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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jul 1953, p. 2

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PAGETWOTM !CANADIAN 0,XREAT SCOT 1 WHAT'S THIS WAVERLY IROAD CLOVERLEAF FIASCO ALL ABOUT? 4 We are pleased to see an a]ert merch- ant bas corne right out in the open by writing a letter to the editor expressing his candid views on the negleet the Roads and Streets Committee has shown in ref- erence to a clov'erieaf over the new super Hîghway 401 leading to the business sec- tion of the town via Waveriv Road---that part of the town known as Westmnount. We heartilv agree with Mr. Jamaieson in his views and the remarks of manv other citizens that if the dynamnic fighting Chairman of the Roads and St reets had shown the saine interest and enthusiasm in getting the Waverly Road Cloverleaf constructed as he did in the Station Street Liberty Street approacli, convenientlv passing and through cornpanv property at a record price for right-of-way, accord- ing to his own statement, Bowmanville citizens might have no reason for' comL' piaining. In façt thev would be justified *in rising uip and caliing him blessed, as they have done, and we have t'ecorded rniany tirnes in these columos. things he and htis f irm have done for the betterment of the communitv. Therms be some good reason for the hai-mar reainng slen onthis VeYimportant issue, for be is usually the *spark plig in coincil and eisewhere to set ini action strch movemenhs. But we will leave it iii hum to make bis (>Wf ex- planation in thris rnatter. As a private citizen and an irteî'ested business mari we realized citizens, as well as <rt-of-tow&n motorists not familiar with the new highwaY setUp. are being consid- erably inconvenienced bv the awvkward ztg-zag appioach ta tire uptown section. F'or another' thing, sufficient signs from the west have not been erecied, and we were informed some wer'e knocked down. Upon inquirv of Town Clerk Alec Lyle, weeks ago, we found on the original blueprint of the new highwaY in his office it distinct1I' showed a clove rleaf marked for Waverl'v Road. But apparentlv noth- ing had been done up to this time, to find out whv the west approach had flot been constructed. Other tWns the size of Bowmanville usuallv have two sucli ap- proaches when a double highxvay is con- structed. We took the trouble to measure off the two approaches. using the Post Office as the centre and wve found the Waverly Road was about haif a mile shorter than via the present Brookdale-Station road. There xvas another great advanfage to rnotorists c<)ming from the west in favor of Wavei'lv Road which only requires one turn, ah King Street. Whereas. via Station road. there are six turns before you reach the Post Office. Imagine a stranger find- ing bis wav, after dark! Ther-e are also the hazards of passing an open pla.ygiound edging the street leading uptown (although Chair'man of R. and S. has since seen to it that council erects a fence part way along the park). Then ihere are two schools ta pass, besides clutter'ed uip Queen Street with car-s park- ed on bolli sides f rom Veterans' Hall, Goody ear emplo 'vees and Ar-ena customers. In fact vou coîîld bar-dIv imagine any worse condition iacking conven .ience and safetv than the above horr-ible set-up. 0f course if the citizens are satisfied with the single criss-cross puzzle approacb via the new highwa ' , we might, next week. discuss the rurnour that a posh motel and non-denominational cathedral is iikeiv 10 be erected in a certain section of (ur hown'for' profit and glorification of the promoter. But, that's another story. In the meantime. let's get the facts about the W'averi.v Road Cloverleaf fiasco. Evepr since the ittlè'Dich girl told the editon' sle wanhecî to be cal]ed a -new Caînadian" and flot a "little Dutch girl.," oui admiration foi' these new citizens in aur rnidst has aroused consici eî'abie interest. We, then'etore, gladly accepted an invitation toa Dutch wedding on Satin-day in the Christian Retoimed Chu rch to leRro more about their native cus- tom s. 1h was an experience %ve Shal. long î'ernembeî', for- the cerernony \VRS without the rîsual fanfare and fashion-sbow-dispiav of so rnanv Canadian weddings. Yeh the bride and ber two attendants looketi chai'ming in white lace gowns andi veils. The -ser'vice \vas impressive wiih its strlctlyvî-eligious appeat hi wýAhich the* minister in bis sermon imploreti the young couple -ta trust Jo the Lord anti in att iby lways acknowledge Hmn and H-L shall direct ihy paths'. Ini other wor'ds he said atways put Chr'ish as head of thé hotîsebotti. Thé service tbroughoul \was bi Dutcb as the bride hati necenitly come ta Canada from the Netb- er'lantis. However, foi' the benefit of the few Ernglish speakiîîg guegts present the minustei- ai the close of bis sermon very tbougbh- fully gave a bn'ief surnmar *v of bis address in English. The w-edding vows fohlowed the sermon. After the chrrr-cb serv-ice the guests were invited tathie Lionsu Cornmunitv Centre where after- no00. tea was served. Later in the evening the guesîs repairet Io the large banquet batl] were tbey were .ioined by wtton tI)tiý o bundred yoîing Dinru'b folks mnost of whom are living in the imme-, diate vicinity. The bounitiful and appetiziîg! menui served w'as entirelv Dirtch caaking made b«v a Duîch baker' in Brighton. Tbe-e seerned ta be nô end ta the vairety of bread, buns, pastry arîd cookies %vbicb were served at the banquet anti tbroughout the eve-ning by atten- tive wabtresses, but no wedtiing cake. Native wines, fruit tiisbe.% Cleaning Oui the In the Ontario Asse A begrnning bas been rmade tbrs' year te gel r-rd of somne of thei ,deadwood ta be tound in The' Assessmeni Act, points out the Municipal Wortd, aîîtanding au- hhority in municipal affaîrs. Ail sections, subsechions anti forrns ieferî-rng to non -resîdent assessmenh rmils andi noî-i-esidenh Ciîllectans rvls bave beeri repeal- eti. 'hesecoilts weie. otv r ieciiirý- eti ta be uset in townships andi tbe necessitv for then disappear-a ed when the tax sale laws wer-îe changeti sôme veai-s ago. Fouiner-, ]y ïron-r-esident lands coulti be placedti in a tax sale afler beinîg in arrears of taxes for' thn'ee vears, wbiie the taxes on iesrierît'lani . bati te bi'again returne Ioluithe[ local clerk and Île again eniter-eti on the coltecton's roll. Now allii lais are on tbe sarne basis form tax sale puirposes. ( Aftbougb liiite is(, was madiea of iîor-re.sideni. rojIs liv townships irecent *year, manufacturer,, of suîpplies fourit it necessarv h o in- E clutie sheets for the puîrprîse w~itti the regular rials, mereiv ber-au>e the law said tbey wen-e requiureti. 'Plie Legisiatuye keeps adltinigo rîew laws l thie ,,I atLites eaib year but, utile lbouugîltis givPnii 10 î'epealirîg obsolote prov-isions. il In file Same m'av tîat wecds andti deatiwood mustî be eluminated iý fram a garden so 100 shumtiddeat Ilt taws be repealei. el Need Weeding Out If officiais aof ttîe Depar-lnîerîi Of Municipal Affairs woulrt take turene ul anti go thn-oîgb our Mîrnlicupai taws witb afîî-orb Pd com-b tbeY wouflti firîinanv., many Sections whicb stîoutti he weeded out or ah, toast modernuz- eti. Wbite it ma.v be tooking far aheati, this won'k shoulit be done' before the next revision of the statirtes. Take, for, example, secliori 184 of The Ases-sment Ai-t which re- fer-S ln tawg matpien the .2nd %.Parnof King Renuv VtJJ 1mw mn% m~ f nrhps lîtv,- h' ever seen Ibis stble or kpný what it means W Me bave gra' ,e doubts it can ever be founti in a modern Iaw librar v. Oie o. a- in v utihthe deaut- î',i ni li îîîi'ý ht Avt would be bîoughîtou igh. wouldj The Statesmnan bas been tî'ying ah dif- feî'ent times in these columns to bring the *citizens out of their ietban'gy and self-com- piacencv by' again î'esurrecting the Cham- *ber of Commer'ce. Btut thev seem deter- rnined ho let the gî-ave-digger perfor-m the lash rites by burving an institution which has meant s0 mucb ini other progr-essive towns in building up an industriou% and healthy community. Althougb a bit discouraged in this par- ticular endeavour we try to be bopeful that somnetime and somehow a spark of life will fire an enthusiastic citiien to be cou rageotîs enough to take up the torch of action. With tbis thougbt in mind we tbr-ow out another "bait" for consideration of our cil izens tb prove we are wor'îhy of the responsibility of citîxensbip and stili be- Ijev-e in demnocr'acy. , Here is the idea: The CanadiafirChamber of Commer'ce h-as launched a national non-partisan "Gel- Oi-The-Vote" Carnpaigii. To make tbe - ri)gi'am fully effective righh across the country, Canada's national business organ- ization is enlisting the'aid of its close to 700 member Boards ot Trade and Cham- bers of Commerce and some 2350 member campa nies. These gmoups. repî'esenting a cr-oss section of the countrv's business and com- muniiv lire ar-e asked ho co-opeî'ate in an ali-out effort ho encour'age people to go ho the poilis on Augîîst 10. "Democi-ac '- depeinds nîponi the exercise or the free and secret ballot." stated Pî'esi- dent Lewis W. Simms of The Canadian Chamber of Commerce. "and 1 believe that evei-ything possible should be done to bring Canadians a fuil] appreciation of tbeiî-responsibilities in tbis connection. "The foi-ces opposing our democr'atic wa'v <of life ar'e assished by Ioss of fr'eedomn, are the end results of inidifference. We mnust therefore be alerh and vigilant in the defence of democi-acy thn'cugh the recog- nition and exercise of tbe responsibilities of ciizeiisbip." Mr. Simms said thait in the las4 gen- eral election., in 1949, Almosit 'wo million regi.tered Canadian voters failed to lýak@ the trouble ho visil a polling booth. "De- mocr'acy," he warned, "as we know it, cannot long survive Ibis kind of indiffer- ence" How to Keep Your Farm Help1 Why Raf fies, Draws are Wrong One of the probiems most fi-equently encountered by Ontario farmers is the keeping of good hired heip, An investiga- tion of this prohlem as it applied to 16 Ontéirio townships bas been compieted by' ,piofessors S. H. Lane and D. R. Campbell of the Department of Agricuitural* Econ- omiCs. O.A.C. A total of 330 fariffers and 137 farm hands in these townships w'kere each asked wlrat things a farmer should keep in mind if lie wanted to hire and hold good lielp. Such faciorsas workirxg horîrs, living qtîarters, mechanization, and barsh criticism were set forth ta be listed in ordler of inmporta nce. Rîîtb farmers anrd faim hands placed reasona ble and regu lai horirs fit-si, good food ariri liVxîng qUarters second, and good ia~Sthi rd; but toi Iow inîg these t he farim- e or<<tendiiffered froin i beit r ei p i n es- tirat ing w lia t tielit-hel pco nsidtŽred more impornt ant. For inrstanlce, fa im labou vers r1. ted imEdiaiin/ationi, sîesfifaiming. a nd a dlefinite aici*etniýnt on wagps anid emplo ' v reiiin m eh more b i-11iY t baridid t bei'. em11lo vers. F'arrners cari get complete inoma- o) )ni ii fba act ors con tri butp moqi Io a - s' aclorx're1bit iobihp bei wecrn tbm- S salri irolir elp b1)v obiainiintý)Circulai- I ?7. Ilî ti Keep 'l'ur Fairm Helin'. Il r0 '-ailahle ai thp office <of tbe aicrti r, iioseniat ive. ni' fi'ornthle Dfiiarrtme-nîof A-iicu luiraI Economics. O.A.C.. Guelph. Feteibinhed 1854 -ith which <te ,nr<mporaiet cind The Orono N@.wi 98 Ypairs' Contntnous Servicp to thp Town of Bowman ville anmd Durham County AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER URIAUv SUBSCRIPTION RATES $3.00 a Yoar, strictly in advacnce 4.0aYar in' the Unied Ste. THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY Auîhoriaed os Second C10maM )dit Pott Office. D.pcrtm.ur. Ottavu Bowmanvill., Ontario GEO. W. JAMES, Ebioît We ar'e glad ho see that such a mor'al upiifher as Rev. Warrnen Tur'ner, IRector of St. John's Anglican Church, agùees with our recent ediharial opposing raffles and draws wbich bave become a public No. 1 racket, as weli as a nuisance. Her'e are Mr. Tur'ner-'s \iews on tbis subject, as tbey appean-ed in bis chuîrch news bulletin: 1. More than the fair price is, charg- ed for'thbe article raffled. E.G.-A $10.00( article may bring in $2000. Io this wavy il is a br'eacb of the 8th Comm a ndm nt. 2. It is a principle of Chr-istian ecoti- omics that thbe individual should pay a fair' price for goods and serti- ices, ibat is, $10.00, not 10e for a 3. In raffles anîd diaws something'of x-alùie is hîasfer-red from one per'- son ho anothienJ sticli a waY that iiegain of one partxy is moi-e than offset by the losses of others, and ail thîs depeiîds rîpon an event ox'er which neilbeî' winner flot']os- ers have an v conir-ol. 4. Rafffles anîd draws ar'e a mild faim of tbe great gambling rackets wb ich aie demior-alizirig millions of peupoýle a nd imo<verishing man. To speak ouit against these rackets the Chîii-ch mirst bave dean bands. Foir- hlese and similar reasons the Clîuich of Enl-Iand in Canada, the Do- minioni andI Diocesaî W.A., etc., bave de- ciared thîi r opposihioîn to raising monev for Cbun"h pur-poses by raf fles, drawNs and games oif chance. You Have Only Two Cholces We agr-ee wihh The Finiancial Post wlîen il declaned tImer-e ar'e onl.v two choices iin tbe forthcoming fedier-al elec- tio, the Liber-aIs or the Cnnservatives. The Post goes oin to sax': "No other partv vao hegin Io offer- good go\,er'nmpnt be- cauîse no other par-ty cari offer gover-n- ment at aIl. This is the simple fact wbich emphasizes the ahsurdit v of a federal v'ote for' cither tire Social Credit or the CCF. part.v. B'.- the C. B.C.'s pecurlai' test for political bi-oadcast both of them rank as national parties. But not b ' an ' other test. The v lavFe been able- tO foi-m ov- er'nîmenîts " 1v in thi-ep 'tinprox-rpce. At niost theîr appeal Is ba.-ed omn natrrow reeional or ciass support. Neither- of tbemn can hope to gZather enourgh Votes frorn Atlantic to i P:uc'ù- In fon-r the oo'.er-n- rMent Ma (t" 1,11P\ uan flot '.vn a majority in thre Comnmuns. y 17 3 i i Dead Wood essment Act be ta rearraîîge the sections in ibeir chronological ortier. Ah pre- ,-ient we meet 911 the exemptions and business assessment prov'i- sions belon-e wL are told how the assessor is t0 go ho wonk. When il cornes ta The Muni- c'ipal Act, anyone wbo desires ta' do sonie gaîdenîng cao bave a lielît cav. At the last revision of the stithes tbe comimissioners1 nmade a gooti start by' combining 1 andt rearnangîîg sorne of the sec- ions dcalîng with ithe powe-ý of, the council ta pass bYiaws, buti their bauds w~ere lied when it camie ta nepealing obsolete provi- .,ionîs as Ibis powver is vested Jo; the Legisiature. Shotild Be Repealed Coninencing witb seî-r on 423 n the pan-t of the Act dealing wilh tîigbwýa *-s anti bnidges, refer- e'nces bo stattîte labor, toti roats nîrid bridges sbîîr d in niost cases be ne(peaicti, ant i nany of file, sec- tions stioutt be iransfer-ett The H-igliNwa.\-s Inipnovenient Act. Toý pt this part of tble Art modern- zeti woiîtd necti the co-operai- ion of Th'e Depariment of Muni- cipal Affains anti The Department, of Higbwa *vs.1 Now t bat cietraî-t menital officiali rave girlt the prux-ate laws for Me-, ropnl ta nTuronto oîff their re-ý spevti\-e ctîests ma %he the *v cao ehI le tnwn to some conistr-uctive- bhinkiiîg witb regard ta aur gen- -ri-a municipal laws. Aîtbough greah things are expecleti tram the pnoviîicia]-11runicipai cornî- ihitee in Ilhe course of t ie, ils econîinierndtiîns wiIl)tikely be along broati anti geriera l unes. leavnng details b be wor'ked out ov ot bers. The cmite pre- lours trme shou Id be devotedti t ifs main job. There shoulti be no terpt to thi-nw other things in, fs ]ap. No\ý. b ib is Coronrat ion Vear, ,oîîld seeni to be a goot iie ta' [ari a bit of gardening. For Quick Resuit. TIM CANADIAN STATEI& CLASS[FIFD ADS this man ' Dear. Mr. Editor: manvilte via Waverly Road. -. I The first sutinier wvith the new As the Roads and Streets Com- .Highwavý now in fui] force we rnay mittee of Town Cauncil taok an size up condition-, as follows: active and commendable part in Less traflic snarls through oui' getting the a]rnost impossible town. road t h etBahone wn Less act vty on main sîreets. d îr h hyddn't continue the i Lesg dangerous ta cross the! good work of insisting on a claver streets. ! leaf at Waverly Road when it was Better' sleeping at niglit for * on the blue print of the Ont. Dept. those who ]ive on King Street. of Highwavs plan. 1 iAlit of whic-h is a blessing and -o more comfortable living thari be- Sincerel3' yurs G. F. Jamieson fore. The question is, Does this cost anvone anY' revenue? A Scot vwha had worn the saine 1 wcîîld sav it costs every mer- liai, for- fifleen years, decided with e chant in iown sornething in î'e- heavy heart, ta buy a new one. venue, and after ail who in youri Going inho the anly bat shop in opini on pays the most taxes in-< his neighbourhood he said: "Well, the town of Bowrnanville? As ben'e I arn again." wveIl as the rnosh incarne taxes ta _______ the Governrnent? Who gîves .the rnost and who is - asked the most ta give in the toxvn? (The Merchants>. We neyer want the through' - - .traffic again in Bowmanville, but we the merchants believe we shouid have a fair break on those tr'avelling through hourists wbo: do love ho slîop in the towns of On tari o. The set up tu get Io tle townI ______ of Bowrnanville for a rnotor tour- t, in rny opinion. is next hoý a Dlc WddngImpossible frorn the nwhg isaD ihW d i ay. There are moo rnany turrns and too many twists andi above! ail going back towvaîis the west, ý hi anid even D ilch cigars were in- when oîne i s going east %voîitd i cltdet not be toterateti by niany tnurists. As guests arriedrnosti 'v in, 1 spent four yeaî-s in councilý r ouples, ibey vouId fnrsh present and a -clover leaf" was definitelv, sIbeinselves ta the bride and prornisedti t us ah the west end Of! groom who were sitting at the the town. corning in bv Waverly, cheati table, shal e hands and of- Road. What happened ho Ibis i a' ler cungatuîlations and give them original plan? ea %vedding gnft. Did thev spend too rnuch ah the' 0 At the concusi of the ban-, east end ho relieve the coitagers k - ue, roera young master 01, at the Lake and rmake a beautîful Cook Book Hero 1 ceremnonies rnounted the piatform by-pass of the town ah, the far 1-and after offerîng a prà 'ver whichi.end? wsreverently observed by the; 1 counted 120) cans in 15 mnin- lre galben-ing lie presented an' utes passing down the ncw Higb-1 M 11 inten-esting variety pragrarn of way ai, Waverty Road which fig- i'eciiationîs vocal anîd înst ru men- r oui at over' 700 cars an hour. t-al numbers, dramnatic readings, This uwas in the mniddle of the Milk plays the "star ro]( humoronîs sketches and commun- week. Don't tbink about Sahurday cessful recipes. . imn ihi' sinîging. The entire progr-am or you rnight becorne iii, fellow of nearlv tbîee bours vwas put an merchants. eeyhn o oko by niembers in the audience who Jo mnv estimation Waven-iv Road eeyhn o oko were calter] b the platiorm ta. cou id be made ino a bea'îiful' most ternpting desserts conniribute their seteclion. As is and convenient entrance ho aurl cnstornar.v on ait s;urh occasions tawn. e\'ery dish with body-bt the pr-ogramn concluded with At the present time there is not mnakes every meal a ste pua ver. Pe sign up on the new High- Týo a native l'ornCanadiian anaje at a o og oBw-h lh.Odrpeytç roulti nol help but be favarably ayt'avo agtt ow elh re lnyt irnpressed wNiilî the genune will -________________ ingness iniwbich each did bis or I ber- par-t. the aburîdant disptay 1'Tl C K E T S of latent talent. andi the enthus-I TO EVERYWHERE I îasrn wiih whicîî they sang their' Air, Rail or Steamshlp > a Duc oksns hyare evid-J Consuit G letR entlv a rnusir toving people and JU RY & L O V ELL TELEPHONE 444 i*evet n cdean wbolesorne enter-j Bowmanville taininenl, judginîg fnoin thp fine' 15 Kinx St. W.. Phone 778 demnonsi ration they gave on this ____ ______ occasion. 1 Afier this deligbtfui experrence, we can \vetI unden'stand now, in" lal'inîg se \euat' vears ago %vitb Col. T. L. Kenniedy-. iben Onîtar'io Vlister of giiltî- after hF liarltnmade a slirvey of tome Eu,- ropeau nniîti n search of, su table iirnigr-anîis four Ontario, he said he wvould givp the people of The Netherlands ,zpnefen'ence. Froin this new experience on Saturday anntier thougbt carnie 1o aur mind. In assinitating these UE new Canadians ta aur way of kl lI adopt sorne of their culture and Y cushorns. for we must remnember that iheir cinivisrmuich aider iban our beloved Canada. .NIu ie Dairy BOWMANVILLE P. E. Greenfield Box 239 C'arlisle Ave. Bowmanfl]lie Perc 'v Greenfield is a Prudential representative in Bowimanx-ille anîd bis business is providing protec- tion for families lîke youî's. Tboî'oughly trained and experienced, Peî-cy xviii be glad ta discuss vour life insurance and sickness and accidentl needs. He'll also give you Prudential's free Policyholders' Service ho make sure youriuîmsurance is doing the mosh for you. If yoiu don't know Perc-y Gmeenfield. gýel in touirh w-î,th hum hoday. He'l belp you plan a secure ,onor-ro\w for' you and your family ... witb Prudential Insurance. Oshawa Offî<-p, 211d Floor, 104 Kingr St. E., NCf Phone: 3-4222 See your eIPRUDENTIAL AGENT )ma[ or <'ampli te farn n/v ecurity' e, ncluding lrudentî.al's É'reai new S:ckness - ib+ nd Accident Insuraice m4- ~~ Aujsakw - ~ 4~sur bake .glorifies vour ;-.ricbly endows uilding nutrition. . . tepping stone ho good oday. THE RESPONSIBILITY 0F CITIZENSHIP h M

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