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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Sep 1953, p. 12

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..-*e bt. PAGE -iW LVE THE CANADIA!fSTATESMAN. EOWMA1rNm.,LE, ONTAIRIO THUTRSDAY, SEPT. le, 1059 Kendal Wins Championship SIL VER WEDDING Dowmanville Roses in Slugging DBee In South Darlinglon League FR ND~~AKHU Defeai Nillon in Second Gante On Tuesday evening, Septem- By Deleating Orond 10 Io 5 ~~~ber Ist, one hundred friends and ia G nt aiM lo onS tr y By Defeaîing Orono lOto 5 ~neighbors dropped in a, the FnlGm iMlo nStra borne of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur The championship of the took their oniy' vwin. alsa by a Frank, Scugog St., Bowmanville, In a gaine featured by heavy with a long fly ta centre field South Durhamn Rural Basebaîl 3-2 score. The fourth gaine xvas1 to ofter congratulations on theiri hitting, the Bowmanville Roses and Hooper scored Bowman- League was won by Kendal on called for darkness with Orono1 25tb Wedding Anniversary. 1 out-slugged the Milton Mer- ville',; fourth run after the Thursday evening when thev'NI eading in the sixtb and because After signing the guest bookl chants here in a twilight gaine catch. took the fifth gaine of their of a league ruling %vas deciared' in charge of Miss Beverley, on Labour Day ta gain an 18-10 Ted Dadsn struck out, but play-off series. with Orono b va, no contest.1 Frank, ail were invited ta re-, decision and tie up their best- RoyiFalisnwalied to put runners score of 10-9. -)ne gaine of the The -.eries is believed to be one main for a cup of tea and a piece of-tbree serbes in the O.B.A. In-onfrtadhid Jones singled series ended in a tie., of the finest plax cd of any in of wed-ling cake. The bride's ta- termediate* "B" pl-iyoffs at one1 înto rigbt field to cash Galla- Kendal will now meet the this leaglue. Each gaine drew ble wFas very attractive with game each. gher with the fi.fth run of the winner of the northern division overtloxw crov.ds with fans at- its centrepiece of red roses and The third and final game wil inning, and Falls advanced ta foi' the Durhamn Rural champion- lending froin as far as Peler- white candies in silver holders. be played in Milton at 3 p.m. second. Bill Dadison worked ship and the Johnny James tro- bor-ough. Oshawa, Port Hope, Pouring tea were Mrs. Win. Saturday and the Roses will i Heipel for a free trip to first pl,,- Cobourg, Bowinanville and sur- Found, Mrs. T. A. Garton, Mr-q. have to be on their taes ta béat which loaded the bases. Glhoo- ni winning the frfth gaine of rounding districts. Wiibert Teeple and Mrs. Elmo the hard-hitting Milton crew.1 ly knocked one down the third the series on Thursday evening To pick an%- indîvidual play- Andersori, assisted by Misses Monday's gaine was a raugh1 base line which the plate umpire Kendal emerged with the ehain- er in thîs series would be unfair S3rey Geran la one on pitchers with Cy Kelly,caedfum htaheany plonship of the southerro division to ini others whc plaved out- Hns saa n rs lnteMlo tarting hurler, beinganefth Bo anilfns hree gaines to one with the standing bail thmoughout.AIl Strike. Bowmanvii'e. Mrs. Gar- relieved in the first, and George Gilbooly fiîally settied for a other tied. Kendal won the first players oni both clubs piayed ex- don Richards and Mrs. Sidney "Special Dèlivery" Jones, who base on halls which forced Falls i gaine of the serbes 9-5 and the ('elient basebali and showed true Murdoch capably presided in started for the Roses, bawing across with the sixth run. sedond gaine 372 before Orono sportsmanship.j the kitchen. out in the second. Milton used With the bases silîl crammed 9 M-inv lovely gifts were pre - four burlers altogether but the stage was set for Maxie sented by the family and friends, Jobnny Stainton, who relieved Yourth's round trîpper which also several beautiful bouquets Jones 'for Bowmanville, finished be poled over the wal i left of roses and gladioli froin or-, out the gaine. field through the trees. This ac- ganizations in whicb they had Joncs yielded tbree bits goad counted for four more runs ta been active for many years. as for tbree runs in the one and make a total of ten for the in- weil as scores of cards and tele- one-thir'd innings he toiled and ning and aima finîsbed Heipel. grains. Staintoh gave up eight bits and Grenke came in ta pitcb for Mil- Guests were present frmi seven mons over the rest of tbe ton and got Frank Hooper on a ul ~Oshawa. Pickering, Newcastle. distance. Bowmanvilie coilected! pop-up to end the inning. Port Hope and Bowinanville. 16 bits off tbe deliveries of tbe Milton Ties It Up THEATRIE - OWMANVILLE Retrace Honeymoon Trip four Milton burlers Te vstr kp ekn ________________________ Just previous ta tbis bappyTe itoskp pcin occasion Mr. and Mrs. Frank bad Yourth Beits Homer 1 awaN, at the Bowînarville lead FRIAY- S TU DA - EP . i -12 compieted an extensive motor The feature of the gaine was and scored five iin the secoýnd, ]FRID Y - S TURDA - SE T. 2 trip through tire Northcountîry7 a grand-slam bomer by Manager' three in the Ibhird and one un retracing tbeir honcymoon stcps Maxie Yourtb in the big Bow- the fourtb to lie the gaie'p of 25 years ago and to quote nianville first inning wbicb saw at 10-10. The lie was Ilort-1 iived, B014MIE COTL 14Dthein "the North country bas the Roses bring across ten runs. bowever, as tbe Roses brougbt LAUREL AND HARDY 1 'I 1928 the ncw Fcrgtîson frame by grounding ta tbe Mii- the fourtb on a grounder by Gil- Highway frorn North Bay had 1 to second haseinen, who inader booly that wtunt thuïiugb the Mil- just been opened up and il was a bad throw which allowed Bill ton shortstop for a single, a fly a winding narrow road with ta reach finst safe&y. He stole by Yourtb, 3 long fly into cen- TH3E SIL VER W HIP many treacherous curves and second and Don Gilbooly polcd tre field by Hooper with Gil- turns, blastcd ight througb a long fly ino centre field which booly scoring after the catch. RORY CALHOUN - DALE ROBERTSON huge nîounitains of rocks. On went over the centre ficlder's Another error by the Milton i enteriog the Temagami Forest bead for a double, hringing Dad- short.stop on Gailagher's ground- SE T.14- s Reserve ane secured a permit son home. cm and a double bv Tim Cox1 MONDAYI - TUESDAY - SE T 14-5 froin the Forest Ranger and Yourth don bled into left field casbed Gallagher xith the sec- cbckd our gas supply for and Gilbool- adx'enced 10 third. ond run of tbe frame. from tiien on you were "on your Hooper drew a walk ta Joad the Bowmanville added four more own".,,On looking back it s'im- bases, and Big tob Gallagher lin tire sixthj and two bib te THE ESER SONpossible to describe the reaction coubled ta score Gilhooly and 1eighth while Jobnny Stainton KATHRYN GRAYSON - GORDON McRAE ta this lovcly spot, the peace and Yourth. Tbe Milton coach pull- was holding the vîsitors score- quietness, tbe tail trees meeting ed Kelly at Ibis point and John less from the fourth inning on. (Techinicolor) averhead with the sun casting Heipel went in froin shortstop Both teains bad numerous _______________________________________________ sbadows on the road, ail the to pitcb. Tim Cox greeted hum' lapses in the field wbich con- lovely little lakes with the deer--1 tribuled ta the scoing., Milton WED. - THURS. - SEPT. '16 - 17 andother wild life in abuin- Business Directory had four errors and the Roses danc, th fel offallin he ar -committed seven miscues. and the suinac led igdLEG A LMnExr-aeHt RT. I'!N< tU L~Iwith red. On emerging froin the LTEGe LMilny Etra-Base Higts THEUàLIG F R STfrsoewul rv hog W. R. STRIKE, Q.C. andj Most of thein cao bit the JOHN PAYNE SUSAN MORROW the odd little place with a store Barrister, Solicitor, Notary long hall if they get anytbing _______and a couple of bouses or a road Solicitor for Bank af Montreal too goad. The Roses were also stand witb a gas pump. Throughi Money ta Loan Phone 791 pawdering the hall bard, with, Cobalt with ts sîlver mines, Bowmanvillc, Ontario Maxie's homer being the mostl HURRICANE AT PILGRIM -HILL blck osruing, nI alebr n e w LAWRENCE C. MASON, BA. Bil Dadson had two triples,, Liskeard just being rehubît after Barrister, Solicitor, which would have heen doublesi ALL STAR CAST ils disastrous fine. Notary Public o n te pae u h _________________________________________ Turne as cbangcd al Ibis, the King St. W. - Bowmanville, for any otecre playerbut the Franks report. On the trip North Phones: Office 688 - Res. 553 fCeootdcnrxile.Ti tbey visited Sudbury where theCo poundedl out a double and nickel mines wcre working aven- MISS APHA I. HODGINS single. Don Gilhooiy bad a dou- turne and the air was blue andi Bannisten, Solicitor, ble, Frank Hooper bad a double smelled af sulpbun and about Notary Public and single, and Ted Bagnel e'.er thrdperanseccdtaTemperance St. - Bawmanvîllc caine tbrough wutb a double. speak a difféecnt language. The W. F. WARD B.A. r Miontohas dt igle nGaddi- lbapproach ta the city is grim and Barrister, Solicitor. Notary lion ata i sn-tlpe, and ia- deathike, no vegétation or green Moncy ta LoanFllGheoad to snes and oy trees being seen for miles, just 9i' Kin~g Street E. Fhs ereJnsadJhn grey siag covered rocks. Mn. and 'Bawmanviîie - Ontario Staunoglhad inl, es.in a Mrs. Frank stood at midnight ta Phones: Office 825 - House 409 V elya]ha, He ipesfrafilan Fe ewatcb the slag being poured ________Klyal1a w isfrMi riverIf igiLInd nirengewoa- D ENTAL Gervarpped out one aiece dere atthebarennss f te wtn mmdelzans o Toekan Big, Beautifu.1countg:. DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S.itrpe1 ticaiKynvgrSn.cWunt-y ta nejain B o 'ilton 1530 00 2 0 0 0 - 10 1 6 7 Bu g t rc dFails, tbey drove through prac - Office or:Bwvle10240x1867 Bu g tbcicd h main bighway froin North ~ an a6~m al Milton -- Melanson. 3b; Vau- Bav.Nowthee i a eauifu a.m. ta 12 noon Saturday ghan, lb; Fay, if; Toletzka, cf; Bay.Nowthee isa bautfulClosed Sunday asphait bigbway stretchuing for Ofc hn 9 Grenke, 2b, Heipel, ss; C. Ger- 8.6 cu. ft. Refrigerato OffiePhne_10_vas,____________c;_elly(1ei miles without a curve. The House Phone - Newcastle M as f Siafn35;5cl. Ei "Bluehemnies and Dewwarm"-_______________ pel(1 Grenke (1) K. Gervais. signs are stil there as well as DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. (6) p, South, Rusk. "Kccp Ontario Green". "Prevent Office in bis home Bowmanvillc - Bill Dadson, Forest Fines" but neplacîng the 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville cf; Gilhoaly, 2b; Yourth,' ss; r __solitamy' gas pumps are modemn Office Hours: Hoopen, c- Gallaghei'. lb; Cox, service stations. Replacing 9 arn. ta 6 p.m. daiiy rf; Ted Dadson, Bagiiell (4) If: .........'Tourist Accommodation" are 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Wednesday Roy Falls, 3b; Jones, Stainton! attractive cabins and ultra mnod- Closed Sunday (2) p.t cm2227 r motels. Phone 604- Umpines - Hobbs, plate; .........Temagami now boasîs a large D.ç .CTRN ...Bannes, bases. hotel, a dock with dozens of Office swank Ainenican cruisers lied 93 King St. E. - Bowînanvillc Jo 1952 Canada produced more up and dozens of cottages on ils Office Hours:tanaudedîiio dlar lakeshore. Cobalt, just recover- 9 ai..ta 6 pin. dailv whah ke ilo dlas ing froin a siuip is becoming a -w.m a 2000 aura of gold, nickel, copper, î boom ton. Haievbum nd NewCioscd Suindacicptoeunadcol LibralTrae-n- llo anc Tononto. Mr. and Mms. J. Orm-,MONÇTIETH & MONTIETU ALTHOUGH Youn Vint In- .lu irae-n-soind n. nd ileM.R.nOr- Chantened Accounitants surance policy proteets voun ; Mi's. E. Ormistoîu, Ebenezen.Pon -46 Lu w D 0Wn Paymeni Esy Trm r~e visubors with Mr. and Mms. 37Kig St. E. Oshawa proPerty dollars against Ioss Wîll Gram Gorednt.Riehl, C.A., to fine and lightning, you're a _____ ' . esdetpartner fo dqaeyc~ee n Mr. and Mns. H. Cowling, ntaeutl oee n * Wliilh-v at F. Lvuett's. - PTOM ETRY iess this protection is ex- This onths Royl ThatreMu-s. R. Best and Mrs. G. Par- PTO M TR. tended to include w.ind- : * o. Oon. Mss eiGaron KFJTH A. BJ[LLETT Storm, explosion, hait and C IL* Nv~ noxile aIW. owmn'sOptometrist othen common perils. *Lucaky afunxer is 1,111 Mi'. and Mis. R,. Webster, wii;s 74 King -St. W. - Bowmanville *'deILean, Mrs. Lovekin, Mrs. A. Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. Wer an provide this added If i ou hav e the Programmeu' wilh this Iucky Pean-ce, Torounto. at M. Samis. Monday ta Saturday protection at luttle rost. * numnber on it. brnîg it in to min store for yolir inMrantfoW. Pso ibfin. except Wcdnesday, 9 - 12 Iuck pnie. * 10 Saîis cjo~ d a Evenings by AppointnentM 14 0064»-c--cek motoring with friends e..0'~C fO Oi OO O*O**** O COOOS.. .. tbrougb sauth western On- asona&rDaleStuart R. James Mn. and Mrs. T. Taylor and Alian at L. Johnsani's, West Hill. JNSURANCE REAL ESTATE Launra and Bruce Bowrnan M Witb Elizabeth ànd Jobnny Phn:Ofc 61 Rs 9 .~6 INGST.E. PONE408 Beaniisb. Oshawa. 16KN T .POE48 Mi. and Mms,. NM. Saîîîis spent . King Street - Bowmanviiie : awcek at F. Abernethy's, Man â m illa. Ordo Bills Billiards Mow Down Harvesters In Sofibail Finals Nilton Nerchants Win Firsi In Playdown With Roses by 7.3 (By Murray Tighe) Ai AAiIUIIn UAl aurnay aluernoan Bi1l's Billiards, on the strength of a nine-run fourth inning, de- Bowmanville Brookdale Roses i Dadson, p. cf (7); Cox, rf; Ted feated Tom Cowan s Harvesters got off ta a weak start in the! Bagneil, Bob Williams (9) if; 10 to 7 in the Town Softball first game of their best-of-three! Falls, 3b; Jones (batted for Falls League finals last Thursday series with the Milton Mer- in 9th). night at Memorial Park. This chants in Milton Iast Saturday Milton - Melanson, 3b; Vau- win leaves the Harvesters with afternoon, dropping a 7-3 deci-, ghan, lb; Fay, rf; Toletzka, cf; a 2 to 1 edge in gaines in the sion. Grenke, 2b Heipel. ss; South, If; best-of-five final series. Although the Roses collected Serafini, c; Marshall, p. The Harvesters opened the r seven hits-as many as the Mil- scoring in the lagt of the third ton crew-the latter bunched, when Ken Summersford dou-1 theirs more effectively to gain FotalFnl bled, Frank Hooper followed the victory. The one-week lav-Fotal in s with another two-bagger, Jim off the Roses had after winning Crombie singled, Ernie Dickens the Intermrediate -B" champion- iD nIo lU ourtice was intentionally walked, and ship of the Lakeshore League! Ted Hoar doubled. The Billiard seemed to take some of the edge lAnd Enniskillen crew exploded for nine runs in off their play, but the Milton____ the top of the fourth on some squad is a good, hard-hitting Enniskillen and Courtice be- solid base hits and saine wierdl team and this first series of the gan their best-of-three series art fîelding by the Harvesters. The O.B.A. Intermediate "B" play- Wednesday night at Enniskillen big blows in the inning were bit dowps should be a close one. for the championship of the by Bob Gallagher with a single Lefty Bill Dadson pitched the Darlington Football League, the and a home run iin the inning, first part of the gamne, with Breslin Trophy and the Jack a double by Doug Jackman, and1 Johnny Stainton coming in to Reynolds Memorial Cup. singles .by Ted Bird and Bud the mound in the seventh. Mil- Ensi]nrahdtefnl Hooper. along wîth three walks ton scored three runs in the sec- Ensilnrahdtefnl and three wild pitches. ond and four in ',le sixth in- by defeating Maple Grove 3-2 The Harvesters got onen ning. In the fourtn, successive on Saturday in a fast gaine back in the fifth as Eni Dick-1 walks to Heipel and South, andpae oio.Te a enssmahe loe omer , singles by Serafini, Marshalth Maple Grove team but this was regalied by Bil's' and Va ugh an brought in the; previouýl\v also. when Ted Bird Dounced one four talles. On Wedncesdav, of last week overClin Ferusoi's ead or coreIn FrstCourtice elimlinated the Tyroiie a oer CliThe Hrgusîîs hed rSoe nFrtsquad bv beating theni 2-1i, ta a brnr. heHareserseoed The Roses got one un in the take the' se'ies in two straight the scoring in the sixth as they top of the firsi inoing on bits galines. scored three runs un pincl i t- by Don Gilhoolv and Jolinny; The secondi gaineof th final ter Murrav Tigie*s single, a 1S-tainton, a sacrifice by Manager, \vill be held on Saturday at single by Clint Ferguson and a! Maxie Yourth, and a lçng fly by Courtice aod if a third gaine is double by Frank Hooper. Frank Hooper into centre field. fleccssary it will be played at George Stevens hurled forl They added one more in the, Solinu' on Wednesday, Sept. 16. Bili's B;iliards, gave up il bits, fourth on a base on balîs to Bob Ail gaines are calied for 6:30 walked three men, and stmuck1 Gallagher and a single by Tim p.m. (E.D.T.) out three. George now has four Cox. Io Junior playoffs Zion ousted wins and one defeat in the play- In the sîxth tbey got theiri Hampton by a 2-1 margin in an offs. Ted Hoar and Doug Kostka third and final ru when avertime gaine played at Solina shared burling duties for the Yourth drew a walk, advanced Sept. 1. They theri moved into Harvesters and, except in the wben Gallagher grounded out, the finals against waple Grove nine-run fourth, nurled effec- and came home on Bill Dadson'sr and lost their first gamne 2-1 at tive hall. single. Zion on Sept. 3. The two teamns R H E Don Gilbooly -and Tijo Cox r clashed again on Tuesday night. B. illard 00) 91 ( -1 9 led the Bowmanville batters!-__ B. Blliads 00 91 0_0 9 w th two bits each, including a HarvstLr 00 0130 7 l ~double by Gil. Johnny Stainton .'J Bob Galiaghcr and Bill Dadson eacb bad one safe blow. Melan- W W son led the Milton attack with a triple and a single.,5E~ItII Bowmanville - Gilbooiy, 2b: Stainton, cf. p (7):- Yourth. ss;1W N Hooper, c; Gallaguer, lb, Bill 14AVE A WORD FOR IT .WE MEAN the magic word that tells a mule ta gel going. It prob- ably worked better Ihan usuai, recently, when Greek mule-driv- ers had ta transport ino the isolated interiar, roofi ng mateni- aIs needed for the construction of refugee shelters. The government purcbased 2,000. tons of alu- minum for the purpose - and brcidentally licked the transporta- tion prablem. Another nice thîng about alu- minum's lightness is that a gi'.en poundage goes twa ta three limes as fan as with other mcîals. It ofien means that alumînumi, with all ts advantages. actually costs less, to. Aluminum Company of Canasa, Ltd. (Alcan). JURY & LOVELL When We Test Eyes It Is Done Properiy VOUR REXALL DRUG STORE PHONE 778 BOWMANVILLE Alley owlin M ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A NU CN THM MMM U EMMM MMMMMMUMM UM M MIM. ME MII Maryn' BAliny Bowling OPEN BGRANDPNN until rdFridaySeeptember21 Hoar mpesof to anounea th otat alysav bencrptlyrfih. 4J

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