AT, OCT. Sth, 1953 4LSSIFIEI ABIS la" o bCrediiors I Opportunity .j OTHERS BECOME a bookkeeper, stenog- "q" rapher, or typist in your spare TH ESTATE 0F time. Lessons 50c. Foc par- SMART TAYLOR ýticulars, writLe Canadian Cor- rsons having dlaimns respondence Courses, 1290 Bay e:i estate ai William Street, Toronto. 40-2 tftTaylor, late ai Newcastle,, ,Wodieti on the 28th i À1« to $end particulans ai the A L GR V to the undersigneci on orI rthe 15th day ai Novem - Miss lîanilyn Flintaif witl .1953, a I r which date the hem cousin, Marient Cochrane, 21 ~rs l istnibutc the Courtice. f UXthe state heving regard jMr. and Mrs. Albert Brown, I'b, caims oi which they Bili anti Betty, Hq milton, Miss ave notice, Marion Sniowden, Toronto, witi tToront9jthis 22nti Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Snowden. y o Septcrnb Ïqa. Mca. G. B. Laidiaw anti Miss Douglas J . Sales, Helen Laidlaw, London, witl Paul Barclay Young, the fcrmer's brother, Mn. anc C/OC. . LngdnExecutors, Mca. C. G. Kerr. c/o t. V.rano, 73 King St. Mn. qnd Mca. Ivison Munday Wat,, orototheir solicitor. anti Mary, with thein daugbtor, 41-2 Mt. anti Mrs. Ivan Matthews, t Credbors Trenton. ýX 1c o CeîMc "l. anti Mrs. Roy Topping, AND OTHERS 1-aby G lenn Davidi, Weston, with her parernts. Mr. anti Mca. F. R. THI STAT 0F lmerS tevens. Doris anti baby romain- UI Tt, bate F E ei for a l-nger visit. uàOtt anvle on the Town ai Mr. anti Mca. H. E. McDonaiti urha RetretiCounv aiRecgina. ~aç,visiteci hem sistor, urhà RetredManufacturer, Mc. and Mcrs. C. G. Kecr. Tbey ased, who tiieti et Bowmnan- w-ýre ýnroute ta Montreal toaet- Sp-çn or about the 25th day 1edtorsnswctig c SAp'ril, 1953.tedtersnswdig s £,HETRUSTEE ACT, R.S O., Kerr accoinpanieti them ta Mon. 150, Ch. 400, Sec. 51.......treal. N etiitors anti othens ha,,ing Institute meeting will bo helc Ol1aima8 against the above esat1 Oct. 191h ln the basemont ai the * r~uirei taaenc patuars i church. Pease note change ic t full proof thereof to the un- date. dersîgneci on or before the 2nd: Bapti.ýr.aI service wes heic day ()i November, 1953, after' Sunday when the failowing ba- *hich date the assets ai the b ies wece baptizeti: Brian Doug- Ottate will be distributeti having' las, son of Mr. anti Mca. R. C. regard ta) the Will anti the cdaims Howeli FEverett James, son af that have thon been receiveti. Mr. and M1rs. R. J. Lovera. bATED At Bowmanville, the lat Evening Auxiliary ïaY af October, 1953. Sept. 25tn the Evening Auxil- LaWrence C. Meson, iary met in the church base- Barrister, etc., ment, having as their guosts the 'L 30 King Street West, Aiternoon Auxiliary, C.G.I.T. EBOWmanville, Ontario. and Expl'>rer groups. Devotion- 1ýSlicitor for the Executors. ai was taken by Mca. Howard Crvtierinan anti Mca. Percy Flin- Repairs toit, cbosing with prayer by Mcs. Somervilie. The presitient thon AIS ta ail makes ai refrig-j took the chair anti the affilia- itort, domnestic anti cammer- tion service ai the Explorera 'iý ; rilkintg coobers. Higgon was observeti anti the treasume #r~ie, 42 King St. E. Phone chest ceceiveti by Mca. Milîs, 25-tf 'ýMr.;. Steplnen Doyle favoreti tw ith a vocal solo accampanieti P~.ersonai by Mca. Ted Hoar. This was fol- iowed by the ce-aifiliition ai the IENIC supplies - (rubber C.G.I.T. gîoup with W.M.S. Mca. ) ntalled postpaid in plain Morton, ,,cesitient ai W.M.S. ex- ild envobopo with pnice list. pressedt t the group haw pleas- sainpbos 25c, 24 samples eti they are ta have these young- Mal dter Dept. T-28, on groupa affiliate with them. ~t-ubbr C.,Box 91, Hemn- A iew wort!a weno alan express- rtOl nt. 152et by Mca. Rasa Stevens, vice- pros. ai youngor graup. Report V ftfram -School foc Leaders at Y 0 U Whthy was givon by Lorraine caa own and operate a SnowdeIi thanking the ladies s on behaîf ai henseli, Mailyne Drive-in Theatre Heorne, Jean Flintoîf anti Vau- la ourdisric - onsit ghn Stephenson. Notes ai re- Constellation Theatres Ltd. ge eecaifo h to 2487 Bloor St. W., Toronto girls for not boing able ta at- Tejephone MUrray 0875 tond this meeting. Mca. K. Hop- CosrctoB kins, preabyterial lat vico-preai- IMti'kts Costrctin - dent, gave bath yOung antialtier Op.jc .,n-Picture Contracta- gop much ta tbink about ani ail r~n~ti b Canda's building the charecter anti the in matjjjienccti DriveI mat criai ta use. The business Ra, llptuilders, Investigate1 ~Tis ew nt prfiabl bs- was f hen taken came ai anti the! incas hile otsarle stiu meeting closeti with benediction avesile onat s aw i aiter which a bountiful lunch Ianti was serveti. you oa ae a ae nCnd j OPEN NEXT SPRINGWaepeesasinCad Jamount ta $2,500,000 anrtually. IThanksgiving Thursday -Friday - Satu - et - Fairway Food Ma: 44 KING ST. E. BOWM, Freah 1-1h. colla Glenwood Cpanberries - 27c Cocktail Waxed New Spread C Turnips - ,,h. Sc Cheez Whi S'weet Fresh Pitted Potatoos - 3 Lbt, 23c Dates - Caans d Punipkin liz W'ealthy - 19C Apples ïale arday rket ANVILLE -38C 17c - 65C Freshly Dressed Spring Chickens ready for the oven Save on Cigarettes Buy the new 10-peck Cigarettes for PHONE 674 FREE DE ILIVERY CLASSES o r NEW CANADIANS in Basic English and Cifizenship to commence Thursday, October 15, 8 p.m.I in Central Public School Bowmanville Public School Board. z '1 s -t s -t i Faru Radio Forum Executive Atends Durham Federation Keeling Jim Bird, vice-president of the Ontario Farm Radio Forum, was prerent at the October meetintg af the Durham Federa- tion ai Agriculture heiti at the homeofn Charles Osborne, R.R. 2., Bo%,rm&nville làst Thursday evening with Presitient Ralph Larmer presitiing. Ho spoke ta tht 19 officers anti directors present an the ne. cosqity ai developing a Durham County Farm Radia Forum Committae ta revive olçl radio forums in tht county andti t finti new ones. At the conclusion ai bis adi- dresa it was moveti by Eari Dot- coul, secündeti by Moi Staples, that Secretacy Eti Milison ce- que-st Clifi Waite, Secretery- Manaýer ai the Ontario Farm Radia Forums ta attend the' Novemben meeiing ai the Feti. eratiari anti also speak et the Pot Lu ck Supper ta ho helti eariy in Dccember. The folawing dîrectars were matie responsibbe for gottin-g in tauch %vith eech af the facm ra- dia forums listeti *o make sure thet eacb bas a cepresentetive et the Novembor meeting: Hampt.r-, Charles Osborne; S. S. Ne. 4, Water Runtile; Ken- tial. Beechwood. ' Wesleyvible, Starkvilie, Ed Millson; Wei-J cam-e, Edorar Nichais; Elizabeth-,I ville. Mel Stapies Biackstack, A. Johnston; Providence, Bob I tHendry: Canton, Farncambe Le- Gresley: Newtonville, Clarence Allin; Shaws, -Haward Poley; Garder. Hill, Weiton Bannister and Ye1'.verton, President Eabph Larme r. Hampton To De Host A motion was passed that Hampton Farmn Forum be the hast foru-m at thc Pot Luck Sup- per and that Wabter Rundie 1ook after the public address system at the aupper. Sýcretary Milîson was instruct- ed ta have gatepost signi paint- ed for 200 membership contri- butors of the Durham Fodera- tion of Agriculture in Manvers Township, at a cost ai appi'oxi- mately $80. After these signs are delive'red other members in th(- Township may apply for simnilar signs. Charles Osborne, directar of the F'ederation ta the Ontario Federation of Agriculture, w&s au',horizod to' attend a meeting of the Ontario 'Federation in To- ronto October 8. President Larmer, Mol Sta-. ples 2nd Walter Rundie wore; electeti qr a nominating com- rnIttee ta bring in a new slate ai effh2ers for 1954. It was decidéld ta hold the Navember meeting at the homo ai PrE-sident and Mrs. Ralph Larmer at Blackstock the frrst Thursday in Novembe r. Some Safety Neasures to Avoid fluian id ramart" ' i'.vac Rau. 2~vulo f 1a~vaau amm Aà 991a UA a lcul& AAU&U UR Fire car bring tragedy and fi- be stored in Wtàll-marked safety *nancial ruin ta the average cans. *farmer in a matter of hauis. 7. Have stoves, furnaces, chimn- warns the Ail Canada Insurance neys and pipes inspected and Federation. cleaned at least once a year. * Officiais of the Federation, 8. Smoke pipes passing which represents more than 2001 through xvalls or partitions fire, automobile and casualty in jshoiuld be guarded by metal surance colnpanies, said that1 thimbles. l ire is one of farmers' greatest 9. Use metal screens in front *hazards and should be guardeoI of firc-places. Nover use kero- 9 against at al times. They re- sene to start or quicken lires. commended same safety mea- 10. Portable oil heaters should sures that could be taken to be of approved make. F111 them * 1. Lightning protection gys- spouts attachod. Neyer leave tems should be of an appravedý heaterqý going ail night. make; be sure ihey are checked; 11. Keep grass and weeds cut at lastoncea yar.short around buildings. 2t lst onces yoar. d 12. Never store domp hay in 2.bui ires fenc e attaceto' lot. Be sure lofts are vontilated. buidins soud b prpely 13. Trash and manure should grounled at thc fencepast near- nat be stacked against the barn. est the building. Protect ground 14. Light bulbs in barns should cables from being rubbed b rtce ygaso ea against by animnais, particularly bguarsce b ls o e tat corners of buildings. urs 3. Radio and television anten- 15 Approved lire extinguish- nas shouidi be a d e q u a t e 1 y e rs shouid be placed wherever grounded. there are fire hazards. 4. Have electric wiring check-i ed regduiqr1y by experts, espe- 1 e cially when new machinery or1T eOl al ec motors are added ta the load.__________ 5. Nev-r string eiectric wires 1 '"Gone are the days when aur over rails, through doors, or in hearts wer-ý yaung and gay.. any exposed place. dy 6. Gasoline, kerosene. and -da ofa the straight and snake other explosive liquids should1 rail-fonce. the brush fonce, the ipine-stumnp fence and the field- s tone fonce, sava the Ontario rn o Orpan Sow Highwavs Dopartmont Bulletin. * LJono rpiins .>uOW These were some visible signa of the lAbors af the early aet- Real Class for Games tiers as t hey went about the busl-ness oi clearing teln InPr op rA prior ta its cultivation thraugh ________the years of the oarly 1800's in Ontar1o. The prosent day tiller, Dane Found, manager af the of the soit mayhap thinks his Orono Orphans, is in a happy labors are hard and unreward- moad theFe days on the way in,%, but they are not ta be com- the squad l i shaping up. He pared with those of the pion- predicts tnat, it wilI be one of 1 ers and the generation follow- the 'hottest" in the Lakeshore, i. T' asw r ealn Hocky Legue.are those ai the ox-team. the He is pArticularly happy over, "cradlc" and the hand-flai¶l. Ta the signing af Junior West a"s thepe people, the tree was an en- plavinq coach. This reunitea mfrteiada eest Junior, who has starred for sev- had Vîfbe helared bfare cropa oral years with Peterboroughcu 1e on hrewsmr with bi5 byothers Ray and Dean wod tan ould b usmonrte to iorm a vory strong front ýwo hncudb sdi h wali.. Keith "Grampy" West is olci boy stove evon though heapsi alsoturing ut.of it would be used in the be- abs tunig ot.low zero winters - thoso were The Orphans have al af iast the times when the snow would year's pîdyera andi about soven pl pi rfsle epmk newcomers are also turning pleoutdiisfotdepmk twoor hre ofwho Maage ing it difficult at times ta beave two r treeof wom anaer;the homestead. when even tho Found expects ta catch on. Bob otem oudakanattel Ijiono, w~ho played Senior "B" lùrst apporwunity back-trackif af hockey with Uxbridge last year, 1oepl .re fe, a is one of these.i oepnwrdfeada 'Bud" Hooper and "Slip" whip at lîmes like these might Rowear' bah opececita urojust a.« well be a stalk of tim- Rowearý-bot expcte to urnothy. out for goal tending chores and R Ietiirning ta the story, how- Slip mnav don the big padis whenl erthteswr eldan thc Orob ans work out nt the hove;Itherclerengelied ang- Bowmanville Memorial Arona haulechi f9 thd clerng th lg on 1Fridy niht.were rudely torn out uaing the Scotty Myles, Chuck Arm- ox andi chain. They were mighty strong andi "Robhy" Robinson beasts, those oxen, and a team af last year's squad have aIl caitîci rnve most anything. showed up well in practice. t What ivood was unused for lire- The Orphans will. again be waod wvas eut into lengths, the p4aying Intermediate "B" hoc- bark peied and the log aplit ke.y this winter and their homotE 2efneris ice wiii he the Pet.r Campbell The type ai wood in those Memnorial Aena, Part Hope. da,, made little difference sa The aquad expects ta play homo' far aýý fencing was concerned. gamnes bath an Wednesday and Wulnut rail-fonce was flot un- Friday nights there. heard ai nom fonces made ar ~ oak, mnatle, hickory. rock edm andi other valuable tiniber. We've understaod that theolad- timners were waad butchers and i ________________________thut they had lîttle reverence 100 CA ALWMA;- LL A for a -.ree, howevor magnificent- ]y prcjpartianod. It would be A-- BUT MOT VR 1mou!~ well ta remember that in pion- eer times those early settîcra haci littie time ta be sentimen- j' tal-tho bigger their clearings the mare their young families had of the necessities of lie. S In timo, the rail fonce enclos- éd the hay and grain fields. These fields were rough andif they were mowed with scythes,ý Sfor mowing machines were un- -~ - heard af thon, and a self-pro- peliedci cmbine-well! It must have heen a sight ta see strang ~Imon %ith scythes amputating hi grass Pnd stirring up bumbbe- becs at evory swish. The cool - ~ grey -xaler jug wlth sweating sides wa' placed in the shade. SAnd the water jug was not the only s'.eating body in that fieldi. J he aid-timers will aisa re- m embe r seeing the golden grain being laid low with eradies be- I wug--yhuskymen.A t#- slowly maoving through the F acres woubd be a spectacle ta F rein lowmen beol. t eqirda sti-ong eg man to eut fivo acres a day, andi5 f you can bot he wouldn't feel AI B n u t p n show when the sun sank at tht day'send.Federation of the To this day are stibi ta be seen the romains af sorne cf those rait fonces; same are inI Probably nathing at tht Inter- excellent repaira but others are national aing hWold PCoouirg poor examples ai the pianocr's IMthsbig eda aor work. Certainly they were much, this week will do more ta pro- more sconic than the wire fonces moto international goodwiil than of today. Woubd it not be welî the banquet in honor of the J t pese~ethee s teywoutiforelgn plowmen attending tht koee , n mm more ividl heevents stageti by the Federa- utruggies ci thoe varly etetions ai Agriculture ai the Unit- t eti outis n nay night. Hielti at the community hall in Colti Springs, the banquet was Many Sowersattendeti by about 659 plowmcn MayShofsa the 15 foneign onrewh Given Gwen Paffield are taking part in the World PoigMatches. Also present B freHr ariewcre officials o heairain Befoe H r M rrige aiAgriculture ai bath Northumn- borland anti Durham as well as Mrs. Ronald Evans tho former high officals ai the twa countiOs, Gwyntiolvn Yvonne Patiielti, anti officals in charge ai the was mluch entertaineti prior ta plowing matches. hem marriage which took place After the shartages ai foodi ex- i on Saturday, Oct. 3. On Sept. perienceci durign the paat 10 25, Lawson Kirkton, On- years in some ai the countrios tario St., was hosteas at a mis- reprosenteti by the foreign plow- cellaneous shower when many men, the veny excellent banquet lovoly gifts werc recoiveti by servoti by the Young Adult the bride-to-be. Group ai the Plainville Unitedi 1On ber entry, the bride-elect Church was thocoughiy enjoyeti jwas pre3"ntoti with a corsage, by the European and Amnerican janti escortedti t a chair decorat-' guesta. It was a typical Can- eti for the occasion. A decorat- adian meal, as requesteti by the eti sprinkting can was suspend-" foceign plowmen, anti inclutiet 'cd avec ine basket which con- such items as amoketi ham. corn taineti the gifta. Aiter th~e' on the cob. appie pie with Cen- brie hati exprosset iber thanka, adian cheese anti pumpkin pie. a !social ti;ne was onjoyeti and a, Grace was said by Rcv. A. Y. doudcous lunch serveti. i Robertson, ministor af Plainvilie About 20 girl frientis ai the Unitedi Chunch, anti the toast ta bride surpriseti ber et the home: tho Queen was proposeti by Earl oi Mcar. Don Willans, King St. Drape, President of the North- Wes, o Ot. . Te anyglis.umberlandi Federation ai Agmi- Weson plct. 1.ine an ciecrttculture, who acteti as chairman. basket. A social time followed Ha aleGet andi a luvely buffet lunch was Ralph Larmer, President ai senveti, a cake decorateti in pink Durham Fetieration ai Agricul- anti whitp anti bearing the mes-, ture. intraduceti the ioilowing sage, 'Congratulations Gwyn,ý' heati table guesta: Edigar Nich- forming tht attivactive centre- is, vice-presitient, Durham Feti- piece. eration anti Mca. NichaIs: Hon. A nutnber ai inoenda er W. A. Goodfellow. Minister ai entprtaineti on Sept. 24 by Mca. Weliare for Ontario anti Mca. Victo Jeffrv a her hom. .. Goodfellow; Hamry Campbell, ilclcara iteitra wiie f e prsenatio aian'tionai Plowing Matches antiMa j obctric tt.a kettie anti pyrex Campbell, Alfredi Hall, secretary- teapot was matie. A doudcous manager oi the Wonld Plowing lunch wvas serveti anti plcasant Associatian, YomkshreEnglani: timo enjoyeti.J. D. Thomas, vice-presitinta About 80 guests were prosent the Wonbti Plowing Association; et a mnisccllaneotis shower helti Eanl Drape, presidont ai Noctb-ý on Oct. 2 by Mca. Norman Wii-, uimbeclanti Federation, anti Mca.1 cox anti Miss Norma Wilcox eti Drape; J. H. Lowery, Wactien of the homeofaiMrs. B. King, Elgin , Unitedi Counties anti Mca. Low- St. The bride Was tak on by ory; Cbnnles Bunnison, Reeve ai surprise anti on ber ontry wes Hamilton Township and Mca. preqenteti by Mca. Jack King Burrison; Dr. Fred Robertson, with a cccsage ai green 'mums,!1 M.P. for Northumberland anti the gift ai anc ai the gucats. Mca. Robertson; Hon. John W. A tiecoreted- watering cen was Foote, V.C.. M.P.P., Minister ai suspendeti ovor the chair ta' Reiocm Institutions for Ontario wlich the bride was escorte ci anti Mca. Fonte: anti Edgar But- The groom-to-be was also pro- tac, lst vico-presitient ai North- sent, witlî bis war but!dy. Mr. tumbeclanti Fedecation anti Mca. EretSheppartisan, Oshawa, utr recently returneti tram Kocea EdgaIr Nichais, Iat vîce-presi. dent af the Durham Fedecàtian, who actea as best men et the in troiucoti the executive ai the wcltiing the iollowing day. The Federetion: President Larmen; two young mon wene together Forbes Heylend, the first presi- in the bine ai battle in Kacea*detoheFerin Ps Gwyndolyn antRon bath e dotox-eFdeain;Pa pressisd their thanks foc the' I1 many beautiful presents receîv- eti fnom tileir fionda anti neigh-,Who Can Give i bors. The evening conclutie t JTh1 ~ Jwith a tiebiciaus lunch. The LReal Answer? The -toung couple wece also i presenteti with an eioctric iran, By .Joseph Lister Rutledgc toweis Andi linon, by Mca. Kon' These are tiays ai sharply Nichais, the gift ai the neigh- confiicting arguments. We are bars. being toit! by one politicai panty that, if elocteci, it wiillcut tax- Iation by hundrotis ai millions. Carlos Tamblyn Heads othr that suh ascsue iby n PALthinkabbe, that it coulti only e FieI Cro L>olesLIf is rather chailenging taik, In Ensilage Corn whichevor aide you may lavor. _____ It rether suggesttath prac- Tht Fieldi Cnop -competitioni ce af a weii-known anti, in in Ensilage Corn sponsnreti bv' some cireles a highly-regerded the Durham Central Agricul- gamo might ho .aeiul. When tural Society was concludet! lastane party in that igame believes wee. Te jdgs rturs sothis oppanent bas misceati his theek. Thetjudos aeun shwhant! ho tiecides ta "cal]." That theoin compers lce!i terequlcos that the pacty "calieti" folioing ation:shall protitce evidonce thet bis Carlos Tbmblyn Orono jutigmen t was sounti. N,')pon- G. B. Rickard -- Bowmianvilie 1 ont lias suggesteti "cali. the Jas. T. Brown----- Newcastle party that suggests that ; rge Alfreti Aluin -Bowmanvibe Itex saving an en ho adt*. ý- or L. Hooov --. Ocano th at mettor no evidence bas A. L. Blanchardti ----Hempta been prosentet! on the other Jno. Rickacd ------ .- Newcastle aide, that economies are impos- Erneat Bnvson -,--_ Orona sible-rather the reverse. E. J. Brown -- ---- . OconoJ But the argument shoulti ho Rasa Stevens ------ Bowmanvilîe decidet!. Are we fao heaviiy Wmn. Aluin ,- ,. Newcastle i taxet!? la it possible ta neduce W. S. Mofiat & Sons __ Orotia j the spending ai tex dollars, as Ivison Tsamblyn -------- Oroito the citizen bas been calleti upan, Wm. Tonr'nson . Orono a t timos, ta cuctail bis own In addition ta the ebave thece spending? It may nt ho plea- j were o~: thor entrants not ant, it may net ho easy, but placeti due tea atvance silo-fi- 1 plenty ai us know it can W ing anti ather roasons. On the jdane without bcinging disasten. whoîe tiiis was consitioeti aIfit i coulti ho praveti impossible very satisaectocy competition. thon we might accopt aur pres- ______ nt taxation with as goati a grace as we cauld bbcmg ta any un- Tht Canadian Statesman 1 pleasantness. If it is possible, by anme net- CLASSIFIED 1tosroseooneteae- Itan-eriiozsenmi esthe y an- ADVERTISING ae itizn.e ill ntiey wteb ]RATES satisfied with words that imply _____ houl bedone, if other I ARTICLES FOR SALE I teterminetions are not more pal. LIVESTOCIt FOR SALE itically practical. FOR REIT - HELP WANTED ISa, how do we docitie? One I CARS FOR SALE LOST - FOUND - ETC. party toilas us great savings cen Cabh Rate, 3- a r Word anti wiil be matie. But, in an-J with a minimum of 50c ' other pecegraph if allers as J Must b. paid by date of insertion If charqad, an additional 25e mucb as enyono csinir the way' Acawill b. added. ai spending. Another avnws t'iat A : chogf 23e wlll b. mode for tax cuis are impossible, but if aoo ail replie dir.cied ta this cilice. offeca tempding new speptting - NOTICES. C0141N EVENTS j the cost ta came from where, if AND CARDS 0F TISANES n'flo rom sevings, Other parties I 3c a Word witir a minimum of $1.00 for 33 Word» or lons. content tbemselves with oiier- BITHDATS ing e bit more witb an itiry dis ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES regard af any question oi how. $1.00 par insertion I C A dificl e believe the î Candia pepleare very wel IN MEMORIAMS sefisfiot with any ai it. They 31.00 plus toc a lins for verse- -- i are nof se dazzleti as are the COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED i politiciens by the promises of Includes ailtadvertisinq for untrieti anti passihly ovec-costly pesn r firne sellinq service, Idnso gccsofafydescription e secîtnities. Ouir boat hope t-3c par Word, minimum charge ig that aaseasing tht uncertain 75c cash with order. To regular at oiitn vdnei h advertisers. payable monthly. andcon ilcamg ie ta aite Oiepay ClGasiied at $1.50 par decisian as ta what pacty le like- in chwith a minimum af ane.1 inch. Additionail insertion* oa:iby f0 do most foc the people- th. sanie rates. ' 1net. in bandouts-but in ocon- AI] Clataitied Ad&. must b. la ' mies that make the average this office net Inter thon citizen's lufe easiec, aur public io'ciock noen. Wadneadoey. bite more economicaliy sounti Bond cash. atamps or money anti aur tratie anti aur iridustry ordier and %*aemoner. the easf hampereti in the strug- Clip tis out for handy reference Igle taetievelop anti promote this a Guesis of Honor sored hy Several Out-of-Town Visitors Attended ArtI Exhibition Puiling Competition (dealers debarrcd). Load weighcd. "Stanley the Great" wiil do bis feature high wire aet 60 feet up. <Both days). Monday. Thanksgivngr Day-Sec Grand Parade at 12:00 noon. Beef Cattie, Hesvy Horsts, Ponies sud Pouitry Judi- ed. Two ontatanding Fetture Projects-Engish York- sbires and Boys' and Girls' 40 Hereford Houfera. Sig Entertainmient Fcatures-.-A "Miss Norwood" will be crowned. Finals ln Better Baby Show <classes ln 7 to 12 months Incluive and specials). Square Dance Competition (open). Harnesa Race. (2.23 and Fret-for-Ail). Exciting Pony Races <sec the dot rider on Teddy) Horse Drawlng Contest, $125,00 ln prizes. Bit Varlcty Concert ln Town Hall and Dance la new Exhibition Hall (7,500 square feet of floor space). Parking space in grounds ample and convenient <drive in). New Seating (it'. fret). AUl Publie Sehool children free, bath days. Adulte 50c, etra 50e. "Coôme and Steln '5V" G. A. Brethen, President D. A. MeNeil, Secretsrç- lt UBle IP UIIleS 1 Amangtheouto-onvst ors ta the Art Group's Exhibi- Presden Mo Stpbes Pat Pos-tion an Saturday, Oct. 3rd, were ident Woston Banistor. Ed Sum- a numboi' oi ladies fram Ham- mors, Agricuitural Reprosent- ilton and Toronto. Among ativo for Durham, and his assist- them was ane of Mr. Arnold ants Jean Noble and .lim Brown- Hodgkins' pupils in bis Humboer 2nd Vico-President Clarence Ali Valley Art Class. lin, Treasurer Robert Hendry, Mr. andi Mrs. Elliott andi Mrs. Bili Fergusan, president ai Dur- Abramns cf Part Hope, drove up ham County Junior Farmors: with soxrie frientis ta 500 Mr. Farncombe LeGrosley, past pros- Hodgkins' domonstration ai ail ident ai Junior Farmers; Bey painti ng -- and the art display Gray, president of the Hope ofa his pupîls' work Township Junior Farmera; Mar-I Mrs. Asnton, Mrs. R. M. Sey- garot Aîtken, vice-president o oaindMs.Mll eI e Durham County Junior Farmers smour ancifrs. Mil were re- adèrha Foderation. of reprcson'ed by a C. G. I. T. Durham vece-prosi- gr.up. Thoy thoroughly enjay- Edigar Buttar, bat iepsi ed the unusual afterhoon's on- dent ai Northumberland Feder- tertainmont provideci by the ation, aiso introduced tho ex- Bawmanvillle Art Class andi its ecutive of that organization. talenteti instructor. Square Dancing Exhibition Durham County Junior Farm- ers gave the overseas plowmen Sf. Andrews A x an oxample of Canadian folk A x dancing by gaing through the r figures ai a square sot. Eight Lft n by Ladies public school pupils af No. Il Shmoli Northumberlanid also 0f S t. Paul's Port Hope Harry Campbell, local chair- St. Ancirew's Evening Auxil- man ai the plowing matches, 1 iarv1 were entertained recentiy welcomed the ioroign plowmen by' 'ho Evening W.M.S. ai St. andi Wardon Lowory extended Pà,ail's Presbytenian Church, the groetings of tho United Port Hope. Counties. Amnn those taking part in J. D. Thomas and Alfredi Hall the were: Miss Agnes introduced the Eurapoan andi Carruthers. Mrs. A. M. Thomp- American plowmen, all of whom 1 son, Mrý. Robert Kerr, Mrs. Ben are champions in their own Kitson andi Mrs. W. L. Paterson. cauntries andi came ta the World Mrs. Di.r'd Ferguson sang a Plowing Matches ta vie for solo, accum-panieci by Miss Ger- world honora. Mr. Thomnas. aldine Griucie, formerly ai Bow- pointeci aut that sorme ai theso manvilie, Lut now a residont of piowmen had lbat .as mnany as Port Hope. three farms as the result ai wars Mrs. A G. Scott gave* the andi hati been forceci ta build up tan -c on "Education in Africa, their farms again frami scratch. as it is in the present day. Ho also drew ta the attention aof__________ bis audience the iact that the________________ plaw la the symbal ai peace. It la the implement which prepares For Qulck Resuito the sai for grawing food,. andi aTECA DA ST ESA weii-fed worid is a peaceful TECIAA TTSA world. CLASSIFIED ADS The Federations of Agriculture PHIONE 3303 ai Durham andi Northumberland'______________ were warmly thankod for spons- oring this most worthwhile ban- quet by anc ai the Danish plow- men. To show bis thanksa, ant the thanks ai allftho foreignd plowmen, ho abso sang song s of, UDANC~ING 1 bis homebanti andi ai Swodon. Sepiember Bride V R O ' Honoed b Frinds Return engagement of the With Several Showers' Harry Robinson Mrs. Antan Kazak, a bride o! I Quintette Seot. 26, was wideby entertained. o at bridai showers prior ta her f marriage which took place int .- Trinitv Unitedi Church. As' Iriilay, Oti. 16l bride-e!ect Miss Myrna Tue rk,J shke was guest ai honor a ta Dnig9t miscellaneous showem given byj Dnig9t Miss Barbara Fairey and, Mrs. 1 $2.50 per couple. Geo. Jones at the homeofa Mrs. Couples oniy. Fred Wood, Queen St., on Sept.'_______________ I0tPi. The bride-to-be was present.i cd with a lovie.y corsage ai reti carnations and seated in a chair Do:C ad docorated for the occasion. She 1 jsCnd received many lavely giits from 1 the girl frends presont, the ev- ening canciuding wuth the Supprt . N ing ai a doudcous lunch. On Sept. 17, Mrs. Ray Brock, Wod Wear Queen St., aunt af the bride,' ol elr was host-ss at a misceilaneous shower Attending were Bow- manvi']e neighbors, and rela- ufcety tivps lind finnda from Toronto.! The bride was seateci beneath!*Crem erIi rbe ape :ar anwhite wdingbl o is dîscussed by representatîves ope be may git. Bngowas Iof the Bowmanvllle Service enjoyed andi a laveby lunch jCus serveti bv'the bostess. A mnis(ellaneous shawer for,' Fuil Programme bath ftho bride anti groom was given by Mrs. Gea. Johnson, of Film-'*For ail the World's Courtice. \vhen about 30 frienda. ('hildren" and neignbars ai the groom were guests. The bride-to-be Musc-Panel Discussion was presented With a corsagea of nink anti white carnations, ýa and the gxoom with a whito S T. JOHN'S carnation boutonniere. Bath were seateci in decorated chis PARISH HALL ta open the manoY beautiful, giits. A pleasant social time ;f.i I was enjaxeci and a deludousI auesay, Oct. 13 lunch served by the hostess. 1 8-15 p.m. T 1 C K E T 8 Evcryone Welcome TO EVERYWHERE olcint eryepne