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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Sep 1953, p. 4

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PAGE TolE -TE AAA! TTSAqEW NVLONAO patches have tumned to autumn coor. hepepe n hehose The Little Girl front Bowmianvllle C ur entf.we pse had no huge Lake e Ontario ta drive ta. They *s ~stand LakeOtario Oh won'derfutI hoNa me Good in the Big City- andcasehumidity and dampness M in the wintem. as nefurninu I1Be Native Town u 'Teday after- we cameIRe C o fi en ia acolro:ci was clused for a time 0W- Realizîng that the ladies of appmaising turs, and wxth h By Elsie Carruthers Lunney ing to the bad forest tires burn- Bowmanville' and district Mnay keen knowledge and flairf _______________________________________________ there. We didn't see any aif not fully appreciate the tIteat style, and what ladies of d: fthem, but we were only about that is in store for them on Sept. cernment wished to wear, it w~ AND 90, ANOTHER VEAR later. And ta think we left aco eight miles f rom one af the bad 17 when a native daughter of flot long before Julia Sincle -Well, here we are, slipping a breeza and pleasant temperature anas where a plane crashed, this town is comirig here ta put bacame an authority in thef piece ai paper into the old type- behind for it. Ah well, 5'OU killing its three occupants. The on a Faîl FaEhion. Show, we are business of Toronto and the writer again, which means holi- know wbat they say about maid air was so hazy ane could not happy ta give some particulars cinitY. day ae ve b aoteryer.dogs and Englishmen. distiriguish from ground level, ai the emarkable career of this When Eatons opened th( The peace and qiton that * the denser patches which indi- charming yaung lady.sanyfreatm tatt qutenlae n eaatonn COOL,COLWTE aedfrs Jula Sinclair, who lias one College Street Store, the Bol duced by samie, were so com- To begin more or less at the The dried out look ai the oi the most exclusive and lash- manville girl was asked to plete that we just couldn't getý beginning, we touk a long way trees, mile on mile in the Park ronto, seialexcluily o- sistm ecmaegrady ha up zing enough ta ihatter it with round fa reach the cottage in the was rather pitiful, and an ot eln is a Bowmavlel , and ore bicmprauaShe mais the rattie ai typewriter keys, sO Halil:furton area. We went, in 1 could imagine how easily the bsj Emile, amore tanvmade giraod mrempokntwnt.Sh as a here we are on otir return la- tact, by way ai Ottawa. Thef whole thinobwould burst intomn he big morit. ailoder aid connoissenn h absine ,.bnig e LborDa a 10p..; ementun ws oer90bath roaring .lms otikta friends and neighboms who re-f Eaton's, a man named E. so that these few words mas' be1 davs we wera on tha road, but 80%I, of these terrible fines mn mme e ste ltegrjpine a oua ready et the proper tima. on flic fîist lap af aur jaurney Ontario wera causad by the with a big ambition, will see claver designr-when hie ope And perhaps aiter ail, thaf is .eside the cool. cool waters of careless stupidity of tbankless teFî aho hw ne i w hpa lo t an appropriate baginning toaian- Lk naî n lcS.Lw hmnbig b s h eu Thursday evening. September West, near Bay, undar the nar other year, for as we havea ai- rance, wc wene hardiy consciaus tiful trails yet do not have the l7th, at the Lions Community ai E. F. Springer and Son,1 ways contendad. it semrs mucb, of the heat. wit to praserva them. Hall, sponsored by the Bowman- askecl Miss Sinclair ta ta] rnore like a new vear iin Sepfem-! One thing for sure. travel is We weî'e quite disappointad ville' Business and Professionai charge of bis salon. After t ber than in Januarv .Sc hools: broadening as tlu'v savý 1f makas not ta see any animnals, prabab- Women's Club, with a great deal important years there, 1V and colleges ana opanîng again y'ou appnecii fa tiiuigs you just ly due fa the heat. Visited the ai plaasure, and a sense ai par- Spninger ciosed out bis husineý and evarvone, ahmost, is back take foi granted every, dav and i Nature Museum, which bas an sanlal pride in ber achievement. and tiien, with bar large folloi fram holidavs ffiled with re- neyer even nealije. like the intenesting collection af stuffed The bouse is stiil standing op- ing and great knawledge ai fui newed vigor. Thafs. a little pep coolness naxt ta Lake Ontario. birds and animais as wall as posite the Town Hall in wbich ber flair foi' knowing every ir talk for ounsaîxes. Weve bard- j Xes, it's bot aven a mile away veny lbye turties, frogs, toads Miss Sinclair was barn; and hem portant change ini the nia ly puled ourselves together yet, from it, but it's always thene, and snakes. And so on to aur manionies of it are still poignant Ju lia Sinclair decided the fir tram that drliciaus lassitude in-! only a bop awa, with a coolf own lake wbere that process 9o1 and happy. Wif h nostalgic and xvas opportune ta take theb duced by suxshina. soft air, softý breeze blowîîîg off it. You cai, relaxation begaîî. A cool air sentimental memonias wîîich sfep. and fulfili bier lifelong ar water and sitting for bours justý go and sit heside it, or n iiii if swept in fronm somewhare, and are also vary htappy about ber bition. soaking up the fragrance of if's warm anaugb, and get cool- we slapt, saeming ta slip about ginlhood and childhood, Miss To own and operafe ber ve pines and wood smoke. ed off. forty fathoms down. Sinclair eturns fraquently ta own exclusive business aîîd, But spaaking af scbools, wa INut s, in that baked region The next evening, and again this tawn and alwaý.'s goes ta see this decisioli at a i iporta noticed in diving thraugh f tp north ta the east of' Algon- later ini the week, we had beau- the old bouse wbene lber parants miomienit of 'her life and canec the countrymide an a nacessary quin Park. Coming cross coun- tiful wood fines in the finaplace. and she spent many happy she becamne associaled W(ith ti trip to Toronto in that aven 90 try from the Ottawa-North Bay Watchiiig the flames ai an openi houns. The Sinclains were pion- internationîal expert, Emile -i heat, that aIl the littla country bîghway ta the east entrance ai fine, one is suspended in a mast eers in this district, and tlîein nian who learned everythir achool bouses, red and other- tbme Park, the barren bouses, deiightful state between wakingf friands were manv. The late that Europe had to offer, fro wise, were receiving the finish- most of therQ without a tree ta and sleeping. The fascination of Mrs. Alan Christie was the ald- bis eariy days în Vienna ar ing touches ai airing and dlean- shade themn, were set down in a those leaping flames, the idla est sister of Miss Julia Sinclair. Leipzig, flirouLgh an envia] ing, getting ready for the Sept, dry and sizziing plainî, miles dneaming, the utter content- Ah, thosa who knew Julia Sin- career that took bim fnom cr 8 influx. Mare ai that mad trip from cooling water. The beat ment. An open fine has for mast clair as a girl can recail the large Eunopean capital toai ta sizzling Toronto and the great was dry, the grass was dry, the af us a lune whicb must surely lave she had for beautiful othe-bhe was a top designer Canadian National Exhibition. bush was dry, so dry that whole go back ta the dawn ufltime. e things - clothes, piétures, arig- Paris, in Italy, near Milan ar aiten tbink that if more pel ml designs; and so they wena in Barcelona, Spain. Me four bad fireplaces, or mare who have flot surprised whan she decidad in Miss Sinçlair an ideal int tbemn woulid use them, there ta go out into the world and preter ta the public ai bis om would ha a great reduction in carve a careen fan herself in the ideas. Together thev hava ar G re a te st V a lu e Nerves. Just to make aur fine ising cil y ai Toronto. Toronto et 75 Bloar St.We comlee, e oasedmarshmal- Shontly aiter amiving in the And -tsa, if is wif h pnide ar iows aven if.bi city, Miss Sinclair went inta pleasure that Bowinanvilie wi in *e r le the fur depart.ment ai the T. weicome and pay tribute ta ar BUT OH HOW HE LIED Eaton Company and thiere sire ai oui- veny awn-Julia Siîîclai On the solemnt promise ai the learnad every angle and phase the iittle girl who has mac SWeatber Man that cooler air, ai the industry-buying. selling, good in the big city. 181 2 for 351 INCLUDING GOVT. TAX 146 ALIVE and growing Plant the seeds for your future am NA _____ __ SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT rnuch cooler, wouId reach To- ronto Friday, we went ta Toron- ta last Friday anad sizzled and boiled. The kir canditioning was wanderful, but ah, the streets. And there was no air condition- ing at the Exhibition. Lake On- tario did its best with a bit af a breeze now and then but it couldn't cool the whole umpteen acres. Aftar the prolonged heat and dryv waather the city streets were hot and dirty, but they were nothing comDared ta the parch- ad acres of Exhibition Park where the dust in the parking lots was inches deep. Just when we had reached an advanced state of stickiness, a tremendous wind, almost like a baby torna- do, suddenly arase, swirling the dust this way and that ahl through the Park. It covered the skin with a fine gnit, lodged in aur fneshly washed hair, got be- tween aur teeth. It gave us a very mild idea of what the dust starms must hayve been like out 'West years ago. At that moment, vie would have wrapped up the whole city af Toronto with the Exhi- bition thrown in and sold it for a nickel. But a gaod bath on reaching home tampered aur feelings somnewhat. Anyway, we saw that famous replica of the State Coach, the golden Cinder- ella coach used by Queen Eliza- bbeth at her Coronation. Done in scale two-thircis the actual size, the coach, Windsor Greys, pastillions, grooms. Yeomen of the Guard and Household Cavai- mv give one a true and very life-like impression. We-thought if one nf the most worthwhile things at the Ex. Among things noted, the barker.s hoarse, pers- piring, a little despaining, but valiant. And now, here we are with a sweater on, and enjoying it. Farewell, Summer. Heme's ta Autumn! EXPERT WA TCHE Certif ied Watchmaker as authorized by the Canadian Jewellers' Institute Ail Work Guaranteed One Year MARR'S JEWELLERY ;annuoe gnagna@ eu THE CANADIAN STATESMAIÇ, 1%OWMA"MLLF, ONTýltTo Counties Health Unit Reports 13 Cases 0f Polio Io Date The first of poliomyelitis ln the United Counties this ya rer was reported on June 2Oth. A ta- for tal of 13 cases have been report- dis- ed to date of which 5 were child- vas ren and 8 were adults. There, 1air have been 8 paralytic cases and fur 5 with no paralysis. The imci- vi- dence of paralysis has been high- er in adults, than in children in heir this Health Unit area. heir A breakdawn of cases by mun- îw- icipality is as follows: Bowman- be mille 2, Cobourg 4, Darlington rier Township 2, Haldimand Town- rger' ship 1, Hamilton Township 2, pid- Hope Township 1, Murray eal Township 1, Total 13. At îrid1 Fire Brigade Called me Twice on Friday he q ýae o o n Dump Mr. Whenhuge clouds of dense &s,1blaek smoke were seen issuing Iw front the town dump at no irs, I hist Friday, some of the nearby 'n-citizens investigateel and found de, t bat tlames were spreading to- me w'ard an ad.ioining woodlot. They bigi called the Bowmanville Fire Bri- âm ade whiep arrived in time to ,eextinguish the blaze before it . reached the trees. Ut Tien if happened again- eethe fire alarmn sounded again at te 2.30) on Friday and the trucks onhc01(e more hastened ta the scene ngî of the fire. The same substand- ar-d transmission grease whicb lb a and had been durnped by one of the benearby factories had caught fire 1 ib utashr itaclotheot one ju the sor it ance e tho ahe s 0ft ain-o theeapotr blaerestil smeoufer ,nd te. rirbaestl m ud r nd LuekilY the wind did not te-.pread the flames before they încould be put out, but dite to the 'ne danger from the burning of such in materials, the people in charge est. now fit-d it advisable ta burn adtheir refuse in the centre octh Mil d ump where there is littie rs ne of fire spreading ta, surrounding ar, u adtes ade At a service club meetin.g a member was introducin gan im- portant guest speak~er. He said, "Some of you have heard aur guest speaker before, some have not. Those of you who h ave not~ heard him, will look forwardt with pleasure ta hearing him now.', THE QUESTION BOX Many questions have been mailed directly ta the signed ad- drsss COUNTRY WOMEN 1 cup anions Thank yau for signing yourI La dre Hello Homemakars! From the 1 tsp. soya sauce nameanard addrass in full on your l .die meetings af the Associated 2 tbsps. butter latters ta us. ICountry Woman ai the Wonid, Bail the nice uiitii tender and ù Clecaners &r Dyers emissaries of gaadwill will ne- fluffy. Malt butter'In skillef, add Anne Allan invitas you ta OSHAWA ZENITH 13000 turn ta thain homes in many boilad nice. swcet peppens, on- wrile ta han c/a The Statesnian. Local Agent: jparts ai the world wîtb a bettar ion, soya sauce and 1 tsp. sait. Sand in your suggestions an ROOPER'U understanding ai hile ini Canada. Toss lightly unI il delicataly bomernaking problems and LDE'WA We ta9 have banefitad by the fried. Serve with chu nks aif ratch this colummi for replies. LDE'WA friendiiness and the description coakad chieken which have been of iamily lite as toid by the dale- rollad in beatan egg, dipped in gates who. live an farms in bread cnombs and browned mn othar counitries. This association deep fat. Serves 5. held conferences on mutuai Swedish Tarte Du h m C nrlure lu a o it probiems such as how ta im- and hoW' ta present thair ideas 2Ui cups ali-purpose flommr to international caunicils. With a 1 cup butter mmbership ai over six million 1 cup sauir cream cauntnies, wa believe their ai- Sift flour with sugan, fhien forts will have a tar-reaching work in ,tha buffer aîîd saur affect. Than aach Women's I n-atacem hudh A T stitute in Ontario (an anganiza- cem.te uamsoudb tion ai the Associated Country thick). Paf some ai the mixture Wamen) may take ta heant the Iino a Pie plate ta make a tbili worl ofHaley: Youcanotýlaver. Spread this wîtb jam and il I 1* ha a thousand people but you r press anather layer ai dough ' the whole will ha greater than aven (400( degs.) for 15 muas * the sum aif its parts." pî-sîaedn move aven indicaton la 350fo 0m1s9ex' n ecrtP E ME l ha dl t TAKE A TIP wedges witb wlimppedi crean.i a Gleanings tram women in Makas two <9 in.) tartes. : Outstanding Showing of:- other caulitries: Norwegian Hyldkak 1 i. People may be highly ada- IToa3 cups cold rmaslied potaa HORSES - CATTLE - SI-EEP - SWINE - POULTRY cated yat tbey do nat pay close toes add 1 cap flIon and saIt ho( GRAIN - FRUIT - FLOWERS - VEGETABLES - FINE ARTS attenîtion ta the daily nutnîtiaus taste. Make rniîxturc info round NEEDLEWORK - DOMESTIC SCIENCE foocis that ana needed ta main- cakes <14 in. tbick and aboui tainî gond health. size nf a saucer). Place these on SCHOOL WORK and JUNIOR DEPARTMENT 2. Toa few rural hamemakers a griddle and browîi on bail, u regard homemaking equipment sides. These cakes are served bot A U D Y S P .1T as a means ai saving time, ai- or caid witb buffer, goat cheesc, SA U D Y S P .1T font and moriay in other caun- sagar ao' syup. Tniese recipes ar hgh n e- Danish Pastry HARNESS RACES AND* PONY SADDLE RA E commencied by the delegatas a loftei ~ A E the A.C.W.W. conference wbo r 1 lb. flnîti (3z caps) kindly seiected a favorite recupe . 1cap water'w- Leea GUS1R~C-- tram aur World Cook Book. 1 (2 oz) brandy E aea d iso 0 Cars 25c - Children under 12 Free Italian Mazetti Masli butter' in ice water nnd : 1 , lbs. (cabad) pamk make it into a square. Knead COMP TN'fl1FO DR MATIC O I1E 3 tbsps. fat, wateu' and brandy into flour on 3 small onions a Pastry board. RaIl it ta an oh- à One Act Plays 2 tbsps. parsîeylogquiePlctebttrn the centre and (nid dnugb aveu BOTH NIGHTS, SEPT. llth and 12th - TOWN HALL. ORONO % cup green peppers it. Rail out gentiy as large as *Amsin5c - Cide 5 'cup celeny i (5 z.) co musrooms possible wflboat butter bnaaking E 1 (5oz.)carimushooms through. Fold eacb end ho cen- 1 can tomato soaptr.Fdonec'sis.RptM 1 cup water 3r.Fi necrsws.Rpa ~n~cakedm~?~cha o- imes but place in electic ene:- Fair Day Music by Orono Citizens Band- iosprsey epe, elr addough for tarts, napoleon cakes B MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT ORONO FAIR ionsnparslay, peppen,.caleryiand musbrooms; add ta park, Stir in a hotese squae frs.0aka na saup and water. Add 2 tsps. Sait,boeeciraefr10mn.ruuuMuuouM uuuuuM uuuuumuueuuheuuMMmuuu ', tsp. pepper and 1 tbsp. nia- lasses. Pour' 12 cap noodles mn an ouled casserole, caver witb the rneat. Add anal her i2 cupA noodles. Bake for 1 hoar at 350______________________ degrees. i Duteh Apple Pie 2 (*aps siited flion 3 Isps. baking powder 1/2 tsp. Sait 2 hbsps. butter h egg, beatan 2-3 cup mîlk 6 or 8 apples I tsp. cunnanion 14 uap miolasses 3 tbsps. sugar Sift ilour, bakuuîg powden ana Salt together; rut in butter. add egg and enougb mik ta make a sait dough. Roll 12 lnch tbick' and lina graased (9-mn.) pan. Caver dough with sliced applas and sprinkla wilh cinnanian and malasses. Baka in hot aven (400 degs) for 30 mios. Sprunkle with sugar anîd bake 5 mis. Serve bot. (eylon Rice CHARLES WILSON LIMITED oTORONTO k ?WUMRDAY, SEPT. 10, 1953 Left ta cherish hié; memory are OBITUARY his loving wife, une brudier Kenneth of Nestietan, thr-ce HERMAN W. SAMELLS niieces and one nephew, Gwen and Eunice Wilson, and Anna On August 27, Merman Wil- anld Melvi lle Sameils. liam Sameils passed away in The funeral service held Agg.. Port Perry A-ospital after a short ust 29 from bis home, was largià ___ -ess.- A_ life long resident of ly attended. The many beauti, Cartwright Township he was fui floral tributes showed thle son of the late Mr. and Mrs. high esteem in which he was William Samelîs. In 1927 he held. Mr. Herbert McComb of married Beatrice Wilson of Nes- Nestieton Presbyterian Churi, tieton.I officiated, assisted by Rev. C. He was a successful farmer,! W. Hutton :f Blackstock United havinc sper. all his life on the Church. Me was laid to rest in~ farm.eMe was a member of the, the 'Union Cemetery at Cadmus. Nestleton Presbyterian Church.i Palîbearers were George Sam. Always a willing nelper wher- eIls. Scott Hutchison, Jameg ever needed, he was a good; Stewart. Michael Boychyn, Gor.. neighbour and belov'ed by al, don Metcalf and Milton Fisher.-J *eSS~S *SSO@ SSSe..................Se*@..... WE' RE HEADQUARTERS FOR CLEANINGý our different SANITONE Service gets out ail the. dirt-makes clothes Slook like nwI Here's gond goad-groomi , news for back-to-schoolers.i 0ur Sanitone Dry Cleaning freshens up yaur school wardrobe so you'Il look smart and sharp as a caver girl on your favorite magazine. Witlî Sanitone, dirt and spots disappear like magic. There's no tell-tale cleaning odori and better pressing keeps dion knife-pleat in' ion geri Best of ait, Sanitone Dry aeaning aven brings back the .like new look ta last year's elathes. Cal!n orne ini todara EVELEIGH' S I&

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