THUESDAY. JTJLY 23. 1953 TH~ CANADIAN STATESMAN. EO'WMANVILL~. ONTARIb PAGE SEVEN jII Theory, ln which Miss Smythe George Di received Honors. SOCIAL AuD PERSONAL Mrs. Harold E. Green, Ponty- j' pool, in renewing her subscrip- PHONE 3303 tion to The Statesman writes: We _________________________look forward each week to read- Miss Helen Devitt, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Layman ofigEdYunm 'scum fo spent the weekend with Mr. and Bradenton, Florida, and Mrs. be te lis things in his humorous Mrs. Carl Devitt. Stewart of York, Pa., fre guests style. It is also interesting to be Mrs. F. A. Houge, Ottawa, is for a few days last week of Mrs. kept informed on the progressI visiting her father, Mr. Daniel Herbert Layman. of your famous Memorial Hospi- Kaufman, Queen Street. Mrs. Mina Colwell, Mrs. Hilda tai. Miss F. M. Galbraith spent the Colwell, Ted and Irwin, have re- weekend in Toronto with her turned from a trip to Kingston We regret that in printing the cousin, Miss Mary Galbraith. where they enjoyed a cruise of report of St. John's Evening Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Blunt, To- the Thousand Islands. Branch W.A. pienie which ap- ronto. are spending their vacation Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Kleinstiver, peared in last week's Statesman, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blunt. Dashwood, spent last weekend a line was omitted. The report ~r.W. . Sot, Fre arsalwith ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. should have read: Children's d..~nanowas guest of Mr. and Frank Williams, Helen remainingpnzswrwobyKrnMc I'±'Geo. B. Bickle on Monday. for a few days' visit at' home. Donald, the spot and needle and Mr. GeoreRbrtsno Mr M. and Mrs. H. V. Reeves, Cal- >hed1n rncsTre h and Mrs. W.Rbrs ssed gary, Alta., are visiting their so ik ing the summer in Victoria, B.C. caughter, Mr. and Mrs. Donald lst eksSaemnw Allin, Lamb's Lane. They mnotor- printed a photo o! Tyrone Ju- ~ ' Miss El fieda Slute, Toronto spent ed east and expect to spefld five venile Band and stated that this the weekend with her cousins, weeks hene. band was sponsored by Tyrone Misses Elizabeth and Carnie Pain- Mr. and Mrs. Athur G. Brooks, Loyal Orange Iýodge. It has been ton.Eit, M. MsJh brought to our attention tht hi Edtand M.and Mr. Jo sn otaflae ihayOag Rev. and Mrs. T. A. Morgan and Brooks, Welland, have retune .as in error. The Juvenile Band 's~. ther ltti dagher re acaio- from a trip to Calgary and MissLdg.tisasfspnrdo- ing at "Bonnie Brae", Severn Mabel Brooks has.returned from Log. I"Ail work and no "'hor Falls, Ont. Tuscon, Arizona. ganîzation. Alwran nopa MissBearic Reyold, Wnd- Mr. nd rs.P. E Grenfeld Don 't fail to vi sit the attractive of the most strenuous campaigr son, is visiting her sister and and Mrs. Elmo Anderson attend- Uie Nations Booth at the Kins- sive Conservative Leader Geo brothen-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Erv- ed the funeral in Toronto on Mon- man Karnivai Friday and Satur- off to indulge in his favourite in Foster. day of Norman O. Greenfield, son day nights being heid on the Mrs. Geo. Jamieson, Vancouv- of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert H,ý colgons hsbohodfsindfriypei er, B.C., visited her sisters-in-law, Greenfieid of Bowmanvîlle. is sponsored by the Bowmanville children, Sandra and Edward. Business and Professional Wom- a dip in the "swimmin' hole"i Mrs. R. M. and Mrs. D. H. Messrs. Charles Carter Jr., en's Club to assist in publicizing ti aetruin Jamieson. Bowmanville, and Joseph Huise, the great workç of the UN. _________________________ Miss Wilma Richards, Sick B.A., B.Sc., of the Defense Re- Pamphlets will he given to al Children's Hospital, Toronto, search Branch, Toronto, attended nestd spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. the Shakespeanean Festival atinrstd Paul Chant. Srtodo ensa Jerusaiem Lcdge A.F. & A.M., MAPLE GROVE 1vnig. iGR.C., No. 31, was represented Mý.r. 7-d Petbick, Detroit, is Mr. and M;-s Jack Wylie and atte8tAniiCom ic- S ptyiseevedoMr. spniga few days' hnTidavs, son Brock, London; Mr. and Mrs.tonf rciLgeA.& .Nra Brs.adM' îd with bis parents, 1Mr. arid Mrs. 1Don Cox and iaughter Janice, To- iifC ~ia tCnta el- olvBuress, iandtMr.lond F. C. Pethick. ronto; Miss Dorothy Evans, TwnlShlTorno 1Mosîp rfhsbandMarley roes ithe o Miss Audrey Smart, Edmonton. fspent Sunday at the home of M.fuilV! or a J Dhinuad sympa nd 5 E'ter.ldtoM Alta., is vacationing with ber sis- and Mrs. K. E. Cox, King St. East. Clair Allun, Walter Revnlds Rev iSýinah setne oMs ter and brothcr-in-iaw, Mr. and Mr. William Woodcock, Osh- A. G. Scott, Owven Nieholas, A. W' Charles Gie.har n dd lier sisier' 'Mrs. Carl Devitt. awa, and Mr. Alvin Dowson. Bow- G. N1orthcutt. Dave Higgon and i kirs. Bob Ste pu!ens, ini ihe loss 0f Mr. nd rs.Stanev ordnmanville, of the Experimena Art Blancehard. i thcir m otiier. Mis. John Nich'ols.i and Roy have returned froni txvo Egnein Dp. fGnra o isitors last vvcek with Mr. and M.Pl1Sodu ooti weks' holiday at Thunstonia. tors at Oshawa, are spending the Mrs. I'rank Williamns, Ciiorcli St., sii1 g is cousin, Mir. Ken Sturgeon Lake. week on business in the United xvere Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wil- 1Brooks, graludparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ellis and son Bobby States. liams and Mary Ruth, Niagara Mrs. R. R. Stevcns, and other re- returned on Monday fromn Sydney Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Badger, Falls, N.Y., Miss Williams, who latives. Mines, N.S., where she has been attended the wedding of Miss r ast month received the degree of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Vivian and visiting her parents. Frances Bell, daughter of Mr. and Bachelor of Science from Alfred lamily, Cadmus, were Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John Carpente r IMrs. Frank Bell, Barrie, on Sat- University and also ber nurse 's 'ý isitors with Mr. and Mrs. Morley and two cbildren, Guelph, have urday, after which they spent, cap andi pin, xii enter on a nurs- Flintoff. been visiting ber mother, Mrs. E. several days vacationing on Geor- ing caireer in Memnorial Hospital, Mr. and Ms Charles Milis, Adle andheraunt Mr. Lary ian ay.Niagara Falls, N. Y., on Aug. lst. Port Perry, with their son,' Mn. Arde an b JantsMr. awn gan ay the records right d you know that UNICEF, the Ceeil M/ilis. Cryermn.of the report o! the Blackburn-i United Nations International Em- Mr. and Mrs. Max Ballard, _______________________Hardy pienie sent in last week ergeney Fund, is not a "'give- -Moose Jaw, Sa,ýk.; Mr. and Mrs. --the officers shouid have read: ist1 away~ progran-? The amount of Andrew Scott, Mr. and Mirs. Alex vice - Gerald Shackleton; 2nd 1mnoney, or valuie of gonds and Clairk, son Scott, Godcrich; Mr. vice - Russell Hardy; 3nd vice- 1 services given by this agency o!f Frank Lee, Kedron; Mr. and Mrs. ST. 10HIFS. Bill Allun, and the first pienie in I the UN is matched or exceeded by H. G. Freeman, Town; were Sun- F ( H19231xvas heid at th, home of AI- the governnient of the countr., dzy evening visitors withi Mrs. L. f.fred Hardy. beneïitting. Finci out more aboutC, Snowden. In listing the resuits o! Jiiue ex- lix' v,'or1ý of this UiN ýý,e atenh Miss Edna Snowden, Kitchener, (Anglican) aminations o! the Royal Conser- UntdNtoa ot t tur in- pr Mn.rloldy REGULAR SERVICES lswekStemateame ca ijhs Allan Snowden. at 8arn an n .m. of Miss Nancy Smythe, a pupil of' Foilowing the splendid concert T Mrs. Reta Cole Dudley, was in-, given by the London Boys' and e mcany friengld o she - adertntlyomited rom Grde; Girls' Band on Satorday after- .rMGahaega oko h advetenly mittd fombGra noon, tue band leader. and bis1 has sufficiently recovered from ~ wife, Mr'. and Mrs. A. Robinson, Ler operation to return home. ,~and severai other London visit- Mr. and Mrs. Cecii Mîlis, Mr. SO NO M M R L PA Kors, were entertained by Mr. andan r.WH.Bo , 0 B 0 N 0 NEMORIAL PAR ~~M .H trok eggS.Ms oadBaly noe M .Mrs. Robinson and Mrs. Sturrock weekend trip up North. ui Suvay Evenng, Jl11. 9tI were old seboolmates and had not A representative o! the Tm * n seen eaeh other in some 20 years. lienance Society wili occupy the Mat 7:30 The Robinsons remnained ovennight puipit on Sunday. and continued on thein tour on Misses Clara, Edith and Mable 0 P E N A 1I R S ER V ICE Sunclay. keeping , Barrie, visited their sister, hanCd . ih s epn hrMs Chester MeGrath. Mable is Under the auspices of the Orono and Newcastle *an in at child care these days, î'emaining to bc with ber sister. *United Churches though her charge is considerably Mr. and Mrs. Herb Beeiby, *younger thon the Nursery Sehool Stroud, Mrs. W. J. Cowan, Barrie, Speaker: REV. LAWRENCE TURNER, B.A. m pupils she is acoustomed to from visited their sister, Mrs. McGrath. * ~Orono Band in Attendance ' September to June. Mrs. Wigbt is _________ Miooking after ber ten-months-old IUMMMUUUM.ME.UU.UUMUU.U...M....MUMUMUUE~'granddauchter, Joan, daughter H ~~f~ of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Parrisb, HAMPTONJ Hamilton for two weeks while ____ they, accompanied by Mn. and Mn. and Mns. J. C. Macnab were Mrs. M. Parîsh, Chatham, enjoy. host and hostess to a silver wed- a motor trip through the scenic ding celebration for Mr. and Mrs. Maritimes and Cape Breton. Chas. Ferguson, the former Effa Mr. John F. Gorman and bis Baison, Oshawa. The gift of a son Bill of Gloucester, N.J., were bandsome wal mirnor was pre- in town Wednesday renewing ac- sented by Anson Balson. A two quaintances. It is 15 yeans since tier deeorated wedding cake was the Gorman family lived in Bow- enjoyed as weil as other dainty manville in the bouse on Centre refreshments. Street now owned and occupied Those attending from a distance by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Aluin. It were, Mn. and Mrs. Elvin Braw- wili be reealled that Mn. Gorman ley (Betty Baison), Mn. and Mrs. was manager o! the R. M. Hol- Tenny Webb (Doris Balson), On- _______________________________ lingshead Co. He said the townaneieLteNnc Hoe, SPCASlooksrnuch the e but he re- Kinsale, Mn. and Mrs. Anson Bal- gretQd o fnd anyo! bis old son, Richmond Hill, Miss lia Hos- Bottle package fiedhaepsd on. kmn Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. Leslie - - -Pkg. 59C a m 16 oz. jar m *25c Special This Week! DOILING FOWL Freshly KilIed and Dressed CAPONS - DROILERS FREE DELIVERY YEO'S Keats and Groceries BOWMANVILLE PHONE 3367 i 4 ~' . te-written from pnevîous copyrights, of Optometrist Disney Bldg. - Opp. P.O. OSHAWA - Phono 5-6143 226. It is most surely found that dis- eomfort of some nature accomp- anies these svrtnptoms - e.ves xvat- c, get gritty and sandv'. eves burnx. Headaches are quite com- mon. The patient sbould also look after the ph ' sieal condition in addition to baving attention given to the eyes. It may be found that the above .vill bc noticed to occun at certain peniods and laten the dur- ation o! these perîods wili be greaten in length and more nerve- xracking, anîd being more deep seated, wili be much harder to overcome. If vou feel that anv o! the above svr'mptonis appiy to you ciseek attention vithout delay. (Cool% righted> Stafford Bros. Monumental Works .Phone lVhitby 55 318 Dundas St. E., WNhitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precise workmanship and careful attention to detai] are your assurance -when you choose from the wide selection of imported and' domestic Granites and Marb]es in stock. rew Tour P. C. Garden Party (Continued from Page One) fringement on repre-sentation of the people that must be duly consîdered and corrected on Au- gust 10. Miss Bowman, in a brief ad- dress, asserted that despite what detractors might say, it is stili the women that win elections. "It is up to us to work, and work hard, for success on August 10", she de- clared. She stressed the import- ance of contacting young people who will be voting for the first time. She criticised the Liberal gov- ernment for calling a mîd-sum- mer election, but stated, "Neyer- theless, we will be celebrating Mr. Stephenson's victory as well as others across the province, and across the country, on August 10". New Pumphouse ... (Continued from Page One) de oold niake a noise to disturb ay In he mist of 'ne ittage owners at the lake. Mn. ". In he midt of o e '(fei'n replied tliot the oniy ns in political history, Progres- time there would be any noise ,orge Drew takes a few hours xvas in thoe'.'ent of a lengtby eform of relaxation - a good power failure. when it -w'ould be with Mrs. Drew and te txvo pneecssy t ie teDee 1.A basket lunch, gaýrnes, and Coun. Sco't asked wby the Pub- were on the family agenda at 'Je Utilities Conîîmission had not ohtained eouncil's permission to __________________________ cose off the road aliowance be- cailing for tenders for con- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pyott, Mn., struetion of the pumnphouse and and Mrs. Frank Bromiey and oilher phaqes o! the -urojeet. Chair- daughters, Eliizabeth and Louis, Iïnan Strike repiied that the sur- 1Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Wiiiis, Mn. and x'ey o! thîe arca bad been heid iMrs. Albert C'heall o! To-' up for thre moîllîs and Ibis was ronto: Mc. IRoben-t Lect andcIthe rcason wlîv the P.U.C. lied not utr Jaicie.Vi<)Iteal; MVr. bc en able to isk for it befoce. Hiarold Willis, Otta',x a. He stated îhliothie P.U.C. was a'nxious to construct the pump- bouse and instali the intake pipe during the months of July or August since these months are the most advantageous for work of this kind. Costs would be re- duced considerably if it could be donie in these months, he said. Coun. DeGeer feit that council members should have an. oppor- tunity to inspect the site of the intake pipe and pumphouse be-, fore any motion was passed Io close the road allowance at the foot o! Smart St. His motli that the matter be deferred unt Monda'y, July 27, at 5.15 p.m. was pRssed by council. Navigable Waters Protection Act R.S.C. 1927 - Chapter 140 The PubliceTjtiiities Commission of the Town. 0f Bowmanville hereby gives notice that it has under Section 7 of the said Act, deposited with the Minister of Public Works at Ottawa and la the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the West Riding of the County of Durham at Bowman- ville, Ontario, a description of the site and plans of a 24 inch waterworks intake pipe proposed to be laid in Lake Ontario at Bewmanville, Ontario, in front of Smart Street Road Allow- ance. Andi, take notice that after the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication of this notice the Public Utilities Commission of the Town of Bowmanville 1%%iii, unden Section 7 of the said Act, apply to the Minister of Public Works at bis office ia the City of Ottawa, for approv- ai of the said site and plans. Dated at Bowmanville, Ontario this l7ih day of July, 1953. PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION of the Town of Bowmanville. W. Ross Strike, Chairman. No. 471 COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 1. . A. MRAND SPECIALS S-e1d on a MVbney-Back Guarantee Eusom Sait Fresh needle crystals 11C, 19C Mercurochrome eA ey hoe reg.forc 14C B oracicAcid Guranteed full strength 33 Boracc Acd 1 pundreg. 45e33 Whit e Embroc ation reg. 29c,49c 23c, 37c Wild irawerryComplaint -3 oz., reg. 50e 9 PRESERVING AIDS CERTO Makes nneserves jeily properiy 29e JAR RINGS Red rubber Package o! 12 9C PAROWAX To seai preserves 1-pound package 16e THE ADHESIVE BANDAGE 1H AT STICKS BETTER LONGER 19c-40c-59c BRYLCREEM' THE PERFECT HAIR DRESSINI hmndsome lors handy tubes Alex. We Deliver I4ÂCLEÂNS PEROXIDE TOOTH PASTE FIHT TOT E. * ý CHEKI IAD* RAT IT'S HERE! - fabulous new LOTION SHAMPOO Use New Wm/W shampoo tonght-and tomorrow your hofr wiII be sunshine bright. THREE SIZES $1.25 b*7Ç*o45Ç iTac-U[eFO0RJIE SPECIAL! A.S.A. Tablets For relief of pain 100's and 300's 19C 49c IDASORB Acts fast to relieve simple diarrhoea or summer complaint 4 ounce 8 ounce 75c $1.25 SPECIAL! Semi-Head Shape Bathing Caps 49C bIt roductory Offer 2for 39Ç I. D A. "ECONOMY" WRITING PADS Note size, regular 10e 8c,, 2 for 15c Ladies' or Letter Size, regular 15e 12c, 2 for 23c Angel Food Cake Mix Primrose Sweet Pickles... 55 KING ST. E. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY MeGregor, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Drugs Phone 792 j -ýl -TEMMDAIr. IMY 23, 1053 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOMVMUM=19. ONTAMb 1 If' , , PAGE SEVEN - -T. -4 i9poole-il il