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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Aug 1953, p. 1

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VOLUM~E 99 Civic Deputation1 U Rhways Ninisti RSegarding Waver There is little ha-De of the Wa- verly Road cloverleaf approach for Highway 401 being built in the near future, Mayor Morley Vanstone reported at the August meeting of Town Council Tues- day night. His honour stated that he, Deputy Reeve 0. F. Robson, Caun. Walter DeGéer! and Dave Higgon had gane ta Toronto as an unofficial delega- tion last Friday marning and had an interview with Highways Minister George Doucette. They had been tald that the, Waverly Road claverleaf is "on' the shelf" at the present time, although Highway 401 plans still cail for its installation. Mr. Doucette pramised, hawever, ta send engineers down ta study i the matter of making the ap- proach ta the Liberty St. inter- change more gradual, Mayor Vanstane stated. Except for the i; failure ta build the Waverly ]Road cloverleaf, the plans sub- mitted by the Department of Highways for approaches ta Bowmanville as approved by counicil in 1951 have been sub- stantially carried out, he said. In regard ta the matter of signs indicating the Liberty St. Interchange on Highway 401, a 1,lýetter was received by cauncil iromn one of the Department en- gineers stating that the three standard signs allowed ail com- munities have been installed. One of these is, at the inter- change entrance, one is 1,000 feet back and the third is 1,500 feet back. "tDurham County's Great Family Journal" BO(3WMAN VILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 6th. 1953 Waited on ler Doucette rly Rd. Cloverleai -!cA recommendation was re ceîved from the Public Utilitie ýCommission that 13 additiona y100-watt lights be installed a tthe Liberty St. interchange This would provide a light ar 11every pole along the serviR .roads, the P.U.C. stated, and r!should provide sutficient illum. ination for the interchange Coun. DeGeer asked that actior 1on this recommendation be de. sferred until the Public Praper- ty Committee had time ta dis- cuss it further. Coun. Cale of the Police Com- mittee requested autharization ta purchase 10 stop signs, which Iwas granted by council. In dis- >cussian as ta where these signs should be placed on Queen and Ontaria Streets, Coun. Scott de- clared that it was time cauncil stapped trying ta be traffic ex- perts. "We have got ourselves in an awful muddle", he declar- ed, and suggested that an effort should be made ta get a traffic eexpert such as Inspectar Vernon Page or same other qualified traffic expert ta came ta Bow- manville, study the traffic prob- lems here, and make recommen- dations. Mayor Vanstane sug- gested that the Ontaria Traffic Safety Association might be able ta recammend a man for this survey. Coun. Scott sponsored a mo- tion, which was passed by caun- cil, that traffic exDerts be con- tacted and asked what their fee would be ta came ta Bowman- ville and make a traffic survey. If You Live in Bowmanville Here'S Where You Vote on Monday Folhowing are the 12 Polling 6) inchudes all that part lyini Divisions in Bowmanvillc wherc south a! the centre ine o vaters wihh go on Monday, Aug. Church St. extendcd ta thi 10, ta cast their ballots in the easterly limits paraîhel ta Kmi F'ederal election. These will be St., narth o! King St. and cas open fromn 9 a.m. ta 7 p.m. Day- o! Temperance St. The pallin, light Saving Time. station wibl be at Mrs. J. C Palling Division No. 50 (Baw. O'Neilb's, 53 Cburch St. E. 1) includes ahi that part o! town Polling Division No. 56 (Boxw ' ~ west o! Lamb St. and 7) includes alI that part lyinfi o! Concession St., .and the sauth o! King St., north o! thE -'bf1g station will be at the centre line o! Qucen St. ta thE orneo! Orville Mooper, 70 Scu- eastcrly limits, east o! the centre gag st. , ine o! Temperance St. ThE .Pojhing'ÈDivision No. 51 (Bow. poling station will be at H. C 2) includes al that part o! tawn Osbornc's, 149 King St. E., Iying east o! Lamb St., north a! Pohing Division No. 57 (Bow Concession St. and wesl. o! the 8) includes abl that part lying centre ine o! Beech Ave., cx- sauth o! the centre line -o: tended in a straight ine ta the Qucen St., north o! Albert anc northcdly town limits. The paîl- Prince Sts. and east o! Temper- ing station wubl be at the home ance St. cxtended in a straight of Evcrett Welsh, 109 Elgin St. line ta the wdsterly town imits. Polling Division Na. 52 (Bow. Polbing station will be at Mrs. 3) includes aIl tbat part ying Jack Rice's, 77 Ontario St. east o! the centre ine o! Beech Palling Division No. 58 (Baw, Ave. extended ta the northerly' 9) includes all that part lying limits, north o! the centre line south o! Albert St. and Prince o! Lowe St. and Loyers Lane St. and north a! Park St. Polling extcnded in a straigbt line ta the station will be at Mrs. Percy easterly tawn limits. The polh- Cowan's, 62 Liberty St. S. Ing station will be at the home Palling Division No. 59 (Bow. o! Ethen Joncs, 63 Centre St. 10) includes all that part lying Pobing Division No. 53 (Bow. sautb o! Park St. and the pal- 4) includes aIl that part lying ling station will be at Lamne ,South o! the centre line a! Lowe Haines', 119 Liberty St. S. St. and Loyers Lane cxtendcd Poîîing Division Na. 60 (Bow. in a straight line ta the easterhy 11)incldesalb that part bying limits, east of Temperance St. west a! Temperance St. extend- ,.and narth o! the centre uine O! cd in a straigbt ine ta the wes- Weblington St. extendcd ta the terly limits and south a! Cburch eastcrly imits parallel ta King St. extcnded ta Concession St. St. The palling station wilh be at The palling station will be at Mrs. Arthur Bebîmans' 17 Cen- the Town Hall. tre St. Polling Division No. 61 (Baw. Polling Division Na. 54 (Bow. 12) includes all that part lying 5) includes aIl that part lying north o! Church St. extended South o! the centre ine o! Well- in a straigbt ine ta Concession ington St. cxtenided parablel ta St and wcst a! Beach Ave. and King St. ta the eastcnly limits, Temperance St. The polling sta- east o! Temperance St. and north tion wxîî be at Bert Parker's, o! the centre line o! Church St. 10 Elgin St. extendcd parallel ta Wellington St. The pabing station wilh be at Mrs. G. F. Purdy's, 64 Cburch Miss Nora Weury, Kedron, st. xvas in town Tucsday calling an Pobing Division Na. 55 (Bow fiends. May Add Another Coat of Asphait à o Streets Paved This Summer The dcsirability o! applying another inch o! asphaît bn Duke St. and a sealer coat on Liberty St. and a portion a! Concession st. was brought ta the attention o! Town Council at its regular meeting on Tuesday night by Chairman Norman Scott o! the ]Roads and Streets Committee. ,aW stated that only anc inch o! '"phait was laid on Duke St. last mantb by the Starms Con- tracting Company, and bath hie and the company noe feel that this is not sufficien+ ta do a good Sjob. Also, hie said, the aggregate used in the present new pave- ment on Duke. Liberty and 300 *et of Concession St. was to *coarse and has le!t t.he pave- nment too parous. The ýtrscompafy wll ap- inc town, Coun. Scott stated, but another inch o! asphaît an Duke ,St. would cost $4,000. Me ex- plained that the Ontario Depart- ment of Highways had only agreed ta pay the 50 per cent subsidy on an ahiounut o! $30,- in p ment construction piBowmagville this ycar, and that the Roads and Streets Com- mittee bias used up al but $800 o! this amount. If the Highways Department would approve a supplen.entary by-law of $4,000 foi payment o! f il t e 1n 2 r ig f te ýg t g e1 >subsidy, bowever, he statcd that the tawn could obtain its $2,000 of th arount frornmmney pre- and the other $2,000 would be received as a 50 per cent subsidy from the Department. Motion Passed Mis motion that the Migbways Dcpartment be asked ta approve a supphementary by-law toaa maximum o! $4,000 for adding an additianal inch a! asphaît an Duke St. was passed by coun- cil. In the event that the Depart- ment did not approve of this by- law Coun. Scott asked for per- mission ta request the Storms Company ta place a sealer coat on Duke St., Liberty St., and for 300 feet on the nartheast corner o f Concession St. at no cost ta the tawn. This permission was jgranted by cauncil. This %vill mean tbat a sealer cat will be placed an Liberty St. and a part a! Concession Couet nScter epotedta ree n eiotcr eoent. h Stanley Green has been daing a gaod job as temparary foreman o! the Roads and Streets De- partment and recommended that his appointmcnt as foreman be made permanent. This recam- mendation was adopted by caun- cil. 7c~ PFR flIN uTTTWfftJi 9i Happy Scouts Ready and Waiting for Camp Holiday No doubt where these boys are headeci. With from Juiy 25 ta August lst, and a good time enjoyed by luffel bags, biankets and grins breaking out ail over, Cubs ail as reparted elsewhere in this issue. The names of the and Scouts of the Bowmanville Pack with Chief Camp Boy Scouts appear elsewhere in this issue giving a report Leader R. L. Evans, are ail set ta take off for a wonderful of their camp life. week at Camp Samac, north of Oshawa. Camp period was Legion Pipe Band Plays at Opening Annual Convention Twenty-three members o! the Bowmanville Canadian Legion Pipe Band spent the week-end at Sudbury whcrc they took part in the parade and ceremon- ies which opened the annual convention o! the Ontario Com- mand o! the Canadian Legion. The band heft by train Satur- day morning at 7 a.m., arriving in Sudbury at 8 p.m. They wce provided wîtb billets Saturday night. A massed pipe band made up o! about 50 pipers and 40 drum- mers fram the Bowmanvillc, Sudbury, North Bay, Tadmor- den and Eîirlscourt Pipe Bands led the huge parade Sunday at 2 p.m. wbich got the annual con- vention under way. Several Le- gian brass and drum and bugle bands, as well as R.C.A.F. and Army bands, took part in the huge parade. *Thbe Bowmanville pipers and drummers also playcd in the massed pipe band wbicb was anc o! the features o! a concert and display held in the Sud- bury Basebaîl Park Sunday evening. The pipe band rcturn- cd to Bawmanville at 11.30 a.m. Monday. President Lloyd Preston and some other members o! the Bow- manville Branch a! the Legion are staying in Sudbury for the entîre convention. Tenders Being Asked For Improvements To Local Beaches Word was received on Wed- nesday morning by Johnny James, Durham M.P., that ten- ders wibl be called within the next 10 days for impravements ta bath the East and West beach- es at Port Bowmanvilbe. The &,enders will be for same $l0,000 in work at the water- front ta prevent erosian o! the shareline. The wonuk is expected ta start in September. Boy Scout Camp -at Camp Samac Was a Grand and Glorious Outing We arrived at Camp Samac, North Oshawa, at 10.30 a.m. on Saturday, July 25, and immedi- ately gat ready for dinner. The boys then warked diligently al afternaan ta lay out their equip- ment. The day clased with camp- fire and sing-sang at 9.30 p.m. with everyone ready for bed after having had cacaa and cookies. After "Scouts Own" an Sun- day marning the day was given over ta the boys for swimming and gadget making. As mast of the Parents saw the lovely pool it will be easy for them ta un- derstand why the boys wanted ta swim at evéry appartunity. Monday marning the camp started off with high enthus- iasm which carried on thraugh- out the week. The highlight of aur camp was "Visitar's Night" when the tent leaders and boys did a very excellent job of the skiteý - ind sangs, Wbich the parents ahl seemed ta enjoy. Most of the boys were quite happy ta have a camp of Marine Girl Scouts framn Ipswich, Mass., came and camp near us on Thursday. The girls were under the lead- ership of Mrs. Sullivan and came aver ta aur campfire on Thurs- day night after which we en- joyed cacoa and coakies toge- ther. The girls invited us toaa game o! softball on Friday af- ternoon at which the boys won by a slight margin. At aur campfire on Friday nigbt the fallawing prizes were awarded. For being the mast Scautly boys in camp: Martin Buckspan, Dan Cattran, Bill Hutton 1(Brampton); Robert Allun. L Por being the best tent graup during camp: Dan Cattran, Bill Osborne, Ross Turner, Allun Cale, Terry Black, Charles Evans. Winning baîl team included: Martin Buckspan, Bill Huttan, Bob Richards, Bill Osborne, Don Welsh, Ron Thompson. The following boys qualified for their swimmer's badges: Don Welsb, Keith Welsh, Bill Os- borne, Manty Emmerson, Wal- ter Gibsan, Larry Hancock, Rab- ert Allin, Ross Turner, John Mut- ton, John James, Roy Bryant, Ralph Clarke, Bob Richards, Darcy Lynn, Lloyd McRobbie, Ronald Thampsan, Jim Tomlin- son, Terry Black, Bill Httton. Repass an Swimming: Dan Cattran, Ted Fairey, Martin Buckspan, Daug Cattran, Bob Brown, Mvost a! the boys also passed I would lik e ta thank the fol- howîng people for their kindness ta us in helping ta make aur camp passible and a success: Goodyear Tire & Rubber Ca., Smith's Beverages, Cowling Drug Store, Sheppard & Gili Lumber Ca., Yeo's Groceteria, E. V. Osborne, L. A. Parker & Sans, F. F. Morris Ca., D. Bry- ant. The leaders wauld like ta thank the bays for the lavely gifts given ta them at campf ire Friday night: Mr. R. L. Evans (Chief); Mrs. R. L. Evans, (Nurse); Mr. R. Kennett (Cook); D. Cattran (Jr. Leader). Tent leaders were: Martin Buckspan, Dan Cattran, Ted Fairey, Bob Brown, Roy Bryant. Camp Chief R. L. Evans. Who Should Pay for Surfacing After Roads Ripped Up to Instal Sewer and Water Nains in Homes The question o! wbether Bow- surfacing the street. Me also i a Cilden manville home-owners sbould be stated that more stningent regu- Wife adid rencbarged for the cost o! re-sur- lations should be made regard- ut ad Buisd faingpavd sreet whch usting sewer installations. "As it is facng ave steet whch ustnowanyone can put i a sewer, Cul and Bruisedbe ripped u forth installation and they are being put in with- I n utoColisinof sewer and water connections out traps or breathers. Surely In Auo Colisin totheir hames was discussed at1 we are past the hanse and bug- considerable length at the regu- gy days. and we should have A newcomer ta Bowmanville, lar meeting o! Town Council on some definite bard and fast rules Nathan Eldridge, 24 O'Dell St., Tuesday night. about sewer installations", be escaped injury but bis wife and Caun. Norman Scott stated declaned. He stated that the mat- two children were cut and that Cliffard Alhin, who was ter shauld be referred ta the De- bruised when bis car struck a present at the meeting, wisbed partment af Planning and De- transport truck ast Thursday ta instail a water cannection at velopment sa that regulations nigbt wbile turiing anta King bis home on Duke St. which bas regarding installation o! sewers St. fram Liberty St. South. been newly paved. This miould can be includeil in the building Eldridge's car was badhy entail gaing under the new pave- by-law. smashcd in the crash and hurst ment, Coun. Scott stated, and hie Coun. Ronald Metheringtan inta fhames, but these were wondered if counicil shauld nat stated that it is possible ta make quickly extinguished. formulate same policy in such connections ta water and sew- Mrs. Eldridge suffered cuts on cases naw that a cansiderable er mains by tunneling under the the bead and severe back number o! town streets bave streets rather than by breaking bruises, ber daugbter Betty, 15, been bard-surfaced. up the pavement. If this is done and son Pbilip, 9, also received Mayor Morley Vanstone point- properly, be said, there is na cuts and bruises. A yaunger cd out that at the piýesent time danger o! the pavement settling. son, Gerald, 2, was unhurt. the town does nat make any Me spansored a mction that no charge ta the householder for one be alowed ta break up a repairing the streets after the road for sewer and water con- P ee Wee Bail Team water or sewer installations nections but that they be made have been made. by tunneling under streets at Plavs in .Lindsay Council membe.s did nat seem sufficient depths sotht h ta know wbat charge, if any, pavement wihl net settle. This Zone Tournamnent the Bowmanvillc Public Utili- motion was passed by council. _______tics Commission made for in- Coun. Scott then asked wba stalling services, but feIt if the would be held responsible if the The Bowmanville Ah-Star P.U.C. did receive money for in- pavement settled, and who Pee Wee Basebaîl team wilh go stallations they shouhd pay a would pav for fixing it. Deputy ta Lindsay an Saturday ta take part o! iftot the town for put- Reeve Robsan stated he did not part in the East-Central Ontario ting the streets back in shape believe the hame-owner sbould Zone tournament for the Peei Wee hamionhip.The wil b after they have been made. be beld responsible but that the camipeting against teams from Caun. Scott painted out that' onsol a h ato e Peterborougb, Lindsay, Osbawa, tearing up dirt streets is not pairs if this happened. "If the BelevileHalburon nd u-such a seriaus matter but theI horne-owner is beld responsîble Belevl. Hlbro n u cost o! re-sur!acing pavcd if js toa much like holding a Thetea neds nc arecarstreets after the pavement bas club aver bis head". be declared. The eam eed onemorecarCaun. Scott declared that the for transportation and any Bow- heen ripped up for installing wholc matter sbould be referrcd manville resident who is able sewer or watcr connections runs ta the Public Utilities Commis- ta make the trip or boan bis car quite higb. sion and that tbey be asked ta is asked ta phone 3157 before' Suggest Charge Through P.U.C. recammend pracedures and spe- 5 p.m. Friday. The team plans ta Coun. Walter DeGeer sug- cificatians for sew,0r and waterj leat-e the Bowmanville Post Of- gested that the P.U.C. might installations and if possible fice at 9 a.m. Saturday and if charge the home-ow,ýner and submit a written report ta count- somneone can supplv another car then turn part of flic money re- cil at its September meeting. Mis it wÀll bc much appreciated. ccived over ta the tawn for e motion ta this effcct was passed. < 5riK àz Co niraci for Lake Front Pumpnouse And Intake Pipe ini Lake Ontario Given to McNamara Construction Co., A contract for $94,000 for 21, the date wheni the by-law construction of. the lake-front authorizing the partial closing pumphouse and intake pipe into of the Smart St. road allowance Lake Ontario, two of the major wiIl be passed. steps in providing Bowmanville Purchase Pumping Equipment with a water supply from the The P.U.C. voted ta purchase lake, hias been awarded by the the fallowing items of pumping Bowmanville Public Utilities equipment fromn the Fairbanks Commission to the McNamara Morse Company Ltd.,: two units Construction Company. of 4,000 gallons per minute cap- The contract was awarded aï acity, $2,097 each; one unit of a special meeting of the P.U.C. 800 gallons per minute capacity, held last Thursday night, and $3,050; one unit of 1,200 gallons a motion was also passed to pur- per minute capacity, $2,578; one chose several items of pump ing C ummins Diesel engine,, $5,968; equipment at a cost of $16,780. and one trash pump, $990. The P.U.C. have been authoriz- Contracts for the laying of ed to spend up to $350,000 on the 16-inch pipeline from the the entire project. pumphouse to the present eleva- The contract caiis for comple-1 ted tank on Church St. will nat tion of thea pumphouse and in- be Jet until the latter part of Au- stallation of the intake pipe by gust. This work lias been divid- November 30. The pumphouse ed into two separate phases, the will be of cement block with "A" section extending from the brick facing 29 feet by 46 feet, pumphouse ta the corner of the situated on the road allowance Base Line and Liberty St., and at the foot of Smart St. 80 feet the "B" section fromn this point from the shoreline. The intake to the elevated tank. This pipe- pipe will be 24 inches in diame- line will be laid at a depth of ter and \vill extend 1,760 feet six feet and tenders have been into Lake Ontario. The mouth called for both cast iran and of the pipe will be 20 feet below asbestos cement pipe. the lake surface. Consulting engineers on the George VanBridger, assistant )roject are W. B. Redfern and manager of the P.U.C., stated Donald Redfern of the firm of that the McNamara Construc- Proctor, Redfern & Laughlin, tion Company expects to be able and both were present at Thurs- to start on the praject by August1 day night's meeting. Many Citizens at C.N.R. Station To Greet Prime Ninister St. Laurent Speaks in Dehaif of John James An enthusiastic crawd af near- ly 200 persans , which included a large number of children, was on hand at the Bowmanville! Canadian National Railway sta- tion at noan on Friday ta greet Prime Minister Louis St. Lau- rent and his party during a brie! stop which the Prime Minister's train made en route from Osh- awa ta Cobourg. Dressed in a grey suit and laoking tanned and healthy, the Prime Minister appeared an the platfarma as the train stopped, alang with Secretary of State Jack Pickersgill, Johnny James, Durham M.P. and Liberal Can- didate for re-election on Mon- day, and Mrs. M. Sampsan, daughter of the Prime Minister. Mr. James' young son, Bobby, presented Mrs. Sampsan with a bouquet of flawers, and the Prime Minister was introduced ta the audience by Mr. James after he had first taken a few moments ta greet several yaung- sters who crowded araund him, at the foot of the observation car steps. "It is a great privilege ta ex- tend greetings ta the citizens of the home town of my gaod friend John James", Mr. St. Lau- rent declared. "Quite frankly, I am here ta ask you ta give yaur votes ta the Liberal Party and ta him. If you don't think the men wha run the present government should be returned, if you think there is a better set of men than tbem, then don't vote for Mr. James. However, we promised ta do the best we could at the time of the last elec- tion and we bave. We promise ta do the best we can for the good o! the country again if we Bring Sinclair Trophy to Bowmanville Power Cornes From Above The Prime Minister pointed out that the Liberal Govern- ment realizes, as Queen Eliza- beth realizes, that alI power cames from above and that the members o! the gavernment aie only servants o! that power.» She took a vow ta try and see that all gavernmcnt business is done in the name of the Great Sovereign, and we try ta follow the same principle", he declar- ed. He stated that the Queen can do only what is recommended to her by the gavernment in power and that it, in turn, is only' entitled tû make recammenda- tians and laws when it bas the support o! the people. In the same way, the government in Canada is responsible ta the people, he said. "The ardinary people influ- ence their gavernment through their Members o! Parliament"', Mr. St. Laurent continued "and every once in a while these Members have ta answer ta the people. This is the best farm a! gavernment that bas ever been deâised for free men and wam- en. We in the gavernment awe a respansibility ta the people, and especially ta the people of the youngcr generation, ta sec that this type of gavernment is preserved. This is what we are spending s0 much money fr- ta preserve aur way o! gavern- ment and prevent any farm of autocratic regime from taking aver the destinies a! aur child- ren". Urges Ail To Vote In urging everyane present to be sure ta vote an election day, (Cantinued on Page Seven) Sid Scott and Frank Williams, winners of the rmen's doubles champ!onship in lawn bowling in competition with a full entry of 36 pairs at the Oshawa Lawn Bowling Club, July 25, proudly hold the beautiful Sinclair Cup won by their SUIl. This is the first time the trophy, originally put up for competition in the late W. E. N. Stncair's riding of South Ontario, has came ta Bowmanville. -I I - 1 .ài 1. 7c PER COPY Orono Church, Park, And Memorial Hospital Each Receive $337 1.81 The residue of the estate of the late Miss Minnie Hall, Orona, bas naw been turned over in etiual partions ta the Orana Un- ited Church, Orono Memorial Cammunity Park and Memnorial Hospital in Bowmanville. Each of these organizations receive $3371.81 from this source. Previaus ta this division the 1Orono Public Library received $300-00, alsa $500.00 ta the Qrana Park, the W.M.S. o! the United Church, the Salvatian Army, the Canadian Institute for the Blind, the Memorial Hosital, the Chil- dren's Aid Society and the Or- ana United Church. In the case o! the Orono Chuxrch, the Orono Park and the Memorial Hospital they all re- ceived a total of $3871.81. These bequests show the ex- tent of interest ta which the late Miss Hall held for the commun- ity in which she lived her entire if e. New Canadian Injured in Auto Accident at Tyrone Pinned unider his car for bal! an hour in a freak accident last Thursday night, Dick Langerak, 17, a! R. R. 1, Tyrone, a Dutch new Canadian wha has been in Canada only a manth, suffered two broken ribs and concussion as a result. Langerak's car left the road, presumably due ta a fauitl ock- eçI brake, and ran up a steep in- cline. When he attempted ta leave the car, it rolled over sideways, knacking bim down and pinning him in the sa!t sand. The youth remained wedged under the vehicle for haîf an hour before he was freed by passing motarists. He was ad- mitted ta Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, where he was treated by Dr. W. H. Birks for bis injuries. A .tan MTTM«Rv.P Q9

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