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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Aug 1953, p. 8

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PAGN RYGHT Apprentîce Reporter Gives Bl Impression of His Firsi Visil To the Bowmanville Rotary C (By Alan "«Casey" Richards) The actual meeting The usual way to tell about ed with Grace being a first-time visit to any place, I God Save the Queet guess, is to relate the first im- by Acting Preside pressions. My first impression Rickard. Late arr: athe regular Friday noon meet- forcdt a a fine t ing of theBowmanville Rotary Arms Don Morris w Club was nothing more than I ed around with a si had ever expected a group of, which they spun te stoical oId men to be. I saw the amount of the fii themn there at the Balmoral Ho- caught taîkat-ve per: tel, loafing in the big easy chairs words got tangled i and smoking their pipes and ci- ton gues and came ou. gars, and talking business with putable or mildly men just as big around the mid-t statements. dle as themselves. When Blain Elliott And then a few o! the young in late and was as] wbippersnappers wbo bave not a fine, he refused t( been members of the organiza- the grounds tb at he. tion for more than a few years good reason. He clair began to arrive . . . and then I bad been busy taikinI began to relax. I knew some of employed horse from these fellows and spoke to them. Acting President Gani Then, as I was supposed to be ed the fine for beir reporting on wbat was going because of the polit on I began to listen in on some ence, imposed a bang of the conversations. It was then "borsing around". that I changed my mind about A young waiter a the "old codgers". They weren't waitress brougbt on talking about stocks and bonds (roast beef, gravy, p( or about wbat the younger gen- green beans), and eration is coming to. Tbey were the pretty waitress an joking among themselves and food, I forgot for a enquiring about the other fel- I was there. Wbhen I low's wife and kids or what he couple o! young lads was doing for bis hoiidays. They were dîscussing sor asked Frank Jamieson about the they knew and event; fisbing, and made wisecracks1 pened back around 18 about wby Uncle Geo. James1 ed around to my wasn't down at the station with thought sometbing yw nepbew Jobnny James to see at the next table. Th "Uncle Louis". Polities being the column of smoke r( main topic these days, some the ceiing, and at t stauncb Liberals were reticent of this was Mel Dale 1 about entering the Progressive pipe. Conservative Comrittee rooms Guests were introd to dine. Dippeli presenting Roi today! Loans for any good reason! f$0 o $1000 on your own signature. No bankàble security needed. Up to 24 months to ne ,WOUSEHOLD FINAl 2S5th your in Cnd 111/2~ Sime St.South, second floor, phono Oshawa 5. OSHAW.A, ONT. PORT HOPE BlANCHs 71 Walton St., 2nd floor, phone 305 TME CANADIAN STATESMAN. 2NOWMANVTI.. L ONARIOl Best Food Under the Sun is MILK! MILIG gives you MORE food value... M 0 R E energizing, health-building elernents. . . MORE refreshment than anything else you can buy for the nioney.- Enjoy at least three glasses a day. It's GOOD and good for YOU Here's health - and beauty - in a bottie: MILK! Make it your summer pep-up drink *.. you'll feel better -and look better! For your healtb's sake, drink more nrilk this summer. Serve it freely Io your family ... on cereals, in puddings and desserts, in creani soups, by itself with meals ,. .. and as a refreshing 'tween nieals drink. Have our creainy, rich, farm-fresh milk delivered to your door daily. Phone 444. Bien ]Ram Dairy TELEPIioNE 444 BOWNLINVILLE 'n fred Brown of Swansea Club, lis whose attempt to thank the club was drowned out by Keith Jackson remarking that it was indeed a pleasure when Mr. Dip- :jUb pell introd-.ced a friend as he :lub has 50 few of them. George James, my boss Edi- ton, then stood up and made a itself start- long-winded introduction of the 1sung, then apprentice reporter who was ac- n, proposed companying him, while yours nt Garnet rl sat there beside bim blusb- Ï~val eing t the ends of my ears and ,ho wander- as possible. My face got as red ;maîl wheel as a beet when Mr. James gloat-1 ) determine ed over the fact that I got a 2-j ine. He also weeks' "scoop" over the Toron- I sons wbose to and Oshawa papers in report-1 up in their ing the proposed air force firing ut with dis- range over Lake Ontario fromc slanderous Bowmanville to Coiborne. Cheers went up wben Acting1 1 waneredPresident Rickard stated that t wandered the regular president, George ;odo to pay Moody, would be back on thec had a very job at the next meeting. ,ned that he The singing session was pass- ig to an un- ed on from Bob Stevens Jr.,, tot Petawawa. Ab Darcb in the absence of the1 net dismiss. regular song leader, and all thec ng late but basses' baritones, tenors andB ticai infer- others joined in beartily withs ger one for Dave Morrison at the piano for several choruses. Keith JacksonI nd a pretty sang so loud that he choked ont i the foodý high "C" and bad to give it ups iotatoes and for a, few bars. (Speaking ofe what with bars, I was informed the dinners nd the good was served in the room wbicht while wby used to bouse a bar in the "Gooda came ti a Old Days" before the local op-n beside e tion vote).h mne people Wben it came time for theP ;s that hap- programn, F ra nk Jamieson, s 890. 1 look- chairman of program committee, I ,right and apologized for forgetting Friday as on fire the 31st wben preparing the pro-e here was a gram and ivas accused of watch- e eaching to ing the wrong figure on the sbop& he bottom calendar. Reg. Harding was in-n ighting bis troduced and he sbowed a veryn interesting film on Nova Scotia t luced, Lou whicb took the place of the re-d tarian Wil- gular program. Mel Dale thar'k-n ed Reg. Harding, and GarnetP Rickard thanked Mel Dale and Mr. Harding, and Mr. Harding thanked the Rotanians for theird attention, and the meeting was c .~adjourned, and everybody went 0 back to make some more money e Sat their various jobs and busi-i nesses. j Editor's Note-The above re- i porter who bas been attending fr B.H.S. this year bas a bankering w to become a journalist and has ec registered at the Ryerson Insti- h tute Toronto. During the hol!- t days - Alan is getting some first P hand experience in the intrica- th opcly. des of journalismn by being aa CEtemporary member of The T, Statesman staff. This was bis first assignment at reporting aw meeting altbough be bas done t - ~other writing. From bhis initial il efforts we predict Alan will h( ;-13 make gdbd for he possesses abi pleasing personality, is quick to P learn, works fast, is a keen ob- w ý50 server, bas good descriptive powers and bas a naturai flair at for bumor.-G.W.J.a or ra ot r, e t Il WM F N M RII ~ m Happy though maried! Hu The jerk who coined that clich was eitber a oacbelor. a perve ter of the truth, an idiot, or h' big strong, muscular wife twisi ed bis arm until be was force to say "uncle"*. It's a shame what some o!fiu poor men have t.o put up wit] As a for instance you take las Saturday. I was aIl set to tak things nice and easy. But nm wife, being a tbougbtful sou decided that either plain or f ar cy loafing wvould be bad for nm physically, mentally and moi ally, ordered me to wasb ani wax the pantry, office and kil chen floors. Thinking to duck the issue your scribe regretted audibl, that there was not nearly enoug liquid wax on band, but the lad declared there was a new tir and I'd better get at it beforg she came downstairs. Thinking sbe was stili in bec I sneeningly said "Hah, I'd bikg to see you corne down". N sooner was the challenge utter ed than I heard ner fairy foot steps on the staiis. Now we'vi been married for quite a spel and I've learned nigbt to a deci mal point what ber mood is b: ber plitterpats. So-o-o-o, I wa! pouning the bot water into th( scrub pail wben Mrs. Y. swuni into the kitchen. The fioors were finally wash. ed, and about 20 per cent wax- ed, when the wax gave out. Mac as a wet ben, I drove the four miles to Pontypool IV securE more. About bal! an hour aftei the floors were waxed anc dried, my wife iugged out the new tin she bad said was in the zantry. Was my face red? After lunch we decided tc drive to Bowmanville, only tc discover that the battery in the can had gone dead. Can't make out why, because it hasn't beer cbarged for nearly four years. I got bebind the car witb tbe eep, to give it a pusb, first turn- ing on the ignition and putting t in second gear. I instructei friend wife to grab the steering wbeel, and when the car stant- ed, to put ber left foot down hard on the clutch; to bold it here tili I could dash up and put the thing out o! gear. AI-. thougb Butcb had neyer dniven t motor vebicle, she said O.K. To make sure that notbung went vrong, we decided to do our stunt in an open f ield. Wîtbin ten feet the Austin was purring like a kitten, and beaded for a hedge three hundred feet away, but I knew notbing would bap- pen because good old Butcb would soon declutch. Wboosh! She went through the hedge at a terrifie pace, then carne to a hait about f ifty feet farther on. Hopping out o! the jeep, I ran towards the car, calling Dut, "I'm coming_!" Just as 1 eacbed it, that blooming Aus- in took off like a scared rabbit, raking me reahize that the il- lgicai female driver had lifted .er foot off the clutch and plunged the opposite pedal ex- tremity down on the gas. Down the lane it went, with yours truly speeding behind,,and yell- ig like a crazy Indian, "Take our blankety bbank foot off the ýas, and put it hard on the so ind so clutcb". Straîgbt for the big stone gate illars our poor little car went, -hanged its minîci, and saiied ýxactly between them. Did it top then? Not on your life! The eastly thing went across the BLACKSTOCK Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ferguson, Newcastle. Mr., Milton Payne, Montreal: Mr. Jack Payne and Mr. Halboran, Pontypool, with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mountjoy on Sunday. Miss Ruth Wells, Toronto. of the Dept. of Trave] and Publi- cîty, spent the weekend at the Rectory with ber parents, Bish- op and Mrs. Wells. lVtr. and Mrs. Earl Dorreil, Stuart Dorrell, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Dorreli, Martyn and Val- erie at Mr. Ed. Dorrell's at Mid- land on Sunday. John Philp, Westhill, is visit- ing Peter Philp at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dorrell. Mr. Robert Smith, Belleville, with Mr. Chas. Smith, Oliver and Mrs. V. M. Archer. Mrs. Florence Petch, Toronto, spent several days last week withwith Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pearse. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Newton, Toronto, are now visit- ing. We hope Mrs. George Craw- ford will be well enough to come home from the Port Perry Hos- pital this week. Be sure you vote on Monday for Johnny James.-Advt. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Tbompson are holidaying for a few days in Buffalo. Miss Elizabeth and Master Bill are with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow. Mrs. Herb Swain, Grandview, Man., is visiting Mrs. W. A. Van Camp and other relatives. Glad to report that Rev. C. W. Hutton, Mrs. Hutton, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Johnston, arrived home safe and well last Friday from their western holiday. Rev. Merle Thompson, Mrs. Thompson and baby son, Sask- atoon, are bolidayung with their relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wexr Swamn, Timmins, with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Marlow and other re- latives. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Blake Gunter (nee Jessie Van Camp) who were married on Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Saywell, in Oshawa, by the Rey. J. E. Grif- fith. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Thomp- son, Linda and Terry, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Thomp- soni on Smndav. M rs. George Wolfe is visiting wvith Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mc- Laughlin, Neitie ton. he 1t- d yI h. ce il, ie e, [y E. r- tI ,e Ed Youngmnan's Column The Statesman's Grass Roots Columnist road, across the ditch, mowed down a good sized evergneen, plunged into a wire fence, and sonly stopped wheîj wifey turned -off the ignition, about two feet 1 from a big old bruiser of an oak tree. By this time your scribe was fit to be tied. Wnen the acrid Linterview ended, two married people of this arca were not on *very good speaking terms. When 1 bitcbed the naughty car be- hind the jeep, to tow it back into the yard, Butch asked meekly if she would get in and steer it. I shouted "No!" so loud- ly that a team of horses about a quarter of a mile away thought someone said "Whoa," and they stopped so suddenly the farmer feul off the seat. Wben the jeep stopped pulling, the Austin kept going, ramrned the jeep and broke a bead lamp. Then I was real-iy bopping. When the car finally took a notion to start, we headed for town. About bal! way there, thougbt I beard v beavy truck close behind, so nulled off to let bim go by, ouiy to discover, no truck. Guesseai it must be a couple of jets going by over- head. Finally discovered the abominable row was being made by the Austin; the exhaust pipe was broken. On Sunday, along about 10.30 a.m. we were ready to leave for a twelve o'clock dinner date at Maple Grove, when Bob opined be could fix the exhaust pipe in five minutes. Like ducks he did! At 12.30, we werc stili fiddling witb it. On Monday evening I wanted to see the film "A Queen Is Crowned", so sneaked off a little early, only to be told in dulcet tones that, "if I liked, I could do the family laundry." Well, by jingo, I didn't like, and bad no darned intention ol turning into a washerwoman after pruning trees out in that bot sun all day - we were finished by nine o'clock, with everything on the line. Not bad eh! Tuesday evening we did get ta see the film. It was wonder- fui, and anyone seeing it must have felt very proud of the whoiesorne young lady who bas dedicated ber life to the welfare of ber many subjects. Yes, but your poor mal-treated scribe bad to miss supper ini or- der to catch the first show at 6.30 p.m. Mrs. Buckspan noticed m-v emag'iated a~r.nparancnd,h PONTYPOOL Douglas Davison bas been moved from Oshawa Hospital to Port Perry Hospital. He is mak- ing slow but steaWy progress since bis serious injury. Be sure you vote on Monday. for.Johnny James.-Advt. Little Carol Robrer had ber tonsils and adenoids removed in Toronto General Hospital last weekend. Everyone bopes she will now bave mucb better bealth. Mrs. Jas. Croft and ber grand- daughters, Joan and Sharon Reid, Toronto, are at their cot- tage for the summer. Joan bas fully recovered from the attack o! polio wbich confined ber to bospital for six months last win- ter. Congratulations to Mn. and Mrs. Jas. McMullen, (nee Lu- cille Hyland) on the arrivai of a son. Mrs. McMullen and baby are visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Larmen Hyland. A special bus is leaving Bow- manville Saturday at 9 a.m. via Blackstock and Nestleton for Derry Day celebration in Pe- terboro. Mn. and Mrs. Grant Thomp- son visited Mr. and Mrs. Vertil McMullen, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Marlow and daughter, Toronto, are holi- daying with Mn. and Mrs. N. C. Marlow. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nesbitt, Asbburn, and Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sel Nesbitt, Toronto, were ne- cent guests with Mr. Elmer Nes- bitt and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt. TUMDTA AGUST #th. 1953 any Pontypool. Mu (ton was born here and attended Public .Sclioo7i at the local schools. W'. wjsh him a happy holiday.1.; The C.C.F. held a meeting the Orange Hall on Tuesday evenxng in support of their can- didate, Roy Armstrong of Jan- etille. Mr. C. H. Millard was the guest speaker while Mr. Spencer Cheshire was chair man for the occasion, The Manvers Prog. Conserva- tive Association will hold a so- cial evening on Thursday, Aug. 6tb at 9 p.m. with a programn, lunch and speeches by the candi- date and others. This .will be held at the home of Mr Mrs. Bob Sisson. The tourist trade boom:' over the Civic Holiday week- end and an estimated 2,000 vis- ited our metropolis. Vote as you like, but vote. The role of Red Cross in di- saster makes it an important cog in Civil Defence. Last year voluntary Home Nursing Com- mittees gave supplementary Ci- vil Defence instruction to 1269 Home Nursing graduates. Navigable Waters Protection ActJ R.S.C. 1927 - Cbapter 140 The Public Utilities Commission of the Town of Bowmanville hereby gives notice that it has under Section 7 of the said Act, deposited with the Minister of Public Works ai Ottawa and in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the West Riding of the County of Durham at Bowman- ville, Ontario, a description of the site and plans of a 24 inch waterworks intake pipe proposed to be laid in Lake Ontario ai Bowmanville, Ontario, in front o! Smart Street Road Allow- ance. And, take notice that a! 1er the expiration of one month from the date of the first, publication of ibis notice the Public Utilities Commission of the Town of Bowmanville will, under Section 7 of the said Act, apply te the Minister o! Publie Works at bis office In the City o! Ottawa, for approv- ai o! the said site and plans. Dated ai Bowmanville, Ontario ibis 17th day of July, 1953. PUBLIC ITTILITIES COMMISSION of tbe Town of Bowmanville. W. Ross Strike, Chairman. No. 471 1 ; *offered to make a salami sand- M UMUMMMUMUMMUMN UUMMMUMMMMUUUr wich. Mrs. Frank Williams a wanted us to toddle around to 0 their place for a spot of tea, but: _ both kind offers of hospitality - -- had tobe refused, becausel Ihad --k _ been foolish enough to promise u______ my wife a dinner at a restau- *______ rant. Well, the foregoing heartrend- a __________ ing story wvil1 give you young -_____ ___ folks a rough idea of what we rim men go through in order to be a happy though married. Neîllo Saton: & BUILDING MATE RIALS Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pearce, Oakville, were weekend guests of Miss Rose Mountjoy. Mr. Charles Briggs, Toronto,: spent a holiday with Mr. andM Mrs. Lorenzo Mountjoy. a Rev. and Mrs. R. Merle Thornpson and son, John, Sask-M atoon, visited Mr. and Mrs. Don-M ald Thompson and other friends 1 on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Abbott,: M Ottawa, and Mrs. Perce Philp, i a West Hll, visited Mr. and Mrs. 1 E Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Chp-l man, Trout Creek are vstn n hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. George a. Bowers. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Rohrer and M family spent the xeekend with a a their parents at Tilson burg.: Congratulations to Mr. and o Mvrs. Arnold Williams (nee Jean MS Bowers) who were married in: Nestieton United Church on Sat- a urday, August lst. Mrs. T. Wilson, Newcastle-on- * Tyne, England, is paying an ex- tpnded visit to bier daughter,: Mrs. P h i1ip Langfeld, Mr. a \l/l Langfeld and family, Bowman- B ~ ville. Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Lang- ailweelaedto S E P RD .lfAN 11 feld and children were in Nes-a tleton renewing old acquaint- m IfM ID '. ' " T M 'P I ane n llwr lasdt IVMBER Co. .avaaamD welcome Mrs. Wilson on hier a first visit to Canada. M Friends are sorry to know Mr. a St Herman Samelîs is in Port Per. M96D in Si. E. Bw avle]hn 1 ry Community Hospital and wi.sh for him speedy recovery. 'UUUUMMMUMMUUMMMMMUMUUUUMUUUUUMUM..U VOTE CHARLIE STEPHENSýON' Your Progressive Conservative Candidate in Durham County He Did a Good Job ]Before...a Hell1 do it Again! i Advertisement insierted by Durbain Progressive Conservative Association We are sorry ta hear o! the sudden passing of Mn. Johni Fallis. For several years de- ceased lived on bib farm east of Ballyduff. Recently he had been with bis daughter, Mrs. Bruce McGill, north of Betbany. His wife predeceased bim a few years ago. To bis daughters we extend our sincere sympathy. 1 Quite a number attended the Decoration at McCrae's cern- etery on Sunday to pay their respects and floral tributes to their loved ones wbo bad gone before. Similar services will be held at Fallis on Sunday, Ag 9, and Pontypool Aug. 16t. Be sure you vote on Monday for Johnny James.-Advt. Just recently we heard that Major Paîframan of Torontoi bad passed away. For severall years deceased resided here be- fore moving to Toronto. Mr. Bruce Fiske purcbased the Gobeen residence recently. Mr. Milton J. Payne, Montreai, who works in the head office of the C.N.R., bas becn visitîng bis friends at Newcastle, Blackstock Clarke Twp. Awards Contracts For Three New Bridges At a special meeting Clarke Township Council accepted ten- ders for the erection of three re- inforced concrete bridges. These bridges with the contract price are as follows: Savery bridge, lot 5, conces- sion 4 and 5 for $1315.30. Dobson bridge, lot 10, conces- sion 4 and 5 for $1581.00. Mercer bridge, lot 6, conces- sion 8 for $1185.00. The total contract price for the three bridges amounts to $408 1.30. However the cost to the Township will amount to an estimated $7052.00 as the Town- ship supplies cernent, reinforc- ing steel and also removes ex- isting structures where new bridges are to be placed. The township will receive the prOv-, incial subsidy on the new bridges.1

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