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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Oct 1953, p. 1

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lie "tDurham County's Gireat Family Journal" ÉKrnL VOLJUME 99 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8th, 1953 7c PER COPY NUMBER 41 Councillor Norman Scott Accuses Local School Principals ai Neglect ~~Teaching Pupils Traffic Safety "-Traffic Î.roblens. in Bowmen- 1 fic"ult, both for the finemen an- ville canif in for considenable. swýýrinq1 ai alernm fa Park their discussion af Monday nighf's, cars, and for the fine engine tc Metting of town counicîl, with gef ouf ir' a hurny. eSrecial emiphasis on the danger He necommended that et the Posed by treffie f0 children on sm tim.e the "School Area' th-ir way f0 eand from school. s~saepitdo h ae -Reeve Sidney Litt le stated iment, yellow lines and "No that yellow lines anci "Slow- Parkirc' s:gns should be paint- Senaol Anea" signs sbould be ed on the pavement et eech end Painted in the pavement on ap-I of the r(-stricted parking area proaches to both sides of al' near the fire hall. schools. He also sfated that yel- A l+ctter was received frorn low lines and "Stop" signs the Kirsrî;en Club inquiring as should lin painted on as many fa 'o he amojunt of profit they wil] Stop sfreefn as possible. A mo- receive fromn operafions of the tiori authc.;izing the painting of1 McronîilAnena during the pasi th- Sebool Anea signs was pass- seeson. They requested this in- ed by co'i)nciî.l formation so they would know A former request by nesidents! how f0 hudget for fa meet the of lhe Jene-Liberfy area that a. debenfure due date. stop ;î7,n or cnossing guard be No Statement Issued pnovided fa profecf chiidren go- Count. Nelson Osborne stafed ing f0 school from thîs area was thaf the end of the fiscal year bnought up again by ReeveLit- of flic Anena bas been changed fie Coun. Scott feit that the' fa October 1 and that council crossing guard who presently: itself hsntytrcie i work atthe row-Kin St lýnancial s<paement fromn the Are- cressing might be more valu- n Manaý!ement Committee. able at the Jane-Libenfy St.j nTe qéto a asdw cnossine'. A motion wes passed Teqeto a asdwe tho th poicecomîtte cn-, ther the Kinsmen were suppos- tacdt Pnic plcA. M. j ccn-1 d to reeive 80 per cent of net tactPrgefiluA.ecM m son0 1profits. Cotin. Osborne said that towherý- the croSsing guard u .e ue th aryscee requredrnos. imentioned for financing the an- reqird mst Itificia,. ice plant af the arena Critlcizes Safety Training j this percerîtage had been dis- Coun. Sroff stated that he did cussed, but that under the final flot thînk the school principals plan arrîx cd af between the we"e doirîg enough fa make, Kinsmen and Town Council he their ptipils conscious of traffic did flot b.-heve eny definif e per- safety. "In other towns and ci- cent age lied been set. ties the pupils are fnained f0 acf He spoisored a mot ion, whicb as ',rosiing guards af the schools was passedi that the matter be ju:i before school classes go in . referred f,) the finance commit- andi are let ouf", he declened. He tee and Ibat the fown clerk re- poia.-ted ouf thef these pupils piy ta the ietter teling the Kins- wi.'.un whife beits and carry 'stopi men that the information wouid signs, and have authority fa be sent fri them as soon as pas- stop or slow motorists while the; sible. school children are crossing the, A letten was received fromn streets. "I fhink aur principalsi the Bowmanville Planning and are lay. in not training the pu- Develonnient Board sfafing that 4o~.t do this here", hie assert- thev plan fa include e schedule eo. of fees for plumbing and sewer ýoun. Fred Cole bnaught up I inspection in their proposed the matter of motorists not ob-! building by-law. serving the "No Parking", signs! Police Committee was au- near the fine station, especiallvi thorized Io purchase e new win- on Sundays. He sfeted that withii fer overoaf for Police Chief cars parked in this area it is dif-i Sidney Venfon. Town Council to Consider Equipping ,olice Cruiser with Telephone As Added Protectionte o'-Cilizens The posbility of obtarning a On mot on of Reeve Little telephone system for the Bow-1 Count. SLoti. was appointed to ini- mranville police cruiser to enable vestigate the proposal thorough- citizens tu get.in touch with thei ly and rcport back to council. police immaediately at night was' Purchase Street Sander discussed at the Town Councili Coun. Scott informed counicil meeting Monday night. o f the need for a sander for town Count. Scott pointed out that streets this winter and stated it is sometimes very hard to get that there was stili $1,600 left of the polic(- late at night and ha the amount he had budgeted for this was nu fault of theirs, sinceIne eupm tfo terad th.ýy could not be patrolling and! adsresdprmn.H e answer the phone at the same1 commended purchase of a sand- finie. He stated that many com- I er of the type which would at- munities now have a system, tach to tne rear of the town whereby the police car bas a truck and be driven by a chain te1lýphone in it whîch is an ex - which runs from a ypokto tension ot the regular police spea he o h rockeThon Wh )enh plc laeth 1f type will sand the width of the fice thepitceev the one-ove rear of the truck, and since the ficetheyswich te pone vertruck body tilIts to deliver sand to the ,.)ein the cruiser. Then. into it. no one beside the driver wh"'n a cioizen wishes to contacti snee ooeaei.Tecs thi, police, their caîl to the regu- snddtopeaet.Tect lar office number is received 0of tuis type is $800.80. automatically in the cruiser. InI Deputy Reeve Robson felt th-s way they cao be contactedi that this type of sander does not immeiatly nd en e o th perform satisfactorily, and that scene of.-any crimL or accident. the type which sprays the sand without delay. This system can for a distance widier than the be installeci for $300, plus $40 a truOck miglit give better resuits. montîh. CernScotrpredta a sive and some of them are more One Year Coniraci delicate s that a chunk of rz en sandio gravel will romn the -r- **]~~ mechatini. Motion to purchase Ratiied y Fondry the first type of sander was With Local Union 235 PasSCd Little reeorted that 1,-1 _______ I735 feet of sidewalk on ElginSt A one-year contract was ra- from O'D<ll SI. to Fourth St., tifled on Tuecday evening of! and 336 f,ý:t on Liberty St. from last week by Local 235, United King St. to Church St have been Steý1workers of America, with compl.,ted by W.M. Allin. and the Bolvm.anville Foundry Corn- he wa.,ý well satisfied that the pany at & meeting held here. work had been very well done. The t:rms cf the contract The sidewalk along Queen St. is were drafted the previous night also near>ng completion. when a United Steelworkers Sidewalks Belng Damaged bargainine committee met with A strong complaint was made the foundry management under, about contractors who are build- corîciliator J. Dunklee of the ing houses on vacant liots, and _. a-te - o Laor (Continued on Page Seven) Ail fou.uidry empioyees will rec-ive ini outright increase of thrce cents an bour retroactive ta SeptemLbCr 1. The wonk week will be reduced from 45 houns ta 42 and a haif hours -as of O:ctober 4. The take-home pey of emnpicyees who receive an liouly raie wili be mentained st the saie level as previousiy. pieceworkers will receive an Increase of fbree cents an haur, but tbey are flot guaranteed the~ samne teke-home pey. Ail employees wit h tbree ycars service wvli receive two xveek ,vacations with pey. Previousiy fix'e yeans service wes nece- - oa-y for e two-week vacation. The total aven-ail increase, M. J. Fenwick, secretary-tre4s- urer of thé- United Steelwarkers, raid was fnom fine ta twelve an-1 a hall cents an hour. Members of the commiftee that mett with the management Menday night werc R. A. Sudds, c. K. W'srn, H. S. Coutts and1 Id. J. Fe:'wick. 1 Company Inquires About Facilities For Locating Here The Bowmanville Town Coun- cil bas hao3 a slight nibble fromn a prospec-ive new industry as reportcd by Reeve Sidney Lit- tIe at MWonday night's counicil meeting in the absence of Chair- min Claude Kilmer of the In- dustrial Committee. The interested company in- quireci if tiney could obtain 5,000 square feet of floor space with an acre ot land. Coun. Kilmer wr tc that the only building avail4ble is the Holgate build- ing et the corner of Queen and Division Streets and thet no land Is available in connection with if. No reply to this letter bas beun receiv'ed from the firm. Depi. of Recreation Register for Classes Tonight (Thùrsday) Registration for the faîl and winter activities of the Bow- - manville Depf. of Recreation r will be held tonight (Thursday) 'at the Lions Community Centre e t 7.30. In .ddition to registration there wili be înteresting dis- >plays of the work done by the following classes during the last jseason: stamp club adult art, graphv and adult swimming. siAnyone interesfed in register- 1 ng for these classes may do so. eRegistrations will also be taken tin smockirig, evening leather cless, Veriety Club and women's heolth. The various classes stert next week. The dispjlays promise ta be very irlferesting and attractive and ali those interested in the activities of the Bowmanville rDept. of Recreetion are invited te attend. Local Service Clubs To Debate Subjeci 0 f United Nations As a preliminery to United Nations Day, Oct. 24, which will be observed in Bowman- >ville by a tag day sponsored by the Bowmanville Business and iProfessio-iai Women's Club in aid of the U.N. International jCh ildreri's Emergency Fund, a >Uni ed Nations program bas been planned by the B. & P. W. Club for Tuesday evening, Oct. 13, in St. John's Parish Hall. i The .subject which will be dis- cussed by a panel from the Bow- m-lnvil]e Service Clubs is one 1 of vital interest toahal Cana- ldians-"Does Canada Support t U. N. World Welfare Sufficient- ly?" It is e;zpected the panel dis- 7cussion will be cheired by a re- 1presentative of the United Na- tion$ Association of Toronto. An interesting film showing the work being accomplished by UNICEF, titled "For Ail Thc World's Children" will be shown, ana the pragramn inter- spersed with musical numbers. The evening promises to be an inferestin.z and enjoyable one, and is beng sponsored by the B. & P. Women's Club during Business Women's Week. No charge will be made, but a col- lection faken f0 defrey expen- ses. If more than sufficient is received, it wilI be donated ta the U.N. International Child- ren's Emcrgency Fund. Six Local Children Guesis of Shriners Ai Toronto Circus Six Bowmanville children, along wiL'h children from Port Perry, Ostnawa, Whitby and Pickerin a, were taken f0 the Shriner's Circus et Maple Leaf G a r den s, Toronto, Friday fhrougl- the generosity of the Shriners of the area. Arlie Norfhcutt, one of the 1Shriners responsible for the ouf ing, drove the children ta Oshawa from where they wenf to Toront o by bus. Children makin'q the trip wene: Jeanne Therteil, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Thertell; Wanda Wilkins, daughfer of Mr. and Mns. Roy Wilkins; Eddie Cooke, son of Mn. and Mrs. Francis Cooke; Billy Crombie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Crombie, Ron- aid Pollard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Poliard and Tom Lambert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lam- bert. Legion Pipe Band layed Opein Day Governor General, spoke in of- ficially opening the event. The band's trip fa Cobourg was paid for by the Town of Bowman- ville. At least two youths from West Durhe>'n are teking part in the matches, nopresenting the Agni- cultural Class at the 'Bowmen- ville District High School. They an'? Mernill Brown, R.R. 2, New- castle, and Carlos Cryderman, R.R. 2, Ejwmanville. Two Sisters with Their Husbands To Mark Double Golden Wedding At Lions Centre an October 141h A uniaiue evcnt thaf us quite ofher's attendent"' ouf of thie ordînany wîhl be the Mn. and Mrs. Cawling, whose celeýbrefion of e double Goldeni o ee a enawl Wedding., in Bawmanviile nexf ot ec a enewl week et t he Lions Communify known dnuggist hene for many Cenfre, Fifty years ega on Oct. yeans, farmed near Hampton 14, 1903, f wa sisters, Elle and duning tleir eariy manried life. Etr1el Cryderman, wene mannied Later Mn Cowling wenf ino et the home of their parents, carpenfering with Mn. Chanlie Mn. and ivIrs. M. B. Crydermani, Warren, Iwo yearb ega they 're- nonfli of Hampton, ta John tired and moved f0 Bowman- Cowling and W. P. Burnett. If i ville. Theyý have twa other sans, will lie a happy occasion wlien Hanry in London, and Jack in these twa couples, their fami- Parry Sound. Ahi three boys are lies, n--atives and friends gath- marniedl and will be present er fa mark the double Golden with thein families et the Gold- Wedding. en Wedding Anniversary îuext "I have aur wedding pictune," weck. said Mrs. Cowling. "My sister Mn. and Mns. Bunneff have and I were dressed elike in mcved anound e liffle mare dur- wh-ite organdy dresses wifh lots ing their f iff y yeans of married of fnilis and liffle bows. Wc life owing fa Mn. Bunnett's posi- wore white bows in aur hein. tion wifh the Imperial Ou Ca. Our flowers wene the same, but They bave lived et Merkham, I don't know what they wýere Stouffville and Oshawa, befare now. The pictune was teken by nefiring in Onono. Unforfunate- Herry C. Tait, of Bowmanville, 1 ly Mrs. Burneft suffers fnomn well known photographer, who 1 anfluitis, buf if is expected she wes a cousin of Ex-Mayor i Nviil be able ta lie present for Ar-hie Tait We didn't have any thL celebretian. They have one attendants. We wcre each son, Louis, in Pont Penny. Kinsmen Club's Officiai Opening 'Of Arena Featured Rough Hockey Oshawa Man Wins Car Draw Only çý fair crowd was on taking to raise the money to, hand T7ues ay ntight for the of- p ay for our ice plant have in-1 ficial opening of the Bowman- deed rendered a very excellent ville Memiorial Arena to see the servicQ, to this community." 1 hockey game between the St. Councillor Nelson Osborne, Catharines Tee Pees and Tor-1 stated that it was a pleasurel onto Marîboros and witness the' on behaîf of the Arena Manage- Kinsmen car draw for the Hud- ment Cornmittee to thank th > son Jet. Marîboros took the Kinsmen Club for making art- game by a 7-4 margin and the' ificial ic, possible. Hie stated car went to Charlie Keys, 16 that without their efforts thet Athol St. W., Oshawa. Arena would not have been The evening xvas sponsored op2ned that evening and the by the Kinsmen Club to help Arena would flot be able to raise funds for the project they provide skating and hockey as have undlertaken of around it is this year to not oniy the $40,Ï)00 in paying for the com- peeple of Bowmanville but also plete cost of the artificial ice the residents of Oshawa. plant inst-alled in the Arena last The Arena Management Com- Nov ýmber. Kinsmen Prcsident mittee. he said, has a difficult Ken Nicks welcomed those pre- l task this season in looking after sent and thanked thema for their! the interests of Bowmanville sunport uf the car draw and first and also providing as much thc officiai opening. He also time as possible for Oshawa introducerl Mayor Morley Van- organizations. He paid tribute stone. to the fine work of Bob Watt Mayor Vanstoine stated that as. chairmyan, and Cliff Samis the last season at the Arena had as treasurer, of the eommittee, been a very busy one and this and also to the fine job being wauld be even more so due to, done by Roy "Ducky" Neads as the f ire which destroyed theý ice maker. Oshawa Arena. He pointed out, The winning ticket in the car that this would put an added, draw was picked by Mayor burdeni on the Arena Manage-i Vanstone at the end of the hoc- ment Com-mittee and he thank- key game. Kinsmen President ed them for the fine public ser- vice they are rendering to the (Continued on Page Seven) community. Thankq Kinsmen Club Loa Hu er H d "The citizens of BowmanvilleLoa Huir d are also inaiebted to the Kins- odLukD k mnClub for takilig the initia- Go ukD c tive in having artificial ice in- stalled in this Arena," His Wor- ufn pnn a ship dcclared. "We would notH nigOpn gDa have had very much use of our The B-9wýmanville marshes at Arena last season if we had daylight S&turday sounded like had to depend on natural ice. a Korea oattlefield as the duck The Kinsmen Club in under- hunting season got underway. Roses Patiently Wait For Play-off Games Bownianville Bnookdale R~oses have been impatient- ly waiting for the Amherst- burg and Llstowel basebell teamns ta finish their semi- final series so they cen meet the winner in the finals for the Ontario Basebail Asso- ciation Imtermediate "B" Champinnshlp. This seies was expected to be fiîished by Wednes- day nighf and the Roses will meet the winners cither 'aturday or Monday at 2.30 P.M. for tlie titie. If the Roses continue ta play the brand of bail tluey were wvhen they eiiminated Milton ini the quarter finals. they sbould have a good chance of eapturing the On- tario I n term ed Ia te '"B" Chàmp'ons1uip. Thief Pleads Guilty To Stealing Watches At Marr's Jewellery A cininal case wes lierd Toesday in Bowmenville Police Court by Magistrate R. B. Bax- fer of particular local interesf. Nicholas Rusnak, Hamilton, was renmiandcd until Fniday for sentence in Cobourg on a charge of theft of two wetches fromn Marn's Jewchieî'y Store. The theft, ta wbhich Rusnak pleadcd guilty, took place lest Friday aft-.-rnoon wben Rusnak asked fh lk dei:n the store ta show hin- an -,lcctric razun. As she turued ta Pef the article, Rusnak lifted two' watcbes off a display stand. A Bowmenviile citizen who hed bee u spicioiîs of previoos actions if this man took the car number. Rusnak was errested in Hemnilton and Police Chief Sidney Vr'uton brouglit hlm to Bo0wmanvile on Sunday. andi hard'~y any of fhe hunters j wcnt honh- empty handed from the morning's shooting. Thene have been few Mallard or Black ducks shot as yef, however. Amnong the succcssful hunfers on opening day were: Wallyý Larmer. Don Bishep, Waynel Battams, Wilfred Lambert, Art Rowe andi Tom Cameron. Hospital Auxiliary Busy Planning for Th anksgiving Day Speed Boat Races at Port Pcrry Nestlet on Couple Lose Home and Contents By Fire Tuesday A.M. (Nestieton Ste. Correspondent) Mn. and Mrs. Wilfrid Vine, Nestiefon, hast their home et Big Creek Corner an 7A Higli- way, Cartwrighf Township, by fine early Tuesday morning. Mrs. Vine was spending flic niglif wifh lien parents, Mr. and Mrs George Bowens, in flic vil- lage wbule lier husband works niglifs 3f General Matons, Oshi- awa. Wilfïîd arrived home from wark et 4 e.m. and finding tlie house cool put a fine in the kit- cheru stove. Affer xctiring lie heard e creckling and discovered flic chimney on fine. Raciîug down stairs fa find flie pipes and stove red hoftlie piaceci a eall fa Blacksfock central. Miss Coa Crozier who was on duty et the felephone exelienge, plioned la- cally and also called Port Penny Fine Brigade whieh anvdi recurd time. The building was freme witli shevings for insula- flon and m--sul br'ie siding 50 if bu7'ned fur;ously and help was of nouuse W'ifnid wes able ta carry ouf a few boxes whicb baci nof been unpacked, some were wedding presents as flic young couplei were only meirried in July 1952.- An eieclnic washing machine xvas al - ' saved but veny iffie else. The conmunitv is shocked ta lecrn of thein ioss but so thank- fol that bath Helen and Wilfrid ane safe. Tbcy lhac some insor- e ne. Local Boy Scouts Hold Apple Day This Saturday The annuel Boy Scout Apple l)ay will bc beld in Bo-tvnanville on Safurday unden che auspices of flihe Marathon Bridge flowmanv 'lic Boy Süoustý Thal bajrd working organiza-1 i nev Venfon estimated thal tien, the Women's Auxiliery ofý about -0 Boy Scouts and the iMemonial Hospital, bas got I1 Cubs will be out selling ap- feu away to a good stant for the pies and tags o.- that day autumr. monflis. At fheir reg- 1adakdta l iie ular meeting beid Friday Mrs. adesd ltaictin J. O'Neill. convener of the com- be generous in thein ne- mittce, reportcd thaf arrange- sponse to this appeal whicih me'its for the Marathon Bridge poie ud o h o f0 be heid during the fal and j Scoutds fndCus o rreBy winter w'ere elmost compiefel cusan ustocryo and they -nope fa gef sferted this their excllent work. October. If anyone wouid like' -________ fa piav and bas flot been con- tacted cail Mrs. ONeill et 3366. Presidenf Mns. T. W. Cawker M rh plac nep)orted fnef Mr. G. A. Kennedy < tr was kincib,' donating a glass Opens New Str show case for the Tuck Sliop w,,hicb thç Auxiliery plans ta reaturi ng Furniture open inu lhe near future.___ The Supeinfendent's requests includcd tee toweliing, bcd- j 'lie firm of Murphy Furnitu spreads, cutlery, creams and & Aprliiccs will cxpand fl sugars, anîd e number of other week when it will open a n( items which wili eut down con- store in the men's ciothing s( sideratlv the bank balance fion of the G.A. Kennedy Sti wnich ',h2 treasurer reportcd. formerîx'v Couch, Johnson Anyone wanting tickets on Crydermepo. Painters lia the beautiful quiît made and bcen boss' ail week re-decor donated by Mrs. H. H. Todgham ing th(- interior. and about hi of Weikerville, formerly Box',- of the sheives bave been remo manville, mey get fbemn from cd. E. E, Murphy, proprictor any meri1,er of the Auxiliery. th- business, bas anriounc The lovely double wedding thet he plans f0 open the n( ring qujilÉ wbich bad flot been premises tomorrow (Friday. climed v.as again dnaxvn for The nev; store wiil be dcv( and won by Mrs. George Mc- cd chiefly to disPiey of for Mullen, Wellington St. tu.e nid new apoliances. iIf you would like fa, join this Murphy will also keep bis pr( group of busy women you wil cnt store at 52 King St. W. a he weicome et the Hospital wmilose it for displey of Li Atixilipry room tbe firsf Friday, epp1iancýý,eod for a repain c of the month at 2:45 p.m. j partmet . ts f It Y, Lire bhis sc- an"' ave rat- alf uv- ýof cw 0ft- ni- Mrn. and de- Council Authorizes New Bridge Ai Base Line West Costing $3,000 Civic Nominations Set for Nov. 27 Town Councîl decided at its whpther it was on town proper- meeting Monday night that the ty. bridge on the Base Line West is Coun. Scott declared that mo- unsafe ana will have f0 be re- torists should not be allowed placed. Chairman Norman Scoft to park on boulevards any of Roads and Streets Commit- where in town. "The streets are tee told counicil that E. F. Mars- pleýty wide enough that people ton, district engineer for the don't have to park on the boule- Ontario Dept. of Highways, had yards". he declared. inspected thje bridge at his re- Coun. Nelson Osborne sfated quest -ad found it in a danger- that he beiieved the police did ous ondiion.not have authority to tag a car Since the abutments are sound, parked on a boulevard. "I'd be Mr. Marston suggested that.the awfullv mad if I hed my car toix'vn buy one of the iron parked on the boulevard in front bridges which the Dept. Of of rny home and the police came Highways are replacing during along and tagged me for if", he their new highway work. Coun- sa:. Scott stat2ýd thaf one of these Reeve Sidney Little declared bridges cn)uld be purchased for that thern is a cinder parking $2,500 or considerably less. He lot back of the arena and that stated that the Roads and Streets a sodbem ef0pr Committee had set aside $3000 I in it bioghdet oabides$3,0d01thee. Hiis motion that the mat- in ts itdet or rides nd'tcr of motorists parking on the this amount has not yet becn boulevpard in front 0f Dr. Fer.- to-1 d gusos haine be referred to the ' n the event that a suitable police committee was passed. irun bridce could not be ubtain-i Matter of dcad tree was referr- cd, lie recommended a concrete cd to public property commitfee. ton bridge. This would cost $3,-frFrmrStn 000 but licý felt that a suitable ' iron bridge could be purchased 1 A letter was received fromn for muich îcss. Du-'ham District Hîgli School flis rmofon that the Base Line Board '.iskýýiig consent of counicil Bridge bc îeplaced at a cost not to go ahead wr-th hiring of arch- to exceed $3,000 and that in itects and meking plans for at the eanimea sin b pu upnew higb. school at Port Hope warnirr motorist, that the adnadiontBwm vle bridge is unsafe and that thc-,y Hitýh Sciiool. Coun. Osborne pointe(! out that this consent use if at their own risk, was had alteady been given this passcd spring amit asked that a letter Consider Parking Complaint bce sent Io the Boarci reaffirming Coun(i! considered a letter thý se~t from Dr. H. Ferguson, Qucený A lctter frorn Bowmanville St., thp.t notorists attending the' Pu blIic Utilities Commission hockey games at the Arena arc! stating that the matter of re- parhing on the boulevard iný sponisibility for the cost of re- front of biýs property and dlam- 1 surfacing t-eets and sidewalks aging if. He also conîiplainoci of 1which arc îipped up f0 instal decd limbs on a irce adjoining sewr ~d water connections hýs prouirtvy but va3 flot sureie m homes is covered by By- wh"ether it belongcec to him or, (Continucd on Page Seven> Large Crowd Enjoys Local Art Exhibit at Lions Centre An 'ýxhiibit ioni of a large num-jIiics'o on risplay .-uiurday ber of oil pain ings. water c01 i were mnao laîniliar scenes- such. ors and i hue drawings, thec workjasVntesPodth mp of the Rowmanivilc Art Class a asojsPod h ap drew mary admiring comments for. mil andi the Tyrone miii, from a large group of specta- as \vcl! aý counmry sceenes in this tors whii vicwcd tbcm on exhi- district. bition ,it the Lions Community Those exhibiting peintings, Cenitre Saturday affernoon. water cnions or drawings on The exce lient lanciscapes and Saturci--y were Mr. Hodgkins, still lifes painteci hy the mni- Alice Pao î'son, Alice Mitchell, bers of the c less spoke higbly Elaie Strikc. Edna Anderson, of fibeir iuiity aund were visible Evelvn Gi ant. Ziicen Van Nesf, proof of fthc great progness Jessi e Sirmon, Betty Knox Ca- th.ese amnateur painters have roi M.rrts n, Agnes Carruthers, made Jurnng the past veai' ofi Do: Dilîî,Merl Siote, Ernie study uinder their able instruc- j Laird, DrehLancier, Muriel for. Arrioid Hodgkins, Toronto Syrnon,lDora Purdon, Lena artisi. Tii'.lion,' lin Balson and Jean ,Mn. Hoigkins expresseci him- Darcb. New merniers of the self as being very pleased i wth Bwn.uil Art Class thîs year the pmu'grcss bis-students have I are An hleavysý,ege e ndi Norma made P.nd statcd that several Wofe. '.are defiritely getting beyonci QO-n of the highlights of the thoe arnatLur s tage'".Ilie ciso ' afI"rnoo)n was the painting of an stateci thet lie was pleaseci atl cul, imr ]'njdscape by Mn. Hodg- the wbule atmospherIC, of the kins. Iniurndced hy Mrs. Elmo fown which encourages art and Anider-n. the iustroctor stant- ertists. cd with a baî'e background and The Boxx manville Aî't Class is' went through ail the stages in sponsorud by the' Bowmanvilic painting a heautiful country Departmert ofReraii but autumu laucisoape, explaininga mermbncrs finance ilucir ovin stu- cach step irn thce process as he dies. If %vas starfeci tbrcc yeanrs wet i l'ung and oufiining the ago an"l in_ being continueci agaîn j e)forts lie was trying ta produce. this faIt and %winter. Classes arcejTI' s p;dmostiniteresting helci ftom 7.310 In 9.3f) p.m. Fmi- and in;fructive ta the large au- day e«Vening et the' Lions Com- çiîc muni!v Centre. Thene' are '.l Tee w,s~ served during the rnemerrthi ~'cr.aftfern 00i. wifh Mrs. Tala Hadg- Sho>wed Familiar Sceiles jkiii,,, x.if. of fthe Toronto artist, L'îcludecd among flie many pouring. "Hap" Palmer and his "C" service runabout shown above will be flying like this again on Thanksgiving Day, Monday, when lie takes part in the race for this class at Port Perry in the speedboat regatta sponsored by the Port Perry Yacht Club. The race in this class is the one postponed at the Canadian National Exhibition be- cause of rough water. and the large number of boats which would have taken part in it will be at Port Perry on Monday.' There will also be races in "A",ý "B", "iC" hydroplane classes and in "C" service classes. The Club races will be held in the morning. 1 .W.- "ý*,à ian

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