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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Aug 1953, p. 14

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au, IVOI PHONE 3303, Turn Page for COMING EVENTS 1 Articles For Sale D i ,ctNwonIlle Com- 30-INCH cernent well tile. Plioni Adiional Classfied I)ztx Hallt rdvAg 1, 2086. Newcastle. 34-1 ;iiqîc fGirls' Softball Club.,_______________ _____________ _______\ 0aC'. 3- GLADIOLI, fresh eut> daily, 71 BIRTHS Danice to theo music of Ruth doe hne334 4 ________-_-----___ \*Isis- Orchestra on Friday.,rTWO oil space heaters, reason. COWLE-Bi3cl, and Foinie .Xtgust '2 lst.,in Newcastle Corn-abe Phn2743-l to annouince the birtix of a son 1111aiali all. ausp)ices of Hall al.Poe20.3- Daniel Frcdcrick. vi o n dav. Iloard . Admission 30e PC" .ýper- SCN utnsadn i August 17, 1953, a brother .fir)~ 3- alfa ha,,. Telephone 2105. 34-11 Janc 01, O Sept. 17 at 8:30 p.m., Bov- USED rangette in good con. CRAWFORD Sc.an7d lSîr.a- maliville Businiess and Profess- dition, reasonable. Phone 2706 old Cra-wford are 1lhppv ta au ional W onaen«s Club xiii sponsor .34-1____________________ nounice the' birth Of za dail-liteor a'fur fashioii show at the Lions i Janie Mr;e onA'îast12. îon:i. rConriinitv Centre. Furs throuahI ONTARIO potatoes, 75 lb. bacs at the Conmnîty Memival urtesv of Julia Sinclair, Emile delivered in Bowmanville. Phon H ospi al. P rt P rr . ~ î i lF rs. B lo o r S t.. T o ro n to . A d - 47 .3 - mision~0c tckes a'aiabe (ONE heater and pipes, almosi GREEN-Piit and Ernie ar-e fromn Club miembers. 33-2bagi, 150.Po proud to annotince that thoîir r2943. 34-1500 Pon ýost ýr son. Nobbv born 1J1u1v 3lzt. 1947. îiý nov.' thoer 1o-aill'choseI!E agis oetenG ctleewligoti n.He witl bý'lý \nas Bli rtistc ente eG acomylee; eldingoufil Edvin, brothor tou.lc:x 1Bn' Jî ONTARlIO ST. N. Phone 2420. 34-1 11ev. F. B. Fificld, Pastor ,LARGE -wooden packing cases IIOR-Jck aci\'iiaali1 SI.00 cachi. App]y Brookdale- (fl'ee 11! r hîx 1 ~ UI! - 8 pm I. Kinigsway Nurseries. 33-2 rounice fihe arrivai of thc'ir son.NE FeuyBsel1inan Joh Arhur o Auust1 2hat ~ '-~ I14 in. tractor dises. Theror Hroia -ospital. Bowilan- iiev. Dan. ~pipoi1Io, Mountjoy. Phone 2503, 34-1 xill-. ýlI. -a Jleturiied Sissionary from Itaîv PIANO-An excellent instru. M\APPN- SIc. and Mrs. Johnii mo ITRE f~Inent at a reasonable price. Tele- :' apDini arc happy to miiollaco wl ,ivPCUE fhis phone 492, Bowmanville. 33 -1' the bir'th Of a son, Riekv ,.Jaines.i work andi aLio of bis tour to a little brother for neranice and Palestine. CUT bloom gladioli, $1.00 per Paul, at Port Perrv,\ Comnniuitv dozen. Daily dclivery to hos- 1-Tomiotal on thc lst of Autip- A.grnui.I al Willow Acres. Phone 46 195. 3 I undaIUy, tAtAugus 2, 0i S~eel D~meHeaîngSeiice SAVE on lumber, direct fron -SPRY - To Elizabeth f(nec l miii toDivoue PhillipsSeLumbe a ouge wiff' of W .g Rox' Snrv 7 p.ni. Prayer for the Sick. Co., Kinmount, Ont. Phone ~~~~~~1r d1.tr Mr lzaeh t13-t: Osihawa.'a Ocrrai Hospital. AT'C- Ail Are Invited 7rl t.st 14. 1953. 34-1 34-1 ONE Axminster rug 9 x 12, $15; ________________________one 15 x 16, $8.00; four new ENGAGEMENTS hand-made apple baskets. Phone Notices 1j2883. 34-1 The engagement is announiced _________-QUANTITY of wood shavings. of Shirley Madaline, daughtcr of1 John A. Holgate & Son will1 You pick up, no charge. Paul H. Mrs. Oswold Cowan. and the be closed for holidays from Aug. Simpkin Cabinet Co. Ltd., 160 late Glen L. Flintoff, to Harvey l7th to 29 inclusive. 33-2 Church St. 26-tf Douglas Branton, son of Harvey L. Branton, Windsor, Ont. The L. C. Mason Law Office closed î 1EWý. Presto pressure cookor, marriage to take place Septeai- August l7th to 31st inclusive. neyer used. 3 I;_ quart size; used 0ber 5th, 1933, ila Orono United Oýpon Scptcrnber lst. 3-3.-35 blue Sunishine baby carniage. Church. 34-1* _______i Phono 2588. 34-l1i Mrs.Max ucrkwisles t Watch acxt w'eek's p apor for RNETueiol.wt Mrs Ma Turk vises eannouncemrent of ope nîng of RNETue,1olwt announce the engagement of lhec Martyns Bowling Acadomiy. o von control, $35, at Higgon daughtor, Myrna Lucy, to Anth- Electrie. 42 King Street East, ony Kozak, son of Mr. and Mrs. ____________ _____3___ -1 Nick Kozak, Canora, Saskatch- Dr. \IcKenizie's office xiii ho DISC plo\v for Ferguson or Ford evn. he iariage illtak 1cIoseýd the xeek of August .9th pe ina.The marr Uiged will take r tractor. in good condition. Price plac inTrinty nitc Chrch r Witzel's office will bc, roasonable. Phone Il - 13, Lewis on Saturdax', Sçptornbor 26th. élosed Aaugust 29 to Sept. 14. 1 Clark. Newcastle. 34-1 le 34-_1 J32-4 -__i___ _____ BAILIFF Sale-One sofa bcd Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Moore Aav lady bowler.s wishing to rand înatching chair wîll be sold wish ta announice thc engage- boxx I' ln the' Ladies' MUajor at, Orono Sales Barn. Thursday. ment of their onlY daughter. Lea--ue pleaseae their name August 27 at 8 pali. 34-1* Shirley Maxinie. to MNr. Thomias v. itil George Eiliutt ut the Boxx 1- pngadmtr ic- :aymond DeGeer, son of Mc. and i1Ale or Phaonc Helen Duna. 'a tbleD.sr and mfur cre ;kchs . fri. Walter DeGeer, BOwrnl-ai- 769, bv August 28. 34- e abe andfour roenlcas -lle. The marriago wi]l take d____rese n nroeanlc :ýlace on Salurday, Sopteraber1 i.ad r.Hrr ebc andl wood annex. Phono 2694. ý2th, 1953, at 3:30 p.m., ýI1 Tria- 'Nexvcastle. Ont., xii be at. home 3- ity United Church, Eowmanville. lto their frienris and neiglibours.e BROWN steel double bed. white 341Sunctay, Agîist 3Oýth, 1953'1 p.iT. enamnel coal and wood annex, _____--10 8 P-")-, oul the Occasion Of steelxxht enarnelled 50 lb. re- Mi'. and Mrs. ThioiisSles 6thvir wecling aniversary. friger-ator. Phono '424 after 6. wihto annouace the' engage- A vnox, h0g urh 1 ifr- 4 ment of their daughter, Barbara. majýti ou. Phone Clarke' 41 r :)30. tu leiieth Johnstoai, son of -àr. Bowinanvillo 2-966, Nexvcastle CONCRETE and cinrier blocks, and 1\11s. Charles Johalstonl. Osh- 331.3-2inexv style, full 8" high, at, re- axva. The rrarriagc' xxill take - ______________ duced prices. For free ostini- place Septem-bor 19thlî 1953. at Il ates phono Bowmanvillc 846. o.ni. la St. Paul's Unîited Churci DBowflaflle :18t Dowan'ilo ~~ 'Rereaiion Depiarîrnent' ENETIAN blinds, green,7'i Il. Mrc. and M\rs. Harold CarponltertReC1 n.t 27 iriS. wido. 54 i. to výisi to anounce theenag ls, la dt'pth. Frank Xil- irent of their dul".Marili lan,6:1BonSL omn Elizabeth. to Richard Ros Hou- DANCING- CLASSES hvil 62le.wnStow4a- c',nea E.P.B.C. stucicat f NmaaFalIs. N.Y., son off Mi-S Ballet -Tap - 'oe - Character; ITS trac whiat thev say about '7Hutchînisoli. Tht' îïiacî'iaLec Barre- Pre-Sehool ou t coin, î'eal good; apples--Red I S parýa Astî'achan, Duchoss: tomatoes. (%t~on Saturday, Scepteiixl potatoes. plums. Shaxv's Fruit 19th.a 23) ' NS'CT (7111 , IMéarkot. Kurv Inn.341 111 M M,.L ED tumrn'fî'nm Centrai Pub- DEAIRS i LiIlan M~ae ar& s lie school hockey cushion. Par- r dciu-&cclt~~D. E. A. S .Jms, Ieaý-T-au* C . at 1" nc u 1'ails on i I - r, King St. E., Bowmnanville. 6 aI1.ust I th 3, 3 crlv.aî îe -s.ation. 34-1 B:o gh Weisdv ýejENETIAN Blinds, 25 ifrn I p ni ta 6 p. . 9'h co louis of tapes, 15 slat colours, 1-.:l1; ]lof i î,la& Syi le IFlexalum, Alumninum or Steel, 3D. i to6..ni. t te nt'asured and installeci free of ~u".:auxIlcharge. Phono 3121. Weber's naLions --Fabric Centre. 17 -t f axite UIu ~'.344 LImnityACntre Model 601 )DCnomatin ete 1cmin necletcondition,1 <'"*D. tlîntaIo,.uî'i -comnplote x'ith scourkleen, clov-1 er sereens and pick-up, price lotîbei ' lr Ticl. lIfuu'oved "" S00. Applv R. LeGresley. , - , 1 Il il Oh;a 3751PooNexwcastle 3656. 34 -1il t. ,O(. ['î)îOsawa, 3-253 phoect'ccem prtr n e c 1 'i. a 1 f4-burner under-oven, complete U EwCRSP CAL o i~ would p FRrfrsleo ok -RA ETT FRSL with automatic dlock timer, 1fer a goodslhigh wages.o ~year oid, $189; steel ice boxes $5- 91PLM UU op Phone 2689. 34l' shares; ploughing possession 147 acres, large frame bouse0 -used washers $49.50, used rag 91PYiOT op Sept. lst. Phone 657, Bow- bank barn, 120'x40', other build- tettes $19.50, at Murphv's Furn- 1948 CHRYSLER Sedan JUNIOR clerk, maie or female, manville. 33t ings, good fences, dlay ioain land, riture and Appliance Store, 52 1948 PONTIAC Coupe three years high scbool. Write -- KingSi. ., Bwmanille Phoe 1Box 44, c/o Canadian Statesman, TWO-roomed house with porch, about 5 acres bushi. This is a Kin1. W,3ov4nvle.Phn 1947 DODGE Sedan Boxvmanivillc. 33-2 built-in ccpboards, insuiated, reai rnoney making farmn. Pnice S,11 3- 1949 PLYMOUTHI Suburban -h ydro, on '4-acre lot, in villa goe1$15,000, xith $2,000 cash loAtn. FrteLtsPaes1950 DODGE Sedan ýGIRL or xvoian for housework off Hampton. on highw'ay. Applv,5-on ran ualwna * For he Laest Ppers iToronto, modemn home, priv- Art Reynolds, Hampton. 34 î5-rom fmadobu galowe, nar 2 *For the Finest Paints U E R C O S aie roon. $15.00 per week. M. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE acrotc, $doub0eanra$1e.0qarter d ipacre lot, $5400 $1.500 honcash4 For the Best lVorkmanshi Proporties Sold, Rented, ALLIS CHALMIERS WN.. (à IRL or young xvoman as clerk- MngdadApasd Nexw 4 room bouse xith w'ork S. G. PRESTON & SON ALLIS CHALMERS "'B" book-kceper, good position if in Mage an Aprid shop andi garage, near Courtice, PHONES CASE TIVO-PLOW terested. Write Box 50, c/o] L. M. A LL IS ON 1$2,500. S 1,000 cash. 2417 - 912' MASSEY 101 TWIN POWER The Canadian Statesman. 34-I Real Estate Broker 494f- a - EGITERD nrseforOntrioPhone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. H. C. Pedwell 49tf-aT-raîîgISchooinr for Os, io Two blocks north off traffie Nexwastle, Phone Clake 38-SSL rNEW bced, spring and sprii-hg-fill- PATErainleiing accl ommBodatiBon signal, Newcastle. Ageunt foi- cd mattresses $49; aIl chester- P L Eaville.Apping a uormdind 20-tf W. J. Wza.aren, Brokier fields and daveno bed suites re- M T ~ S L S ent. Phone 3301. 34-1 RAL ST EFO SLE3- duced to lear; chrome kitchen O O AREL ST EFRSLE3- sets, table and 4 chairs complote, 20 King St. E. Phone 487 YOUNG man te learn grocery New bungalow, modemn kitchenl, DONALD SCOTT *$59,50; spring-filled mattresses, O MNIL n etbsns.Gtaia orpee btnsae. REAL ESTATE *regular $32.50 for, S24.50: used B34-1 LLE nd eat uinate. AGet a ea o-pieo a th, land sed studio coucb, like new', $39, ati34-i by eia tad r e ApKiygateas.O best ay n it es 6 room frame house on Sitncoe Yeo' Mets a GoceiesKin ters. ur est argin. i St. N. in Oshawa, without con- -Murphy's Furniture and Ap- *0SrieSt. E., Bowmanvilie. 34-1 1 Cecs.$,0 orn lo ,an00 pliance Store, 52 King St. W., Singer Sales & erfovicae Large six-coomed brick bous enine.$,00dxn 40 vBowmanville. Phono 811. 34-1 WANTED-Manforsed rv oak floor, firepiace. suitabie foir'rfull price. Cre o n - ____- ci among consumers in Bow-alrgfmiyobadigoue good business site. 1-ONE used M.H. tractor, I used ' V L E manvilie. Permanent connection Centrally ioeated, double garage, Good grocr in.udie tr *Case C tractor, 1 used Waterloo S E IAL V LUE with large manufacturer. Only $7,000. Will accept a reasonabl' na ooyadsnre tr tracor,1 ued ehfharvste, rliale uster cnsiere Wrte n agood location in town. $6,000 trator 1 sedGeh hax-eter reiabe hstlr cnsiere. Witepayment with termis and give inciuding stock, show cases, cash 1 used John Deere harvester, Sinlger Rawleigh's, Dept. H-140-131, immediate possession.restrcoesanmnyoh 1 used ice-box, 1 used combine ~ L Montreal. 34-1 rgisecoÈ,an nyth - Case F2, new electrie refriger- Sewîng 1,41acn1nes SLSILfrmdm lclJWehv uglxs îîso eor extras, $35,000 turnover. You ators, new Quaker heatei's, wat- r bouses andcant gohoues or systeins. bathrooni fixtures. Singer Portable Electric store, experience not necessary C nd 2 stbeore buses.wrnontibunes W. . Bow. Cse eaor.Kin RundBobînbut helpful. good wages and Costusbfr byig $3,000 down for this new 5-rooni xnvorking conditions. Write, stat- FABue rkr oot brick home on a large lot in 49St. W.4-o1anxi49.5Pon ing education and particulars ta toxvn. Hardwood floors, 4-piece 4734I*Box 48, c/o The Canadian States- Local Agent, Mrs. M. E. Leask 'bt o ae etr anr S-,iniger Portable Electric mnan, Boxvmanville. 34-1 IPhono 919 65 Ontario Si. bthbot wurate e, ur, and T ogBbiiPART or ail off your finie to Bwnnil 34-1 garage. 30 days possession. CERAIMIC - PLASTIC $59.50 ~~~inake extra money. Sdil to your eI1 E2 STE'Wehvsvraotrsoe, ricnds and others in an assign- De TI.RA ETAE Vehv svraotrsoe, RUBBER - MARBOLEUM Portable Eleetric Machine cd district our 250 products with 150 acre farrm, close to paved bouses, farms and lots te choose an abe-rm Drop in and see us at M~ G. HEAL - n al an interesting commission. Write road, sehool and highxvay, ap-185Kngrreteatm.l 1 Phone 290?. Bowniani'ille $99.50 for free catalogue to Faînilex. proximately 100 acres workable H. A.ng Street as Dal 1 14f11Dept. 7, 1600 Delorimier, Mont- land, Clay' loam, 13 acres off eId . Pll, Dale262a0 l4fPor table EL]ctrie Machine, Table real. 3j4-1 wood. 3 xveils, largo bank barn, Liges ,vDal 2620 1DAEISand 'eeinbid n e,e'ing C'abinet 11-room rn ick bouse xith furn-Lifng Watd DRAERIS nd 'entin bind ~RUBEER compression mouldin, ace. hathroom, running water, NIXON REAL ESTATE custom made, or draperies sold, frra ouie o rgessive modern kitohen, bydro through- bytoyr.Oui' ropresentatix'e jcmpn in Western Ontario. out, impiemont shed, double Valuabie frontage property otio. xxill cati at your home lany timie 1 oua1, Portable Electric MachineJEp~ e neft nld ru aae Pie8000 iha ,icluding 8 rooni w'ith a complote range of samuDlos 3-3ear zuarantee I insucance, mledicai, hospital and i____ insu] brick home with 3 piece and suggestions without oblig-a- nrension plan. Stato full articulars 200 acres Christmas t'ee land, bath, aIl iniiinmaculate condition tion. Free estimiates and froc in- $75.50icuigae xereccu ihbrn 0rd ru re on o-o acre of dosirable land; stlato xihi 5-iearea. i attaclicd garage. surrotinded by Loxvest prices in town. Fabî'ic 1 only. Round Bobbin Cabinet cation and salary expected. etc., and somne wood. Price $5,500. tî'oes, extensively landscaped. Town 39Kin St.W'.Phoe iElecrîl - 'i year guarantee to Box 52, c/o The Canadliaxvtpreias nalifuiec 369Tow ma59Kngx-i. W. -tfne S4700 an. 34-1 70 acre farm xith 6Oroom bun- iî $3 000 i ale.salfriec 3609, _o 0. I PLUMBING Insp$ctor0gaioxx, al workable lanid, bydro _$5,_______anle i LMIGInpco -Appli- 9z Ia Factory reconditionefd Rccoîîditioned. Guaranteed Ications wxilI ho accepted for the throughout, close te bighwayi 4-room- frame bungalow, 4-piece Coulter Scales Drop-head Treadies, from flosition of plurnbing inspector. and village'. Price $6,000. Mort- bath. urnace. bult-in cupboards, «! Toledo Modol 1031 $22.50 u papers. Salary $3,200 ta $3,80)0. 50 acre farni with 7-room insul ' Priced to seil. 2 lbs. on fan>. a30 bs. on beam'U Pension plan. Car aîlowance. bic________in wte, 1 Daytonî 18-lb. cylinder j T ILKF ANY ONE FOR When applying state qîialifica- hybrk boueu, unning batr1-om librc.s i-eah 3 hydroytroughout baniobariand 4-rom.erolîdbrick.ismecdetac C'adYSeaes1O% Dotiensrandeetc.,iet.e. Direct ap- ed, 3-piece bath, ful basement, i 1~~~own oflications to' Dr. C. M. Horner, garagei t., t.Pio$,0.$4,000. Ternis. Dircetor. Northumbeland Dur- cm.i____ and Stand (band operatcd) j Se ig Cnr hami Heaith Uiiit, Cobeurg. 33-2 92arslns c'swral.3roomi brick, alr'nost new, suri- cla loniývih srig ad goýroomi and garage, many extras. IVrite or Phone 17 W'ALTON ST. PORT HOPE 1 1$oanwt smn ndgo 3,000 wLlJ carry. . J. OY ELocal Sales Representative, L si1 ________S,500' ers F.- J.1 9GOi CARY7romnesv insul-hrick, 3-piece 39 Prince St. Oshawa r al.uowmanvl±e 349C-i Albracelet, silvo,',bh- 100 acres off lanid xitlî barni. bth ol'-mac,"odm0ith Phone ' -8337 3- tween business section and Flett Price $4,500. 1btonisua ,$2500dorn.kth 33-2, I t~Liî~nt_~¶ '()()10 acr'e dairy fax ni, all work- 6-ro<îm solid brick, 2-piece bath, Livestock For Sale BLUE an( gr'een bîîdgie, answ'vers able day land xith creek, good 1nuao.3hdomdul TELE VISION to the nine off "Pote". Phonoe fencos. 2ý miles fromn citv, largo ' 1 gimdaepsesoo CALVES for vealing. Phono 1 710. 137 Qtieei St. 3- L-shape haik barn, with tultra gaî'e nedaepssioo SPECIALS .llan J. Werry, Bowmanvilc E b'~ ai aktwt modemn stabirg, running xvater il good residential stî'eet. '87,000. j 9f whit e stripe dlowxn slcevos, size brick lieuse with furnace. l'un- 6 Gi'ooin fi'ame bungalow. 3 be<Iw. 1 21 " Admirai Console i 20 HYBRID lax'ing pullets. Nexw 12 yo ars, at Higli Sclîooî or nn aehrwo los t Hampshir'e and Rocks. beug.lICentî'ai School bail diai-ond.!Tnix'e,i hrdod -oretioos lix'iîîg and dinirig roonl,' IValnut Finish. Reg. $469.95 laecl31(.3-f'mdr ilcihdwofors Wight. Phone 2191. 3~~ laecî 6 3_1 finTx'o rivin$1sheds. garage. Ak idc ieehrwo los I J _____- - ingpnie S6,00. erm. ibath, airconditioned with oil, 21" Ad iaJeroeteaotsety1. h ono 2242. nd Nowtonville, a lady's blue 100 acre farm. cday loarn. v'ith enwlcBTEN Muie 'el*s cut stone fiielace. landscapod, croouks8ptacres.oP'oabee22an.,aJgardon. $,500 \vill handle. meoney, car license, dnivei"s per-* L-shape bank barn with running Citnilaî oa iaî W'alnut Finish Reg. $429.95 ELEVEN Yorkshire> Pigs, eight mit and other identification xaecni'n hdgrg.8-ht l' on! i :ublislied lrisîucss. Spc.$499eeoksold. Phono Blackstock cards. Finder please Phono Port i1 'oomed s lie ocse, uîîîiiî1 grinur ciii r.r ted iie.se Spec. $349.95 196 - il. ~34-i Hope 3021 and reverse charges. vtr furnace, hx'clro tlirotlcugh- e, ýrt -trge ae Reward. 34-1" ~'tOut., Real good fani on highl- ceiebr; trg.xa REITRD Jrs'y hifers ear.i w'ax' rc 300.suppix . h:.dro. grg.ap;î'ex- I - 2" estîgnose îS~D ers s Pice 13,00.ifnîtel" saeres, ow'ner' retirnîg. Reconditioned. Malîogany istrains. Phonie'2315. 34-l* \Vanted -ehv 3 mr am PUREBRED Yorkshire boars,20PLES red tely choose frini. Also boules, lms- rooin bungaloxv. four vears gli, $99 erviceable age. Gamnet Rick- Pno 309:3. 34î my. esses -and land. Drop ilanmd' i ' îil îuu>'eg. IIVuilo. 'ilisilated. ar.Phone 2813, Bowmanville. -1aeyorcoio; tore, ,chool. etc. fledîiced for 34-1 A GOOD uscd tricycle, largoe onF DWih Realtor quick -sale . "_.700. RADI- IDROPPED calves fî'om register- DEA SOCK reovo fo3341 o îgs, facis. tc RECORD PLAYERS j ed Hoîsteins bvQuinte Unit sie. PhOK2839. 34-I o wcsloP-o :34-1 Olî vII btills, S15.00 and $18.00. W. G. your farm promptly for sanitary .larnes Nixon, Broker 1 qetnhouse Boxxles, Nestletori. 34-1 disposaI. Toiephone collect: Ce lepairs 160Ct)Lib.ihochSI. N.. L etnboure 1266 or Toro_________________________-IntaiO 3 Articles For Sale TELE VISION-1 only Addison 17" console model, regular $439 for $299; 1 oinly, Westinghouse floor modol sith doors, regular .$489 for $349 at Murphy's Fume- iture and Appliance Store. 52 King St. W., Bowmanville. Phono 811. 34-1. BRI' AI USED tractors-ail are guaran- teed-I.H. W-6; Farmaîl Super "C"; Farmaîl Cub with mounted mower, cultivator and plow; Di John Deere two-ploxv tracter;, Farmall "A" at Farni EquipmntH. Bowaîa.ile.Phno 689. 3- Hampton Phone 29021 34-1l ONE only,. uscd Moffat range, 1 ____ _____ IISH LINOLEUMI TILE kLCOLOURS 12'/2c Sr 9-inch Tile eG. HEAL Help Wanted 1 Real1 Estate F or Sale1 TWO girls to help in Olympia Restaurant. Phone 3003. 33-2* BOYS wantod. Apply Brook-1 dale Kingsway Nurseries. 33-21 PIN boys wanted for Martyn's Bowling Academy. Apply to George Elliott. 3-_4_ YOUNG boy to learn trade. Girl to clérk in general store. Apply P.O. Box 111, Newcastle. 34-1* UNWED, expectant mother for housework ýir Toronto. Write Box 51, c/o The Canad.ian States- man. 34-1 ONE lot, 103 x 75, Liberty St. North, town water. Phone 3064. 34-1 LARGE frarne bouse, suitable for rebuilding. Phone 2121. 34-1 LOTS for sale. Apply after 6 p.m. at Ed. DeLuca's, opposite Jackman's Greenhouse. 34-1 FOUR-room cottage. closed-in porch, winterized, partly furnish- ed. Apply 52 West Beach. 34-2* SOLIli brick 8-room house, oak floors, heavy wiring, large gard- on and extras. Phone 3522. Real Estate For Sale REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 6 room soljd brick, insulajt ' hardwood floors, large kîtz1Y pantry, double garage, closei school and shopping centre. $7,000. Terms. 4-room bungalow, nicely decor- ated, 4-piece bath. sunrooni, built-in cupboards, attached garage, good size lot with double - garage. $8,500. Terms. MIrs. A. P. Jansen Bowmanville Phone 2728 1l Duke Street after 5 p.m. Local agent for John F. Deffith, Realtor . . !1101'\, 01 înlibaby. Pt-'Iaso cal3261. Si\/IALL size uu-"- jo ir i bna mia I Iv n îî«îFrigidaire ie per- (. ', FiishUGrdoni Young Lîmîtod 1-52 . f1 - Aliut ' i~251. __ 41-foot conditiori; oak dining room(anu FnihCarsFo Sale __________________ to aflmakes of refrig- 3- eh'fo. _letu _-_ Lt llv-igsuite. 3 roiJ-awav beddesn, 3-SPEED CHANGERro iidco Cl: oi tt-tu î O aluiuigD'TCiH fainil'.' xx: îh two child - ' tabid ' i' r146GMC.e-tntrccha A CIO A E rcai: mîlkisi, â<'ocls.I g UC!O S L iîwd i xa at l cent hocise. flat or chiair's, tolsand varions <'t er idî1194 . 3 'd'ruc, hea; A CTE AL ilctni, 42iiig 5ter. IE. P For the sotind o Poer91,Nwarticles,. Phone 815 or 3432. 136 $2r0 ' lo190Clîev. sedan, cceap. The follow42g lîsi off articles 438. ooýý L' icv :er pciin.Plie23,N- King St. E., 218 King St. E. u Apply Williams' Ie or Phono h olwn ito rils48 5t no" 2 t1l.Castîzt' . 3- . II 34-14-1 belongîng te Mm. A. S. Semîvet'. ---a <o -Loxin~v r iiiahi cdbv ec - ___________34-11'____ - nîîps 1439. ________34- 3Orchard View Blvd.. just South tÉuutL aîid rfaii roi.rsSE'c:-DLLfasIndppptoasters te (Blonde Mahogany) 1940 PONTIAC club coupe, off Memonial Hospital, Bowmaîî- _Boarday, '1 ±or ILent lar at cost; I nsed Premier 3-PE CAGR bujit-iîî radio, lîeater and slip ville, wiiî ho sold by auctioli at __-iDuplex vacuum cicanor, regular 3SPM CAGE.li - ecelntcndtonhs eidne nSaudaAu.i WNTD paceon arnt CAR O TH.NK 'iWOrooîtc3101tm.iî PhneS14 ffor S79 at Murph's F-urn n th ld-R 5499 hî'ougîîcîtîî Cali 36()2. 34-1 * 22 - uC, spring and nattress, 1board two ,boy's, a1e inc ad1(.Uc)roprL. Mun' tîaus 1 aI mxIx euc I ' ___-1 treaAping St W, ewmaSitoree.$175001949 CHEVROT Tsedan, radio, cench, 3 chests of drawers, 3 $ 50 a nion1th. Afisxvcr hySatuir- woo su kinnîx i eiaeiiîbered N~~~~~~~ BUILDING for rent, 84 King St. hîo81 ____ heater, wh'iite ivaIls, under-coat- ofetalsfentad cm- day if possible. Write Mrs. G1. l F1iCW'e't.AppîxlWllam'Ice, or 34-1 _________ iii H. Hircoc 'hlei .as iin the hiospîtal. r i-________________ ,solgî,tglms; in ex- bination radie and recor'd plax'w alo,- yn -v.,Trn i'sr. Maî'garct Siii, N'e%,,castju iPhone >39. :41USED farnaimachinery-Case REFRIGERATORS ellentChordnioîî. Phoeyen ï2w31,rcrdpral rt.31 ForhCnesinSuho 34I-PRIVATE rouai witil boaird. automiatie tic haller: Fleury 3 . aho eas hn 21 record player, mantel radioe ece--zon Sho nlapo od _____-Applv18 Lierîx'St. S ut. frroxv ploxv on rnbber: Massey. u Boxvmaiîvillo, after 5:30 p.ni. trio fan. iron, waffle iron, kettle ~ ~ IN S L àîrs. AlLai Spenîceri'.îslies 1t oxîi1.Poîe44.31IL. hiîîdo'; Allis Chalmers 2- U I. _ _______3~*adtoaster, chromo kitehen ,I)el.avaiMliîMahnas exoîd ir îneiell)us oDr.,- -'- nr -po ua aîî oip'~Istools and step-stoel, kitchen The foll ii i fatRils jILal(obt ienw es and staff xý lia wer'e û 1iind to i Con\ cred to\e-lleat,"l. Stte 1St' E., Boxx'anville. Phono 689.1*5 Va n ted To Bufntîsis a d dihs 'a u mJbelongingf th Wizo ndD. ti'i. h' ius iFURieoid cwi.g C.i'aet uoitie 3 Kîgrecleaner, Frigidaire stove, 1952, 1 late PhcoeohB. l] h u Trms Ca hcr alo o ler i-anvfi-eicls"elt louvih o p- CxU. MI GOOD dlean six-quart baskets, like new; table sa'.., flame sold by public îiitctioiî at tho andoweelatpace lîcatentxfor0 Tesidenac.i23iWellin 9.5ics. fi TED J(SN utoer an eai" losîtfov's .o"î aaii ttesîîîan. WESTINGHOUSE, Norge aîîd "c li, at Yeo's Meats and trwr" sac iaer vrireiei-.2 elntnS candy, fruit, cards, etc.. durnal 1 D(p-ez rg O' r) t s9dGQE acf -e.Kn S.EB ench1 and vise, carpenter tbols,jrBo\vmanx'ilIe, on We1dii _________________ lirr spaîtint I ilrte refHoipital. 1 Sec. 29.( .ro îl iîgS.EBwan- i',h.p. clectnic iieter, fan mater, jAugust 26, 1953: elei'tri<'so hr tvl îmo'a optl -l -cý,kis SIItie i 1 __ P 'aaieclf otor,.6 cu ft ,F axui. 4- ubbr-tii'e xheelbarrov..ce- noarlv nt".v: cloctri ri-fige AUCT Fov-nîîi'iIehi -iO?.1lacenrnt m xer l' hngm"hin(,iiearl' at'xv' elestei', d it S L r 'oxvî. B o, yets:iilcr i~u-Iartoatled,$9t'fsed ', ess hai 2BEI"ORE selliiig va i' ol ie iexsxg am Personal ii.XXrc l3CI. t>T1i-, trsod,829 tsd unit.ss79'e THE TV SHOP i trv. lxv is. Oui' pricos are high- hose, extension cords. -'14clectrie idining rooun table si - ixchairs Coin"iO orutl.>cv. clsedUfl..7\1.r - Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethaiy. drill, laxx'emewer, as xveiî as;I walnut china < biiiclt -3bedr Ptiils Acim hd.Ens v ille. ~S< ciii î'cfrigt'rator. 6 clA. ft . ce- 1Phonoe 3,U1 RveKing st.e 1%."- s- priîs JIYGIENIC supplies -- rubbei'! 'Poldtoii adgaaaedfr~" oue - r13. Rvrecharges . .. nirmore useful rtcls.As pingsand anu 'r'". -9 -killtnî, CiSticI'. uts 9h I dtondad uiancdfo 4-t1 5-trM. Scrix'er is Ieax'ing for the;- ers, 1 cabiiu .radio. vac -Li Iofiesi ctwe' pods aie pspadlepaîîi IODATION a\,1xalbe 1iear. S-.9; usced GBE. refriger- ---US. there is ne reserx'e on any rcaner, nearly new; kiteheîî pap'r.i t-caied etivelope xxilhî prive lisi.jabout Se-ptube.J.it' : for txs O atoî . iooîd ruiiniîg, condition.1 Si: anffes*2c,24gejtqjýj j s- 49 0,atMup1,WANTED-Live peultry, gooseo of these articles. Sale at 1:30 1 chairs, tables anid oooking utens- Cliffor ehcAcine. ~-~ sapls 20.24 aiipls liles r g'nieuie I tosi e il4)30St uph'Fuirniture1 Pets For Sale feathers, feather ticks, scrap p.m. sharp, D.S.T. ils, quantit- off dishes, gardon j3- CgO.. BoX 9I. liair ,7r ý v' ci TiL'n i. i dîl wI t' " îauu rSI . Plily< 1 PUREPehf ýiul . 1'ied St(v%, flis ald ylîusPhono 31-2043; RaiphiCole, clei'k. i \'n (la ' . t-f as rd ioiw - ~ Articles For Sale SPECIAL PAGE FOIMTEEM TEM CANADLA.N STATESMAN, BOWMAMrMLLP,. ONTARIO THUMDAY- AUGUST 2e. io.m re

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