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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Sep 1953, p. 7

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-- - e - THURSDAY, SEPT. 10, 1953 THE CANAflIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAG! SEVEN. Mrs. George E. Hall, Tarante, was a recent visitor of Mr. and Mme. R. K. Squair. Mr. W. F. Rogers, Calgary, Alta., cailed on Mrs. Harry Pye wben visiting in town. Mms. Fred Haywamd, Calabog- le? spent the weekend with Mr. '%and Mrs. L. B. Nichais. Misses Lavemne and Elva Or- chard are visiting their cousin, Mrs. G. Cowle. Napanee. ~a wd Mrs. Frank Trowe, tbeir aunt, Miss Grace A. Hall. Mr. and Mms. Abert Cale were vacationing iast week at Canoe Lake n Algonquin Park. Mis Florence Werry spent the holiday weekend with ber sis- ter, Mm.. C. H. Rowan, Bethany. Mms. Mary Fitcbett, Montreai, has been visiting ber sisters, Misses Elizabeth and Carrne Painton. Mrs. W. P. Hall, Centre St., has eturned home after a much enjayed visit with relatives in Scatland. Miss Arlen~e Cax, Oshawa, speni the boiiday weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. El- mer Cox. Mr. John Murray Bate cf the East Beach left for Alberta on the Harvesters' Excursion last Eiday night. Mrs. Albert E. Allun bas re- turned ta Fort William aftem visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Stocker and otber relatives. Mr. Ralph H. Carmuthers, New York City, is hoiidaying with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Caruthers, Scugog St. Miss Grace Nicholson left on Fridiay for Hamiltan where she has accepted a position on the staff of the Lloyd George Pub- lic School. Sympathy is extended ta Mrs. David Peters in the loss af ber mother, Mrs. William Miler, Who passed away at ber home In East York, Toronto, on Sept. 4. Mrs. Peters' father, Rev. Wm. Miller. is acting as interim min- ister of Silverthorn Baptist Chumch at the present time. .ST, JOHN'S CRURCH (Anglican) Rev. Warren Turner, B.A., B.D. SUNDAY SCHOOL S 10 &r. REGULAR SERVIC98 at 8 a.m. il arn., 7 p. AUl members and friends are speelally lnvited te attend this Sunday. Rev. and Mmc. Warren Turner and girls have returned fmomn thair summer vacation spent at Lake Catchacoma, north o! Pe- terborough. Mrs. Eva N. Rohrig, New York City, Misses Agnes and Emma Caàselman, Morrisburg, weme gueste of Mr. and Mme. W. Rocs Strike. Miss Mary Joan Dumontelle bas returned te Sudbury after spending the echool holidays with ber aunt and uncle, Mm. and Mme. R. K. Squair. Mm. and Mrs. Robent Maya and family have returned ta their home in Washington, D.C., alter visiting ber parents, Rev. R. R. and Mme. Nicholson. Mme. Macie Blythe and daugh- ter, Miss Isabel Blythe, Ph.D., East Lansing, Mich., have been visiting the !ommer's brother, Mm. and Mre. C. E. Rehdem. Mm. and Mms. Elmer Cox have eturned from a four weeks' trip ta the west coast. En route, they visited relatives at Regina, Edmonton, Olde and Vancouver. Mm. and Mrs. R. W. Rundle and Arthur Morris, Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. John Pemry, Otta- wa, bave eturned ta their home alter halidayîng witb Mm. and Mme. R. K. Squair. Mm. and Mme. F. L. Bartiett, Kingston; Mr. and Mmc. David W. Bamtlett, Ottawa; Miss Rose- mary Bamtlett, Toronto, were holiday guests Uf Miss Eva Heil- yan and Mies Hariet Bartlett. Mm. Charles Warder, Roches- ter, N.Y., and bis son, Mm. and Mme. Ben Womdem, Honolulu, Hawaii, visited their relatives, Mms. Charlotte Saundere and Misses Etta and Mldred Will- mott. Mm. and Mme. Roy Lunney and Mm. and Mrs. C. C. Lunney have returned fnom a motor trip to Ottawa and Algonquin Park, concluding a few days' vacation on Shadow Lake in the Hall- burton district. Mme. W. J. Leask and Barbara weme guests at the Lumb-Hus. band -wedding in Humbencresi United Church, Toronto, and receptian at Kilcooley Gardens, Mimîco. They visited Mr. and Mme. James Bell, Islington, or Saturday. Mme. Agnes Lewis, Hartley and Mary, have eturned front spending the summer at the Taylor Statten Campe in Algon- quin Park. Mary was a camper at Wapamed where hem mother was a member o! the staff and Hantley attended Ahmek, the boys' camp. Mr. and Mme. Wm. T. Rogers, Calgary, Alta.. were recent vis- itors with their cousine, Mr. and Mme. Herb. Rogers. It is juet 50 years ago this month that Will left hie native bamiet ai Ennis- kîllen ta make bis fortune in the wild and woolly plains af western Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams attended the Roberts-Hughes wedding in the Yark Memorial Pmesbytenian Chumch, Toronto, on Satunday, Sept. 5, and recep- tion aftemward at Club Lynd- burst. The -bride, the former Jean Mary Ruth Hughes, is a datîgbter af Lt. Col. Elton Hughes, formerly o! Bowman- ville. TRINITY UNITED- CHURCH Minister: Rev. T. A. Morgan, B.A. 11 A.M. - "The Holy God"' 7:30 P.M. - "Three Persons in One" Due to alterationsi Mr. D. C. Peters, L.T.C.M., Director of Music. , there will be no Sunday School until Fall. Phyllis Challis Barrett, A.T.C.M., Organist. SOCIL AND PEISONAL PRONE 30 Cheese Praducers' Association. Just ta show how the Baw- EN SKL N manville boys get around, we N IKL E see by a Mantreai paper that the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. A cambined Missionamy and C. E. Rehdem ai this tawn, Mm. the Mission Band was held on 7 J. E. (Ned) Rehder af Montreal Sunday, Sept. 6, with Mrs. Rus- leaves this week ta address the sell Ormiston in charge. Shirley International Foundry Conven- Ellis and Shirley Milîs gave an tion in Paris, France. Ned lis the intemesting repart on their stay Technical Directar of the Can- at Ontario School for Leaders ada Iron Faundries Ca. of Mon- at Whitby. Nancy Wood gave treal. a piano solo. Collection $3.56. ~d. Dan't miss eading ail about Mrs. T. M. Sieman is visiting n.~ rMiss Julia Sinclair on page four Mrs. Anna Short and Miss Anita Duso rao this issue. Bowmanville-born, Short and other cousins at Bald- Ailleant* Miss Sinclair has had rnany win, Long Island, U.S. years af experience in the fur Mms. J. Grîffin and family business and now awns her own visited Mrs. E. Bennett, Fenelon exclusive shop on Bloor St. W., Falls. Toronto. Furs designed by the M~r. and Mms. H. A. Maybee,' intemnationally known expert, Belleville; Mr. and Mrs. F. May- Emile, wiil be modelled by the bee, Donna and Ross, Toronto,* * members ai the B & P Club lit with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. How- the fashian levent ai the yeam at ells. the Lions Cammunity Centre, Master Maurice Bradley, of Sept.17 a 8:30p.m.Bowmanville, with Mm. and Mrs.. With the approach ai the faîl Russell McLaughlin. season when church, social and Master Donald Gregg visited other cammunity activities are his aunt, Mrs. D. B. Kay, Tom- renewed, the Statesman invites onto. the co-operation af secretaries Mm. and Mrs. Wallace Griffin in abtaining reports. These, if and Heather with Mr. and Mrs. written plbinly on one side ai Norman Collacutt, Tyrone. e,. the paper, with the name ai the Service Club met at the home sender attached, will bave aur af Mrs. Earl Masters with 14 most cargal attention. We efer members present. Election of ta church organizations, home officers was conducted with and school associations, Wo- Mms. Arthur Leadbeatem acting men's Institutes, lodges, bowl- as chaimman. Officers for 1954 ing leagues and athers. AIl con- are: Pmesident-Mrs. B. Howells; tributions wili be appeciated. Vice -President - Mme. E. Mas- Just one mare request-please ters; Treasurer-Mrs. J. Griffin; send reports in early. Don't Secretamy -Mme. H. Ashton; wait until the day o! publica- Ass't. Secretary-Mrs. L. Stain- tion. ton; Gift Com.-Mrs. 0. C. Ash- II Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Brooks ton and Mme. J. Slemon; Hos- N E I and Glenn, Scugog St., and Mrs. pital Convener-Mms. H. Mills. Clarence Junkin, Bobcaygeon. A discussion toak place an aur returned home Saturday from a praject for the coming yeam. vacation ta Vancouver where Lunch was served by Mms. H. NE DIRE they visited relatives and many Mille, Mrs. E. Trewin, Mrs. J. fri-3nds. The 7300 mile journey Slemon and the hoetess. Next le b.couse Prost toak themn through the prairies meeting at Mrs. Norman Wil- vtmicul and mauntains ai the Canadian son's an Sept. 15. west ta the beautiful national Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton, 0* cilksl vi parks at Banff and Lake Louise, Clare and Douglas with Mr. and é Woives with, around Big Ben ta Reveistoke, Mrs. Stewart Rodman, Scugog 1ules down the Okanagan Valley ta Island. Vancouver. Homeward bound, Mm. and Mme. Will Rogers, they sawv the grand Coulee Dam Calgary, Alta.; Mm. and Mms. A. in Washington, Glacier Nation- J. Hicks, Mrs. C. Saper, Oshawa, ai Park in Montana, Yellow- with Mm. and Mrs. R. McNeîl. stons Park and Custer National Mrs. M. E. White and Clark, Park, near the Bad Lands of Toronto, with Mm. and Mrs. UR ILC South Dakota. Then they trav- Robert Mitchell. elled through states ai corn and Mm. and Mms. Harold Cautts THE fruit belts full of harvest splen- and Mm. and Mrs. Ira Travell, NA dour. Many coloumed pictures Oshawa, visited Mrs. E. C. Ash- and slîdes were taken along the ton. way which are helpin-g them Mr. Alex Dummand, Orono, andther rieds t ometa e-spent Sunday with Mm. Clark ani te fr loel wtheeks n Ca- Werry. livefou lovly eeksin an- Miss Marguerite Wright, St. ada and United States. Catharines; Mm. and Mrs. Her- bert Wright, Toronto, with Mm. and Mrs. Norman Wright, Mas- B. H. S. Studenis ter Rorjbie and Miss Janiceè Wright retumned ta Tomonto ai- (CQntinued from PaLle One) ter visiting their grandparents, More mon Mm. and Mrs. Norman Wright. hyBYCE1 sity cf Toronto in the Electrical Mr. and MÉÉ. Bob Elliott, Mrs. r 'LRE Engineering course. Oniy two Gladyýs Heme, Miss Ruby Virtue, thon *ny other hoir *01 bursaries are giver in Durham Toronto, with Mm. and Mrs. Eaml County for students wishing ta Masters. attend university, and two for IMr. and Mme. R. McNeil ac- AI students wishing ta attend Nom- companied Mm. and Mrs. L. mal School. Graham on an enjoyable trip M ACLE Miss Wright was the winnem ta Orillia. biR0X of one ai the Normal School bum- Miss Heather Mitchell spent FEO saries, valiied at $250, and has Sunday with Miss Betty Jane TOOTH 1 lfteattend Petemborough Nom- Werry. mal Schoal. She has been a con- Mr. and Mms. Russell Ormiston sistuently good student thmough- were Sunday tea guests ai Mr. FGT 0TOý out ber yeams at B.H.S. and Mrs. Wm. Gmay, Enfield. Congratulations are extended Mm. and Mrs. Will Rogers, ta these yoting students who Calgary, were Fiday tea guests CHEKSBA through merit have won for with Mrs. E. C. Ashton. themselves financial assistance Mrs. Lloyd Amnold and Bemyl, in furtheming theit education, i Dixie; Mm. and Mrs. Kennetb and in so doing have braught Rahm and Kenny, Tymone, were, honor ta their schooi and its Sunday callers with Mr. and principal, L. W. Dippell. Mrs. Russell Griffin. Mrs. Pat Tresise and girls, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. N. On the avemage, it costs less Wright.- than a cent and a naîf ta ship* Mr. and Mms. Adam Shampe one ton ai freight one mile by are visiting relatives in Sask- railway in Canada. atchewaix. Based on an index of 19391 Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGille equls 00,wags i th Caa-!and Don, Toronto. accompanied, wem 307.5aytetlesendu195, isM. and Mms. russeiRab- t dian37. mmatxtlesendust192,visMm. and Mrs. ARussBenl ta W/e .eliver accomding ta Dominion Bureauj inson, Part Hope.1 of Statistics. Janice Beech who visitedt hem ONO RLIZER! Uy *ry time a ny plastie only $1.75 PASTE ix. gmandmothem, Mrs. E. C. Ashton, LookforBesse ad Buferupbas returned home te Maple, Lool forBesse an Buiercu Mr. and Mm.. Gea. Imwin, Donna Gail and Rodney visited Mm. and Mmc. Tommýy Smith and Mm. and Mms. Jim Imwin, Bob- caygeon. Mm. and Mrs. Ciarence Brad- ley, Maurice and Beverly, Bow- manville; Mm. and Mme. Ross Pagè and family, Newcastle, wîth Mm. and Mme. Leonamd Bradley. M4aster Brian Borrowdale, of Oshawa, visited Master Gath McGill Mm. ànd Mms. Brock Olde and Nancy, Trentan, vislted Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Werry. Mme. Erne#t Walkem and Dal- phihe. Bowmanvilie, with ber parents, Mr. and Mme. Russel Griffin. Mr. and Mme. Davis, Mm. and Mme. Win. McNaim, Stouffvilie, with Mm. and Mmc. E. McNair. Mr. and Mmc. Harpell, Mr. and Mrs. Len Flowers, Kingston, Mm. and Mrs. Bob Svanefelt and Susan. Port Permy, with Mr. and Mme. K. Svanefelt. Mr. and Mme. Arthur Lead- beater, Sm., Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Leadbeater, Murray and Bale, Toronto; Mme. Florec Smith . . . .. . . .ànd Mm. Charlie Vogue, Roch- ester, New York, visited Mm. and Mms. Arthur Leadbeater. Miss Florence Van Nest has eturned ta Toronto aiter visit- ing Mm. and Mrs. N. Wright. Mr. and Mme. Howard Mas- ters, Mm. and Mmc. Archie Mas- ters, Bowmanville; Mm. ancý Mmc. Keith Smith, Hampton, vIsited1 Mr. and Mms. Earl Masters. _____________ ~Week-end visitors at the Par- sanage were Mm. and Mme. R. W. "Bessie" the butter cow and hem offspring "Butter- E. Cox, son Ralph Jr., and Bob cup" this year will make their fimst appearance since 1949 M 'cCartney, all ai Pittsburgh, at the Canadian National Exhibition. Well-known Toronto Pa. Donad Sewar isseenaboe putin thefinsh- Mms. R. M. Seymour accupied scuiptor Dnl twr sse bv utn hiih the pulpits on the Enniekillen ing touches on a plasticine model of the bovine group charge on Sunday, during the which is the first step in establishing grauping, position absence ai Rev. Seymour wha and dimensions of the finished work. About 100 hours had been invited the preach at of labour are necessary ta complete the life-size model in Wdtshaga, narth af Orillia, in butter which is viewed each year by mare than a haif- their Centennial in the United million people. This unique display is sponsored for the seventh time jointly by The Ontario Cream Producers' The beet man or woman le the mast unselied.-Mamy Baker Association, the Ontario Whoi-ê Milk Leaguë, the Ontario Eddy. Concentrated Milk Producers' Association and the Ontario By Lewis MIRlgan In a pre-election editorial, the Slmcoe Reformer recalled that "Canadians were vemy indepen- dent and self-reliant people, un- tii aur election 6'ampaigns took on the appeamance o! auctian sales of social security mea- sures." And the editor wondem- ed «'if it is the shape of things ta came that we are ta find social secumity the main Issue of aur elections, o! seeing one political party raising the social secumity ante o! came other political par- ty, pomising more and better pensions, medical services and s0 forth?" Commenting on this, the Shawinigan Standard wonders: "Whot bas happened ta aur peo- ple . . . Are we becaming les able ta eamn aur living, ta man- age aur own finances, or ta came for aur young, aur aged, and aur sick? And Canada, it is said, is experiencing the mast prasper- ous and hîghest ecanomic ena o! its histomy. One may ask is it social security we are getting or a imild creeping form o! so- cialism?", This last question reminded me ai the sad case ai a friend wbo wae well ta do financially,ý and who, for no apparent rea- son, was gradually lasing the use of hie mright arm. He tried ahl kinde o! embrocations and internai tonie until the éther amm began ta be .îffected in tbe came way. Finally lie went toaa clinic for a general physical ex- amination, and he was told that he was suffeing fmom creeping paralysie for xvhich there was no cure. That is egactly what is happening or will happen even- tually as a result ai this cmaze for social secumity. It is a weil known law ai nature that if we cease ta exercice a faculty we lace the use ai it. A recent issue o! the British Weekly cantained a letter frm a eader, E. J. Collins, af Woi- verton, Bucks., in which the wmi- ter quates the fallowing wise words o! John Bright, the great Englisb Quaker statesman of the latter hal! of the nineteenth century: "There le only one way that ie safe for any man or any riumbem o! men by which they can maintain their pmeeent posi- tion, if it is a goad one, or raise themselves above it, if it ia bad one-that is by the practice o! the virtues of industry, fru- gality, temperance and honesty. There is no Royal moad by which men con aise themeelves from a position whicb tbey feel ta be uncomfomtabie and unsatisfac- tory, as regards 4heir mental and physical condition except by the practice of these virtues. "I would ecommend every man ta pay no attention wbat- ever ta public writems or speak- ers, whoever tbey may be, wbo tell them this dlase or that clase, that this law or that law, this Govemnment or that Govern- ment, can do this thing for them. After long eflection and much observation I can assure yop that there le fia way for the working classes ta imprave their condition but that which se many of them have already availed themselves of-that is the practice of these virtues and by eliance on God and thein- selves." The writer o! the letter sug- geste that "trade union leaders, and otbers who are sabotaging the secumity cf tbe Nation, would do weli ta note these words by John Bright." He declames that .4a major danger today is net infantile paralysie but anti-work paralysie. Service is the ent we pay for aur own mufe bere, and if we are taeveeave a better pres- ent and future into the tapestry of the past, we muet remember that work is a challengeý and not a taek. The moot cause o! the world's mess is in tbe imdlvi- duals, not in.systeme anly. Com- munism can be broadly defined as the- devil's caricature of Christianity." AIl of wbicb is well and truly said. munRyUBuldfoTtoRESw COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY £ LOOK AT THESE DARGAINS Free 85c Breck flair Dress with $1.95 13RECK SHAMPOO 12 oz. size $2.80 value oniy $ 1.95 New Low Prices on DETTOL ANTISEPTIC 49e size now 75e size now 1.35 size now 2.15 size now 43c 63c $1.10 $1.90 $1.00 Gem Razor Kit Free with 59c size MENNEN SHAVE CREAM Kit Free with Giant Tube either Lather or Brushless Cream - $1.59 value only.--- .- 9 Speclal! 2 oz. Creme Special! Speclal! * Corega Brilliantine Mercolized Pacquin's DetI Free with Wa Hand * etai Hudnut Wx Cream Plate Egg Creme for Skifl Bath types Powder Shampoo blemishes 75e jar 33c, 53c, 89c $1.25 89C 59e For Indigestion! I.D.A. ANTACID * STOMACH POWDER Q u ic kly elieves 4oz gastric distress by jar __ 75c neutralizing excess- a___75 sisting normal d i lb.--- $109 1. D. A. BRAND SPECIALS Sold on a Money-back Guarantee A.B.S. & C. Tablels reg. 23c 1i9C Beef, Iron & Wine w1 o.,re. 1.0 79c, Calamine Lotion 30ecnd50e 2 3c, 39c I.' Liquid Remedy Corn RemoverRg3527 Flaxseed16 ounce size29 i Linsed Meal12 oz. carton o Lise elreg. 35c 29c' lodine 1 ounce bottle19 CERTO JAR RINGS PAROWAX 1 27e Rubbet 9c 16c IT'S HURE! 'Cý fabulous new KLEENEX STRONGEIt WHITER p M MAN'S SIZE 12"x12" 5 Drugs Phone 792 e--' ~ CreepingParalysis Horse and Car Tangle onHighway Seward Tyler's horse prove4 tougher than Morley Oke's car in a recent collision, and 4s a re- suit Mr. Oke is minus a right rear fender. Mr. Oke was driving along No. 2 Highway at Maple Grove when be met a pair of horses driven by Mr. Tyler, which were hitched together but flot draw- ing a wagon. The horses became frightened and one of them shied ovér far enough te strike the right tender of the 0ka car. The resuit was that the ten- der was completely tern off, whiie the horse suffered only a slight cut on the leg. Lei's Have Your Views on Local Topics or Problems Brains when used formulate ideas and thoughts. Many of the ideais reaiized came from soma individual who sat down and exercised bis brain. Many ideai thought out have neyer seen light because the persan did flot follow thra' ugh. In this cammunity there are yaung people who see the events of the days with different eyes ta what the aider peaple see them. Yet same are afraid ta give expression publiciy ta their thaughts. When thoughts are given publicity thcy often add up ta samne big praject. In every phase afi lue there is raomr for impravement. Ail that is needed is mare initiative along with pubiicity. Give your thoughts and ideas circulation. Use the coiumns af the P4ates. man, yaur awn paper. Share yaur ideas with the 12,000 read- ers who read this paper, each week. Send in articles anid letters on local tapics or problems ta the editar. This stimulates new lufe and activity in your own Coin- St. Paul's United Church flev. H. A. Turner, B.A., B.D., Minister 14 s. Reta Dudley, A.T.C.M., L.C.C.M., Organist 9:50 a.m.-Sunday School 11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7:00 p.m.-Evening Worship - Everyone Welcome - k PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY MceGregor, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store ý 1 . 1 1 1 1 mana THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO Il PAGE SEVEN. il

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