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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Oct 1953, p. 10

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PAGE T!Çi THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY, OCT. Sth, 195 fig Crowd Tarn Onit I See Exhibition Hockey Game Delween Truckmen and Flyers e ~ The theory thata good big 1wlen a shoti by Paul Jago wei e hockey team cani beat a good in to the t^ines off a Barrit Ghltl hockey teamn was borne out player at 8.13. agaîn at the opening hockey The Tnuckmen continued ta Saine of t.ie season in the Bow- press throughout the period and flianville Memorial Arena. Sat- at 15.07 Jack Thaler got their urday night when the bigger, goal on passes frumn Williams heavier and more experienced and MrBeh. Slightiy over two c Oshawa Smith Truckmen hand- minutes later Bob Hoiden, who th ad the Barrie Flyers a convinc- plaved a standout game for the fr -2dtet Oshawa crew all evening, got SI ~It was a benefit tilt, with the1 th,ý fourth and final goal of the ecoeects froim a good crowd of' period * lie took a pass from Me- 9 fans going ta the Truckmen Beth who had been fed by ta elp replace the equipment Frank "Soriny" Hooper, hit the ISt in the Oshawa Arena fire. Barric goalie's pads an the Pnior te the first face-off sev- first shot, but cashed the re- e erai officials spoke bieflv in bud 3opening ceremonies which' got 1 The Barrie teami showed more a th infant season under %vay. aggressive play in the second E Lorne Coole, 2nd vice-president period andi the first hait of the e ot the O.H.A., deciared that itl franie wns ai ariv even. At 16.52 was a wonderful gesture on the the FINver.- drew first biood when hpart of the management of the lBobý Ro,.crs tipped in a pass dBoxvmanviile Memoriai Arena! fromn Gerîiv Catsev. This goal to give the Oshawa Truckmien a;! %-,as scored on Jack Nayior, home. lic also commenteci on! Trut'kniet goalie of last year, -ithe sportsmanshîp of the Bar- -whIo had replaced Les Coîbin in rie Flyers in coming here for api the Oshawva twines halfway exhibition game to help the throu-1h the peniod. Tnuckmen replace t!wîr lc'st Onîlv nine seconds before the equipment. end of the stanza Tim Hook Wren Blair. President of the; scoredi on a pass from Merv Oshawa Truckmen. t i e teKin- to zv h lyr hi .Arena Ma n ag-ee nt,"Ccn:.tec sec).nd and final goal. for aliownmg the te.-im to corno Oshawa Takes Over and make its homie here. lie also TeTuke oka annin the fnlst minutesno port ucnden trdtheast e g atr hm ol Tupporame sated goffftwt het 14.56ho ettpssestam th r-e the he offensivegsHar JacSindncendobholden- 'an tEiffrs pioadhof tthe 1trienotch . iega.H ie 4.4a rk hen Gla eryuncotra abu10te tadpik s"Aredonke apintra oJed Wi- edathe to ig honer, ote 't b wa's nvillues Maieshtnig. wavil tee Vourti. TenOshataessec-tJce aer ende tho eascoal- and al rveffor tes ioff t e tyino teheamnie a .17 Henr CIL BURNER &«myou g.« bml# beaihsg et Iow.r ca.t wiilu a VORTEX Only a Vortex lias this money-savsng, whlhng, bowl-shape"$me. It blan- kets the cadire fire chaxnberr with ricb, radiant heat- uends the heat into your roorns instead of up the cbimney. Burner reaches i top efficiency in a few sec-L onds--applying heatdircct- ly to furnace heating sur-r faces. Relax i perfectI coxnfort and make sub- stantial fuel savings with an Iron Fireman Vortex cil burner. be ! 1 ta ou Ne !et ir- s, Ch1 L. A. PARKER & SONS 47 King St. E., Bowmanville Phone 651 LONG BRANCH Jusi Off Gueen Elizabeth Way and Highway 27 WEST 0F TORONTO 1:30 P.M. 1ept. 30 m Oeta 23 Admission (Including Tax) - $1.15 CIIILDREN UNDER SIXTEEN NOT ADMITTED Ample Parking Space FIRST- CLASS RESTAURANT Full course meals from 75e s) Mvurray ivicxnightws 'I eamtSaseball Champs Don Welsh's Pee WE which was coached by Muri manville Town League Pee' ing Bill Bates' team 4-3 ina the second sport champions combination as they also W( Dowlers ini Nidse Eight Bowlers 01 AI Osborne Leadi Eight bowlers were aven the 700 mark this week with AI Osborne leading the way witný 775 made up of 231-265-279. Ne_ in line was Sam Woods 747, Pat Yeo) 742, Russ Oke 740, Norm O'Rourke 723, Hap Palmer 712, George Elliott 709 and Ted Phil- lips 703. Dr. Keith Siemon had high single with 305 whîle Ted Phil- lips recorded the anly other 300 score with 303. Dr. Rundle's team had high single game with 1302, while Ted Bagnell's outfit had high triple of 3362. Art Spicer set the season re- cord for law single with a lousy 74, with Andy Anderson having 110. Low triples were led by An- dy An,ýerson 393, Cecil Osborne 422, Chuick Wright 426, Ray Brock 433, Art Spicer 442 and ALLEY CHATTER The sentimentalists lost a lot of money when the Yankees made it five world series in a row. el be around to sce you Doc. Manager George Elliott coin- plains that quite a few bowîers have mised bowling the first two weeks. We have a strong league fellnws, let's keep it that way. We aso have a large wait- ing, list of bowlers who would really like to bowl. Also some of the bowlers working on the 11-7 shift have fo reason to bowl in the afternoon. Treasurer Fred Cole still has bis hand out, so if you haven't paid see Fred next week foi sure. Walt De Geer dlaimns he would bowl a lot better if the boys would quit caliing him captain. Standing End of 2nd Week 1953-54 Team W L P Pts Bagneil 5 1 6700 12 Brock . 5 1 6577 12 Little--- 5 1 6167 12 Slemon - - 3 3 6704 7 Rundie -t---- 3 3 6260 7 Cole---- 3 3 5998 7 De Geer 3 3 5972 7 ~ Milne 2466 Elliott 2466 O'Rourke 2 4 6312 4 Osborne 2 4 6005 4 he took a pass from Harry Sin- den to score from close in to make the~ final count 7-2 for the Oshawa Truckmen, Consider.ing the fact it was an exhibition gaine, the teams played it fainly rough. There was even one fight, which the referees caiied roughing, in the third period when Rob Holden and Genry Casey of Barrie tang- led. A total of 15 penalties were handed out. Locol Men Play Well AIl the Bowmanville men on the Truckmen squad turned in niee games. Frank Hooper had a goal and an assist, Maxie Yourth dîew an assist and Play- ing Coach Ernie Dickens played a strong, heady game on de fence. Barrie Flyers - Coal, Spen- cer; defence, Higgins, Robertson,' Murray, Hîronen, Ciaschini; for- wards, Graham, White, Mort- son, Collin, Stankiewicz, Chat- ti.ngton, Hook, King, Smith, Purdon, Barlow, Casey, Rogers, McManus, Appleby. Oshawa Truckmen - Goal, Coibin, Naylon; defenc, Mc- Beth, Sinden, Dickens, Peters; forwards, Scott, Yourth, Wilson, Williamns, Jago, Thaler, Hooper, H-1lden, Berwick, Etcher. OfficiaIs - Moe Walsh, Jim OS. Crornbie. nt e to id ro Io le A Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hamilton i t saYs: You get the best délaliin visited Mr. and Mrs. Norman ~ toun at Robson Motors! Fisher and children at Guelph.~ They also visited Mr. Hamilton'ssot"" sister, Mrs. Wm. Irwjn and famn <,on ice. ily, at Stratford. Thanksgiving services at Les- See us for the kard United Church Sundav were very well attended and ail S B RB N T apprecjated the two splendid sermons given by Rev.M. C. Fisher, Brooklin, and the very by IIO UEF EAR fine music, giveni by the young men'squret fromn Trinity Hero's the tire that's sPecially de- United Church, Bowmanville. signed for City and suburban wintcr ee basebali teamn shown above, pionship Iast winter. Front row, left to right, are John Mrs. James Cameron at the org- driving ... the only snow-ice tire ray McKnight, won the Bow- Hancock, Alex Wiseman, Jim McKnight and Keith Welsh. an and piano very ably led the with ail these amnazing features: musir 1856 GRIPPINO, BITING EDOIS . a Wee Championship by defeat- Middle row: Paul Hancock, Bob Richards, Mike Murphy mSunday guests with Mr. and RNSQUIETER ON THE HIGIIWAY... a hard-fought contest. It was and Captain Don Welsh, Back row: Don McGre*gor, Mrs. Leroy Hamilton were Rev. BEsS TRACTION - FORWARD AND [ship for the Welsh-McKn Ight Ronnie Pollard, Larry Hancock, Gary Conway and M. C. Fisher and Mr. and Mrs. REVERSE ... on the Pee Wee hockey cham- Coach Murray McKnight. James Cameron and Roy. TREAD GROOVES CUT SIDE-SLIP TO A -Phoo b Reder Sunday evening visitors with MINIMUM ... -Poo yRedrMr. and Mrs. James Cameron SUBURBANITE T.I. Reg were Rev. M. C. Fisher, Rev. J. là, Gol dyear rRubber C.m>a.y of Canada. Luik4 muti.Potato Club, Kenneth Buttery, Kitchen, Mrs. BraOoo ason Form W1ih Goodyear Euclire R. R. 6, Bo'wmanville; Maurice Mr. and r.LoyHmln Ha]lowell. R. R. 1, Orono. Warden and Mrs. Hart. Lowery, re 0 akWas Great Success West Durham SwineçClub, Kirby, and representatives f h The first euchre of the new David Swain, R.R.3, Burketon. Ireland,' England and Denmark. LOOK FOR THIS sason, sponsored by the Good- East Durihamn Swine Club, John Glad to see Mr. Norman Bair- "HION SIGN" ; te ay wîh 75year Employees' Recreation Club Beedham Jr., R.R.6, Cobourg; Mr. James Cameron is lpen last rdyngt aa great Ralph Goheen, R.R.4, Port Hope. for business, in spite of thepcast1 Averages success and a large number of Durham Tractor Club, Keithonh lg members turned out for the Lamb, R.R.4, Bowmanville; Glen or n dhis e . D asalo Games Ave. levent, heid in the Goodyear Stapleton, R.R. 2, Newcastle. Trnot Mr. and Mrs. E.Mrhalo A. Osborne 6 258 'Recreation Hall. __________ Tooowih r.ad m.e. Green TBagne i 6 242 Prize winners in order of ap- Sorry to hear that Mrs.M- L .HeRirle 3 240 pearance were: Ist, Thomas Doris Joll's Team Causiand is Ml. We wish hera P.Yo----6 25Gould; 2nd, r.W Crossey; speedy recovery. G.ellot6 235 Srd, Mrs. W. Therteil; 4th, Wal- H eads Leau Sorry to hear that both Mr.3 G Elîot - - 6 235ter Cochrane; 5th, Mrs. McLean;egu Harry Davey and Mrs. Clarence R. Richards 6 231 6th Mrs. Rita Keith. T ais Martin are sick with the flu. - M. Vanstone ____ 6 228 In.a dies" VVBowlng Mr. and Mrs. H. Thompson a J. Fair 6 227 J and Roy, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Brock ___ 6 226 J r armers W1il Bernice Budai took high Thompson and David, Toronto, T. Pillps 6 225avcrage ivth 219, and high tri- T.~ .hlis 2 Ju dre ai Guelph pIe with 7/71. Hil'da Brock roll- D. Taylor-_____ 6 220,r ed 277 arnd placed high single.ca B. Milne . . 6 2191 , 4H rIô*~n Other glood games were as fol-. M. Corson . 6 218 4- Cmpfiio lows: Doris Joli 213, KE'ay Beau- C. Oke --- 6 213 prie 212, Onie Etcher 206.5 B. Williams____- 6 217 Fourteen Durham County Joli's team takes over the R. Oke----------- 6 214 Junior Farmers will represent îa lsi oiwdb c B.* Polley ____ 6 214 this county in the Provincial Nulty an&; Beauprie. Wiseman N. O'Rourke 6 213 4--d Inter Club Judging Com- dropped te fourth place follow- R. Hea rIe 6 211 petition toj be held at the On-e by Etcher who placed fifth. K. Luxton 6 211 tario Agricultural College, Anid so the story goes ...Eey 1.Oc------ 1 Guelph, )n October16Th fol- one doing hi darndest to H. Palmer 6 208 lowing, you-ths, who are now be- chanetepcue F. Wilîanis 6 208 ing coached by Agricultural Re- anet pcue R. McKnight - 6 207 presentatjve Ed Summers, wiIl Ladies Major Bowling Dr Slemon 6 206 make +he trip: Name Ave. Pins - - - E. Rurdle 6 205 South Durham Dairy Caîf Berniî',c Eudai 219 1316 J. Brougi' 6 204 Club, Merriil Brown, R.R. 2, Doris Joli ------ _ 213 1277 H. Janzen --- 6 203 Newcastle; Kenneth Brooks, R. Kay Beau prie 212 1273' F. Samis- 3 203 R. 3, Bowrnanvillc. North Dur- Oiiie Etcher--- 206 1236 R. -Maynard 3 203 ham Beef and Dairy Club, Lar- Hilda Brock -------- 200 1199 D. McKnight 6 203 mer Rosevear, Tyrone; Laurie Vi. Co-le ------ -- 198 1187 S. Woc, 6 202 Stapleton Newtonville. Durham H-ýlen Moore ------ -- - 182 1090 P. Cancil]a 6 201 Grn-in Club, Harvey Graham, Larraine McFarlane- 182 545 B. Oîive, - 6 200 R.R. 2, Nestieton; Roy McComb, Ruth Earclay-------- 179 10711 B. Bates ------ 6 200 R. R .1, Port Hope. Durham Anita Nickerson ----- 177 1063 Sylvia Bucknell - 177 1060 LiÉ. Pjlillips 177 1060 l a. L I .Ollie Patfield 177 1061 Thie iesr of certjuuiinfl Lyrlia Bates 176 10531 - ~ Emma Bî1omell 176 1053' Be.ty Westlake - 176 1055 Moliy Badger 174 1044 On Thanksgiving, you want the best RevaWisParke 168 1007 of everything for your faxnily and guests. Naturally, Mel McNulty------ 168 1006 that includes Coca-Cola, served frosty cold Helen Lockhart 168 1006 i its own bottie. Put "Coke" on your list. Viv. Pickard- 167 999 Ev. Sveetman 166 998 Viv. Covian -___ 164 981 Lil Hoopcr 163 978 SHazel Davis 162 974 Go west by th Anna ýitrike - 162 970 G y~, - Beth Chartran . 162 970 CL- Ann Gay --- ---- _ 161 964 Eleanor Larmer----- 160 962 - ~ High average - Bernice Bu- - r'~~ - . dai 219, High single- Hilda ' y ýj Brck 277. High triple- Ber-a i nice Budpai 771. Lemnon League i te Sad ie Bîîcknell - --- _99 MiLe ates --- ------ 98 It's the pleasant, luxurlous way t0 travel-'The Jasper Way' I Roe Morison the Continental Limited . . . Canadian National's de. HelenMiln. 96 pendable daily Iink between Mlontreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Joyce Major 96 Mfinaki, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Jas per and / Audrey Fletcher -- 93-80 Vancou ver. Canada's magnificent scenic beauty greets you Do Mttn92-2 with a new adventure every mile whiie ),ou relax in the air- Jean 'i~t 8conditioned comfort of attractive bcdrooms, standard and Marie Mason 89___ Elsie Morris 87 tourist sleepers, lounges and coaches. Delicious meals in ~~ ~ .*, ~ Oiiîe Coutc ___ 8 attractive dining cars served with Canadian National's Sf Aia Richards 65 traditional courtesy and efllciency. By arrangement at major Vi. ORoune- --- 6 points you can have a drive-yourself car waiting for yota Ruth John on ---------- _.42 or robervations and information regarding your business end pleosur. Team Standing travel, see, Write or phone your local Canadien National Possenger Agent. Pts. Pins Jot] ---~~~î105159 ...-.--. ~ ,... ~ McN"ultY 10 5107 :..X . Beauprie - --. 10 5079 .- R-46-X Wis-eman 9 5197 Etcher 9 4823f at their summer cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Cornish visited Mn. and Mrs. C. Martin. A dance was held at Leskardl School, Fniday. During the ev- enîng the newlyweds, Mr. and Mr. Harry Davey (for rly Gertrude Dewell) Were eso ted ta the chairs of honour ar"e sented with a beautiful ir and Duncan Phyfe table. i dress was read by Mr. R. Both Harry and Gert. ma appropriate speech of thank,., after which refreshments Were served and dancing continued until well after midnight. It bas finally been determined what is meant by the hammer and sickie on the Russian flag. The sickie is to mow lem down and the hammer is ta keep lem that way. HANBLY'S BEVEflAGES ;IIAIVA, ONT. f ON -23 sat down, and beamed on ev eir- one. "What can we do for you?", asked the inspector. "Nothing, t h a n k lo i , ' r p i d t 5 I t l inan, -l just wanted to meeci the People I'm working for." Tme ON.LT RAILWAY SERViNO ALL TEN PROVINCES -f '-~- 1,, I Iv 4. M M M P rin ir,% 1 le lu ý-ýlR 1 - Standing of Durham BowlingLeague Standing Pins Pts, Tyrone 5697 14 McNulty's 6091 9 A. & P.. 5964 9 Enniskilien 11 5645 9 Paimer'sq 5554 9 BIP.ckstock 5390 9 Foundry - -6339 e C. O. F. 6049, 7 Hampton 5140 5 Enniskillcn 1 5679 3 L.O.L. .No. 2384 5307 2 Maple Grove ---------- 5194 0 Averages J. Stace.v-- ---- 240 B. *Engley--232 G. Browr.n _____ 221 J. Levitt ___220 K. Yen ----214 G. Potter ________212 B. Hearle ___-211 M. Larmer 2o9 F. Blu'ît 2o3 G. White 203 R. Ashton---------------- 201 C. Milîs - - ----- ----------201 High triple-J. Stacey 730. High siingle-J. Stacey 286. 1 1 -- PIIONE .1-27331 ,aAW,««eJrd4r a«,

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