-- r s'.....-, - t-........ .............................................................................................r t'. "USDAi, AUJGUST 6th. 1953 TUE CAiJAD"A STATESMAN. BO WMANVILLE. OrARIc' PAGE PrV SML EM Master Jimmy and Miss Nan- ,all rcturned to Chatham on C114day' with the~r parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ronaid Hall after sPending three weeks with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hall. .Mrs. Charles Frank is enjoy. Ing a week's rest at a summer home at Bewdley Iollowing her recent operation. nsure you vote on Monday fo. Johnny James.-Advt. Mr. and Mrs. G. Shackleton and familv, Mr, and Mrs. F. Blackburn and family, attended the leYpicnic at Orono on ArÎfnber fromn the commun- it\' met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Craig Friday evening tc 'ionour Mr. and Mrs. Alfred 1' on on their recent mar- rinage. They were presented V. - il a table and a magazine rack after an address read by Mr. Craig. The evening was sr'ý,nt playing games on the lawn ' r which lunch was served. aster Wayne Blackburn, 1- don, is holidaying with Mas- te" Eric Shackleton, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Litchie and fa Mil, Viss Mildred Phillips, Toronto, Miss Joan Craig. Mn.! ]Bruce Lehman and Mr. Doug.i Re nolds visited at the Cnaig h- ne. "Ir. and Mrs. Sarn Butteny and M~inMr. Ken Butteny, Mn. atrd Mrs. Bob Craig attended th- Hamer-Buttery wedding in 'rrniity C-hurch on Saturday. r. and Mrs. Norman Johnson aifamiîy are visiting relatives in Chicago. % nënn ne. 2.SE ab co an Du *it 4 .Fo an *or tod an Mal 5. rie f or whi *mp 6.Ate iam ciMz Thset yo, h anal donga MH yJames 'What YOU'II Get )u Re-elect Hm. sincere interest in your welfare and an eager- es to be of service ta you-no matter what your Ltics. ýeeches where necessary ta prevent undesir- ýle legisiation from passing, ~or in -support of sirable legisiation. Usually, Johnny has found it resuits can be obtained more quickly by rsonal interviews with Cabinet Ministers. Lick action on your federal problems. During four years in Ottawa, Johnny has built up his .tacts with every department in Government, d has been of real service ta hundreds of rham citizens. He gets the answers for you Eiout delay. ir years' experience in the House of Commons 1 as a member of severail of the most important nmittees in Parliament. This gives him an up- fate knowledge of what is going on in national [ international circles. It can be of tremendous ue ta you. Dndly, sympathetic and active co-operation ni the Prime Minister and his Cabinet in matters ých will make Durham County grow and )rve. .ntion ta ail legisiation going through Pari. ýent ta make certain that the 'viewpoint of the :ens of Durham is being presented. iings and many mare, Johnny lames of fers electors, in Durham County. He has been and effective member for the past four years, in excellent job for every class of citizen. Swill do it again if you get out ta vote and re-elect him on August 1Oth. - i i.~LAssoC. M'I'ON HAYDON Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gee and nfamily, Gormley, 4t Mr. Arthur *iBell's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms, En- niskillen, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Brownriege, Toronto, at Mr. anc Mrs. Lloyd Slemon's. * Mr. and Mrs. Ross Heard and family. Gormley, Mr. and Mrs. Donald M,,ountjoy and family, Tyrone, at Mr. and Mrs. Frank Denby's. Mrs. John Anderson, Mimico, Mr. and Mrs. C. Anderson and Carilon, Downsview, Mr. and Mrs. R. Anderson, Allun and Barbara, Port Hope, visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trewin. Be sure you vote on M onday for Johnny James.-Advt. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Lou Ashton, To- ronto, at Mr. Henry Ashton's. Mr. Bruce Garrard, Islington, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gay and Eleanor, Oshawa, at Mr. Charlie Garrard's. Mrs. Bodnar, Oshawa, is visit- ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Liptay. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Gage,i Billie, Mary and Rickie, Thorn- hili, at Mr. M. Bertrim's. George Bertrim, Oshawa, is home on holidays. IMr. Jack Stuart, Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Milis, Pat and Peter, Montreal, Mr. Theron Mountjoy, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Downey, Anne Ma- rie and Marlene, Shaw's, Mr. George Kerslake, Hampton, Miss Mary Peters, Base Line, Mr. and Mrs. James Hayman and Carol, Bowmanville, at Mr. D. Cam- eron's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dorland, Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. Clar- niskillen. n dl Women's Institutes of CandaI o Present ""Dominion of Destiny" Ai Naple Leaf Gardens, Ang. 21-22 ence Avery and family, Burke ton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Den by, at Mr. Norman Avery's. d Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Thomp- r son and daughter, Carleton Place, at Mr. Roland Thomp- son's. n Mr. and Mrs. H. Walker and ci Douglas, Walkerton, visited Mr. J. Walker and Mr. and Mrs. SKenneth Walker. L Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Black- burn and family and Mrs. T. Cowling attênded the Blackburn picnic at Orono on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Potts and family and Mrs. W Martin, vis- ited Mrs. George Ferguson, Osh- awa. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bell and family at Mr. L, Bell's, Kendal. Mr. and Mrs. David Malcolm accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Bur- rows and family to Burk's Falls where they enjoyed a couple of weeks' holidays. Wayne Blackburn is holiday- ing at Mr. and Mrs. Shackle- ton's, Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon and Mr. Milton Slemon visited Miss Nancy Johns and Mr. and Mrs. W. White, Hampton. 1Mrs. T. Cowling and Carol Blackburn at Mr. Bill Cowling's cottage at View Lake, when they enjoyed a motor boat trip. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Avery and family visited Mrs. E, Knapp, Burketon. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Thomp- son and family and Mrs. W. Thompson attended the Thomp- son picnic at Cream of Barley, Bowmanville, on Civic Holiday. W.* A. August meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Thomp- son, Thursday, August 13. Mr. and Mrs. John Liptay and familv at Mr. John Jurko's, En- ada, Dear anada". Poailnmm.,,t e1I g rlshaan. fanMrs. HeOn-1 h o pnrwo rprtosta o Then cornes the pageant - a Ontario bus loads and autorno- ta, witli their parents, Mn. and: *cantinuous action cavalcade bile parties are being organized Mrs. Norman Wright. see on our Iaboratory shelves. . evidence *with a full concert orchestra, a for this event. Many of these Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gniffin of the fact that we are ready to li ANY *chorus of rnixed voices, solos by parties will include a good nurn- and Mary, in company with Mn. Mthe singing star Ernest Adams, ber of high school pupils and and Mrs. Wallace Gniffin and prescription your doctor may write... Mdancing directed by Bonis Vol- teachers. Heather, spent the weekend quickly . . . dependably . . . accurately. M* motoring thnough Huntsville, CHAPEL-ON..THE..HILL Algonquin Park and other Cail us when in need. Dial 778. The service at the C hapel-on- Mr e n n R t n a ly. * *I M ~~~by Miss Willa Sirnpson, assisted Cameron were calIers at Mn. and 1Y & L VE L.1 Sunday School. It was the an- Mn. 'and Mrs. O. C. Ashton. f.IIL. StlWIIwavil nual service of whicli the pur- Lois' and Chiarles, witli Mn. andL pose is ta demonstrate to the Mns. S. Rodman, Scugog Island. * ~adults the work of the Sunday Miss Laura Bowman andï jj jý School. brother Eric, Enfield, with Mn. I *The opening hymn was fol- and Mis. R. Ormiston. i lowed by Miss Sirnpson leading Mn. and Mrs. R. Ormiston 10 *in prayen. Then she called the were Sunday guests at Mn. and 1 Mrail. *A quintette composed of Mrs. Will Ashton's cottage, Cae- Marsden Barîck, Sandra Grey, sarea. NM OME UN EPIS CORNER - Bety ickrd MagyPickard Mn. and Mrs. Lamne Lamb caîl- 0 lS« Betty PikaRdmaag "e do e aets r n r, V s t Our 'TH EM s( us Loves Me". There followed W. J. Stainton, Onono. *a hymn after which the two Mn. and Mrs. Donald Lamb, 1 M winners of the rnernry contest Bowranviile, with Mn. and I'i'I- 0 , LV E ecited the psairn whicli tley Lamne Lamb.Ofi e T s *had been first ta learn: Bobby On Julv 31 the T.U.C. Boy'sb M*HIGH DAYS AND HOLIDAYS Lowe recited the lst psalrn and Club of Enniskillen entertained HOME For children lîfe is full of ad- Eleanor Pickard recited the 23rd the C.G.I.T. gnaup in a weiner eelcW *venture. Thein memories are psalm. Miss Simpson presented raast at the camp of Rev and Weee a built around the simple, happy a prize, a jig-saw puzzle of a Mrs. Seymour at StephensonsI athings that we brîng ta their Biblical scene, ta each of tlier. Point, Scugag Island. The boys1 *canefree early years. Bîntlidays, While the collection was being and girls numbened twenty-four. 0 *Christrnas, the Sunday School taken, the children sang the Mrs. O. C. Ashton. leader cf 1 apicnic, a visit to gnandma's, an- hyrnn 'Everyone For Jesus". It the girls and R. M. Seymour Drop by and find out how easy it is to plan Il M iving at the cottage, race day, was Judy Edward's birthday (wlio acted in the place of Keith and build that Dream Home you've always wanted. *popping corn on the beach- 5sh ;e presented hier nine pen- Ellis. president of the gnoup, bie- C Mthese are treasured things that nies aftýr whicli everyane sang, cause of his absence), organiz-i We have everything you'l need . . . wilI be -glad te 4 à no one1 can take away. 1% - Happy Birtday",. - - The -next ed the evning. Somne went -for # * Pancake-Picnic Day is a great hyrn xas followed liv a review a swim,.nthen played out-door give you sound advice . . . help you plan and build 6 wevent for one fanmiy at The by Holly Fox of the lessons games unil the bonfire had* *Cove. For this occasion tlie wea- whicli had been tauglit at the burned down ta a red coal stage. a home that wiII be INDIVIDUALLy VOURS. 4 Mtherman must lie kind. The day Sunday Scliool. She ntnoduced Lots of weiners. buns, mustard,0 Mwhen his mood is favounable is Joan Redman who describedi relish and marshmallows forrn-6 :eagerly' awaited- sunny skies, the lesson of the~ Good Saaran ed a fine treat and ta finish it Stop in - Talk over your plans with &43.. *little wind and a cool freshness ton; Paul Follett who read the off thene were pienty of soft Win the air. This is the day the lessoli of the lost slieep; Cath- drinks. Before going home the Il *boats are launched and into eine Yven who read the lesson êntire group enjoved square1 Wthem are placed two aId frying of the prodigal son; and Bobbv dancing in the open,~msc Da 10B w avleo -61Ohw pans, a box of pancake flou,-, Lowe who read the lesson of being supplied by some of tlie 1 *bacon, rnapîe synup and a fol- the Pharisee and the Publican. campers. Miss Shirley Milîs verv :lowing band of acventuers. A trio made up of Eleanor Pick- capably mvdahat oeo Whih w y wll t le? astor ard, Catherine Yven and Joan thianks to Mr. and Mrs Seymrour.YO RS OU Wihwywl tbEsorRedmnan sang "Unto th-e Hiîls".Tegopi crl agTp # CU SATISFACTION I U UCS west?> No matter. Either way' The chilciren sang some of their Thedgatin a homce ang Taps *wiIl be found a delightful andi favounite motion sangs sucli as a reai gooci lime. 0 secluded beneath higli, maies- Wd, Wide is the Ocean", and little known stretchaof beach, 'Wide cf ail4 tic cliffs and accessible only Ms Sipo hne tetemmbrofheCalfo 0 0 a from the seawand side. Fan ta pMisns firnpothei epaned the the emellents o th Cliapel'for Oshaw a W o d ro ucuI. the West can lie seen Raby Head, paet0o1hi el0n a h xeletwn htMs -' - - M~~11V * nxtinrnjety ô cabooulioperation In seeing ta it that Simnpson is doing for the child- 1 nex Blfs.T tje st, Scrowhr the children camne ta Sunday ren and announced that the gen- Yad1i Blff.Tate assoeheeScliool. She aiinounced that the enal meeting would lie leld on 1Y r and M l iCutc *down Newcastle way, thene Annual Picnic would lie held Saturday, August 22. The ser- $1 a stretches a pointing fînger of on Saturday, August 15. vice closed witli a hymn and a0 M1land far out ta sea.Th rsdn xrsete1paY. vý The picnic party lias disem- The-r---nt---rss--t-------.4' *barked inio this other wonld where there is only the bignessM of land and sky lànd lake. Fines v ar ulteprckscoe aebittepacsckeand eaten with the accompany-: The Conservatives Have Been Criticizini Ming bacon and flavour of wood Msmoke. Then follows an explon- Mn am s oin eod a ation tour. There are pirates'*MJhn Jme'V tg R cod caves ta lie lookeci for, ci" ff Mswallow' nests to bc folîînd 'a'M a route ta the top of the cliff ta beM iscovered, potter's dlay to be M gathened. Te "People Who Live ini Glass Houses M Dusk sets in and the return Mboats are off. Astern the trees M *and cliffs are ihute against :h ud No ho S o e ! a the mauve pink of a sunset sky a*h ud N tTh o tn s" *while aven the bow the welcom- M * ng cottage liglits outline the: Mgentle curve of shore and guide a :the seafarers home. M And sa the past week bas *added another page ta the scrap M*bok0fCaemenois. a CHARLES Es STEPHENSONà'S VOTING RECORD * AT THE COTTAGES Mrs. Arthur Fox and Adn-M Officiai Figures From Ottawa, *Dell af ter a week's trip ta Maine,M New York and Buffalo. 1945 ta 1949 Parliament M rM. and Mrs. Russell Suther- land and farniy are spendingM * r.Jc etnadsntheir holidays at Bunny Burro. * :Michael, Coboung, visited lierM *sîster-in-law, Mrs. C. Follett atM Mtheir cottage on The Cave Road.M Miss Lamna Fletcher. Mr. and M Mis. Richard Ott and Karen are a*h r e e o l 2 o e at El-Ti-Di-Sa.M M rM. and Mrs. E. Noble Carl-: *ton and children, Halifax, are in a :Cape Cad Cottage foi- August M a Mn. and Mrs. Bill Carlton *and sons are at Cottage 117. M M rM. and Mrs. S. A. Actan are M - pending a week at Laf-A-Lot. S e h nsnMss d 4 *Master Kenriv Goodin gs spent 1M *a week wvith Pat andi Kanvi a Jamieson at Laf-A-Lot. M At The Neuk Mrs. H. E. Bak- Mer, Toronto, i.s a guest of the * MVauglians. a Mf iilu » A T onàU v * Mrs. James White is spending: 1 Johnny James OFFERS YOU DEEDS NOT WORDI PERFORMANCE NOT PROMISES IL , ENIIISKILLEN Marion Rickard Guesi eiuîp Send paper generates anl eght of the national income. M. and Mrs. Austin Brown- Of HWnnnr a M n In Topeka, Kansas, the mayor ridg. Tronai vsite Mr an explained that the reason no Mrs redTom. Ms. omsa~ how rs ~ riends one had received an overtimne Mrs.Fre Tos. rs.Tom re.Sho ers byFrinds parking ticket recently Was be- T turned home with them for the____ cause the city had run out or weekend. Mns. Fedeick Charles Farr, them. Mrs. Harold Milîs and fam- the former Marion Rickard was U UUUUU MUUUL ith ily with her mother, Mrs. M. knd Wells, Port Perry. much entertained prior to her te Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stain- mariage in. Newcastle United EXPERT a-ton and familY visited Mr. and Churcli on August it The J lT y's Mrs. L. Cameron, at Sunderland. bride, who was head a of theTC re- and family at Mr. and Mr District Collegiate, was given a his Bruce Ashton's. Purpe Hill.I kitchen shower by her class R E P AÀI1E S th M . an Mrs R. anst ne, there. and w as also tendered a gs, Whitby, with Mr. and Mrs. R. niscellaneous shower by the by nd McNeil.stfofBri Collegiate and ýay Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp friends. CriidWthae ýp- with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Henry The bride elect was also guest a uhrzdb h ýhe at their cottage on Four-Mile- of honor at a miscellaneous a uhrzdb h [ne Lake. shower from the community of Canadian Jewellers' ,he Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oke and Shaw's, given at the home of f. Institute ýn- Gary, M. and Mrs. John Oke, Mrs. R. K. Squai, R.P. 4, Bow- n- Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Harry manvile. Ail Work Guaranteed ýn- Oke, Lakefort, M.r. and Mrs. Ben Before leaving Barrie in June, One Year he Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs. Merle a tea was given in her honor at ,er Hubbard, and Terry. Burketon,th home of Mrs. ComptonN ARR'S with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke. f. Mrs. W. J. S Rickard, I aI id Mr. and Mrs. F. Maybee, Don- Newcastle, entertained at a ic na and Ross, Toronto, spent the trousseau tea for lier daugliter JEWELLERY st week-end at Mr. and Mrs. W. on Satunday, JulY 25, when n- Howell's. many guests were present. U U U U UM U U U .7 er Be sure you vote on Monday a- for Jolinny Jarnes.-Advt. n- Mrs. Verna Wood and Mr. ir Floyd Pethick, Toronto, with a- their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. id IR. Pethick. n- Mr. and Mrs. H. Mlls, Patsy n and Peter, Montreal, with Mr. n- and Mrs. R. McNejl. foY ur Uealth e Mrs. E. C. Ashton, Maple Grove, with Mr. and Mrs. . C._ a-Ashiton. Wv Miss Marguerite Wright, St. - Cathenines, Mrs. P. Tresise and - u is o c r For a colourful, exciting au- koff, a large cast of actors wi thoritative picture of Canada's units of the Armed Forces ai history, the pageant, "Dominion varjous animais, vehicles and t rof Destiny" to lie staged in Ma- necessary props to portray Ca pIe Leaf Gardens, Toronto, on adian life from the countri August 21 and 22, is something earliest days to the present. unprecendented in this country. Seldom has history been pr The pageant is shown under sented more vividly than in tt the auspices of the Federated pageant. The stony begins wi Women's Institutes of Canada the Indians and the Vikinî honouring the Associated Coun- the coming of Cartier ar try Women of the World at thein Champlain, the Hudson Bi international conference. On Au- Company and the powerful, pel gust 2lst, "Canada Day" at the pery Frontenac. Thene is ti conference, aIl seats in the Gar- dramatic incident of Madeli: dens will lie reserved for mem- de Vercheres, the battle of tl bers of the organization. But ta Plains of Abraham, the advei meet the requests of hundreds tures of Captains Cook and Var of people, men, women and couver, and Alexander Mackei children, who could not be ac- zie and Simon Fraser and t> commodated on "Canada Day", tragic affair of the Red Riv( a repeat performance is arrang- Rebellion. ed for Saturday, August 22. This The days of the fur trade ar showing is open to the public. the gold rush and the hero Reservations for seats can lie early explojts of the North We. made through the Maple Leaf Mounted Police lead up to Cor Gardens Box Office, either di- federation. the linking togetlic rect or by mail, pnices ore 75 of the provinces by the Cana cents, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00. dian Pacific Railway and the in The programme on Satunday flux of immigrants with thei begins at 2 p.m. Some of the ex- influence in shaping aur Cana tra attractions will lie an ad- dian culture. Stoney Creek an dress by Mrs. Raymond Sayre, the founding of the fîrst Warr President, A.C.W.W.; organ mu- en's Institute corne in hene; the, sic by Kathleen Stokes of radio World War One, the Commor fame, including a solo medley of wealtli of Nations, the Pea& Strauss' waltzes: the Junior Bridge and Wonld War Two. Farmers' choir of Oxford coun- The last stage features the Un ty dinected by Mr. Henry Clark ited Nations and Canada's neli -Mn. Clark has composed a spe- stature as a nation, the corona cial song for the occasion, "Can- tion, a prayer and the finale. ------------