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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Sep 1953, p. 3

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THURSDAi Miss Louise Cowan returned MeKenna, June Neilson and ta Toronto an T'iesday after June Glanville spent the bhl- Staying with her cousin, Mrs. day weekend at Mlfor Manor, Howard Linton. Milfor Bay. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Clemence,' Congratulations ta Mr. and Oshawa, spent the long week- Mrs. Harvey Lawrence Branton, end with Mrs. Cecil Powers and formerly Miss Shirley Flintoff, Mr. A. E. Clemence, and were on their marriage Saturday af-i supper guests Sunday with Mrs. temnoon in the Orpno United i)red Tamblvn. Church. .'.Mrs. Rusý ell Major is ihi at The Annual Open Air Service Mer.oe. Mthel Trnt; as held in Oronio Memorial Mr.Gand MstJ.hendeTrono, Park Sept. 6th under the aus- Aî'ceonMr. and Mrs.' desn pices of Orono and Newcastle GedYButrsonStuda. United Churches. Miss Margaret McLean, Tor-, Ms aseMoro ig otspent the holiday weekend, hampton, in Collingwood dis- trict. is the new teacher at wsth Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Graham. Orn Continuation School and Mr. and Mrs. Jun;or West and is staying with Mrs. C. Duncan. son, Steven, Peterborough, with. Mr. Howard Linton passed Mr. and Mrs. A. E. West for the away in Memorial Hospital, weekend. Bowmanville, Saturday momf- Mr. and Mrs. Andrew MoGihi, ing, Sept. 5tb . Funeral was on spent part of their vacation at Monday afternoon with inter- Severn Lake, have returned ment in Orono Cemetery. home. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Duesbury, Mr. and Mrs. Hutchenson, Trnowt r n r.J from ýScotland, are visîting their Hudon.o ihM. n r.J daughter, Mrs. Peteï Hinton and Mrs. A. Harris is in Memoriai Mr. Hinton and famnily !Hospital, Bowmanville. where Congatultios toMr. nd he had an appencdix operation Mrs. Harry Davey, fornerhy "; Tusdy Miss Gertrude Dewell of Bow- Miss Aima Cuttle and Mrs. J.ý inanville, on their marriage E. Richards visiteci in Cobourg AMgut 28h. ast Wednesday evé,,ni ng. M.S. D. Keats, Chatham, Mr.~ and Mrs. L. Hooey. Mrs.1 visited hiq cousins, Mr. and Mrs. l_. Lunn. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jîm Richards. Reid, were in Monitreal ast Miss Eileen Jones, Maureen week. Mrs. Chas. Awde, Mr. and Mrs. D. Hooper, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Jakeman attended Tyrone Robyou Ro i.. Mr. O. Cowan is ili at i à Robyour est* home 4 Many people neyer zoom to get a gSd Mrs. Pheobe Gardon, Saginaw, nîght'à test. They turn and toss-blameo it Michigan,. is visitiiig with Mr. on 'nerves-when it may b their kidneys. and Mrs Wm. Seymour. *Healthy kidneys filter poisons and excess St. Saviour's Anglican Church ~acids from the blood. If they fai and held their service on Sunday inîputities stay in the systemi-disturbed afternoon again at 3 o'ciock fo r rest often follows. If you don't rest weli the faîl and winter1 jet and use Dodd'a Kidney Pis. Dodd's Miss C. Foster, principal of1 IieIp the kidneys so that you can rest Orono Public School, reports a1 btter-and fel botter. 136 record of 120 pupils registered on opening day. Miss Forster Dodds 16 ney ilis was in Honolulu, Hawaii, during Dod~KdnjPusthe sme eain KENDAL Mr. and Mrs. Abert Colani and Rager, Hamilton, were on vacation ast week with Mrs. Hattie Martinell and other rela- tives here. Mr. and Mrs. Pau1 Mercer and famnihy, Guelph, visited ber par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Warren. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Woodcock1 and David, and Mrs. N. Elgear and Bannie, spent the week at their summer home here. Mr. Arthur Grant and Mr. Cassie. Uxbridge, visited Mm.1 and Mms. W .Mercer and were interested in seeing the tobpcco being irigated. Friends ai Aubrey Gilmour, near Elizabethville, were sbock- ed ta leamn be bad been taken ta Peterboro hospital then on ta Toronto, wheme he was placed in an iran lung, with polio. Ahi join in wishing him a complete 1 ecavery. Aftem campleting his harvest and thresbing he had planned on workîng at tabacco but had spent only one day priming at Bihl Mercer's wben he was taken ill. He is improv- ing and at the beginning of this week was reported out of dan- ger. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Coatham and famihy visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mercer Sunday. Guests with Mm. and Mrs. Ed- die Couroux over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. E. Muir and Mr. and Nrs. Homer Couroux of North Bay, and Mm. and Mrs. Ray Moore and family, Toronto. The W.A. meeting was wellh attended at the home of Mrs.' Norman Kennedy on Wednes- day evening, August 26. The ral cail was answered by your fav- orite verse in the Bible. Miss Joyce Low gave the scripture reading. An interesting portray- ah of "Wamen of the dimn and distant past'" was put an by six ladies with the introduction be- ing given by Mrs. Roy Mercer, wha also, as Eve, told of hem life in the Garden of Eden and later as they raised their fam- ily. Rachael was Mrs. R. Elliott, Sarah, Mrs. C. Tebble; Rebecca, Mrs. N. Kennedy, Ruth, the Moabitess, Mrs. Garland Cath- cart; and Esther, Miss C. Stew- art. Mrs. Stoker gave a reading on Sigmon Rhea. A church ser- vice was planned and held on Aug. 30. A delicious lunch was enjoyed. Very large crowds were in at- tendance at the play-off games between Kendal and Orono ta determine the winnems af the South Durham Rural League. Kendai won the first two games, Orono the third. The fourth game was phayed in Kendal with Orono eading 5-4 in the 7th in-î nings when the game was caihed an account of damkness. The gen- eral feeling among the specta- tors aftem Rowe's deliberate wahk was staged seemed ta bel that Omona deserved ta lose. The game was rephayed in Orono with Kendal getting 10 runs in the first twa innings. Orana managed ta get their score up ta nine, making it a 10-9 win for Kendal. Kendal as winners in the sautb go on ta meet the winners in north Dumham.' Reports of had storms ta he expected bad heen on the radia but Kendal residents were i hardhy expecting the anc whicb left them in such a mess and 1 without hydro or telephone ser- vice until the next day. It bew trees down at Jackson's and the roof off their shed; seven ever- greens in park up-rooted; trees in Mercer's tobacco field bhown' down: tobacca whirhed off the1 stalks, and bis tieing table car- ried along until smashed on an electric light pale. In the eastemn third ai the village practically every iocust and soft maple tree came dowrî -- twa across the, main street, bhocking it. An elm blew across the Seventb Line biocking it also. Three large trees- were blown over in Mrs. Hattie Martinehi's yard taking r off hem chimney and damaging' ber house. On the back street a1 lîmb stove in the top of Bob' A A1TVA - A t'1IAnT AM eNAM¶T TA I ""Strike is Silliest Th ing", Says Wife of SirikingTruck Driver By Lewis Milligan W Nhen a union orders the suspen- I'Twa Big Unions Agmee ta sion af a lacal industry, the par- End French Strike." Sa runs a. tial paralysis begîns ta spread headline on the front page of my more or hess through the body morning paper, and I read that politic. the "unions early taday ordered The minera' strike in North- members ta return ta work in emn Ontario and Quebec is no France's paralyzed postal, tele- local affair. The stoppage in the grapb and tehephone services,. production of gahd and other in- '.Sixteen days ago the big un- dustially important metals bas ions ordercd the walkout and flot only imxpoverished the pea- it spmcad rapidhy until more than iple af the local cammunîties. four million Frenchmcn had: The nation as a whole is the leit their jobs and snarled the' poorer. It bas sa much hess gold countmy's dalhy ife and tourist 1ta back its currency and less business. Public transport was. copper ta supphy its industries hahted, communication inter- and expart trade. People uncan- rupted, gas and elcctricity ser- ccmned in the strike are put out vices drasticaliy cut and the of emphayment and money is highly profitable tourist indus- lest by investors in the mines try disrupted."' and related industries. The foegoing is an extreme Ahi of which simple facts go example af the effect of labor t show that nabody gains and strikes. The nearest ta it in Can- evcrybody hases by labor strikes. ada was the railway strike of Labar leaders may gain "union about two years ago. The Dm securityl' in their jobs by the inion's regular transportation "check off" and the clased shop, and communioation systems bers maytergainsby weir in- wceesuspended wben anc bigbesmyoti wgin labor union ordered its mem- creases are offset by subsequent bers to walk off their jobs. For- risc in prices and inflation. i tnatlyfor th~e nation as a .r But what struck me cbiefly tunatlely m tieshv i i eading the report ai the woemotsrksbvimme-srkinFac ath n- Sdiately affected onlyv local coin- srk nFac a h n muniies.mous power wielded by the two mutite tta.coo hf ig unions. First we are told that Boutthi epetotal cony hfeathe 'unioans ordcrcd members ta couîtr i deendntupo th Ireturn ta work in Frances par- economic conîdition of the var- aye otl eerp n ee iaus industrnal communities, be - p honedpostaml, cerp n ee cause tbey are all inte-elated.' hacsses~ 1 __ That reads ike a graciaus and generaus act on the part of tbe Ahexanders car. Harper Cars- union leaders, and the four mil- cadden hast the roof off of one lion Frencbmen Wbo obcycd the ai bfis barns. Damage donc isj order were doubtless grateful for 1much te,> numerous ta mention Ithe permission ta go back ta aIl. It is needless ta say the ter- wamk and carn a living for their rible beat xvave and storm will familles. That was ahi ta the be remembered for some years good, but if the French people in this district. gencmalhy feit ike expressing ____________their hearticît thanks ta the big labor unions for their kindness, M OR ISIIthcy must have hcsitated at the MORRISHrememnbrance that it was the smre big fcllows who in the Churcb service and Sunday first place ordercd the walkaut School wcre bhd at the usual which pamalyzed the public er- time witb an average attend- vices of the cauntmy ance. Theme werc 34 at Sunday Th oseso a uh ae School but not quite that num- ta command the immediate obe- ber at Chumch. On Sunday, Sept. dience af four million French- 2O1tb the Anniversary and, men ta work or not ta womk- Thankoffering services will be! that is a tbing ta wondem at in held at Il a.m. and 7.30 p.m.1 a country whose motta is "Liber- There will be a gucst minister1 ty and Fratcrnity."1 Like the Ro- and special music. Having just man centurion oi aid, the labar returncd fom my vacation I leader today can dlaim: 'I am have nu details ta give this week a man under authority, and I can but hope ta bave mare next say ta this man, Go, and he time.. goeth; and ta another, Came, Mm. and Mmm. G. Haworth and and he comcth; and ta my ser- baby Ann, Toronto, were Sun- vant, Do this, and be doeth it." iday guests with Mm. Jack Cor- The issuance af an order ta nish, Mmm. F. Cornish and Mms. strike is just as simple and easy Pcnwarden ai Orano, wha is as that. visiting at the Cornish home. In a letter ta the Hamilton Mm. Neil Anderson returncd Spectator, a stiking truck dri- ta Brantford an Monday, Sept. vcm's wife with thrce smal 7tb ta resume teaching as sec- cbildmen wratc: 'I think this ond pirincipal for another cbol- strike is the siliest thing I ever astic ycam. Wc wish hlm another beard of, and s0 is their union. successful temm. The big shot tells you ta go on Miss M. Beckett returncd strike, s o you do . . . Don't tel haine on Satumday Sept. 5, aftcr me they arcenmen, because as far spending a montb with relatives as I'n concerned, tbey arc the in Toronto, Hagersvillc and Bol- meekcst mice I have ever heard ton. Mmm. M. Simpson, Toronto, af-inchuding my husband." eturned with ber ta spend the long wcekend. Lufe must be Worth living- Mrs. M. J. Osborne and Mmm. the cost bas doubhed and still D. Haines eturned home on Sat- mast ai us hang on. urday alter spending a week The man who remembersý with fiends at Rice Lake, what he was taught at bis math- Since aur ast write up we had em's knee. was probably face 1a very dehightful auto trip ta down acrossiLi. 1Winnipeg and Carberry via U. A SURE HIT! S.A., leaving home on Tuesday, Wa Aug. 18. At Nortb Bay we werc ha you dont say is some- surprised to meet Dm. and Mrs times as important as what you Oke wbo were on their way toi do say. Noranda, Que. Wechcatted for a few minutes and coquinies wce made about friends at Momish 1and district, then we eluctant-I ly said goodibye contnuing aur journey ta Sanit Ste. Marie'w that night. 1 www-ia We arrivcd in Winnipeg o n ,Saturday. Aiîg. 22nr1 afler vi'sit- ing friends at Carberry and! Brandon. The relurn jourrney M started on Sunday, Aug. 3th ! when the -wcatierman reailyl turned an the heat. atFhn At na time was it less than 83, There's nothing hike giving folks what they wont HAMDLY'S BEVERAGES 1 Nesileton Staion Mr. and Mrs. H. McCamb, Moira and Raymond, enjayed a picnic ta Bobcaygeon duringi Raymond's vacation since quit- ting farmn wbrk. Mr. and Mms. Tel Rahm, Osh- awa, visitcd Mm. Artbur Hul- bcrt. Mm. and Mms. Wilbert Drinkie, Oshawa, and Mr. Malcolm Eh- fard, Port Perry. visited Mr. and Mms. George Bowcrs. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Mount- joy, Bhackstock, witb Mm. and Mrs. Lorenzo Mountjoy and Miss Rose Mountjoy visited Mrs. Han- na Crossman, Oshawa. Mrs. John McBride, Miss Edna iMeBride, Toronto, and Mrs. Da- vid Archer cailed on the Nesbitt famihy. Mrs. Zack Adams, Sam, Bryce and Blairi, Bawmanvihhe, visited Mm. and Mrs. Allen Beacock. Mrs. John McCahdcn, Scugog Point, was a guest with Mm. and Mms. H. McCamb. Gerald Preston, Bctbany. with Raymond McCamb before comn- xnencing High Scbool. Guests with Mi. and Mrs. Grant Thornpson werc: Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Thampsan, Brian and Jahnny, Hamilton, Mm. Ciifton IBeacock. Toronto, Mm. and Mrs. Hugh Taylor, Lindsay, andMm and Mrs. Byron MadeIl, Orilhia. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Samells! and Sharon, Peterboro. visited j Mm. and Mmm. Larmen Hyland. Mmm. Jas. Brooks returncd ta Torontoafater visitîng Mrs. Alice Farder. Mrs. John Dickcy picked a basket of ripe peaches from hiem peach trec and trcated several neighbours. 7 Local teachers taking up their duties this weck weme: Mrs. Bruce Heaslip ta Egypt school, Cartwright; Miss Gwen Wilson ta Richmond Hill; Miss Eunice Wilson, Mrs. Jean Williams and Miss Elaine Thompson ta Port Perry. *Mm. and Mms. Gardon Cale en- joyed a weck's vacation in U.S. Wbihe litthe Miss Lynda visited bier grandpamcnts at Cahedonia. Thc-rc was a large attendance at tbe evening service in the Pmesbyterian Church. Mr. Mc- Comb's subjcct was, "How ta Find Rest". At the chose of the service a fellowsbip boum was hcld in the basement. Apprecia- thon was exprcssed ta the many »visitors wbo had been worsbxp- ping with us duming the sumîner manths. The ladies of the con- gregation served lunch. Owing ta anniversary services >at Balhyduff Sept. 13, there wil be no service bere. Mm. McComb will preach at Stouffville and Markham on Rev. Donald McKih- iigan's charge. Jas. Emerton and John Proutt attended the Exhibition. Mmm. E. Brown, Oshawa, called on sevemal friends at Nestleton. Mm. Carl Bruce, Seattle, Wash., is visiting bis brother Edward and sisters, Misses Mabel and Blanche Bruce. Decoration Day services at Nestleton Ccmctemy wcre large- ly attcnded and many aId friends werc in the neigbourbood mc- ncwing acquaintances. Sympàthy is extended ta Mrs. Lamne McKee in the death of ber jfather, Mr. William Henry, Osh- awa. Mm. and Mrs. George Smith and twins, Sandra and Russel, To- monta, and Mm. and Mrs. Albert Hamilton. Munroe, Mich., are visiting Mm. and Mms. B. R. Knight. Mm. and Mrs. Hamilton bave just returncd from a tbree imonth visit in England whcre they attended the Coronation. A Low! Low! Price en AII-Wool Winter Coats. Full sateen lining and full interlining for plenty of warmth plus the vemy latest in ncw Fail and Wintem styles from which to choose. Shop now for your hest choice. ASK ABOUT OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN 7</aMe* cÇg4&L, 2ùndeiM ""TRULY A PHONE 451 PLEASANT PLACE TO SHOP" BOWMANVILLE KING ST. E. -z--- ýY, SEPT. 10, 1953 THE CANADIALJ14iI S . r  VJI..~.JT Complete Jersey Dispersai FuIly Accredited 60 HEAD Calfhood Vaccinated (lnciuding 13 top grades) The entîre herd of Hubert E. Nîcholas, Brampton. Ont., seils at HAYS SALES ARENA, Oakville, Ont. Monday, September 141h, 1953, '7:00 p.m. E.D.S.T. The herd consists af 19 purebred miiking feinales with tie balance bred, open heifers and calves with 10 due sale time and duming October. lneluded are granddaughters of Brampton's WorId's Record. Brampton Pinnacle Basil, Brampton Wonder AMm and other popular sires includlng 14 daughters of Brampton Transition Radar, Brampton Design's Favor, Brampton W. R. Charles, etc. Also includ- ed are ten entries from the herd of Howard Laidlaw, Narval, Ont. HAYS FARMS LIMITED - Sale Mgrs. Box 64 Oakviills Ontario Phone 1308 eurchase!1 [ER COATS s 24 M95 MID-SEASON Clearance OF Refrigerators Iby INTERNATIONAL HARVISTER SIX NEW MODELS On1y $10.00 Down and 24 months to pay Philips Television A Large Numnber of Models to Choose Froin at Low Prices ! Thor Washing Machine Xitli Purnp and Automnatic Timer Regular $230.00) Reduced Io - $175.00 Farm Eqluipment and Automotive TOM COWAN, Proprietor 134 KING ST. E. BOWMIANVILLE PHONE 689 THANK yoU STUDENTS! W@ would like to take this opportunity te thank the large number of students who patronized our store for their sehool supplies. It was a real pleasure to serve you and we would ike t. compliment you on rour courtesy and patience dur- ing the rush perlod. During the coming schooi year we wiiI endoavour to look aff.er Nour needs to the *best of our 4'lity. J. W. JEWELL "iBis 20" 27 King St. W., Bowmanville PHONE 556 Fully Lined îLaiesi Styles eSizes 10 tb 20 1 ', PAGt THREU TI'Tc~rfPV Jehnie Patterson, Mr. adMs BLAIJJXT±ULI Charles McConnell, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Patterson and ta Pe- Back ta school on Tuesday terborough to, see Mrs. Robert morning with the familiar Knlox. sehool buses on the roads again. Mr. Sam Wilson, Midland, and the former teachers and the new Mc. and Mrs. Wes Fice, Bow- teachers, th±e littie beginners manville, with Mr. and Mrs. and the seasoned scholars. We Lewis Fitze. know that Fali is really with Blackstock Womcn's Institute us. The Community Hall has were very pleased ta get second been converted temporarily ta prize on their exhibit at Port a classroom to accommiodate the Perry Fair. The committee in increased number of beginners. grateful toalal who assisted. Mrs. June Modili is in charge At the evening service at the there. Mrs. John Venning has United Church on Sunday, Rev. returned ta Caesarea, Miss C. W. Hutton gave a splendid Yvonne Chant ta Blackstock sermcn based on' Labor Day. Publie School and Mr. Grant Po.adMs .F owc Camnpbell is again at Cadmus iPo.adMs .F owc Mrs. Bruce Heaslip, a former Barbara and Jimmie, Guelph, teacher, has re-joined the ranks with Mr. Roy Fergusan. and is at Egypt. At the Cart- Miss Mildred Graham, Mon- wright High School we are glad treal, and Mrs. Jack McKewin, ta see again Mr. R. P. Allin; Mrs. Toronto, were guests at the par. John Scott, Mr. Gordon Paisley sonage. and the new teacher. Mr. J. Alex Miss Lamna Harris visited Mr. Maudsley. and Mrs. Carl McLaughlin. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hyde and Miss Norma Malcolm, Toron* Linda, Toronto, and Cecil's bro- ta, visited Miss Grace Graham. ther-in-law from England, Dr. Mrs Albert Wright is home Victor Tompkin, visited Mr. and f rom'Bowmanville Hospital but Mrs. Ira Argue. is still in poor health. Mr. David Swain was in To- Miss Clara Marlow has return- onta with Mr. and Mrs. Bill ed ta lier teaching position at Cordingley. Napanee. Mrs. Neil Malcolmn and Gordie, Mr. and Mms. Dalton Dorrell, attended Terry Malcolm's 4th1 Nancy and Leonne, with Mr. and birthday party at Yelverton oni Mrs. Joseph Rutledge at Oak- Saturday. iville. Mrs. Lewis Fitze entertained1 Congratulations ta Mr. and the Janetville Ladies' Aid at her 1 ç.Hrl atno h it home. of their second son at Oshawa 1 Hospital. Fly ing Officer Ernest Mc Lean AIllen Rutherford bas retumn- and bis wile, Saskatoon, visited ed ta Oshawa and Diane Blair Mr. and Mrs. David McLean. is again with lier grandmother, Mr. Roy Ferguson, Bill and Mrs. George Fowler ta attend Sandra. were in Toronto Sunday sehool. Mrs. Black,. Fenelon visiting Mr. and Mrs. Grant Fer- Falls, was a visitor with Mrs. gusan and Ian Roy. Fowler. Rev. C. W. Hutton attended Mr. and Mrs. Jim Marhow and the Annual Conference of Evan- Miss Pearl Wright visited Dr. gelism and Social Service at1 and Mrs. Jack Marlrw at Lively, Whitby. Mrs. Hutton, Mrs. Lelt near Sudbury. Byers, Mr. and Mrs. EarI Dom- Miss Mona Ferguson is teach- rell attended some sessions. ing i n Oshawa on College Hill Rev. Clarence Ferguson, and Miss Doreen VanCamp is Kemptville, called at Cecil Hill's teaching at tie Ritson Road and Roy Ferguson's aon his way Public Schooi. ta the Conference nt Whitby. Glad ta report that Mrs. Vir- Miss Doris Griffiu visited in gifla Archer is progressing fine Toronto with Miss Gertrude after ber opera(tious at Oshawa Henry. Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lansing, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Hem- man Hooey. --- A hundred yeais ago there Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hill, were twice as many buffalo as North Bay, visited Mr. and Mrs. people in North America; today Cecil Hill. They ail went ta Nor- in Canada thers am about 5,000 wood on Wednesday ta see Mms.1 buff alo.

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