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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Aug 1953, p. 9

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¶ ~ 'i ,, - ,~k. J *I , - ~ ?!MtJSDAY, AUGUST Oth. 1952 R' isîory of Women's Institute ~'Wilh Nollo: Tor Home and Counirl Dates Dack Io Fehruary 191h, 1897 wf Rural lite at end of the 19th the effort to the test. At1 Ine Century was flot blessed with same time, the dying years lei the ameuities which are todav, the l9th Century saw the b:l hi e o gatd Means of!l'f the technological revoluli communication were vastlY which was as radically ta trar under-developed comparative taoi form the condition of the avi present stan dards. A farm con- âge man in the 2th as hadt stituted an economic unit that Industrial Revolution of the 18 w. procnery i-suffi- altered that of his forebea ci . nd the family it support-j Finaliy, there was revoit culmi ecs irved in semi-i solation, while ating in revolution on the cý the comrnunity, which it, with taff side of the house, Wome like units constituted was, in fretting at the chains in whi turn, isolated to a large degree customn had so long held thec lrom sîmilar economie centres. wvere struggling ta strike the With ail the will in the world,I off that they might assume hi and with ail the potential intel- vier ones of their own devisin ligence which lay within it, the The dowager of fifty, thoui atmosphere generated within doubtless as reluctant to adrr such an orbit was one by no her vearF as any other of EVE rneans calculated either to stim- daughters, nane the less consi ulte da or ta encourage their ered herself a optn tranismission. In contrast ta the vote as a callow boy of twenl, pregent day when life in the one. Time may yet prove hg country offers ail the advantages right. of urban existance except, per - n the ferment of these time haps the ioys of a traffic jam or perhaps by coincidence perhai the conviviality o! a crowded at the connivence of a fate rg tram, rural existance of that era always malignant, the path( was Circumscribed, and educa- Erland Lehpee oco tional opportunity ail too often that of! Le aenoe .Tahr consisted of a nodding acquaint-1 former, a young farmer of Sal ance with the three R's. There fleet Township, Wentwort were, of course, many notable County, was secretary, late exceptions, but the average was president, of the Farmers' Insi definitely low when measured tute. In the fail of 1896 while at by the potentialities of the pre.s- tending a meeting of the Experi cnt.mental Union at Guelph, he li Yet a leaven was stirring with-1 tened ta Mrs. Hoodless delive in the social organism. The day1 a cogentl.y argued address« oth pioneer was nearing its' the necessity of introducîri end and his work had been well Home Economic courses into th, done. He and his posterity had rural schoois. Lee, whose irn now opportunity to develop and peliing interest was the bette' enjoy the wealth which awaited ment of rural conditions, an( their efforts ,;i'thin the vast ex- whose recent thoughts had beei paniseof an a!most virgin land. following lines parallel ta thost Nor were they hesitant ta put expressed by Mrs. Hoodless, wk FREEI MATINfEE FIREE! For Children Only - Corne Io Dowranvllle Shop Io. Your Hearl's Content Dring your children with you then park them at the ROYAL THEATRE Every.Thursday ai 2 pain. Your chfldren -will be safe and well taken care of 'l. %HOP WITH THE FOLLOWING MERCHANTS 'HO11 SPONSOR THIS SHOW: J. M. ABERNETHY G. F. JAMIESON'S Paint ânI dWallpapera IR SHOP W. H. BROWN, MeGREGOR HARDWARE Ltd. Farim Implementa WALKER STORES BOWMANVILLE CLEANERS MMKE OSBORNE, and DYERS Readinr Coal MARRIS JEWELLERY TED WOODYARD, JEWELL'S "BIG 20" Appliance Store CHARTRANS MEN'S WEAR L. A. PARKER - Plumbing COWLING'S DRUG STOR~E JURY & LOVELL KNOX SHOE STORE DRUG STORE SEVERN'S BAKERY CARTER FAMTLY THE RADIO SHOP TEA ROOM MASON & DALE STEDMAN STORE HARDWARE STORE OLYMPIA CAFE MeGREGORS DRUG STORE PALMER MOTOR SALES SHEPPARD & <ILL HOWES SMOKE SHOP LUMBER CO. LTD. HIGGON ELECTRIC SMITH BEVERAGES Havé-a Coke fiDr q uiîck refresh m eît reraU.Lmen VVUwi Dn ot weathe slows yau up, have a Coke. AuIlwzod botier f 1Cae-Cl. .rnder gon HAMBLY'S BEI O<ýHA1VA, ONT. & coke"Il a ovgsfe t Md#-movk, PAGE N]NM imprcssed by bath hier logic and Badgley, Toronto, spcnt Satur- lNZàRI1 and Mrs. Hopkins led i ry bh hudspa oe a n:gt- ere ýs W here You Vote Mo d y a vnn with Mr. and Mrs. EBE EZE er. Several yn we ud PAllonhn mn fhs.on-L obi.througbaut. eringof the hlm opo taw D rin t n ut n. Mrs. George Johns spent Sat- July 29 Was a hote and humid One Of aur local girls, £lia Daring on wp.Polin Bo thsurand he ted brsfeed e hs-evening but a group of 32 as- Dawn, told in an interestirg duced ta lier work by a personal ers. scmbled in the Ebenezer S.* S. manner a! lier xvark and hoba- tragedy. The dcath of her young- The iist of pollhng stations lingtan 9) comprises Lots 13 ta r and Mrs W'm. Smith, Room for the reguhar meeting of bies ini connection with the Y. est son, the doctor had told hier, where qualifîed electars of Dar- 24 inclusive in the 7tb, 8th, 9th Linday, spent a fev days with La mes bv MrCas. CAf ber * C., t erboSm f was caused by drinking impure lington Township will cast their and loth Concessions, including Mqriand rusicennth Samels.aquiet uscier- il paintings and aluminuin thE milk. Feeling that she was at ballots on August 10 has been tbc villages o! Ennislcillen andIlM an r.enth§mls Found, the President gave a; craft %vere dlsplayed V'.V11 iOf least.partially ta blame, she de- annaunced by Erdman Friesen, Burketon. The polling station Misses Gloria and Janice brie! message on "The quiet s hl a w c d vcry cornmenr-' 'e irtb termined ta devote hier efforts Returning Officer of Durham wbll be in the Community HallI Sader spent a few days with place in aur lives" work. President expressed the ion ta the prevention o! similar Ira- riding. Enniskillen . '1heir grandiparents, Mr. and Treasurer reportcd $125 on~ appreciation o! bhe audience., ns- gedies unfiother homes; and ta Polling Division Na.3t6 (Datr-i Polling Division No. 45 (Dar- Mrs. Robt Sadier, Bowmanville. hand. Kitchen camimitie was Group 1 served delicous ré- ler- wn br it decided that lier lingion 1) comprisesLt 3 alngton 10) comprises Lots 1 ta r.Wn Age r and requested to purchase curtaîns.1 freshinents. the best weapon was the dîssemin- 35 inclusive in thc Broken 12 in the 5th, 6th, 7tb, 8tb, 9tb, Mrs. Cecil Argue, Manvers Sta., A painter bas been engaged ta __________ tb tono knowhedge thraughouî Front Concession and in the lst, and lOth Concessions, including visited Mrs. Jas. William.son and paint the kitchen during August.i ars. rural communities. 2nd and 3rd Concessions, and the village of Tyrone. The pol- Mr. John McGilI. Mrs. Hopkins conducted the' The fibres in wvood are called in- Wen n the l9th o! Febru- the palling station will be at ling station will be In tbe Com- Mr. Earl Fice, Oshawa, visited worsbip period rcih o o s i n g pulp. lis- ary,1897, Mrs. Hoodless address- Varcoc's Pavillon. munity Hall, Tyrone. Mr. Billy Johns on Saturday. 'Friendship . as bier theme. Mrs. Fuip is compased of woodi en, cd a group a! 101 wamen who, Polling Division No. 37 (Dar- Mr. and Mrs. Allan Suggit Grant Bennett read tram John, fibres. ich simuhated by the cntbusiasm of lington 2) comprises Lots 25 ta spent an evcning iib Miss'- m, Erland Lee and bis wb!e, bad 30 inclusive in the Broken Front NESTLETON Norma Suggitt at Mr. and Mrs. cmr gatbered at Stony Crcek ta hear Concession and in the Ist, 2nd L. Jobin's. ea- bier, so great was the interest ad 3rd Concessions, includîng Ms aiy ako pn ýng. she aroused that they organized the Village of Courtice, and tbc Congratulations ta Miss Jean few Miss war i acsnspnt Oa gb nehh rsdnyo r.E pallîng station will be at Scbool Baesad Mr. ArnoId Wil- wdas itfrnsats- rnit D. Smith of Winona and thus House No. 8. liams who were marricd in the Service in the United Cburch ~ c's founded tbc Womens bnstitute Polling Division No. 38 (Dar- Uie hrha audy Sunday marning was quite welh i. id- at Saltileet Township, thefis lington 3) comprises Lots12t Mr. and Mrs. Frank Emerson attended. We arc glad Rev. and~ à... ta o! ts kind in tbc world. As other 2 nbcBae rn ocs and famihy, Taronto, M r. and Mrs. Hutton rcturned homre safe- y- groups sprang up tbrougboutsnadLos1ta4nhest Mrs. Robt. Sheffield, Oshawa, îy. îe bc owsbp ndCont, bcConcession and the polîing sta-vsieMranMs.E ron Mr. and Mrs. George Johns namne was changcd 10 the anc it tion will be at the Baseline Miss Gladys Emerson, nurse- visited Mr. and Mrs. Percy d ýebears today, Stoney Creek Wom- Schol. in-training, Oshawa, visitcd lber Preston, Lifford. - iPs cn's Institute. Paîîing Division No. 39 (Dar-. parents. alo s raiatoacbst lington 4) comprises Lots 15 to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sheffield, of witb difficulties during Iheir 24 In the 2nd Concession and Oshawa, visiteci Mr. and Mrs. O IU R C>S formative period. Not se with Los1 a2 nbc3dCne- L. Joblin. O IU R 'e bbe Womcn's Institute! Tbe idea sian .The palling station will be Mrs. Alex Mairs, Bowman- It- spread witb al bbc swiftness o! at Elmer Beach's residence, \'Ille, spent a day wibh Mrs. M. MRS. ELLA ELLIS -tb «Ossip and flourished in *a man- Courtce. Emerson. Te dah ocre i F ti Maintaining !nom ils imcc ,on Pollinig Divisian No. 40 (Dar- Mr. Francis Irwin, Toronto,Iviv Ladge, WbitbY, on Thurs- cJsereatosbp it bc lington 5) comprises Lois 1 ta Mr. and Mrs. Reg Midleon e i- tario Depariment a! Agricul-8sin thLots en a Fnusve ncte-and GMronH. Vine. visited Mrn.u'br8t e.Shhant i- turc, whbch today bas a brancb in os1t nlsvei h n r.H ie enjoycd good bhealth for several ~ ,er devobed solely ta Ibis rcwarding lst and 2nd Concession and Lois Be sure you vote on Monday years. on work, tbc movement capturcd 1 t 12 inclusive in the 3rd and for Johnny' James.-Advt. A daugbter of the late Mr. and 1g the imagination and affection o! t Concessions. Tbe polling Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Williami Layton, the de- he rural women througbout Ontario station will be at Providence Mrs. John Mappin an the arni- ceased was barn in Clarke n- ..1ntil the momentum of its Scbool. val a! a yaung son in Part Penny Township on, October 2, 1873 and r- grawtb swept aside first provin- Palling Division Na. 41 (Dar- Hospital. came ta Oshawa fromn Bowman- 'E - -- IF WE GO OUTSIDE, THEN ONLY id cial, then national boundaries, lington 6) comprises Lots 25 ta Sarrny b hear Mr. Hermani ville 33 years aga. She was a OEo A KPRP! n and carried is example ta manv 35 in the 4tb, Stb and 6tb Con- Sainelîs is on the sick list-hope~ memben of St. George's Angli- -IEO SCN KPRPP e distant lands. Associations ini cessions, and bbc polling station he wilh soon be better again. cao Cburcb. as other countries similar to tbe will be ai Mitchell's Corner Mr. and Mrs. George Black,j Mrs. Ellis is survived bv' two Do nt overload your electric circuits. Whon you -Federateci Women's Institutes o! School. Cadmus, Miss Dawn Black and sistens. Mrs. S. Seymnour a! Bow- ulormd niep vd AIUTWRNO Canada are now clasely iunkcd Polling Division No. 42 (Dar- Mn. Narman Campbell, Toronto, manville and Mrs. B. E. Bowenbidormdriepvd A QATWIN. wibbin the super-organization, lîngbon 7) comprises Lots 13 ta visited Mn. and Mrs. Victor Mal- o! New York City. The Assaciated Country Wom- 24 in the 4bb, 5tli and 6th Con- colm. . The funeral service svas held en o! the World. cessions, inc]uding bbc village Friends calling an Mr. and at the A'rmstrong Funcral Home Sharthy after ibs inception the, o! Hampton, and thé polling sta- Mrs. Steel werc: Miss Margaret at 10.30 a.,m., August 1, falho- F.W.I.O. adopted as its motta the tion will be aI Township Hall, Steel, Reg. N., Miss Dora Nen- cd by interment in Mount Lawn l phrse"Fo HmeandCon-Hampton. dram, Reg. N., Sunnybrook Hos- Cemetery. Rev. Canon D. M.1 try". The sali from which the Polling Division No. 43 (Dar- pital, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Rase, rector o! St. George's An- LCRCWRNEPRSAO ERIL'ro lrunk and branches a! a nation lington 8) comprises lobs 25 bo and Mn. Paul Ellis, Taronto, glican ff-hurch, conduct bbc ser- EETI IIG EAR N ERGRTO stem is farmed o! bbe homes 35 in the 7tb, 8tb, 9bb and 101h Mn. and Mrs. Henry Sheffield, vices. AtITI'tORIZEDBo36 that comprise lb, and as a tree Concessions, and tbc polling sta- Mn. and Mns. Robt. Sheffield, The palîbearens were Stan Og- 42 KING ST.E.G E NE R A LC>ELE CT R IC BO3 with roots cmbedded in barren tion wilI be aI the Enfield Oshawa.1 den, William Ogdcn, Alex Og- Bowmanvilll.0 sou wbll mabure stunted and Paol. Mrs. Chas, Huxtable, Mns. den, Robent Ogden, Edward Phone 438 HOME APPLIANCE DEALER Ontirio malformed, so wilI a nation if Poling Division No. 44 (Dan- Margaret Sproule and Mr. Len Marchant and Douglas Layton. boa many o! its bornes are en- campassed in ignorance. Tbe work a! bbc Wamcn's bnstitute, including as it does bbc wbohc range of buman intcrests from the practical ta bbc aestbetic, in- culcating its membcrsbip, witb particular empbasis on bbc jun- iors, with the ideal "sana mens in capore sano", is a patent farce in bbe development of a sound national chanacter. Betwcen the dates August 12- 23 bbc Associatcd Country Wamn- en o! tbc Wanld wiil mcdt for bbc first ime on Canadian sili.......... Women from bbc fan corners of the eartb will attend Hcadquar- bers for bbc delegates wili be the Royal York Hatel, Toronto. Most of the lime will be devoted la bbc business o! bbc Association, but on Sunday bbc 151h a! Aug- ust bbc delegation will attend an international church service ta be held in Memorial Hall, On- taria Agiculturai C o l1 e g e, Guelph. From there they will go ta Stoney Cneek wbere bhey wil be received by bbc present mem- bers a! bhc original Instibute in honour o! which the visit is be- ing made. Finalhy, Friday, Aug- ust 2hst bas been set aside as Canada Day. On that date aI the Maple Leaf Gardens bbe Feder- ated Women's Institube of Can- ada will present a musical caval- cade pbcturing the story o! their Country. Il is expectcd that this------ famous building wihh be fillcd b*.. capacity for Ibis stirning spec- WEDDJNG KING - EADES or y- White gladioli, hydrangea, with Regal hules and tulle were effective in Cambridge Street ixL United Church, Lindsay, on Ju- B. Neal jained in marriage Eva "Z Margaret Eades daughter of N James, and the late Levina Eades off Lindsa nd Joh~n Henry) - King, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben- jamin King of Bowmianville. The bride, given in marriage i d iwithi princess line and long train. Her fingertip veil of tulle J xas Irirmmed with lace, and fas- 0 \ ftened with a peari halo. She car- ried a bouquet of red roses and J stephanotis. / Miss Clara Eades, sister o! the bride, Oshaw,%a, wearing a f ul skirted gown o! mauve net over tafellowandf fitted affeta. The jwant m d taffeta bon nets anJoes, a o nday, adMr. la Martn o Bowa- mvilleasr ofsmheanroom, crws, ei HerncLan oeh- ofa, nd Athur tchfer, Bow- Wredde in msi as praode bytsMadndine Geachandohoist, a R-0X1Mr. lchrMarganisft. wa villemws ginorMs. nainh g.éd bdd ers Kngre ctord in aner Oshvn Oawa and Arîturwet, he'ou- manville. PHOE 3273 I or aeing.utihe b ridedr Sitre t Unitediiee urc ahe ies aj a red cca .-e d n r p Ilustrated-]Pathfjidoe 2-Door Sedan GENIRAL MOTORS i! VALUE Jo Oiher CÀr IMa* cirnbed so Fasti b, pdugb4rie Firro No other car in the price range it brackets can compare with Pontiac for ail 'round value, dependability and advanced featureâ! That's wby Pontiac lias climbed to new peaks of popularity and public favor! Every one of the 29 beautiful modela s every one of the five great series is completely new in ail styling details, inside and out ... every one is a masterpiece of engineering and craftsmanship. Visit your Pontiac Dealer now and learn of the extra conifort, beauty, safety and per- formance that are yours with Pontiac; let him show you why more and more people are realizing that Pontiac is "Tops ini Every. thing But Price!" 29 BEAUTIUL MODLS ta chooe rom in five great series for 1953-Pathfinder, Pathfinder Deluxe, Laurentian, Chieftain and Chicftain Deluic. NEW, FINIR POWERGLIDE optianal at extra cost on Laurentan and Pathifinder Deluxe series, offers new flashing acceleration, economy and new ve-al performance. DRAMATIC NEW DUAL-STRIAK STYLINO makes Pontiac even more distinctive, mre individual in appearance than ever! PONTIACIS NEW POWR STERINO optinal at extra cst on modela equipped *ith Powerglde or Hydra- MNatic transmission, is available ta eliminate*as murh as 75% o! the work cf steening! miles. P-I 453B SPECTACULAR OUAL-RANGI HYDRA.MATIC PlapORM. ANCE optional at extra cost ou Chieftain serieu, givea y'ou better control than en. Gives vou the power you iwant, when you want it, where you want itl ECONOMIZER RUAR AXLI Nith automatic Trans. mission reduces engîne revolutions in Drive Range for more go on less gas. PONTIAC'S OREAT 8-CYLINDER UNOINE. General Matons' low-est-priced eight and the mail bîghly pcrfected engine in the induâtrvl PONTIAC'S THRIFrY SIX with dramaticallv incrcased borsi-powen ta deliv er Lhousands of smooth, econoaxical ROBSON 166 KING ST. Es Pontiac - Duick Cars m GMC Trucks 585 W, ' j TRI CANADIAN ÉTATESMAN. BOW-MANVrLLE. ONTARIO V%&-- . - MOT

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