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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Oct 1953, p. 14

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ISAc~ F'OURTEEN ~U eAWABTAW mqAq'UMAW aWA ?~Y w ~ - 4~.~ ~ FHTJRDAYOCT. M lot i Hampton Womeu Realized $146.14i During the Sumo I i.i,çrtîtl' vas hid ()Ct. st witl 'N1 B ov Knos.residing. U'l' f <., mllo w,î -Vrhitfor vhich wo ~.,~z ar thnkful.- h%,Mr. .Chas waii re,vii.. renid a hîmorow t .r1 ~~ ~ por'lV. "Wlirn Ilt, T' lter% anc i <ça -P Ail ilu *Mrs. tieorgt - iill'4rt al.,o rrad x poi. Roll cii'W as wt'il respondec lo as tht' .;iîbjoci vas: "Naineà A DURO PUMP fruit or %tVetable we AUl aboutè I. swho wliII ell Means Better Living !! M~~ I Ille IPoNwîng Natch or are Ms J. C. Macnal O UR DU-RO Water S"_ 'Mis. liolroyd, Mus. W. Chap- te- gîve.s us firesh. lxpne 111111. ssNorah Horn and ,water when and where w Mr%. N Mouijov. Two athet need it . .. adds to oli ' n dirs ~ w il drt'ss in old time venience and comi.xt of daï4v eesliiinie for exhibition. hf . Tw~ o paî'cel-; of remnanis DURO rnml,$ arc avatl- w're cul uup and dstributed to able in al i cs to meetjin- be nmade for the' bnzaar Nov. dividual needs. Sc vrgir 1:;- (Xininitittts wcre appoint- Plumber or DURCI diai eT t'< for ttii. ba:aar. A bus wi]l forfui iforaton -w~i~îc bc châiiîrr. for the Area Con- for FREE foder, URunnin.g vont lon An ' yad ' ywishinîg to Water, thie Farnu NecesityV Ro leasc- contact Mrs. Merwvin ontcvor your group leader. Mms. Mounitjoy eported 19 i. csthins ear and took in S14t, 14 and expenses were S25. î ( leaving a balance of [ SI-î She was given a ie-arty thank you for her extra \vork as oîcnic convener. Cur- __r rec'V events of Hampton was I iven bv Mrs. Wilfr'ed Smales. IMi s. James Smales sang a love- 1l. solo, "If Winter Cames," ac- coripanied by hem mother, Mrs. John Baker, Solina. Topic, "Old Fasnioned Hos- pitality" \vas especially good given bv Mrs. Robt. Hodgson. Hainpton's Worst Sextette ther pUMpS SOFI NERSprovided some amusing skits, a PUMP & OFTE ERSlarge veîîo)w moon was hung up fo al see. Mrs. Chant, with LIMITE» PF 82 la bouque.. of weeds, was dress- LONDON - CANADA ed as a man: Mrs. A. E. Billett, with a sheaf of corn, and also S reoresc-nting a farmer. Mrs. JACK B»htUCII Tom Woodloek dressed the PLUMBING AND HEATING same znd carrying corn shocli sang "Shine on Harvest Moon." Division Street S. They then went and got their PHONE 615 BOWMANVILLE lady friends, Mrs. Ranton, Mrs. W. Chauman and Mrs. Greena- MODILS FOR- ~ EVERY HOME wPFIN BOTN CHESI AND IJPRIGHT FREEZERS MODL 8-B cu. ht., 280 fb. co- pacity .. . with de luxe Amant features at ibis law price! Built.in tumbler hock, thermo- guard indicator, caunter- balanceti lid, 5-year warranty andi foodi protection plan-plus many ailer extras. EASY TURMS $27950 BO WMAN VILLE FRIGID LOCKER SYSTEM 73 KING ST. W. PHONE 578 IEEAU @ENM5 FRIDAY - SATURDAY- OCT. 9 10 THE BIG SKY KIRK DOUGLAS ELIZABETH THREATT SUNDAY AFTER MID-MITE OCTODER Il Bride of Frauicenstein BORIS KARLOFF Son of Dracula LON CHANEY MGNDAY - TUESDAY - OCT. 12 - 13 OFF LIMITS BOB HOPE WED. - THURS. MICKEY ROONEY' - OCT. 14 - 15 ANNA SILVANA MANGANO - VITTORIo GASSMAN ta, on Stinday. tndtiJthtàshwen *at-Bhacàk- Our choir anti quartette as- stock for Min, antiMira. Miernili sisteti wi[h the service at En- van camp. field Thank-affeming on Suntiay. Mir. antiMira. Victor Mialcolm Mr. anti Mrs. Herbert Wrighrt anti family visited Mr. antiMira. and faînily visiteti Mr. antiMirs, Wes Wright, Yelventan. N'orman Wright, anti Mn. N. Mir. anti Mur. L. Jabli spent Wrnight i-. ta accompany bis son an evening with IN. and Min. Hierbert ta the' ploughing match George Johns.1 at Cobn'.urg on Tuestiay. W.A. anti W.MS. will meet' Mira. N. Wright hati a nasty at Mma. Adehbert Beacock, Oct fahI in ber garden hast week. W. 15 in charge of Mirs. Allaat Sug- wish hem a speetiy recovery. gitt's group. Sympathy is extendedti t the Miss Norma Suggitt bas gone nrntbers, sisters anti relatives te stay with frientis ait Biack- n the' pzssing af the late Mn. stock. Bill Spry of Bawmanviile. Mr. anti Mn,. Raiph Sadler. Mn. Frank Spry anti son Roy, Gloria anti Janîce, attenieti Rochester, N.Y., is visiting Mr. Bobeavgeon Faim anti came home and Mrs Edgar Wright anti at- witb ceveral prizea on their' tending tht' funeral of bis bro- homses, thir. Min. and Mr@. David Jobna vis- Mn. E. Strutt, Mr. anti Min. itet Mit. antiMira. George Johns. Clifforti Pethick anti Ruth, vis- Congratulations ta Mn. anti 2 ied Mira. R. Dickie anti family, Mrn. Jas. McCneatiy, Toronto, Hampton who were marrîed on Fnitiay. Mrs. H W. Gregg. Donald anti The bride'. the former Elizabeth Michael, lef t Tuesciaï liy mater Mollard.ir, well known hene. Agriculture and Canadian Industries Topit ai Solina Women's Institute le ~ for Sontti Waah,, thon wil i nd i SI IiU SAmil ta Yeona aot join Cept H. W. Grogg, who in ai 19 PCnics Mm. . RassSharp sccompanied bie xister as fre s Seattle, ue N ntsWa.qh.. and wili viqL is i uc On Thursday lant Mr@, A. L. te way who Cam@neon platfarm Wéamn and Suxan visiteti Mr. bh wjth pritît dresses andi aprons, andi Mr. C. B. Wagg, Uxbmidge. ut' and carrying baskets ot vege- Mr. anti Mr. E. R. Walker and Ne tables and appies. Tiîey ail Dalphiie, Bowmanville, visiteti as. ronîpletedth te sang sud rnarcb- hem parents, Min. and Mm.. Rus- is eti arotund together. It was very sell Griffin. *d aniusing. Mr. andi 14.ro. Archie Masters, ge AttendRnce was 50 with tAire. Mir. anti Mrs. Jerry MeMann andi new members added. The ne- Randy, fluwranville. weme Sat- ti conîpanis;t was Miss N. Horn. ui'day evoîîing visitors nt Mr. a Lunch semved untier the con- anti Mms. E. Masters. Id venemahip of Mirs. H. Cole anti Sympatby in extended to Mr. p Mms. W. Cbapman. North group W. Steveru. sud family af Osh- n waq in charge andi Mrs. H. Cale awa, on the passing of Mir. b. presideti for the programn as Stevens, who were former resi- p- Mms. Kersey was ill. dents of Enniskillen. id- Mr. and Mms. R. Actan, Ux- n e bridge, !b1ns. E. Parrott, Helen e ENNISKILLEN andi Ann, Cheik Lake, were e ____cent visitors etMrn. r.A (t L. Wearn's. to Mm. Lamne Lamb was very ,seriousiv injured also burneti Mn. anti Mrs. Roy Langmaid, ,by gRsoline -twa weeks ago, Mm. anti Mrs. Charlie Lang- il when his truck was bit at Ux- mald and Marlene, Sauina, Mn. n- bridge Railway Crossing. A pig and Mrs. Bruce McGill and to he had was killeti anti his truck Charlie, Bethany, were Sunday an c omplete wmeck. Mir. Lamb visitors ait Min. and Mira. R. Mc- ris mecuperating in Port Penny Gili's. 19 hospitai andtiat time of writing Mm. and Mira. A. L. Weann andti in is impmoving nicely anti may be family with Mn. and Mn.. A. M. i re home saune day this week if he Weamn, Claremont. f doesn't have a set back. His The pupils of the scbaol pre- 1 a many frir-nds wish him a camn- senteti Donald Gregg with a1 .- plete necavemy. fountain rien set on Friday as - The C.G.I.T. girls and thein Donald is leavîng for Japan, as leaders, hMrs. O. C. Ashton, and with his mather.1( s.Mma. R. Seymour attendeti the Mira. T. M. Shemon netumneti -Art Galknry at the Lions Com- home by plane fnom a month's > munity Centre, Bowmanville on visit with reélatives at Brooklin sSaturday andi Baldin, Long Islandi, New Mn. andi Mrs. Albert Oke, at York. s- Mr. anti Min. Cameron Oke's, Miss Ethel and Miss Lillie Gil- d Oshawa. bient, Toronto, Mn. George Gil- n. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Kay. Mr. lbent, Hampton, wene Sunday f rn Bill Kay, Miss Marie Ashton, callens of Aém. Chaude Smith's. t i Toronto, M.-s. Boyd Wilcox, Co- Ma ac eot n Cuk pbourg, Mn. and Mirs. R. R. By- We .Jc eodadCuk h ers. Bownîanville, Mrn. and Mrs. Wstan Mira. Harry Flew-well- Bert Jobnson, Canal and Jean mTrno iieiwt n tLong Sault, with Mir. and Mins. and Mrs. Lamne Gniffin, Black-c oA. Sharp stock and calleti on Min. Johnh S. Mina. E. Strutt visiteti Min. andi and Russell Griffln's, Enniskil-M ýMrs. Hf. Gibson, Mr. aud Mirs. tln.ti kG. Vaughan, Toronito, and Mn. t] 1Ed. Cain of Pantypool, who was ývisiting in Toronto at the time. HAYDON E 9 Mn. and Mirs. Courtney Gra--__a_ >b am, Jfoyce anti Harvey, Purple Thankoffering Service Sun- ti Hill, Mn. antiMma. Wm. Steeledyeein t73p. Frl Part Pemny, Mn. anti Mrs. C. E'.day eer i a 7.30 p.m ForC Horn, Oshawa, Min, anti Mns-Efunte iatcuaa eaioin Roy Trewin, Mimico, with MirEen. ani Mmm. Earl Trewin. Mn. and Mira. Win. Webb, Mn. Mr. anti Mrs. Willie Elford and Mira. John Cox, Mns. Wm.V iManitoulin Islandi, Mn. anti Mrs: Ternouth, Bowmanville, visiteti Jack Hendemahat, Oshawa, with Mr. anti M.-. Don Cameron. Ir Mn. and Mirs. Walter Ferguson. Mrs. John Antierson, Mimico, W Mina. H. W. Gregg, Donald and Min, anti Mra. Charles Anderson B Michael, Messrs. Ross anti Ivan anti Caroline, Downsview, at Sharp, anti Bill Kay, were Sun- Mn. ant i irs. Arthun Tnewin's. day titnnen guesta at Mn. W. E. Mn. ana Mrs. Thomas Patts,M Sandernon's, Columbus. Miss Francis Patta, anti JimmieM Mm. andi Mis. K. Pooler, Lar- McDonald, Collingwoad, spent: ry andi Randy, Oshawa, ait Mr. the week-enîd with Mn. anti Mrs. a and Mirs. Harolti Ashton's. J. Pott% anti family antiMina. W. 1&. andi Mns. Russell Reidi and Martin. girls, Colborne, spent Sunday Mn. anti Mns. Don MacKen- ait Min, antiMira. W. Howell's. zie, Toronto, at Mn. A. MicNeil's M Mn. anti Mrs. Leonanti Seheil Min, anti Mrs!ýBert Ashton antid and faini]y, South River, spent family, Toronto, were SuntiayM a eek with Mn. antiMira. E. visitors af Mir, anti Mir. Henry M MeNair. Ashton and Mn. antiMira. An- a Mn. and Mira. G. A. Wilson, thur Reati anti family. Toronto. visiteti Mm. and Murs. N. Mn. and Mina. Fred Ashton Wilson, anti Mm. anti Mrs. K. V. anti fami!y, Toronto, at thein Svanefelt. cotttage aven the weekend. ' Mm. and Murs. Bill Johnston Min, entiMira. Rolanti Thomp- M anti Willic, Tyrone, at Mr. and son anti daughters at Mn. GlennM Mirs. A. Oke's. Thompson, Bowmanville. The Service Club met at Mira. On Saturday evening the Tre- N. Wilson's with 20 present. wIn anti Runtile families gath-: Fallowing the' business the Club ereti at the home of Mir. anti a went hack ta Mm. antiMira. A. Mrs. Silés Tnewin, Bowmnan-M Sharp's for a surprise anti fane- ville, ta celebrate with hbem: well panty for Mina. H. W. their tenth wedding anniven- a Gregg, as she is leavingta jain sary. ber hisband in Japan. She was Mn. antiMira. Leslie Graham a presenteti with rbinestone ean- visiteti Mr. antiMira. R. J. .Ash- B rings anti a hinen hantikenchief, ton at Miorisb. anti a p!astic bag with a face Mn. anti Mina. D. Black and î: cloth anti soap, for Michael. The' Donna. accompaniet Mrm.nd remainder oftheevernng wsMr.Don Cmro Bancroft1 spent soeially. Lunch was serveti on Suntiay ta see the trees in by Mms;. E. Masters, Murs. W. their beau tiful autumn colors. M Howell, Mirs. H. Milîs anti Min. Min, antiMira. Clarence Avery H. Ashton. Next meeting at and Vernon, are enjoying an Mirs. L. Weamn's Oct. 6tb. extendeti matantrip tbrough the - Congratulations ta Mn, anti western provinces. Mirs. Robent Svanefelt on the Clayton Reati bas neturneti arrivai o' a baby girl and.ilber ta wark ait General Matons, bav- namîe is Deborah Kathenine. ing been an the sîck liat several Mmi. anti Mrs. Walter Oke with weeks. Mn anti Mirga.en Hubati, Mis.AMcNiisseina Cowling Case Es Puf Over A charge of attempted mur- der laid against Stanley Cowl- ing, 38, Tyrone farmer and aormer srehool teacher and gro- cer, was riot proceeded with at the fall assizes of the Supreme Court in Cobourg last week. Arthur W. S. Gmeer, Q.C., of Oshawa, who appeared for Cowling, stated that his client had beten ili for some time and vas flot in fit condition ta stand rial. He applied for a delay in he heaming of the case. When Crown Attorney H. R. )eyman, Cobourg, agreed ta the application, Mr. Justice Wells mraversed the case ta the next court of competent jurisdiction. Cowling may appear for trial at the spring assizes. The charge was laid when it was found that, chocolates re- ceived list January by Cowl- Ig's step-daughter while she was employed as a stenagra- pher at the Memarial Hospital, Bowmanville, cantained arsenic. Our New 1954 WALLPAPER! 1are here! Now is the time to choose: your new Wallpaper: fromn the extra large displays being shown lu our new books. Cone In and see thern today. a Abernethy Phone 431 85 King Street W.: Bowmanville IT'S TIME to think of CHRISTMAS Cards 'or those far away set aur "Overseas" Cards. Wrappings Make your "'Overnaa" Parcels attractive and festive. Personal Albums Kake vaur ehoice while range à«e omplet. r. W. JEWELL ##Big 2»W ff Kint St. W., flowmanville PHONE 558 Graup 4 undcr the leadership of Mma John Knox had charge of the Ortober meeting of the Salina Women's Instiute belti Ot't, 6, The hending for the day wps Agriculture and Can- adian Industries. Tmeaqurer reporteti a balance un band of $89.04. Mrs. E. R. Taylor read a letter from Miss Vera Cîsytan of Bilton Inati- tute, in Englanti. She told of a :offee party they had anti sent pictures andi clippings from their local paper. We are again remindeti of the baz- aar on Oct. 28. The gmoups in charge are ta see that their tables are arranged the evening before. MrS. ROY Langmaid is in charge of armanging a bus ta take thast' wishing ta go ta Toronto to the Institute Con- vention, Plans were disçussed for the exhibit at Blackstock Fair on Oct. 17. The molta: "It is better ta be bent by bard womk than get ercoketi trying ta avoîd it,"I was commenteti on by Mms. C. Pas- cae. Sue nead a stomy about the wark and trials of a min- latex along the Alaska highway. Mms. I. Hardy playeti a meti- ley of Sti-pben Poster melodies. E{eten ana Patsy Knox and May. HAMPTON Suruday morning church ser- vice will be at 11.15 ar. Mrs. Aaoa Tamblyn, Orana, visited ht'r sisters, Mrs. B. Fer-, 1guson and Mrs. Will Wilbum. i Mr. and Mrs. Mel McCune' and Cheryl, and Mm. and Mrs. E. Pann's, Varcoe's Rd., at S. Kersey's and J. Lyýons'. Mrs. G. Adcock visited ne- latfves in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Abernethy and chilaren, Bowmanviille, at Garnet Johnston's. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lyon Jahnnie and Judy, were tea guests of Mn. and Mrs. Meli McCune. Varcoe's Rd., ont Sun- day. Mrs. H. E. Tînk, Saoni a Percy Dewell's. Miss Mary Peters, Bawman- ville, spent Sunday with the Salter's. Mms. Eliza Storey, Orono, is at present with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hodgson. Miss L. Reynolds bas return- ed from, a pleasant week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Rey- nolds at London. Mrs. Bruce Angus and Mrs. Robt. Angus, Toronto, were guests of Mrs. W. J. Ranton Mrs. Austin Barman enjoyedý a week's visit with friends ini Detrofit and Windsor. She trav-1 ell,îd bv T.C.A. fromn Malton,ý and nturned home with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Semple, BQwman- ville. ý Rev. and Mrs. W. Rackbam, Lindsay, visited their daughter,, Mrs. Bi uce Hogarth and family on his return fmom preachiýng in Oshawa on Sunday morning. Rally Day was held in the1 Suniday School with a good at- tendance. The pninted pragram "Go riake Disciples of All Nation" xas followed with the Supt. Harold Balson leading. A missianary story was presented by Mrs. Keith Smitb. A pro- motion service for the begin- ners' class was conducted by Mary Niodery. A copy of the New Testament was given ta each boy and girl who was pro- moted. Our pastor, Rev. F. J. Reed. ana Mrs. Reed assisted in thë service. A vemy interest- ing an-1 pleasing talk was given by Mrs Reed who directed hier rema;rks more particularly ta the children, and told of the habits of children in other lands wilh reference ta China, Jaian, India and Korea, and dis-1 playe4d a number of garments worn by the people there. Mr. and Mms. Jack-Thomson and famiiv, St. Marys, visited Mr and M rs. J. W. Balson. They had be':ýn away froni home five we-cks ani went as fac west as Duncan, S.C., when they spent sorre tirne with their cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Taylor, nee [leen Balson, and other rela- tives in Alberta and Saskatche- wan. Mr. andi Mrs. Anson Balson and John Crome, Richmond HIill visit-:d at the Balson home. Mr. ana Mrs. .1. W. Balsoný and Miss Barbara Macnab visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bi]hett, 141 King St. East, Bowman- ville. Corxgratulations ta Miss Wan- da Clarke on ber marmiage on Satumdav ta Ross Milton Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F. Clark, Port Perry. Corwnutinion Service was held on Sundav evening in charge of aur pastor. The cangregation vas verv pleased ta have Rev. W. Raçkham, a former pastar, present. His very inspining andi heipful message was mîach ap- prcciatidandi contained many. fie tlw.ughts. MNEs. S Kersey bas been un- [er doiitor's cane but is improv- ad. Mns. C. E. Daw accompanieti yv ber daughtems, Mrs. R. D. Bel, Miss Mary Lau Daw, Mms. tuart Datw andi Wendy, attend- ýd the' wedding of ber nephew, .arold Davidi Kingston andi Miss Jean Haynes of Kintome, Ont. VIrs. Daw visited Rev. and Mms. mpey er-route anti spent a day n Toronto. The groom had justi eturned from Saskatchewanl vhere he had been on a mission -arge for the summer. He will OBITUARY OANCE VRYST WILLIAM JOHN SLUTE D N E EEYSTý A well-known resident of the NITE TO THE MUSIC 0F Raglan district, William Johngp Slute passed away in the Osha- a g& nhtk wa General Hospital on-October~~ 1, in his 59th year. He had been in failing health for six or seven months. ; rýn e-nn a A son of the late William Slute and Mary Jane DeMille, the deceased was born in Danl- ington Township, but for a number of years had lived with his brother, Albert, at Raglan. Mr. Slute was an employee of Pedlar People Limited in Osha- wa until the time of his illness. He was a member of the United S IG W S, Church at Raglan and of the Orange Lodge of Purpie Hill. He was alsa a member of the United Steelworkers of America. ILLUSTRATIONS During World WarI he served with the 182nd Battalion in Eng- and land and France. He leaves ta mourn his pass- ing three sisters, Mrs. George LETTERING Lang (Jessie) of Oshawa, Mrs. Arthur Rahm (Grace) of Tyrone, and Mrs. Melbourne Hawley (Lylia) of Bowmanville and PERSONAL SKETCHES three brothers, Walter and Al- bert Slute of Raglan and a haîf- brother, Russell Brown of Bow- A. S. MacDonald manville. Funeral service was held at 12 Division St. the McDermott Funeral Chapel, Port Perry, on October 3rd. In- B owmina n vie terment was in Pine Grove_______________ Cemetery, Prince Albert. Naylor sang a sang "Venice." c Miss Joyce Abernethy gave a travelogue of her trip this sum- 1mer ta the East Coast. She mentioned the industries of the variaus places through which the 'y travelled and compared their nianner of living to that of ours. Places, people and things ot mnterest included Hart- land, whe..e we find the longest Fcovered bîîdge in the world; 1Fredericton, a city of statelyý trees and beautiful old bouises;l the chuncli of Grand Pere; the Lunenberg fishing; meeting Earl Bailey, a famous painter who paints with his mouth; Peggy's Cove; labsier fishing; Vermont; Lake Placid: Adirondacks; and Old Fort Henry at Kingston. Everyone present thoroughly enjoyed tollowing this trip again with Joyce by map and viewing her pictures and sou- venirs. Helen, Patsy and May sang another song "Fiddle Dee Dee." Followincr the singing of the Queen everyone enjoyed a soc- ial time and lunch by the group. 27 members, 3 visitors and 15 cl'ildren were present. November meeting will be the quilting and pot luck din- ner on Nov. 9 in charge of Mrs. E. Spires' group. Arena Acivities SATURDAY, OCTOBER 101h - PUBLIC SKATING ADMISSION - 3Io 5 p.m. Aduits 35e Children 20e EXHIBITION HOCKEY HAMILTON TIGERS (Sr, 'A') VS. OSHAWA TRUCKNEN ADMIS SI ON:, Reserved Seats - Adults 75c, Children 50c This will be the third of a series of games designed to give hockey-minded people of Bowmanville a tfeat NONDAY, OCTOBER 121h - Thanksgiving Day PUBLIC SKATING ADMISSION - I1o 4 p.m. Aduits 35e Children 20c Sp ecial Notic;e For This Week Only PUBLIC SCHOOL BOYS FREE SKATING on TUESDAY, OCT. 13-3:30 ta 5:30 p.n. PUBLIC SCHOOL GIRLS FREE SKATING on WEDNESDAY, OCT. 14-3:30 to 5:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14th - PUBLIC SKATING 8 Io 100 p.m. ADMISSION - Aduits 35e Children 20e ~. j. ~-. q ý - 4ý Bowmanville Memoriai - 1 PAGE POURTEM - 11 ýe ý », - TM eANADIAN RTATumAn. nnwv-&wv"ýT.le em-PAiem

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