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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Sep 1953, p. 11

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-..........- ................t - TTE CANAnIMI ~TAT!~ffAiT WMA!~rVTY.? V .?9~AtF~ juns en ntie an Roary ooSer pires and miseellaneous officiais Kins en ulie an Roary oosersand spectators ta bring home the run that would have put the K's ahead. Clock Crambie calied ber Provde C owd- leasng C medy out for "conduet unfibting ta' Pro 'ie C ow -Plasng om dy basebaîl". The decision an- Lasi Friday ai Lions Carnival pires "Clock" Crambie, "Goaz" ___________Osborne and Ted "Curly" Bag- neli stuck together through it Te Old Tymne Bail Gamne et" Rundle wbo hit a hard foui! ail and finally won out. If the audience at the Lions ta Umpire "Gooz" Os borne for In the final inning, in a des- Carnival had even haîf as much the firsb out. Second man uPpert tep asv hi fun as the performens at the Ro- and out was "Storky' 'Slemon penr andaet gta sa e -ei tary Roosters - Kinsmen Kubies who dribbled one down thle first feat at the hards of the wteaker bail game last Friday night, the base line and tried ta slretch it sxth R'ried al1 sorts of Whle thing was a riatous 'suc- basigeykckn bbilJunderhanded and unuerskirted cess. A lovelier lot of ladylike The umpire didn't think Ihat tricks ta score runs. "Starkyl ,Young lassies was neyer pitbed was quibe fair saolhe cailed him Slemon leading off from finstl "e-gainSt a mare staîwanî cnew. out. With two down and anc ta base snagged a bib from anc of 1 ~'e Roosters battird their way go, "Rebnead" Jamieson came ta bis beam mates and carridi ta a 3-3 tic despibe the fact that bat determined ta keep up the teruefracuer Rackt atýegt four rns crossed the good work. The first pitch betundroue fcr ase th lte wickth Plat ..lfl the third inning alone. smacked out mbt deep right anothen as bbc starticd KEs Di e ta the fact that the mcm- field; in facb. il was sa deep thatwacdhi apersifb ber aftheKm utis Sftbllit hit a car parked behind the m agihed rom under thaskirt 0 bersmofcte Kiniutmg Sotbeir bootbs. The second pitch hemai r ud tesr o emse of pulebibuein the straightened out and smacked "Sa13.y" Swindeils near second. Masss o pulhriudein te ito eep ente feld her itThey tried to protest ta the um- MTost unusual poses in front of w nadcc enht te eld whrlt pire but it did no good. He ap- the dugout fnom which you w as eaught mosave speetacularlyo Porter was trying ta get a playÇIb y "Saily". Swindelis in a bursb et dt hv1aln sepa by ia dscipionofth gmeof unlad.'1ike spced. With tbe 1bbh bencb. behind the plate. tay riescupin o the prmn side retired, the girls gatbered In tbc final sbanza, "Wendy" te wite p i thepapr, minytheir skirbs Up around their bips Wilson startied evenyane by bit- ,of the Most cxciting and inter- and minced mbt the dugout ta ing the bail ta the piteher and esting Plays were no doubl ob-tketinunatb. running ail the way araund the scured fram view. However, aetertr tbt bases from third ta first whene outlined bere are samne af the Srn"al"HayHte she 'was pronauneed safe. Pit- highlights of the game of the Leading off for ber leamn, cher "Storky" Siemon waz just Century as bhey appeared in the 'ýNancy" Nicks started the bail plain dumbfounded. eyes of an interesîcd spectatar.ý roliing with a stnike-out. "Hat- The final score was Rotary The "girls" natunally wanted lie" Hoaper got on base some- Roosters 3,- Kinsmen Kuties 3, ta show off their new basebali how and the dainly Miss *Sally" o tlatta' httesoe costumes just as soon as passible Swindells tapped a double out ta oralestaswalhecr- so thcy chose the field first and bhc fence ta bning in "Haltie" keepen Bob Kent said. proce0ded ta strut about like and score the first nun of. the peacacks in Iheir brîgbtesb fin- game. Naticing that '"Sally" did ery. After a buddle whene bbey nul appear ta feel much like1 J. L. Lewis Is Righl dliScUssed their signais, balting running anound thebsest otrategy and the ne'gbbours' op- horne plate in ber bigh beels, Let's scnap ail bhc labor legis- erations, tbey gaI down ta bsi- Betsy" Brown sympathetically la tion af the last 20 yeans and ness and proceeded ta show' us flied out, allowing "Sally" la restare saime neal meaning ta the how they plav bail. The first 'step back off second base ta bier cletv agmigpoes batten for bbc R.R.'Ib was "'Rock- position in centre field. collctiv essence, i t proposai In the secund înning. bbc Ku- made by veteran trade union ties gat cdown ta business. Their leader U.M.W. President John pitcbing ace, "Rosy" Richards, L. Lewis. mencedffta rtire h asd.coin- An opporbunitjy would thus be mened a etie he id. Wenafforded employers and cm- the K.K.'s came ta bat. bbey rai ployees '10 practice for a sea.san the score up ta 3-0 with the aid truc, free and genuine collective of a long triple by -Gerlie" barann ihu oen Grahm an a fw oter oidstai interference, free from the and énds nf bits. brooding shadows which pres- "Secdv" Rickard started bbc ently haver aven ail bangaining third inning off for the double tables," says Mn. Lewis. R's with a home mun into distant John L. Lewi s is right. There left field. Aften zoaming around can be net rue collective ban- tbp bases as fan as third, bie en- ganing whene the nanties know cauntened the opposition panty that in tbc final analysis the vi- bioeking the base path. Unable tl deelsian coneerning bbc issues I _______ta stop because of bbe mamen- tum bhe bad gatbcred, .ejs in dispute is gaing ta be made eutIb y govennment. rrade union. The Super-Eff icient pîowed ight îhrough, and cross-I leaders in Canada wouîd do weîî C Nc home p late itah Nancy" ita ponder carefully Mr. Lewis' cksstil liningtabisshrt timely proposai. - The Printed O ILO - MAGIC ollar. He was out fan forgettingWod ta tauch second base. Word. _______ Oil B atingSomebow bbc score became ail tied Up at 3-3 'as btce oppoermota MAE ORPEET gender took aven the bitting u- À Sr o ya I AE OR RSN tics. "Lulu" Lathangue bit oneA HEATING EQUIPMENT aven -the centre fielden 's rigbti Anonymous Layman I TWICE AS GOOD shoulder and stanted off on a ____ fast, eventful journey around the Oneteargepsn - ________ base-path. As she neaned second Onete1eaepra e base, sbe was baffled ta find that1 gins ta gnasp that the Imman- ence ai Gad is an even-present Saves You Money on Tour someone had stolen the base and reality and net a theologicai Ful osshad not netunred il in lime for doctrine, he -automatically be-_ FuelCost3 ithe next runner. Wibb no base gins ta realize that the essentiai Phone or consultsaknsitsh age fo spirit in bim is in fact God in 4 N the most saek-like abject in the him - that in Ibis sense lie is CK B] vî[ýcinity and tramped on il du part o! God - and that God in i ~~i~iA~KIU UU the umpine ealled bier safe onl us is working out His purpose ~LTMBING - HEATING second. The abject turned out ta through us. Here silrely is bbc be "Batbtub" Elliotb's fancy basis for a twentieth century ap- Division Street 8. fedara. In the commotion wbich plication of Christ'& teaching la BOWMANVIMLE follawed, sbe managcd ta steal udallie... New Phone - Office 1 third but nemembered ta leave u al ie Hons Phne 384 il again for ber followers. Urged Once man is taught about the Hous Phne 284 on by ber team mates. Lulu actual living relationship be- pusbed ber way bbrougb the tween him and bis Creator, as erawd of Rooster«, lKuties, Um- distinct frnm the doctrinal rela- ionship based on eveints which took place 2,000 years ago, he - * f jwill become mare and more in- W l NT RIZEtîmate with God: knowledge W eZgwill beturned b xeineii ou0EVir@o m e o ,aq1 of Cbnist's all-embraeing dlaim, "I and my Father are one," be- * cames a lean-eut goal of altain- ment. Ta sum up: the clergy bave aniy la base their teaching on the only neal part of aoy one af usIhat is, oun essentio Spirit, ......and tbey wili soon fili their \ churches w'ithî Ibose hungering for this sort of knowiedge. Wibh -. this knowledge the pnoblems, trials and diffieulties ai aur pysical lufe wiil bpgin la fit in- S ta their propen per9pective. "Not by mi gli, non by power, AND INSULATING MATERIALS Those worn spots on the roof and walls of yeur home Con Cause real trouble when snow and ice go to wok on them. .But you can "beat aid man winter te the draw" with a few miner repairs - if you moke tbemn right awayl Bisco Caulking Cern- pou nds, roof ceatings and sid- ings are the ideal materials for quick, effective home repairs. Fleece Lino Rock Wool In- sulaqton -another fine Bisco Pr*t~ct - wilI bring new cern. fort into your home. Fleece Lino wiIl pay for itself in just a few years with fuel savings of j up te 35%. RQOFINGS SUE YOUR BISCO DEALER TODAYI P ORNUBSIS O . O ONTanLNDSDNONT. DAVE BOTHWELL PHONE 2633 1 R. R. 3, BOWVMANVILLE 3 Miles West of Bom-manville Heie's the latest fish stary.... Last Tbunrsday atternoon, Bill Laskaris was fishing for min- nows with a wire trap just below thb fhume aI the Mill Pond. He and a few others wbo wèe swi,,mmiing Ibene at bhe lime no- ticed a large bnown Irout sun- nng hbnisclf lazilv near the sur- face of the xater and made sev- cIýalLunsuccessful attempîs ta lune ilta a baited hoak. Aiter the othens bcd nelunned ta their swimming above the dam, Bill remairied 10 10ok aller bis min- now trap. About fitteen minutes aler the fisb again put in an appean- ance, Ibis tlime onlN, about îwo feet or so from wbere Bill was siîting quietîx'. He reached out and mucb ta bis amazement gnasped the ltrout arouind the iiiddle. Hîs hand slipped and bis fingers caugbt under the gilis, givîng himn a goad enougb gnip that lie could pull it out o! thic waten. When the town's most ardent fis ierma , Frank Jamieson. saw bbc mcdi bcîng caîTîied up Front strcet, he offercd the extrava- gant price of 50c for il. 0f al tbe man ' vlimes Mn. F. J. bas dropped bis expený,ive baîts and lures int the Mill Pond in ex- actly tbe same spot, be bas neyer caugbt anytbing ta compare witb this beauîy. After baking bbc fisb home ta be cleaned, Bill went back ta the pond ta trv bis Iuck again and ta catch somne more minnows so he couild go fishing foi pike that ng-hi lenglih. l1814 cheé, flavaur-' Yum-m.!1 e er the Sun", which titie is tak- Vl aeil adian Manufacturers' Associa. Ca adan Ge ur ph ca ou na e foi tehyn y sac aleof Maeil ion study shows that ini manu: Ca ais e g a hiaWou n l~atet esShlR~eign, Wherfacturing 40.3% of the sales dol- r Cino e'er the Sun' was explained by T a utm rP y lar goes for materials- but re- Bas une of iinest i lla . m rc Airs. N. Porter after which Mrs. h m som rPas nember that the materials AA 8 .a Ig M. H. Staples conducted a ron For Finished Produci which make Up the 40.3%, are tabl conerene weii epreen-already semi-manufactured and Pitr sa dS o y o o o ain tatives from India, Africa and. a long way from the commodity __________Canada assisted. These parts Often a subject of discussion formn wrtae by rsH. alhby consurners is the value of Some of us may have feit ra- Nor does the souvenir stop Mrs. W. Wood. The study, tbis materials that go int a finished' "There is another side to these ther swamped with theavan here; a comnplete record of ail Iyapoie ab oteu product passing ov'er, the retai figures. Industry has to be care- rche of superb pictures letter- the celebrations across Canada' cational giving a world wide pie- counter, and the relation of cost fui flot ta Jumpth gn'b » rsand movies describing the bas been compiled by Mr. R. J. trofhepsntttu fhetpic.raising selling prices of finish. press, C. SteadPovinc from Christian Church truht Th FincaPstaspe ed goods because of small in- ronationhStoryThButias thelEPost brovince crases in imatrials 'osts. For ini- weeks slip by, weeks that willlAtiantie to Pacific reýoiced in the world. pared a brief commentary on thestne dabig he rceo ail too soon build up imb ycars, its own particular way, sa that Temeigacpe ihsubject. insofar as it applies1 stae. oulhrix' jthei ob we eelthenee ofsom ai tadhateveparof Canadl avte egrt thereinain fMiss goods manVfactured with steel1' ling the price of an electrie sha- meoyta ilhep u airae cmsfo ewllhv dt hrin as leader of the, content, which we think is ofe. Adasalî's i îe keep in mmid the joyouc and his-i a fitting momento of one of the, Mission Band. Mrs. Jean Staples sufficient interest tu warrant re- percesAndla smcoul d in thegl toric events that have recentlyý happiest days in àll our united; bas kindly consented ta be the publication for our readers. pe labrcss chardly jth ifie taken place in our tamily of na- Commonwealth history. new leader. Il says: oversized prices increases. tin."Steel is a basic cammodity in ___________ This need is adequately filledPlntouad ofcsme god byth Agut sse f heCa-Orono W.M.S. Pln from safety pins ta motor cars. Canada is the world's leading adian Geographical Journal. in isueries et Basic - yes, but cost-wise smaîl. trading nation on a per capita a form and style well suited ta o r n p11 e "Ten cents will buy the steel basis. the purpose. Here is a discrim- Fo pc MlSna&MU Home Lcoflomist for an electric shaver. inating selection of those scenes O 14."~ * Some 72 cents in a pop-ujp that we specially wish ta re- On Sepfember£aIIIL For This District toaster go for steel. memfier; and two fine colour "Some $225 for a motor car.I plates are included in the pic- Orono United Ciîurch After- Retail Price H v h~ tures. noon Auxiliary of the Women's Miss Noreen Moncur, a native Price of steel Hae t ï The whole story of the Coron- Missionary Society met Sept. of Almonte, Ont., lias been ap- Babý' carniage.- $ 29.9,9$ 2.2,51 ation service iS intimately and 151, with Mrs. A. A. Drummond pointed horne economist with the Electric iron --- 11.95 47 i accurately set forth by a special presiding. A number of ladies 1 federal Department of Fisher-iAuo ble 1840 2500 N O L S London correspondent who bias had attended the WhitbySchool i opeiat- Vacuum cleaner 89.95i 60 described just those things that for Leaders and had received a i'ng headouarters at the Toronto EVacuumiclaner 89.95 13.60 OR we most want, ta know, and bas great uplift and manyv ideas for offices of the Department, and Typewnîîer -----16OR 38 tactfully compressed a wealth of the seasons work. A'special W.w.Iill be responsible for fish cook-150 385 interesting detail kindled withi M.S. Sunday wili be held on ery demonstration work in On- Refnigeator 30.0 135 historie inspiration, into an ar- Sept. 27th wben Orono will have tario from Bellevilie to Sault Atmai WINDSHIELD toaster - .- 21.95 '72 tîcle that makes the who1e bril- the privilege of hearing Mis Ste. Marie. Electrie, shaver 27.50 .10i lin pnrmalvofne ad Ge Dm nionral Secretary Departm1-ental home econom- These the estimates by Steel- ~ ~ In this way w shaîl be ableofteDmnn Board. A spe- ists are now statioined in Van- ways, the American Iron and! I nstallei IEow ta catch up on our own mernor- cial speaker is also being ar- couver. Winnipeg, Toronto and: Steel Inistitute magazine. 0f ies with renewed pleasure as we rang"ed for the Auturnn Thank Ottawa to familiarize Canadian course, there are otbeî' materias again read the story and enjay1 Offering meeting on October women with the best methods Of besides steel going into these - ~ I? thepitues whlelie s rad-1 6bh uing, storing and cooking items. Nevertheless tiii3y are the Whle ou aî ually putting its inevibale Mss Mabel Davy,. with the as- fish.I types of goods long considered wedge belween us and corona-1 sistance af Mrs. W. J. Lycett, Miss -Moncur, daîîghter of Mr. ta be the big steel users. ion day. conducted a most helpful wor-' and Mrs. James Moncur of AI- "The figures help explain w Parlicular attention bas been, ship service éntitled "The1 monte, Ont., graduated from Mc retai rices don't faîl as quîcklyOE C PE ' drawn bath in the text arnd the Church, the Household of Faith" Donald College, McGill Un iver- as cOmmodity prices. ~ J E IU Y R pictures ta the part wbicbl Cana- camparing the church ta an or- sîîy, Montreal, witb a degree in "Today's commodity prices are Service Stat ion dian troops played in the great dinary household wbere every Home Economics BSc. (H.Ec.) about level with pre-Korea, but S processions ta and from the Ab- mnember bas equal priviieges in 1951. She spent a period of retail prices are still higher andI B WM N LE bey. Mn. St. Laurent is plainlyr and shares in ils duties and re- Dietetie Internship in the Mon- likely ta stay up. Tbey can't fal O M NIL ta be seen amongst lus colleagues sponsibilibies. Ecîmeniical as treal General Hospital, and, as fast as commodity pnices, be-f 218 King St. E. in the Abbcy, and we are shown describing the world Council of taught home economics at West- cause for most articles the raw the Londoni cîuwd cheerîng theChres organized in 1948, dale Secondàry Scbool, Hamil- materials like the steel in these PHONE 3432 Mouinties and their splendid men h Hom.seliold of God. 1 ton, before jaining the Depant- cases are such a small part of hanses. The new study book, 'Wher- I ment.i total casîs af production. A Can-I i ROBSON Pontiac - Duick Cars MOTORS - GNC Trucks PHQ~' ~ Il1"RUDÀ'v, SEPT. 10, 1953 166 !ING ST. E, THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. IROWMANVML1?,- M?.ZTARTM PAGE LPLEVZW .z ;ý *,--, ýý ý , pHomr ;Q-5

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