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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Aug 1953, p. 6

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PAGE SIX ________________________________________________I.AT.fjflMI TEM CEAWADAN MPAMP-Qa, . -.i.nuwM1VLL.NTR tN -7AVLL.OTIOTHURSDAY, AIUGUST th, 1953 Gordon Agnew, Editor Phone 3111 Social and Personal Holiday visitors with Mrs. H. and Mrs. Thos. Enwnight. IR. Pearce and Mr. and Mrs. Ai- Mrs. M. Sallows and Mrs. C. bert Pearce wene: Lieut. and B3onathan attended the wedding Mrs. Joe Hockin and famiiy, in Deer Park United Church, Camp Borden; Mr. and Mrs. Toronto, last week of Miss Mary Orval Stinson and lamily, Ches- Bonathan, formenly of New- ley; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth castle, to Mr. Maxwell Mc- Pearce and family, Brighton; Dougail. Miss Peggy Pearce, Toronto; IMn. and Mrs. Percy Hare have Mrs. Florence Pearce and Mar- purchased the Pinnegar lot on ilyn, Lansing. North St. Mrs. H. R. Peance and Larry Sunday visitons with Mn. and are holidaying in Chesiey with Mns. R. H. Davies wene Mna. Mn. and Mrs. Orval Stinson. Richard Pearsail and daughter, Miss Mary Northgraves, Lon- Betty, of Oillia, and Mrs. Harry don, visited with Mn. and Mrs. Rider, of Coppercliff. Cynil Rutiand. Miss Karen Bellyou, Trenton, Mn. and Mrs. Floyd McKinley s spending two weeks' hoiidays are spending -their vacation i.n with Mn. and Mrs. George Wal- Gananoque. ton. Word has been received that Mn. and Mrs. Sammy Sin2p- Mrs. H. C. Bonathan bad a most son, Kitchener, spent the week- enjoyable trip by train,' boat end with Mn. and Mns. Jesse and plane to Vancouver, B.C., Allun. wbere she is visitîng hen daugh- Mn. and Mrs. Stan Graham ter, Barbara. attended the races at Thorn- Mn. and Mns. Jim Taylor, of cliff on Monday. Scarbono, wene weekend visitons Mn. and Mrs. William Duncan, with Mn. and Mns. R. H. Davies. Cobourg, and Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Mns. Newton Ashton, Nap- Walton attended the naces at anee, visited ber sisten, Mrs. Tborncliff on Thursday. Jack Nesbitt, last week. Mr. Art Toms and Rickie Mn. and Mrs. Cari Gould are Rickand have retunned fnom a spendîng thein vacation at New- wçek's vacation at Minden. manket. Mn. and Mrs. Doug. Cunning-E Mn. and Mrs. George En- ham visited in Trenton on< wright, London, wene weekendj Thunsday with Mn. and Mns.î visitons with bis brother, Mn.[ Douglas Wright.s !SALADA' TEA & COFFEE Il Polaroid Tone-Bay Aviation Clip-on Sun Glasses Giasses 1 Glasses GMasses 996 Home Permanents Sh.dow Wave - $1.50 Hudnut'à $1.75 Toni 17 Tonette - $1.75 Hair Care Brylcreem ----- - ---43c, 69e Wildroot Cream 011 --- 43c, 73e Vitalis---------- 39c, 69c, $1.29 Breek Shampoo ---- 85c, $1.95 Marvellous Shampoo 75c, $1.25 - Kdrslake Sweeî Pickle Mixture No Cooklng - No Sugar For Beets and Cucumbers V24 gal. quantlty -___20c 1 gaI. quantity -___35C Gin Puis _ .59e, 89e CAMERAS Dodd's Pulis59 Baby Brownie- .0 Nyal Kldney Pilla 35c, 60e Kodak Hawkeye .--..$8.25 Cystex $.0 $2,00 Brownie Reflex -- ffl...$400 Stoneroot Comp. -$1.25 Brownie Model D -$9.85 Fly-Tox 6-12 Tantoo FIy-Tox Bomb Repellent Spray Spray 890 - $1.39 59C 98C 33e-59e-98ô COWLI NG'S PHONE 695 DRUG STORE WE FIT TRUSSES COME ~~ IN fJ 4l100K( IT 0Ytf?! *11e~ i&W DAVID THE FIRST TRACTORTO OFFER B10 TRACTOR PERF ORMANCE IN TH-E LOW PRICE-FIELDI lb. new OD.vl LiBm,29" giv« eyu mere wee fer the price thonm eny efier iucteel Se. If ed*y- Wel b. »lad le .wmnge a dansenifhlu. We H. MORRIS ON PONTYPOOL ONTARIO1 Civic Holiday Celebration Draws Large Crowds for Sports, Carnival and Draw A'crowd estimated at betweei four and five hundred peopE gathened on Civic Holiday a the Newcastle Park where a ful: day of sports was sponsored b3 the Newcastle Bai Park. ThE program included four basebal' and one ladies' softbail games The weather man co-operateè fully with blue skies and sun- shine and a lovely cooling breeze. To stant the day off right foi local fans, Newcastle Bantamç took the third and final game of their play off senies with Kendal for the Lakeshone League Championship in their section, by a score of 11 to 6. After a hunnied lunch, the youngstens wene right back on the job to meet the Leasîde Lions Team who had corne to the village to asFist witb the day's celebration. The Leaside Boys wene a littie too good for the local lads taking the game 9~ to 2, but did flot find the local youngstens any pushover even at that. In the regulanly scheduled South Durham League game, Bowmanville defeated the local seniors by a score of 8 to 4 in a slow uneventful game in wbich the Newcastle team seemed to have iost their batting eye. In the Ladies' Softball tilt ,vhich followed, Osboirne's Coal- lustens fnom Bowmanviiie, after trailing 6 to 1 at the end of five innings, put on a scoring spree whîch left tbemn on the top of a 12 to 8 score at the end of the seven inning game. As a finale to the sports events of the day, a bolstered Kendal team, heid the winners Df the eanlier Bowmanviiie base- >ali winnens to a three ail tie in a realiy good game. In the evening, a lange crowd J. H. Cornish, Orono. j rnifed Church News1 nwas also in attendance at the eCarnival held at the commun- ýt ity hall grounds to enjoy their 1favourite games and be on hand Y for the big dnaw for 24 valu- eable pnizes donated by local merchants and citizens. Pnize Wlnners The final attraction of the evening, the big pnize dnaw ne- sulted as follows: 1 - Labrador rRetniever Pup, donated by Mii- ton Brown, H. S. Bnitton; Bnief *Case, Queen's Hotel, - Cam. Panker; Camera, George Gra- bamn - W. R. Douglas; Table Lamp, Eimhunst Hotel - D. Waiton; Car Rug, Canveth's Ga- rage - G. Carveth; Innen Tube, Alldnead's Garage - Mn. Ram- say; 2 Shirts, Toms' Store - C. Bonathan; Wallet, Queen's Ho- tel - Ted. Belsey; Fog Light, Hoar's Garage - Mrs. Gould. Bowmanvilie; Book Ends, En- wrigbt's Store - V. Garnod; Sul- verware Cabinet, J. Anderson Smith Co. - A. MeNeill, Bow- manville; Oil Change, Sunny- brae Service Station - Lyle Harris-, Ronson Ligbter, Quin- ney's Barber Shop - Mns. G. Crowther; Mantel Radio, Kani Weyrich - R. Shackleton, Bow- manvilie; Milk Tickets, Newcas- tle Dairy - F. Jackman, Bow- manville; Wallet, Johnson*s Drug Store - Mrs. T. Wood, Bowmanville; Ladies Slip, Paul- ine Stonks - Miss Montgomery;c Cigarettes, Kinsway Lunch - - Paul Nesbitt; Rose Bushes, F. Jackman, Bowmanviiie - L. Jolly, Oshawa; Apple Trees, Earli - Waiton - C. Henderson, New- F tonville; - Swim Suit, Ramn-r bow Cabins - Mrs. McEvoy; s Honey, Honey Hollow, Restau- rant -L. Taylor, Orono; Clock, Durham Wood Products - N. Chard; Wallet, Queen's Hotel - d Lake"',Shvrzig Clarkec Best, Mrs. Keith Caswell; ball ýr Mn. and Mrs. Frank Johns and thnow-Helen Austin; bean- n family, Oshawa, spent Sunday guessing - Helen Austin. A 2e with Mn. and Mns. W. Basker- game of softball concluded the ýs ville. games. e Mn. and Mrs. Murray Dunne Mns. Germaine, London, and -e and Mn. H. Jaynes spent the Miss E. Brand, Port Bnitain, weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Bev. with Mr. Simon Barrowciougb. Jaynes.Mns. Germaine taught school in - Janes.Wesleyviile about 45 years ago. ýf Mn. Jim McKay and friend Mrs. Hicks and Mns. Shorten, and Mns. Geo. Inglehart and Foxbono, at ber cottage at Wil- family visited Mn. and Mrs. Rob- low Beach. They bave Mrs. inAlidned. 1 Shorten's gnandchildnen, also Mn. and Mns. Sam Powell and Nancy Reynolds and Elaine An- family attended a family picnic derson. at the cottage of Mrs. M. Gant- Muriel Austin is home on holi- ýsbore, Newcastle Beach. days this coming week. Miss Doreen Powell was home The Allan Clankes were in for the weekend. Toronto last week for their an- Mr. and Mns. Stan Taylor, nual vacation. Countice, spent Satunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ashby were Mr. and Mns. Arthur Bedwin. away for the weekend wbile L Be sure you vote on Monday MarIon Holman kept house witb Lfor Johnny James.-Advt. David and Ban. Mr. and Mns. Bob Shupak, Ann Skinner, Oshawa, is witb Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. W. ber grandparents, Mn. and Mrs. Holmes. Mn. and Mrs. Holmes H." Brooking. and Mn. and Mrs. Shupak spent Sunday visiting Mn. and Mns. H. Rowland, Mn. and Mns. Jim ENFIELD Tamblyn and Mn. and Mrs. Bob Rutherford, Orono. Mrs. Glen Pollard, Huttonville, Mn. and Mns. A. Johnson, Mn. spent Tuesday with Mn. and Mrs. and Mns. E. Davenpont, Kemble; W. Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. Livingston, Mn. and Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Clemence, Mrs. F. Hunîbut, Owen Sound; Otfawa; Miss Isobel Clemence, Mr. and Mns. E. W. Pascoe, Gaît; Mn. and Mrs. Ray Goode, Bnooklin, at H. Onmiston's. Orono, and Mrs. W. Clemence, Mn. and Mrs. Edgar Prescott Shaw's, wene Sunday visitons with Mn. and Mns. R. McCullocb, with Mn. and Mns. J. Hoimes. Hampton. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Skinner Miss Anne Stinson is visiting and Miss Donothy Skinner, Ty- with relatives in Toronto. rone, visited Mn. and Mrs. Aif. Mns. W. Pascoe witb Mrs. D. Brown. Cunningham and Miss Evelyn On July 22 Lake Shore Ladies' Cunnlngham, Brantford. K. S. and C. Club journeyed to Be sure you vote on Monday Ononto to bold a very enjoyable for Johnny James.-Advt. meeting at the home of Mrs. Jim Mns. D. Prescott and Marion Tamblyn. at Mn. H. Smith's, Hampton. : For Live Point Protection and Beauty s t ti a S9 e, o 0: IU Rey. L. H. and Mns. Turner and Grace Marie have left on a month's vacation. During the month Sunday morning services will be held as usual with the following speakers ini charge of the services. August 9th, Mn. John Med- land, Confenence President of the Young People's Union. August l6tb, Rev. W. W. Pat- terson, former pastor of the church. August 23rd, Mn. E. Warbur- ton, of Countice. August 3th, Rev. Mn, Keyes, of Toronto, will speak iii the intenest of the Bible Society. At last Sunday monning's ser- vice Mrs. B. Campbell was ini change of the chunch ongan in the absence of the chunch ongan- 1sf, Mn. Neil Stewart, and Miss Sadien, of Bowmanville, was guest soloist for the service, rendering two selections. Family Reunion MOUNTJOY FAMILY The 3lst annual picnic of the Mountjoy family was beld at Eiiott Memoriai Park, Hamp- ton, July 22. Despite fhreatening thunden clouds a bountiful supper was enjoyed at 6 p.m. Kenneth Sam- elîs, vice-president, pnesided oven the business meeting and election of officers. The officers elected for 1954 are: president, Kenneth Samelîs, Nestiefon; vice-president, Mar- shall Francis, Oshawa; secre- tary-treasuner, Beatnice Mount- joy, Oshawa; sports committee, Eleanor Mountjoy, Oshawa, R. R. 2, an~d Melville Samells, Nes- tieton. A splendid prognam of sports was conducted by Marshall Francis and Melville Samelîs. The picnic wiil be beld at Hampton the founth Wednesday in Juiy, 1954. YOUR EYES and Vision Re-written from pnevious - copyrights of - * C. H. Tuek, OPtometrist Disney Bldg. Opp.]P.. OSHAWA ] Phone 5-6143 228. What were the circumstances that brought your eye condition to youn notice? Has the failure of vision been s iingetting worse or im- proving? When neading, do you pick Up line aften uine neadily? Does the type or figures blun and get mixed up? About how long can you read witbout this happening? Does it make anv difference how fan away you bold your reading? Does it improve by drawing clos- er or holding away? These are only orne of the questions suggested by the syniptoms existing. (Copyrighted) g#ta *e e& e b a! 1 SUeRO F -------U---* The famous sum.Preof OWO-Coat Mous. Point gives you long-term property imsurznct that you con't afford ta over. look. No longer is if necessary to spend extra money for that third Ccat cf POint--.you Save cost cf point and labor. You need bave no fear cf resuits when you redecorate wit Pittsburgh Points. ln many ways they are better thon pre.war quolity. 1 J. H. AàBEIRNETH3Y Paint and Wallpaper Store 85 KING ST. W. PHONE 431 - . , 4 An important event occurred hene on Thursday afternoon when a recital was given by the pupils of Mrs. Carroll Nichols, A.T.C.M., at her home. There were about 41 present and 16 pupils. It is wonderful to see and hear what has been accomp- lished in one year by children who are fortunate to be near so capable a teacher, and who are willing to use somne of their daily play hours for practice. Thene were piano solos by Don- na Scott, Dale Scott, Marie Hos- kmn, Carol Thorndyke, Gloria Nichois, Shirley Scott, Joan Ash- by, Pearl Austin, Dale Hoskin, Bonnie Austin, Marie Austin, Elizabeth Banisten, Helen Aust- in, Diane Scott, Nancy Banisten, Donna Oughtred; duets by Shir- ley Scott and Gloria Nichols, Bonnie Austin and teacher, Joan Ashby and Marie Austin, Helen and Pearl Austin, Donna Ought- red and teacher; a trio by Nancy and Elizabeth Banister and Diane Scott; two vocal solos by Helen Austin. Dale and Marie Hoskin are from Welcome, Nancy and Eliz- abeth Banister, Donna, Gale, Shirley and Diane Scott from Garden Hill; Joan Ashby from Port Britain and the other seven girls from Wesleyville. Refresh- ments were served by the teach- er-hostess. The annual Sunday School picnic was held at Port Britain shores on Saturday afternoon with about 35 present. Through the kindness of Mr. Danke ail were able to enjoy the afternoon at this pleasant place and enjo their good picnic supper on the tables wbich are provided there. A treat of ice cream from the Sunday School was brought by the Superintendent, Murray Payne. Races and games were in charge of Mrs. Murray Payne and Muriel Austin, with Ber- niece Best looking after the pnizes. Be sure you vote on Monday for Johnny James.-Advt. Results of the races as follows: [n the beginners' race, every child received a prize; bail throw -Sharon Thorndyke, Wanda F'ord; shoe kick-Vaerie Austin,1 Gloria Nichols; Juniors and1 Primary shoe kick-Paul Austin,1 Ronnie Dinner; shoe scramble1 race-Marie Austin, Roy Austin: sack race-Bonnie Austin, Carol Thorndyke; three-legged race-i Roy Austin and Honnie Dinner; 1 Paul Austin and Carol Thorn-i dyke, baIl throw-boys, Roys Aiustin; girls, Marie Austin. Primary race-Rov Austin, Paulf Au 'stin. Carol Thorndyke; ladies' shoe-kick-Bernice Best, Mrs. M. r fi la 9 F a a Si n( ly v or w sp at .ri ýh ffi ; is s r 1. c v a M c lb t' I-I fi a Di o ~1 M ELECTION T]RAN]SPORTATION IN BO WNANVILLE PHONE LI]BERAL CONMITTEE BOOMS BADMINTON CLUB KING STREET EAST Who Ih Kidding Whom? 1. Conservative Leader George Drew Promises Tctx Cuts of $500 Million. 2. He also Promises New Expenditures of Four Times that Amount - Two Billion. 3. By Simple Arithmetic That Leaves You With $1,500 Million in New Taxes, or $340 PerFmi, or Six Years' Supply of Bread for Every Family in Canada. For Higher Taxes - And Less Bread, Vote Conservative. For Lower Taxes and More Bread Vote Lib oral Vote for Johnny James Inserted by Durhami County Liberal Association M. A. J. Tamblyn, Orono; Miss Mytle Tamblyn, Toronto, at W. Bowman's. Ms. Elmer Lee Is home alter er opeation in Memoial Hos- pital, Bowmanville. Mr. and Ms. A. Gray andi Bobby, Toronto, wth Mr. and Mns. W. Gray. M. and Ms. W. Gray, M. and Ms. W. Pascoe, M. and Ms. W. Bowman. Miss Elsie Samis, Mr. and Ms. H. Ormis- ton, Miss Lois Ormiston, Mn.1 Ivan Ormiston, al attended the Gray-Onmiston wedding in Brooklin United Church, Satu- day. We extend our best wishes and congratulations to Merle and Stan, who are a veny popu- Ian young couple. Attendance is pcking up at our monning chunch service but there is ample noom for more, Master Larry Winter, Osh- awa, has been vsitng hi, grandparents, Mr. and Mrn Sam Alln, and is recovering fom the chicken pox. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dean visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Harris at their cottage, Sharbot Lake. Mr. and Mns. A. Whel- lans and family, Toronto, e- turned with Mr. and Ms. Dean for a visit. Mrs. Cecil Powens accompan- ied Mrs. Bannon and Miss Mar- ion Bannan, Oshawa, to visit Mrs. Alvin Beacock, Gat, who has been very ill. Little Miss Sandra Mercer entertained six of her little girl WESLEYVILLE Mrs. G. Kovacs received the sad news of the death of ber mother last week. Sympathy of the community is extended to the family. About tbirty-five friends and neigbours gathered at the Hol- royd farm Tuesday evening and presented Mn. and Mns. Frank Holroyd, Hampton, with a tri- light floor lamp. Bride and groom thanked ahl present and invited everyone to visit them. Lunch was served and the ne- mainden of the evenlng was spent in dancing. Be sure you vote on Monday or Jonfiy James.-Advt. Gloria and Bob Smith, Bow- ruanvilie, holidayed with their grandparents, Mr. and Mn,. Fred Smith. Mn. and Mrs. Walter Vaneyk and John, M. and Ms. Paul Vaneyk, Mr. and Mrs. C. Pen- warden, Mr. Earl Penwanden, and Mn. and Mrs. H. DeMille and family, Bunketon, enjoyed a picnic at Port Boîster iast Suncay. About thirty-five friends and eighbors chivararied our new- yweds, M. and Mrs. Paul aneyk, Friday night. Every- )ne was invited in and lunch vas enjoyed. Mn. and Mrs. Walter Vaneyk ;pent the weekend with friends it Holland Landing. Miss Muriel Baker, Toronto, vith ber brother, Mn. and Mrs. iBaker. Mn. D. B. Farneli's many riends wiil be glad f0 know bis iealth is much improved ai- -iougb he is back in Memoriai ospitai, Bowmanville. Master John Vaneyk with bis ister, Mrs. Harold DeMille and amily, Bunketon. Mn. and Mrs. John Baker, 'u.ndas, with Mn. and Mrs. G. ýaker. Mn. and Mrs. John Baker, )undas; Miss Muriel Baker, oronto; Mn. and Mrs. Lawrence ,dams and family, Bowman- îlle: Mn. and Mrs. G. Baker nd family enjoyed a pîcnic at ake Scugog on Sunday. Mrs. May Johns spent the ,eekend with Mrs. J. Dickson,I ýrono. à with interment in Locuift Hill Cemetery. Congratulations to Bey. and Dno N ews Mrs. S. A. R. Delve, Kirk Hill, Ontario, on the birth of their son, Stephen Grenville, at C=- -. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ wall General Hospital, July 29. h- Meds PidavMr. and Mrs. Jim Major and ri nda Firday. to celebrate her family attended the bal game rs lt rha. Civic Holiday in Toronto. ig Mr. Snodgrass and son, of Mrs. W. E. Souch, Oshawa, Rochester, N.Y., who have been formerly Martha E. Thornton, In visitng relatives and friends in of Orono, age 92, passed away r the village have returned home at her residence, July 29th. Fun- ot wlth her sister, Mr. and Mrs. erai vas on Friday and inter- -l Wn. Hoar, who will visit in ment was in the family plot, e. the States for their vacation. Orono Cemetery. in Mr. and Mrs. Fred Froste, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Boyd N'apanee, are staying with Mr: visited at Alexandria Bay. , - John Patterson for six weeks, Mr n r.R . logsnd r-while Mr. Froste la reieving the Mrs. Alex Eliott spent thr . iO- it managers at both the New- day weekend with relatives in 10 castle and Orono branches of Tweed. Bank of Commerce. !r Mn. Nelîle Deck, Independ- rî ence, Missouri, visited Mr. and Ml-s. R. E. Logan and Mrs. Ale Elliott. D: Mr. and Mns. Crabb and fam* 4o ily, Ottawa, visited Mr. and !r Mrs. Clarence Duncan. > Congratulations to Mrs. A. M. Farewell, Oshawa's grand old lady, who celebrated ber lOist& d bitday last week. Mrs. Fare- well was born near Orono. Visitors with Mrs.Cecil Pow- o ders and Mr. A. E. Ciemence were eMr. and Mrs. A. Harris, Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Clemence, Oshawa. e Little Miss Joan Allun is visit- weng he gcuins in Islington this Mrs. Frank Darling, Regina, Sask., formerly Miss B. Jones, Orono, stayed with Mrs. A. Roy tMrs. J. Arnott and Mr. and Mrs.: tRobent Stewart and cailed on frienda in the village. Mrs. Johns, Long Sauit, is visiting Mrs. Jas. Dickson. Mr. and Mrs. Eanl Grady, Hamilton, spent the long week- end with Mn. Thornton Wilson and visited other relatives and friends. Rev. and Mrs. John Kitchen and son Olav are on vacation, - and are visiting in Niagara Falls and London districts. ___ Mr. Carman Cornish is holi You $ove wfen daying at Deer Lodge, Kasha gawigamog Lake, Haliburton. flwîift gohl ue Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gamey WIE lstaofmo and Miss Aima Cutteli visitedbde the latter's cousins, Dr. and Mrs. Floyd Cuttell, Westfield, N.Y. Mn. Frank Pike, R.R. i,ý Orono, passed away in Memonial ~VS Hospital, Bowmanviile, Aug. 2. v-3 Funeral was Tuesday aftennoon LONG SAULT 1 Lake Shore, Clarke FOR -1

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