'e on the suouth sîde of King F>t. ha- The "*saper--duper" or giant! 0lý members. He stated also that! neaî'Iy six feef bigb and will yîeld en as onc af the itidges of the public ineutiiig lu be tîeî<î in i îll <<'m St. (it'orge and L.amboert tcunumnv size contains at leasti during the fiscal yeai' Lions Clubs about 60 bushels tu the acre. womeri's haine baking exhibits Toxvmm Halal, Buwimîauîx ilet, ,tart- Sîs, $Uo i v.o yûlks. anîd Mn. Nowak reports wene establmsfied ini eîght addm- The gathernixg also saw a van- at the ('aiiadiaii Nationial Exiuibi- mmg at 8 p.nî îuiiîhîî, Tîica' A peimi i a ai _2uu was fii .ei'y few ace needed per tional countnîet-: Pal âguéay Ieh- iety of test piutb plantted in oùts tion, 'üluitu Jul> '231 L. Mi, Macduînuueill,. v. hi takuiout tuf tti- ac1diuu1 ti fa uîîmeetîe. arion, Moro(Cc, Seotiarid, iAustrîa, auibanley, anmd plots wrhich nad The jaidges un ttis diîision are ,is fiiiaîtcial criti fr Intie P(' -i ,îiîduum10 aiu'<-oni the wi-,î Mi. Nuwak, who sels bie eggs' Laxeîmbourg. Aigenia anid Litch- betit Osedi for fertilizer exç,eîi- pickeil caei yeui r uu uuiîui x'i li be ilrodîîc'd bx "M ' de u0'1'uu i S. i heceti wlio1saln' ta mrerchants in Bow- ýtenstein. He added iliat Lions ho-Xirients. Speakersi were Pm'anssoî' o! the Bakem-v Prudtuctuumn Club Starr. %IP. for Ontario Caountx. Wellin.rinn arid Hor'.exs.\ admt leaî saa sante'tnainli agst. strig-George Jones, 'Field Husbandry of Onutai o <ifwhc r.(aerS The meetine is in ;suppo!*t rit ore valued at $4010 foi, a shade examnple of the wav min whicb new est and most active service club, Depanînunent. O.A.C., and Ken i a chanter member. H-e wîl îJudge Charles E. tepherisnr. Progmess- hoî-e h'îe on the xr e of Canadmian- are becoming suess- organizatioo in the xý,or1d. '.'uh Fallîs. Crops. Seeds and Weeds' one c'lassificationu of tht' 80P< ta iý-pConsen'atîîve candidate for D.uk(e St. hetxween Station and fu! buszinessmen n their adopted Lionc Clubs in 45 caunitries on six Branch, Frank C. Paterson rif the 1.000 e'flhYicS fno iriàlov' Can- Durham County.i Buscbene St.s. i country. i continents. -i cJ.A.C. aiso attended the meeting. ada wbîch wîll be on display. I ** ~~1 * R t "i s' la lebe

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