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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Sep 1953, p. 9

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- .......- . - .- __________ - - -- - -VIN- -1 - - -rtITI! LNLN A #. Da lueach individual club, the Gov Rotary District IGovernor Stresses enrs £e h meertaingoBv ndMs o regular 1ev. aide It meetings He stated that if a membe P ,Çoodwill as a Meaus ai Detter msta metfisnattensudance onore hy Congi misameeting he usboundth Understanding .Among Nations some neighboring club. At rnanyThir Tweàty-f ifi ________districtthis umr he said, there have been mare There was anly one absentee ane af these clubs is striving ta visitous puesent than regular Rev. Roy H. Rickard and Mus. au membei-s of the Bawmanville Ipuamote international gaod-will club mE;rmbers. Rickard, nee Helen Clarke, Rotary Club turned out in ful'and better undeustanding among He also mentionelà the impor- daughter af Mr. and Mus. H. J. force on Fuiday ta welcome Ray nations", he declaued. tance of obtaining new mem- Clarke, Belleville, were honar- R. Jessup of Sudbury, Governor Many Nations Represeiîted bers. "Clubs must graw ta live",l ed by Calumbus-Kedron can- af District No. 247 of Ratai-y In- Mr. Jessup pointed out that he stated. "Also, wben you get gtegatians -on the recent retuun terniational, wbo was paying bis at the International Assembly new members yau should put from holidays, celebuating their ,eofilcial visit bei-e. he and the other 207 Incoming them ta work right away. It ig Silver Wedding anniversary. Governar Jessup compliment- District Governors had taken a the busv member who is thej The wedding took .place in cd the Bowmanviî , Club on this five-dax' course on variaus pbas- good member, and it is a well-j Bridge Street United Cbuuch, fact and also on the excellent es of Rc ryv and that during known fact that il vou want taoi Belleville, Aug. 28. 1928, the afI- fel vhip shown by the meet- these lectures he had been sit- get something done. yai sbouloi ficiating clergyn-ar being Rev. iný.I'he is no need ta talk ting with a Phillipîno, a Dane, gîve it ta the busy man". DrMatt abo ±t fellowship ta this club fou an Irishmaîi and an~ American. He commented on tbe tact that Rea adMs Rca- e- 15 a ssisted in receiving by Mu. and yourss vci-y goad", be declar- "The idea af fellowsbip carrnes three members aI the Baoma- Mus. P. G. Purves, Columbus; cd. "lCeèp it pp, because good into the international field as ville Rotary' Club ai-e also mem- Mu. and Mus. Howard Faundale, Iellowship makes for a goad well as the individual clubs", he Kdoadaseilpesr club". stated. ~Rotary International V' edanan secalpZas' Intuoduced by Past District want t ebr ako s-s~ws ta bave with them. also, Governor Stan Everson af Osh- many atheu members as possible ~- isEv abe eeo awa, Mr. Jessup deait largeiy from ail parts of the world.* - Falls, bidesmaid af twenty-five with the international aspects of Mr. Jessup praised the Rotai-y ycars ago. Rotai-y. He tald membeus of bis magazine, -The Rotarian," Say- For hercepal wtians olum- trip to the Rotary International ing that ahl members should bsCuc alwstasam Convention at Paris. This assem- study it carefulîx' each month. cldoad w t asetsbooaI ga gs bly hadl been a wondeuful ex- This publication, he said, is one gail n te los mn perience, lie said, and vd that can be read with benefit by . tbm aaket In ixd loeu once again that Rotar i-y provad .me- fi-arnaKedron W.A. 8,00 lus n.87cauntries and a family. He commented also on membership af appuoximately the fine press coverage given ta with linen clotb, giawing cao- 380,000 lis the most international the Bowmanville Club. dles, in silver boldeus, and cen- group in existence today. "Eveuy Tuuning ta matters affecting - , tered witb a beautiful wedding- ______ -cake, as deliciaus as it was love- ly. Pauuing tea during the even- ing weue Mus. H. L. Pascoe, Col- Here' umbus, Mus. H. F. Weury, Ke- dron, senior members af the con- guegations; Mus. (Rex'.) H. G. M O N EY ,Crozier, Mus. T. Pereman: ad Presidents af W.A., Mus. Wal-t On yur wn sgnauretei- Halliday, Columbus, and Mus. J. Glover, Keduon. Duuing the evening Eveuett AST AMEDAYSERICERay R. Jessnv Mountjoy called the company ta FS A E-. ER IEouder and in a neat speech con- 830 a $000withut ankblesecui a th Ton Concf. "hîsveyed felicitations ta Mu. and $5 t $00 wthu bnkbl scuit.bers fteTw of."hs Mus. Rickaud and i-alled aon Mu. UJp to 24 months to repay. Phone or . is a naturel thing, because Ro- Norman Scott and Mu. Elmer * , .tarians are leaders in theiu cam- Powell who made the presenta- Mpif or fast fienvdly sevie. munitios eveuywbere", he asser- tion of a 4-piece Silver Tea sr Ce-d lWod u nid DreommadcouuRm e*n.r Windu ted. vice and tuay, in ulch design. Fraises Vocational Service. Mr. and Mus. Rici<aud weue al-t Turnîng ta the subject af vo- most overcome with surprise,J SEo RI O LD FINA N CE cational service, the Gavernai- and the lavish giît. Their i-es-2 251,y. Ia OAA ~stated, "I know youu vacational panses leIt no doubt as ta theiri service is well looked alter here appreciatian af the mementos,1 because Ratai-ian Walter DeGeer il h km».Se.5.wh, secnd fl@.o', ph.,, Oshawa 5.-1139 can tell you more about voca-r OSHAWA, ONT. tional service than any atherV membe*r in this district".f PM T NOPR BSUANCNa 71 WIson St., 2nd fl@êy, Phone 3030 He congratulated the localc club an its cammunity serviceV wark also. "Through your corn-e -~ - -- -- -- -- - -m munity work you are creatlng t Igood wiland making fionds. E N JO Y q iwhat is expected af yau s nO I. JO Rotarians", he declared. Mr.u. _______b___ gsup stuessed the importance ofP cripplod childuen's work, stating h g ithat it is a field in which ho is cý ,,~ paticularly interested. Ho tald hi lvi. Dof a mobile training clinie us- S N centiy put ino service in Sud- bui-y, laugeiy due to the efforts T Eti Of the Sudbury Rotary Club.w ITbis trains the parents of cbild-w 'I- eo with cerebral paley, as wola tI)easatteserviceead reminded cveCy-V E Heood-will te amb assr.", h h hplta hsi h ni pluinte d at Thy ai-ecar otue esiyPlucdat ftee smeduforceofointernational fouh ndalsrvh e h oretheMs. Fox. , C I C A R ETTEcae uIndhip aond tood-wthedson wtsheldtor Ithe rchan- y saong teoplfutheiwrfownefchaerM a Sukea. Ahisi- u. s up pnotr lu th c- nb n co oer discipe andF . .. .. ... hdbersofthe locasclubfou behing themasrc at s ct teLad is 100 peu cen mebers aI thefRo- alîdpohermussae wsboid nbe cta Fandatin. Pintilln outr.adyt ac o a n tm G o d I~ e s "fltrI.y boad untd tedounio s bd tpeatinlnhr traies. x suetst suyand ifhe are lo t u adywc Mr. otrbe selectedin Deemr, cea e i rye h r He aosWo knofs tth rat Atelcnutdtehm a t f b iantuenatifomalBowd- daddy wi a Thbaby blan tonJc wil beng reaed hrogh he r. obisMelod al o ade a acivimotane afthe Rta-y Td- est rvi a ndpuesetainetavRa i-- tiona Thguide b th iRoi-y w odyn FaksJamics o ad ren- tse Rand in b us.Ijing roe d cM. lu m ebe s emaOsha WC jcctorses aIlaction te o- wa Inr-Club meng ofpt wt tandian s ad awas ap lth 14 a h t lu icnic oe n ept. e pted ousk "hmselî asi .Rt ai-ian Bry oSteens ou the- m i meueIs itfrfrta nail tionl fit ed pansfathe picni, Mwbicox cnreagod iii; and bW iit b ii bhe selat th Cub e an"AIw bnhoefsin fthe canswuta il BalenPar.e, 1. Hue' a ew ome ou ay . Prhas. ta, au an ake tleseq~îstins ~~Sho eclr. itns wne im tand a as bav hcpedproîdeforancof mal pat o th crditfor cth nthey r t yingwillknow oDeGeesos yote nc n at- you n.ihb Crs-1f ouArea Tmy R ecovEryfomasriu eatcren o abeand oi- adeGeear, and Raainshenic a jnxesedbyyor if isane bot owtacoba dseser.d en tessDistricethonferne aClb. oo rdscpeada comanyjewav tat roide 'o ma bcprvidngsom o th xbrs ofl ehelalnclubu r , Fahleong atsthe eeting dist funds forbuilding ot onl~1f0dperhateite insurnce fm-hept.R7--. aveunowrfJup We sld nase tary Ex-undonPindu tintha t he a yt aeGdai n ier G S d '-â ' u ' boun andtheet st aI is tuhIe#_ ------ CripledChilrens Comitee.youit CEREAL, lie is also a rneîber of the Sud- hurv Board of Contrai and bas îo1 ~ .~sa lte asurnceheaàd i p Red Cross and Com- 3. Ever help a man Set a jb 4.Aalf nunc policy- niunit.v Chest drives in that city. You may have - unknos.ýîngl%,. holder. vou dIo al Nour fellow- lie is manager- af the Sudburv For life iosuran..e moncv, nvested citizen% a ser%,ice. For'the finencial office of the inx'estmcnt fium aI' in ways that enable an industry ta securîty jou'e pravided for your Draper, Dobie Ltd. expand, bas played an important family reduces the chance of their Mr esu was tba nked by part in providing new jobs for ever becoming a hurden ta others. 1 oaiGr. est Rcad o manv' yworkers -including, per- The more protection vou o,n, thie iRorta ive (and n sîki-drin bisd haps, yourse!/. mare that chance is reduced. infrmat Uive a n nsiiog d loi qil thoe. woys, millions of life insurance policyholders are buidinlg sec urty An emusing leeture aI Fui- for thoir future - und holping te moka Canada a botter land ta lve in! dav's meeting xvas the prescenta- V AT OURSIV4C - taind lfeundrwrte, rpreeningan.cfthemor lion to Rotarian Blain Elliott af AT OURURVCE A roied ifeundrwite, rpreonfnq ne f te mre a large box af pueseîits fnom fol- thon 50 Canadien, Brtish and United States life insurorice campanies in ho'.': Rotai-ians for bis newly- C«edoéswiN hellp y.sapan for your famHly's becurity and your ewn needs borrn daugbtur, Nancy Catherine. in hftev yors. lsly on hlm! Rotarîan Join James badi made TRE IUFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA i tonsdeeýiand was on hand 4 "kt le G@od Citi2onthip te 0w,, ijîe neunce" prsoral!'.- to aponte the record- cid over tne gifts ta Rn- lulaî. Preýýîden* George .' .v1uocîy also prescnted the proud 13H. Rickard NE WTON VILLEM and Mrsac. Clarence Da3'- Rev.Lawrnce urne aInard, Oshawa, wîth hi£ parents, Rev Larene Trne ofMr. and Mrai James Dayflard. regahion on Newcastle had charge of our Miss Fae .Jones bas completed church service at 9.45 Sunday her three years training course m Umorning. He gave us a fine La- et the Civic Hospital, Peterbor- h Anniversary bar Day sermon pointing out the ough, and is now on three weeks dignity of work and the sacred vacation. Over the weekend Fae calling of every legitimate task. and four ather girl graduates and also of the ca-operatian and There was a very good congre- are on a sight-seein tnrp in New gaod-will which brought toge- gation for so early an hour. Rev. York States. ther the delightful graup of pea- T.*A.« Morgan of Bowmanville Mr. Len Barton is having bis pie gathered to celebrate this wiîî be preaching in aur church house and store re-shingied. i.mportant milestone in their at 9 45 a.m. next Sunday. Shilah lives, and also the many who and' Kendal congregations as Mr. Joe Found and daughter xvere nat present who were re- weli as aur own are invited. Doris, Little BrItain. and Mr. presented in the gift. Doad1ry taa a Robert Ironside, Centralla, with Presbytery Ministerial friends, been holidaylng with bis aunt, Mr nd MslitnFarw and their xives, were present. Miss Minnie Randail. Mr.und Citn ob Words of wit and wisdom were Mrs.ClanceMithell Port! M.ad usCito Rob spoken by Rex'. Hughi G. Cro- rop,.ad rce ce.Stne Montreal. are spending a few zier, whose father ministered taopesaw, wand Mrs BeLindamiS , days at their cottage here. Miss the Columbus Presbyterian con- shnaway ih r.et a ,Caral Brooks and friend, Toron- reg-ation in bis boyhood, Revs.Sy. ta, came down for the weekend. M. C. Fisher, Brooklin, R. H. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Lang- Miss Inez Gorden spent the WVylie, Part Perry, H. A. Meilow, staff and two daughters, Toron-wenditMrad s.Wl Chairrnan of Presbytery, North- Ita. with his mother. Mus. Mabel wreed wthM r. aEnfeds. W niinster, Messrs. Stephen Say- ILangstaff. frdCliveman, snf. an well and James Young, Oshawa Mu. and Mus. David Abeune- MrClvCosnfM.an and Miss Maybee. Singing "Blest thy and daughter, Aima, Osh- Mus. Wilfred Cox and Miss Vir- Be The Tie That Binds", with awa, with Mr. and Mrs. James ginia Morris, daughteu af Mrs. Mus. W. Scott at the piano, Kendeil. Alice Morris, Port Granby, xvere brought ta a close this formai Miss Alice Nesbitt, Toronta, married at Cobourg, Saturday. part of the evening. A delight- with heu siser, Miss Annie Nes- Congratulations! l social period followed. bitt. Mu. and Mus. Haury Lane, The evening was arranged by Mr. and Mus. Clinton Brown Dundalk, who have been an bol- Ray Scott, secretary of session, with Mr. and Mrs. Reg. McCool, idays for three weeks left for Columbus, and Mrs. Scott, C. F. PortHoe home on Tuesday. Weury, Sec. of Session, Kedron, Ea.rl Walkey 'arnd daughter, Mrs. Susan Marshall, Mrs. and Mrs. Werry, R. E. Lee, Re- Joan, went dawn ta Montreal on Elsie Izzard and Miss Belle Bee- cording Steward, and Mrs. Lee. Sunday. Returning an Monday ton, Toronto. Melville Cox, Nia- The interesting and attractive they will be accompanied by gara Falls, and Mu. and Mrs. guest book, in charge of Mrs. W. Mrs. Walkey and son, Jahnnie, Ronald Cox, Pickering, were. Scott, beautiful corsage featur- ing red rosebuds, for the bride, and the white carnation for the minister's lapel, weue only a few af the details worked out to the last item. Members of the Young Adult Classes served, and members of the Women's Association looked after affairs behind the scenes. Ail of whom Joined in best wisb- es for many more years of hap- piness for Rex'. Roy Rickard, Mrs Rickard, Alastair and Patsy Rickard. The Calumbus-Kedron party took place Monday evening, August 31. Mr. and Mus. Rick- ard were guests at a quiet fam- . , n uur ily gathering, in Belleville, an 1l""ruuLISru August 28. RPN k &AI mediately. In this pueparation we should set a gaad example for other people and be good Christians. Where we go or what we do should be gavern- ed by the question: would we take Christ with us or have Him see wbat we do? The speaker said that there miust be a beaven and a heil because of the wickedness that prevails in the world. We are ici-e for only a short time and can do much good or much harm. We should accept Christ so as ta be amang those who do good. If we profess to, be Chris- tians, we must go ail the way- we must not indulge in any half- w'ay measures. Jesus Christ went all the way ta, the cross and died for un. Will we accept Hîm? The service closed with a prayer by Mr. Bail and the sing- ng of the hymn "God Be Witb Yau Tili We Meet Agaiii." . OBITUARY WILLIAM JAMES HENRY The death occuured at the Niddlegueen Villa Rest Home on Manday, August 31, af William lames Henry, 293 Muriel Aven- e, Oshawa, in bis 79th year. Mu. [enry had been seriausiy ill for aven weeks. A son af the late Mr. and Mru. W'illiam Henry, the deceased was boun in Cartwright Town-, ;p on May 29, 1875 and resid- id there until two years ago. Mr. Henry is survived by bis Ale, the former Elizabeth Bai-t- ey; thuee sons, Lewis of Black- dock, Lloyd of Bowmanville td Melville of Oshawa and five Jaughtcus, Mrs. Wilbert Rcy- alds (Rassie) of Nestleton, Mus. Frank Wilson (Faye) af Osb- La, Mus. John Wilson (Feun) o f 7yrane, Mus. Lamne McKee (Ma- y) af Nestleton and Mrs. Frank rripp (Ef fie> of Oshawa. A son, aobert Borden Henry, prede- eased him eight years-ago. Also surviving are 21 grand-, îildren and eight great grand- hildren.k Rex'. Hutton of Biackstock onducted the funeral service at Le A. L. McDermott Funeral 'hapel, Port Perry, Sept. 2. In- ument was in Pine Grave Cem- ery, Prince Albert. Nine-tentbs af the forests ýre awned by the people af Can- da. T1C K E TS TO EVERYWHERE Air, Rail or Steamship Cansuit JURY & LOVELL Bowmanville 15 King St. W. - Phone 778 k- 1 % st. K. sou..v wèékend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Cox. We understand aur school ha.i been brightened up with a fresh coat of paint on the in. aide, ail ready for the school opening this week. Miss Dwax'ne Gray. Perryýtown, will again have charge of the Junior room and Mr. Ronald Munroe, New. castle, the Senior room. Go By Train to the EXHIBITION SEPT. 14 -19 Low Rail Fares $8.35 Coach Good golng Saturday, Sept. 12 to Saturday, Sept. 19 inclusive. Return Limit - Sept. 21 Full information froni any agent. F»». 774' Do you know this man? Çkeorte White, C.L.!!. sa Ontarlo stBowmanvllo George White, C.L.U., Is a Prudential repre- imentati've in Bowmanville, and his business is provid- ing protection for families like yours. Thoroughly trained and experienced. George will be glad ta discuss your life insurance and sickness and accident needs. He'll also give you Prudentiel's free Palicyholders' Service ta make sure your insurance is daing the most for you.. If you don't know George White, C.L.U., get in touch with him taday. He'll help you plan a secure tomorrow for you and yaur family ... with Prudential Insurance. Oshawa Office tnd Floor 104 King St. E. se@ your PRUDENTIAL AGENT For complete family security Imcl*ding Prudenîial's greai new Sicknesà and Accident Injurance' THU1~DATSEPT,. in, 1953 LanderHard ware . . . . . . ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ .... .......... .......... ....... ... ... .. . ........ .. . .... ... .... .. ..... f THE CAN.&DIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE- ONTARIO IPACV WTW"- .- lyý ý, , , -

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