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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Aug 1953, p. 13

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T!rURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1953 T1~E CAKADIAN STATESMM~. EOWMMqVILIZ, ONTAMO PAGE T~RTEEN Work \Wanted DARLINGTON Abattoir, Hamp- ton, for custom killing. Phone 3243. 32-tf Concrele and Masonry Work GENERAL CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIRS Foundations -Floors Sldewalks, etc. Don't Wait until Fali for requirements Free Estimates- Prompt Service L. TURNER P.O. Box 177 Bownftnville Phone: Evenings 3231, Days 3600 33-tf MAS ONRY CONSTRUCTION BRICK - BLOCK Chimneys Repaired and Rebuilt Sidewalks, Concrete, Gencral Industrial and Residential Contracting -Competent Workmanship - %FREE ESTIMATES ANGER BROS. IN THE ESTATE 0F FRED-1 ERICK CHARLES MARTYN, late of the Town of Bowman- ville, in the Cot.mty of Durham, FURNRACES Retired Clerk, deceased, who died at Bowmanviile on or about the 16th day of June, 1953. A r niini THE TRUSTEE ACT. R. S. 0. ArCo-tinn 1950, Ch. 400, Sec. 51. Creditors and others having O unr êiaims against the above Estate OlB res are required ta send paticulars and full proof thereof ta the un- dersigned on on befone the iSth Sheet Metal Woi day of Septemben, 1953. after WVhich date the assets of the EXPEBIENCE COUNV¶ lEstate wili be distributed having regard ta the Will and ta the claims then received. E vsruhn DATED at Bawmanville this Evsruhn Ilth day of August, 1953. Lawrence C. Mason,DA I & CG Barnister, etc.,DA I & CO 30 King Street West. Bowmanville, Ontario, 2 Niii Lane Baivmanvi Solicitor for the. Executons. Phone - Day or Nîght, 341Z2 33-3 12-tf rk 'S 691 iii JUST ARRIVED! THE NEW DEEPFREEZE UNITS hy DeLaval If you are in the market for a new Deepfreeze Unit be sure to see these new models made by DeLaval. NOIV ON DISPLAY AT W. He BROWN ô DEALER FOR ___Case Farm Maclunery, Firestone Tires DeLaval Mslkers and Separators Beatty Bros. Stable Equlprnent KING ST. W. PHONE 497 Dear Donald Sky Harbour Airport, Goderich, Ont., August 11, 1953 Cecil NMcLaren, Orono Coal & Lumber Orono, Ontario Dear Mom and Dad: M'ell 1 guess it bas been a long tirne since my iast letter, but these last few weeks have been the busiest yet. Last Wednesday night I got a cail to take a mnan wlth a broken hip down to Indianapolis, Ind., so we bui t a bcd in the "Stinson" and flew up to Wiarton in the morn- ing to pick him up. le 'as 6 ft. 1 inch, and was in a cast from the walst dawn. Dld we ever have a tirne to get hlm into the aircraft. Dr. Hopkinson went with us and kept the man doped most of the trip, he was 60 years old. WVe arrlved in Indianapolis about eight that inight. The folks there were very good té us and practically gave us their house to use. The weather didn't look too good on Friday and since Indianapolis is a very nice city, ive stayed ail'Frlday and had a good trip home on Saturday, five hours fiying. l'in havint my teeth fixed now and arn having three gold fiilings in rny front enes. Tt lu going to cost a uniali fortune before l'in donc. I guess l'Il have te sign up a few more students. Ran into trouble on my car insurance and %vould like to have Mn. Porter Inaure It now. Arn enclouing the data on It. Arn sure you are happy to have ail hands so busy In the coal, lumber and building supply business. Iat this the time of ycar you stant beefin' about storn windows, get ready befone the snow files, etc. I think Mari will be rather unhappy with me now. She has wnitten several times and I have not as yet answered ber. Between the airport and the girl frlend I don't get much time to myseif. Must get some slecp now as I have dentist apoint- ment first tblng in the morn. Slnccrcly, Don. Public Notice CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE Notice is hereby given of a; eroposed by-law before the Muonicipal Council of the Cor- poration of the Town of Bow- znanville tai close and stop up a iortion of Smart Street outlined zn red on a plan attached ta the' said by-iaw far the purpose of constructing a pumping station and settling basin adjacent ta the lake shore and the waterwonks intake ta be constructed from .Iake Ontario. The Council on the 2lst day ef August at the time of 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber will hear in persan or by Lis counsel, solicitor, or agent, any persan who dlaims that his land wili be prejudicially affected by the by- law and who applies ta be heard. Bowmnanville, Ont., Juiy 28th, 1953. A. J. Lyle, Municipal Clenk. 31-4 Notice Io Crediters Air, Rail or Steamship Hampton. Consuit Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Knox and JURY & LOVELL Canal, visiteà *on Sunday at Mr. Bowmanville H. Fanrow's, Stankville. 15 King st. W. - Phone 778 Mr. and Mns. Ross Cryderman _____________________-enjoyed a motor trip, Sunday, stopping at Rice Lake, Peterbor- ough, Havelock and Brighton. n Mr. and Mrs. Ian Smith, Ta- Sffod rs ronto, Mrs. Jack Thompson, Smooth Rock Falls, visited at' Monumental Works Mr. Stan Millson's Phone Whitby 552 Pulp and paper loads ten per 31 una t.EWhty cent of revenue freight cars FINE QUALITY loaded. MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precise workmanship and caneful attention ta detail are vour assurance whien you choose fnom the wide selection of imported and domestic Granites and Marbles in stock. CIASSIFI 1. S SOLINA S.Aduit Bible Class memnbers had charge of the openmng of Sunday School, Bruce Tink, president, conducted the short program consisting of a pacm, Work Wanted read by Mrs. Burney Hoocy; a _______________________vocal solo by Mrs. J. Baker; a DUTCH boy would like work on story byr Mrs. Ralph Davis and a dairy farm. Apply S. Buma. prayer by Mr. John Knox. Quiet R. R. 4, Bowmanville. 34-1* music preceding the opening was playcd by Mrs. I. Hardy and the IF YOU have any carpentry scripture lesson was read in un- work or intend to remodel, build igon. or like layout assistance for your Sunday School and the church new home, give us a cail, nlo job service will be withdrawn next too big, no job too small. For freecc dy ug 3 estimates and a guaianteed job SnaAg 3 Phone Don Brooks, 3670. 34-tf We eictend deepest sympathy ta Mrs. Henry Bail, Billie and B ULL OZIN aid Donna dn the passing of a loving EXCAVATJN& lengthy iless.ahr~a EXCAV TIN9. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stainton, TRENHIN andLOAING Carol and Beth, returned on Sat- TRENHIN andLOAING urday irom their mnotor trip ta BY HOUR OR CONTRACT Vancouver ta visit relatives. - Free Estimates Given - Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Montgom- WN. RIPPery and Jean:. Mr. Bruce Tay- W . TRIP lorand Miss Kathleen Graham, PORT PERRY R. R. 2 attended the Montgomery ne- PHONES:.Res. 109r42, Office 392 union at Orono. 22-tf Mr. and Mrs. L. Kellett ne- turned Monday from a pleasant ]PAINTING ~motor trip in otenOar. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Karel, Bruce and Mary-Grace, Chat- PAPE BAN ING ham, visited at Mr. J. Yellow- Full selection of lees. PARALAC PAINTS Mr. Harold Reynolds and son and Paul, Toronto, spent the week- and end at Mr. Ralph Davis'. PAPERS Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yellow- - FREE ESTIMATES - lees and Karen wene Saturday evening tea guests at Mn. Ralph Ho ar . rckn Larmer's, Blackstock. Miss Shar- on Larmer returned with them PHONE 2702 for holidays. 42-tf Mr. and Mrs. Bob Johnston retunned from their honeymoon B ULLDOZING motor trip of 3,000 miles through Eastern York, and were week- end visitors at Mr. Russell Gi- EXCAVATING ets Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Milison GIRADING and Ruth, Longlac, Nrhr Ontario, had several days' ý,isit SAND AND GRAVEL with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. PROMPT SERVICE Ed . Milison. Mns. Stan Hodgson. Bowman- LILLEY BROS, ville, spent several days at Mr. R. R. No. 3 - BOWMANVILLE J. Yellowlees'. OSHAWA Mr. and Mns. T. R. Baker, To- * ranto, Mrs. E. E. Yates, Milton, Diai 5-4902 Mr. and Mrs. L. ]Baker and fam- ily, Willowdale. visited at Mr. ~ Mr. and Mrs. J. Leger have returned from an enjoyable mo- COMPLETEtor trip ta Rager sville, N.B., COMPLETEwhere they visited the former's 1Plumbing and Heating prets.nedwite r. rMark iNSTALLATIONS REPAIRS Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink and for Bowmanville and sungound- family; Mrs. Addie Tink, visit- ing dstrit byskil ed ardsene n Sunday at Mr. Arthur ingdisric byskilc trdesenTaylor's, at Cherrywood. Mr. and Mrs. J. Leger, Osh- No job too large or too smali awa. were Sunday visitons at to be apprcciated . Mr. E. Cryderman's. Up-to-date Piumbing Equipment Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Preston withLatet Stlesand Gary, Bowmanville, visited withLatet Stles at Mr. Roy Langmaid's. Ylu big CCessories Mrs. T. Goyne, Prestonvale, Plumbnq Aspent last week at Mn. Chas. Langmaid's, Cali us for Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor visited 'at Mr. Russell Wright, Free Estimales Ty~rone. Miss Evelyn Taylor, Reg. N., PHONE h~as. rcsumed hen du±ies..at .P-eer- B owmanville 3613 bora Hospital, following vaca- tion. 24-tfj Miss Phyllis-Anne Westlake Ihad holidays at Mr. N. Fice's, INSURANCE JTaunton. Wslk r n 1. Single Sales Cost Mr. Percy Westlake attended 2Semi annual Payments the funeral of Mr. Clifton Mc- 3. SelectcdCareful Drivers Dianmid at Oshawa. 4. Sai ngs Shared Mutually Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlakc. Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank West- D IRK BRINKMAN lak'e Jr., Joan and Gordon, vis- KINGSON R. E. ited Mns. N. Hutton, Oshawa. K.IR GSTON RD. E Mr * and Mrs. Ross Cook, Cha- PHON R.45BO MA2 IL tham, visited at Mr. Frank West- PHONE2523 ake's, Jr. S ~ ~ ~ ~ Ms tae Fr uui~Hazei Harris accompan- AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Ca. ta Chalk Lake. 33-2 Mr. and Mns. Wes. Yellowlees, Harold and Murray. wene Sun- day visitons at Mr. Jack Marks, ENFIELDScarboro. E NFIELDMr. and Mrs. Victor Wilson, Mr.andMrs GergeHubardPeterboro, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. nRni thM. and Mrs. Gog ubr Knight, Oshawa; Rev. and Mrs. altrd ke Ronniew ith r. nd sJohn Knight, Grace and Marlene Waltr Ok, Eniskilen.of Jamaica. visited at Mr. Issac Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Day, Zion, Hardy's. at F. Lycett's. Miss Joan Ormiston, Bowman- Miss Judy Lee is visiting at ville, is holidaying with her Election Resulis Poli No. Poli No. Poli No. Poli No. Poli No. Poli No. (Continued from Page ------------- 99 77 - - - 56 46 64 -- - ------ 113 Totais ----------- 1,160 Poli No. 1 POil No. 1 Poli No. Poil No. Poil No. Poil No. Poil No. Poli No. Poli No. Polli No. Poli No. Poil No. Poil No' Poli No. Newcastle 110 --- -- ------ 179 Totals ----- - ----------- 289 Clarke Totais Pol Poli Poli Poli Poli Totals Pol Pol Poll Pol Poli Poli Poli Poli Poli Poli Poli Pol TotaIs No. 1 No. 2 No. :3 No. 4 No. 5 TotaIs Poli Poli Poli Poli Poli Pal i Poli Totals Poil No. 1 Poli No. 2 Totals Poli Poli Poli Poli Poli « Pol Pol Pol Pol POil Poli Poli Poli Poli Pol Poli Pol Pol Totals Durham Vote Service Vote Grand1 Spoiled ballot5 57 ------------------ 78 20 --- -- --- -- -- -- 7 2 92 3:3 - 5 6 ------ 32 - -- --- ---- ---- 3 6 707 Cartwright 9 ------------ 57 - ----- - --- -- 45 ---- ---- ---- ---- 3 7 ---- --- ---- ---2 11. Manve rs 67 35 -- - .-- 38 28 - ------ 61 - -- -- -- -- -- -- 3 4 --- -- --- ----- -- 1 7 -------- ----- 280 Cavai) ----- --4 0 62 --- -- -- -- -- 4 7 - -- -- -- -- -- - 7 4 - --------- - 66 -- ---- -- - -- -- -- -- - 2 8 9 Hope S124 120 64 -- -- - -- - 8 7 - 52 - ---- - 74 _____ -- 606 Milibrook - ------ 61 69 ------ --- -- 130 Port Hope 110 -____ 109 103 66 ~66 49 88 105 86 134 101 81 54 91 53 .-------- .1,478 -~ -~-~---6,637 47 Total , 6,684 s, 130. One) 42 48 :35 59 61 115 709 93 94 187 48 54 101 64 73 20 65 74 29 49 28 79 684 30 149 70 94 56 399 104 49 42 56 152 70 69 542 815 129 156 137 51 110 87 86 15:3 78 62:3 ~1.38 110 248 5 1 715 96 11:3 136 107 66 86 46 80 94 99 91 76 76 84 11:3 39 1,5:34 6,479 25 6,504 13 14 14 12 12 21 323 12 13 25 7 6 10 8 2 1 13 0 12 79 :3 9 16 11. 46 21 8 4 10 16 31 8 10 20 16 9 57 1 3 10 10 12) 95 6 15 ?21 15 6 12 6 1,268 HAMPTON Mr. and Mms. George IýcGil- lion, Mr. and Mrs. f'rànk Cham- payne and Lynda, Mr. and Mns. Ray Petit, Long Branch, Miss Kathleen Mortiock and fnicnd, Ottawa, Mrs. Tom Gibbs, Ty- rone, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Chapman. Miss Nina Hodgson, Washing- ton, D. C., is visiting her par- ents, Mr. and Mns. R. J. Hodg- son. Rev. and Mrs. TÉ. M. Kersey and son Jimmie, Piainsfieid, vis- ited his parents, Mr. and Mns. S. Kersey. Mn. and Mrs. Will White and Douglas, vislted their son Don, also Mn. and Mrs. J. R. Reynolds, London. Dr. Margaret Riiey, Chicago, Ill., Mrs. Mabel Holmes, North Dakota, were luncheon guests of Mrs. C. Caverly. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Nicholson and Vickey, Mr. and Mrs. Walt Nicholson, Toronto, visited Mn. and Mrs. Jack Lyon. Mr. and Mns. Nathan Hayes, Bowmanviile, at K. Caverly's. Mn. and Mns. Douglas Rack- ham, Lee and Lmnda, Bowman-i ville, at S. Kersey's. 1Mr. and Mns. Ennie Smurth- waite Concord, were Sunday guests of Mn. and Mrs.. Lewis Cryderman.1 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lawson, and son Steven, Long Branch, with Mr. and Mns. Austin Bar- ron. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Chapman and Gail, Toronto, Mrs. R. J. Me- Kessock. Mn. and Mrs. Bryce1 Brown, Jean and Bobby, Mn. and Mrs. Everett Eliiott, Mary and Barbara, Oshawa, at Mrs. Joe Chapman's. Mrs. W. J. Ranton was a guesti of Mns. Lorenzo Truli at theinr SIX NEW MODELS OnIy $ 10.00 Down and 24 months Io pay Farm Equipment and 134 KING Autoiuotive TOM COWAN, Proprietor ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 689 USED CAR SPECIALSI 1950 Meteor Sedan- White waii tires and 1949 Dodge Sedan - Radio and heater, good 1947 Mercury Sedan - Reconditioncd motor and 1938 Buick Sedan- 1938 Oldsmobile Sedan 1937 Plymouth Coach - a $1,425 heater - * $1,375 clean car $ - 995 good tires --$ 100 - * $ 150 de 15 TRUCKS 1950 Dodge '/2-ton Pickup $ 895 1949 International '/-1«m Pickup $ 850 Low mileage 1947 Chev. 2-ton New paint and tires 1945 G.M.C. Dump Truck - Complete]y reconditioned- Cash or Terms - '$550 $850 Dlackstock bMotors Blackstock PIIONE BLACKSTOCK 70 Ontario - NIGHTS :38 -N cottage at Willams' Paint on Sunday. Mrs. E. H. Cale visited Mrs. H. Curtis, Orono. Miss L. Reynolds enjoyed a week's holiday trip with her brother, Dr. E. A. Reynolds and Mrs. Reynolds, of Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. Charlie Warren visited hier sister and brother- in-law, Mn. and Mrs. A. Alexan- der, Gaderich, and aisa spent a few days at Halls Lake, while on vacation. Miss Annabelle Adcock spent a few days at Buffalo, N.Y., with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilkins have moved inta thein attractive new home which they have built in the south end ofthe village. Mn. and Mrs. Roland Shackleton have purchased the Wilkins home and are now occupying it. -Bruce Caverly enjoyed a ma- tortrip ta Quebec and down through the States. Mns. Fred Fanneti, Saskatoon, Sask., Mn. Cyrus Farrell, Klin - bung, Mrs. Addie Tnewin, To- ronto, Miss Annie Mountjoy, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Ganrard and Mr. Alfred Garrard, Haydon. wene visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Theron Mount- loy. Sunday monning çlîurch ser- vice was conducted by Rev. Ted Kersey who expressed pleasure in worshipping with Hampton fniends and having a part in the service. Mrs. Chas. Daw wvas guest speaker and gave a veny intenesting and practical addness on "Christian Citizenshlp" which contained many inspining and helpful thoughts. The choir se- lection was in keeping with the theme. The service xvas unden the auspices of the W.M.S. There will be no church service next Sunday evening. Sunday School in the morning at 10.30. r> KIRBYin Tyrone Monday cvening. KIRBY Mns. Thompson i home again. Mn. and lvfrs. Ken Bail and Sanie of our ladies attended family, were Sunday supper the cooking school sponsored by gest with Mrs. Neta Patterson, Kendal Institute at the home Ornoa of the president, Mrs. Kennedy, Mn. and Mrs. Fred Graham Thursday. and Merrili with Mr. and Mns. Mns. Bill Wannan and Ross George Glanville, Newcastle. spent Satunday afternoon with __________ Mrs. Bill Cochrane. Mrs. Alice Watnnan, Toi-onto, WESLEY VILLE wit l,ýrs Js.Wannan and cail-! cd on fniends.1 We hope Mrs. Chas. CooperI Church service was resumcd Kendal. Mrs. Quantrill's moth-1 Sunday morning and we wene er, xiii soon be home after an glad ta weicome back Rev. and operati9n in Oshawa hospitai. Mrs. Harding aften their holiday. Mr. and Mns. Hinton visited Muriel Austin was organist for their datughter. Mrs. Ken lien- the morning service as well a,- derson. for Sunday School. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wannan and Rev. and Mrs. Shorten anc Ross \-isited Mr. and Mns. Ed. spending a fcw days at a cottage Lawson. Yelverton. at Willow Beach. Miss Marion McKelvey spent Miss Little, Port Hope, has the week-end with Mrs. Brim- been visiting the Bests. acom be. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cowan spent Leslie Fard was a happy littie Sundav with Mr. and Mns . Mil_ boy thîs week when the cast ton Wannan. was nemoved from Lis shouider. Mr. and Mrs. E. Gilbank and famnily. Mn. and Mns. Jack Chap- MILLS NEED FORESTS man and Jill and Mn. and Mrs. Bill Wannan and Ross were The future of tfle individual guest.s of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bail. pulp and paper milis depends on Mr.. and Mrs. Bill Cochrane the forest management they pro- and Reid and Mr. and Mrs. Bill vide. They need wood in perpet- Wannan and Ross, visited fniends uity fnomn thein forests. MIDUSEASON Cie arance- 0F Refrigerators by INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER -F ZDAY, AUGUST 20, 1953 THE CANADLAN STATESMffl. BOWMANMM, ONTAIUO 0 PAGE TMRTM 1

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