"M MSAT. AtYUST 27, 1I53 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _T H E C ~ A IN A D I A N T A T E U M A Kf , N W A V L E !tAyR Io P G 1 socIALAID PEISONAL L PHONE 33S 3 Mr&. F. S. Phillips is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Brown ber brother in Owen Sound. and daughter, Winnipeg, Man., Miss Marion Sharp, South Par- have been visiting his father, Cupine, visited Miss Mary Bird. Mr. E. H. Brown. Rev. and Mn.. C. E. Wood, Misses Dianne and Joanne Trimmîns, were guests of Mn.. Hackney, Highland Creek, were Md. Bird. guezts of their grandparents, Mr. Mnr. Geo. Hendry, Chippawa, and Mrs. Walter Hackney. 'vas guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Mrs. Mina Colwell, Mrs. Hilda M4acDougal. Colwell, Ted and Irwln, have Mrs. T. H. Morgan, Hamilton, returned from visiting relatives in visiting her son, Rev and Mrs. at Bond Head and Beaton. T. A. Morgan. Rev. and Mrs. S. R. Hender- Mr. John Grigg, of Canning- son, Windsor, have been visit- ton, vislted his aunt, Mrs. C. G. ing her parents, Dr. and Mrs. E. Curtis. 60 Ontario St.* W. Sisson, for the past ten days. Miss Gertrude Ross, Owen Mr. Roy Norman and son Sound, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. John, Sarnia, Miss Anne Dorey, M.B. Poster, Horaey St. Iroquois Falls, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Morley Van- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Marjerri- atone, Freddie and Helen, are son.~ holidaying at Mountain Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Kilpatrick have Mrs. Bruce Wesley and son returned home after spending 2I David, Walkerton, are visiting weeks at Paradise Lodge, Hali- her mnother, Mrs. J. H. Jahnston. burton. where they had a grand Dr. Raymond Rogers, Ottawa, time. -spnttheweken wthhis pr Dr. Dorothy M. James, Miss entteweend sWth P r-Jane Drape and Miss May Field, ens e.adM.W .Rg Toronto, were guests. for the week-end with Mrs. N. S. B. Mr. and Mns. Wilmot Shane James. and family were guests of Mr. M.adMs .E lnGe and Mrs. Jack Poster in Mon- M.adMs .E lnGe treal. ville and daughter, Dawn, To- MaserLar-yJamesn i hl-ronto, spent Sunday with her idaigth haýyJai. oni Aln rents Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Cox, and Bob Jamieson in Peterbor- M.adM.Gog rwi ough.Tavistock, spent the weekend Miss Ruth Neil, Victoria Road, with Mr. and Mrs. Joe O'Neill is visiting ber grandmother, at their summer cottage in Hali- Mnr. Seward Dowson, Lamb's burton district. Lane. Mr. T. H. Robinson and his Mr. and Mr.. Douglas NichaIs, nephew, Mr. Ralph Calver, Ro- Kingiton, spent Sunday with chester, N.Y., are guests of the bis parents, Mr. and Mns. L. B. former's niece, Mr. and Mn,. Nichais. Norman Hannan. Mrs. H. Frost and children, Mr. and Mrs. Mono Goslett, Yarmouth, N. S., vîsited ber Toronto, and their sons Harry sister, -Mi'. Ed.ra Campbell, and Bill were Sunday visitors Fleet St. with Mr. Goslett's father, Mon- Mr. Laurie Jones, Saint John, ty Goslett, 205 King St. E. NBnow of Toronto, spent the Assistant Town Clerk Clan- ~.weekend with the Misses Allen, ence Oke is on vacation this Beech Ave. week and he and Mns. Oke spent Mr. and Mns. Arthun Fnank a few days visiting Mr. and are on a motor trip this week Mrs. George Krieg,.ereston. visiting hi. two sisters in North- Misses Madlyn Wilcox, Jean ern Ontario. Cunningham, Gala Rogers and Mn. Norman Pingle, MNf. and Helen Nelles, have returned Mrs. Lloyd Hancock and boys, fromi a motor trip to Michigan, Bowmanville and Herb Hancock Northenn Opataria and Ottawa. and Louise, Newcastle, spent Mr. and Mrs. Wàlten Hack- the week-end with Rev. atid ney and Mrs. Elsie Tamblyn, Mn,. T. E. Hlancock at Elmvale. have netunned after a 2,500 mile motor trip through nothern and western Ontario, and wene inà Cobalt for the celebration ine W~WmM that town.à ST. JUHN'fif Rev. -and Ivrs. Smalley who have been visiting Mr. and Mns. Neil McCulloch, left for theirà CIIURCH home at Lansdowne on Monday1 Mr. and Mn,. McCulloch accam- (Anglican> panied them as far as Port Hope [REGULAR 7SERVICES ta spend a few days. at 8 a.m. and il a am. Weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Vince Mathewson, Division lSt., were Mr. and Mrs. D. Bry- fTRINITY UNITED CHURCH Ministçr: Rev. T. A. Morgan, B.A. UNION SERVICES WITH ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH AT TRINITY Il A.M.- "Awards or Rewards" Due toaiaterations thene wilI be no Sunday School until Fait. Mr. D. C. Peters, L.T.C.M., Directar of Music. Phyllis Challis Barnett, A.T.C.M., Organist. Tyrone United Church HARVEST HOME S R VICES will be held on SUNDAY, SEPT. 6th Rev. T. A. Morgan, B.A., Tinity United Church, Bowmanville, will be guest speaker, Afternoon and Evening, at 2:30 aid-7:30 p.m. SPECIAL MUSIC BY CHOIR assisted by Outside Talent Wednesday, Sept 9th CHICKEN PIE SUPPER wiIl ho served fromn 4:30 la 7:30 p.m. ENTERTAINMIENT DURING SUPPER HOUR -m of g 1ui ofuwher Mn,. DouglsiT Blvd.,o ivg er a Shaty Bayr. DonuerlasI CubClifi Samis who pointed outl Ralph Ames. OlieratShntyBa._n____ios _lu that M. Morrison is a native! Birthdas were celebrted by r ldreturn Mns. Bower was met by of Bowmanville who has lived Lions J. J. Brown, Howard Jef- Breslin ber dauighter and son-in-îaw, (Continued from Page Ône) here practically al l is life ex- fery, Ron Hetherington and 'rTJc Dr. and Mrs. J. Ç.Brc and elrdHepit othaa cept for the time ne studied at John Watson. r.mly Brantford .. rycen dcae.Hepitdou htathe University of Toronto. Mr. President Barney Vanstone ribaum fa mi rntrdwho set return ta the dark ages is cen- Morrison is Chief Chemist at, welcomed guests Harold Reeves, thereaide o th wekviittainly flot improbakie if the hy- the Goodyear Tinie & Rubber Calgary and Jack Wilkinson, quainnce in andhreund Bowwnga- drogen and cobalt bombs are Compny plant here nda Quebec City. McCaig anle nadarudB used in warfare. "What kind of charter member of the Superi Lion Fred Cole outlined plans controls are we gaing to set up, sor's Club et that plant. Ha is a for the Lions Carnival on Sept. can we set them up. soon charter member and a past pra- 4 and chairman of the various The aim of forest manage-, enough, and which nation is go- sident of the Bowmanville Ro- committees were appointed. ment is ta harvest trees andr ing to set theni up?" he asked. tary Club. The sîng song was led by Lioi maintain the yield on a perpet- Native of Bowmanville Mn. Mornison we.s thanked for John Watson w'tb W. E. C. iual basis. Ha was intrduced by Lion bis thoughtful ddress by Lion Wrkman t the piano. ~ZUIA In a twilight garden ceremony at the ho her parents,.Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Breslin, ShalImar Toronto, Tuesday evening, August 11, Sara Pearli became the bride of Leslie Greenbaum, son of Mr N. Greenbaum, Toronto, and the late Martha Green The bride and groom are shown above followir ceremony. They will reside in Toronto. -Photo by1 C ouple Will Reside in Toronto Couple Celeb rate 5Oth We'dding Anniversarv- ERSONAL SERVICE ERS FOR THURSDAY LJRDAY BRYLCREEMI THE PERFECT HAIR DRESSING hmndsoue lors ~ handy tubes Moe e 'IUG T COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS Pl SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDI I.D.A. BRAND SPECIALS Sold an a Money-Back Guanantee Aromaiic Cascara reg. 30c, 50c 23c, 39c reg. 19c' Hydrogen reroxide 2c 5,1c23e,37 Laxative Vegefableb6, regs. 45e 37 c Vitamin BI Tablefs reg00o 300 29c, 59c Whlle Embrocation rg.'8 2 3cc3 j lson and family, Mn. and Mn,. D. be sevenal days before the doc- IMcGnegon and family, Mrs. W. o ilknw heerrnta H., Chisholm, ail of Toronto; Mn. ton wil ken ehen ornot ~Iand Mrs. J. Chisholm ançl fam-catilbeecsny ily, Buffalo, N.Y. Have you purchasad your Mn. and Mns. Morris Lawson, ticket yet fan the event of the Trudy and Donald, and Mn. Feul seeson, the, Fur Fashion Thomas Warren, Kitchenen, Mn.Soroehl n h in and Mrs. Newvell Lewson, JudySCowmuty Ceentre, Set.i7ona and Bill, North Gower,. have CmuiyCnrSp.1,a been visiting et the home of their 8.30 p.m. Fascinating furs, coun- brother, Mr. and Mrs. Donald tesy of Julia Sinclair, Emile Lawso, Elgn St.Furs, Bloor St, W., Toronto, wil Lawsn, lginSt.be modailed. Tickets 50c. avail- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jeffery, able from Business and Profes- Judy and Stephen, and Mn,. G. sional Womnen's Club mambers. L. Wegen have returned from r.GoW.Jmsire holidaying at their cottage at rs. iG e . aesais nte- Rock Lake, Algonquini Park.pretigTeStsmntth While there they entertained 34th annuel convention of the Mr.an Ms.H. N Wagan, Pat- Canadian Weekly Newspapers Mr. and BMrsy fMsn .. Association being hald Aug. 27 sy nd arr, o Meiso, NJ.ta 29 et the Bessborough Hotel Mr. and Mrs. Don Allun and et Saskatoon, Sask Mn,. James Ried, accampanied by Mrs. Ah- left Saturday, travelling by boat lin's parents, Mn. and Mrs. irom Port MeNichol ta Fart' Reevas ai Calgary, Alta., spent WilIiamn.On the raturn trip she a few days et 'Glenvendean wiî visit relatives and friands Lodge", Hall's Lae. Mr. and in Winnipeg. Mn,. Reeves are neturning ta their home in Calgary this week. Miss Betty Williams, R.C.A.F. Station, Clinton, spent the weak- Congratulations ta Miss Clara end with ber parent-,,, Mn. and Allen, Beach Ave., who celebrat- M,. Francis Williams, et thein ed ber 9th birthdey on Tues- cottage at Little Hawk Lake day, Aug. 25. Best wishes and Betty graduates thîs week, wit many happy returns also are honons, frorn the R.C.A.F. Radarr extended ta ber sister, Miss Mer- and Communications School as geret Allen who will celebrate a Fighter Contrai Operetar. With ber 86th birthdev on Fridev, an 80 ,, average in bath ber Aug. 28. precticel and tredeboard exam- Mr. E. Harris, Calgary, Alta.. mnations Betty greduates et the Mrs. N. G. McCulloch's brother bead of ber cless. rwhom sbe had nut seen for 33, Congratulations ta Miss Col- yearscamewith his sons, Mn. leen Hutchinison and Miss 'Bea- and rs.Walter Hennis. Leth- trice Craig who att.ended* the i bridge, Alta., and Mn. Stanley pre-teachers' collage summan jHarnis, Toronto, ta be present at course) et Humberside Colleg- Mn. and Mrs. McCulioch's gold- Iiete, Toronto, end were success- e n wedding on August 8. ful in obteining their certifi- jHerrv Ferguson, Orcherd Ave.r cetes. Miss Hutchiinson, who is IOshawa, suffered broken a daughter of Mn. end Mrs. R. shdonb 'a se e aýxhilHutchinson, Elgin St., wiil bej d o w b v a s eer whie %, t aeeb îg in M ornisb School et et the farm of bis orother, 'Vv. "lcome a nd Miss Creig, daug9h - 1 ter Fergiîson et Enniskîllen. M.~ Mr. and Mrs. W'ilbert Ferzko %vas trea-'d b%, Di C. Ca. R. 5 3w nvie W. Siemnon, Bowmanville. It will wdL be ne> at Meple lâland, AlritaY FEVER- RELIE.VERS CAlle ribenam-e Ciba's Pne azae, 2' Edphzon ables - -- __Drops Idas'sPherihn queouNeDrals ___ anstg's Py-nithen ccionbets____6 Lakanti "E"-FralVine___ Paenke-as CGcdnin _____6o Templeton', Raz-Mah ---------65c, $1.35 SPECIAL! For Pain and Headache Relief- 5 grain A.S.A. TABLETS -0 ' _ _ _ ----- --- - ------ 1 9 C 300'. - ------------ SOFT WHITE TOILET TISSUE L.D.A. BRAND <J 650 sheets to each wrapped rol Regulanly 2 for 27e $2.50, $7.01 ,Specially Priced-. WHITE Paper Napkins Package of 70', 17c, 2 'r33c KODAK VERICHROME FILM 120 and 620 size - 0 DuoDak (2 rails) . 5 127 size 45e I.D.A. BRAND INERAL GIL HEAVY GRADE A highest quality medicinal oil reg. 55e 40 oz., reg.$10 op$NmLE IIZUE3 ! Colgaie 2 for 4~Dental Croam Cleans your breath as Il * dlean, your teeth. MONEY-SAVING 'a SPECIAL Two 33c tubes 66e value Box of 12 00 diffeawa* fom pods* thot jus# bhW soft et firit ut" Alex. We Delîver Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store 44 N. 4', <J % ~' 16 oz., PRSCIPIOSA4PEIAv McGregor, 11buy DRYICREM i _hc ny cîlier hair dressing iN th# "Jad 5c'o SPCI1A L[OW-PRICE OFFIR C W itk 10 M U AB O Gillette Blue CASE 5c Blades in < Dispenser Modess ZMiRGENCIES Drugs Phoe792 nortb 0; Penny Sound. Thinteen mexnbers of Bow- rnanviile Women's Institute ta- fether with about l6 from Maple Grave chartered a Gar- tan coach Friday and ettanded the sessions and pageant of Can- ada Day in connection with the Tniennial Confenance of the As- sociated Country Wonien ai the World heid in Maple Leaf Gar- dens, Toronto. The canienence was attended hy women inorn 27 cauntnias of the world.. A re- part af Friday's inspirational sessions appeans elsewhere in this issue. Bowmanvilhe mem-. bers who attanded were: Mns. T. Buttery, pres., Mns. L. S. Du- mas, Mrs. C. Johns, Mn,. J. Everett, Mn,. Salby Grant, Mrs. IWebb, Mn,. H. Richards, Mrs. G. IRichards, Mn,. C. Gatcheil, Mns. IFred Batthe, Mrs. Alvin Clem- Iens, Mn,. E. Passant and Mn,. G. IAlîchîn. A Newcastle represen- tative aiso joined them. Mn,. F. W. Bowar retunned hast week froni a trip ta the Pacifie Coast whana she stayad with Rev. and Mrs. Roy Mal- ville and Mrs. C. R. (Canon) Spencer, fonmanly ai St. John'. Anglican Chunch bera. Mn,. Mal- ville is the former Hilda Spen- cer and ber mothar makas han home with her et Sidney, nonth of Victoria, on Vancouver Is- hand, since Canon Spencer's death. While on the Island, Mns. Bower visitad Rav. and Mn,. Earh Sigston, another former nectar ai St. John's. Mn. Sigston is padreaet the naval base at Mr. and Mrs. Neil McCulloch of 38 Church St., ]3owmanville, are pictured on the happy occasion of their Golden Wedding Anniversary, August 8th. Many f riends and relatives attended the evening reception held at the Lions Community Centre, when the bride and groom were presented with a number of lovely gifts. Mr. and Mrs. MeCulloch have made their home in Bowmanville since retiring from their farmn 43c 1 HAY FEYER BELIEVERS We Deliver